Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases

For more infomation >> Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases - Duration: 10:40.


Trung Quốc Thâu Tóm Philippines bằng Hứa Hẹn Đầu Tư Suông? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 8:57.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

the Chinese regime promised the Philippines

that they'd totally give them billions of dollars.

How'd that turn out?

Hi, Welcome back to China Uncensored.

I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

Rodrigo Duterte.

President of the Philippines,

and Vladimir Putin wannabe.

When he ran for office,

he was so outspoken against China's

territorial claims in the South China Sea,

that he pledged to stop them with a move

even Putin would have admired:

He promised to ride a jetski to disputed islands

and plant the Philippines' flag.

Of course it would have really impressed Putin if Duterte

had pledged to ride the jetski while shirtless.

And on a horse.

But after taking office in mid-2016,

Duterte did a full 180, but not on a jetski.

In fact, he put that jetski back in the shed to gather dust.

In Duterte's first official meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping,

he didn't even bring up the territorial disputes—

even though an international court had just ruled in the Philippines' favor.

Duterte even turned his back on long-time ally the United States

as he jumped into Xi Jinping's loving arms.

"'I announce my separation from the United States,'

those are the words of Rodrigo Duterte in Beijing on Thursday,

capping off a trip to China where he's won a whopping

13 billion dollars in business deals."

Duterte saw Chinese investment as key

to his "Build, Build, Build" strategy.

He wants to usher in a golden age of infrastructure development

through a six-year, 180 billion dollar spending spree.

And when the dust settled from Duterte's charm offensive in Beijing,

China pledged to provide the Philippines with 24 billion dollars.

That would include 15 billion in foreign direct investment,

plus 9 billion dollars in aid.

That aid alone would be 20 times more than what

the Philippines got from the United States in 2016.

So, sure the US has been an ally of the Philippines for decades,

but, I mean...billions of dollars?

For billions of dollars,

who wouldn't cuddle up with China?

But you know what?

Sometimes, China can be so forgetful!

See, when the South China Morning Post did a spot check

on China's investment commitments earlier this month,

they asked,

"What happened to the billions China pledged the Philippines?"

And it turns out the answer is…not a whole lot.

Of its 24 billion dollar pledge, China so far has made good on

only one billion worth of Foreign Direct Investment.

Add to that just a single finalized loan agreement of $73 million dollars.

And China gave the Philippines 75 million dollars in direct aid.

That was in the form of grants to build two bridges in the capital of Manila.

Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Zhao Jianhua

was at the groundbreaking ceremony last month,

holding a golden shovel alongside other men,

also dressed inappropriately for construction.

Ambassador Zhao said that "the bridge projects will further add

strength to the 'Build, Build, Build' initiative of the Philippines."

And he tried to assure everybody that "China's loans

to finance infrastructure projects will not make the Philippines

fall into a debt trap."

And you know what?

I believe him.

At least for now.

Because for the Philippines to fall into a debt trap,

China would actually have to lend them lots of money.

And so far, that tap's been pretty dry.

They've only received less than 5% of what China promised.

It's like they ordered a hamburger,

and the waiter brought them a shriveled piece of lettuce.

Now to be fair, the holdups on the money

weren't all from the Chinese Communist Party.

As the South China Morning Post points out,

some projects were delayed by the Philippines or cancelled.

And more may be coming soon.

Now on the one hand, the slowdown in investment

is actually good news for the Philippines.

It means they haven't fallen into

the Chinese Communist Party's debt trap.

Like Sri Lanka, or Pakistan, or Djibouti,

or Laos, or Cambodia, or...

well, the list goes on.

But on the other hand, in order to get the promise

of Chinese aid and investment—

even though it's unfulfilled so far—

Duterte has already made a lot of concessions

that have angered Filipinos.

At a February meeting of the Chinese Business Club,

Duterte complained that China was pinching its pennies.

So to get China to loosen its purse strings,

he joked that China should just annex the Philippines

and turn the country into a Chinese province.

"Why are you so sparing?

If you want, just make us a province, like Fujian:

Province of Philippines, Republic of China.

Problem solved.

Everything will be for free."

Everything will be free?

Maybe someone should tell Duterte

that's not how communism actually works.

Now while Duterte's joke seemed to make

the Chinese ambassador smile,

it didn't go over so well with the citizens of the Philippines.

A few months later, banners calling the Philippines

a "province of China" started popping up on bridges in Manila.

And I've got to give them props.

No, I mean, Filipinos are using lots of props

to express their anger at Duterte.

The Philippines, province of China banners

are slightly more subtle

than the guy with the "China Out" hat.

Or this effigy of the president's head tied to a makeshift train.

Which was then set on fire.

That happened on the day of Duterte's

state of the nation address in July,

when thousands took to the streets,

and not exactly to show their support.

Meanwhile, Duterte blamed bloodsucking bureaucrats

for the lack of money for his infrastructure dream.

"Corruption is like a leech that bleeds the government of funds,

programs and infrastructure and social development projects."

To be fair, people are angry at Duterte for a lot of things.

But among those things,

he's blamed for making one-sided concessions to China on sovereignty,

with nothing to show for it in return.

And it's not just Duterte's refusal to plant his flag in the South China Sea.

Which—let's be honest—even I've done that.

Duterte also proposed a highly controversial sharing deal

with China on a planned joint exploration of resources

in a part of the South China Sea that the Philippines claims.

Under the agreement,

the Philippines would get 60% and China 40%.

But critics say this is a bad deal because

it solidifies China's claim there.

But don't worry!

Duterte isn't giving up on enforcing

the Philippine's claim to the South China Sea.

He's fully committed to imposing it...

in the year 4001.

When he'll ride to the Scarborough Shoal

and plant the Philippines flag...

on a space jetski.

While shirtless.

And on a horse.

A space horse.

And before you go, it's time for me to answer another question

from a fan who supports China Uncensored

on the crowdfunding website Patreon.

David Michael White asks,

"Among your many overseas adventures,

which hotel did you like the most?"

Why, it was the Jia Jia Hotel in Taiwan!

They were super friendly and had interesting rooms,

and they were in good locations in Taipei and Tainan.

Also, I can't say no to free breakfast!

Now on one hand, I am saying that because the Jia Jia hotel

was a sponsor of China Uncensored—

and I have a lot of love and respect for

the companies that support us.

