Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Please be seated.

Hello, Your Honor.


This is a case of Reaves v. Silva.

Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone.

AUDIENCE: Good day.

Ms. Reaves, you are here today

to prove that the defendant, Mr. Silva,

is the biological father of your seven-month-old son, Legend.

JUDGE LAKE: Is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor.

Mr. Silva, you were involved in a paternity case

on Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta in support of your sister

who took a DNA test to prove paternity of her child.

You now stand here in court with your own case.

Because you say there is absolutely no way

you are the biological father of the plaintiff's son.

Is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor.

Ms. Reaves, explain to the court how this paternity doubt

has affected your relationship.

Well, it's affected everything in my life.

We've been on and off for about three years.

Right now, every single time I turn around, it's always,

"Oh, are you sure that he's my baby?

"Are you sure that he's my baby?"

"Yes, I'm 100% sure. Like, why do you keep asking me?"

And don't get me wrong, he's a good guy,

but I just want us to be able to move forward in our relationship

without having any more arguments.

And so I feel like the best way for us to be able to do this

is for us to go ahead and get a DNA test,

make sure that Legend is the biological son for him.

And you know...

You said, "Make sure."


So you have doubts as well?

No, I don't have doubts, but he does.

Okay. Mr. Silva, why do you have doubts?

I just don't trust her, Your Honor.

I feel like she's tricking me into believing that I'm Legend's father.

Um, I grew up loving women, loving sex...

You grew up loving sex?

To me, I always felt it was okay for men to go out,

have sex, and you know, cheat, come home to their family.

And women can't go out,

have sex, and, you know, come home.

Especially with a baby.

You know, trying to say that I'm his father.

You know, I just want...

Basically, all of this started because all he wanted to do was cheat on me.

I've been nothing but faithful to him since I first met him.

And so you believe he's projecting his unfaithfulness onto you.

Yes, ma'am.

JUDGE LAKE: Are you doing that, Mr. Silva?

Do you have any reason to believe Ms. Reaves has not been faithful?

You basically said, in so many words,

that you believe it's okay for men to go outside of the relationship to cheat,

but not okay for women to do the same.

Yes, Your Honor.

You aren't the only man that feels like that.


Well, Your Honor, I feel like God created men to conquer.

To overrule.

And women cannot em... cannot empower...

Women cannot empower men...

What are we on? Game of Thrones?

JENNIFER: You see what I deal with every day?

What are we talking about?


First of all,

you said God created men to conquer and what else?

And women cannot overpower men.

You're ridiculous.

This gonna be a long hearing.

You see what I deal with every day, right?

So, in the conquering and the ruling of man,

inclusive in that is the right to cheat,

have other women outside the relationship,

but women cannot, right?

Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so let's just say hypothetically,

you're here to conquer.


Why can't you conquer your doubt

and conquer your fear

that she's also doing something

that she says she's not doing?

Well, Your Honor, I feel like if I'm out here

you know, doing what I'm doing

and she's out, you know, doing whatever she's doing,

she's possibly doing the same thing.

And why would that be so wrong?

Because you can't take what you dish out?

Right. Right, right.


JUDGE LAKE: I'm trying to understand.

I mean, just entertain me for a minute.

From one queen to a king.



Why would you expect her to sit at home

and allow you to cheat on her?

It's just really the fact that she came home.

She came telling me that I'm the father of Legend.

You know, I just, honestly, I don't believe that.

All right, so now, let's come out of our hypothetical situation

and let's really talk about real facts.

When did you find out you were pregnant, Ms. Reaves?

Um, well, we was broken up at the time.

But, immediately, as soon as I told him that I was pregnant,

he was like, "Okay, with who?"

Your Honor, we were broken up for four weeks, Your Honor.

I caught her texting her ex.

And is that why you broke up?

Yes, Your Honor.

When you confronted her?

I confronted her about texting her ex.

You know, this ain't...

I caught them texting multiple times.

And she claims they're just friends.

