Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018


confidence isn't walking into a room

thinking that you're better than anyone

it's walking in knowing that you don't

have to compare yourself to anyone

comparing yourself to another person

that isn't even in your system there's

no thought of comparison there is no

competition with any other human you are

not above anyone you are not below

anyone that's confidence when you can

get to the place in your life where

comparison is dead

where you are good enough not to others

but to yourself that is confidence and

you can be good enough right now because

you are good enough right now you might

just need to change your mindset

confidence can be developed in many ways

you can start with your physiology your

posture if I asked you what a confident

person looked like would you be able to

tell me of course you would they look

strong sure of themselves how are they

standing they're standing tall how are

their shoulders they are back upright

they make eye contact their head is up

not down now a shy or introverted person

might say yeah well that's all good for

outgoing people but I will never be

confident anyone can develop confidence

somebody has to work on it harder than

others because they've conditioned

themselves into a lack of confidence for

much of their life but anyone can

develop confidence

even the majority of sad people have

moments where they aren't shy like

around people they trust maybe family

friends or their partner moments where

they can be themselves fully

so the shyness is selective which means

you can make confidence permanent if you

consciously decide to be the person and

do the things you do not just around

those you trust the most but all the

time being confident doesn't mean you

are loud it isn't about being the one

that has to be noticed it's the opposite

it's knowing you're great without having

to be seen it's the silent winner

it's the humble champion if you lack

confidence you can change if you lack

anything you can change you can be

anything in life including radical

personality change if you are committed

to finding the answers unlock the

greatest version of yourself your true

nature of confidence of pure positive

energy unlock your authentic power today


it is important in the area of

motivating yourself it's important to

know why you're doing it because that

mind will say why bother why go through

all this this is too hard no throw in

the towel it's not worth it it has it

ever said that to you before here's how

you can handle that here's how you

override that write down five reasons

why you deserve it why do you deserve

what you are why are you why do you

deserve it

what meaning and value will it bring to

your life what's so different about you

that you deserve your goal of this goal

and when you write down those five

reasons when you have some down moments

and you're going to have them when that

conversation start talking to you and

it's going to talk to you what you will

do is you can pull that out and read it

and it will build you up it will be your

rod and your staff to comfort you

through some challenging moments because

you're gonna have some life will knock

you between the eyes it will catch you

on the blindside come out of nowhere

stuff you can't anticipate that will

knock the wind out of you you want to

give up that's why it's important for

you to work on yourself listening to

tapes building yourself up talking to

yourself with power feeling and

conviction building yourself up day in

and day out because it's coming life

will send you some curves you cannot

anticipate the next thing is that

whatever you do you want to develop

technical mastery you want to be the

best at what you do you want to master

it see part of self motivation is you've

got to find something that gives you a

strong sense of competence will you

become known for that you develop a

reputation of being good at doing that

you set some high personal standards for

yourself you're not competing with

anybody else

you're just unfolding yourself to be the

best person that you could be that you

want to give the best quality service

that you can give because that is a

statement about who you are

the other thing that's the key to

self-motivation is recognized the fact

that you're going to get into some

slumps who recognize the fact that

you're going to encounter a great deal

of failure in life it goes with the

territory but in the face of that you

want to be relentless when you want

something you can don't expect everybody

to say oh come on it we've been oh you

want this oh great we want to give this

to you you're such a nice person you're

doing it for your family aren't you

great now don't like this and like that

no many doors will be closed in your

face many loans that you'll want they

say no you don't have enough collateral

you don't have enough credit and most

people will give up but you've got to

decide that I'm going to be fearless

I refuse to be denied and I'm gonna go

all out

I'm going to be relentless I don't care

how many nose I encounter I like

something Isaiah Thomas said when it's

getting ready for a basketball game he

said I'm going to either shoot us in or

shoot us out but I'm not going to not do

anything and that's the way to go

you can't make a basket unless you shoot

the ball you can't hit a homerun unless

you take a swing at it

most people won't even take a swing well

I probably won't make it anyhow that's

the conversation within they probably

won't give it to me anyhow

if you want something you've got to be

relentless you've got to decide I

deserve this and I'm going to have it

and you go all out to get it that drives

you the next thing is that when you want

something out of life you've got to be

willing to go into action don't wait

around for things to be just right don't

wait for things to be perfect don't wait

for the ideal situation it will never be

ideal there will always be a reason well

as soon as the children grow up well

soon as I pay my bills well soon as I

get my divorce okay as soon as I get

enough money together do what you can

where you are with what you have and

never be satisfied a lot of people never

take a chance in life they don't want to

take any chances they want the situation

to be ideal

see that's not walking by faith that's

walking by sight if I can see it I'll do

it no no no glass a lot of people say if

I can see it I believe it no no if you

believe it you can see it


and don't be disturbed because no one

else can see it that's not unusual that

is ordinary but because you want some

different kind of results in your life

you've got to be willing to be

unreasonable if you want unreasonable

results in your life you've got to be

willing to be unreasonable part of being

unreasonable you don't judge according

to appearances part of being

unreasonable you can see it because you

believe it that's part of being

unreasonable part of being unreasonable

you like Paulo said you must have the

faith to call forth those things that be

not as though they were that's part of

being unreasonable most people won't do


most people say call me when you get it

together then I'll support you the other

thing is that one of the keys to self

motivation that empowers you is that you

want to find a cause larger than

yourself find something that you can

contribute to find something that you

can make a difference because you can

part of what feeds your larger vision

part of what gives you a reason for

being part of what gives you your life

is being able to give something back so

I can't afford to give anything you

can't afford not to give give your time

give your television just to go and lick

envelopes I don't know exactly what I'm

going to do but I'm going over there

it's part of my tithing in the universe

once you develop that that special sense

of mission and that's what you develop

when you're part of a larger cause than


it drives you you don't need an alarm

clock to get up in the morning you have

special power you go places and folk

will like to be around you they will

know there's something different about

you when you go in they say hey that's

somebody important I want to know who

you are I just want to be near you that

energy that you have that consciousness

that you will embody

will affect everybody around you the

next thing is is that you want to create

a home court advantage for yourself

you've got to be aware of who you have

around you so you want to be selective

