Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

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For more infomation >> English Grammar Exercise With Answers - Future Tense - Will and Going To - Duration: 5:29.



Being able to represent your country is the most a footballer can hope for, that's how it is for me.

I'm very happy and thankful to the coach for the confidence. I'm excited and cannot wait to get started.

The most important is to feel well in your own Club, I showed a good level here and I want to keep on growing

and improving so they can keep calling me up. But I always said it's important to feel good in your club,

at the end you get rewarded, and that's how it's been for me. I'm very happy.

It's a step forward in my career as a footballer, now I have to enjoy and take advantage of this opportunity.

I'm excited and full of happiness this is as far as I've dreamed.

Rodrigo has been there many times, I hope we can show in the pitch that we play together, we know each other

well. I'm proud to be going with him. It's good for two Valencia footballers to go with the national team.

I was able to train with them once, I remember like if it was yesterday, a top experience with such good players.

This time it will be official. It's a step forward I need to take advantage of this.

We'll play two great matches, first one against England, I can't really say much, it will be a spectacular show

against a top team. Same with Croatia, they did really good in the World Cup, we will face them home, in Elche.

Can't ask for antyhing else.

I know I'm in the national team thanks to my teammates, that's for sure and my family that has always been there.

For more infomation >> GAYA: 'REPRESENTAR A TU PAÍS ES LO MÁXIMO A LO QUE ASPIRA UN JUGADOR' - Duration: 3:25.


What To Do If You Don't Get Money From ATM | ATM Withdraw Tips - Duration: 3:51.

What To Do If You Don't Get Money From ATM

ATM Withdraw Tips

For more infomation >> What To Do If You Don't Get Money From ATM | ATM Withdraw Tips - Duration: 3:51.


বলিউডের জনপ্রিয় যে ১২ জন শিল্পীদের বাস্তবে সুন্দরী বউ আছে |Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Singers - Duration: 4:19.

Alltoppersbd present

For more infomation >> বলিউডের জনপ্রিয় যে ১২ জন শিল্পীদের বাস্তবে সুন্দরী বউ আছে |Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Singers - Duration: 4:19.


7 советов, которые помогут забыть о токсикозе - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 7 советов, которые помогут забыть о токсикозе - Duration: 3:55.


মুমিনদেরকে কান্তারা ব্রিজে কেন আটকিয়ে দেয়া হবে || Motiur Rahman Madani Bangla Waz Short VIdeo - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> মুমিনদেরকে কান্তারা ব্রিজে কেন আটকিয়ে দেয়া হবে || Motiur Rahman Madani Bangla Waz Short VIdeo - Duration: 1:53.


Filmmaking Essentials: Hollywood Unapologetic, YouTube Series, YouTube Update - Duration: 6:05.

Welcome to 'Hollywood, Unapologetic!'

My name is Orlando Delbert.

Today is more of a thank you to The New Hollywood Generation, for your support of 'Hollywood,

Unapologetic!' for five seasons and to all of the fellow supporters of independent film,

than it is one of our full episodes.

I was planning on taking a few weeks to do some writing and catch up on hardware maintenance

to get season six running to a good start, and other tasks involved in doing this series,

but a couple of things happened starting four weeks ago I wanted to share with you.

As I've mentioned on the last series update, on the positive side, the 'Hollywood, Unapologetic!'

channel popped up to number one in the search rankings for "filmmaking" channels on

YouTube for several days over the course of two weeks.

That was a very welcome thing to see.

Thank you New Hollywood Generation.

Considering the search volume is extremely high for the filmmaking topic, and the other

channels that rank high consistently has hundreds of thousand subscribers and some even over

one million, I think that's pretty damn good.

And the 'Hollywood, Unapologetic!' channel has ranked number one consistently in the

search rankings for "filmmaking essentials" for a better part of the year as well.

Thank you again New Hollywood Generation.

Which now leads me too… the not so good.

About two and a half months ago or so, I picked up several steel wire-shelving units to house

my two Macs and other production related gear I use for the series, two of which, I was

able to attach two umbrellas two soft boxes, my microphone boom, and also attach the green

screen stand as well.

I built a box out of the shelving units to build a green screen stage if you will, which

helped me keep the lighting and audio set up consistent.

And if you remember my older videos, I had a very hard time keeping a consistent key

on the first lot of them.

But during this process I chipped one of my Apple Cinema Displays.

Yes, it's a drag but that was only a chip.

When I bought both of these brand new, they were two grand each and have never given me

a single problem… well…

While setting up the wire shelving for my workstation, the glass broke.

There's a crack along the front of the screen spreading across more than a third of the

way across.

For monitors that I picked up in 2010, they both look great, no dead pixels, and have

never given me a single issue.

So replacing them was not much of a thought.