You know? And I had it.

One day I just decided to try to go on her phone

and she changed her password on me.

She was in her bathroom when I was trying to get in there

and I thought I typed it in wrong.

So, I tried two, three more times until it locked me out.

And so when she finally got out of the bathroom,

I was like, "So you're texting your ex and you changed your password.

"What you gotta hide?"

But, my whole thing is like, why do you keep asking me what I have to hide

when every single time I turn around, it's another female

texting my phone like,

"Oh, I wish I had stayed at your...

"You know, I just dated your boyfriend.

"Your boyfriend is my boyfriend. "That's our boyfriend."

Like, what do you mean?

Wait. What?

Our boyfriend?

JENNIFER: Our boyfriend.

The fact that you can allow another female to talk to me in that way,

you know what I'm saying?

And I asked him about it over and over and over and over and over again.

"What are you talking about? You're delusional.

"You don't even know anything."

But, look, look. Okay, look. Look, look, look.

And I've... I've, you know...

had some fun with Mr. Silva and his analogies,

but I do want to be honest in this moment.

If he catches you on the phone texting your ex,

that could give rise to some doubt.

If you then change your password,

so he can't see what's going on in your phone,

to most men, that's going to make him think,

"She possibly is involved with somebody else."

That doesn't make it right that he's doing the wrong thing either.

JENNIFER: Mmm-hmm.

But, you have to understand that his extra affairs

outside of your relationship do not necessarily have bearing

on the paternity issue that we're dealing with now.

And that' what's hard.

Because a lot of the women will say,

"Well, he was out doing this, that, and the third."

I said, "I know, but I need to know what this, that, and the third you were doing."

JENNIFER: Mmm-hmm.


'Cause that's really the bottom line.

So, if you're texting your ex, changing your pass code,

and then you all are broken up,

and you then say to him, "I'm pregnant",

I can see that he might have some doubt

as to who you may have been having sex with

during the window of conception.

Mr. Silva, how long were you broken up

before she told you she was pregnant?

We was broken up for about three, four weeks, you know? A month.

And I didn't hear from her.

So, at the time, you know, she gets booked to model and promote events,

and, you know, that's what she love doing.

So, on her snapchat, she's turning up,

getting lit, you know, with men,

you know, drinking, smoking.

So, how do you expect me to believe

that you been gone for three, four weeks

then come back to me and tell me you're pregnant.

And how pregnant did she say she was when she told you?

I mean, I'm...

I was like three-months pregnant when I found out.

So, in your mind, regardless of what you were doing

for that month or two while you all were broken up,

your window of conception

would've been two months before that.

JENNIFER: While we was together.

While you were together.

Yes, ma'am.

JUDGE LAKE: But it also was while you were texting your ex.


But he never saw anything in my phone, like,

"Oh, let's hang out." "Oh, let's chill."

It was always like, "Hey, how are you doing?

"Just checking in on you. Just checking in."

"Oh, I'm okay."

On multiple... On daily basis.

Good mornings, good nights.


Like... Yes. Yes, Your Honor.

So take me to during this pregnancy.

Mr. Silva, are you accompanying Ms. Reaves to doctor's appointments?

Are you involved?

Are you basically just being stand-offish,

because you don't think it's your child?

Your Honor, um, as soon as she told me, I told her,

"Who was the father?"

So, I did not believe I was the father.

And I was not with her during her pregnancy.

I was only there to be supportive during the birth.

So, in that moment, despite your doubts,

you said, I want to be there at the hospital, when the baby is born.

During the whole time, I'm telling her I want a DNA test.

In the hospital, none but her family was there.

I was my myself, you know. I came in.

As soon... As soon as, you know, Legend was born, the doctor came in the room,

straight to me and gave me the paper.

I didn't want to make her look bad...

JUDGE LAKE: And so you signed the birth certificate.

Yes. I just felt pressured to sign it.