have friends that will enable you to

grow I have friends that help me to grow

spiritually these are my spiritual

friends I talk spiritual stuff with them

I have some other friends who are just

intellectual friends they make me grow

intellectually they make me stretch I

have some professional friends I'm a

member of the National Speakers

Association I get together with other

speakers and we learn from each other

and we grow from each other I have other

friends suggest social friends all we do

is just socialize together we look at a

basketball game together or go out

dancing but that's all we can do we

don't talk anything serious nothing

spiritual nothing intellectual that's

not that kind of relationship nothing

heavy up in here have other friends we

walk together that's all we can do walk

together talk about if we're going to

lose weight one day bye and bye for good

all right

that's all we do nothing else so

according to the relationships that you

develop we grow from people and projects

and the relationships that you develop

can enhance and can enrich your life or

they can drain you I know many talented

people who had a great deal of potential

but because they didn't surround

themselves with other people that will

inspire them to transcend themselves

they never realize their greatness and

they will end up going to their grave

with all their good stuff still in them

so you want to look at your

relationships the people that you're

involved with the people that you

communicate with almost often and you

want to ask yourself the question what

am i becoming because of this

relationship desert in spamming am i

motivated am i encouraged am i driven to

develop myself am i seeking my own

greatness what kind of person am i

becoming because of this relationship am

i becoming more cynical

and negative about life ask yourself

that the next thing is you've got to say

yes to your life you've got to say yes

yes to my dreams yes to me

yes I can make it yes I can

doesn't matter how many failures I've

made doesn't matter how many mistakes

I've endured doesn't matter about my

defeats doesn't matter about what I've


yes yes I don't care about the fact I'm

in a hole now doesn't matter about where

I am yes

the last chapter to my life has not been

written yet if you judge me now you

judge me prematurely

I haven't exposed all my stuff yet I'm

still in the process of transforming my

life I'm still in the process of

becoming yes I had somebody in my life

at one time told me you're never making

and I said how's sugar and I'm what

energized me what motivated me was

something that Frank Sinatra said he

said the best revenge is massive success


I'll show you you just watched my smoke

there's old folks useless thing

so say yes stand up for your dreams

stand up for what you want in your life

decide that your life is so meaningful

to you that you love you and you love

life so much that you're going to stand

up for something you want I used to have

a saying when I was on the radio stand

up for what you believe in because you

can fall for anything so when I say to

you this evening that you are powerful

you have miracle-working power in your

life right now but you've got to work on

yourself you've got to develop yourself

you've got to talk to yourself day in

and day out selling yourself on you and

on your potentials and you've got to

know that that you are worth all of your


and that the key to your motivation as

you get a larger vision of yourself is

to know that you have something to give

is to know that you have a reason for

being in the universe at this point in

time I want you to stand up for your

life right now anybody want to stand up

for your life stand up agree



For more infomation >> How to Build Self Confidence | Morning Motivation | Motivaitonal Video - Duration: 15:46.





태국 빠이 중국인 마을 필수코스Muk-Bang - Duration: 5:01.

The hill is high, but the motorcycle is amazing.

The chicken looks like a dinosaur.

I'm so scared.


This is Chinese village in PAI

I will try Chinese dumplings here.

Hello Are you subscribing to my YouTube channel?

Korean Friend Channel Quick Subscribe

Have you seen our channel?


She saw our channel and why do not you know me?

She can not speak Thai.

this this this

Steamed buns with zucchini leaves



For more infomation >> 태국 빠이 중국인 마을 필수코스Muk-Bang - Duration: 5:01.


[Poor travel深圳] 一年後再試「奈雪の茶」!今次會吾會令我地改觀呢?霸氣芝士桃桃莓!奶酪芋頭山!惡魔的眼淚!Shenzhen Travel Vlog 2018 - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel深圳] 一年後再試「奈雪の茶」!今次會吾會令我地改觀呢?霸氣芝士桃桃莓!奶酪芋頭山!惡魔的眼淚!Shenzhen Travel Vlog 2018 - Duration: 3:45.


The Law Of Attraction Secret (Subconscious Mind Power) - Duration: 14:54.

The attractive power.

In order to attain a thing, it is necessary that the mind should fall in love with it,

and be conscious of its existence, almost to the exclusion of everything else.

You must get in love with the thing you wish to attain, just as much as you would if you

were to meet the girl or man you wish to marry.

I do not mean that you should become a monomaniac upon the subject,

and should lose all interest in everything else in the world—that won't do, for the

mind must have recreation and change.

But, I do mean that you must be so "set" upon the desired thing that all else will

seem of secondary importance.

A man in love may be pleasant to everyone else, and may go through the duties and pleasures

of life with good spirit, but underneath it all he is humming to himself "Just One Girl"

and every one of his actions is bent toward getting that girl, and making a comfortable

home for her.

Do you see what I mean?

You must get in love with the thing you want, and you must get in love with it in earnest.

And the man or woman in search of success must make of that desired thing his ruling

passion—he must keep his mind on the main chance.

If a man allows his strong interest to the main chance to be sidetracked, he will be

the loser.

Mental Force operates best when it is concentrated.

You must give to the desired thing your best and most earnest thought.

Just as the man who is thoroughly in love will think out plans and schemes whereby he

may please the fair one, so will the man who is in love with his work or business give

it his best thought, and the result will be that a hundred and one plans will come into

his field of consciousness, many of which are very important.

The mind works on the subconscious plane, remember, and almost always along the lines

of the ruling passion or desire.

It will fix up things, and patch together plans and schemes, and when you need them

the most it will pop them into your consciousness, and you will feel like hurrahing, just as

if you had received some valuable aid from outside.

But if you scatter your thought force, the subconscious mind will not know just how to

please you, and the result is that you are apt to be put off from this source of aid

and assistance.

Beside this, you will miss the powerful result of concentrated thought in the conscious working

out of the details of your plans.

And then again the man whose mind is full of a dozen interests fails to exert the attracting

power that is manifested by the man of the one ruling passion, and he fails to draw to

him persons, things, and results that will aid in the working out of his plans, and will

also fail to place himself in the current of attraction whereby he is brought into contact

with those who will be glad to help him because of harmonious interests.

I have noticed, in my own affairs, that when I would allow myself to be side-tracked by

anything outside of my regular line of work, it would be only a short time before my receipts

dropped off, and my business showed signs of a lack of vitality.

Now, many may say that this was because I left undone some things that I would have

done if my mind had been centered on the business.

This is true; but I have noticed like results in cases where there was nothing to be done—cases

in which the seed was sown, and the crop was awaited.

And in just such cases, as soon as I directed my thought to the matter the seed began to


I do not mean that I had to send out great mental waves with the idea of affecting people,

not a bit of it.

I simply began to realize what a good thing I had, and how much people wanted it, and

how glad they would be to know of it, and all that sort of thing, and lo! my thought

seemed to vitalize the work, and the seed began to sprout.

This is no mere fancy, for I have experienced it on several occasions; I have spoken to

many others on the subject, and I find that our experiences tally perfectly.

