Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

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For more infomation >> SINGLE WHEAT BURDEN - Duration: 1:24.


Daughter True First Swimming Lesson,adorable videos and More Family Vacation Details - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Daughter True First Swimming Lesson,adorable videos and More Family Vacation Details - Duration: 1:40.


ArtSnacks September 2018 🌷 Painting a Realistic Rose 🌷 - Duration: 5:35.

Okay, I think the summer heat has gotten

to me a little bit. But, here we go for

another ArtSnacks unboxing. ArtSnacks

is a art subscription service that will

once a month provide art supplies directly

to your door.

Let's explore: First up we have the

September sticker. A cool black and white

design. And the snack is a crybaby.

It was super extra sour! It was my first

ever cry baby. And now onto the art supplies.

We'll start with the zebra sensations brush

pens. You get three of them. Each of

them is two dollars fifty each. There are ultra

fine fine and medium points included.

And cool packaging too. I can even

read that Japanese "shimauma = zebra". And then

we have M. Graham and Co artist's

watercolor. I'm cursed

every box to get green art supplies!

It's a huge bottle - or rather tube -

I should say but once again it's a

green one! And then in the parcel we have

a pencil and a brush. The pencil is

a water color pencil. It is the huge size

Albrecht Durer -

the Magnus watercolor pencil. And I've

received a really interesting middle purple

pink color. And the brush is the

Princeton synthetic stable round brush

retail $7.00. I got size zero. It's quite

small! So, the size of the brush, and the

fact that I got green once again,

made me decide I'll just do a quick small

sketch on a piece of watercolor paper

that was included in last month's box -

the August box. So, these are all my

supplies. I'm cheating by also using

from August box a pencil. The

Ticonderoga ArtSnacks

exclusive pencil. And I just sketch out a

little rose. I thought that the pink-purple

and the green colors that I received

would match well for that design and

allow me to try out inking with my new

pens. And boy those pens are so cool!

I had tried similar ones in Japan, and I

was tempted to buy some of these when I

was in Japan, but at that stage I had

already bought quite a few fine liners

and I knew I was moving so I decided to

hold off. But now I'm so glad that I've

gotten some of them. They have a firm

flexible brush tip - one of those new kind

of rubber brush tips - that are quite firm

but will bend a little bit. And of course,

with all three pens you can get some

really interesting line weights.

And then on to the watercolor pencil.

It's really creamy to lay down. You can

see a lot of texture there, but that's

because it's on rough watercolor paper.

And when you add water it just melts

away so beautifully. I'm pretty sure

these are the best watercolor pencil - or

rather this one is the best watercolor pencil

that I've ever tried. The paint is also

superb of course. It's from M Graham and

it's $15 a tube, so you'd want it to be

superb! But it's green! Why greeeeen!?!

I decided to mix the green and pink

together, and that that technique worked

well to get a duller tone, because I felt

that the green of the leaves was just

too sharp. And that tone also worked to

create some contrasts and shadows in the rose petals.

I was being quite messy with

this sketch because the small brush was kind of

frustrating to work with. I had a few

drops of paint fall off, and then I

decided to try and create even more

splatter drops. it was difficult with the small

paint brush. I'd never tried to do

splatter drops with such a small paint

brush before, but I managed to get a kind

of interesting effect - just with a couple of

really large globs. And then I went back

to create some more shading by

cross-hatching with the zebra pens.

I think I achieved that well for the

rose and the rose petals, but things

got a bit weird for the leaves.

Unfortunately, my camera's memory card

ran out of space right before the end,

and I didn't notice. So, here is a

photograph of the finished rose!

Thanks so much for watching! Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe:

It really helps out my

channel a lot! And, I'll see you next month

for another ArtSnacks next adventure!

(Hopefully without any more green art

supplies).... I've got to beat the green

curse. Okay, byeeeeeeeeee!!!!

For more infomation >> ArtSnacks September 2018 🌷 Painting a Realistic Rose 🌷 - Duration: 5:35.


Lesbian Jesus is a Racist?? | Hayley Kiyoko's Recovered Antiblack Tweets [CC] - Duration: 5:59.