So, you felt like, in that moment,

her whole family is around,

and if you start talking about DNA tests,

and not signing birth certificates,

it sheds a negative light on her.

Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: So, out of a level of protection for her,

you go ahead and execute the birth certificate

without really understanding the legal ramifications of that.

Yes, Your Honor. It was my first child and my first rodeo.

I didn't understand how to deal with it.

And there was nobody from your family with you.

KERMIT: Nobody. I was there.

I flew out of Florida, come to Alabama just for the birth.

But now, Legend is seven months old...

KERMIT: And I've been there.

JUDGE LAKE: Since day one?

Since day one.

JENNIFER: Since day one.

I got him clothes, everything he needed, I take care of him.

I let him meet my family.

I just needed this DNA test.

That's the only way we can work on our relationship,

that's the only way that I can continue loving my son,

and loving her. 'Cause I do love her, Your Honor.

You dyin' by that double-edged sword, right?

Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: That's a saying, and it's true.

Yes, Your Honor.

So, now, Legend is seven months old,

and I'm very happy to hear that

despite your doubt, Mr. Silva, you stepped up to the plate.

Yes, Your Honor.

Does it affect your relationship with him in terms of bonding?

Do you look at him? Does this run through your mind?

I look at him, and I love him.

I fell in love with him.

Well, he loves him but he's still telling everybody that he's not the father. Like...


I just have my doubt.

I just have my doubt.

Like, I have proof right here, a girl, she messaged me,

um, basically, saying that, you know, they was talking...

JUDGE LAKE: Let me see that evidence.

Jerome, would you hand that to me?

Here you go.


He was her boyfriend as well,


He doesn't know me...

You got a message out of the blue from another woman.

JENNIFER: Mmm-hmm.

And it says,

"He told me you were his ex, and that you were pregnant

"but your a... and didn't know who the dad was."

JENNIFER: Yes, ma'am.

JUDGE LAKE: Did you confront Mr. Silva about it?

Yes, ma'am.

What did he say?

I showed him a picture of him and the girl together.

And then, he's like, he's like, "Oh, well, you know,

"I do know her, but that was a long time ago.

"Like I haven't seen her for years."

And then, here we are with other pictures of them.

And I know that it was a recent picture.

'Cause it was a shirt that he had just got like two months ago.


JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Silva.

I see you have a smirk on your face,

so we already know you're lying.

(CHUCKLES) As usual.

Yeah, Your Honor, um...

Did you tell this woman that she was pregnant

but she didn't know who the father of her child was?

Your Honor, I told her that she was pregnant.

And I told her that she wasn't pregnant by me,

you know, but, um,

the whole thing, I just say... I just said that out of...

you know, just being grimy.

Well, that's honest. Go ahead and tell the truth.

So, you were being grimy?

I just did that, just to pretty much, you know...

If she was out there doing whatever,

then I'm out here doing whatever.

Because I'm not no dumb. You're not gonna play me, you know what I mean?

But you play me first.

You started the whole thing.

If it wasn't for you cheating,

if it wasn't for you talking to different people,

we wouldn't even be here right now.

None of this stuff wouldn't have even happened.


And I can see that this still hurts you, Ms. Reaves.

JENNIFER: Yes, ma'am.

What're you feeling?

I just feel a little hurt, you know what I mean?

'Cause like, we have a beautiful baby together.

And I don't want him to grow up feeling like,

"Oh, my Daddy didn't even think that I was his."

I don't want him to feel like, you know,

we were just being irresponsible.

I want him to love me the way I love my parents.

I want him to grow up the same way that I grew up.

With both of his parents in his lives.

You know what I mean?

I don't want to continue to argue about it

KERMIT: Your Honor, look.

The baby honestly looks more like her than me.

How could I tell the baby is mine

if he doesn't really even look like me, for real?

Look at him. What are you talking about?

Her ex looks just like me.

He could be her ex.

So, you're saying there's such a striking resemblance between you and her ex

KERMIT: Yes, Your Honor.

