Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

Do you wanna ride?

Do you wanna ride? x2

Do you wanna ride? x3

wanna go far?

Do you wanna get

Do you wanna get x2

Do you wanna get x3

inside my mother's car?

Drive it on home

Don't you say no

Jerry, can you be coerced?

Home in a snatch

Only one catch

We gotta stop for

frozen yogurt first

Do you wanna ride?

Do you wanna ride? x2

Do you wanna ride? x3

wanna go far?

Do you wanna get

Do you wanna get x2

Do you wanna get x3

inside my mother's car?

Drive it on home

Don't you say no

Jerry, can you be coerced?

Home in a snatch

Only one catch

We gotta stop for

frozen yogurt first




do you wanna ride?

For more infomation >> Be More Chill Cover//"Do You Wanna Ride" - Duration: 1:14.


un live nou!!! - Duration: 57:17.

For more infomation >> un live nou!!! - Duration: 57:17.


泥の中で動けなくなっていた子猫を発見! みんなの力で救い出されると、幸せいっぱいの愛らしい姿を見せてくれた♪【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 泥の中で動けなくなっていた子猫を発見! みんなの力で救い出されると、幸せいっぱいの愛らしい姿を見せてくれた♪【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:45.


Joue avec moi - Couleurs - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Joue avec moi - Couleurs - Duration: 2:18.


B3LLA - Love Like Were Dying ♪ | Video Music - Duration: 3:26.

Help KVS Lyrics 1000 subscribe

For more infomation >> B3LLA - Love Like Were Dying ♪ | Video Music - Duration: 3:26.


EXO's Lay Sheep Reaction [Alan Walker Relift] - Duration: 4:08.

It felt like a completely different song than the original Sheep and I love that.

Hi everyone, I'm going to react to

These last few days have been so amazing.

I'm just getting to see EXO man.

After how long?

Did I even say what I was going to react to?

Lay Sheep Alan Walker Relift

Did I say that? I think I said that.

Whatevs! OK here we go

It was a request by Modd and here we go.

Yes you are.

Trouble's coming. People open the door man.

Lay Lay Lay Lay!

That smile man!

I love this version.

I love it.

It felt more uhm...


What's the style of music? I don't know.

But it felt more like that.

And then the

The english lyrics

It felt like a completely different song than the original Sheep and I love that.

And his dancing


And then when he had the frazzled hair

and then he was just smiling man oh my gosh.

My Lay.

I love me Lay man.

Lay is my husband.

Baekhyun is my boo.

I love this. Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> EXO's Lay Sheep Reaction [Alan Walker Relift] - Duration: 4:08.


최선을 다한 잔재주 메이크업 :D - Duration: 19:47.

For more infomation >> 최선을 다한 잔재주 메이크업 :D - Duration: 19:47.


How to Factory Data Reset Mi Pad 4? - Duration: 1:14.

How to factory data reset Mi Pad 4?

Easy as ABC.

First of all, go to settings.

Then additional settings.

Click on Backup & reset.

Later on, select Factory data reset.

Follow by Reset tablet.

Select Next than OK.

Do take note that everything on your tablet including photo, games and data will be deleted.

That's it.

Mi Pad 4 will be rebooted.

And will initiate factory reset process.

After that, your tablet will be loaded with new MIUI setup configuration as brand new


Just go through them will do.

That's all for now.

I will see you again.


For more infomation >> How to Factory Data Reset Mi Pad 4? - Duration: 1:14.


Godzilla at the Golden Gate Bridge Scene | Godzilla (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:34.

Come on!

Let's get those busses through. Let's go!

We're not gonna stop the buses here.


I can't hear you. Oh, kids...

please be quiet.

Move into position till you have a clean line of sight!

Portside! Two hundred meters!


Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

Holy shit.

Oh, shit!

- Hold on! - Watch out!

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Look out!

Get down! Get down in your seats!

Please! Get down!

Get out of the way! Get out of the way!


Move out! Move, move, move!

Striker! There's civilians on the bridge. Hold your fire!

Open fire!

Move! Move!

- All right, get in there! - Prepare to arm the device!