But on the other hand, I don't have much to compare it to.

The truth is,

I don't usually stay in hotels while traveling.

China Uncensored doesn't exactly have a big travel budget.

For most of our trips,

the crew and I save money by staying in people's homes,

or in AirBNBs.

But for all the hotel owners out there watching this episode,

if you have a five-star hotel and want to sponsor our crew

next time we travel,

I'm very open to updating my answer to this question.

And for everyone else watching,

what do you think about China's investment

commitments to the Philippines coming up short?

Leave your comments below.

Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Remember: China Uncensored is supported mainly through support from viewers like you.

If you can, check out our website,

and contribute a dollar or more per episode.

You'll get some neat perks, and maybe we'll answer your question on the next episode.

For more infomation >> Trung Quốc Thâu Tóm Philippines bằng Hứa Hẹn Đầu Tư Suông? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 8:57.


🌳Чем удобрять сад осенью?🌳 - Duration: 2:35.

All greetings what to get from autumn for each plant its own top dressing

so that trees and shrubs are well overwintered

in autumn they need to be well fed and since the requirements for all plants are different for each one will have to make a separate menu

apple and pear

they need to feed immediately after harvesting a half cup of superphosphate glass and 1 cup of potassium sulfate

cherry and sweet cherry these trees useful to fertilize in September 1 glass of superphosphate and 3 tablespoons of potassium sulfate

currant this shrub in comparison with fruit trees is quite small and it likes to eat well

the first time it should be fed in late September early October

half a glass of superphosphate and two thirds of a glass of potassium sulphate second feeding give at the end of October the floor of a bucket of overgrown manure

gooseberries quince japanese

chanomeles they are also those gluttons

the first time they feed in late September at the beginning of October and a half tablespoons of double superphosphate and 4 tablespoon of potassium sulfate

The last dinner is cooked at the end of October with a bucket of rotted manure


that culture is not particularly fastidious in food where one feeding in the end of October is quite enough 3 kg of peregrubed manure per 1 square meter

sea ​​buckthorn in general, it is not choosy to her it is enough for the summer only 1 feeding with nitrogen

but experts advise to fertilize it twice more and in autumn immediately after harvesting, add half a glass of superphosphate

hazel to the next year to get a good harvest of nuts in the middle of October under the bush it is necessary to pour 1 bucket of the manure


the last top dressing this one they give in the second half of September it increases winter hardiness

plants for each bush are made by one tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate

Schizandra chinese

he is given a dinner at the end of September and a half tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate on plants for a note

all the above fertilizers use equally evenly scattered into the near-trunks

after which the soil is watered, the doses are indicated for a single plant

I wish everyone good luck

subscribe to the channel put laiki write comments


For more infomation >> 🌳Чем удобрять сад осенью?🌳 - Duration: 2:35.


The Robot helping the people home work job 2018 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> The Robot helping the people home work job 2018 - Duration: 1:07.



Have you been to Costco?





Do you know about Costco?

I like Costco


I like Popcorn of Costco!

And then I bought it in Costco!

I want my brothers to eat the Popcorn!

So let's eat my favorite popcorn!!!!

This one!

Cheese & caramel popcorn!

This popcorn is very tasty!

It's so big!!

This is almost as big as Two Shunya's faces!

You've never eaten this,Right?

I've never

Let's eat this together!

It's so good!


Don't say that!

There are Cheese & Caramel flavor!

Let's eat Cheese popcorn!

It's salty!

It has a strong Cheese flavor!

I think so too!

I love this caramel popcorn!

How is it?


This is so good,right?



This caramel is..

Very good!

I really love this!

So I can't stop eating

Eating cheese popcorn makes us want to eat caramel popcorn and vice versa.

We can't stop eating, can we?

Father: Is it good?


Do you want to eat?

It's not too sweet!

It's tasty, right?


Can you do this?

Not at all😂

I can do it!


Not at all!!!

Father: Spit popcorn from your mouth,Shunya and then catch it with your mouth,Fumiya!


Ok. Let's do it!!

Fumiya: Where is the popcorn??

Shunya: It's inside the bag😂

Yuya: It sucks!😂

Let's do it again!

Watch out!

Let's do a challenge that we'll throw this popcorn from a distance.

If we can catch it with our mouth everyone in a row, we'll clear.

And this challenge is going to go on forever until all of us can succeed!

If we can catch popcorn with our mouth everyone in a row, we'll finish this challenge.

Shunya! Let's start!

I can do it!

Are you ready?

I figured out it's difficult to throw cheese popcorn far.

Shunya is bad at throwing.

Are you doing Discuit challenge?😂

I'm a little nervous

I'm sorry


We finally did the Popcorn Challenge!

For more infomation >> 【MASARAP!】INTRODUCE MY FAVORITE SNACK IN COSTCO!! - Duration: 6:25.


Stop Overthinking! How to Make Big Decisions & Start Following Through | MarieTV Live Call-In Show - Duration: 32:03.

Hey, it's Marie Forleo, and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

and life you love. And this is our MarieTV Call In Show, because we call out to some

of you guys to take your questions live, and have a good time. If you don't know this handsome

gentleman right here, this is Gregory Patterson. Well, howdy.

See? This is why we love him. Not only is Greg one of my dear friends, but he's also

responsible for beautifying the hair. I love when when we look in the TV and try

to figure out which curl to fix. Yeah, cuz it has a life of its own. Anyhoo,

we are really excited to get started today, and thank you so much for watching. So let's

dive in with our first caller. Hello.

Hello. Is this Marie? Yes it is. Is this Marie?

Hi. It's Marie Forleo. How you doing? I'm doing good. What about you?

I'm doing great. Well, you are on live on the MarieTV live Call in Show. All of Team

Forleo is here, and we are really excited to talk to you. What's your question today?

Well, I'm an anthropologist. I specialize in the anthropology of health and indigenous

studies, and I love my job. I love what I – I love my work, but I've been struggling

with making a decision with the rest of my career. I don't know if I should do a PhD

in anthropology, or if I should pursue a dream that I've had since I was a little girl, to

be an astronaut. I had put that dream on the back burner several years ago because I had

glasses and bad vision, but now it turns out that I could get my vision corrected with

laser surgery. And ever since I had my kids two years and a half ago, I've been kind of

having this existential crisis. I don't know what I should do with my career and my life.

