Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Did you know that you could schedule your YouTube videos so they go out at

the time that suits your audience best? As you can see in this example here are

some of my videos that are scheduled to go out once a day over the coming weeks,

and I'll show you how in this video. Here we go. OK so assuming you logged into

your YouTube channel and you just click on the drop-down and go to creator

studio you should be able to bring up Video Manager and then you'll see your

videos that are uploaded and not necessarily live at this point. So if I

click on this one here and click Edit If I just scroll down here the status is

unlisted. That means only somebody who's got the direct link will be able to view

it but of course there are other options. There's public where anyone can search

, possibly for the title or something similar to it and maybe find

it in results and then you've got private But below that you've got scheduled. Now the

problem here is that scheduled is completely inaccessible. So how do you

turn this into a scheduled video? Well the first step is actually to make it

private so click on private and then say up here Save Changes and now if I return

to where it says private and I click on the drop down notice it's scheduled is

now available so if I click scheduled it'll start with a current date and time

so I'll just adjust that to the future so I'll say the 5th of September at 1600

hours and then I can just (obviously would always recommend you complete

everything you descriptions your tags all that kind of thing but just to

demonstrate here you'll say publish on Wednesday 5th of September and it will

stay private until then. So if you want to go back and

review the videos you've currently got scheduled what you need to do is go to

video manager

So click here on video manager to open it up fully and you can see the view it

says newest so usually in order of the most recent ones you've uploaded. But if

I click and change the view to just the private ones you'll see any private ones

but also any that are scheduled to go out. So you can see as you saw in the

screenshot at the beginning of this video you can see there is a series there and

the most recent one that scheduled is right there and if I want to make a

change to any of these schedules I just go to edit and right here I can

adjust the date and time that I want to schedule it for or even just return it

to being a private video for now. So that's it that's how you schedule

content and it's really important to show up consistently and YouTube will use

that as one of the signals for recommending your videos to others That

it shows up consistently so it's a great idea to think about scheduling your

content in advance. Tthat's it for me i'm paul from PR wilson media your social

media personal trainer Cheers

For more infomation >> How to schedule Youtube Videos 2018 - Duration: 3:36.



For more infomation >> #OBRASILQUENÓISTÊM - SEMANA DA PÁTRIA - 2 - Duration: 0:57.


Journey to Home #12 | Basement Renovation - Duration: 10:07.

Previously on journey to home

Everyone today is

Monday and I just finished filming

Two videos for my main channel the lights set up right here and got the camera over there

My mom just called me to let me know that my dad is putting down the rest of the hardwood floors hardwood

The rest of the laminate floor is in the basements. I need to come over there and vlog

Yeah, I gotta head over there in a bit home to videos for the main channel and

I shared my engagement story. I know you guys been wanting to see that

aka proposal video

I also did another special video for YouTube which will probably be up before this video

so it's already up on that channel if you guys want to see them and

Yeah, I have not felt like myself in a very long time

I finally have a new hairstyle a twist out

That is my go-to got a little bit of makeup on which I have not worn makeup in probably over a month

It's been a long time not wear my glasses today have on a nice little rose gold top

So yeah, I'm feeling good today. Today's a good day

So let's turn off these lights


Turn off this camera

My main channel camera and let's head over to the house and see how my dad is doing. He's been over there since

Early, like maybe 8 o'clock, and I've been here trying to set up and you know film so let's go over there nail

D is in here by the way, and just in case anyone is wondering

He will be here maybe tomorrow not too sure yet. But yeah, I you guys will see him later on

Let's go. See what my dad's doing

So the basement is almost done you can see my dad added this piece right here pretty much a division between the tile and the

Laminate floors and then he has to add this metal. What is it called a cinch?


No is reading the name on it, it looks like it's a cinch


separates the tile from the wood

Because right now you can see the joints so it just goes right here

And he's just putting down some more laminate floors right here and

The bathroom is done just need a vanity and toilet

And almost here is almost done as well

Over there is the laundry room which we haven't touched

And see the closet also has floors well almost all of it is covered and

The floors go right into the family room

You have to take off the door so you can do the floors properly and we got to change the handle of

all the doors and get



There's another one back there and back cupboard and vents

So, yeah, that's what's happening right now I got to go to Ikea today and pick up some furniture

TV stand and another coffee table

So as you guys saw my dad is pretty much almost on the basement

He just has a little piece of their hair on my lip

yeah, he just has a little bit more of a laminate to put down you guys so the closet needs a little bit and then

in the corner by the

Mudroom needs a little bit and that's pretty much it. Then he has to put down that silver piece

I think it's called a cinch or you can call it divider and

That's it. And I know the family room needs a few touch

It needs some touching up because when my dad was taking out the baseboard

Some of the paint got scratched

It kind of came off kind of killed off. So Dee has to do some touch-ups in there and that's it for the basement

Besides the laundry room laundry room. We will not touch until maybe next year

We definitely want to do painting in there some shelves

Because it's pretty much just bare concrete in there. So you definitely want to do that also today what's happening?

Someone is coming over to show us their front doors right now

We have one single door and we are leaning towards doing two doors with a nice huge mirror in the center of the door

I'm thinking like a half window not a full window. My parents have a full window. I'll show it to you guys

Originally, I was thinking, you know, just do one door with the nice

Windows on the side, but then I was like, you know, what just do two doors it look a little bit nicer

also when you are moving in furniture

You can open you can open up two doors and let the furniture come in very easily

Versus having to struggle and get your French or in without scratching or damaging your furniture

So I think we're going to go into two doors then on Wednesday

someone else is coming over and they're going to show us their options for

Doors and we're gonna compare the prices and the doors between the two companies. These should be here on Wednesday

I told you guys already my mom and I are going to go to Ikea to pick up some packages that I

Ordered last week. I got email

Saturday saying that one item was on in stock and that I can either pick up one item and cancel the other one or I

Can come this week and pick up both?