Oof ow

Hello people behind screens, I'm Jac and we're back and today's video is

not a video that I am happy about making

This is about an artist called



Who has recently has been

outed as a racist

Um as a lot of y'all

may or may not know, I am a big fan or was a big fan of Hayley Kiyoko

I went to a concert. This is a polaroid I took of her and so is this. I

bought a VIP ticket, five times the cost of regular ticket. I

got starstruck at the meet and greet and I'm not gonna pretend that she

doesn't mean a lot to me as a queer woman of color. I'm not gonna pretend that she hasn't done great things


The good does not negate the bad as Philip DeFranco said


that doesn't negate that she has done some bad things. Here are some of the racist tweets she has made

During the time of these tweets, you might be thinking 'it's so old' around this time

She was between 18 and 20, old enough to know that there are certain things

she's not supposed to say, things that are not okay to say, it's not like she was 14 years old and

made a mistake

She was a whole adult

She has yet to apologize for these tweets or even address them which is the part that really just kind of sucks

That's the part that just bites ass, you know

I'm sure a lot of her fans are waiting like I am for her to just say something

just say anything, you know, I

have since unfollowed her on

Instagram and Twitter and I am very disappointed

If you go down my channel, you can see that I learned to sign her songs before her show

I was so excited to autograph my hearing aids and

it was just an amazing night and

It breaks my heart. I don't believe that she is a

Hateful person but I believe that she was old enough to know what she was doing

She said some deeply deeply ignorant things which she should address and apologize for. She may be half-asian

she might be gay, but that doesn't excuse antiblack tweets. In the words of Audrey Lord: a

Feminist, a black woman, a lesbian "One oppression does not excuse another" of course in her context

She was talking about black men who abuse their wives, but it applies to this situation as well

It's like white gays who are racist. She is a

queer woman of color

But that doesn't excuse her. I am an Asian woman. I am a gay woman

I am a woman with a disability. I am hard of hearing. her autograph is pretty much faded away

I'm gonna do that beauty guru thing. I have a little rainbow sticker on my hearing aids, but you know

these run on batteries

so obviously I'm not gonna wear them when I'm chilling in my room and making videos just

Because I'm Asian doesn't mean I can go throw the n-word around, just because I'm technically disabled doesn't mean I can

push someone's wheelchair aside

to Hayley Kiyoko who I know will never see this but um

This is more of a sentiment thing, to Hayley Kiyoko, you were supposed to be this big


woman of color, an icon

we could all look up to and we expected better and we know that you can do better. I could be wrong

But I think you were filming Lemonade Mouth

At the time with some of these tweets


if that's true then

You knew you were in the spotlight and you still make those decisions

Please address this

Apologize, make us believe you and really mean it

I've said this a thousand times before, we are all ignorant until we're educated

You were an adult when this happened. I believe that you were educated I'm gonna be honest I

have a personal bias towards you I

didn't want you to be like this. I

Am biased towards you but I can't ignore the facts. I can't ignore what's wrong and right

from a strictly observational point of view and

It kills me

For more infomation >> Lesbian Jesus is a Racist?? | Hayley Kiyoko's Recovered Antiblack Tweets [CC] - Duration: 5:59.


Project List Re-Launch - Back To Work on the Ranch - Duration: 9:44.

