Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

I have a bad eel.

I've got a bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

Getting a bad eel!

I've got a bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

I have a very bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

Got a bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

Have a bad eel...

I've got a bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

Oh, I have a bad eel.

I've got a bad eel.

I have a very bad eel.

I've got a bad eel.

I have a bad eel.

I have a really bad eel.

I got a bad eel.

Oh... I have a bad eel.

I got a really good eel.

For more infomation >> I Have A Bad Eel - Duration: 0:31.


The Shield add to their ranks in Osaka, Japan - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> The Shield add to their ranks in Osaka, Japan - Duration: 1:22.


8 сентября - НАТАЛЬИН ДЕНЬ! Оригинальное и очень красивое поздравление с днем Ангела Натальи! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 8 сентября - НАТАЛЬИН ДЕНЬ! Оригинальное и очень красивое поздравление с днем Ангела Натальи! - Duration: 4:28.


All the Tempo Up! songs from Rhythm Tengoku Arcade - Duration: 5:34.

Karate Man Returns!

Rhythm Tweezers 2

Marching Orders


The Clappy Trio 2

Same but pronounced in English

Enough plucking for the Remix lol

For more infomation >> All the Tempo Up! songs from Rhythm Tengoku Arcade - Duration: 5:34.


BMX National in Haaksbergen - Duration: 6:15.

We are on our way to National number 4 in Haaksbergen.

Is it National #4?

Yes, I just searched it because I didn't know it.

And you definitely neither:)

I had no idea.

You got your tent up? Sure!

You can still join me.

Should I do it?

If Niek is snoring tonight, I will come and join you in the tent.

Tino just told us that he want his race number in his hair.

Only with number 313.

I'll give you €10,- if you do it.

€20,- from me

Keep the €10,-.

Come on, it's already €30,- euros.

€50 euro? €50 euro from this women.

€55 euro? €55 euro for this man. Keep it coming.

Do I hear more bids?!

Delicious dinner. (Pancakes)

Shout out to Caroline Kimmann.

That's delicious hmm.

How did your training go Robinio?

Well, alright. I'm tired now.

Are we going to tell the people...

where we are going to next month?

No, I think the watchers need to guess it.

We are going to make a fun trip,


Upcoming October.

During our holidays.

And the fans can guess where we will go to.

put your thought down in the comment below.

Hint: It's exotic

Dutch Viral Vid (Doesn't make any sense in English)

Good Morning!

Can I get your signature? Yes of course.

This is my hero, Dave van der Burg.

But he doesn't want to give me his signature.

Dave? ...

I don't have a marker with me..

Can I borrow the marker from one of you?



The 959 from the Netherlands, Team TVE-OEGEMA.

Look at him go look at him flow, he is in moto 101.

Oh oh, did you already start recording?

That's a beautiful autograph...

Don't wash it off.

Niek Kimmann got the win in Papendal with this jersey,

So it's a very special jersey.

We have a bid of €500, €525 anyone?

We are going to a bid of €550,-.


Got 4th today,

Niek Kimmann took the win.

Are you satisfied about it? Yes, I'm really happy with it.

There's Mitchel.


I have something in my pocket.

Look guys, it's €0,20.

Thanks everybody for watching,

There is a time to come and a time to leave

and a time to leave has now come.

For more infomation >> BMX National in Haaksbergen - Duration: 6:15.


Immigration Law 2018: How New Immigration Hearing Rules Will Affect Removal Proceedings - Duration: 25:38.

I want to discuss today what is going on at immigration court.

The new performance metrics.

I want to discuss how they can link over to what is going on

with regular green card applications,

and citizenship applications, and all sorts of applications

at the administrative level with USCIS.

I want to discuss, briefly, first the metrics.

Then at the tail end,

I want to share how these issues

can connect with and impact the issues

when you file for a green card elsewhere

and why you need to be urgently careful

when you go forward seeking immigration benefits.

So let's talk about the performance metrics.

They actually started, the idea started late December last year

and early January of this year

when the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions,

announced the idea of performance metrics for judges.

Performance metrics???

That idea does not sit well with immigration judges.

