Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

♪ ♫ Subtitles by Carlos Álvarez V. for MayaTubers ^_^

♪ ♫ [music of the intro] - if you will found any error into the subtitles please write to Thanks ! ♪ ♫

Welcome Back .. !! wtf ..... ouch this not glasses! ★ Cut !! ★

★ ♪ phi.. ♫ phi.. Action !! ★

Welcome Back MayaTubers !!! to other.... ehh pff these are not either ★ Corten!! ★

★ ♪ phi.. ♫ phi.. Action !! ★

Welcome Back MayaTubers!!! ... ohhh hummm .. I Liked it, but neither are the glasses correct!!

pfff I will be right back !! [Noise when closing the book, Crash]

★ ♪ phi.. ♫ phi.. Action !! ★

Welcome Back to MayaTubers!!! to another tutorial with me I´m Carlos Álvarez Velázquez, and today's tutorial is ..

about Renderand animations in Panorama 360º + Virtual Reality = VR", made with VRay Next 4.0 for Autodesk Maya ❤

Do you like this glasses or helmet for VR? Yes? ☺ I see nothing !! Hello? ... Cut off, Cut off !!!

Ahhh [Sound of a Camera, it's making a Photo] ♪ ♪

☺ for your memories, I hope you do not have nightmares with my photography hahaha

★ ♪ phi.. ♫ phi.. Action !! ★

You already know what the tutorial is about! haha good Why do I do this tutorial? I put here some of your comments

but I also think it's worth this topic, since it will help you improve your projects in the presentations

either for the world of Architecture or ArchViz, for Games and / or Presentations of a Product

before continuing I have to thank Andy by his helped ! I put here the video where it came out for the first time in my channel hehe

where I crush him with a Ionic Column haha Andy had a hard time !! LOL haha

but despite my jokes, he has lent me his glasses Stereoscopics for VR, the Samsung Gear Oculus

that without the glasses VR, I´ll could not check the final result, nor do the intro of this video tutorial hehe

Andy, Thank´s much ❤

I'm going to divide this tutorial into 2 parts

for the Monoscopic and the Stereoscopic with projections of the type Cube Map and Spherical Map

Monoscopic is the form that see a Video Camera or a person with only one eye

Stereoscopic is the form that see person with two eyes, it´s similar to use two cameras of video

This is very important to create 360º Virtual Reality environments. We are going to do 3 different methods,

1º a 360º Panorama and with VR Stereoscopy using Cube Map type to a Specific Web Viewer online for see a panorama 360º or with Glasses VR

2º a 360º Panorama Monoscopic using Spherical Map type and I teach to upload it to Facebook, it's very easy ☺

3º an Animation + Panorama 360º with Monoscopic and Stereoscopic + VR to see it with Glasses on YouTube

don't miss it because it is very easy and we do not need external programs with YouTube

All we are going to do, is with Autodesk Maya, V-Ray, Photoshop and After Effects or any Video Editor ❤

So MayaTubers, I see you inside tutorial, we're going to learn a lot! and "to the mess that I cold" = (this is a spanish expressions hehe) Bye !

Hey, what's up MayaTubers !! We open the Maya, as always, I have a prepared scene !!! this already begins to be a tradition! Hahaha

before starting with the scene interior realistic, we are going to use this simple scene that you are seeing to understand well..

the different Monoscopic and Stereoscopic methodologies in the projections of the 360º Cube and Spherical type

then with a realistic interior, where we will review the concepts learned and upload it to Youtube 360º VR

I'm going to teach you how to upload static images to specific visors VR online, to Facebook and to Youtube Animations

before starting ... with a bit of theory, it is important to define the height and position of the camera in Maya

since we imitate the form a person sees

so I recommend a height between 160 cm to 186 cm for a person who is standing

This is the height from the ground to the eyes, and not the total height of a person.

y otro consejo: es la posición de la cámara dentro de una habitación

Do not put the camera where I have it right now, because if the camera is rotate on its own vertical axis

we find the wall very near to the camera, I recommend a strategic point and for example in center of the room

in this example I opted for this point that marks the arrow that is in the grid

After you have more experience, you can try other points where to place the camera that are more interesting

always use known rotations, such as 90º, 180º and 45º to start, then try others! but now No hehe.

now let's see a bit of theory, just a little bit hehe that is necessary for the understanding of the tutorial

I will talk about the 360º Monoscopic Renders = 360º Panorama. This means that there is a single viewer or 1 camera

a very important detail is the Relationship between the "Device.. and the Pixel Aspect Ratio", to make a correct render

and we will use types 2 of projections or of cameras, 1st the Cube Map with a Device: Pixel ratio of 6: 1

it´s 6 square images with height = width

we identify the images on the screen






6 Square images

I show you how it would look if we render, I load some images inside the squares. Look how they look?

They look weird, flipped, right?

