Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Hello everyone and welcome to a new episode with Globalhot.

Today I am going to present to you automotive aesthetic products that I bought

at Canadian Tire.

So stay connected to find out what it is.

I will now show you the products in question I bought.


The first products.

It's an Ultimate Polishing Paste made by Meguiar's.

To polish the car and make it shine even more. So this is the first.

The second

it's a repair kit

for headlights, to remove yellow headlights. So we'll try this

on the truck to my father.

It includes a product to clean it

and a product that is suppose to protect it for a year.

So we'll test that and we'll see if that's the case.

But it says clearly that it can be applied at 6 months

it will protect a lot more.

So that's what Meguiar's headlight repair products are all about.

So here we have two products Meguiar's it's sick!

Now we move on to another company.

The first is done by Mothers

Back to Black

it's a product to make the tires shine.

So we'll see what it says when we wash we see a little wet aspect to the tire.

It's something that can be interesting

we will see what the shine of this product looks like.

So that's it, I had never tried Mothers.

Interested for me.

As long as I go there I was there with another product Mothers,

another Back to Black

but this time it's a restorer for the plastic trim on the outside of the car.

We will try it but probably it will not work,

but maybe the septics will be confused.

So that's it

So that's what I buy from Canadian Tires.

So stay connected to see the try of it's wonderful products.

To end if you have comments or video sugestions

to do me feel free to do them in the comment section below.

If you like the video do not hesitate to leave me a little like it is very appreciated,

do not hesitate to share the video a lot

and if you have not already considered subscribe to my channel.

So on this take care of you and we say you in a next video !

For more infomation >> Product to test From Canadian Tire - Duration: 3:58.


Essential Exercises must be in your Training Program - (أنواع التمارين) | AflatonFAQ - Duration: 2:42.

Your life is choices started with perceiving then a decision..

decide to be.. decide to start.. right now!

Today, I'll talk about the 4 most important types of exeقcise

you should pay attention to them

Firstly, Aerobic exercises or cardio

its purpose is

to increase your heart rate and breathing, that

you train your heart and lungs. Like, jumping rope

swimming, running or even marching in place.

This type of exercise improves your endurance,

Lowers high blood pressure and

blood sugar levels, burns body fat and

boosts your mood. Secondly, strength training

or resistance training. As we age,

our bodies tend to lose muscle mass,

Strength training builds it back

and increase muscle mass by traditional

weight training or even

by body-weight such as; push-ups and pull-ups

It will always make you stronger, healthier and in shape

Makes you feel more confident

and also reduces joints pain and exhaustion

also remember, more muscle mass

means higher metabolism and more calories burnt

Third type, stretching. Aging leads to loss of

flexibility in your muscles and joints.

That increases the risk for pain

and injuries to your muscles, tendons and joints

Stretching increases flexibility with time and maintain joints full range of motion

which is important in your training as well as your daily life tasks

To avoid injuries and pain. Stretching has 2 types:

dynamic and static, we talked about both in previous episodes

(Link in the description box). Last type of exercise,

is balance training, balance is essential for both athletes

and average person in daily life.

especially, in old age when the systems that help us maintain balance

tend to break down such as inner ear. One example of this type is Yoga

Yoga. or even random exercises

that relies on balance

To sum up, your training should be a mixture of all types

but in varying degrees. And the focus on one type over another

should be based on your goals and

the sport you are training for and enjoy doing.

Finally, If you want a customized diet plan and training program for you

Contact me (Link in the description box)

Support us with LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE

and turn on the NOTIFICATIONS bell. So you never miss a new video from us every week

I'm Hamdy Goda.

God bless you.

For more infomation >> Essential Exercises must be in your Training Program - (أنواع التمارين) | AflatonFAQ - Duration: 2:42.


Alexander Wren - Morning Light (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:00.