For obvious reasons.

They are being compelled to live up to a certain standard

set by the Attorney General

when everyone knows what happens at court

is up in the air every day.

You never really can predict what is going to happen in individual cases.

But the Attorney General wants to change all that.

The Attorney General wants to dictate the outcome.

What he said is that all cases in detention or custody

are priorities for completion.

That is not a surprise.

That has long been supposedly the aim of immigration law enforcement.

He has also said, however, that 85% of all non-status,

non-detained removal cases should be completed within 365 days.

By that, he meant that all cases where there is not a pending application outside the immigration court,

such as an application for permanent residency through marriage to a U.S. Citizen,

should be completed in 365 days in immigration court.

What he is saying is that we are going to rush things, we are going to speed things up.

And as I will explain in just a couple of minutes, even this provision

does not give immigrants as much hope as one would think.

The third metric, he said, is that he only wanted judges to have 15% of cases

sent back to the immigration court.

Meaning that someone would appeal or file a motion

to re-open or reconsider.

And they would rule favorably

the decision would be favorably against the ruling of the immigration judge.

He does not want more than 15% coming back to haunt the immigration court.

Now that is really a high standard.

He is saying to the judges,

"You can't make mistakes, you've got to make it air tight when you deport individuals

because I do not want anything coming back and having to be repeated in immigration court."

Well, it does not work that way.

But those are the performance metrics that the Attorney General is trying to impose on immigration judges.

They are due to go into effect on October 1st.

So we are just about 30 days outside of these performance measurements

being imposed on immigration judges.

I call . . . In addition, the attorney general has issued some new memorandums in the last 60 days.

I call them the three C's.

And really, they're not so much memorandums, but he is taking it upon himself

to issue rulings that are supposed to guide immigration judges.

The three C's are regarding continuances, closures, and completed cases.

Continuances happen often at immigration court when a party is sick, an attorney is sick,

when there's some evidence that has not been able to have been obtained

in time for the judge to hear it,

or for a host of other reasons.

And yet, the Attorney General is saying,

"No, we're not going to allow continuances so easily."

Administrative closures are like the big brother, the big sister,

of continuances in the sense that the immigration judge says,

"We are going to take this off calendar.

We are going to take this off because the parties before me have a good chance

to obtain permanent resident status,

say, through a son or daughter that is now 21 years old and a citizen.

Let's see how that turns out before they come back to immigratIon court where I have to adjudicate

and look at their case as to whether or not they merit relief

for having been here without documentation for X amount of years.

That is, in a nutshell, how administrative closure works.

He is trying to tighten that up.

In fact, he wants to reverse it backwards

in the sense that under the Obama administration,

administrative closures were not frowned on.

In fact, they were seen as a favorable way

of giving immigrant families the chance to have the immigrant members obtain legal status

through USCIS, through affirmative filings prior to the immigration judge making a final decision

whether to remove or deport that individual.

He wants to bring, Sessions wants to bring those cases back.

And that could be a problem.

Completed cases. As I said, he wants X amount of cases completed.

In a sense, those are quotas.

He is imposing quotas, and in December and January, he said that he wanted every judge to complete

700 cases per year. 700 cases per year in a 50-week period.

Now if you count the cases that might go real quickly,

those individuals with a long record of criminal convictions,

those with obviously not the time requirement to be here,

those cases might move quickly.

But that does not mean that such individuals do not have a fight.

In many cases, the criminal grounds can be attacked in a technical way.

In many cases, some of those convictions might be long ago

and they might qualify for relief that predates the Trump, the Obama, and the Bush administrations.

And so even in those cases that one would think are quick and simple,

they may not be. They may be cases that require a lot more time.

In that sense, we can say thank goodness to the Supreme Court

for the recent ruling on Notices to Appear on notice given to individuals

to go to immigration court, which are called Notices to Appear,

which I discussed a few weeks ago.

Because prior to the Supreme Court decision,

ICE and DHS had gotten in the habit of issuing notices to individuals to appear in court,

but not saying the date and time.

Now the Supreme Court said, "Wait a minute, they need a date and time."