Would you think that something is doing bad? True? well, yes everything is correct hehe it´s normal ☺

because the Render is the exterior projection of the images of a cube and some rotated so that they are aligned

so you can understand this better, I've done another animation

so in the left we see the render images but placed and oriented correctly, but

we see them from the outside of the cube, same as seen from the render, flipped

but on the right side we see the same cube but rotated towards the inside of the visor VR, so ...

if we introduce the doll with the VR Viewer inside the cube and close it, we will correctly see the renders that were previously flipped in the render final

If you see something strange in the render do not worry you already know why, and it will look good in a 360º viewer

now I will talk about the Spherical Map projection, we see it well in the render and in the viewer, because we see the interior projection

so it will look perfectly with nothing flipped in this case

the Spherical Map projection in Monoscopic has a ratio of 2: 1 known as Equirectangular Images

the images will have x2 heights on the X axis and x1 height on the Y axis - Very Easy !!

these 2 projections would give us a result of images of the Panorama 360º type only

Now we go to the Stereoscopic Images along with the 360º projections that give us the VR

Stereoscopic has 2 methods: The Layout of [Side by Side]

or the [Top Bottom]

it will depend on the VR Viewer that you use, you need to know what type of Layout you use. for example the IrisVR supports Cube Map: Side by Side

with a Device: Pixel ratio of 12:1

and the YouTube uses the projection Spherical Map with [Top Bottom] of relation to 1:1

In the Cube Map the first 6 images are for the left eye and the other 6 the right eye

and in the Spherical Map, the upper image is for the left eye and the lower image for the right eye

we would already have everything necessary to create Virtual Reality of the 360º type and see it with VR Glasses !! ☺

We have finished the theory, it has not been very heavy, no? hehe Now we are going to apply everything we learned with a practical case ☺

There are two methods of applying the Cube Map & Spherical Map projections to the cameras in Maya with VRay

1st we will do it in each camera independently 2nd we will use the Camera Overrides from VRay

for the first method we will create 2 cameras Menu > Create > Cameras > Camera

the camera it´s create by default in the X coordinate, Y, Z = 0,0,0 which is the point that I look for the cameras in this example

now let's say what initial point of view is better, I think it's more interesting the wall 2

I do a test render so you can see what speed is so good and what quality is left by the final render

I currently use VRay Next Beta 2 for Maya but since version 3.40 it works the same for this method

so for October the VRay Next 4.0 for Maya will be finished, I will do tutorials with the new methodologies

to configure the VRay Setting and to correctly use the Denoiser as in this render

Look at that speed, it's not because of my i9 7940X hehe it's because I have it set with a very high threshold = low quality in the sampler

and the local Subdivs are off, I not specify the subdivs in the lights, nor materials and nor in the GI, now we will see the Denoiser in the VFB

the loss of detail with the Denoiser is currently minimal and negligible if we use it correctly

it's worth it either for animations or to speed up the calculation in our production renderings

If I like the wall 2 better, we are going to orient the camera to the wall 2, rotating 90º as seen in the video.

we're going to rename it: RenderCam360Cube We duplicate the camera with Ctrl+d and rename it to RenderCam360spherical

Perfect !! We select the camera for the Cube Map and we see through it from the ViewPort

ahh no matter what we see in the Viewport, I mean the viewing angle, the zoom, etc.

because we are going to use different projections different from the configuration that the camera brings in Maya

let's go to the Attribute Editor tab, always in the tab that has the word Shape, blablaShape

Attributes > VRay > Camera Settings It is not necessary to use a VRay Camera Physical

I recommend using it always but I show you that it is not necessary and I show you in this example

In the final example, yes, I will use VRay's Camera Physical Click on Camera Settings

we go to Extra VRay Attributes

and in type I can select the various types of cameras or but I call it Projections hehe

That some time ago I did a tutorial about the Camera or Orthogonal projections with VRay and Maya to create Isometric views and at 45 degrees

I put here the tutorial if you are interested in seeing it ☝

Apart from the Standard, we have 2 types of Spherical projections, the normal and the Spherical Panorama

that we can modify the Field Of View Vertical = FOV-V, it's a way to use it a bit as a zoom, but

closes the field of vision converting to a cylindrical projection instead of spherical for panoramic

but in this tutorial we are not going to modify the Vertical FOV, only the horizontal, ok?

we choose 6x1 Cube = Projection Cube Map, and you do not have to configure anything else inside the Camera Settings

I do a render only in Light Cache and we will see the error quickly

Ops! hehe now we go over the theory, what happens? we have 6 images, but they are not square, Height = Width

Review of the theory, this type of projection needs a ratio of 6: 1 Device / Pixel

we disable the [Maintain Width/Height Ratio] and we put in Height: 6 and in Width: 1, but Maya change it for a 2 ..

because minimum it needs 2 pixels to make a render, then we change the Height for the double, 6x2 = 12

now we have in Device Aspect Ratio: 6,000 and in the Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1,000 = 6: 1 well done!