So don't get into the habit of permitting these mental leaks.

Keep your Desire fresh and active, and let it get in its work without interference from

conflicting desires.

Keep in love with the thing you wish to attain—feed your fancy with it—see it as accomplished

already, but don't lose your interest.

Keep your eye on the main chance, and keep your one ruling passion strong

and vigorous.

Don't be a mental p0lygamist—one mental love is all that a man needs—that is, one

at a time.

Some scientists have claimed that something that might as well be called "Love" is

at the bottom of the whole of life.

They claim that the love of the plant for water causes it to send forth its roots until

the loved thing is found.

They say that the love of the flower for the sun, causes it to grow away from the dark

places, so that it may receive the light.

The so called "chemical affinities" are really a form of love.

And Desire is a manifestation of this Universal Life Love.

So I am not using a mere figure of speech when I tell you that you must love the thing

you wish to attain.

Nothing but intense love will enable you to surmount the many obstacles placed in your


Nothing but that love will enable you to bear the burdens of the task.

The more desire you have for a thing, the more you Love it; and the more you Love it,

the greater will be the attractive force exerted toward its attainment—both within yourself,

and outside of you.

So love but one thing at a time.

You have noticed the difference between the successful and strong men in any walk of life,

and the unsuccessful weak men around them.

You are conscious of the widely differing characteristics of the two classes, but somehow

find it difficult to express just in what the difference lies.

Let us take a look at the matter.

Burton said: "The longer I live, the more certain I am that the great difference between

men, the feeble and the powerful, the great and the insignificant, is energy and invincible

determination, a purpose once fixed and then Death or Victory.

That quality will do anything that can be done in this world, and no talents, no circumstances,

no opportunities will make a two--legged creature a man without it."

I do not see how the idea could be more clearly expressed than Buxton has spoken.

He has put his finger right in the center of the subject—his eye has seen into the

heart of it.

Energy and invincible determination, these two things will sweep away mighty barriers,

and will surmount the greatest obstacles.

And yet they must be used together.

Energy without determination will go to waste.

Lots of men have plenty of energy, they are full to overflowing with it; and yet they

lack concentration, they lack the concentrated force that enables them to bring their power

to bear upon the right spot.

Energy is not nearly so rare a thing as many imagine it to be.

I can look around me at any line, and pick out a number of people I know who are full

of energy, many of them are energy plus, and yet, somehow, they do not seem to make any


They are wasting their energy all the time.

Now they are fooling with this thing now meddling with that.

They will take up some trifling thing of no real interest or importance, and waste enough

energy and nervous force to carry them through a hard day's work; and yet when they are

through, nothing has been accomplished.

Others who have plenty of energy, fail to direct it by the power of the Will toward

the desired end.

"Invincible determination" those are the words.

Do they not thrill you with their power?

If you have something to do, get to work and do it.

Marshal your energy, and then guide and direct it by your Will, bestow upon it that "invincible

determination" and you will do the thing.

Everyone has within him a giant will, but the majority of us are too lazy to use it.

We cannot get ourselves nerved up to the point at which we can say, truthfully: "I Will."

If we can but screw up our courage to that point, and will then pin it in place so that

it will not slip back, we will be able to call into play that wonderful power, the Human


Man, as a rule, has but the faintest conception of the power of the Will, but those who have

studied along the occult teachings, know that the Will is one of the great dynamic forces

of the universe, and if harnessed and directed properly it is capable of accomplishing almost

miraculous things.

"Energy and Invincible Determination", aren't they magnificent words?

Commit them to memory, press them like a die into the wax of your mind, and they will be

a constant inspiration to you in hours of need.

If you can get these words to vibrating in your being, you will be a giant among pygmies.

Say these words over and over again, and see how you are filled with new life—see how

your blood will circulate—how your nerves will tingle.

Make these words a part of yourself, and then go forth anew to the battle of life, encouraged

and strengthened.

Put them into practice.

"Energy and Invincible Determination", let that be your motto in your work-a-day

life, and you will be one of those rare men who are able to "do things."

Many persons are deterred from doing their best by the fact that they underrate themselves

by comparison with the successful ones of life, or rather, overrate the successful ones

by comparison with themselves.

One of the curious things noticed by those who are brought in contact with the people

who have "arrived" is the fact that these successful people are not extraordinary after


You meet with some great writer, and you are disappointed to find him very ordinary indeed.

He does not converse brilliantly, and, in fact, you know a score of everyday people

who seem far more brilliant than this man who dazzles you by his brightness in his books.

You meet some great statesman, and he does not seem nearly so wise as lots of old fellows

in your own village, who waste their wisdom upon the desert air.

You meet some great captain of industry, and he does not give you the impression of the

shrewdness so marked in some little bargain-driving trader in your own town.

How is this, anyway?

Are the reputations of these people fictitious, or what is the trouble?

The trouble is this: You have imagined these people to be made of superior metal, and are

disappointed to find them made of the same stuff as yourself and those about you.

But, you ask, wherein does their greatness of achievement lie?

Chiefly in this: belief in themselves and in their inherent power, in their faculty

to concentrate on the work in hand, when they are working, and in their ability to prevent

leaks of power when they are not working.

They believe in themselves, and make every effort count.

Your village wiseman spills his wisdom on every corner, and talks to a lot of fools;

when if he really were wise he would save up his wisdom and place it where it would

do some work.

The brilliant writer does not waste his wit upon every comer; in fact, he shuts the drawer

in which he contains his wit, and opens it only when he is ready to concentrate and get

down to business.

The captain of industry has no desire to impress you with his shrewdness and "smartness."

He never did, even when he was young.

The great people of the world—that is, those who have "arrived"—are not very different

from you, or me, or the rest of us—all of us are about the same at the base.

You have only to meet them to see how very "ordinary" they are, after all.

But, don't forget the fact that they know how to use the material that is in them; while

the rest of the crowd does not, and, in fact, even doubts whether the true stuff is there.

The man or woman who "gets there," usually starts out by realizing that he or she is

not so very different, after all, from the successful people that they hear so much about.

This gives them confidence, and the result is they find out that they are able to "do


Then they learn to keep their mouths closed, and to avoid wasting and dissipating their


They store up energy, and concentrate it upon the task at hand; while their companions are

scattering their energies in every direction, trying to show off and let people know how

smart they are.

The man or woman who "gets there," prefers to wait for the applause that follows deeds

accomplished, and cares very little for the praise that attends promises of what we expect

to do "some day," or an exhibition of "smartness" without works.