And it's been really hard to make a decision. Yeah. Well, first of all, congratulations

on your child. I'm so happy that you asked this question because this is something really

common. Not only that I've heard before, but I know people struggle with at so many different

points in their lifetime. And so I want to talk to you about a couple things.

First, by the way, I just got LASIK this year, and it is the best thing ever. I know some

people like, "No to the LASIK." I am like, "Yes to the LASIK." So whether or not you

do it, I just want to tell you my experience was awesome.

Second of all, as it relates to your career and what we do in life, there's a quote that

has been attributed to Mark Twain that is one of my favorites, and I'll paraphrase it.

It's saying that we will regret more of the things that we don't do than the things that

we do. So, when it comes to the end of our life, we're going to look back and really

regret the things that we didn't go for, not the things that we tried. So I'm curious,

Marie, does that resonate for you? That quote? It does. And I mean, I do know that I think

I will regret it later in the future if I don't try to study to be an astronaut. If

I don't try to work towards it. At the same time, it's a hard choice because I do have

a PhD lined up for the fall, for next September. I have two great supervisors, and funding

opportunities, and I do like working in anthropology a lot. I would like to be a professor. And

it's hard to put that on the side, to start studies that will take several years. And

then, you know, the recruitment process to be an astronaut is extremely difficult. And

out of thousands of applicants they pick two to four every year. Not every year. Every

seven years. So that's why this decision is so hard to make. The chances that I will reach

my goal are slim at best, and I already do have a career that I enjoy. So that's why

it sucks. So, a little practicality. I know I'm interrupting

you, but I'm curious. You said a piece of information that I was unaware of, which is

that they accept applications every seven years. Is that correct?

Yes. Yeah. So, why not go kick some major freakin'

ass in your PhD now that you have that lined up, and also start kind of setting the pieces

in place so that the next round of seven years, whether that's coming up shortly, or it's

the one after that, that you dive in and give it your best?

Well, if I want to apply, I think the next process for recruitment is in five years.

I need to have at least a Bachelor's Degree, which is three years of study plus three years

of work experience to be eligible to be recruited. That means six years of work. So in theory,

even for the next recruitment process, I'm already late.  And working on taking science

classes and doing a PhD in anthropology, while being a mother to twins. I have twin girls.

You know, it's a big investment. Sure.

Yeah. So that's why it's a very hard decision to make.

Okay. Even just by talking to you, I can hear in your voice, it sounds like you're actually

more committed to the PhD program than you are to the idea of being an astronaut. So

I'm curious. Would you just be willing to make a choice that like, "I'm going to go

kick ass in my PhD," and it's not that you're, you know, disappointing yourself in this dream

of being an astronaut. You're making a proactive choice about what's best for you right now

as an adult woman. You know, this dream that you've had since you were small, right? Because

that's the one to be an astronaut. You had that dream, but you'd also didn't have the

life you have now, which is twin girls and a career that you keep telling us that you

love. So, what if the solution is actually about

setting yourself free, and embodying the dream for your life that you have in this moment

rather than one from the past? Sure. That makes sense. I guess.

I can hear your heart break. Well, here's the thing that I know, Marie. You continuing

to go on and torture yourself is not going to do you any good. It's not going to do your

girls any good, and it's not going to do yourself any good to go into this PhD process with

one foot in your astronaut dream, and one foot in the PhD, because you're going to torture

yourself for the rest of your life. And I don't think that's a great place to live,

and I don't think it's very useful. True, and I have been juggling with the decision

for several years, as I said. And it's a hard choice to make because it's such a big investment

to change careers at this point. You know, in both cases it's a sacrifice, so I guess

you're right. It's just about making a decision and moving on.

Yeah. I can hear the emotion in your voice and that's okay. Here's the thing, Marie.

Just because you're deciding not to go after the astronaut dream right now doesn't mean

that you won't find an opportunity, or a way, to work in that field in the future. You don't

know what's coming over the next five, 10, 15, or 20 years as it relates to both your

life, and as it relates to the sciences and how things are going to progress, the people

that you could possibly meet, or where your life can take you.

So what I want to help you avoid doing is just confining yourself to a very limited

idea of like what your life is going to be about, and really choose the PhD program from

a place of joy, and see how, who knows? You might engage with a space program a little

bit down the line. Sure. I mean, I think it makes sense and I

think it's a good attitude to adopt. I used to not worry so much about making decisions

like this, and it always worked out beautifully in the past. So, I've been –

Tell me about that. Wait. Wait. I'm interrupting. Before you go on, tell me more about that.

... well, I used to kind of like ride the wave. Surf the wave, I would say. I didn't

worry too much about decisions regarding my studies or my work. And it always seemed like

life was taking me where I needed to be. I would, you know, go on a trip and discover

I had an interest, and then choose to take some classes following that. Then, that led

me to anthropology, and then when I decided to do my Masters in anthropology, it was also

kind of like an quick decision on a whim, and it turned out great for me.

You know, several of the contracts that I've had, that I've done, have also been kind of

like surprise opportunities, and those worked out great. It's been the same for my personal

life, not just my professional life. It's just ever since having kids, I've been more

worried about the impact of my decisions. And riding the wave has been a little bit

more stressful, you know? I've felt like I had to make more strategic choices.

So, you've rode the wave your entire life and it turned out beautifully. And so right

now it feels like you're just on the precipice of perhaps a new adventure that can be even

more free than anything that you've experienced before. So I got one more question for you.

Really curious. How does it feel in your body if you imagine yourself gently releasing this

old idea of who you were supposed to be that you had as a little girl and embracing the

fullness of your magnificent life right now? How does that feel in your body?

It's a mix of stress, and joy, and freedom, I guess.

Does it make you excited to think about putting yourself totally into moving into this PhD

program, and knowing, and trusting, and having faith in the universe that this is the next

best step for you? I don't think I'm quite there yet.

Okay. I want to be.

And what's stressful about this decision? Well, it's not stressful to start the PhD

because I know I'm going to enjoy it. It's going to be a really interesting project.

What's stressful is closing the door on the project of you know, working in sciences,

and being an astronaut, because I know that it's time sensitive. I can't decide when I'm

55 to study to be an astronaut and go out in space. I could work in relations with the

space program, and space exploration. I could always do that in various ways, but if I want

to try to be an astronaut, I have to do it sooner than later.