Ready! You got it?

I'm all set.

Arming keys!

Three! Two! One!

What the hell was that?


Engine's stopped! We lost power!

For more infomation >> Godzilla at the Golden Gate Bridge Scene | Godzilla (2014) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:34.


COWS | expectations vs. reality #2 - Duration: 3:05.


expectations vs. reality



So lately

I've been wonderin'

Who will be there to take my place

When I'm gone you'll need love

To light the shadows on your face


If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married long time ago

Where did you come from where did you go

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe

If it hadn't been for Cotton Eye Joe

I'd been married long time ago

Where did you come from where did you go

Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe



Once I was seven years old my momma told me,

Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely

Once I was seven years old





I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa

Da ba dee da ba daa...



Deep in the dark I don't need the light

There's a ghost inside me

It all belongs to the other side

We live, we love, we lie


Give it to me I'm worth it

For more infomation >> COWS | expectations vs. reality #2 - Duration: 3:05.


11 Must-see Charts for September (In-depth Market Analysis) - Duration: 16:37.

For more infomation >> 11 Must-see Charts for September (In-depth Market Analysis) - Duration: 16:37.


How To Practice Spoken English Tips And Tricks - Duration: 9:25.

How To Practice Spoken English Tips And Tricks

For more infomation >> How To Practice Spoken English Tips And Tricks - Duration: 9:25.


Odd grouping 4/4 groove drum lesson - Wilfred Ho - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Odd grouping 4/4 groove drum lesson - Wilfred Ho - Duration: 3:31.


EXO's Baekhyun and Loco Young Reaction [MV] - Duration: 5:35.

He was adorable in the glasses, but then you see hi s sexiness and then you hear his voice.

If you ain't know, now you know. Let me show you something real quick. Follow me.

Hi everyone, I'm going to react to Baekhyun and Loco Young

When I saw the teaser,

I saw a teaser, a photo teaser on Instagram of Baekhyun and Loco

Then I saw Baekhyun I was

When I saw him, my heart was just fluttering man.

I love him and here we go.


Go go go go!

First time I hear Young.

Ok second time. Now you love me.

Did he say EXO?

Le's go baby!


Look over here! Look over here!

I don't know what y'all doing man.

Let's all just march in circle.

I needed this.

I love when uh

na na na na na na na na na na na na na

I love that the way it goes

I love this. He was...

Baekhyun Baekhyun Baekhyun Baekhyun Baekhyun

This is the Baekhyun that I love to fangirl over man.

He was adorable in the glasses, but then you see his sexiness and then you hear his voice.

Loco, I know of him.

I haven't heard a lot from him.

So, this, It's like amazing.

His rapping was amazing.

I just love this.

I don't know what the painting, the paints on the floor and the people marching around,

I don't know what that's about but

You know, it doesn't really matter.

The music was awesome. The beat...Ugh! I love this.

And then Baekhyun

I love this.

Love it. Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> EXO's Baekhyun and Loco Young Reaction [MV] - Duration: 5:35.


Grisza - Naturalny Zegar Biologiczny (Natural Timing) - Duration: 19:12.

Hi there. Listen to this...

It is amazingly surprising for me, how fucking oldish I have lately became.

I have became this old fart, and its indesrcibable.

I'm sitting on the bench right now for about 20 minutes or so, and I am watching fucking ducks...

And I am the happiest person in the world at the moment. I am sitting among trees, somewhere in the distance rushes sway slowly, getting ready for an evening sleep...

And I am getting old in here, between those ducks, this bench, and all the things that this marvelous park offers.

It's pretty amazing as I would never say it will come so quickly. I remember partying, I remember girls and drinks... There was a lot of stuff, but now I am sitting on the bench in the park and I'm listening to ducks, man!

It's a quite an odd thing, but let's not kid ourselves, that's who I am at the moment.

Let's start! This movie could not have started better.

Welcome, my friends. I will take adventage of the fact that the park is less crowded today. The weather keeps promising the rain, so everyone has hid in their little caves, I assume.

I will tak the opportunity to share with you my thought about natural timing, natural biological timing for doing specific activities and experiencing subsequent things related to our Self.