One of the reasons that people who are thrown in with successful men often manifest success

themselves, is that they are able to watch the successful man and sort of "catch the

trick" of his greatness.

They see that he is an everyday sort of man, but that he thoroughly believes in himself,

and also that he does not waste energy, but reserves

all his force for the actual tasks before him.

And, profiting by example, they start to work and put the lesson into practice in their

own lives.

Now what is the moral of this talk?

Simply this: Don't undervalue yourself, or overvalue others.

Realize that you are made of good stuff, and that locked within your mind are many good


Then get to work and unfold those good things, and make something out of that good stuff.

Do this by attention to the things before you, and by giving to each the best that is

in you, knowing that plenty of more good things are in you, ready for the fresh tasks that

will come.

Put the best of yourself into the undertaking on hand, and do not cheat the present task

in favor of some future one.

Your supply is inexhaustible.

And don't waste your good stuff on the crowd of gapers, watchers and critics who are standing

around watching you work.

Save your good stuff for your job, and don't be in too much of a hurry for applause.

Save up your good thoughts for "copy" if you are a writer; save up your bright schemes

for actual practice, if you are a business man; save up your wisdom for occasion, if

you are a statesman; and, in each case, avoid the desire to scatter your pearls before—well,

before the gaping crowd that wants to be entertained by a "free show."

Nothing very "high" about this teaching, perhaps, but it is what many of you need very


Stop fooling, and get down to business.

Stop wasting good raw material, and start to work making something worth while.

For more infomation >> The Law Of Attraction Secret (Subconscious Mind Power) - Duration: 14:54.


Duyusal Yoksunluk Tankı İle 5.Boyuta Geçin - Duration: 4:44.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

İnsanoğlu var olduğu günden bu güne kadar 5 duyu organı ile algıladığından çok

daha fazlası olduğunu hissetmiş ve bu boyuta geçmeye çalışmıştır.


Boyuta geçmek için çok fazla yol vardır, ancak bunlardan en basiti ve en fazla kullanılanı

duyusal yoksullaştırma tankıdır.

Bu videoda sizlere duyusal yoksunlaştırma tankını anlatacağım.

Bilimsel anlamda ilk duyusal yoksunlaştırma tankı 1954'de psikanalizci ve nörofizyolog

John Lilly tarafından beynin çalıştığı gibi çalışmasının kendinden mi kaynaklandığını

yoksa çevresine mi bağlı olduğunu yani bilincin çevresiyle ilişkisini araştırmak

amacıyla yapılan deneyler için kurulmuş bir düzenektir.

Lilly beynin uyarılmalarının elektriksel haritasını çıkaran, beyindeki haz ve acı

kanallarını tespit eden ilk fizyologlardan biri olarak tarihe geçmiştir.

Tıp fakültesini bitirip sinir hastalıkları kliniklerinde bir kaç düzine deney yaptıktan

sonra bilinç denen şeyin aslında ne olduğunu anlayabilmek için türlerarası iletişimi

irdelemeye başlamıştır.

Beynin bilinç düzeyini kavrayabilmek adına lsd ve ketaminin gibi uyarıcıların bilinçte

yaptığı farklılıkları anlamak adına kendi üzerinde kapsamlı deneyler yapmıştır.

Deneyler sonucunda oluşan bilinç düzeyleri ile ilgili kategoriler oluşturmuş ve ayrıntılı

bilgilere ulaşmıştır.

Sonuç olarak bilincin tıbbın çok ötesinde bir şey olduğunu keşfetmiş ve bu konuda

iki kaynak kitap hazırlamıştır.

Halüsinasyon diye tanımlanan bilinç evresinin yalnızca yükseltilmiş, yüksek seviyede

uyarılmış ve bağlantıda olması gereken şeyle yüksek düzeyli bağlantıda olan

bir bilinç düzeyi olduğunu söyleyerek "insan bio-bilgisayarının programlanması

ve üst-programlaması" ayrıca tanrının uyarılmaları adlı kaynak kitapları kaleme


Duyusal yoksunlaştırma havuzunu beynin uyarılmalarını araştırırken tanrınınkileri bulmasını

sağlayan düzenek olarak tanımlamıştır.

Lillynin duyusal yoksunlaştırma havuzu modeli deneği dışarıdan gelen tüm algısal uyarıcılardan

izole etmek için ışık ve ses geçirmez duvarların içine yerleştirilmiş, yere

yarıya kadar gömülmüş dört tarafı kapalı bir havuzdur.

Havuzun içi vücut sıcaklığında yani yaklaşık 37 santigrat derece tuzlu suyla

doldurulur ki beden kendiliğinden suda durabilsin.

Deneğe ayrıca garip, tüm başı kaplayan bir gaz maskesini andıran lateksten yapılma

"karartma maskesi" denen bir maske takılır ve denek tamamen suya daldırılır.

Maskenin ağız kısmına takılı havanın gelmesini sağlayan iki boru dışında dışarısıyla

ilişki tamamen kesilip beyin kendi başına karanlık bir kutuya kapatılır.

Ayrıca suya transı hızlandıracak bazı özel ilaçlarda enjekte edilmektedir.

Günümüz de İran'da işkence aleti olarakta kullanılmaktadır.

Bilinçsiz kullanım neticesinde denekler de şizofreni ve psikoz vakaları saptanmıştır.

Duyusal yoksunluk tankı dediğimiz mekanizmanın kullanımı aslında çok daha eskilere ezoterik

cemiyetlere kadar gider.

Yazılı kaynaklarda bu tank benzeri yapıların rahiplerin 5.

boyuta geçerek tanrılarla iletişim kurması amacıyla binlerce yıl evvel Antik Mısırda

kullanıldığından bahsedilmektedir.

Orta çağ Avrupasında ki Ezoterik cemiyetler de duyusal yoksunlaştırma tankını ahşap

şarap fıçılarından inşa ederek sıkça kullanmışlardır.

Ezoteride ki tank ile Lilly'nin kullandığı tank birbirlerine son derece benzerdir.

Aynı şekilde vücut sıcaklığında yoğun tuzlu su ile doldurulur ve bazı özel halüsilatif

bitkiler suya karıştırılırdı.

Elbette bunların bir ölçüsü ve tarifi vardır.

Affınıza sığınarak bunu paylaşmayacağım.

Kullanıcı tanka girdikten sonra Yer çekimi hissi kaybolur 5 duyu organı baskılanır.

Tıbba göre beynin de aktivitesini yavaşlatması gerekir ancak öyle olmaz aksine beyin 5 duyu

ile algılayamadığı dış hadiseleri fizik kurallarını aşarak algılamak için daha

fazla çalışmaya başlar.