I'm yours

You shut off the lights,

I'll close the door

Rest your sweet head

Lay your body down upon the bed

Cause I've been waiting all day for the night

And I don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

Cause wakin' up with you here by my side,

Is worth it all,

in the end, in the morning light

Darlin' be still

I love you like nobody ever will

So take your precious time

Hold me in your arms,

and look into my eyes

Cause I've been waiting all day for the night

And I don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

Cause wakin' up with you here by my side,

Is worth it all,

in the end, in the morning light

Cause I've been waiting all day for the night

I don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

I've been waiting all day for the night

And I don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

Cause wakin' up with you here by my side,

Is worth it all,

in the end, in the morning light

Is worth it all,

in the end,

in the morning light

For more infomation >> Alexander Wren - Morning Light (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 3:00.


How to MAKE the effect "VHS" - Sony vegas 2018 TUTORIAL - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> How to MAKE the effect "VHS" - Sony vegas 2018 TUTORIAL - Duration: 1:30.


Daughter Admits Her Biggest Fear To Mom | {THE AND} Sara & Paola - Duration: 8:07.

Hey guys, it's Melanie at The Skin Deep.

Have you ever wanted to have really in-depth converations

with family members that you haven't before?

Well now you can!

Make sure to check out the Family Edition of {THE AND}


Dammit - I was so close!

What do you remember about the first time you saw me?


Your eyes were beautiful. From the very first moment.

You were very little.

A baby onion.

What are your favourite three memories of the two of us?

Us. Together.

Your favourite three memories...

with the two of us.

When we were in the mountains and you took the hose.

You used to wet us with the hose and make a bridge with the water.

At grandma's? What else?

Then, when...

When you tickle me, I tell you to stop, but you start again.

When you tickle me, I tell you to stop, but you start again.

And then when you play with me. And when you play tag with us.

Very nice.

I'd like to go out with you, like that time in the mountains in Fiumenero.

It was the two of us. We had do buy something in a shop.

Then we secretly went to a café, you had a coffee and I had something else.

- It's true. I forgot it. - And we didn't tell anybody.

It's true.

It's true. I forgot about it, Sarina. Your turn.

What was your biggest dream when you were my age?

I remember that...

I wanted my own stationery shop when I was a little girl.

I loved erasers, pencils, notepads.

I think I was 8 years old at that time. Then something different.

- If I were an animal, what would I be? - You? - And why?

You'd be a disheveled dog because your have curly hair.

So I can also caress you and cuddle you.

So cute. Your turn.

What was your greatest fear when you were my age?

I was afraid gypsies would kidnap me and force me to eat cucumbers.

I was afraid gypsies would kidnap me and force me to eat cucumbers.

Really! I was really afraid of it.

I dreamt they would kidnap me, many times.

In those years, you heard about babies being kidnapped

and I guess it left me impressed.

As for cucumbers, I really hate them. Yuk!

Whats' your greatest fear and why?

My greatest fear are wars.

I don't like them. I am afraid of them.

You are afraid ...

- that it happened... - that it also happens here.

- Maybe you have seen them sometimes? - Yes.

There may be wars in other countries and I don't want to be there.

When are you proudest of me?

I am proud of you many times.

School, sports. In particular, I am proud because of how you behave with people.

Dad and I always tell you we are happy with you.

You're really kind. Even at the dentist, you were very kind. Weren't you?

If you had another girl in my place, how would you behave with her?

If it wasn't you, but another girl? Or if I were a girl, from mum to girl?


It depends on the character, honey. A lot.

It would depend on the character this girl would have.

I should know her.

Even you and I had to know each other at the beginning.

You were all new to me. I didn't know you nor what you liked.

Isn't it? It was the same for you.

Now, I'd like to ask you how you see yourself when you grow up.

In a few years time.

I'd like to go to many new countries.

I'd like to see them, visit them, learn their languages.

- Why, honey? - I'd like to see what they're like.

I'd like to see the sunset in Africa.

- Wow. - And giraffes and elephants.

In Austria I liked that everything was beautiful and quiet.

There were houses with many flowers. I'd also go to the mountains more often.

Because I like going for a walk there.

I'd also like to go more often to that river with many rocks

and jump from one rock to another.

What do you wish for my future?