One of my internal hard drives was showing signs of failure shortly before the last episode

was shot, which prompted me to stop producing these episodes and do some maintenance.

I was able to use my iMac that I use to do all of the green screen video capturing as

a way to access my main workstation in target mode to work on the drives and move large

amounts of data.

I was able to pick up a four-terabyte Western Digital external hard drive and moved a lot

of files around.

Both, doing maintenance on my remaining internal hard drives, now down to four terabytes on

the workstation, and on the newly acquired external drives, along with moving the files

around took me a full week.

That doesn't include another three days of running a deep virus scan on both machines,

which took another four days.

Yeah, four days.

Not three days.

It was four days.

That's right.

During this time demanding process, the drive that was showing signs of failing failed.

Fortunately, no data was lost…

I had four of these Blue Western Digital hard drives in my Mac Pro.

Since I'm running an older operating system in my workstation, I'm not entirely sure

how much hard disk space will be recognizable.

I had five terabytes with no problem.

Which now leads me to the now 13 external hard drives I now own, three have failed,

all of which were G-Technology G-Raid hard drives.

I've been using drives from this company for well over a decade, and was always highly


Since I have so many, I was looking at rack mounting them like I had in the past, or get

a separate enclosure just for the physical drives, but they make it near impossible to

use their drives in any other types of enclosures, and at least with my experience, won't even

speak to me once the warranty has expired.

Of course, that is expected.

But when attempting to troubleshoot several hard drives, which have failed, that has hardly

been used, I want to know why.

Anyway, I am ordering a one-terabyte solid-state internal hard drive for my operating system,

as well as a four terabyte internal Black Western Digital hard drive in my Mac Pro.

The solid-state drive will increase boot time and should help the box run a little more


So that's it for now.

I'll keep everyone updated and hopefully I won't be down for too long.

I'm hoping to be back up and running and posting before the end of September.

One day at a time.

Thank you once again, New Hollywood Generation, for your support for five seasons of 'Hollywood,

Unapologetic!' and to all of the fellow supporters of independent film.

Before we go, we want to know your questions, comments, and suggestions you may have.

Please write them below.

Please share 'Hollywood, Unapologetic!' with someone you know who may find our channel

beneficial to him or her.

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DISLIKE if you don't.

Make sure to click on the subscribe button.

Click that bell so that you don't miss anything.

And feel free to take advantage of other members in the New Hollywood Generation community.

We are all here to grow together and to help one another.

We have a strong group on Twitter.

Come join the New Hollywood Generation, and meet some fellow filmmakers and content creators.

Always remember, preparation is the key to you and your project's success.


If you're looking for filmmaking for beginners, filmmaking 101, and for some filmmaking tips

on how to want to be a filmmaker, make sure to click on the subscribe button.

Click that bell so that you don't miss anything.

Looking for how to filmmaking essentials?

Be sure to check out the videos in the playlist, "New to Film Production?

Start Here!"

Think of this channel as a film crash course, or filmmaking crash course, and an introduction

to filmmaking entrepreneurship, to build the skills needed well beyond just how to succeed

Hollywood, and beyond whatever discussion other how to film school, how to indie filmmaking,

in general how to film industry channels don't talk about.

The "why's" you truly need to know, to help you grow as a thought leader in life,

the entertainment industry, and how it applies as part of the New Hollywood Generation is

in this video series and in the Pollyanna's Tear Soaked Battlefields of Hollywood: A Survival

Guide Against the Cynicism and the Hypocritical, series of books.

Links below.

Remember, preparation is the key to you and your project's success.


For more infomation >> Filmmaking Essentials: Hollywood Unapologetic, YouTube Series, YouTube Update - Duration: 6:05.


জান্নাত কাদের জন্য || Jannat Kader jonno|| Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla waz Short Video - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> জান্নাত কাদের জন্য || Jannat Kader jonno|| Motiur Rahman Madani || Bangla waz Short Video - Duration: 1:48.


Dance Moms: Cathy Is Beat On Her Own Turf (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Cathy Is Beat On Her Own Turf (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:55.


Labor Day: It's More Than Just a Random Day Off - Duration: 2:06.

>> Like not having to work on Labor Day?

Or not having to go to school on Labor Day?

Why you reading, bitch?

Of course! Unless you're a freak.

But while you're watching this... Change the channel. ...and avoiding small talk

at your neighbor's barbecue... Now that's a hot dog!

...or at your co-worker's awful party...

It's really great to be here. There's nothing like a party.

...raise your light beer... Mmm-mmm, bitch! the group who made this day possible.

Hooray! Unions!

FYI: Labor Day started as a day of protest

>> and now it celebrates the labor unions

that fight for workers' rights.

Without these rights, all of our jobs would suck way more.

Abbi, could you clean up all the sweat?

It's actually my lunch break.

Good call. It'll totally be here when you get back.