Activate again the [Maintain Width/Height Ratio] and we only need to define the Height, for example 1920 pixels

and it has automatically multiplied 1920 x 6 = 11520 pixels in the width. Easy !!

we go to render, it´s do it good because we have used the mathematical theory of the Dar: Pair relationship

Finished, I'll activate the Denoiser, it looks great and no noise! this would good for a 360º panorama with projections of the type Cube Map

look at the number 6, the camera is well aligned and below, but when we use stereoscopy

It is like the camera had 2 eyes, we will see that the 6 will be rotated to one side and the other to the opposite

we already know how to get a 360º Monoscopic image with Cube Map !!! Yeah !

ahora toca hacerla con Estereoscopía para un entorno de Realidad Virtual o Aumentada

we go back to the attributes of the camera and we're going to Attibutes > VRay > Stereoscopic Camera

Many people will ask me haha Hey Carlos What is that about the Shade Map (for Stereoscopic)?

it works to reduce rendering times when using the stereoscopic camera, but accelerates only if you use blur DOF = Depth Of Field

it is not important for this tutorial, in the official website of Chaos Group they explain it very well and with many examples

If you have any doubt or question, write it in the comments of this video tutorial ✎

we continue! hehe we have activated the stereoscopic camera, we look in the options, blah blah, but ...

but the most important apart from the distance between each eye, is the Layout: [Side by Side] or [Top Bottom]

The VR Online visor accepts the Cube Map type projection with a Layout of Side by Side

"Adjust Resolution" we will not use it, because I want to teach the manual method, but this automatically adjusts the resolution hehe

I do it manually because I want that you understand the concepts and theory we are doing and learning, Render !!

everything is squashed, we will solve it manually, thanks to the theory of the stereoscopic render

the ratio is 12: 1, so we modify the Width: 24 and the Height: 2, getting the 12,000: 1,000 = 12:1

we define again the height that was 1920 and multiplies 1920x12 = 23040 pixels of width

uff is a big rende !! hehe I estimate that it will take about 2 hours

well I stop the video and now we see the finished render, I'm going to make coffee haha

finished!! haha now you can see that all the letters are flipped, it's all right!

I remind you that it is the exterior projection of the Cube! and the interior will be seen next from the VR Visor

Look at the numbers 6 come out rotated and before it´s good aligned. This is due to the distance between eyes of 6.5 cm

the Eye Distance is in centimeters and I recommend values between 6 cm and 7 cm, I like to use 6.3 cm or 6.5 cm

or measure the real distance between your eyes, from the center of the pupil to the other center, it will be perfect !! hehe

I already saved the image and I uploaded it to the visor VR that you are going to see below

This IRIS VR viewer has a good relationship with Chaos Group and I found it interesting since it supports all the formats that exist for the VR

All online viewers have 45 days or enough free points to show a client the finished job and practice haha

I know it has a Cube Map VR 360º viewer with App for Android and IOS

Supports Side by Side and Top Bottom, for uploading the image is very easy, you just have to click on upload and you have it automatically ☺

click in the image 360º

from the computer the VR viewer does not show the image stereoscopic, but only the part of image Monoscopic, like as Panorama 360º

there are other Viewers like the that allows you to preview it as if you had a VR glasses on your computer

I love it looks great! Although it has little bit errors in some unions of the cube

Do you see that horizontal white line and the other vertical line? they are acceptable and despicable errors hehe

the perfect projection for me is the Spherical Map, since it only has a union and it does not usually give errors

We are going to see it in a stereoscopic way with VR glasses, I use the IPhone X but the App is not adapted

They could obscure the ends as youtube does, but with the VR glasses that failure is not appreciated

because the VR glasses has the lens bounded by a smaller radius circumference

Now let's see the Spherical Map projection with this scene to see how to create a 360º Panorama and we will upload to Facebook

and then with more complex scene we will make an animation, Spherical Map 360º with Stereoscopic for upload to YouTube

We select the camera that we will use for the Spherical Map method and we do a quick render

this camera has no extra configuration, it's a camera Maya without properties of VRay

with the selected camera ... Attributes > VRay > Camera Settings

We select the type of camera to Spherical or Spherical Panorama, they are the same, but one have the FOV Vertical

to the Spherical you have to modify the FOV from 45º to 360º to obtain a projection complete sphere, Activate the FOV Overrides and write: 360

let's render to see the error in the proportions, since this has to be an Equirectangular image = 2:1

the render is very stretched, we will fix it thanks to the theory hehe, with a ratio of 2: 1

and now it changes in Width: 4 and Height: 2 and we already have 2,000: 1,000 = 2:1

and we put again a height of 1920 pixels and automatically 1920x2 = 3840 pixels of width

let's do the render !! I'll be right back

finished! looks great !! a fast render without noise! I love it !! ❤

Being a Spherical projection, we only have one cut, it is an interior projection and we do not see it flipped ☺

I'm going to save this image in jpg to try to upload it to Facebook as a 360º image ... one moment ... tic tac ... zZZ ⌚

we go to my personal facebook, don't gossip to me, ehh haha, there is confidence with my MayaTubers ❤

We are going to try to upload a 360º image without injecting metadata into Facebook hehe

Facebook is not a fortune teller, he does not detect it, it is a 360º panorama

There are many methods to indicate that it is a 360º image, injecting metadata or

putting the name of the 360 camera model in the properties of the file: Ricoh Theta S or Gear360 for example

but there is a super easy method, using PhotoShop and you can even edit it in format 360º!