Okay. So, just out of curiosity, what does it feel like to drop your entire career and

focus 100% on going through your astronaut dream? How's that feel in your body?

I mean, it feels exciting. I would be a little bit worried about it because I did take science

classes in the past, and although I loved it, it was a lot of hard work. What worries

me the most about it is the fact that I have responsibilities towards my kids and my husband

now. It's, you know, it would be a big investment. That's what's stressful about it, and time,

and money, and effort, but I guess it would be exciting.

And, are they behind you? Is your husband behind you if you wanted to go towards the

astronaut career? Yeah. He's ... I mean, whichever option I

choose. You're really interesting, Marie. You like

being in this state of having one foot in both places because, honestly, your voice

lightens up, and your energy lightens up when you're talking about going for your big dream

of being an astronaut. Just as a reflection. If you were lying on your deathbed and looking

back on your life, and your kids are healthy, and your husband was by your side, and you

knew you were about to pass, what do you see behind you?

Um, I would see that I had a really cool career in anthropology, and I tried to do a lot of

important work. And I would see that I didn't go for my dream and – of being an astronaut.

I would see that I had a great family and great kids and a great husband. And I had

the chance to travel a lot, which I'm grateful for.

So, when you look at not going for that astronaut dream, is it a big deal? Again, you're thinking

about this as really stepping into the last day of your life on Earth.

Yeah, I think so. You think it is a big deal that you didn't

go for it? Yeah.

Okay. Now try on a different future. What if you did go for it?

Well, I might or I might not succeed, but at least I would've tried.

Would you be proud of yourself for trying? Yes.

Would you be okay if it didn't work out? Yeah, because at least I would've given it

my all, you know. Interesting. Really interesting. How do you

feel now about moving forward? Is one more clear for you than the other?

Well, I think I do want to try to take science classes and see how it goes. And I think I

do want to try to get started on the track to you know, work towards being an astronaut.

Okay. I'm cheering. I'm holding my hands up. I know you can't see me. What is the next

step that you need to take in order to make this choice of becoming an astronaut come

to life? Well, I need to call the university in my

city and see which classes I have to take to be eligible to enter a program in sciences.

Okay, what's that going to take? Like 10 minutes? Uh, yeah.

Okay. I want you to do that and then write back to us and tell us how it went.

Okay, great. Cool?

Yeah. So, I'm basically talking to a future astronaut

right now, which is really, really exciting, Marie.

Yeah. Let's hope so.

Well, yeah, let's hope so, but more importantly, let's work towards it.

True. Awesome. Well, I don't know if this was helpful

for you, but I know I really enjoyed talking to you. And the one piece of advice I would

give you is to really get quiet, look within yourself, and, if this is what you want to

do, make the choice and stop torturing yourself with having one foot in one place and one

foot in the other because you're not doing yourself any favors. You're certainly not

getting closer to your dream of becoming an astronaut. And you're not getting yourself

on another path either. It's the indecision in life that kills us.

True. Thank you. This has been really, really useful.

You're so welcome. Please keep us posted after you make those calls. I'm going to ask Louise

on our team if Marie wrote back, and I'm really hoping for a yes.

Okay, I will. Awesome. Bye, darling.

Bye, have a good day. You too.

Hello? Is this Angela?

This is. What's up, Angela? It's Marie Forleo. How

you doing? Hi, Marie. How are you?

Oh, I'm so good. So you're on our live call-in show. We've got Team Forleo here, and I'm

really excited to see if we can help you. What's your question today, darling?

Okay, so I have a catering business. So my business is a product where I'm always having

to you know, purchase food. It's not like a one-time thing.

Yes. And, um, I really want to stick with quality

and not compromise. Where I live, I actually cater out of a really cool space. It's a two-story

art gallery. And part of the problem that I'm having now is the people that are local

are looking more for price, and they don't really care ... you know, they're not big

on quality and organic and grass-fed and things like that that I really believe in.

Yep. … and, at the same time, I'm really working

hard to try to get to more … I feel like their clientele will appreciate what we do.

Yep. So, I'm trying to figure out how do I not

compromise, but still stay in business with the people around me ... start attracting

the clientele that will get what we're doing. Got it. So, let me just – I'm going to

restate it because we have a little bit of audio challenge. So if I heard you correctly,

essentially you have this catering business. The area that you're in, you're super-focused

on high-quality, having things be organic and grass-fed. That's really important to

you, and you want to attract clientele that has those same values. And I'm assuming those

are going to be much different price points as well.

So, your question is around how do you take care of the clients you have now, while also

attracting the clients that you really want, which is a different clientele than you're

reaching? Is that right? Correct.

Yes, okay, awesome. So, Angela, this is something that a lot of people go through, all types

of creatives, all kinds of business owners. They get started, and you know, most of us,

when we're starting any kind of business, we take any clients that we can get. That's

how we get it all rolling. That's how you get money in the door. And then, as you start

getting traction, you become a little more discerning, and you understand who your ideal

clients are. So this is a transition that you absolutely

can make. I've seen many, many, many of our B-Schoolers do it across many different industries.

So it is a game of, first of all, taking care of your existing clients and giving them so

much love. The best, most enthusiastic, positive service that you possibly can, right, because

we never want to lose that. That's what you stand for. Those are your values.

And then, at the same time, carving out both mental space and the physical space of time

to set the intentions and start gently directing your business at the clients you want. Who

are those ideal clients? Once you know exactly who those ideal clients

are, it is really about scheduling and relationships. So what do I mean by scheduling? Setting aside

time in your calendar every single day, week, month, so you can start reaching out to those

people, getting yourself in front of them in terms of conferences, making phone calls,

sending emails, whatever you have to do to infiltrate the kind of market where you want

to become known and where you want to become the service provider of choice.

There's no set formula to do that. It's always about relying on our strengths. So for example,

in my career, whenever I've found people or looked out into the universe and said, "Wow,

I really want to be associated with them, I'd like to be friends with them, I'd like

to be colleagues with them," it was always a long-term game. I would identify the very

specific people, I'd pay attention to where they were going to be. I would attend those

conferences. And I would just build relationships. It didn't happen overnight, but it did happen.

So it's about being intentional with your time, and it's also about doing the hard work

while also balancing taking care of those clients.