As I look at it, every activity that we are experiencing in this world, has its own space and time created for it.

Today I want to speak about natural biological timing, that is inscribed in our internal algorithm of our Self.

Every Self expression (physical or non-physical form) has its own natural timing for exploration of subsequent potentials, for exploration of subsequent possibilities.

By listening to our body, our heart and our intuitive internal movement, we are able to very easly focus and feel what is the most beneficial to our organism at that moment.

Tuning into degree of tiredness of the body, we can easly notice if regeneration is needed at the moment. We can feel if we need some sleep, or some food for instance, to continue our journey.

What I would like to offer in this movie is a thought that the most beneficial for our entire reality is being fully aligned with this natural compass – natural biological timing that is easy to recognize by our Self of Awareness.

It shows us very precisely (using easly accessible transmissions) when is the perfect time for taking action on particular things during our life. This applies to all: sleeping, eating, doing physical work, interacting with people and all the other experiences that we are capable of imagining.

It's really cool to trust the intuition of your own organism, my friends. It's great to listen carefully to whatever it says using internal feelings that speak very clearly about the things we are excited about doing at the moment, and what we find being a waste of time.

And now... What do I mean by natural biological timing?

Let's consider the physiology of our organism. It alerts in a very simple way when it's time to pee. Usualy we do not question our urinary system, we don't question the urge to empty our urine bank. We simply go to the bathroom and pee.

When it comes to different things (like sleeping, for instance and regeneration of the body, that is a very fundamental and important element of our life) a lot of people don't approach it naturally.

They submit themselves to culturally acquired traditions, mentalities and conditionings. They obey to condotionings that force them to wake up early morning, because they believe they need to be on time.

They can never be late, can not get any rest since there is plenty of work that must be done during this day – and this how they weaken their organism.

Our body speaks very clearly, accurately and precisely about the right timing to regenerate our body. It tells you when you want to eat and provide your body with appropriate nutrients, it tells you when you have a desire to work, and when you feel like dancing.

It is all very clearly transmitted by our organism. Yet, because of our conditionings and negative recommendations of our egoistic mind, the natural balance that everyone feels inside, is extremaly agitated.

We step out of that balance when we trust those egoistic reasons and limitted beliefs saying that we should be doing something other then what our body is proposing to do. Something other then what our intuition is suggesting.

That kind of thinking cause us diseases, depressions and lack of connection with our environment.

All of those unfavorable elements of our life are there only because we are trying to establish some obligatory rythm of life. We try to label and control our external reality, forgetting completely that its natural flow and natural course is already built-in in that environment.

The same way it is built-in in our body. We don't have to learn about how to live, because our organism knows it perfectly. Our heart is fully aware of everything it needs in the moment.

It alerts about everything. Using sense of hunger, for instance. Hunger is one of the forms of expression of this reality. It doesn't matter it's not a physical energy cluster, that we can touch. We can't see it, but it doesn't mean it's not real. All of ours feelings are equally real as physical energies.

Humans used to rely on tangibles only, on things that can be measured by a ruler or described by symbols, like letters. This is, however, only one side of the coin. The other side of the coin presents non-physical energies connected to intuitive feelings in relation to a particular phenomenon that we are currently experiencing.

As I have mentioned, our body tells us clearly when we feel the urge to pee or poop. The same way it screams about desired physical activity, emotional or entertaining movements we are interested in. You know what gives you joy and what makes your body smilling from the inside, and what makes it feel down.

It's really cool to find that internal compass inside you and stop building artificial excuses why you cannot follow your passion, or why you cannot discover your true, expanded potential.

Stop listening to reasonalities about obligations that await you. Stop validating limitations you have cover yourself with under the influance of some egoistic mind structures.

Those mind structures and egoistic conditionings we have created ourselves. We did it by separating ourselves from our external environment. Arrogantly enough, our ego which is illusonary formation, made a claim that it is capable of controling that external environment better, then it would take care of itself.

This is exactly how humans have created linear time divisions: calendars, hours, etc. So now, human existance here looks like a race against time.