We open the image and make sure we have selected the main layer

Menu > 3D > Spherical Panorama > New panorama of the selected layers

Yes, you have to edit the image directly from here, I don't explain it because there are many tutorials that talk about that.

You´ll find in English and Spanish, they are very good tutorials

Photoshop projects it to us in a sphere and we can rotate and preview it in case it has an error, but it is perfect!

simply there is to export the image, Menu > 3D > Spherical Panorama > Export Panorama

we add it to the file name, for example the word injected and click on Save

We return to Facebook and we repeat the operation but with the image injected one!

Automatically Facebook detects it, we see the word 360º and the icon of the world ball

so in editing we can make a preview to check how it looks before uploading the 360 image

and we would have the image on Facebook ... very easy and simple! there are more methods eh

Now it's time to teach to do it on YouTube, I recommend using YouTube since it's a very powerful platform

for your projects and clients, since you do not need extra programs to visualize 360º or 360º + VR

let me delete the 360º image of my Facebook profile hehe

I'm going to open the realistic interior scene to do this test! I Stop the video and return now

This is a scene from a personal project that I am working on, to sell at a low cost, it will depend on the

of the effort that takes me to finish it. Since there are no resources for VRay for Maya in the internet ... well ☺

I show you the position and height of the camera is 170 cm, which we will use for the final render

the only mistake that takes away realism, is that we are on top of the bed, but there is not much floor haha

we will indicate that it is a 360 ° Spherical camera, but from the VRay Setting > Overrides

This is the 2nd Method and so you learn all hehe (soon a tutorial of the Auto Exposure Camera)

we selected the Spherical Panorama and we changed the FOV from 45º to 360º as in the previous one, but from the Overrides

let's change the Aspect / Ratio to 2:1

this section is basically review, watch the video *^_^*

well let's see what conditions YouTube asks us to make a 360º Panorama video

gives us some guidelines to follow: the minimum and maximum resolution, fps, equidistant = equirectangular, 2: 1, and more..

There are also guidelines to make videos with virtual environments and use the VR Glasses, we will see it soon, but ..

before we do a quick render to check that everything is correct, I put a provisional height of 1920 px !! and Render!

the view is perfect, the position and height of the camera, I like it!

✎ IDEAS: we could animate the interior of the television with a video, or move the camera, it does not have to be a

static image. But rendering an animation would have very high render times, since they are very large resolutions

we continue, we are going to transform it into a stereoscopic camera, as we already know but this time

we change the Layout to Top Bottom and today we do not touch the Adjust Resolution hehe

Being Stereoscopic the ratio changes from 2:1 to 1:1 and we return to the YouTube guide for VR videos

Correct is 1:1 and at least one resolution of 5120 x 5120 pixels LOL

this resolution will give us problems with the H.254 Mp4 codec in the Adobe Encoder Media

Currently the compressors have standard resolutions, like 1080p, or 4K, etc ... but

If you leave outside the standard resolutions you will have problems, I teach alternatives to convert it to mp4 later

continuous! we use the minimum resolution that asks for YouTube of 5120 pixels

How does YouTube know it's a 360º VR video? Thanks to the Metadata injector for Win and Mac

All the necessary information of I leave this video in the description.

I change the resolution and the relation to 1:1 placing both the Width and the Height 5120 pixels and I Render it !!

Well, 50 years have passed haha nahh it´s a joke ! hehe only needed 6 hours is not wrong

Currently VRay Cloud is in Beta and you can render monstrous animations like this one for FREE

but when they finish the beta version, it will become a paid service

I'm not going to do an animation of this because each frame 6 hours haha would be crazy hehe

I have made a small animation of some letters and I have rendered it in 360º Stereoscopic as an example

so you know that you can animate virtual environments in video, they do not have to be only static images

the visitor will see a virtual tour as an animation, and can rotate the view of the camera when moving his head, it's great!

but if you want full control you will need UnReal or Unity programs for games that are used in architectural visualization

but as a video is great too, we will use YouTube

Apart from this render I have made another one in white without textures, some letters for the end and other animated ones

for the start of the video. I open the scene of the animated letters

I show you an animation of the letters with MASH and I make you a PlayBlast to see the real speed at 25 fps

Es un ejemplo para que conozcáis que se puede hacer imágenes animadas dentro de Vídeos 360º + VR

Imagine a complete virtual tour, through different rooms and everything very fluid, the imagination to power!