I wish that...

I know that.

Really? Try.

You wish I had many babies because I love taking care of them.

It's true. Anyway, before having babies, I'd like you to travel.

I'd like you to see new places and people.

- Like going to France. - Like France. Or elsewhere. And...

- Or Africa. - Africa, honey? Why not.

Maybe you can take some time when you grow up.

You could travel, work and study elsewhere before having children.

I think it's better this way. With babies, you wouldn't have so much time. Would you?

Why do you love me?

Because it comes natural to me. You're my baby.

And because you're a beautiful person to love.

My baby onion.

Now... What makes me the best mum for you? Wow!

- For you... - For me...

What makes me the best mum for you?

For me, you're the best mum for me because you're sweet.

And if I make something wrong I make you sad,

but you forgive me right away.

My baby onion.

Hey guys, it's Melanie from The Skin Deep

thank you so much for watching!

I'm currently on the set of {THE AND}

and if you want to support our videos and help us make more,

please check out our link on Patreon.

And if you want to watch more videos, check it out below.


- If I were an animal, what would I be? - You? - And why?

You'd be a disheveled dog because your have curly hair.

So I can also caress you and cuddle you.

So cute. Your turn.

For more infomation >> Daughter Admits Her Biggest Fear To Mom | {THE AND} Sara & Paola - Duration: 8:07.


Oliva Colman Investigates UK Parliament Archives | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 6:08.

To find out whether following his separation in 1808 Richard Campbell

Bassett petitioned Parliament for a divorce

Olivia has come to Westminster petitioning was a complicated and

expensive process and in the first half of the 19th century on average only

three divorces were granted each year olivia is meeting Joanne Peggy Otto an

expert on the history of family law hi Joanne very excited nosey Joanne's

taking her into the parliamentary archives and this is the original acts

room Wow Wow it's never-ending it's amazing there are over 64,000 Acts

stored here covering all sorts of things yes and lots about tax some will have a

little read of some of those hi Megan lovely to meet you before you squeeze it

and you're here to find out about Richard and driving a petition to an act

of parliament and he did Wow so the third bond of matrimony between richard

campbell Bizet and margaret and his wife being violated and broken by the

manifest and open adultery of the said Margaret Anne be and is hereby

henceforth wholly dissolved annulled and made void so he got it

yes he did this is the actual Act he was successful Richard Campbell Bizet that's