Because the other item would be in stock today and it is so I'm gonna go there today with my mom

So, yeah, so that's pretty much it for right now. I don't know if anything else is gonna happen today

I will show you guys how everything looks when my dad is done

I still hear him over there, but he should be almost done

He looked like he just had about five pieces to do and yeah, so I'll talk to you guys

Next on journey to whom oh, can you see?

You too


For more infomation >> Journey to Home #12 | Basement Renovation - Duration: 10:07.


Lavrov's Address to MGIMO University Students and Faculty - Duration: 13:32.

Mr Torkunov,


First of all, I would like to join the Rector of MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anatoly Torkunov, in welcoming the freshmen here.

You are starting a new stage in your lives, a largely unexplored landscape, but I'm sure that with MGIMO's traditions and with the help of your teachers and other students

who have been here a year or more, you will be able to overcome this period of change successfully and work through the challenges during your first year and get ready for new achievements.

I would also like to welcome the ambassadors from the home countries of many MGIMO students.

I hope that their participation in today's event confirms the high appreciation of the quality of a MGIMO education, which has gained a reputation in Russia and the world.

We at the Foreign Ministry are very pleased that MGIMO, which is considered the Ministry's school, enjoys such respect.

The figures just cited by Mr Torkunov are very impressive.

I think that those who chose MGIMO have made a good choice.

Diplomatic work is very interesting and in demand.

Whatever occupation you choose, be it pure diplomacy, international jurisprudence, economics or journalism, I am sure that you will not be bored.

The situation in the world today does keep us busy, and we all know this.

What is happening actually reminds me of tectonic shifts. Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, some said it was the end of history and that a neoliberal model of the economy and political life would dominate around the world.

It seemed that the trends in global development were leading toward globalisation, with the universal spread of interdependence, interpenetration and openness.

It seemed almost like the borders were about to disappear, and humanity would live according to a pattern and likeness similar to what American philosopher Francis Fukuyama meant by the "end of history" after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

But life has proved to be far more versatile. Globalisation and a pervasive interdependence began clashing with people's reluctance to forget their roots, their dedication to stick to their cultural and national identities.

Examples of this are multiplying before our eyes.

Therefore, the task of politicians is to seek compromise between the expediency and the inevitability of taking advantage of the new industrial revolution, especially the digital revolution, on the one hand,

and people's concern not to lose their roots and preserve the traditions that their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers left them.

So the problems are really serious.


For more infomation >> Lavrov's Address to MGIMO University Students and Faculty - Duration: 13:32.


Jerald Quintin - Another Perspective (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) (ft. Silent Partner) - Duration: 3:17.

I used to think about what I've become

Everyday i just look up above and say I miss those days so much

And now when I've seen what I've done

People always say my content is dumb like

Who do you think you are

I want it back

Those good old days

When stuff was fun

I tried my best, and now I'm done

Its nothing to joke of

Now i'm sitting here like 11 at night

So many haters that I need to fight like who do they think they are

Cause all they want is just to get their way

I wanna see this from another perspective

Who do they think they are

I want it back

Those good old days

When stuff was fun

Now they are back, getting in my way

Just get the heck out

For more infomation >> Jerald Quintin - Another Perspective (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) (ft. Silent Partner) - Duration: 3:17.


Pojďme Hrát - Knights of the Old Republic 1 (s módy, Světlá Strana) |32| Závody na Motorkách {CZ} - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Hrát - Knights of the Old Republic 1 (s módy, Světlá Strana) |32| Závody na Motorkách {CZ} - Duration: 19:36.


Let's Play - Knights of the Old Republic 1 (/w mods, Light Side) |32| Bike Racing {EN} - Duration: 19:36.

I was expecting a dialogue there, game.

Another of the minigames that I actually quite hate - the racing. I love it in Jedi Academy, though.

I want to leave! :(

A common misconsception here is trying to get the best time. If you do the best that you can do in the first "round" of races, you might render the game unplayable.

After you finish first for the first time, your time will be beaten no matter what.

That is why finishing first with your best time ever might render the game unwinnable.

Also there is a progression element for other planets.

The better you fare on one planet, the harder the race will be on the other planets.

So the best way of doing this is to ride as crappily as possible while finishing first. xD

Also you can render the races on the other players unwinnable as well due to these facts.


By the way I am now skipping the alien speeches, because they are way longer than the text they are connected with.


Looks like I cannot get out of this. Let's race, then.

They didn't tell me how to control it. At all. No tutorial whatsoever. And I won't be able to remember that.

How do I accelerate?!?!? ... WITH THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON?!??!? GREAT! -_- xD



I shouldn't go so fast.

Crap. Way too good. Now I am going to get screwed over it.


Was that 40? By TEN seconds? I don't remember numbers... at all! :(

The savegame name has "probably" in it. :)

I am going to load it and try to drive a lot worse.

I actually hate this.

I need like 35.

So let's do it the same way like last time, but this time wait for 5 seconds.

Seems good enough to me! ^_^

Rewritting, because this was a way worse win. :)


So more than 30 but less than 34.

When I'm at 25 I will accelerate .... no ... NO! THAT WAS TOO MUCH!

28. I wanted 30. Oh, well.

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