We open the After Effects or any Video editor does not matter !! I do not know why I'm still using AE ...? pff haha

because it is a mononucleus program it only uses one thread and I have 28 of my Intel i9 haha ouch

I'll give you a quick example of how to set up an animation for 360º VR for YouTube

Many will ask me how do I load a sequence of renderings of an animation in AE? hehe

go to import and select the first frame of the animation and activate Sequence Images and Open

we have all those frames as a single file

We need an initial composition to start working on AE, select the Final Render and drag it as seen in the video.

AE creates a composition automatically with the dimensions of the image and the rest values are default, look at the properties and check that everything is correct

you could edit 360º Monoscopic images as like in Photoshop, but Stereoscopic VR 360º, I don´t know if you can do it!

appear in my AE this VR glasses icon and I dont know how used hehe if someone knows how to use it to write it in comments hehe

okay !! we add the background music for the video, just drag and drop it on the timeline

we add the animation of the letters for the beginning of the video and but before it adds a solid layer in black to use it in the background, this way we avoid future transparencies

we duplicate the animation of the letters with Ctrl+d. I select the top one and move the timeline guide

we see the animation of the letters, see it? but I don't want the animation to start right at the beginning

I will use the freeze frame tool, but first I must indicate which frame I want to freeze

I move the guide to the beginning right there and now if I freeze the frame, click

now I move the guide of the timeline, and it no longer has any animation we only see the frozen frame

I will use it for the start, from 0% opacity to 100% and right there I will match it with the animation of the letters! Watch the Video!

clic duplicamos este con control de

We repeat the same action but in reverse, watch at the video, any doubt write in the comments ✎

we put the gray render below to make a transition to the color rendering, it's simple but functional

This is by way of example, I press the 0 key to preview what we have done.

♫ ♪ [music of the video] ♫ ♪

the video is already getting long, so I finish it and now I show it to you as it has been finish!!

I'm only using 2 renders, the animation of the initial letters and 1 render of the final letters, just 4 elements for make the animation

but we will get a good result to upload the 360º VR video to Youtube !!

i was finished hehe good I better show it to you !

... one moment, I speak a lot pff ... haha

♫ ♪ [music of the video] ♫ ♪ I show the first part of the video

I advance a little bit

♫ ♪ [music of the video] ♫ ♪ I show the last part of the video

basically that's the animation What do you think? It is a good example

I add and configure the normal video processing with AVI format, Watch the video.

and then you will use the Codec that you like, I use Xdiv, we accept and we would process the video.

The problem I had when trying to process the video with Adobe Media Encoder to directly have the video in mp4

* Note: For animations below 2304 pixels you will not have any problem with this method until they update it

basically the H.264 codec does not let me process videos larger than 2304x2304 pixels watch the video ...

I did not want to complicate my life and look for the solution .. because there are more methods to achieve it hehe

We closed the Adobe Media Encoder and processed the video with AE! once finished you have to convert it from AVI to MP4

this is the video in AVI that AE has created, you have to convert it to MP4 because it forces us the injector that we download from YouTube

do you see in the file extensions? *.mov or *.mp4

we are going to convert to mp4 using the VLC player, it was recommended to me by Andy too hehe

Menu > Convert later go to the File tab > Add and Select the video format in format AVI

Click in Convert/Save and the Converter window opens, we leave Codec H264 selected and edit its properties

in the tab of the Video Codec > Scale: change to 1 and the resolution to 5120x5120 px and click in Save

you indicate the destination file and click in Start. so It will play the video and when finished, it will be converted in MP4

very simple, easy, easy hehe. This is the file converted to mp4 with the VLC Player without extra programs haha

now yes we are going to inject the metadata for youtube, we open the injector

Click in Open, select the mp4 video and click in Open again

the letters in blue color is an accepted video if they appear in red bad signal hehe check it that automatically detects that it is 360º

but we've also done Stereoscopic, you have to activate the box where you specify that it has to be ...

with a layout: Top Bottom hehe and spherical convention with stereoscopic, well activate it

and click in Injected Metadata, the program added the word injected to the name of the file and click in Save

we can see from the VLC if it has the metadata, if it has it it looks like inside a sphere !! we continue!

you only need an account on YouTube and upload the video, because YouTube will now automatically detect the VR + 360º

this my secondary channel, I use it to upload videos of specific doubts referring to some tutorial mine *^_^*

well !! we upload the video to YouTube, we select the injected one, we wait for it to recognize it ...

Great !! Detected !! bla bla ... this video is Virtual Reality VR! I already have it uploaded on my official channel

When I publish this video I will publish both at the same time

I show you the final result in the browser of the computer and then the mobile phone

great YouTube! haha shows it to us as a 360º Panorama video, and it looks great without pixelated !! I love it !!

it looks better even than in Facebook and in the online VR viewer, to see the VR mode we need the updated youtube app in Android or IOS

I'm going to put the final result from an iPhone X, but if you use the VR glasses hallucinate! hehe

1º we see it in 360º panorama, it looks great and you can move it with your finger or the gyroscope of the iPhone X

Click in the Glasses icon and change to VR

I will try to reproduce it from the start

with glasses VR is really amazing LOL uff

you can buy the glasses Google CardBoard are very cheap, very low cost

This in your presentation of a project for a contest, or for the school, portfolio, university, sale for a client and more..