amazing you can see the date as well 13th of March 1809 and then this is

really important bit if they act a right okay that it may be lawful for Richard

Campbell Bizet at any time to marry in the lifetime of the said Margaret Anne

as if she was actually dead as if she was actually dead nice okay so this is

very clear March 1809 he can move on and marry

again so hopefully he now goes to find Sarah well there is a twist in this tale

okay the next thing I'd like to show you is Richards will see the date here 17th

of January 18:33 yes so that over 20 years after

the divorce that's right this is the last will and testament of one richard

campbell pizzette court with respect a give and bequeath my property to be

divided between my beloved wife sarah Bizet okay and my beloved sons Oh

William young Bizet Charles young rosette Henri young Bizet Richard Young

was it an Alfred young was it so five five boys charles is the one that I'm

descended from his oak we have twelve and these are Charles is cadet papers

dated 1827 stating that he's the right age to join the army

so I Charles young Bizet to make oath and swear that from the information of

my parents that I was born on 12th of September in the year 1807 okay so yes

1807 Oh God Charles young Bizet is born in eighteen

seven and of course if the divorce is not granted until March at eighteen nine

so Richard he has made a big deal about his first wife yes being unfaithful

unfaithful that's terrible meanwhile he's definitely having it away with

Sarah I liked him a little while ago Richard but now what a hypocrite

hang on which son is Charles which number is he stealth is number two so

there is an older son William William is baptized yeah in January 1806 and it's

the summer of that year that Margaret is accused of beginning an affair with

Frederick okay so I'm descended from Charles their second son do you know

anything else about Charles well I've got this oh this is from at the 1871

census many decades later we're in reading now yes Charles

Bizet head head of household that's right

married yeah sixty three three leftenant colonel

Indian Army retired I said he did get through he did and it tells us where he

was born Middlesex London Oh Harriet wife yes Oh

sixty-three well I suppose I knew he had a some sort of relationship by the

lesson one two three servants oh how lovely so they're very comfortably

retired yeah so Harriet is my great-great-great grandmother that's

right and Harriet was born East Indies kissing something kiss him good just

what it is dad I don't know well I've never heard of

that it's a fairly remote town in the northeast of India and it's interesting

that Harriet is born indication ganj in 1807 and see I had no idea

yes that my family had any connection to India at all so it might be interesting

for you to go to Kishen Ganj to find out more about Harriet your three-times

great-grandmother have you been to India before I'm not very brave let go

anywhere Norfolk okay wait my mom knows her Olivia has discovered that her

great-great great-grandmother Harriet was born in Kishen guns in the Indian

state of Bihar in 1807


For more infomation >> Oliva Colman Investigates UK Parliament Archives | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 6:08.


Seçimini Yap! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Seçimini Yap! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 5:19.



For more infomation >> ZULA AVRUPA-ÜSKÜDAR SOKAKLARINDA KD KASMAK!!! - Duration: 14:06.


David Beckham Mega Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> David Beckham Mega Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 12:46.


AC Shear Test - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 2:39.

hey everybody its Doctor Jo and Brian. he's

gonna be my model today to show you the

AC shear test. so let's get started.

So the AC shear test (what is that?) is to check to see if you

have an AC joint separation. if you have

a dysfunction, or maybe some arthritis

in the area the AC joint just means

where the acromion and the clavicle come

together in the shoulder, and so when

those separate what happens is the

shoulder becomes pretty dysfunctional

basically and so things don't work how

they're supposed to they're in different

spots you have a lot of shoulder pain

usually a lot of instability as well so

what you want to do for the AC shear

test is they just sit there nice and

comfortable so a lot of times you can

feel that there's a little bump up there

that little bump is just where that

clavicle comes into that acromion so

that's where you want to pretty much do

the test you're going to take the palm

of your hands and then put one on the

clavicle in the front so find that

clavicle and then one on the border of

the scapula in the back I like to clasp

my hands up here like that clasp my

hands you don't have to but I feel like

you can get a better squeeze with that

so once I get it in that spot I'm just

gonna squeeze them together so I'm doing

that motion and so what I'm doing is

pushing it together

to shear that area to see if it's a

positive sign so if I take it and I

squeeze and there's pain then that's a

positive sign

sometimes I'm also yeah someone does

that that's positive but you might get a

lot of extra movement in there too and

that's probably an indication that

there's been a sprain at some point so

these special tests they can be false

positives and false negatives so don't

take it at face value do this and go oh

yeah you have separation this is a big

problem it might just be that there's a

lot of pain and inflammation in there it

could just be a shoulder issue of the

rotator cuff the bursa some impingement

but it helps kind of narrow down what

all of those are so don't take it at

face value take it use it as a tool to

kind of figure out what's going on with

area but if you have a positive test

we've got some stretches and exercises

for you that will hopefully help and so

make sure you click up there for those

and if you'd like to help support my

channel click on the link over here to

find out how and don't forget to

subscribe to find out more awesome stuff

by clicking down here and remember be

safe don't don't squeeze the shoulder

off have fun and I hope you feel better


For more infomation >> AC Shear Test - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 2:39.


Con 'I Will Always Love You', Sara Corrales no tuvo su mejor baile, pero sí un beso | MQB - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Con 'I Will Always Love You', Sara Corrales no tuvo su mejor baile, pero sí un beso | MQB - Duration: 1:54.


Training-camp Torsby | Vlog 35² - Duration: 8:55.

