Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

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For more infomation >> SINGLE WHEAT BURDEN - Duration: 1:24.


Daughter True First Swimming Lesson,adorable videos and More Family Vacation Details - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Daughter True First Swimming Lesson,adorable videos and More Family Vacation Details - Duration: 1:40.


Tipos De Novios DL Mukami/ Diabolik Lovers Boyfriends Mukami - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Tipos De Novios DL Mukami/ Diabolik Lovers Boyfriends Mukami - Duration: 2:48.


Ab Dekh Khuda Kya Karta Hai Full Story | 100% True | Pakistani Dramas | Entertainment Talks - Duration: 1:18.


For more infomation >> Ab Dekh Khuda Kya Karta Hai Full Story | 100% True | Pakistani Dramas | Entertainment Talks - Duration: 1:18.


Ava's Demons Episode 1 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Ava's Demons Episode 1 - Duration: 4:59.


New research suggests aspirin, fish oil not as effective for heart - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> New research suggests aspirin, fish oil not as effective for heart - Duration: 2:41.


Ghost Ship Reappears After 9 Years Of Being Lost At Sea | Paranormal Storytime - Duration: 2:54.

hey guys welcome back or welcome if you

are new I'm Mandy and today I want to

talk about this mysterious ship that

reappeared after going missing for nine

years so fishermen found this giant

cargo ship floating near the coast of

Mayan Mar no crew no sign of any crew

and no cargo on the ship now supposedly

the ship had been found and was being

retrieved by tugboats when a huge storm

hit and the tugboats had to cut the ship

loose but this is a ship that


nine years ago no one knows what

happened to the crew no one knows what

happened to the cargo now no one knows

why exactly this ship had been abandoned

and so far no one is speaking up or

coming out as to what exactly happened

with this ship now there have been

stories of The Devil's sea which is

similar to the Bermuda Triangle it's

thought that maybe this ship had to pass

through the CC and disappeared in there

but the fact remains right now this ship

is a complete mystery

where was it for the past nine years

where did it go and what happened to its

cargo and its crew I don't know you guys

there have been a lot of crazy stories

about some of these ships just magically

reappearing after being gone for years

and years and years there was another

case where it was a case with the

Bermuda Triangle where the ship had been

missing for 90 years before all the

sudden it just reappeared out of nowhere

so I don't know you guys do you believe

in things like the Bermuda Triangle do

you believe in the devil

see is it possible that there's some

sort of strange things going on in these

areas causing ships and planes and stuff

to disappear so I don't know you guys

what is it about these types of areas

that can make ships and airplanes and

things just vanish out of nowhere and

only to return years and years later

with no evidence as to what exactly

happened to them so anyway guys that's

all I really have for you today as

always thank you so much for watching

and I will see you in my next video

sweet dreams


For more infomation >> Ghost Ship Reappears After 9 Years Of Being Lost At Sea | Paranormal Storytime - Duration: 2:54.


WWE Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 teams revealed: WWE Now - Duration: 2:21.

Cathy Kelley here for WWE Now with some breaking news.

WWE's Mixed Match Challenge is back and better than ever.

It'll be returning to Facebook Watch Tuesday, September 18th.

Now the tournament this will feature some favorite duos from last year's tournament,

as well as some new pairings from both Raw and SmackDown Live.

First up, we have last Mixed Match Challenge winners,

The Miz and Asuka returning, also known as Team Asuka.

Everyone's favorite team with the biggest height difference, Raw's Team Little Big,

returns as Braun Strowman reunites with five feet of fury, Alexa Bliss.

Rusev and Lana, aka Ravishing Rusev Day,

are back to represent the Blue Brand and crush the competition.

Another hard-hitting husband and wife duo from Smackdown Live, Jimmy Uso and

Naomi round out the returning pairings.

New on this season of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge is the duo of long-time

Red Brand Palace Finn Balor and Bayley.

Meanwhile the other member of the Boss and Hug Connection,

Sasha Banks who teamed up with Balor last year,

is paired with a power house Bobby Lashley this time around.

R-Truth who still believes that pinning Carmella will gain him a title opportunity

on SmackDown live will need to put all of that aside as he joins forces with

the princess of Staten Island.