So think about this.

With the need to put a date and time in, if the courts are already cluttered with a lot of cases,

how are they going to get an immediate hearing?

And in fact, they are going to have to slow down before they can put someone in court.

Which means, again, that Sessions just is not going to have it his way.

It is going to be a lot rougher on him and his attorneys

to move things as quickly forward as he would like to.

Well, just last week, Sessions upped the ante to 750 cases that he wants completed per year.

Let's look at the math. The math is this.

That is 15 cases per week.

A judge works 50 weeks a year. Divide that by 50 weeks.

That is 15 cases per week. That is three cases per day that Sessions wants completed.

Now let us assume that those are merit hearings-type cases.

Cases where you have to put together a bunch of evidence.

Say, cancellation removal. Or you are trying to prove hardship.

Then you are going to put witnesses on the stand.

You are going to have hundreds of pages of supporting documents.

What is Sessions saying? I want three of those completed a day?

And if he wants three of those completed per day,

that means each case only gets two hours and 40 minutes.

That is no time at all to put on a strong case.

Is he going to be forcing, then, attorneys to just submit evidence,

a proffer of what someone will say and say that's the only way

we're going to accept declarations from individuals?


that is not going to work either. I mean, I'm hoping it doesn't work.

And I'm hoping that every immigration attorney in America

puts up a fight on anything that smells like that in the future.

Now even if, let's say, Sessions gets his way. 750 completed cases per year.

Three per day. Well, that leaves all these other cases that are not going to be able to be handled.

Because the backlog at court right now is 700,000.

Some of you might recall many, many years ago I did a video on the backlog at immigration court.

It is still a popular video with the exception that some of the statistics are off.

Back at that time, and I was just starting to film any videos and write blogs at the time,

the immigration court was backlogged 350,000 cases.

And boy, the immigration bar, we thought, "Whoa, that is such a huge backlog.

There is s no way the judges can handle that many cases."

Well now, the number is 700,000. At least as of May. And it might be increasing since that time.

Back when I filmed my video, we knew that 90% of the cases ended in immigration court.

Meaning that win, lose, or draw, no one was challenging at a higher court.

It was over. And since the vast majority of cases are denials, and defeats, and removals,

that meant a whole host of people were not challenging it by going up the ladder,

to the Board of Immigration Appeals or the Ninth Circuit in California and other Circuits elsewhere,

to challenge the decisions.

Now the statistics showing it's 91%. So that needle has not moved much.

When I had filmed a video years ago, the estimate was that 57% of cases at immigration

court go forward without an attorney representing the immigrant.

A recent study that I saw said the number was now 40%.

I do not know if that is true because the statistics came out of the mouth

of a Los Angeles immigration court judge.

That may well be true in Los Angeles, because Los Angeles has a lot of programs

servicing immigrants at immigration court. But that may not be the nationwide statistic.

I do not know how close we are or far away we are from the former number of 57%.

But even 40% is a huge number. Even 40% is a large number of individuals

to be going to court every year without an immigration attorney.

I have always thought that was a recipe for disaster. And I do not know why that happens.

And in places like Los Angeles, where there are a lot of services helping individuals

who do not have the economic means to defend themselves, there are services reaching out to individuals

to try to give them some modicum of assistance to defend themselves.

Now, when the backlog was 350,000 cases at immigration court,

there were about 250 immigration judges.

So the average amount of cases per judge that were assigned was a little over 1200. 1243.

Now with the backlog at 700,000, there are now 100 more judges.

About 350. But what that means is that the backlog now is

that the backlog now is set at 2000 cases per judge per year.

So, okay, now let's look at Sessions' statistics.

750 completed cases taking all the time of the judges during the 50 weeks.

Well, what about the other 1250 cases they have waiting for them when they return to their chambers?

Boy, Sessions is so far out. I do not know how he can imagine

that judges can deliver under this kind of pressure.

But let's look at it another way. Okay. 350 judges, 7000 cases equals 2000 cases per judge.

Okay, now, let's look at the amount of hours that a judge has to work.

50 weeks per year, 40 hours per week, five days per week, how many hours is that?