It's hard for you to tell, because the child looks so much like her.

Yes, Your Honor.

What are you hoping, Ms. Reaves, in this moment?

In order for us to move forward with our relationship,

and every single thing else in our life, we need to get past this,

so we don't have any extra arguments in the future.

I understand. And how about you, Mr. Silva?

What do you hope today?

Your Honor, I want this child to be mine.

(STAMMERS) And I'm really, you know,

hoping that the results say that I'm his father.

Because, if he's not, then she gotta kick rocks.

She gotta go, I can't look at her the same, I can't respect her.

That's not my father now. I mean, that's not my child,

and I can't be a father to somebody else's child.

It hurts me, like you've been around him for a long time.

You know what I mean?

And so now, if he's not sure all of a sudden,

you don't want nothing to do with me at all,

nothing to do with him.

Because she tried me.

How you gonna make me take care of somebody else...

KERMIT: Your Honor, I love Jennifer. I mean...

So, with or without Legend, we should still be together.

There shouldn't be no "kick rocks."

No. Nah, you kicking rocks.


There's a lot at stake here.

And I want to give you the opportunity,

if there's something else you haven't said,

or if there's some type of doubt you really do have,

you have a chance to be honest about that

in this moment before we go to the results.

Yeah, I don't have any doubts, I'm just a little bit upset

that if he's not like... if he feels like he's not his,

then he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

I feel like with or without Legend, our relationship is,

you know, we can make it be good the way that it was before.

You know what I mean?

Like, if we didn't have a baby, instead of him saying like,

"Okay, well, if we didn't have a baby,

"we wouldn't be together right now."

No, no, what he's saying is, if you have a child by another man,

and he is not the biological father,

then he's not able to raise another man's child,

nor is he responsible to do so.

He does not have to do that.

I mean, I don't like the terminology you all are using.

Kick rocks, and this kind of thing,

so I'm holding my composure

because it just sounds rude.

But, I know, you young folks have your own terminology.

So, I understand what he meant was,

was that he cannot be in a relationship with you.

You're right.

JUDGE LAKE: Definitively.


JUDGE LAKE: And that's a reality.

I think the only way we can truly move forward

is to get the results. Jerome.


These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics,

and they read as follows,

The baby honestly looks more like her than me.

In the case of Reaves v. Silva,

when it comes to seven-month-old Legend Silva,

it has been determined by this court,

Mr. Silva, you...

are the father.



You are the father.

That's all I needed to know, Your Honor.

Now, I'm sorry.


And, you know, I did have my doubt with Legend

but I know that he's my son.

And I will truly fully love him.

And I want us to move on in our relationship.

'Cause I love you.

I love you, too.

That was beautiful. And she needed to hear that.

And I hope you receive it.

JUDGE LAKE: But, also receive this.

If you don't change the way you operate, Mr. Silva,

you are going to continue to negatively affect

this woman's spirit,

which ultimately negatively affects your child's well-being.

JUDGE LAKE: But, Ms. Reaves, you have a choice as well.

You do not have to tolerate a man

continuously cheating on you.

And there's a saying that you teach people how to treat you.

And you are going to have to be able to set boundaries,

both of you together, as to what this relationship is going to be.

And you're gonna have to hold one another to that standard,

and it takes work.

So you know you're going to have to really be serious about this undertaking.

Do you understand me?

JENNIFER: Yes, Your Honor.

All right, I wish you the very best of luck.

Take care of that beautiful baby.

PARENTS: Thank you.

He's beautiful. Court is adjourned.

JENNIFER: Yes, ma'am.

For more infomation >> Man Stupidly Claims Men Are ALLOWED to Cheat (Full Episode) | Paternity Court - Duration: 16:59.


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12 Chinese zodiac Blind box Unboxing ! | Xiaoling toys

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For more infomation >> [PT-BR] PRÉVIA DE NOW VERIVERY - MINCHAN - Duration: 0:36.