hi I'm Mike over the past few weeks you

and I have been following farmers

markets farm-to-table dinners and trips

away from the ranch well now it's time

to get back to the nitty gritty of ranch

work on the project list on our wyoming


it's September and a majority of summer

is behind us yes it is sweatshirt

weather here the high is only like 50

degrees and oddly enough it's time to

start getting ready for winter here on

the ranch now farmers market continues

into October

we still have hay coming on a regular

basis and soon we'll have the cows back

home and we're gonna start preg checking

and sorting calves but for today we have

another project entirely during our

annual farm-to-table dinner the project

list got erased luckily I did get some

pictures of it before that happened but

it does give us an opportunity to take a

look around and see what's needs done

before the snow flies which surprisingly

might not be that far away today we're

going to concentrate on the main part of

the ranch around the buildings and the

sheds and get some sort of idea what

needs done and why then hopefully we'll

be able to get out and get something

done so let's get started with a blank


the project list is an ever-growing list

of things that need done around the

ranch and as we complete each project we

cross it off as we remove items we're

constantly adding them so it looks like

a never-ending task but for me this is

the best way to keep track of what needs

done when and why we're gonna get

started with a few vehicles that we're

gonna have to deal with before winter

there's the fire truck I don't like

leaving it out during the winter so you

know during the summer we keep it

available and filled with water in case

we needed it but as winter approaches

we're gonna have to do something with it

and that means winterizing it and

putting it away the same goes for the

Model T

the Model T and the fire charge is going

to be stored in the barn and the shop

across the highway from our house after

we get them winterize we're gonna have

to move them over there but first we

need to clean out the shop which is full

of items that really just needed

somewhere to go and that's where they

ended up the temporary storage they're

all gonna have to be moved out and

organized and then the Model T and the

fire truck will be stored away while

we're cleaning out barns and shops we're

also going to have to clean out the barn

and the sales barn on our side of the

road with farm-to-table and all that

kind of stuff happening all the stuff

that was here in the main shop has been

moved out there now we have hunters

coming next month who will actually

utilize the space as their hunters

headquarters so all of this stuff in

here is going to have to be organized

and cleaned up for them the barn also

needs to be cleaned before winter in

case we have any animals that are gonna

have to be moved in there and live in

there for a little while another thing

to add to the list is the chicken house

the chicken house is kind of a mess I

really haven't had that much time to do

anything with it over the summer and it

really is deep cleaning before winter

hits right now we have 60 chickens and

eight ducks living in there and the

chicken run outside they can kind of

move through a boat

they're gonna start laying eggs soon so

cleaning it is required along with a few

repairs of roosts and nests of that sort

of thing we experience some wind damage

to our pig shed so that needs fixed

we're gonna end up having to get some

wood to do that as well as fixing the

portion of the awning that got ripped


lumber 10 that kind of thing out and a

lot is our big cowshed where cows can

actually go in and get away from the

weather that's gonna need some extensive

cleaning also now most of that's gonna

be done with the Bobcat going in and

scooping out manure and then filling it

up again with new material and bedding

we also have a water issue that I'd like

to get fixed before first snow and

that's a broken hydrant we're gonna call

that cow hydrant and basically what

happened was that hydrant broke we have

to replace it went broke I had to move

their water tank to a temporary spot so

once the hydrants back up and running

will relocate the cows main water back

down to the new hydrant and get it out

of that spot up in the lot and down

where it belongs along with that we have

a bunch of hay that we have made this

year and we're gonna have to move that

out of the fields get it gathered and


I am redoing the project list that got


yeah can I add some stuff you want this

can I put some stuff up here sure feel

free we just make like a garden category

or you just why not under here just add

it to the list and just like that the

list grows

give me that okay ad stuff is needed I

guess that's why it's here now let's go

move some a today we're going to be

using the 6420 tractor with a spear on

the front of the tractor to lift and

move bales but we're also gonna add a

spear to the back to do the same this

will allow us to move two bales at a

time each one of these bales will feed

one cow for about a month they weigh

about 1400 pounds apiece and if we start

multiplying by 150 cows for 6 months of

winter they start adding up pretty

quickly over the entire winter we'll

feed well over 500 bales to these cows

just our cows throw-in the Bulls and the

horses heifers and steers and we'll feed

almost a million pounds of hay in one

winter more if the winner is hard or

harsh enough we stack hay in strategic

locations around the ranch but never all

in the same place there are a couple of

reasons for that one is the ease of

feeding most of our hay will be stacked

in the hay yard which is located

adjacent to where the cows will spend a

majority of the winter easy enough to

grab bales and feed other haystacks will

be formed on the other side of the road

for horses and bulls and some will be

stacked closer to the house for when

weather is really bad