Now it's time for a new week

I am ready for new adventures and today we are going to Torsby

my dad is driving me to the airport

and I am going to eat some lunch

not a bad lunch

I have got a treatment too

Ola don't like that I am filming in the car because the sound gets really bad

and now we are driving

but at least we have started the vlog

see you in Torsby

maybe I'll see you when Sondre is coming to pick me up

see you in Torsby

now we are settled in Torsby

here you can see the skiing tunnel

now we have started a brand new week with a lot of training

it will be nice to go cross country skiing again

it's not so funny to go around and around here

but we have to do it

at least we can do the best out of it and listen to some music and just keep going

that's our plan

let's just start this week here in Torsby

our plan for today is two hours classic

we'll have a great time

see you


ready, go!

ready, go!

come on!

good job!

come on!

nice Johannes!

come on!

all the way!

holy shit

we have filmed some clips

Torgeir Hansen has been filming

I hope the clips will be alright

but now I am so tired

we have done a sprint session

our second session

we went cross country skiing this morning

on this session we did...

2 minutes, one time

and then we did 3*2minutes with five seconds in between

and then we did a epilogue at the end

we have done 5*2minutes

and we went the fastest we could

it's brutal

I haven't done this since Steinkjer when I had to go home

I have such a headache right now

I don't know what to do

my body responded

I am happy about that

another day here in Torsby

the first day is over

we are going inside and eat some dinner

then we will have a meeting and after that we'll go to bed

the days are going really fast

but thank you for today

see you tomorrow at a new session in the skiing tunnel

I am excited

a new day

today it is Sunday

we are halfway on our gathering

the weather is pretty nice

this morning we had a running session with poles

Lars used a telephone to film some clips

let's just watch the clips right now

come on!

second last time up this hill


and now we're actually going on our second session for today

we are going to go in the skiing tunnel

and just chill with some music

and enjoy

it will be really nice

my hamstring and my groin got really stiff after the sprint earlier

it's insane

it's worst after two days

and today it's two days since the sprint

let's just go to the tunnel

and enjoy

wow, look at the sun

we are going to have a great time on out second session

Today I am so tired

really tired

we have had some gym this morning

me and Sondre

we are on out way to the tunnel again

second last day here in Torsby

we have three sessions left

we are going to do some skiing today

and we are going to have an interval tonight

and then we will do some skiing tomorrow too

the gathering is almost over

keep up the good work for two more days

and then we are done

my body is surprising good

we have been here for five days

and trained a lot since I had the tooth problem

it's good to feel

I look really tired

it's late

I am not supposed to be tired right now

let's get to the tunnel

now the gathering is over

I am at Gardermoen right now

but this week is not over

we'll film some more clips

let's just get back to Trondheim and and summarize the gathering

Good morning

a new day

my hand is shaking

I am shaky

a new day

today it is Sunday

Sunday is always a running day

dad is wearing buff and jacket and it's 15 degrees

he is going to get warm

I tried to have an interval yesterday, but it was too tough

but we'll see what other things we'll do today

but now we are going to run

and we have just started

it's nice

now we're finish

we had a nice trip

of course that motorcycle has to pass right now

but now we're finish

my body was ok

I have been tired after the gathering

I could really feel it

but now my body is starting to get back on track

it's nice to feel

this week I have been training a lot

and most of the training is on the vlog

only training this week

I hope that is ok

thank you for this week

see you next week when I'm just going to stay home

that will be nice

see you next week

For more infomation >> Training-camp Torsby | Vlog 35² - Duration: 8:55.


X Factor Teaser Folge 4 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> X Factor Teaser Folge 4 - Duration: 2:01.


Reliable Conservative News Media Sources - Duration: 8:06.

Hi, it's Alex!

Today I want to talk about

reliable conservative news media sources.

Now, if you're liberal, you might be like:

"Oh, anything conservative is unreliable."

I don't believe this.

I'm pretty moderate,

and I think that there's a wide range of

the quality of news sources

both in left-biased and right-biased news media sources.

First, before I give you any specifics,

I want to talk about this website that I really like.

It's called Media Bias / Fact Check,

and, it collects and compiles data on

a whole bunch of different news sources,

and it ranks them, both by the liberal and conservative bias,

and by the quality of the factual reporting.