How to Keep In Touch After an Internship (Relationship Building) | The Intern Hustle - Duration: 5:50.

If you've been focused on growing your

professional network and have been

taking the time to attend events and meet

new people - way to go! And if you already

have an internship under your belt, even

better. But what do we do when we have

these relationships and how do we

maintain them? It's really about the long

game, right? You need to make sure that

you are building long-lasting

relationships with people that are

authentic, not the surface level crap. So

here are my five tips for how you can

keep in touch with people in your

professional network.

Hey there! I'm Jenna Rein from

and this is Initiative

Muscle Monday -- Helping you to start each

week with an intentional step toward a

successful future. Let's do this! First of

all it's important that you're reaching

out once a quarter or so. So that breaks

down to three to four times a year, not

so bad. Why? Well it's because you don't

want to be reaching out when you just

need a recommendation from someone for a

job that you're hoping to get. And it's

really not that hard to reach out to

someone three to four times a year. Think

about it -- If you know their birthday,

there's one, and the holiday/New Year

season is always a great time to reach

out as well. And then you only need to

find one or two more reasons to connect.

So when you break it down it's not that

hard. And that's what leads me to the

next tip, which is what you can say when

you reach out to somebody. Reach out and

serve them, not you. Always be adding more

value for them versus asking too much of

them. Because nobody wants to feel like

they're just being used. Your goal here

is to give, give and give some more and

when the time's right they're going to

remember that and they're going to want to

come through for you too. So beyond the

birthday and holiday reach outs that I

already mentioned, what can you connect

with them on? Well, question is what have

you bonded with them over? So whether

you met them at a networking event or

you have more time with them over an

internship, did you learn something about

them personally, that was unique to them,

or something maybe that was unique

between the two of you? For example -- this

one's kind of silly but whatever it

works -- My team members at my last company

happen to know that I love Taco Bell.

Like love Taco Bell. I actually still

will get random messages from them on

Instagram or even over email when they

see some special announcement about

Taco Bell. And it puts a huge smile on my

face and it gives them a reason to

connect with me. And another great

example is if you know something

personally about their family, right?

Maybe their kid just qualified for the

State swim meet. Send them a note to

acknowledge their kid and let them know

that you were paying attention. Or maybe

you know that they love fly-fishing and

you came across this awesome Instagram

account all about fly-fishing... pass it on.

Again, you're giving you're not asking

for anything here. It's just a way for

you to keep in touch and continue to

build that relationship. Another way that

you can stay in touch with someone on

the professional level is by setting up

Google Alerts and following what's going

on with them, their company or their


So you go to and

you type in their name or their company

name and enter your email. And then

Google is going to send you an email or

an alert every time this person shows up

in the news, or their company shows up in

the news. For example if someone just

signed a big new client and you know how

important that was to this person go

ahead and send them an email and

congratulate them. My third tip for you

is to keep things short and sweet. No one

really wants more email so your job is

to keep it short, upbeat and to the point.

And give them a reason to smile not a

reason to roll their eyes.

Speaking of reason to smile, it's okay to

throw in your accomplishments every now

and then as well. Keep them up to date on

your professional progress, and people

like to hear that they had a positive

impact on you.

It might also put you back on their

radar for someone that they want to work

again with someday. But just remember

that you want to keep it short and to

the point, and to always be focusing more

on them than you do on you. Tip number

four is to engage with them online. Are

they active on LinkedIn or Twitter? Great!