So, for you, I would really recommend getting very narrow and like, whether it's a particular

group of people that you're like, "God, those are the kind of people I would love to hire

me," and start having conversations with them. If it's about organizations you want to hire

you, like picking three to five and then start following them on social media, emailing them,

reaching out, seeing if you have a conversation with someone. It's really about those – just

getting the boots on the ground in terms of business building that you need to focus on.

But I see this as completely possible. It's just not going to happen overnight.

I love this. That's great. Do you have some people in mind? Like when

you think about potential clients that you're like, "Oh, wow, I would love them to hire

us for a catering job," are there five, 10, three people that come to mind?

Oh, yeah. Do you have relationships with them?

I have a list. Oh, you do have a list?

I do. I do have a list, and I have been little by little like going into the city to event

planner events where I know they're at and reaching out to them. It's just becoming a

little bit of a challenge getting them to come into where I'm at because where I'm at,

it's not like Hudson, New York, or New Paltz where it's like oh, you know, it's a place

where it's really talked about. Even though I'm right outside of the city, it's not a

real hip and trendy place. Like if I could take the building and move it to a different

location, I think things could go a lot smoother for me. So it's more like my location is not,

you know, in one of these hip and trendy places that people in the city are talking about,

so that's a little bit of my challenge. And so, just so I'm clear, you want people

to do events at that particular space? Yes, but we also do off-premise catering too.

Okay, because that's where I got a little bit confused because if it's off-premise catering,

it doesn't – nobody gives a shit where the hell you are, as long as you show up for

the food and it's damn good. Yeah, maybe I'm just focusing too much on

the location instead of just on my product. That's right. I don't give a shit. Like just

to be honest with you, I'm someone who's busy. Bring us good food.

And if I was looking for a caterer, I don't really care. You could be in a real cool space,

and I would be like, "Great, girl, that's awesome, but you know what I care about is

your kale chips are dope." I want to have that grass-fed beef and those sliders just

be like on frickin' point. I want you showing up with that quality, that great attitude.

I want to make sure that I have the best nutrition, everything is organic. You could show me pictures

on your phone of your gallery all day. I'd be like, "Uh huh, yeah, and where's my damn

food?" So, stop trying to get people out to this

great place, if what you really want to focus on is pleasing them. Put your attention on

them and where they want you to show up, whether it's in the city, whether it is in New Paltz,

you know, wherever we want to be. But that's what I would do if I was you. And I've been

on your site. Gorgeous.

Gorgeous. Gorgeous.

And you're gorgeous as well. Thank you. Thank you.

I was looking at them kale chips. I'm getting hungry. It's awesome.

Those kale chips though. Those kale chips though.

Yes. Exactly. All this great organic food, you

guys. And there's brownies. So it's Halo and Horns Catering. We'll put this at the bottom,

so people can come check it out. But, Angela, stop focusing on space. Start focusing on

the people. Thank you. This gave me a lot of clarity.

And I want to tell you I'm a student of B-School and The Copy Cure, and you get so much value

for the money. I feel like I never have to buy another thing. I just go back to one of

the courses and find what I need. I'm doing the Running Man right now. I'm doing

the Running Man. You'll see it. Angela, thank you. I had no idea. I didn't even know that

you were in our community, in our customer community, so thank you. And thank you for

those words. Yes.

I'm just telling you, your stuff looks incredible. Insane.

Like really, really insane. So focus on those relationships. Turn building relationships

into your full-time job when you're not taking care of your existing customers.

Okay. Thank you so much. This helped me a lot.

You're welcome, darling. Thank you. Bye, Angela. Okay. Bye, bye.

Don't cross this line. There's many lines that I do cross, especially

with you. Hello?

Hi! Is this Chrystal? This is Chrystal.

Hi, Chrystal. It's Marie Forleo, and you're live on the MarieTV call-in show. How you

doing? I am trying not to freak out. This is very

exciting for me. No, freak out. We're going to freak out. Greg,

come on, we're freaking out. Freaking out!

Okay, so we just freaked out with you and for you.

Oh my God! You can totally feel free to freak out too.

Well, I'm at my nine-to-five, so I have to keep it quiet.

Oh, you gotta keep it quiet. Okay, girl. She's like, "Girl, I'm gonna keep it quiet."

I just have to say, Chrystal, your voice is like tremendous. You have an amazing voice.

Just have to tell you that. Thank you. Thank you very much.

You're welcome. So Chrystal, tell us about your question, and we'll try and keep it together.

We'll try not to make you freak out since you're at your nine-to-five. Talk to us.

Well, my question to you, which I'm completely honored that I would even be considered for

this opportunity to speak to you, I am a chef from trade, and I have been a buyer for a

food service distributor for, I don't know, as long as I can remember, 10 years now.

And I would like to transition into something more at heart with my local community because

I have this amazing island that I live on. I live in the Cayman Islands. And I live in

Grand Cayman, which is the largest island in the Caribbean, the Cayman Islands Caribbean.

And my question to you: I love personal development, but I suck at follow-through. Total truth.

I am currently raising three young girls and want to model success by example. Having trouble

putting my great dreams of owning my own business as a restaurant and local agriculture consultant

into an action plan. What action triggers do you set to get your butt up and start making

it happen? Yes. All right, well, Chrystal, great question.

Thank you for everything that you shared. Just as a point of clarification, do you want

to start a restaurant, like a local restaurant, and also become an agricultural consultant?

Or are those two things – do you consider them one?

I want to consult restaurants. You want to consult restaurants, okay. Great.

Right. Okay, good. So, here's the big message that

I have for you, and this is for everyone. First of all, we're going to put links below

this episode, and I know you're a fan of the show, but sometimes you know, we've talked

about a lot of things over the years, and we have many episodes about follow-through.

And we're going to put those links because I want you to have those mo-fos on repeat.

So that's as a little aside. We're going to make sure that you get that.

But the big message I want to say to you, my friend, is simplify to amplify. One of

the challenges that people have when it comes to follow-through is they're always trying

to take on too many things. They're trying to do all the things at once, and then they

don't do anything but the bare minimum to just get through life.

So for you, I'm curious, Chrystal, if there was just one thing that you felt like you

could do each and every day to start bringing this dream of becoming a consultant to restaurants

to life, what would it be? I think build, meet the right – make the

right relationship connections, networking. Nice, yes. I'm going to stop you right there

because that's exactly where I was going to go with you too. Relationships, especially

when it comes to this business, are everything. Question: Do you have like a hit list of people

that you would want to develop relationships with locally?