It's 2000 hours. So you have 2000 cases for each judge and each judge has 2000 hours.

So how is this rushing by Sessions going to work?

The net effect, I think will be that there is going to be a lot more appeals.

The net effect is that the backlog is going to get even bigger

because I'm assuming the majority of immigration attorneys

representing immigrants are not going to roll over.

They are going to fight, and they are going to hold their ground,

and that is going to force more motions to be dealt with at immigration court,

more motions to be dealt with at the Board of Immigration Appeals,

and more cases taken up to the Ninth Circuit. It is going to lead to an even bigger backlog.

And then let's now talk, let's think about the extra law enforcement push

by Sessions and the Justice Department.

We know that they want to end the Temporary Protective Status program.

And we know come January there are a lot of programs will just start folding up.

Potentially, there are 200,000 new cases of individuals that are going to be without documents

that could end up being referred to immigration court.

In fact, when TPS ends, are they going to get a notice from USCIS saying,

"You now have to report to immigration court," and they are going get a Notice to Appear,

hopefully with the time and date on it, and that is going to backlog the courts even worse.

What about DACA? If DACA dies? If DACA does not survive,

are they going to put 400, 500,000 more individuals in immigration court

that have once received DACA benefits?

And as I noted, what about all those individuals who had received administrative closure

under the Obama administration?

A conservative estimate is 200,000.

If you were to add those numbers, you're talking about

800,000 new cases being sent to immigration court.

So the Sessions idea of rushing cases is to take all of those

and give them five minutes in court and get them out.

No, that's not going to work.

He is not going to be able to work as . . .

like when he took . . .

Remember he sent those judges to the border

for three weeks so that they could do cattle call deportations,

line up 10, 15 people at a time and try to deport them all at once.

And therefore, get his numbers up. Get more people out.

And maybe help judges hit their quotas.

No, that is not going to work. That is not going to work.

And if anybody has a client in one of those cattle call situations,

I would say attack it with a passion.

I once had a case where I had an individual came to me

years later, years later, 12, 13 years later.

And when I pulled the immigration records from immigration court and I made a copy of the tapes,

I found out it was a cattle call. And this person did not speak English.

It was clear that they had a big problem with due process.

That case got reopened and the individual eventually won permanent residency status.

But that is easily what could happen.

Immigration lawyers have to fight anything resembling the cattle call.

Immigration lawyers have to fight all of these new provisions.

They have to stand up and fight. And if you are on your own,

you have to stand up and fight. And if you have a lawyer, you have to make sure they stand up

and fight. Do not let Sessions get through with this.

Okay, so now let's get to the effects which is what I really, really wanted to get to.

The effects are pretty obvious. Look, there is not going to be enough time

for a judge to weigh the full evidence of cases under the Sessions plan.

There is not. And that is where immigration attorneys have to step up their opposition.

There is not going to be enough time between hearings,

for individuals, if they are going to rush and try to complete cases within one year,

to do an adequate job on really difficult issues like

developing the supporting evidence for an asylum case,

developing the evidence for something like a hardship case where you have to prove certain family

members are suffering an exceptional and extremely unusual hardship.

It is not going to happen within the time work. Whether it is one hour or it is two hours and 40 minutes,

it is not enough time. And the Sessions plan, I'm going to keep saying it again and again,

it is not going to work.

And lawyers, and immigrants, and family members, they have to stand up and fight

this and force the slowdown of the Trump train.

It harms judicial integrity.

And along that line, I'm glad to see that the National Association of Immigration Judges

is taking a strong stand and challenging Sessions and saying,

, "Wait a minute. We are not a law enforcement court.

We are not a quota driven body.

We are here to do just justice within the constraints of immigration law."

Now, of course, immigration law is driven by politics slanted against immigrants.

But you do not want it slanted even more with the help of Sessions.

And I'm glad to see immigration judges

taking that stand and standing up. It is a violation of their duty to do fairness.

It is a violation of their duty to do justice. It is a violation of their duty to do due process, fundamental fairness.