Nihayetin de bir tür bilinçsel transa ulaşılarak 5.

boyuta kesin bir geçiş sağlanır.

İçerisinde ki sıvının tarifi bilinmesi halinde saç bir depodan basitçe bir duyusal

yoksunlaştırma tankı inşa edilebilir.

Yine de kullanımı gözetim altında ve çok dikkatli şekilde gerçekleştirilmelidir.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olup bildirimleri açmayı unutmayın.

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Duyusal Yoksunluk Tankı İle 5.Boyuta Geçin - Duration: 4:44.


Comprehensive RTX2080Ti leaked bench information. - Duration: 7:25.

Good morning.

It is Ato.

NVIDIA's GeForce rtx20 series Interest in is hot.

Nearly double the previous Pascal generation price.

And expect performance as much as that price The biggest question is whether


Last Battlefield for rtx20 series v Rotterdam cityscape capture video

I showed you.

Through that video I realized the performance of rtx20 I was concerned about it.

More specific information since then I started to come out.

The reason why the rtx20 series is hot is that the price I think I did a part.

Near double the price of previous pascal

Though the standards are different.

It is great to see in Korea.

The price difference is twice that of overseas In the domestic market,

This is the first booking Starting at $ 1.50 to $ 160

I saw that it was ten thousand won. .

And yet, it's only two times that Let's set it to $ 1.8 million now

I was selling it to you.

That's great. Anyway, it is 2 times different.


Why price is important.

From now on, this price The part that you should think about in mind

There are quite a lot.

So let's keep the price part in mind. I want you to listen to my story.

Although not official, Benchmark material outflows

Has been.

And based on the rtx20 series Performance Comparison

It is proceeding.

Release of rtx20 series NVIDIA Of the contents announced in the previous Pascal

There will be a 6x performance improvement over the There was a story.

This, of course, You have to be careful,

I have.

However, in a characteristic limited area Six times the performance improvement is not wrong.

Let me explain this easily. .

In case of racing, than Pascal 6 times faster is correct.

However, afterwards, If you look at the parts you need to think about

There is.

The game you are playing And games to meet in the future

Not all support raytracing. Is not.

This is important.

Without raytracing The expected performance expectations are probably

It will be hard to exceed 50%.

If so, NVIDIA announced Of the 11 racing racing games

See one There will be.

Probably the most I can meet you quickly

The guy who shows the quality of Shadow of our 'Lara'

I think it is the Orb Tomb Radar.

But see the public If rtx is demonstrated in Tomb Raider

Gun 1080p resolution based on average 40fps That it was demonstrated

You have to think.

Developers for Metro Exodus Are currently applying raytracing technology

At 60 fps at 1080p resolution. Goals.

Battlefield v is probably fairly I think it was hard.

To be standardized in the future, It takes quite a long time for two or more generations

I warned you.

And the new 3d mark score yesterday Has been leaked.

Based on this data, ti is 35% better than 1080i

I came out with.

35% performance improvement can never be ignored This is not a performance improvement,

When it was released, the previous generation 980 79% performance improvement based on ti

If you think about it, I can see that it does not go crazy.

clearly 2080ti has potential.

It is already different from the architecture of the architecture The advantage of these Turing

Provide a complete program Time and inexperienced

It is true.

After a certain amount of time, Utilizing the new mechanism of 2080ti

You'll get an attractive result. I believe.

Just for the above reasons now 2080 It is fairly reasonable to buy ti

I think I can not.

Today's video is here.

This video is a bit of a

I hope this helps

For more infomation >> Comprehensive RTX2080Ti leaked bench information. - Duration: 7:25.


☆ マジカルミライ 2018 ☆ - Duration: 18:42.


This is Saya, or to be more precise her offscreen voice

and today I want to share with you some of Magical Mirai I went to!

This year it was held in Osaka and Tokyo,

for whole 3 days in Tokyo actually!

And all these people lined first at 9 a.m. on the first day in Friday.

And all that to buy those exclusive goods and

get a chance to see the opening ceremony!

I came here at 6 a.m!

While waiting in the line,

you could specify what exactly you're willing to buy in a special bulletin.

As expected, you're allowed to buy only 2 pieces of one particular item!

The opening ceremony started at 12 a.m!

You could see these beautuful bouquets of flowers for vocaloids along the entrance to the hall.

And you even get a badge, a map and flyers when you enter.

Upon entering the hall the first thing to notice are yellow bright stands

those are for Kagamine Rin and Len 10 year anniversary.

They celebrated it in December by the way.

And right after that I ran to get in line for exclusive goods!

This year there were so many interesting items

a plaid, clocks and other, but the most important were penlights and happi.

Later I'm going to make a video review of what I have bought!

So, here I'm happy and for everything I wanted

and now we're going to explore!

I went there in Magical Mirai 2018 costume on the first day, yes!

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to record a lot during the first day.

But actually there was a very interesting secret event at 3 p.m.

you had to go to a special website where you could see birthday greetings

for Miku from fans all over the world and

hear this year theme song all across the venue.

I had more time to shoot videos on the second day

and I was wearing more comfy clothes too.

Upon entering the venue there were big Kagamine anniversary stands,

the central stand was decorated with iXima festive art and KEI arts from voicebanks,

other stands had special arts from other artists.

There was also a stand where anyone could put a sticker with their own birthday greeting!

Rin-chan, Len-kun, omedetou!!

There were also stands with all Crypton vocaloid together,

their description and updates in a chronological order!

Another stand I want to tell about is a stand with all the previous significant Miku event.

For example the performance with Kabuki, KODO, Symphony, PPPParty and others.

And of course, Snow Miku!

All of her designs were beautifully displayed alongside with figures.

Next year design was also displayed.

Nex year will be Princess Snow Miku.

You could buy Snow Miku goods at Snow Miku Skytown booth,

which you could also find at Magical Mirai.

Another tradition at Mirai is a blackboard where you could

leave your drawing with chalk crayons!

And the full-sized Magical Mirai figure!

Besides Miku there were Kagamine Rin, Len and Luka-san!

Just like last time, there was also a this year theme song stand~

This time there was a new vocaloid classroom stand.

It looks so funny, each vocaloid has figure and voicebanks at his or her desk.

You could also find a school locker nearby with Mikudayo hiding inside...

Thee was also a small exhibition of Mirai figures and prototypes only to be released!

It was very interesting to see them live.

And of course Goodsmile Racing stand!

You could take a picture with racing cars,

watch a race video and see the special goods!

You could also find Gatebox Miku and listen to the song by Deco*27 made specially for Gatebox.