It's because we rely more on those divisions of time we created, then on our internal needs and desires. We don't listen to our body that speak about everything it feels like experiencing the most at the moment.

It is thought in primary schools and kindergartens. Kids are forced to sit in the classroom for a period of time, and they can not go to the bathroom before the bell rings. Being tought that now is the time for learning only.

Having that kind of experience the child is already building certain assumption. The child absorbes this limitation to its mind that this is how this world operates. That people are dependent from their watches and not the other way around.

Notice how silly that is that technology we produce that supposed to make our life easier, in reality often times is a cause of our nuisances and feeling unhappy.

Not always of course. Often times technology and innovations in the field of science are very beneficial phenomenons and its worth to use them. It all depends on the relationship we create with certain object or phenomenon in particular moment.

I can use my watch and feel absolutely synchronized with it in that moment, defining it as a great module or tool to use. There is nothing wrong with it, if that makes my whole being happy.

When we feel, however, that particular activity goes out of bounds of our natural state of being, when we simply feel not being in the right place at the moment – we know that we lie to ourselves. Because we believe that we must be here due to some limitations we have created in our minds in the first place.

This dependence is very extensive, and the range of how much we become dependent on the passing minutes and years could be extended to many other experiences.

Everything has its natural timing. Each phenomenon has its biological natural timing to be discovered and be known as the expression of the Self.

To create this relation with joy, happiness and full understanding of this occurrence, it must be experienced in the right timing. We, as humans, are used to rush events of our life and want to have everything at once, everything right now.

In that constant scuffle and living on the run, we can not discover who we truly are and what we want to express here, on this planet.

It's because we constantly run towards the future, we constantly think about what has happened in the past, so we can not sit down even for a second to ask ourselves: „what is it, that would bring me joy right now?".

We are confused with all the thoughts that are based on expectations, projections of the future, dreams, hopes and plans. We are confused with guilt, fear, doubt and distrust related to the events of the past, too. By focusing on all of that we miss something that is the most beautiful in life, my friends.

We miss the beauty of the present moment. That fleeting moment of the Now that is here and with a blink of an eye it's gone.

To find that connection and to synchronize with your hearts natural vibration, you must simply direct your focus in there. There is no proccess for that or a technique that would get you there. There is nothing you have to do anylonger.

To feel connected with your natural vibration means to focus your attention on it. To be it – live the life as you choose.

It means to listen to your body. When it tells you to stop continuing to walk down the road, simply stop doing what you've been doing the whole time.

Your mind – this egoistic structure that thinks it knows everything the best and wants to control entire external reality - will send you millions of reasons and excuses why you shouldn't do it. It will assure you should stay forever in your comfortable pain and you shouldn't discover who you really are.

True challange here and true liberation from cages of the mind is to defy the mind and keep on doing things that make you happy, regardless of what that fears and thought patterns present.

Our fears are nothing but illusonary thought forms. They are not real, they are not tangible experiences for us.

There is no fear in the Now. The Now is pure experience, that simply is.

There is no fear in the Now. Being Now you simply explore the reality that is infront of you.

It is worth to listen to you biological natural clock, that is ticking with our heart.

It is worth to trust in whatever our heart is telling us in every moment. It is the simplest formula in the world, my beloved ones: To be yourself.

To be the natural expression of whatever your body, your organism, your whole energetical Self wants to present at the moment.

It is the simplest formula in the world: to trust that what we feel intuitively internally is what will bring us joy and happiness in life.

For more infomation >> Grisza - Naturalny Zegar Biologiczny (Natural Timing) - Duration: 19:12.


[SORI] Sori in London EP6 - Londoner Sori- - Duration: 7:01.

Sori's YouTube Channel

(I came over to London for my new stage outfit!)

(I perhaps should eat something!)

This shop looks so pretty.

As the sun started setting, I can feel the evening breeze.

(Besides that, I'm so hungry)

Moving on!

Now, I have only one more task to complete in London!

Care to guess?

Showing you guys of me eating something delicious.

It's not for me, but to introduce you delicious English cuisines, for your viewing pleasure.

Thus, I have to shoot this, it's very important.