One judge speaking before Congress noted that between the period of February 1st to August 31st of this year,

it looks like about 78% of all cases individuals were deported or voluntarily deported.

Wow, that is a lot. 78%.

That is over three quarters. And you figure a certain percentage are unrepresented. Say 40%.

Then if there is a 9% appeal rate . . .

because if 91% of the cases stop at immigration court,

9% go on. I assume most of those are appeal type cases.

That alone would be 6,000 cases going up to the BIA.

And the BIA cannot handle it either. They do not have the manpower to handle 6,000 new cases.

And that is just one court, albeit one of the largest courts.

And one of the other points that is really significant here

is that 15, only 15% of immigration court cases do not involve a translator.

You have all of these cultures coming in.You are telling people to rush. They do not even understand the rules.

You are not giving them enough time to get the evidence.

Then you are going to have translators trying to explain all this. It's a mess.

Immigration court is a mess and it is going to be a bigger mess.

And unfortunately, justice is demanding that we fight it, which might even

make it an even worse mess.

Anyway, okay, here is where I wanted to go. With those who are applying outside of court

which is called in the immigration court parlance "a collateral matter"

which is what, why, the judges do not want to give continuances, because "If you have a collateral matter,

you have a green card.

Well, I do not know when USCIS is going to get to your case so let's just let this end right now and right here."

That is a real issue. That is a real issue.

But even worse, I want to take it from the other side. You apply for a green card.

You are married to a U.S. citizen.

Maybe you have been grandfathered in. Maybe you actually entered legally

and you have a chance to win permanent residency.

Now they have these new USCIS rules that if you are missing something

and these are supposed to go into effect in September full force

and if you are missing something, could be something minor, they can deny you right away.

And they can send you a Notice to Appear at immigration court.

Oh, that is the connection.

You go to USCIS, you file for a green card.

You file for permanent residence. You file for citizenship. You make an error.

They are no longer going to give a Request for Evidence, a second chance.

They are no longer going to give you a Notice of Intent to Deny.

Instead, they are going to deny you outright. And they might issue you a Notice to Appear in immigration court.

That is if they do not call you in and serve you right there on the spot.

So now you have to go to immigration court.

And everything at immigration court is rushing like crazy

so that you get to immigration court

and the judge says, "I do not have time for collateral matters.

I do not have time to continue your case."

"We cannot administratively close it. You have to go forward now."

Oh, but you only got so much time to get your evidence ready. You only got so much time for your hearing.

"And I only have so much time to listen to your case."

That is the master plan. And you need to know it. And you need to fight it.

And you need to make sure everybody that is on your side

on this issue of the political fence and knows immigrants' rights are being trampled on.

You have to stand up, and you have to fight this, and you have to make sure that if

you hire an attorney, that they are fighting for this.

You got it?

It's going to be a battle. Let's do it.

For more infomation >> Immigration Law 2018: How New Immigration Hearing Rules Will Affect Removal Proceedings - Duration: 25:38.


যে কথায় মিজানের পাল্লা ভারী হয়ে যাবে || Mizaner Palla bhari Hoy jabe jey kothey || Bangla Waz Short - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> যে কথায় মিজানের পাল্লা ভারী হয়ে যাবে || Mizaner Palla bhari Hoy jabe jey kothey || Bangla Waz Short - Duration: 2:19.


Dance Moms: Candy Apples Nick's Solo "Beautiful You" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Candy Apples Nick's Solo "Beautiful You" (Season 4) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:00.


US service member killed in apparent 'insider attack' in Afghanistan - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> US service member killed in apparent 'insider attack' in Afghanistan - Duration: 6:32.


How to Ledge Tech - Super Smash Bros Melee - Duration: 1:00.

Ledge teching is a technique that allows players to survive moves performed near the ledge

by teching against the stage.

Being able to consistently perform ledge techs dramatically increases a player's survivability.

To ledge tech, you must press L or R within a 20 frame window before being hit.

If you press L or R in this window, you'll do a basic wall tech.

If you press X, Y, or up on the control stick while doing this,

you'll perform a wall jump tech instead.

You can act out of a ledge tech with any move you'd normally be able to do in the air,

such as recovery moves, aerials, and airdodging.