So, it has this separate left-right scale, and fact quality.

So, for example, you might have one source that is,

like New York Times, I think it rates as leaning left,

like a slight left bias,

but having high-quality factual reporting.

I think Wall Street Journal it says leans right,

but also it rates as high-quality.

Two of the conservative sources

that I hear about the most,

especially talking to liberals,

are Fox News and Breitbart News.

And so Fox News is this TV network

that also publishes written pieces online,

and, both of these sources are

rated quite poorly by this site.

They are in the category of "mixed" for factual reporting.

Now, if you check the rankings on this site,

it's actually pretty bad

to get ranked in the "mixed" category.

So I really don't recommend either of those.

Of the two of them, I think

Breitbart is a little more alarmist and inflammatory.

So, I think it's kind of a shame

that a lot of people out there think of Fox and Breitbart

as the sort of "go-to" conservative sources.

I don't ever go to them

if I want to get anything reliable.

Like, if I actually care about

the stuff being factually accurate,

I'm not gonna look at either of those sources.

So, what do I consult?

Well, it depends.

If you want to get a sort of far-right,

very conservative perspective,

or a sort-of center-right perspective,

a more moderate conservative perspective.

One of the newspapers that I really like

that has a sort of center-right bias

is called Washington Times.

Just to give you an idea of like, kind of

how far conservative and liberal it goes,

it published a piece some time back

that was talking about how

homosexuality is not a choice

and there is overwhelming evidence supporting this,

and so, they're kind of working to break down

some of the worst homophobia that you see,

and like untruthful ideas you see circulating

in some right-wing circles.

But at the same time, they don't,

they don't seem to attack conservative political candidates

anywhere near as harshly

as most of the mainstream media does.

So, if you want like a more center-right source,

that's a good one to go to.

If you want more analysis,

and a similar sort of center-right bias,

there is also this one called the Washington Examiner,

and that's more about politics

and it really goes in more depth about what's going on.

Now, another sort of center-right-ish bias

that you might have is a libertarian bias.

And, if you're looking for a libertarian bias,

there are two things I recommend:

one is Reason Magazine, which is,

it's kind of THE libertarian magazine in the U.S.,

and it has a lot of news on its website,

and it has a very clear bias,

but they're open about the perspective

that they're coming from.

Another libertarian one

that I think is a little bit more reliable than reason magazine

is the CATO Institute.

This is like a research think-tank,

and again, it's coming from a libertarian perspective,

but its stuff tends to be pretty well-researched,

and so it has like, policy standpoints

and sort of deeper analysis

about policy and things like that.

So, these are the sort of center-right sources.

What if you want to go even more conservative,

but you don't really want to be in the looney bin.

Like, you want to be reading something that is

at least sticking to the facts,

and maybe it has a pretty strong bias,

but it's not gonna be publishing stuff

that's overtly factually untrue.

There are a few things I would point you to.

And it sort of depends on

what perspective you want to read.

One thing that, I'm sort of uncomfortable

with all of these sources from time to time,

but I do check them out.

One thing that I'd point to is National Review.

National Review is very right-wing.

But, I find that it's more reliable

than any of the other things

that are as far right-biased as it is.

So, if you want something that is pretty far right,

but still factually sound,

and offers some viewpoints that I agree with

from time to time,

I recommend checking out National Review.

Incidentally, they are highly critical of the current president,

president Trump.

They have not really been a fan of him from the start,

and, I think that's one thing that makes me trust them

a little bit more than some of these other sources.

A source that is even more conservative than them,

that I don't really read, but it's like,

if you want to go more conservative,

and again you want it to be more factual

than something like Breitbart,

I'd recommend checking out The Federalist.

I don't really read it though,

it's way too conservative for me.

One last one that I want to mention

is called the Weekly Standard,

and this is like a "neoconservative" publication.

I really don't like neoconservatism.

Neoconservatism is, it's basically this ideology

that combines social conservatism

with this idea of having a strong military

and the U.S. being a sort-of dominant superpower.