Which way should I go?

There were tons of places teeming with people when I was on the bus.

Shall we get going then?

(In search for a delectable dish!)

London offers various styles of cuisine all around the world.

I just found myself a Japanese restaurant. I can see a couple kinds of sushis on display.

As I mentioned before, I need to go on a diet, so perhaps I should get myself a salad.

How about that?


Let's go check out some other places!

I'm pretty sure there are other places that offers different foodstuffs. Salad is a hard pass.

Salad starts tomorrow.

I am

continuously walking, looking for food, and I somehow stumbled my way into the centre of the financial district.

Can you guys see?

These majestic

The name is "Bank Station" too

The current time of UK is...

It's 8:00PM in London.

Despite the fact that it's 8 in the evening, it's bright outside.

(Feels like 5-6 PM in South Korea.)

Still pretty bright for the evening.

Which way should I go in order to find delicious dinner?

(I am super famished!)

(Which way though?)

These flowers are really pretty.

(Despite the hunger I can still appreciate small things!!)

A pink taxi!

Maybe here?

Perhaps this is a restaurant!

(I'm getting this vibe that it's perhaps not the best place to dine though...)

I will be leaving this town with a great mukbang. I promise.

So guys, the sun started setting.

I've been walking and walking, and every corner of the streets starts to look the same.

Even though these buildings are pretty...

they started to lose their charms, I'm getting used to them.

I've been walking an incredible distance once I arrived here.

I keep sojourning on, starting from day 1.

I'm walking now too. I guess this makes a great exercise.

Therefore, I must eat! Something delicious!

Lots of shops started to close for the day.

Done for the day,

I see these shops are having great sales, up to 50, 60, 70%...

(Even though I wanna buy something, they're closed T_T)

Some pretty clothes on display.

Now London feels like my neighborhood!

I'm so familiar with the scene now...

I see lots of workers clocked out, standing on a street. Are they drinking, or having dinner?

Can't you see over there?

I keep on walking and walking and walking...

Where can I find a good restaurant around here?

I'm a broken record player...

It's 8PM now...

Still bright out...

I've passed by so many Underground stations...

Can you hear the sound of my tummy rumbling?

Oh wow,

I'm loving the color tone of this camera right now.

The dusk is here.

(Entering the golden hour!)

So pretty.

I thought it was a huge rat, but is that a chipmunk, or perhaps a squirrel?

Enjoy your meal~

Hope you have a good time!

Keep walking...

Godess statues!

Woah, right over there, below me,

Should I jump my way down there?

(Forget goddess statues, I wanna jump my way down to that restaurant!)

So, I came downstairs.

(Will Sori get to eat the delicious meal of her dreams? Find out in the next episode!)

For more infomation >> [SORI] Sori in London EP6 - Londoner Sori- - Duration: 7:01.


Stray Kids UNVEIL [Op.02 : I am WHO] Highlight #5 "갑자기 분위기 싸해질 필요 없잖아요(Awkward Silence)" - Duration: 3:28.

Let's laugh first

Let's just laugh them away

You'll get a horn on your butt if you laugh after crying

Give me a chance Let's just laugh

The words that compare you and others

The words that don't understand your feelings

With those small things

You don't need to feel bad on your precious day

There are no reasons

Stop being serious like the red light

Stop your surroundings

Don't stop the silent

Boring time is honestly a waste

Oh my gosh, look at him

He looks so gloomy

Don't frown or you'll get wrinkles like a caterpillar

You must be annoyed by everything

Like Awkward Silence

A crow passes

No need to keep awkward silence

Be cool and move on

It's not easy to laugh them away as expected, Baby

Don't make your bright face grim

It doesn't suit you Awkward silence

Hey, Hey, Pop, Pop

Let's go easy

With the small word It's awkward silence again

No need to feel bad with those words

Let's ignore them all and not care anymore

Why are you about to cry again?