I think they would hallucinate pickles haha It's a Spanish expression haha

I feel that I am inside the LOL room, it is a long tutorial but it is worth the final result

with YouTube you don´t need anything else just click on play! but for an interactive virtual reality we will need to use Unreal !!

probablemente haga tutorial de Maya + VRay + UnReal

¿Qué os parece el tutorial? ✎ Escribirme en comentarios vuestra opinión, dudas, ideas y/o saludos !!

if you liked the video give me a Like ❤ and SUBSCRIBE if you have not done it yet !!!!

♪ ♫ If you know someone who might be interested in this material, SHARE IT !! with that person ❤

❤ MayaTubers a big hug and until the next Tutorial !! Bye! ❤

♪ ♫ SUBSCRIBE ✎ *^_^* For more TUTORIALS ♪ ♫

For more infomation >> How to Render 360 VR images and Animations with VRay for Maya to Facebook & Youtube - MayaTubers - Duration: 44:16.


Making of: Hans Beimers letzte Folge #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Making of: Hans Beimers letzte Folge #Lindenstrasse - Duration: 2:35.


BREXIT : Un "deal" impossible ? - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> BREXIT : Un "deal" impossible ? - Duration: 6:08.


Overwatch Moments #169 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #169 - Duration: 11:00.


Waffles(Countryhumans/Belg/Fran/Swiss) - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Waffles(Countryhumans/Belg/Fran/Swiss) - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> TAKIMIMIZA HOŞGELDİN BRO ! | PES 2019 MYCLUB 3.BÖLÜM - Duration: 17:20.


Babblarna cartoon - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Babblarna cartoon - Duration: 2:39.


Shazam Trailer inspired Shot! YUM! - Quick Shots - Duration: 2:00.

hey guys it's Shelle here from the geeky drinkers and I'm coming at you with a

quick shot episode today we're going to be talking about the new trailer for the

movie Shazam stay tuned and I'll teach you how to make a shot. Hey guys welcome

back so today we're gonna be making a shot based off of the movie Shazam it

looks so great honestly if you haven't checked in the trailer yet we're gonna

link it in the description below and if you haven't already make sure that you

subscribe to our Channel so starting off and get a cup with some

ice in it and then we're gonna come in with some Red Bull now we're going to do

these are really big shot glasses or not gonna do a whole shot so we're gonna do

about half an ounce of sour put some red sourpuss really great I love it so much

then we're gonna come in with a little bit of vodka I got some Absolut Vodka

here you don't have to use absolute hashtag not sponsored but we're gonna

come in with a little bit of vodka get it right in there oddly enough we're

gonna come in with some creme de banana

and I didn't have to shake your glass so what I actually got this little tiny bag

here so what I'm actually gonna do first is get some yellows sugar and put that

in the bottom there so the yellow is going to represent his label on the

front of his costume and pour that into the shot glass and watch all of that

settle down to the bottom there that yellow so this is the Shazam shot thanks

for watching guys and make sure to stay geeky

For more infomation >> Shazam Trailer inspired Shot! YUM! - Quick Shots - Duration: 2:00.


Amazing Mini Money Printers, Magic With Mini Printer Diy Money - Duration: 6:15.

Amazing Mini Money Printers, Magic With Mini Printer Diy Money

For more infomation >> Amazing Mini Money Printers, Magic With Mini Printer Diy Money - Duration: 6:15.


STUDIOHARLY SAISON 6 (Trailer) - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> STUDIOHARLY SAISON 6 (Trailer) - Duration: 2:46.


Cheap Guitar price in Bd || Buy Best Acoustics Guitar In Cheap Price In Dhaka / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Cheap Guitar price in Bd || Buy Best Acoustics Guitar In Cheap Price In Dhaka / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:53.


Sulan Kodayaka Maha Meghayaka | Edward Jayakody | Sinhala Songs Listing - Duration: 4:05.

Sulan Kodayaka | Edward Jayakody

Lyrics: Geethanath Kudaligama | Music: Victor Rathnayake

Subscribe For The Best Sinhala Songs

For more infomation >> Sulan Kodayaka Maha Meghayaka | Edward Jayakody | Sinhala Songs Listing - Duration: 4:05.


Fonksiyonlar Konu Anlatımı | Çıkmış Sorular 3 | Son Ders Akademi - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Fonksiyonlar Konu Anlatımı | Çıkmış Sorular 3 | Son Ders Akademi - Duration: 8:41.


How to cook delicious cake with plums - Duration: 2:00.

Ingredients: • 6-7 plums; • 240 g of wholemeal flour; • 200 ml of kefir; • sugar or stevia to taste; • 20 g of butter; • 0.5 teaspoons of soda; • 2 eggs; • cinnamon to taste.