And it's that ideology that got us into the second Iraq war.

Like, a lot of George W. Bush's advisors

were steeped in that ideology.

So I don't like that ideology.

But if you're gonna read something

that is coming from that standpoint,

and that's a little bit more reasonable,

I think the Weekly Standard is,

it's about as reasonable as you can get

within that perspective.

So that's basically what I have to say.

I'm gonna put links to all of these things

in the description of the video.

Why do I think this is important?

Well, I think it is important

whether you are liberal, conservative, or moderate.

Like if you're moderate like me,

you probably want to consult a lot of different viewpoints.

If you're liberal, I think it's really important

to not misrepresent and misunderstand

conservative viewpoints,

and if all you watch is Fox News

or read Breitbart news online, those are just,

I think they're pretty much garbage sources.

You can't trust the stuff that you find on them.

A lot of it is really inflammatory.

And, I don't care if a lot of people trust those sources.

I don't think they accurately represent

conservative ideology.

I think they misrepresent it.

And I think a lot of the problems

in our society right now

are due to the fact that

the Republican party has gone off the deep end.

I think that if we were to give more of a voice,

more of an influence to these more factual

conservative sources,

whether the center-right ones or the far-right ones,

I think it would fix a lot of the problems in our society,

and specifically, a lot of the problems

you see within conservatism,

within the Republican party.

Yeah, that's basically what I have to say.

I hope you've gained something.

I hope you check out some of these news media,

and find something useful and interesting in them.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Reliable Conservative News Media Sources - Duration: 8:06.


Gamescom 2018 - vlogorelacja quaza, część 2 - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Gamescom 2018 - vlogorelacja quaza, część 2 - Duration: 9:11.


5 Rules to find love after 40 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 5 Rules to find love after 40 - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> UNBOXING TASTATURA + MOUSE GAMING REDRAGON - Duration: 5:47.


➤➤➤КАК СОЛИТЬ ГРУЗДИ? - Duration: 1:43.

hello everyone how to salt mushrooms

one rinse the mushrooms with running water if they are poorly washed, then leave them in the water for a while and then clean it with

using a knife or a brush

remove the legs 2 to load a day upset they need to soak in the water for about two days

Put them in a shallow container with the caps pour down with cold water and press down on top with a heavy lid or a large plate

change the water 2 times a day

3 wash glass jars instead of cleaning powder use baking soda

sterilize with boiling water

Calculate how much salt is required per kilogram and moistened mushrooms need 40 grams of salt

4 prepare seasonings cherry branches umbrellas dill garlic horseradish leaves and something else to your taste


lay the mushrooms in the can with layers of hats down

first lay the first layer then add the necessary amount of salt to something from additives such as horseradish leaves

from the top put the second layer of grooves repeat the procedure until you fill the jar

6 will crush both mushrooms with weight of weights or any other heavy object and put in a cool place in a month they will be ready

Bon Appetit

I wish everyone good luck

subscribe to the channel put laiki write comments

For more infomation >> ➤➤➤КАК СОЛИТЬ ГРУЗДИ? - Duration: 1:43.


That Time Parisians Ate the Zoo... - Duration: 3:18.

For four months from September 19, 1870 to January 28, 1871, the Prussian Army laid siege

to the city of Paris, as part of the Franco-Prussian War.

Prior to having all supply lines cut off, the French Ministry of Agriculture furiously

worked to gather as much food and fuel as it could, and at the beginning, "livestock

blanket[ed] the Bois de Boulogne park on the edge of Paris."

Apparently insufficient, within less than a month, the Parisians began butchering the

horses, with the meat used as you would expect and even the blood collected "for the purposes

of making puddings."

By the end of the siege, approximately 65,000 horses were killed and eaten.

Within another month, by November 12, 1870, butchered dogs and cats began to appear for

sale at the market alongside trays full of dead rats and pigeons.

The former pets sold for between 20 and 40 cents per pound, while a nice, fat rat could

go for 50.