I'm building it. Currently building it. Great. How many people do you have on it right

now? I would say probably about five. I wanted

to make it more like 100, I think. So, what you could do, Chrystal, is you don't

have to wait until you have that list of 100 people. Literally either today or tomorrow

morning, you could just start making phone calls and developing those relationships.

Like whoever those five people are, call them, email them, send them a DM on Instagram, send

them a smoke signal, go to their house, knock on their door, whatever you need to do and

say, "Hey, I'm going to take you out for some tea" or "I'd love to have some coffee." Whatever

you have to do to start getting into those conversations, do it.

Cool. The whole idea of starting before you're ready

is one of the concepts that has changed my life so drastically. Between that and simplify

to amplify ... so, the simplify to amplify thing is don't try and do too much. Don't

try and build some fancy-ass website. Don't try and get proposals together. And you know,

all these different things that people do that they think that they need in order to

launch a business. You don't need that. All you need is to make an offer to someone and

for someone to actually say yes. You don't need anything besides that.

The way that you're going to get to that place is, as you rightly said, through relationships.

So don't wait until you have 100 names. Start with the five that you got, and then keep

adding names on. For example, if I were you, I'd start knocking

on those doors virtually, metaphorically, physically. The first person that you talk

to, have a conversation. Ask them who else they know that they think you should talk

to. Does that make sense? Right. Yes, that makes perfect sense.

And do not let yourself overthink this. At all. That's one of the other places that we

all fall down. We overthink it. We want to get it perfect. We want to have everything

together. F*** that. It is so overrated. 20 years will go by, and then you'll be no closer

than you are right now. So. You're so right.

Pick up that phone. The action trigger is literally like, "I have to make these five

phone calls today." And that's your – that's the big thing for you to do for the day. And

the next day, next five phone calls. Next day, next five phone calls. Don't have this

huge long-ass plan. You don't need a big strategy. Your ass just needs to get in action.

I love it. Cool?

Yeah, I am on it. I'm so on it. Yes, okay. Will you promise me, Chrystal,

to keep us updated? You'll write to the team and let us know how it's going, and if you

need a little I cannot wait to –

… gentle but loving kick in the butt, we can give it to you.

Definitely, definitely. Greg, do you have anything to say to Chrystal?

I'm here with Greg, who you know if you're seen the show.

Hey, Greg. Hey. No, I can so relate to this because I'm

very, very similar. And I think it's just the overwhelming task of having so many tasks

or your what-to-do list is so large that you sit in a space of "Oh my gosh, what do I do?"

So to simplify to amplify, like ding, da, ding, ding, ding.

Yes.   That little five-person list, even in my life,

I'm like, "Yes, I can handle five. I can do five."

Yeah. Yes.

And then those relationships, like sitting down talking with people like, "who else

do you know?" I would be so afraid to ask that question. But it's like, "Okay, that

could help build my list. Okay, that's easy." Yeah. So, Chrystal-

You got this. -you have everything. Right, you got everything

that you need right now. So we will follow up with those follow-up "how to follow through"

episodes, but honestly, girl, don't worry about action triggers. You get up, you do

it, you don't think about it, you do it again. Before you know it, your business is going

to be off and running. I am so excited.

Thank you for a great question. Thank you for choosing me. I love you guys.

All right. Love you back. Say hi to the islands.

Bye. Bye.

Well, everyone, there you have it. A few live Q's and A's. Greg, thanks for being with me,

as always. Thanks for having me again as always.

As always. Yes.

So for you, if you have questions that you want answered live, you gotta be sure to be

on the email list. You go to, and then you sign up for our emails. Not only

will you get a fantastic audio called "How To Get Anything You Want," you'll get some

exclusive content, special giveaways, personal updates from me that I don't share anywhere

else, and the chance to be on the show live, which I think is really fun because we do

have parties, and we throw confetti. Lots of confetti.

Just like this. Yeah.

Thank you so much for watching, and we'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

Ready to find your voice and sell with heart? We'll show you how. Get started now with our

free writing class at Side effects include enlarged profits.

I haven't done this for – I haven't done this since sixth grade. Got it.

Two chefs and an astronaut. That's what we'll call this episode.

For more infomation >> Stop Overthinking! How to Make Big Decisions & Start Following Through | MarieTV Live Call-In Show - Duration: 32:03.


How to Pronounce CORPORATION vs. COOPERATION [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 4:11.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today we're going to take a look at these two words.

Do you know how to say these two words?

Let's take a look at the first word, corporation.


Alright, so this word has many different sounds.

Let's start from the beginning sound, cor.

So it sounds like cor, cor.

Just like the word "more" but with a "c" sound. Cor.

So please repeat after me.

Cor, cor.

Alright, great.

So the next sound is puh, puh.

So please repeat after me.

Puh, puh.

Alright good.

And the next sound is ray, ray.

Alright, you want to raise the sides of your mouth like you are smiling and say, ray, ray.

So this is the "ra" in the word but it is pronounced ray, ray.

So please repeat after me.

Ray, ray.


Alright, the next part is shun, shun, so the "tion" sound has a "shun" sound.

Shun, shun.

So please repeat after me.

Shun, shun.

Alright, let's practice putting these sounds together and pronouncing it as one word.

So please repeat after me.

So remember the stress is on ray.


So please repeat after me.



One more time.



Alright, so the next word is cooperation.


Alright so this word is a little bit different at the beginning.

So the first two sounds are ko ah, ko ah.


So let's practice.

Please repeat after me.

The first two sounds.

Ko ah, ko ah.


Alright, so the rest of the word is the same just like the first word.

So let's practice this word as a whole word.

Are you ready?


One more time.



Alright, so let's practice these two words in turn.

First corporation and then cooperation.


So please repeat after me.





Alright, one more time.





Alright, now let's take a quiz.

I will say one of these words and you try to guess which word I said.

Are you ready?


Alright, if you guessed number one, you are correct.

Alright, once more.


Alright, if you guessed number one again, you are correct.

Alright, last one.


Alright, if you guessed number two, you are correct.

Alright, now you know the difference between corporation and cooperation.


So my name's Richard and remember to click like, share, and subscribe and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce CORPORATION vs. COOPERATION [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 4:11.


Undertaker returns RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 11:51.