Mix kefir with soda and leave them for 5 minutes

Cut the plums into halves, remove the bones

Add eggs, sugar, melted butter in kefir

Gradually add flour. Knead the dough, in consistence resembling thick sour cream

Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil

Pour the dough into a baking dish

Put the plums

Sprinkle pie with cinnamon

Bake a cake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees

For more infomation >> How to cook delicious cake with plums - Duration: 2:00.


IDOL REMIX | BTS x BUNNY - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> IDOL REMIX | BTS x BUNNY - Duration: 4:17.


5 Trucos de YouTube ¡Brutales! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 5 Trucos de YouTube ¡Brutales! - Duration: 7:05.


The Originals ( 2013 ) Cast Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> The Originals ( 2013 ) Cast Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:12.


Discover The Right Career For You - NLP MindShift - Duration: 13:47.

can NLP help determine the right career

for you stay tuned hey this is Damon

Cart from NLP Gym neuro-linguistic

programming is the study and the

technology of creating the life that you

desire and for the past several years

I've been studying and mastering NLP in

order to create the life that I desire

and now they help you create the life

that you desire so if that sounds good

please click subscribe to this YouTube

channel so you can get these videos on a

regular basis this question actually

comes from one of my subscribers Mila

who sent me an email asking if NLP can

help her determine what is the right

career for her because she's 29 years


and she's been trying a lot of different

things she's gotten into various

interest are various types of careers or

started to learn in only to find that

something really wasn't working for her

or something there was a part about it

that she really didn't enjoy or maybe

she got into it and suddenly she lost

interest and she's feeling this pressure

then she must figure something out soon

she's 29

people are also pressuring her from the

outside saying you know she needs to

find something and stick with it

and create a career that way so she's

looking to NLP to help her determine

what that is so the short answer to this

is that no NLP is not really a tool that

can help determine what's the right

career for you what NLP can help you do

is it can help you get very clear about

what it is that you want and what will

fulfill you and it can also help you

create a strategy in order to get there

the difference here is more about

mindset and framing one of the things

that Mila put in her email was the four

letters of her Myers Brigg determined

personality type and these are very

popular right now I noticed them even on

dating apps whenever people are putting

in their profile what would

four-digit myers-briggs personality type

is and these personality type questions

or quizzes are very popular on social

media what's interesting to me about

this is how obsessed we are about

finding out who we are what is our

personality type and where do we fit

best we're looking for where do we

belong where do we belong in a career

where do we belong in life itself and

actually I think this is a problem where

this creates a problem because what it

does is it boxes you in now another word

for box I'm going to use is category

we're looking for our category who are

we where do we belong where do we fit

what is our category in this case the

category is a career but within that

career within that category where do I

fit so you might look at it like this

here's me here's the category or the box

called career and then the greater box


life here's the thing you as a person or

far too big to fit into a box category

is very important the category is how we

organize meaning in our lives the

problem is is that if we're able to come

up with a category which is conceptual

categories aren't real we make them up

if I'm able to come up with a category

how then am I able to fit myself into

that category that's the problem and

that's what creates a lot of suffering

and so when people are looking for a

career basically they're looking for a

box to fit themselves into but you can't

fit yourself into that box it's way too

small because this is just a concept

that you've come up with a category that

you've come up with a thing to say well

no there's careers out there yes there's

careers out there and there's this thing

we call career but how am I making that

up in my mind how am i perceiving that

so anytime you've tried to fit yourself

into a category

fit yourself into a box you're always

going to find that it never fully meets

your needs it's always going to cause


at all when people especially when

they're right out of high school they're

pressured to go into college find a

major and stick with that and then

finish in four years or five years come

out with a degree go straight into a job

that is your career for the rest of your

life and who does this anymore not many

people in fact as the generations go on

from the baby boomers fewer and fewer

people are actually sticking with one

career and that really supports what I'm

saying here you're not going to get all

your needs met by fitting yourself into

a career trying to find where do I

belong you don't belong in a concept in

your mind so stop looking for the box

that you're going to fit in and I would

take this even further and say stop

looking for the place that you fit in

the world stop looking for where you

belong in the world now that doesn't

mean that you don't belong anywhere and

it doesn't mean that there isn't a good

career for you it just means that

looking at it that way is going to cause

problems more problems than it solves

my best career advice to year is to let

go of this idea that there is a right

career for you or that there is a right

place for you certain careers will

satisfy you more than others certain

careers will meet more or less of your

needs but when you're approaching career

as if you're looking for the right one

the right place the right fit you're

probably going to be disappointed every

time so what do I suggest in a situation

like this because we need to have a

career right we need to make money we

need to do something that gives us some

sense of meaning what I suggest that you

do is create the life that you want to

live create the life that you desire

create the life that fulfills your

values and along the way create a career

or get a career or make up a career

that's going to serve that now this

doesn't mean that you have to go out and

start your own business but along the

way of creating the life you desire the

career becomes a part of that rather


you trying to fit yourself into the

career so it might look something more

like this these are just some categories

they don't have to be your categories