Imagine your life without the eight-hour workday.

How long have we been here? Could be years. Paid time off.

You guys could stand a little vacation yourselves.

Look how tired Tim looks.

That's just the shape of my face, sir.

Workplace safety regulations.

I just realized I'm supposed to meet a friend for lunch.

Child labor laws. And my knees are intact,

so I make a perfect ottoman.

Sick leave. Ohhh...

And the freakin' weekend! Yay!

Basically I'm trying to cram my entire life into 48 hours

and I won't enjoy a second of it.

The fight was never easy. You're going to jail.

And it certainly isn't over. Viva la revolucion!

But it's everyone's fight. So don't be a dick. He did it!

Did he? Yes, he did! And use today to say:

"Thank you, unions!" Really. Definitely. Totally.

For more infomation >> Labor Day: It's More Than Just a Random Day Off - Duration: 2:06.


Superstar [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 2:52.

The best concert I have seen in a while!

She had such a beautiful voice!

I´m still getting goose bumps!


That power! So clear and she hit every note!

Tanja can sing very well too.

Your wife? Really?

Oh Carsten, stop it!

Tanja sings ever since she was little.

But she is very good at music anyway. Compared to me...

Tanja? Thilo wants to hear you singing!

Oh well, your husband said that you can sing very well.

No, I won´t sing here...

Why not? You sang at Masha´s and Jan´s wedding as well. The entire church cried!

No way! You have gigs?

Yes but only little ones!

Don´t be so modest! Sing for us!

Nooo... that makes me uncomfortable.

And i am not warmed up...

Steffi and Thilo just want to get an impression.

You do not have to sing an entire opera for us!

Okay, but only a little bit.

Goose bumps!

I cannot get any higher right now...

Well what can I say?


She can sing even more genres than just classic! Sing a modern song!

Oh she doesn´t have to!

I think we have to go now...

What is your favourite musical?

Oh we are not that much into musicals...

But you know the Lion King!

For more infomation >> Superstar [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 2:52.


undertale | MUST. BEAT. UNDYNE. part 2 - Duration: 23:26.

For more infomation >> undertale | MUST. BEAT. UNDYNE. part 2 - Duration: 23:26.


recreating instagram photos of Franny, Corey, Bobby, JC & Kian - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> recreating instagram photos of Franny, Corey, Bobby, JC & Kian - Duration: 5:23.


How to Earn money on Chat Easy Earn money 10$ To 50$ Paymet is paypal in Hindi - Duration: 6:01.

Popular Tech

For more infomation >> How to Earn money on Chat Easy Earn money 10$ To 50$ Paymet is paypal in Hindi - Duration: 6:01.


How To Download All Latest Upcoming Bollywood Movies - & - English Movie In Hindi 2018 - Duration: 3:00.



For more infomation >> How To Download All Latest Upcoming Bollywood Movies - & - English Movie In Hindi 2018 - Duration: 3:00.


AutoCad - 2D Tutorial Part 12 || AutoCad - tutorial for beginners || by Subhankar Pal - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> AutoCad - 2D Tutorial Part 12 || AutoCad - tutorial for beginners || by Subhankar Pal - Duration: 9:19.


Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #87 [CC] - Duration: 6:57.

Hi, YouTube, its Kathy and this is my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up for August 26th-September 1st.

This week I read 2 books, I watched 1 show, I listened to 2 podcasts, and I listened to 1 book.

Ever since I bought my PodCon ticket, I've been like, "oh yeah, remember that

time I have not been listening to podcasts because audio books from the library are a thing?"

So I'm about a year behind in everything I listen to but that's okay. I've got time.

As you saw in the thumbnail, I've started the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, and it's a good time,

let me tell you. This week I managed to read two of those books, the first one

being Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. This book starts out with a princess,

and I pronounce her name Cimorene... but I'll put it on the screen right here and you can decide if that's

a Ssss or a Cu... In my head it's Simorene.

Could be Kymorene, I guess. In any case, we start out with her and she doesn't really like learning all the things

that princesses are supposed to learn. Sure, they're fine but they're just not the things she's interested in, so she

starts getting her mentors to teach her things like fencing and magic, and basically

things princesses are not supposed to do. When her family decides it's time to just marry her off and make

her somebody else's problem, she runs away to live with dragons, which is another thing that

people are just not supposed to do, but she falls in love with this profession.

She really loves being the princess to a dragon. From there, we meet a whole cast of interesting characters.

There's a little bit of a mystery that evolves so we have to figure out how to fight the baddie, basically,

and I cannot say enough good things about this series so far. I'm currently halfway through the third book.

We'll talk about the second book in just a second, because obviously it's the other one that I read this

week, but it's so whimsical and logical and just proves that people can be whatever they want

and that there are different types of magic and I just - I just really love it.