There were not only display stands, but also entertainment stands!

For example, there were gaming machines with Miku,

coloring papers and master classes!

This time the master class theme was making your own towel with Vocaloid!

Exclusive goods are something you can't miss at any Miku event,

especially if it's about Magical Mirai.

There were many stands from different brands where you could buy special items!!

Volks stand where you could even buy a doll or costume,

but you had to be fast because all of that was sold out pretty quickly.

Besides that, Volks announced the Sakura Miku Dollfie!!

Stands with clothes, cosmetics, jewelry...

there was so much you couldn't resist to buy!

And even.. a car! Yes-yes!

To commemorate Miku Anniversary,

Daihatsu released a new car that combines minimalism with Miku style.

And I was lucky enough to meet it's designer!

I shaked his hand and thank him for this collaboration and beautiful design,

because if you look closer you can find many details tied with Miku-san.

I love it!

And of course you could buy items tied with this collaboration.

The shop with a cute raccoon Rascal, about which I'm going to tell you more in the next videos,

plushies from Gift, Goodsmile Company figures, Miku ice-cream from cafe...

Uncountable amount of interesting stuff and stands!

I tried hard to tell you as much as I could, but I'm not sure if I reached that goal.

By the way, it was so beautiful at the evening after the Magical Mirai that was held in Makuhari Messe.

And I almost forgot to tell you that train station

already had a promo for upcoming Miku Symphony!

Also, you could see fans bringing their dolls

and making their own exhibition and exchanging business cards during these 3 days.

I had a ticket for live on day 3, but before that I had a chance to see

a short performance by Mikudayo and Rascal.

It was so cuuute~~

Besides, there were also racing queens, who support team GSR during racing events!

I took off my wig before the concert because I was very tired...

But the concert itself was fantastic!

Many new songs, many Rin and Len songs

and also Magical Mirai 2019 in Osaka and Tokyo announce!

I'm waiting for that already!

After the show I have met Itou-san, who recognized me and we took a picture..

I couldn't believe!

These were awesome 3 days!

Thank you for watching and wait for more videos about Miku from Japan!


For more infomation >> ☆ マジカルミライ 2018 ☆ - Duration: 18:42.


Boats from courgettes with minced meat - Duration: 2:24.

Ingredients: zucchini - 3 pieces; chicken mince - 400 g; onion - 1 piece; minimum fat cheese - 80 g; natural yogurt - 4 tablespoons; salt; pepper

Hello! Today Priprava Club is preparing one more tasty and healthy dish - "boats" from zucchini

First prepare zucchini. Trim the tails

Cut along

Remove the middle, leaving 1.5-2 cm from the edge

This is what our "boat" looks like

Grind the onion

Add onion in minced meat

Add salt

Add pepper

You can add your favorite spices. Stir thoroughly

Grate the cheese on a fine grater

Put the "boats" on a baking tray, a little salt

Lubricate them with natural yogurt

Add stuffing

Put cheese on top

Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes

For more infomation >> Boats from courgettes with minced meat - Duration: 2:24.


Cómo hacer la Voz de Edna Moda (Los Increíbles ) 👗🗣👠💥 - Duration: 6:59.

Your channel training your voice, welcome! he

challenge is Edna Fashion (The Incredibles)

They have seen The Incredibles? they love me! them

taste! And this character so special

It has a voice and begin to

to explore. How Edna's voice sounds Fashion? Whence arises

Edna Moda? what is there to do

to have the voice of Edna Moda? "The one

Robert is such a nice suit that had to continue "

"The Robert is a nice Tán suit, Robert is a tan suit

nice "Super voice and super character

have for the day, evening, night

today. We will analyze it and we will imitate

You want to emulate, that is to emulate!

Want to copy, want to imitate, where

is the character? Edith Head was a designer h

fashion and thought that might be a

sources of inspiration for the

Edna Moda character.

Anna Intour was another fashion designer

and also a photographer, could become

there he Inspiració, but an actress,

Edna almost a replica of fashion

It was Linda Hunt. Other

that makes me agree

lot especially in the attitude,

the fashion world is

Miranda Priestly, played by

Of course within the film

The Devil Wears Prada (Devil Wears Prada)

Meryl Streep

Although different in their physical appearance,

has much to do because

We are talking about the world of fashion,

way of thinking and acting. There traits

proud of using a voice type

rather nasal, and now with this we are

entering directly into character, to

you to stay here stuck to it

Video last because I will teach


"The Robert is a nice Tán suit had to go!

"The Robert is a nice Tán suit had to go!

Let's bring sound to this

part of the mask, because it is quite

nasal, avoid long scraping sound

you can give a little touch

like adding a little salt in there, but do not overdo it.

Should not make a voice placement

Scraped because it does not sound that way

this character is quite

clean voice, there are times where it gets more nasal

atmosphere generated

superficiality and arrogance. The version

English is made by Brad Bird

which it is also the creator of The Incredibles, and they say

there anyone better than their own

creator to give voice. Version

Latin Spanish actor is in charge

Mexican Dario T Pie, which is also

comedian and actor fundamentally and not

It is so linked to the world of dubbing

although it has become famous for this

interpretation within the small world of


"If useless speech, stop it!"

The sound is all the time on the part of the nose

She expresses things so

quite honest and raw, the way

speak, the cliché of those

who they hold power and who are

linked to some worlds where they

certain level contacts

surface, one of the features

It is not completely voices sound

plumbed, serious and relaxed. Is one of

clichés to consider. Voice very

Hollowed, very nasal Miranda

Priestly in The

Devil Wears Prada made by

Patricia Mainou in the Latin dubbing, perfectly

identified that feature, because

It is not one of the actresses who are all

doubling the voice

Meryl Streep but a great

actress like Meryl Streep should also

change your voice and your whole attitude.

Then Edna Moda is a character

connects much from the emotional to

these people and talk about a


stretched and false at times.

If you want to do more voices click on the links

I left in the description, because

there are plenty of details on how

build the voice of a character, as

easily imitate either. "The one

Robert from such a beautiful suit that had

to continue "these startups have very

where he speaks with sudden happiness but

you crave at some point

become raw, cruel turn down

his whole attitude to something dispicente.