but something like this where here's

your career

here's life and here's your vision of

your life and you're these are stairs

and you're walking up these so each one

supports what it is you one each one

supports the life you're wanting to

create now this is a ongoing process

this is something you can do for the

rest of your life so it's about

discovering what it is you value and

it's creating value and sharing that

value with people and moving through

that and developing that and then

becoming good at something this takes

time you can't just suddenly know it

exactly what it is and just snap your

fingers and it's all there this is a

process and so she's 29 trying to

discover this and figure this out and at

29 I certainly didn't have it all

figured out at 35 I finally had an

epiphany I finally after lots of NLP


got very clear about what it is that I

wanted and I got very clear that the

career that I was currently and was

making me miserable and it wasn't

working so from that I was able to

create a strategy and keep moving

through this keep discovering more and

more what I wanted what I was interested

in and then strategizing how they create

that how to bring that into my life so I

looked at it from an approach of what

was of life that I wanted to create and

within that life what career would I

have now I held this loosely I didn't I

didn't know it all right away and I knew

to hold it loosely because you can have

a lot of ideas about what it is you want

to do and then you start trying them and

then it'll work for you they're not

interesting you lose interest you get

bored whatever it is so have a bigger

vision of the overall life that you want

and what are the components of it that

support that life and careers go it's

inevitable that your career will be a

part of that so as you're going through

that process of learning of figuring

this out you will gain an expertise you

will get good at something and right now

we live in the most amazing time where

we have something called the internet

and if you watched any of gain

Gary Vaynerchuk who goes on and on about

this and this is the best time ever to

start a business because finally the

little guy the the person who didn't

have the Ivy League school who didn't

have all the the brakes can learn online

how to create an online business or how

to take the value that they offer and

present it to the world because we have

all these platforms all these social

media platforms and platforms on the web

where we can put our content out there

so like I said you don't have to do that

I'm just saying that this is an enormous

opportunity to follow your passion

follow what inspires you follow wood

drives you that you're interested in and

that's those are all good clues as to

what your career could be in is what

inspires you what are you passionate

about now here's the thing your career

doesn't have to be your level 10 passion

that's something that I've left myself

off the hook a few years ago I realized

my greatest passion in life doesn't have

to be my career

what does have to be my career is

something I'm interested in something

I'm inspired to do something I enjoy

doing doesn't have to be the top doesn't

have to be 10 but it has to be pretty

high up there because otherwise I'm not

going to be very good at it or I'm not

going to put too much into it I'm not

going to provide very much value if I'm

not really into what it is I'm doing the

same goes for you if you just try to fit

yourself into a career you're fine

trying to find that right place and it

serves you 50 percent or it fulfills you

only 50 percent or even worse it's just

it's just paying you money and it's just

a paycheck and so you feel like you're

stuck doing it that you have to do it

and people keep telling you you need to

stick with something so you feel bad if

you if you leave that job or you leave

that career so you just stick with it

like it's not worth doing that your life

is too short to do that this idea that

you make enough money so that you can

someday have enough money to then enjoy


no I'm telling you right now that is not

the way to go you should be enjoying

your life along the way and it won't

always be fun if some knows it'll be

hard especially if you have high

expectations or you have any

expectations that something's going to

work and

that never feels good but it's just part

of the process when you try something

out and it doesn't work out it doesn't

meet your expectations that's a good

learning now you know this this thing

doesn't work for you and it's time to

move on with NOP this discovery process

is a lot easier

you have an entire technology devoted to

you creating the life that you desire

creating what it is that you want

there's a lot of unknowns there's a lot

of darkness when it comes to trying to

figure it all out trying to figure out

what makes you happy try to figure out

what career is going to be best for you

so NLP is a technology that you can use

it gives you a methodology a way to

figure this stuff out much faster and

also to make to enjoy along the way to

feel good as you do it apply NLP to

career but do it in the way that you're

looking at your entire life what do I

want as a whole in my life and how does

my career support that and again go for

the things that interest you that

inspire you that you're passionate about

that you could do over and over and over

and still enjoy and something that helps

you to learn and grow as you do it this

is these are the clues to what is your

ultimate career and here's the thing it

doesn't matter at what age you're doing

this just because you're 29 years old

doesn't mean that anything is closing in

on you as you're figuring this out as

you're creating and expertise you will

be able to then create value for people

and along the way you can sell that you

can put that value out on the internet

for nothing else and people will pay for

it so stop trying to figure out what

kind of personality type you are where

do you fit what's the right career for

you or where do you belong because you

belong right where you are and you're

fine just like you are just follow that

passion follow that Drive see where it

takes you and along the way cultivate

those skills so that you can then offer


check out my website

there you will find some free NLP

training as well as some free hypnotic

inductions you can download those right

to your phone to your computer your

tablet and get to work on those

instantly also check out my Facebook

page like and follow so you can know

what it is that I'm up to at any given

time what online trainings I'm putting

out there what talks I might be getting

possibly in your area last but not least

if you like this video please click like

right down here and subscribe if you

haven't already

take care

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