The second book, Searching for Dragons, is a continuation of the series, obviously,

so there are things about it that I can't really discuss because it would

spoiler things in the first book, but in Searching for Dragons, we find even

more characters and characters we've already met get expanded upon. I also recently found out that this series

is actually done as an audiobook with a full cast narration, which sounds wonderful. I actually have the

fourth one downloaded to my phone already so I just need to finish reading the third one and

then I can listen to the fourth one. However, this is the week of BookNet Fest, so who knows if that will actually

happen. Basically, if you like magic, or you like dragons, or you like princesses, or you like witches, or

you like wizards, or you like magicians, or you like talking cats, this is a series that you should pick up.

The friend who lend it to me loves it and is very sad that she's never really heard

of anyone else that has actually read them before. I actually witnessed her, the other day, find somebody else

who had read them and she immediately gave them a hug. It was pretty dang cute.

That was that a Nerdfighter meetup where I asked people for book recommendations, so I'll

actually link that up of as well. Onto the show I [watched] this week, and if you've

been watching for a while you probably know that yes it's the ninth season of Survivor.

This one is in Vanuatu and we watched I think 13 [episodes], over two

different days, fortunately. That's a lot for one day, although I could do it, and

the most interesting thing is that the first man that I thought was going to be

voted off is the only man remaining, and he's been the only dude left for the last three or four tribal councils.

That's not to say I particularly like him and want him to win over anybody else, but I just found it interesting

that I thought he was gonna go home first and he is still there. On to the podcasts I listened to this week.

I listened to the first episode of S.S. Librarianship, because I downloaded this -

I want to say a year and a half ago - on to my podcast thing on my phone and then

just never got around to it because, again, audiobooks. But as I was listening to it and really enjoying this

introduction to what is probably an amazing podcast that I know went on hiatus, because I've actually met the

ladies who run the podcast. I went to download the next episode and realize that the podcast app I've been using

doesn't work anymore and won't download any new episodes, so I had to move all of

my podcast listening into a completely different podcast app for Android, and S. S. Librarianship

is not on there, so I'm going to have to poke around the internet and see if I can just find the

episode somewhere. Worst comes to worst, I think I follow them on Twitter, and I can

probably just tweet at them and be like, "hey, so I'm finally listening and where

can I find it now?" This is a podcast led by a couple of people who at the time of the first episode are in library

school, but by the time I met them they are librarians, and they're just talking

about books and it's delightful. Obviously, it's something I would listen to. I also listen to a

couple of episodes of Dear Hank and John, which is of course a wonderful format, and I adore it.

If you aren't familiar with it, it's run by the Green brothers, who are the Vlogbrothers here on YouTube.

and the format is a short poem at the beginning, how you doing, answering some

questions, and giving dubious advice and then giving us all the latest news from AFC Wimbledon and Mars.

I'm actually so far behind on this one that they were actually talking about the first PodCon, coming up,

in the episode I listened to. So, yeah, should get on that. There's, like, an entire year of Nerdfighter in-jokes

that I just don't know about yet. And as for the book I listened to this week,

that was Top Ten by Katie Cotugno. This one is done in a top 10 format, which I

actually found really interesting. This one centres around Gabby and Ryan, two high school students who

are just graduating high school, and one of them goes, "what are your top 10 moments of high school?"

This is actually a common game between them, you find out, because Ryan really loves top ten lists. So when

we start we're in moment number 10 and it goes all the way down to moment number 1.

You find out pretty quickly that they are best friends but Ryan has always wondered if they could be

something more than that, and the whole book is very much a will they/won't they? It obviously jumps

around in the timeline of their high school years and I really enjoyed the format, and I thought it was cute and it

was a really good read. It had the potential to just be something light and fluffy to listen to, but also I really

cared when bad things happen to these characters. I would be sitting on the bus

on my way to or from work and I'd be going "I hope Gabby's gonna be okay."

My next weekly wrap up will be from a location different than my couch because

I will be in Orlando when I need to film that, so I don't even know when or where

I'm going to film it, but it'll happen. Also, I'll probably have a lot less to

talk about because I'll have been talking about books as opposed to reading books for most of the week.

Last week I actually put up 4 videos and one of them was a 1K Q&A and Giveaway

Announcement, so if you happened to miss that one, I'll link it up here and down below.

Basically I'm on my way to 1k. I'm just about there, and I want your questions ahead of time so when I hit 1k,

I can actually make a Q&A video, which seems to be the thing you do on BookTube when you hit 1K subscribers.

As an incentive, I'm also running a giveaway. If you give me a question, you are entered into the giveaway.

Pretty easy.

That's it for this week. If you've read, watched, or listened to any of these, let

me know about it down in the comments below. On the way down in the comments, if you hit that Subscribe

button, that would be very nice of you. You can like and share this as you see fit and I will see you very soon.


[outro music]

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