There are moments where this voice

masculinized, because virtually all

folded versions are made by

men and not hide too. Are not

men doing great

falsetto, his voice

It is taken to

mask and nasal part, this part

upper resonating by and by

this sound

Avoid leaving your whole chest voice here

although there are minimal moments where you go

aggravate. But make them very carefully

and measured

I'm not abrasive, would not you agree darling? Notice the different emotions

handles although is smiling

we know perfectly well that's a way

to inform the other, "you have to be

agree with me, what I am

saying is right, I'm an expert

fashion and you just ... you're nobody! "

In the English version that is in charge of

Mr. Bird and interprets masterfully

now setting the Darius T. Pie, for

that character sticking with that

voice feature. Is a man

playing a character making

contradictorily is dedicated

Excessively the world of fashion, to

all female, but keeps

much to do with masculine aspects

in the voice of Edna voz.Repasemos

Fashion; pride nasalización, voice placed in

the top mask, exaggeration,

sudden movements, do not abuse with

the scraping sound that is mostly

here. No breaks too loudly,

Nacho Cabrera Newscaster Voice Talent, leaves

comments, suggests for new

videos, and of course if you want

subscribe, I'm not angry me ...

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer la Voz de Edna Moda (Los Increíbles ) 👗🗣👠💥 - Duration: 6:59.


Clash of Clans: TH9 SIX-PACK MASTERS OF THE AWL! - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> Clash of Clans: TH9 SIX-PACK MASTERS OF THE AWL! - Duration: 11:15.


Thịt Heo Nướng Mật Ong(grilled pork)Thơm Ngon Nức Mũi | MTPL - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> Thịt Heo Nướng Mật Ong(grilled pork)Thơm Ngon Nức Mũi | MTPL - Duration: 10:58.


Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler Won Raw Tag Team Titles RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 4:12.

So we have got here Raw Teag Team Championship match from yesterday's Raw.

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler vs The B-Team.

I'm very curious how this gonna end.

Well it would surprise me if McIntyre and Ziggler won titles.

Also you can expect another 2 videos from Raw and new episode of WWE 2K18 My Career Mode.

And one last think, right now I'm testing a new camera so post you comments down below if its go or bad.

Why not.

They deserve that.

I wonder how long it will last


That will be all.

We got new champions.

So yeah.

Don't forget to watch me on Facebbok, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube...

And if you like this video hit the like button, SUBSCRIBE and Share.

That´s all...

For now.

I'll see you in another videos. Bye.

For more infomation >> Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler Won Raw Tag Team Titles RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 4:12.