Let's laugh or we'll get wrinkles

Honestly even if I laugh them away, every day is not enough

Don't play with the feelings

Oh my gosh, look at him

He looks so gloomy

Don't frown or you'll get wrinkles like a caterpillar

You mustd be annoyed by everything

Like Awkward Silence

A crow passes

No need to keep awkward silence

Be cool and move on

It's not easy to laugh them away as expected, Baby

Don't make your bright face grim

It doesn't suit you Awkward silence

Hey, Hey, Pop, Pop

What can I do when I feel bad? I'll just go out and eat beef again

Rib eye

When I'm full and feel good I'll hang out with friends on Garosu-Gil

Shopping shopping shopping

What can I do when I feel bad? I'll just go out and eat beef again


When I'm full and feel good I'll hang out with friends on Garosu-Gil


Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala

Everybody sing

Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala

There you go mate

Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala

Let me hear you say

Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala Lala

A crow passes

No need to keep awkward silence

Be cool and move on

It's not easy to laugh them away as expected, Baby

Don't make your bright face grim

It doesn't suit you Awkward silence

For more infomation >> Stray Kids UNVEIL [Op.02 : I am WHO] Highlight #5 "갑자기 분위기 싸해질 필요 없잖아요(Awkward Silence)" - Duration: 3:28.


TOP 5 Nejnebezpečnější země světa - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Nejnebezpečnější země světa - Duration: 10:03.


Going back to NZ - Duration: 5:47.

Hello world!

I have a happy announcement!

I'm preg--

uh, nope.

I'm going back to NZ!

Yes, for the first time in 3 years I'm going back to NZ.

Back home!

Returning to my country!

M: I'm going to NZ.


Of course I'm excited but

I'm also worried.

See, it's been 3 years

and I've lived in Japan for 9 years now.

So tbh I've forgotten some things about NZ.

And although my Japanese is pretty bad

my English has gotten kinda bad too.

Plus I'm going alone

and I'll probably die without Duncan

and what is a life without cats? I don't know her…

NZ is my country but

I'll probably get reverse culture shock.

Before I leave Japan there are many things I want to do.

So many things and SO LITTLE TIME


I guess…I'll Google and see what Google thinks I should do…

[ funky music ]


I do want to go to Odaiba since I've never been!

And when you think Odaiba you think…

Ah! Gundam!

I wanna see the giant Gundam!

[ jazzy music ]

This is my first time in Odaiba.


Go to karaoke

I wanna go! Karaoke is the best stress relief!

You know what I should go even if I go by myself…

[ a very poor rendition of TT ]

[ I'm crying coz I don't wanna leave Japan… ]

Use all the buttons on a Japanese toilet

I can't REALLY recommend this BUT YOU DO YOU

Take Purikura

No way…too sad to go alone…

[ extremely sad music ]

[ extremely sad mimei ]

[ sadness continues ]

[ "This is the best." ]

[ "Party people." ]



Try riding a crowded train

No one wants that.

It's not an amusement park OK T_T

Eat sushi

Of course Japanese sushi is the best in the world

Today's dinner is…


Go shopping at the 100 yen shop

If I buy my souvenirs there then I can kill two birds with one stone

Why does this have to involved killing birds though

Language is weird.

[ I wonder if…anyone…will…like…these things… ]

Get your meal from a vending machine

Buy everything you need from a vending machine

Well, Japanese vending machines are great

For one thing they aren't like NZ vending machines

which just eat your money

But it's not like there's a whole supermarket in a normal vending machine

If you tried to eat dinner at a normal vending machine

it'd probably go like this



( But also you do you don't let me stand in the way of your vending machine dreams and like some of them sell noodles and stuff so maybe go to one of those #protip )

Go to Shibuya Crossing

[ Singing Kyary's PonPonPon…badly…in public… ]

[ i mean,,,this is,,,what u,,,subscribed for,,,i think,,uh,, ]

Buy a Japanese knife

I think…I don't think you can bring that to NZ

(But maybe you can lol idk I've never tried.)

D: Hey…when are you going to NZ?

M: Ah, tomorrow.



M: Ah…OK.

If you enjoyed the vid a thumbs up helps me out a lot!

I love chatting to you guys on Twitter and IG so follow me!

If you wanna see more from me please subscribe~

See you in my next video (hopefully…oh god…)


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