With some characters, a wall jump tech will send them too far away from the stage to recover.

With these characters an aerial move should always be performed,

as this will allow you to drift back to the stage sooner.

To make ledge teching more consistent, players should Smash DI towards the stage when hit.

Because Smash DI moves your character, it can be used to bring you in contact with the

stage when you're further away.

One of the best ways to practice ledge teching is with Uncle Punch's training mode.

There's more information on that in the description below.

For more infomation >> How to Ledge Tech - Super Smash Bros Melee - Duration: 1:00.


Top 10 Most Beautiful Faces in The World - Duration: 3:49.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Faces in The World

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Beautiful Faces in The World - Duration: 3:49.


Studied together and now both in the Vuelta | Team LottoNL-Jumbo - Duration: 1:46.

We had the same education. Bike mechanics.

- Who was the best student?

Dirk. For sure.

I was always late.

I think we were both bad.

Is your brake straight?

I've always had it in mind when I raced myself.

But it wasn't my dream.

Not at all. I never thought that I would end up here.

But I like it.

This week, I'm doing the hotel.

So I'm driving from hotel to hotel by truck.

Today, I've set up a frame for Sem, so he could build it up.

And I'll wash the bikes.

I have to arrange everything so we can start working as soon as the bikes arrive at the hotel from the day's race.

Yes, we're here with three mechanics.

And we can all do the same things.

All three of us are in the first car for a week, in the second car for a week and do the hotel for a week.

That's how we rotate.

I started in the first car.

That means I'm travelling with the first part of the caravan.

When there's something with one of the riders, me and the sports director will take action.

Wait a minute. Yes, go!

And then the real work starts.

We have to check all bikes for tomorrow.

So that everything is all right for the start of tomorrow's stage.

Good school, right?

It has nothing to do with us.

For more infomation >> Studied together and now both in the Vuelta | Team LottoNL-Jumbo - Duration: 1:46.


KONEKO - Thumbs [MV] - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> KONEKO - Thumbs [MV] - Duration: 1:25.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE İZLENME NASIL ARTTIRILIR! - Duration: 6:50.


Kids Ask Adults Why They Gave Up On Their Dreams - Duration: 2:21.

- What did you wanna be when you grew up?

- Are your parents disappointed of you?

(upbeat music)

(playful music)

- What was your dream job when you were a kid?

- When I was a kid, I wanted to be a chef.

- Are you a chef now?

- I'm a food studies major.

- That makes no sense to me.

- What did you wanna be when you grew up?

- A taxi driver.

- My dream job was being a lawyer.

- What are you now?

- Interaction design.

- Are you a lawyer now?

- I am not a lawyer now.

- Do you even drive a car?

- No, I cannot drive.


- You're really bummin' me out.

- So what was your dream job when you were a kid?

- So like most kids, I wanted to be an astronaut.

- I wanted to be an astronaut.

- Are you a astronaut now?

- No, I'm actually a yogi teacher now.

Like I'm a yogi instructor.

- I'm still tryin' to figure it out.

- Well, I wanted to be an architect.

- What does that even mean?

- Architect would design buildings.

- That's all I need to hear, sir.

- Okay.

- Why did you give up your dream?

- I lost interest in what I wanted as a kid.

- That sounds like a excuse.

- I research Amish women and ultra-Orthodox women.

- Are you trying to put me to sleep?

- Why did you give up on your dream?

- I didn't really give up on my dream,

it just sorta changed.

- So what was your dream job when you were a kid?

- I wanted to be a dancer when I was a kid.

- Are you a dancer now?

- I am.

- Congratulations, you did it.

- Thanks.


- When I was a kid, I had a million dreams.

But one of them was to be a taxi driver.

- So are you a taxi driver now?

- I never did become.

It was a dream when I was much younger

and dreams change as you go through different things.

- Do you have any other dreams?

- I have a million dreams.

- I think you could reach your dream.

- Wow, I'm glad that you said that.

It gives me more confidence.

(playful music)

- Hey, Unsolved is on a new channel

and now your part.