Read their articles, read their little

tweets, and engage with them. Leave

thoughtful comments or questions as

follow-ups. It's not only going to keep

you top of mind with them, but others are

going to see that and you never know

what opportunities may surface as a

result. And for the final tip, tip number

five, visit in person. So maybe you're

back in the area that you had an

internship or you met someone at a

networking event and you know that they

happen to live in the city that you're

visiting. Great! Reach out, see if they

want to grab coffee, or at the very least

if you can drop in to maybe

old internship and say hello to some

people. I did this every summer when I

was home, because my first internship was

back in my home state, and so it made it

really easy for me to drop in and say hi

to my mentor and get to make connections

with new people. Perhaps the new interns

that were there, but really just to stay

in touch and keep that relationship

going in person. The big takeaway here is

to consistently keep in touch with your

professional connections because if you

do it right they're going to be more than

happy to help you out when the time

comes. And they're definitely going to help

you out over someone who completely

forgot about them and has not maintained

a relationship or someone who maybe asks

a little too much of them. I hope you

found my five tips for how to keep in

touch with your professional contacts

helpful. If you did, please go ahead and

give this video a like and share it with

a friend or two. And while you're here

check out the description below where

I've linked my LinkedIn training. So you

can sign up for free and get access to

everything from setting up your profile

to really learning how you should be

using the social network to stay in

touch with people. Right? Everything we've

talked about in this video. I will be

back next week with another video. If you

haven't already, make sure you're

subscribed to this channel so that you

don't miss a thing.

For more infomation >> How to Keep In Touch After an Internship (Relationship Building) | The Intern Hustle - Duration: 5:50.


I lost everything thanks to an unfinished area in P.A.M.E.L.A. - Duration: 13:33.