and visibility may be low allowing us to

feed quicker closer and safer the other

reason we stack in different areas is

for insurance purposes

if something happens let's say lightning

hits or fire destroys a hay yard we

don't lose all of our Hey

ra isn't sure against that but if we did

lose all of it I'll ensure the insurance

company wouldn't be thrilled with us and

we wouldn't either the hope would be

that if something destroyed a hay yard

we'd be able to feed hay that we saved

until we could get more hay in so we

gather hay bales out of this field and

we'll be stacking close by this will be

our stack yard that will be very close

to the house for ease of access and bad


and yes it's boring a lot of

back-and-forth going on I could use a

trailer but with this field so close by

the time that we the time that we would

save by using a trailer really doesn't

make it worth it as we move farther back

on the ranch we're gonna have to move

hay farther and farther that's when a

trailer is really gonna come in handy

the project list for me is really a


anytime I'm looking for something to do

or I kind of feel unmotivated I can just

look at it and know exactly what needs

done and what I need to do now honestly

looking at it can sometimes be a little

bit overwhelming

I don't feel too bad that it got erased

it's kind of a fresh start and it's

gonna fill up fast especially if I don't

hide that marker from Erin thanks for

coming out with us today as we continue

to explore the ranch life and escape the

ordinary if you have any suggestions for

projects or ways that we can do them

feel free to leave a comment we read and

try to answer every single one and at

this point I almost feel like we're in

this together as where as that sounds if

you can please join us on Thursday as

Erin and I are reunited for another live

stream at 7 p.m. mountain time right

here on YouTube they're always a lot of

fun we get to hang out with you answer

questions and keep you up-to-date on

what's going on around here

and after Dallas I have a few new ideas

that I'd like to bounce off you anyway

so I hope you can make it don't forget

to subscribe and click that little build

up bill Bell icon so you could get

notifications of our newest and our

latest well we hope you get

notifications until then have a great

week and thanks for joining us in our

Wyoming life

For more infomation >> Project List Re-Launch - Back To Work on the Ranch - Duration: 9:44.


Joni's Corner: The Yoke - Duration: 1:36.

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada.

And over our living room fireplace, Ken and I have a family treasure: it's an old fashioned

yoke that my father used as a little boy to when he would hitch up the horses to haul coal in Balmer City back in the early 1900's.

Whenever I look at that yoke, I remember those words of Jesus.

He called His yoke easy, he called it light.

Because that's what yokes are suppose to do.

They're made to do that.

They make pulling a plow tolerable for an ox or a horse.

Attach a plow or a wagon any other way, and the load for that animal would be absolutely unbearable.

So, the yoke is really an instrument of mercy; because if you have to haul a load, isn't it good to lighten it?

And Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you… and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Look, the burdens are going to come whether or not you like it.

And you've got the choice of either dragging your burden in your own strength.

or make

make it easy; make it lighter: put on the yoke of Christ.

For more infomation >> Joni's Corner: The Yoke - Duration: 1:36.


Tipos De Novios DL Mukami/ Diabolik Lovers Boyfriends Mukami - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Tipos De Novios DL Mukami/ Diabolik Lovers Boyfriends Mukami - Duration: 2:48.


American Horror Story Season 8 Promo (HD) American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Duration: 0:31.

It's the end of the world. [EXPLOSION]



Maybe it's time to eat somebody.

I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

NARRATOR: "AHS Apocalypse," Wednesday, September

12th on FX.

See it ad free, upgrade to a FX Plus.

For more infomation >> American Horror Story Season 8 Promo (HD) American Horror Story: Apocalypse - Duration: 0:31.


Ab Dekh Khuda Kya Karta Hai Full Story | 100% True | Pakistani Dramas | Entertainment Talks - Duration: 1:18.


For more infomation >> Ab Dekh Khuda Kya Karta Hai Full Story | 100% True | Pakistani Dramas | Entertainment Talks - Duration: 1:18.


How Baking Soda Increases Your Athletic Performance - Duration: 4:50.

Do you want to increase your manly

physical performance by eating something

you probably already have in your kitchen

and costs less than one euro?

If so, then keep on watching.

Where is it?

Baking soda

Let me introduce you to sodium bicarbonate

and before you say that well Mikk, I don't have any

sodium bicarbonate in my kitchen

let me just say that sodium bicarbonate

is a very fancy word for baking soda.

I'm rather sure that you have some tucked away in your

kitchen cupboard, you know, purchased five years ago

having never used that, well now is the time to put your

baking soda to good use and increase your performance

Believe it or not but baking soda

by the way the package says "Söögisooda"

which is an Estonian word for baking soda

is one of the cheapest

performance enhancing supplements

on the market.

It's not meant to be performance enhancing, but it is.

There are dosens of studies out there, that clearly state:

"By making their bodies more alkaline

baking soda can significantly increase

our time to physical failure."

It has been shown to work in swimmers,

in long distance runners, in sprinters, in Judo wrestlers,

in boxers, in cyclists so on and so forth.

But this raises a question:

"If baking soda is legal, cheap and effective then

why isn't it all that popular?"

That's a good question.

The first reason is that you have to eat a lot of it.