- Subscribe here.

That was my part.

For more infomation >> Kids Ask Adults Why They Gave Up On Their Dreams - Duration: 2:21.


Pojďme Hrát - Knights of the Old Republic 1 (s módy, Světlá Strana) |32| Závody na Motorkách {CZ} - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Hrát - Knights of the Old Republic 1 (s módy, Světlá Strana) |32| Závody na Motorkách {CZ} - Duration: 19:36.


Middle-Aged Women Enjoy More Sex Activities - Duration: 3:27.

Batal Simpan perubahan Middle-Aged Women Enjoy More Sex Activities

Middle-aged women are considered more able to enjoy sex moments, despite experiencing

a number of physical changes and are often considered to have decreased sex function.

In a recent study, researchers said some middle-aged women were able to adjust their changes.

Although they tend not to make love too often, these mature age women find satisfaction that

increases with age.

Middle-aged women also mention there are several factors that make them feel more satisfied.

First, because they feel more able to communicate, such as the ability to convince their male

partner to take medication for erectile dysfunction.

Their knowledge is also broader.

The results of this study are also considered more important than suggestions that say making

love regularly as one of the secrets of longevity.

Professor Holly Thomas of Pittsburgh University said one of the most enlightening findings

of this study was the large number of women who managed to adapt.

They modify expectations for sexual activity.

The choice, more emphasis on emotions and aspects of intimacy lovemaking, or adapting

to the lovemaking technique itself.

Reporting from the Independent, the researchers who revealed conditions about the sex life

of this middle-aged woman will present the results of their tests next month in Orlando.

They note there are several quantitative studies that discuss sexual function in middle-aged


But these researchers chose to conduct a qualitative study, which involved interviews with three


From there the results are obtained, women tend to blame their partner's health problems

as a cause of their lack of love or have low libido.

There are also groups who say that their libido is higher than their partner.

In addition, there are also middle-aged women who claim to be more able to feel pleasure

when making love is generally because he is able to use several techniques.

Well, that's the Middle-Aged Women Enjoy More Sex Activities videos.

. Really cool information isn't it.

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For more infomation >> Middle-Aged Women Enjoy More Sex Activities - Duration: 3:27.


GaryVee - Egy élet megbánás nélkül / One Life, No Regrets - Duration: 2:30.

The biggest poison

in us is regret.

It's poison.

And I push so hard,

so hard, and will through my vehicle

which isn't meditation,

which isn't health and wellness, which isn't non-profit.

My vehicle is business.

I can't help it. It's what I love.

I love building businesses.

Love competing with you, I want to beat you

I love that game.

But through that vehicle I will always push a lack of regret

and awareness to how good it really is.

You're more than welcome to tell me about how bad it is

or why you can't, because or what,

but it's just not true.

Because if anybody ever did it, then you can too.

Stop making excuses,

stop complaining,

nobody's listening.

They may pretend they're listening,

the market doesn't care.

What you need to do is make one person happy: you.

Then you make everybody else happy.

You know why I like making people happy?

'Cause I'm already happy.

And so I implore you

to take this last little rant and really look at your fucking face

and understand are you doing the things that are putting you in a position to succeed.

Not just in a business world but in life.

Because it's super important because boy when you're happy in life,

your fucking business can roll,

And, so, I'm just trying to figure it out.

I've been trying to figure it out

in front of you for the last seven, eight years.

Trying to figure out the unlocks.

EQ, IQ, self-awareness, hustle I don't know what they are.

You know why?

'Cause like I told my man, it's 330 different unlocks.

And so I'll go to all of them, they're all tried and true and one might hit you.

Yeah, it was hard work because I'm actually lazy.

I talk a good game but I'm full of shit.

Or it might be something else.

But fuck one... and so...

[Woman] I'm not here.

[GaryV] You decided to sit?

You're into this? Right? It's good, right? This is some good shit.

You're gonna remember this?

[Woman] I do. [GaryV] Good. One fucking life.

One life, my friends. One time.

And honestly, I'll leave you with this because a lot of you need it.

How you make your money is more

How you make your money is more important than how much you make.

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