well hello friends welcome I am dragonate

and welcome back to some more

Pamela so today I'm going already

directly over to garrison right now

which has a youth academy and stuff

because I want to explore more of

garrison I didn't realize I was actually

technically already here at garrison

before with with that I'd rather not

okay so geez why do they have to be so

flippin loud I'm gonna just run a little

bit so I can get tomorrow and I wanna go

which maybe is over here or something

I'm actually now on floor six I don't

know a floor six is whatever we're going

here I guess hello

oh wait I have been here one punch

oh no hey yo mr. robot I'll help you out

a little bit well I'm in a slightly

different place in where I was before I

guess yes you as well oh you had lots of

food and stuff on you a bunch of these

locked things well you know what since

mr. robot is preoccupied I think I'm

safe to do these maybe possibly as long

as I don't fail any get the you know

security response or whatever I should

be fine

please present potentials

hello okay good he's not gonna like

smack me or something oh wait what is it

oh oh that's just security legs hello

Pamela now to the next stage of the

project I was to be given direct access

to the citizens in order to assist


wait we saw that which means I was here

but I didn't look at any of this okay

well once again he's leaving I think he

knows that I want to hack these things

and he also knows that he can't let me

willingly so he left he won't know see

any time he says please pretend

credentials it freaks me out go oh wait

you've scared me like four times

what kind of curious me or she just goes

like the heads of residential units or

something like that II it might be

interesting you know what sure let's

oops my bad let's just punch the

elevator no let's go up to the

residential black sorry back atrium and

residential units oh one two oh four

okay we have no power in here whatsoever

and we do go out a couple of zombo's

this might not be the best place to go

because it's residential there's

probably gonna be lots of zombo's around

oh come on oh wait what is that

oh no there's a repeat open door yes

open says me now close and nice painting

I like it all right what do we got in

here oh this is someone's apartment oh

well I wonder if that means it's going

to be any enemies in here I'm not

hopefully not and hopefully mr. robot

can find his way to mr. repiy man this

person left their apartment is such a

mess jeez you think they were zombies

taken over or something well I can't

even look in the bathroom seriously

well no isn't that a pretty sight man if

you had a view like that from your

apartment into place that's kind of nice

we got the Pamela over here huh

I used if 12% alone he said seekers do

not feel unwell oh I'm sorry for him and

tried to play one of Jacob's melodies to

cheer him up

12 is a seeker interesting I don't think

we knew that before or maybe we didn't I

just don't remember it

we're in someone else's apartment now oh

this person has a pretty darn nice view

too look at that crap over there is not

a weird evil or a place that likes to

hurt you and over here is where well so

anyways like to be I think it's only

that you can like look down here and see

these areas but like because they're so

far away there's not too much detail

like you don't see the boxes and stuff

and you definitely don't see the enemies

wandering around there probably be way

too hard on the game but it also be

really cool if you could see all that

why this that being pink just like

throws off the entire everything of this

place aesthetic well someone's got wine

in their dresser

okay well maybe I can explore a little

bit of this area around here there's a

little Pamela here for us to listen to

tomorrow is the thing of the Exodus

memorial plans have been underway for

the celebration the history is fake and

requires further investigation histories

oh is vague I'm curious about something

if I close the door oh it actually can

open the door okay my apologies I didn't

realize the enemies could open the doors

and one another lovely little for you eh

oh oh um yeah oh ah I find a glitched up

area okay no I think it's just this

that's glitched I I hope am I in a

glitched area I mean there's water here

so maybe not maybe this was supposed to

be here look no you can fall down that

I wasn't able to fall down uh no that

means that there must be a way to get

there then that's that sucks so much how

do I get down there now to grab my crap

from my body I had so much stuff

basically fully upgraded almost fully

upgraded you know everything as all gone

due to some stupid piece of garbage

where you fold on the freaking shaft oh

look how they have a button to skip it

now got away from me leave me the heck

alone I don't care

there better be a way for me to get down

there go away I don't why are all these

flipping tutorials you know what no no I

don't want to get rid of them because it

might be something new that I haven't

seen but why do they have to restart

every time you die and come back go away

well thankfully I have lots of food and

weapons and armor and crap startup this

is why I did this

I was hoping hoping I wouldn't end up

dying in this game at some point soon

because you know I wanted to get those

upgrade points or whatever for the for

the genome genome points I wanted to get

that but this is not how I wanted that

to happen I didn't want to die in a

place that's gonna be freakin impossible

for me to get back to or is it

impossible like that that's that's the

thing here is it actually impossible for

me to get back there I don't know I feel

like the answer is yes okay so I know

that from floor 5 I was on floor 7 I

know that from 4 or 5 I can get to that

same area does that seem a little shaft

or whatever but I'm pretty sure from

floor 4 I was able to get there as well

so I'm gonna try floor 4 and maybe just

maybe you know I can drop down from

floor 4 and I'll be fine like I can fall

down without you know dying is that's

the area right there that's the area

right there isn't it

all right great get me in there let me

fall down you please um sure can I now

get in there no no oh wait wait oh I

might be able to like see my dead body

though and grab it stuff if I stop

glitching out here there I am oh there I


yeah yeah shut up I'm busy okay one of

these has got to be just slightly

slightly too big and that I can just

kind of like suisse through it yes