As Christmas approached, most of Paris' restaurants and cafés were forced to close,

although a few of its top eateries continued serving, albeit with a markedly different


And as traditional meats were becoming increasingly scarce, the formerly impossible became the

actual – when M. Deboos of the Boucherie Anglaise (English Butcher) purchased a pair

of zoo elephants, named Castor and Pollux, for 27,000 francs.

The enormous animals were killed with explosive, steel tipped bullets fired at close range,

chopped up and sold, with the trunks being the most desirable and selling for 40-45 francs

per pound, and other parts between 10 and 14.

Prized by the fine dining establishments, for its Christmas feat, the Voisin served

elephant soup, and for New Year's Day, Peter's Restaurant offered filet d'éléphant, sauce


The elephants weren't the only zoo animals featured on these menus, as the Voison also

served kangaroo and antelope, while Peter's also served peacock.

In addition, rats, mules, donkeys, dogs and cats were also transformed by their chefs

into roasts, chops, cutlets and ragouts.

Ultimately most of the animals in the zoo were eaten, with the voracious Parisians sparing

only the monkeys, lions, tigers and hippos.

It is thought that the monkeys were left because of their close resemblance to humans, but

it isn't clear why the lions, tigers, and hippos escaped the menu.

In any event, the siege was ended by a 23-night bombardment campaign in January, in which

the Prussians lobbed 12,000 shells into the city, killing and wounding around 400 people.

The Franco-Prussian War officially ended with the Treaty of Frankfurt on May 10, 1871.

For more infomation >> That Time Parisians Ate the Zoo... - Duration: 3:18.


CS:GO Pick'Em Challengers Stage Predictions - Duration: 3:13.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

It's that time of the year again, the Pick'Em challenge is back and I like to make videos

about it so you guys can laugh later at how many wrong picks I got.

No but seriously, everyone can pick however they want and remember to respect that, it's

all just for fun, enjoy.

Before we begin with the pick'ems, watch my previous video to know how the Pick'Em works in-case you don't

know, I'll link it in the video description.

So let's begin.

Only two teams can advance with 3-0, and my pick here will be Astralis.

I know they didn't win Dreamhack Masters just now, and it's insane that they lost 16-1 the

first map of the finals, but I still believe they have what it takes, and it's a Major

so if anything, this is the moment where they should shine.

Two teams will also go 0-3 and this is a hard one, but I'll pick Vega Squadron.

We don't really know much about them with their new lineup, yes they played okay the

last major but I just think they'll struggle against the other teams here.

Now let's go to the 7 remaining that might advance to the Legends Stage.

For my first pick I'm going with Liquid, in my opinion the best North American team right

now, you can even quote me on that.

The next danish team that I'm obviously going to pick is North, who just won Dreamhack Masters.

I don't know what it is, if it's MSL, but the team is able to beat big names like Astralis,

Mousesports and Navi, so their confidence should be pretty good right now.

I can't just do a Pick'Em without picking a Swedish team, and that's why NiP is my next pick.

Well not only because of that, but I truly believe they have what it takes to advance,

even though they struggled a bit at Dreamhack Masters.

I'm hoping for some NiP magic.

My next pick will be Renegades.

A team with some very talented players, and when jks, jkaem and Nifty are on fire, the

team really shines.

My next pick is, Hellraisers.

A very promising team, especially now that they picked up Woxic so I really think they can advance.

Next pick is BIG, just watching them hustle through ESL Cologne was amazing and obviously

a blast for the german crowd.

Smooya chants are coming for the Major, and I think they can advance.

All right we are down to the final pick.

And I'm going for TyLoo.

Chinese teams overall are just getting better and better, and these guys definitely have

what it takes to advance.

So these are my picks, let me know if your picks are similar or not, it would be fun to compare.

Hopefully Bronze is not what I'm getting this Major, even though majors are keen to have

some serious upsets, but let's see what happens.

Also, if you missed my video on Play The Frag coming back check that video out, I'm going

to cover the FaceIT Major highlights on it, and I'll put the video in the end of this one.

Anyway, that was the video.

Hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you guys in the next one, and go bananas.

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