The working dose is 0.4 grams per 1kg of bodyweight,

so if I weigh 80kg, I'd have to eat 32g of baking soda

Let me just show you how much that is.

So it's approximately three teaspoons

which doesn't look that intimidating

but have you really tasted baking soda?

If not, let me put it this way

It's safe to say that there are tastier things out there.

After going through three tablespoons of this

your willpower is completely depleted,

I give you my word.

Second: there is a very good chance that

this amound of baking soda will give you the runs

which is a rather undesirable effect

prior a very tough work out or a competition.

But don't despair, all is not lost.

There are a couple of researchers out there

that have been studying serial loading of baking soda

This basically means that you take the working quantity

of baking soda, which is 0.4grams per 1kg bodyweight

and spread it evenly on three consecutive days

into thee equal portions.

Which means that in my case I have to take

3 grams of baking soda in the morning

with my breakfast

3 grams with my lunch

and 3 grams with my dinner for three consecutive days.

Basically reducing the necessary quantity

and being able to perform better

on the fourth day.

First of all, it's easier to consume baking soda that way

and secondly it doesn't give you the runs.

Obviously when taking it with a meal,

it is going to ruin the meal

it just tastes so bad.

If you as a modern knight are really serious about

elevating your performance levels, as you should be,

then just consider taking King of Spades.

It also increases your time to exhaustion,

but also bring additional extremely important benefits

like better focus, better blood flow in the brain

so on and so forth,

reduced inflammation etc.

Plus it's in capsules, it doesn't taste bad,

it doesn't give you the runs

I hope you found value in this video

if so, do subscribe to our Youtube channel

and make sure to hit that bell button

to get a notification whenever our new video is out.

We do upload new videos on a weekly basis.

See you in the next one.

For more infomation >> How Baking Soda Increases Your Athletic Performance - Duration: 4:50.


Manifest - First Look: Season 1 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Manifest - First Look: Season 1 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 2:40.


Ava's Demons Episode 1 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Ava's Demons Episode 1 - Duration: 4:59.


Advantages of the wonder breast lift surgery-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:20.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: Advantages of the Wonder breast lift surgery.

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

The Wonder breast lift is a unique and most effective breast lift surgery.

It is a technique developed by me that delivers long-lasting and impressive results.

Many people ask what the advantages of the Wonder breast lift are and how the surgery is different

from the standard breast lift.

The Wonder breast lift comes with more benefits than the traditional breast lift.

First of all, it not only makes the breasts firmer and youthful but also reshapes the breasts,

with the goal to improve their overall aesthetic outline and definition.

Secondly, the results of the standard breast lift are temporary in most cases.

As you age, your breasts will become saggy again.

On the other hand, the results of the Wonder breast lift are long lasting.

When suturing the breasts, the plastic surgeon not only uses your skin but also the surrounding tissue,

skin, and chest wall muscles to keep your newly contoured breasts in place.

This provides robust support to the breasts, which wards off the effects of gravity,

physical movements, and aging.

The Wonder breast lift surgery has been developed with the goal to not only make your saggy breasts firmer

but also to reconstruct and reform your overall breast, so they look aesthetically pleasant,

perky, smooth, and sexy.

During the surgery, the surgeon will redistribute the breast tissues and mold the breasts in a way

that helps deliver you the desired improvements.

It involves the use of complex surgical techniques and a high sense of aesthetics and artistry of the female body.

Following the Wonder breast lift, your breasts will appear firmer, youthful, sexy, raised, and sensuous.

Some of the results will be visible immediately after the surgery,

but the complete outcome of the surgery will evolve.

The results will remain with you for many decades.

Even though aging, gravity, weight gain, etc. may somehow affect the results after ten or so years,

your breasts will still look younger, firmer, and aesthetically appealing.

To help your breasts stay in shape permanently after the Wonder breast lift, be sure to maintain

a good lifestyle and avoid considerable weight changes.

In this video, we discussed: Advantages of the Wonder breast lift surgery.

Next week we will discuss: Candidacy for wonder breast augmentation surgery.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

For more infomation >> Advantages of the wonder breast lift surgery-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 4:20.


New research suggests aspirin, fish oil not as effective for heart - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> New research suggests aspirin, fish oil not as effective for heart - Duration: 2:41.


Dick Pound - $$$ Thug Life $$$ - The Dopest Anti-Doper - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Dick Pound - $$$ Thug Life $$$ - The Dopest Anti-Doper - Duration: 1:35.