So Shawn Michael is Back...

and We are happy.

Personal prediction.



Steve Austin thinks that Triple HHH is gonna beat Undertaker.... interesting.

I think it would be good if Triple H would appears at least at Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and Royal Rumble.

The Undertaker personally!

That´s true.

And that is?

What can I say?

We'll see....

at Super Down-Show in Australia.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Ok, that would be all for now.

As usual, watch me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

If you like this video hit the like buttom, SUBSRICEBE and share.

So that all and I'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Undertaker returns RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 11:51.


Learn Colors with Hand Painting M&M Chocolate Finger Family Song for Kid Children - Duration: 10:05.

Learn Colors with Hand Painting M&M Chocolate Finger Family Song for Kid Children

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Hand Painting M&M Chocolate Finger Family Song for Kid Children - Duration: 10:05.


The Road Got Blocked by Deer - Duration: 3:15.

So we were just driving around randomly and we came across this sign which said:


So we're going to check it out now!

For more infomation >> The Road Got Blocked by Deer - Duration: 3:15.


Months of the Year Song | Educational Songs For Children - Duration: 1:51.

Months of the Year Song | Educational Songs For Children

For more infomation >> Months of the Year Song | Educational Songs For Children - Duration: 1:51.


Dự Đoán Tướng Mới Liên Quân Mobile Tiểu Lý Phi Đao Lý Tầm Quang Sức Mạnh Khủng Bình Luận Đạt Gold - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> Dự Đoán Tướng Mới Liên Quân Mobile Tiểu Lý Phi Đao Lý Tầm Quang Sức Mạnh Khủng Bình Luận Đạt Gold - Duration: 11:43.


Essence Of Murli 05-09-2018 - Duration: 7:36.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 5th September 2018

( In today's Murli heading, Supreme Father is teaching us to imbibe 4 virtues. Let's hear the same ...... )

Essence: Sweet children, have an interest in doing service. (1st virtue)

(2nd) Become those with broad intellects and (3rd) invent different ways of doing service.

(4th) Correct the things that are meaningless.

Question: In what way can souls who have become as dirty as Ajamil be cleansed?

( There is a story of Ajamil, who was a big sinner. Later he got rid of all his sins. So the above question)

Answer: Soak them in the Mansarovar of knowledge.

All the dirt on the souls will be removed if they continue to soak in the ocean of knowledge.

Question:What is the biggest sin for Brahmins?

Answer: For a Brahmin it is a very big sin not to obey the Father's orders.

The Father's first order is: Remember Me constantly.

However, it is in this that some children fail and Maya then makes them commit one sin or another.

Song: Leave Your throne in the sky and come down to earth.

Essence for dharna: 1. In order to become free from the illness of the five vices, you must continue to take advice from the Surgeon. ( from Shiv Baba)

You souls must be careful that you do not catch any illness.

2. Earn this true income and also inspire others to do so. Do not behave in any way against the law.

Always follow the Father's orders so that you never become eclipsed by the bad omens of Rahu.

Blessing: May you become a conqueror of Maya & an embodiment of success by spinning the discus of

self-realisation & performing every act in the form of a divine activity.

Just as every act of the Father is remembered as a divine act, in the same way, let your every act be a divine activity.

Those who have become spinners of the discus of self-realisation, the same as the Father, can never perform ordinary actions.

The sign of a spinner of the discus of self-realisation is that he is an embodiment of success

Whatever tasks they carry out, success would be merged in those.

Because those who are spinners of the discus of self-realisation are conquerors of Maya,

they are embodiments of success and those who are embodiments of success are multimillionaires in their every step.

Slogan: Create powerful thoughts of happiness and you will remain constantly happy in your body and mind.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 05-09-2018 - Duration: 7:36.


Toy Guns for Children Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Blasters - Duration: 11:10.

Toy Guns for Children Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Blasters

For more infomation >> Toy Guns for Children Box of Toys Toy Weapons Nerf Blasters - Duration: 11:10.


9 Nét Tướng Khuôn Mặt Đàn Ông GIÀU SANG CÓ PHÚC, Phụ Nữ Lấy Được SƯỚNG MỘT ĐỜI - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> 9 Nét Tướng Khuôn Mặt Đàn Ông GIÀU SANG CÓ PHÚC, Phụ Nữ Lấy Được SƯỚNG MỘT ĐỜI - Duration: 12:52.


How to shoot a first-person video like "The Weeknd: False Alarm"🚀🥊😱 - Duration: 9:12.

Hello there!

Welcome to the Movavi Vlog!

Daria here.

Now that you're here, you most definitely know that every now and then we talk about

the magic of shooting and editing tricks.


Today's episode is on POV videos, which stands for point of view or first-person videos.

And now the Movavi Vlog team has one in its video collection.

Wanna take a look?

Cool, isn't it?

These videos can be truly dynamic and action-packed!

POV videos are also known as subjective camera videos.

They are entirely shot from a first-person perspective.

These types of video have an apparent advantage, in that you can be looking in any direction

you want at the time of shooting, because nobody gets to see your face.


I got a bit carried away there.

First off, let me tell you about a few features of the genre.


Hello, video games fans!

Viewing the world through the eyes of the main character is a common theme for gamers.

They roam around, engage in fierce fights, hunt for Viking treasure and whatever else

they do….

Thanks to first-person shooting, there's an enhanced feeling of engagement and actually

being in a given place.

This trick is also use d in the music industry at times.


Okay then.

Does it mean that if I'm not obsessed with video games and I'm far from being a musician,

I won't ever be able to experience what POV videos feel like?


Plenty of Youtubers with their own channel will tell their subscribers where they go,

what they eat, how great they are at parkouring/surfi ng/cycling, and who they get to see on the


Travel vloggers are just crazy about first-person format videos.

They put on a go pro cam and show their movements around breathtaking scenery all over the world.

With the help of a subjective camera, they can convey their vision of the world.

In cinematography, a subjective camera is rarely the primary shooting method.

One exception comes to my mind right away, however, and that's a Russian-American science

fiction action film called "Hardcore Henry".

It was released in 2015.

What did you just get to see?



Merciless fights!

Dynamic action!

Total chaos and a major mess!

Aren't you feeling it too?

Most commonly, a subjective camera is used for continuous action, maintaining the sensation

of being there or raising suspense - that feeling of nervousness you get when you're

waiting for something to happen.