Hey guys it's Johne Kevitz from Acquire Liberty

thanks for spending some time here

today and I know we talked about

Clickbank already and you have a pretty

good idea about how to promote it how to

use it how to make some extra cash with

it I want to give you guys another

Avenue I found that works really really

well when we were talking about

Clickbank the other day I said you can

go to other people's blogs and promote

it that way right well there's this

little thing called quarry that you can

look up anything that you want right if

you're looking people looking for

answers to questions and I'm gonna show

you how you can use that to promote your

product anything but first I want to

show you here we're back at Clickbank

right we're back in the familiar place

where we talked about last time we were

looking at Clickbank stuff right in the

marketplace and I already clicked on

health and fitness and what I want to do

is I want under gravity just so you know

and I want to promote fat disseminator

system right I want to show you how do

you could do that just another just

another Avenue or another way of doing

it okay now what I also want to show you

today briefly and quickly and we'll get

more in depth into these other options

that I want to just like kind of skim

over real quick you guys are well versed

in Clickbank at this point everyone's

heard of Clickbank and but most

marketers have already heard of jvzoo

now jvzoo is something just like

Clickbank okay now jvzoo is a little bit

better in the sense that you get a

hundred percent of the profits like if

you sell a product on jvzoo you get a

hundred percent if you sell something on

Clickbank you get eighty percent now I

think the reason why I click backing

Clickbank it can get away with this is

because they're more popular

everyone knows Clickbank I mean even

people who aren't marketers have a heard

of Clickbank before it so they actually

probably end up having better products

to sell in theory but I'm not quite sure

for that reason what that reason is but

obviously there's still pumping out

products they're still getting people

selling their stuff for affiliate


so there must be a logical reason they

must feel pretty secure the fact that

they can get people to sell their stuff

for 80 percent where JB zu & Warrior

Plus also sells things for a hundred

percent so if you sell something off

their site right you also get a hundred

percent now the thing I've heard from

customers and people that I worked with

that you know want to get into affiliate

marketing they always come on here and

they say well we don't we don't really

like any of the products on these three

sites I'm just like it kind of blows my

mind away a little bit because there are

so many products on these sites I don't

see how you can't find one that suits

you but there is a specific website for

anyone wants to be an affiliate marketer

takes a little effort to get on it

because we're going to show you real

quick it's called offer vault you get on

offer vault there's like 64,000 products

you could promote on offer vault the

only catch is with offer vault you're

not just signing up with offer vault


what you'll see here is like Linda Brown

and your actual story for example the

network is itg media right you actually

have to promote that product you have to

join offer vault so have access to it

then in order to promote it on with your

website or your email or on YouTube

you'll have to join the IG itg media

company because they like to know every

single affiliate that they they want to

know every single Philly that's

promoting their products right so it's a

little bit more effort but if everything

is a last resort and someone's an

affiliate and they come to me and say

Johnny I don't like anything Clickbank I

don't like anything on jvzoo right I'm

like okay hey and you're not crazy about

warrior plus for whatever reason

everyone's got their there things that

they're picky about they like or they

dislike I say okay go to offer vault

which is this site right here sign up

for offer vault get offers every day and

things that they're promoting right just

like any other site and but it will take

a little bit more effort because you

have to join the networks for each

affiliate product that you want to sell

but if you can't sell anything on offer

of all you just

pack your bags and just go do something

else because there's six like I said

there's 64,000 things on here you could

sell and I'm gonna show you real quick

how you could do it but I want to show

you with Clickbank because it is the

most popular and for anyone who's new

I'd always say try to make things as

easy as possible and like I said in my

Clickbank videos which you could check

out I'm gonna put them in a car right up

there you want to make things whether

it's health and fitness money making

money relationship stuff those are the

three Biggie's you you want to sell one

of those three products health and

fitness anything having to do with

business-related you know work from home

kind of things health and wealth take

say health wealth and relationships

those are your three Biggie's people are

always going to want to buy from those

things but let's go back to Clickbank

because everyone's familiar with it

I made videos on it everyone who doesn't

know how to use Clickbank check my

Clickbank videos like I said I'll have

them in the card right up there in the

right hand upper right hand corner you

can check out all just click on it

they'll take you to the videos fat

disseminator okay to promote this we're

going to click this and what we're gonna

get here is a link you click promote

right it creates a link for you so

here's your link anywhere I put this

link right I will be promoting the

product and anyone who clicks on that if

they buy from that link I will get paid

2666 right off the start and as I said

in the videos previously there is

reoccurring billing so that's an

excellent thing too so now what I want

to show you real quick is a little trick

you don't want to take that monstrosity

I talked about this in the Clickbank

videos to take this monstrosity of a

link right shorten that puppy up copy


okay guys and now I want to take you to

a website called Korah okay now this is

a huge weathered website database where

people ask tons of different types of

questions whether it's health and wealth

you know relationships

whatever you could possibly imagine

questions could be asked about where

people are looking for answers they come

here so since we have a product off

clickbank that we're going to promote

that has to deal with weight loss what

we're going to do is we're going to look

up weight loss now this is just one way

of doing it and you come up with all

these you know articles or questions

that come up or people asking questions

about specific things okay what are the

best weight loss drugs medicines and

supplements so what should everyone know

about weight loss so what are tips for

weight loss Oh people come in here and

they're saying okay listen I'm starting

this diet I want to lose a lot of weight

let me just get in here get some Fitness

expertise from people who have been

fitness experts or fitness gurus or

whatever anyone wants to know anything

about anything right they go in here

they want to get some opinions from

people so you have a weight loss product

right so you want to promote it in

whatever their question is tips for

weight loss just click on that real

quick so you see there's a couple

questions there's a people already

answering it you got a hundred answers

in here right look I see it doesn't tell

me I don't think when it was posted oh

gosh this is old December 4th 2017 March

29th okay that's not too bad so this is

older this is on the older side well

what you would do is come to answer

you'd write up a little ditty in there

pop your link in there and you'd make

some money if somebody clicked on it

right but I want to get a little bit

more depth to that because you can't

just type anything in here you got to

give value you got to make something to

make sense otherwise they're gonna boot

you off this site you're never you're

gonna be aggravated and annoyed because

you're not going to stand why but the

thing is you can't just go in there

blasting your link everywhere you know

hoping somebody clicks on it to make

money you actually have to offer value

to somebody and what you're having to

say so this is how you do it the best

thing you want to do and as you see this

is an old old you know question what you

want to do

if you want to go to Google and you want

to get specific now copy this down if

you don't have it or just replay the

video over again

this is how you find something on a

specific site that you that you're

curious about or want to know about it's

this little formula on that I'm putting

in the Google search bar here site colon

Cora calm plus calm or cold

quote weight-loss quote right and then

you're specifically asking the question

okay about anything that weight loss

that happened right you push that up on

the site but I guys already have up here

past 24 hours what you would do since

that won't show up on your Google search

you go to you go to tools and it just

clips right down here so you have any

time which is what when you saw me

search the first time in Google that's

what popped up anytime there was just

basically the most popular ones well you

always want to go for is the past 24

hours okay which is what I clicked on

click so here is one that's been done 11

hours ago for weight loss purposes only

it is really necessary to count okay

blah blah blah click on that one okay so

what it says here is for weight loss

purposes only it is really necessary to

count your carbohydrates proteins and

fats in your daily diet or can you just

count your total number of calories okay

question so what I have to do in order

to put my link as an answer here what I

want to do is I want to give this person

some valuable information that mayor

that may help them out now I don't know

what their situation is I don't know

what they look like this that and the

other thing but I can give them my best

info and if I give my best info I give

them value and you know the core is

gonna look at it and they're going out

okay this person attempted to give them

value so they're not going to shut me

down so what I need to do is I need to

find value for them so the best and

easiest way to do that is to go to easy

articles everyone goes the easy articles

if you need quick information now the

whole key of this is how to lose weight

effectively like Victoria's Secrets

models okay let's check that out

posted March 15 2018 now what you want

to do is you want to find some key

points or things in here you have to

read the article you skim it over

thoroughly is that you know quick and

easy right listens real easy because

there's points to it okay what they're

telling you basically if you want to

look like a Victoria's Secret Secret

model you have to you know sleep seven

eight hours of sleep daily various daily

exercises purify the skin by food

breakfast is a must

okay so this is really simple which is

really good and it doesn't directly

answer that lady's question and probably

if I had more time I would actually

search for something on easy articles to

give you the perfect example and I put

my link in there and I start making

money but I don't have that kind of time

so I'm just giving you the idea here so

in this case what I would do is I

basically you know copy this okay will

say point one let's go back to a corner

in here okay dude is that the one I was

done I have so many there it is so I

would type something like this you start

by getting seven eight hours of sleep a

day this helps in losing weight so

something like that you want to keep it

short and simple and sweet to the point

but you want to make sense you want to

give them value now I can interpret this

this little question here and kind of

twist this to my meaning and making it

perfect in this than everything but you

guys understand I'm trying to do here

right so then you would do you would

just take your uh let me see me go back

to bitly yeah copy I have to find that

where did I put that

to learn more about what you should do

to lose weight click here so it's dead

here flop that in there oh nice see that

that's fantastic so to learn more about

what you should do to lose weight click

here mom melts away 41 pounds of fat by

cutting one and you would click on this

well I don't if you can click on it yet

I can't because it's not actually in

there yet

but what they would do is they would

just come back to this page they click

on that let me put it up in here enter

and this is what they would come to

depart the product I'm promoting now if

they lead they like it you just made a

sale so that's pretty much all I have

for you today and I think that was a lot

I went a little bit longer than I was

hoping for but you guys get the gist of

it right it does take some effort it

does take some time but I giving you all

the tools you need in order to promote

product now it doesn't have to weight

loss and fitness or anything like that

it could be what you want to be like but

try to stick with health wealth and

relationships because especially if

you're a newbie that helps out a lot ok

because those things are always gonna

want to be purchased by somebody

somewhere sometime always always always

always remember click my little you know

card up here at the right hand upper

right hand corner you can watch my

Clickbank videos get a little bit more

thorough into how to promote things this

is just another Avenue I want you to see

the Quora website how you use that you

have to join that that's really simple

name email and that's pretty much it and

you're in use bitly to short your links

remember to use offer vault if you can't

find anything on warrior plus, jvzoo

or clickbank ok that's pretty much it

guys I hope this helped you out and I

wish you the best of success remember to

always subscribe to my channel if you

haven't already click the little Bell

notifications for all my new and latest

uploads so you get to see them first and

remember to click the link in the top

of the description because that is the

link that if you're serious about want

to work from home you want to be your

home your have your own home-based

business you want to be your own boss

you want to be accountable to anybody

but yourself

myself and thousands of other people

like myself click that link join this

thing and now they're independent and

can work for themselves I want you guys

to have that opportunity too if you so

desire and that's what you want to do

with your life

click that bottom link there until next

time guys I wish you all the best and

until next time what do I always say God


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