How to LOSE TARGET QUICKLY using stairs - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> How to LOSE TARGET QUICKLY using stairs - Duration: 2:03.


Ghost Ship Reappears After 9 Years Of Being Lost At Sea | Paranormal Storytime - Duration: 2:54.

hey guys welcome back or welcome if you

are new I'm Mandy and today I want to

talk about this mysterious ship that

reappeared after going missing for nine

years so fishermen found this giant

cargo ship floating near the coast of

Mayan Mar no crew no sign of any crew

and no cargo on the ship now supposedly

the ship had been found and was being

retrieved by tugboats when a huge storm

hit and the tugboats had to cut the ship

loose but this is a ship that


nine years ago no one knows what

happened to the crew no one knows what

happened to the cargo now no one knows

why exactly this ship had been abandoned

and so far no one is speaking up or

coming out as to what exactly happened

with this ship now there have been

stories of The Devil's sea which is

similar to the Bermuda Triangle it's

thought that maybe this ship had to pass

through the CC and disappeared in there

but the fact remains right now this ship

is a complete mystery

where was it for the past nine years

where did it go and what happened to its

cargo and its crew I don't know you guys

there have been a lot of crazy stories

about some of these ships just magically

reappearing after being gone for years

and years and years there was another

case where it was a case with the

Bermuda Triangle where the ship had been

missing for 90 years before all the

sudden it just reappeared out of nowhere

so I don't know you guys do you believe

in things like the Bermuda Triangle do

you believe in the devil

see is it possible that there's some

sort of strange things going on in these

areas causing ships and planes and stuff

to disappear so I don't know you guys

what is it about these types of areas

that can make ships and airplanes and

things just vanish out of nowhere and

only to return years and years later

with no evidence as to what exactly

happened to them so anyway guys that's

all I really have for you today as

always thank you so much for watching

and I will see you in my next video

sweet dreams


For more infomation >> Ghost Ship Reappears After 9 Years Of Being Lost At Sea | Paranormal Storytime - Duration: 2:54.


How to progress monitor - Duration: 7:38.

Are you looking for an easy way to

Take progress monitoring notes and keep track of your data then stick around because that's what I'll be talking about in this video

If you've been teaching the same scale over and over again and your student still doesn't get it

It is time to progress monitor in this video

I'm gonna talk about first about the why why we progress monitor and

Then I'm gonna dive into the how and I'm gonna throw in a freebie

Spreadsheet that will that will help you?

Keep track of of all your kids their goals and their and their scores for each progress monitoring that you do

If you already know the Y and you don't need to spend time on that then I went to defy soared to this time in

The video and that's where I'm gonna talk about the how right now we're gonna talk about the why why do we progress?


If for no other reason than the fact that you need you need to show

Your administration and other people that you have been teaching this

It is something that has been taught and covered over and over and the student still hasn't mastered that skill

to quote Maui, the only way to get to where you're going is by knowing where you been I

cannot tell you how many times I have taught a student and taken anecdotal notes and

By mo I Oreo I when I give him the test

He doesn't get it and I never thought to look back

At my notes and actually reassess my teaching and see what I've been doing wrong

So that I can a so that I can address the problem

Anecdotal notes are important but keeping track and taking scores is equally as important because it'll help you reflect on your teaching

taking scores is

the knowing where you've been so that you can get to where you're going and where you're going is either a change of instruction or

taking the data to a team meeting to help to help address the the issue and

the student needs

ok, so now the how so how do you progress monitor the way that you progress monitor is you make a list of of your

students and the skills that they need to work on and

you build a spreadsheet and

With the student names down the down the row ask the skills across and you take

You take scores

Every two weeks or every or every so often and you you look back at the scores and see if they're making progress

What do you do in between?

the progress monitoring you're

You're giving them intervention you're giving them instruction. So for example, if a student


Segment phonemes and phonemes are just on my mind because I made a video about phonemes last week

But so if a student can't segment phonemes

then you would write a goal for him and

Every two weeks you take you take a score can Billy segment?