please please God let there be a glitch

that lets me through here please please

I just want my body so I can get my

items well I'm not impressed with this

I'm very very unhappy developers this

was a stupid thing if you can't get in

there why can you fall down there to

begin with was it one of those shutup

was it one of those invisible glass

doors that glass walls or something that

I was able to walk through before well

maybe those need to be fixed but first

before you do that make these slightly

bigger so I can go through and then I

can get my stuff from my dead body

so I don't lose it and essentially have

to completely restart aside from you

know slight bonuses and crap that I've

already gathered but in terms of money I

don't want to read redo grabbing all

that whatever you know what I mean

I'm unhappy no you're not supposed to be

able to get in here get out lady I have

decided I have one more choice that I

can possibly make that I can possibly

try that choice is and this is going to

get me stuck especially if there's no

way to get out of here but see if I fall

down there from here I shouldn't receive

much much fall damage alright but first

would be to you know be safe about this

and your turn down the autosave interval

to one minute apply mmm back mm-hmm

and I'm going to sit here and wait until

I know to autosave then I'm going to

turn the autosave off jump my butt down

there and see if I can possibly get out

and if I cannot then I know this is a

terrible idea and then I don't get stuck

because other people have gotten stuck

in this game as well I know it's really

access okay it's early access it's fine

but that's not an excuse for game

breaking bits like this I mean and games

still playable but I've lost literally

everything and I can't retrieve them

because I fell into an area you're not

supposed to be able to get to which is

stupid uh-huh there's the autosave all

right now we go into options general and

we'll move this back up to five minutes

but then we turn this off

apply clock off and let's see if I can

fall down

well that's it I'm done for now anyway

and possibly for good

unless this gets fixed or something I'm

gonna see if I can contact the developer

and if they'll give me a freakin noclip

mode or something to get through there

and do that mmm I'm hoping I don't know

if that'll work or not but I'm very

unhappy I'm very unhappy when things

like this happen that shouldn't happen

if this is supposed to be glass and not

let anyone through then it should be

glass all the friggin way up not you

know open at random places above so yeah

anyway I'm done goodbye Godbless have a

good day and all that see you soon

For more infomation >> I lost everything thanks to an unfinished area in P.A.M.E.L.A. - Duration: 13:33.


One of my favourite restaurants- The Eastern Restaurant [S-1/E-1] - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> One of my favourite restaurants- The Eastern Restaurant [S-1/E-1] - Duration: 2:43.


Far Out New Beginning | Far Out Bass Boosted #EDM #Bass - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Far Out New Beginning | Far Out Bass Boosted #EDM #Bass - Duration: 4:00.


Cristiano Ronaldo & Georgina Rodriguez shows off her Incredible Figure - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo & Georgina Rodriguez shows off her Incredible Figure - Duration: 2:48.


Reynah Tang - Recognising Internal Values in Leadership - Duration: 1:29.

(upbeat music)

- Do you think there's an outlook of self-doubt,

that's why they're not pushing that?

- I think would be less about self-doubt,

but certainly I know,

for those who are from a Chinese background,

if you've grown up in an environment of Confucian values,

that's about respecting your elders,

so you're not challenging them,

not speaking up, waiting for your turn to speak.

So you might miss out on opportunities

to show your expertise in that situation

if you're gonna wait and sit and wait.

At the same time I think we in a way have,

we've in Australia have some research

by the Diversity Council shows

that we have a sort of Westernised models of leadership,

which I suppose encourage self-promotion.

So that may not be necessarily compatible

with people's internal values.

So I think firms can actually be doing things

to work out, to recognise that there can be other models

of leadership, that don't necessarily

always stick to the Westernised models.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Reynah Tang - Recognising Internal Values in Leadership - Duration: 1:29.


Recipe Book Declutter (2018) - Duration: 3:48.

it is time for a cookbook declutter

welcome to Chore With Me with me the channel where

we declutter our homes and hearts before

you watch the rest of this video go

ahead and hit subscribe right where that

little finger is pointing I've got my

cup of tea to keep me hydrated the top

shelf is a complete mess the bottom is

it too bad but it all needs a little

work so here I'm just organizing those

you know scraps of paper that you write

recipes on when you're somewhere and you

really like the recipe so some of them

I'm gonna keep because I've remade them

and others I'm just gonna toss out

because I thought I'd make them but

never have the goal at some point is to

actually type these out and keep them

more orderly but you know for today this

is good

I was pretty much gonna throw this book

away because I've never had an Osterizer I don't even know what that is but

check out this picture doesn't it look

like a giant loaf of bread made into a

sandwich that's covered in icing I feel

like this is kind of a relic so even

though I've never made a recipe from

this I'm keeping it because you never

know when it's gonna come in handy and I

kind of like keeping old stuff sometimes

this ice cream maker was one of the best

things we ever spent our money on and

look at that Ice Cream Sandwich

kind of one ice cream right now

so this is actually really special

because my mother-in-law put this

together for me she made my husband's in

my wedding cake and went and took a

class to learn how to do it I know that

she worked for many hours to make our

cake perfect and it was absolutely

beautiful I'm gonna insert some pictures

of our cake so you guys can see what it

looked like I didn't think I'd be taking

a walk down memory lane today but I

guess I am and there's nothing wrong

with that enough with the memories let's

get back to work

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