Jinder Mahal will need all of the calming techniques in his arsenal when he

represents Raw alongside the wild and unpredictable Alicia Fox.

The champions of Smackdown Live unite as WWE champion AJ Styles teams

up with Smackdown Women's champion Charlotte Flair in a phenomenal pairing.

And finally, Kevin Owens will team up with fellow Canadian and

Raw superstar Natalya in the tournament.

You won't wanna miss the exciting return of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge.

This year you'll be able to vote, interact with the rest of the WWE Universe and

even watch alongside WWE Superstars when it all returns exclusively to

Facebook Watch, Tuesday, September 18th, at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific.

And we have a special pre-show at 9:50 PM Eastern.

So don't miss a second of it.

And stick with us here at WWE Now for more on the tournament.


For more infomation >> WWE Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 teams revealed: WWE Now - Duration: 2:21.


真正心軟的人,都有這三個特徵 - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> 真正心軟的人,都有這三個特徵 - Duration: 5:46.


What do Technical Writers do? (Also, what is Technical Writing?) - Duration: 4:17.

Today we are going to talk about the type of documents that technical writers create

in the tech industry.

But before we get into that, we need to understand what is technical writing.

Technical Writing is a part of a bigger field called Technical Communication.

And Technical Communication is the practice of communicating

technically complex information to your audience.

The keywords here are: information and audience.

Okay, now that we have this definition, let's try to apply it to the work that technical writers do.

In my experience, technical writers create three types of documents in the tech industry:

UI-based docs, Developer docs, and Deployment docs.

Let me explain what they mean.

Let's take an example: YouTube.

YouTube is a software service that allows you to host and stream videos.

You are watching this video on YouTube, which makes you a YouTube user.

And as a user, you interact with the YouTube UI, that is the user interface

to watch, play, like, and share videos, manage your playlists, manage your account,

you know the usual YouTube stuff.

Now the developers of YouTube need a way to convey this information to their users

So the tech writers at YouTube wrote documents to help the users navigate the UI.

These docs are what I call UI-based docs.

Now let's say you want to create your own YouTube channel and upload videos to YouTube.

In that case, you are still a user of the UI, but you are a slightly advanced user.

You need documents to help you understand and navigate the advanced UI

and figure out how to upload videos.

What type of videos can you upload

How to follow the YouTube guidelines, and stuff like that.

So the documents written to help you create your own channel and upload videos

can also be categorized as UI-based docs.

Now let's take it a step further. Suppose you want to create a YouTube app.

In that case, you need more tools than just the UI.

You need YouTube APIs.

Which help you send requests to YouTube, get data from YouTube

basically integrate your app with YouTube.

The documents written to help you figure out how to integrate your app with YouTube

are called Developer Docs.

API documentation is a subset of Developer Docs.

Okay, suppose that you have created an awesome YouTube app

You are ready to launch it, which probably means you need to host it on a cloud platform.

Let's say the cloud platform you chose is DigitalOcean.

In that case, you are dealing with two software products:

You are dealing with YouTube and you are dealing with DigitalOcean.

Now you need to figure out a way how to make your app work with both of these software products.

For instance, say you want to manage network bandwidth for your users.

You need to figure out the optimal bandwidth that YouTube recommends for its video streaming service

And the optimal bandwidth that DigitalOcean supports.

And then you need to figure those things out and make them match.

And you need to refer to the documentation of both YouTube and DigitalOcean to figure that out.

The docs written to help you make these decisions and figure out the deployment process

are what I call Deployment docs.

To recap, technical writers in the software industry work on three types of documents:

UI-based docs, Developer docs, and Deployment docs

As a tech writer, you might end up working on only one of these docs, or all of them.

For example, I work on all three types of documents at work:

I work on the documentation of our distributed SQL database

I create docs to help our users navigate the Admin UI (which are the UI-based docs).

I also work on docs to help our users use our SQL APIs to build apps (which are API docs or Developer docs)

And I also work on docs to help our users about deploy and secure the apps on cloud platforms

(which are Deployment docs).

So that's what I do at work - I help our users use our awesome product

to create even more awesome products.

Best job in the world!

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