Three out of five

words that I give him or even just one word if it's that if it's that challenging

in between

You were you're you're modeling that skill and you're going back and and doing and doing things that lead up to that skill

to see if he gets that

So I have two binders one is the student data binder and the other one is the progress monitoring binder in

The student data binder. I keep my DRI scores my dear a scoring booklet and

TPR I booklet

Behind each tab for each student. So each didn't has a number I

Keep their booklet

behind each tab for my progress monitoring

Binder what I do is I keep I keep a sheet of Avery labels at

The front and that's where I take all my notes during my guided reading group

and then when I have time I will take the the label and I'll put it on the

the sheet that corresponds with with each student

You can do that for guided reading or for progress monitoring if you just want to pick a few kids that you do that with

That you're concerned about or if you just want to do it just in general for your whole class. I

always found that if I did it for the whole class, I would catch students that maybe were never on my radar but then

Towards the middle or the end of the year. I would notice that they hadn't progressed

And so I had that I had that anecdotal notes

to go back off of

I'm gonna link below a link to some resources that are

Free and

they correspond with whatever reading skill you you you need you need to progress monitor and

They come with scoring booklets so you can keep those booklets

Near your binder or inside your binder as well

When I was a reading specialist, I color-coded them. So I like first graders. I would run off on green paper and

you know fifth graders, I'd run up on pink paper and

That way I'd have a system because I had so many kids

And I would keep keep the data that way

One last thing that I forgot to mention is

So I keep the spreadsheet in my progress monitoring binder as well

And I just have one spreadsheet per week that I progress monitor

So if that's a progress monitoring week

Then I will have a spreadsheet and I just keep it in the in the front pouch of the of the progress monitoring binder

Awesome just dropped so I keep it in the front pouch of my progress monitoring


so I have my my anecdotal notes and my spreadsheets with the with the scores of the

progress monitoring data and

My district has like an online place where I can input those scores

But I keep a hard copy

on the spreadsheet and

I also in the the

booklets that

Are the the dippel's booklets that are the free resource that you can progress monitor on the front of each booklet?

Each child has a booklet and you can chart their scores on the front page of the booklet

So you can have a visual for that. So I put the scores there

that's where I sets kind of like their little booklet that that

Records all their mistakes and everything and then I iced or all of the scores for that week for all the children in my spreadsheet

I input that those scores into the the online system

But I keep a hard copy in my progress monitoring notebook

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For more infomation >> How to progress monitor - Duration: 7:38.


WWE Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 teams revealed: WWE Now - Duration: 2:21.

Cathy Kelley here for WWE Now with some breaking news.

WWE's Mixed Match Challenge is back and better than ever.

It'll be returning to Facebook Watch Tuesday, September 18th.

Now the tournament this will feature some favorite duos from last year's tournament,

as well as some new pairings from both Raw and SmackDown Live.

First up, we have last Mixed Match Challenge winners,

The Miz and Asuka returning, also known as Team Asuka.

Everyone's favorite team with the biggest height difference, Raw's Team Little Big,

returns as Braun Strowman reunites with five feet of fury, Alexa Bliss.

Rusev and Lana, aka Ravishing Rusev Day,

are back to represent the Blue Brand and crush the competition.

Another hard-hitting husband and wife duo from Smackdown Live, Jimmy Uso and

Naomi round out the returning pairings.

New on this season of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge is the duo of long-time

Red Brand Palace Finn Balor and Bayley.

Meanwhile the other member of the Boss and Hug Connection,

Sasha Banks who teamed up with Balor last year,

is paired with a power house Bobby Lashley this time around.

R-Truth who still believes that pinning Carmella will gain him a title opportunity

on SmackDown live will need to put all of that aside as he joins forces with

the princess of Staten Island.

Jinder Mahal will need all of the calming techniques in his arsenal when he

represents Raw alongside the wild and unpredictable Alicia Fox.

The champions of Smackdown Live unite as WWE champion AJ Styles teams

up with Smackdown Women's champion Charlotte Flair in a phenomenal pairing.

And finally, Kevin Owens will team up with fellow Canadian and

Raw superstar Natalya in the tournament.

You won't wanna miss the exciting return of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge.

This year you'll be able to vote, interact with the rest of the WWE Universe and

even watch alongside WWE Superstars when it all returns exclusively to

Facebook Watch, Tuesday, September 18th, at 10 PM Eastern, 7 PM Pacific.

And we have a special pre-show at 9:50 PM Eastern.

So don't miss a second of it.

And stick with us here at WWE Now for more on the tournament.


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