Also, movies are sometimes shot from a first person viewpoint to keep viewers in the perspective

of the person holding the camera.

Another use is to create the effect of an amateur photographer miraculously surviving

a disaster.

As you can see, a first person video usually happens when the movie genre is horror, action,

detective, or something with a crime theme.

I'm pretty sure it'll work out just fine for you if you're going to capture your

active days or show how you travel around various parts of the planet.

Think the location through in advance, as well as your actions.

We've decided to choose an apartment, a car, streets, a café, and a beach.

Select the props for shooting.

One more thing: for videos of this type, you just can't do without an action camera or

a cell phone with a secure mounting.

Check out what we picked.

So, you need to use a wide-angle camera so that the viewer can see your arms, like in

this example.

An action camera will be your best option, but you might use your cell phone if you securely

fasten it around your chest.

But don't fall into the trap of thinking that the wider the angle is, the better.

The most organic shot is going to be the one with outstretched arms, while the viewer gets

to see the arms up to the elbows.

If your action camera is capable of choosing a frame format, do it right.

Avoid going for the widest angle.

Well, now.

Everything's sorted with the camera.

What's next?

You might pick think ???? a head strap camera mount for your action camera would be a great


But we'd recommend a chest mount harness as the better option.

And here's why: First off, your video will be more stable, because your head is a very

active part of your body, and the image is likely to jump all over the place.

Secondly, the shooting angle is better if you fasten the camera to your chest.

If you don't fancy either a chest mount harness or a head strap camera mount, how

about this option?

If you're creative enough, you'll most probably be able to make a fastening like

this for POV videos yourself.

Quite often a POV video looks like just a random collection of shots.

But these videos do have a plot!

Here's why you shouldn't forget to work up a script in the very beginning stages.

Then there ar e the people who participate in various scenes.

We also recommend you select your cast ahead of time.

We deliberately made a few shots displaying how I hug my friends and given them a high

five when meeting.

And now we're going to show you how we ended up with this road-trip movie - with the help

of some fun and games in the editing suite!

Let's open up Movavi Video Editor.

We'll drag the different clips onto the timeline.


We've cut out all the extra parts.

Trust me, when you shoot with a subjective camera you're likely to end up with a lot

of footage you won't want to use.

We recommend you to keep your scenes short.

If you're considering a change of location, make sure you apply splices and transitions

between scenes.

This way.

If you want to learn more on that, check out a link in the description.

Now it's time to add some music.

By its design, my video must be lively and dynamic.

That's why I'll take this one.

But if you're making a lyrical video, a peaceful music is the best option.

By the way, it nearly slipped my mind that Movavi has some new effects sets that are

truly fabulous!

I've already installed one of these sets.

I'm going to use titles from this one.

They'll be just right for a first person shoot, especially if you're shooting something

with a lot of driving.

With this effects set you can express your feelings, accentuate some objects and get

the augmented reality experience.


I'm a cyborg!

I'll grab some!

Let's take some more transitions and stickers from new packs.

Guys , how cool is this, huh?

Especially now that we have new effects sets that Movavi has designed and you can use to

create cyber space, different seasons, a holiday atmosphere… and a whole lot more.

They are totally adorable!

But as the saying goes, you never kno w until you try.

Maybe when you do, you'll see why I'm so excited.

I'll leave a link in the description.

Our recent episode on transitions and splices might also be really helpful for your POV


You can watch it here.

I'll be on top of the world if you like this video.

And don't forget to subscribe, cuz we've got plenty of other helpful tips on video

and photo shooting and editing coming soon.

For more infomation >> How to shoot a first-person video like "The Weeknd: False Alarm"🚀🥊😱 - Duration: 9:12.


Star Wars: Warum Palpatine nach seinem Tod explodierte - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Warum Palpatine nach seinem Tod explodierte - Duration: 4:23.


Kids Try BBQ from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:08.

- (imitates chicken cluck)

- Pig, pig.

(playful lounge music)

- [Both] Yes.

- Meat sauce, barbecue.

- Meatball.

- Barbecue.

- Chicken?

- By a barbecue?

- Barbecuing doesn't always have

to be with a barbecue grill.

You can do it on a fire, too.

- Let's do it!

- Smell something.

I smell it!

- Whoa!

I love chicken.

Chicken's my favorite food.

- Good and spicy.

- What is that?

- (gasping loudly and laughing)

- It's spicy!

(gasps and shrieks)

- Mm.


- So it's not a barbecue grill.

- So it's not barbecue.

- It's so good!

- Extra lean years?

- Mm.

- I'll try this.

- I'll try it, too.

- It's fresh.

- Hello, I'm Cucumber-Eyes.


- I noticed something.

- Everything is having a q.

- Cucumber, chicken.

- (Both laugh)

- Q.

- (gasps)

- What is this?

- It is juicy.

- Delicious!

- And it gets stuck in your teeth.

- This chicken's gruby.

- Gruby, like it's sticky.

- Oh, yeah, I've seen that before.

It's a pig with suntan.


- A pig eating an apple?

You killed it while it was eating an apple?

- That's a pig?

- I thought pig was only bacon.

- Mmmm!

- Aww, pig-pig.

Is this you?

(kissing noises)


- Okay.

Confusing, but they look good.

- There's no bone.

- Am I?

Oh, I am!

Thank you.

- Well, that's good.

- Lot of cowboys there?

- Carnitas.

- Ooh, barbacoa?

- Build my own taco?

- First thing I always do whenever I see a tortilla.

- Hello!

- I'm making my taco.

Okay, some of that.

- And I need some of this.

- It doesn't go there.

- I need cheese, Marina.

- Ooh, okay.

- Mmm, good!

- I think this is from France.


- Mexico?

- (cheers loudly)

I win!

I win!

Maybe not.

- Okay.

- Good.

- Good.

- All this barbecue is making me very sleepy.

- Raining barbecue!

- It's raining barbecue.

- It's raining barbecue!

- Raining barbecue!

- It's raining barbecue!

- Raining jar-becue!

- That one's a instant classic.

For more infomation >> Kids Try BBQ from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:08.


ភ្លេងរណ្តំចិត្ត ពិរោះ, Lagi Syantik + Alan Walker + Ed Sheeran - New Song Hip Hop, By Mrr Thea [TCD] - Duration: 3:18.

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