Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

The world as we know it has some amazing things

Coming in different shapes and sizes and although normally most of us have memories are

Capable of remembering the bigger things in life

It's sometimes the smaller things and places that really give us a nice quaint and peaceful

Look towards life and ourselves. And with that being all said and done today here on FTD facts

We are gonna look at the ten smallest countries in the entire world by land size. Which one is your favorite?

Well, let us know at the end of this video. Hey everybody. How's it going?

Welcome to FTD facts the channel where we talk about people cultures and places from all around the world now today

Yeah, as you see in the title and from my little intro a little segment

We are talking about those small little countries the ones that are actually believe it or not

They got some really cool facts about them and they might even surprise even you but my name is Dave Walpole

Oh, I think we should just get right into this video

but wait before we do that if you guys really like these kind of videos and you want us to look at like maybe the

Larger countries or maybe even look at even smaller islands around the world that you don't even know about

Well hit those like buttons guys because if you guys like these types of videos well

Then we know that we just got to do more because if we get like maybe like, you know

5,000 likes then I'll do like the smallest islands in the world that you should know about

All right, so we're gonna start off with the tenth smallest

Let's take a look at the country known as Malta now Malta is just wow one beautiful beautiful country

But don't take my word for it. Take a look for yourself

Of course Malta is just a beautiful place many people love to go on Instagram and put the hashtag

I'm at Malta because it's just so peaceful and elegant now

It has a type of government known as the Republic of Malta and the entire area consists of actually three islands

Located directly south of Italy and Sicily. It is actually part of the European Union, which I blew me away

I didn't actually think it was it is also considered one of the smallest and most densely populated

countries and

Islands with over four hundred and seventy-five thousand people as of a 2018 estimate and actually at one point

Malta was actually operated and pretty owned by the British

but then again

They pretty much owned half the world at one point and the island itself served as a station for the British Mediterranean fleet

but in today's world

It is now a major tourist attraction and home to over three UNESCO World Heritage Sites or zones

And as for some of the megalithic temples that are within Malta they are some of the oldest freestanding

buildings in the entire world and as for Malta she comes in a tent with

316 kilometers squared. All right moving right along. Let's take a look at the email dives in Maldives

I don't know exactly know how you pronounce it

I guess it changes from whatever accent or from whatever region you're from now

The Maldives is another amazing place to go for a vacation

It's famous for its peaceful little water huts or more correctly known as water villas

Which are located all over the amazing beaches within the country, of course

This is a place where many celebrities like to go and take a lot of photos but is located within the Indian Ocean

directly southwest of India now one fascinating thing about the Maldives is it's made up of

25 atolls which are rigid sharp reefs formed by coral and because of this it's considered one of the world's most

Geographically dispersed countries as well

It's one of the world's lowest countries coming in with an average height of 1.5 meters high not gonna lie guys

I would hate to be in the Maldives in the middle of typhoon

season or whenever there's you know a tsunami because I feel like a wave would just

Take all those water Hudson just wash them right away

but because of its major importance it actually also has 31 protected areas within the country and

for the size of this country it comes in at

298 kilometres square coming up at number 8. We've got st. Kitts and Nevis

Now this is one where I can actually say I've had the pleasure to travel to st. Kitts is

Man, it's just a beautiful beautiful island

I was there for one day and I loved every second of it and I would love to go back

Located in the Caribbean near the British and virgin US islands

It has the reputation of being the smallest sovereign state within the Western Hemisphere in land and population

It is also one of the first islands to have been settled by the Europeans when it came to American

Exploration and currently to date it operates with in common. Well rulz, that's right Queen Elizabeth

Number two is actually the head of state for this country. And as of

2016 it is estimated that it has approximately


821 people and a land size of

261 kilometres square number seven

The Marshall Islands located northeast of Papua New Guinea near the Federated States of Micronesia

The Marshall Islands are spread over 29 coral atolls and it is also one beautiful place with over one thousand

156 individual islands and an estimated population of

53,000 66 people this little island might surprise you because it is home to the world's largest

shark sanctuary

coming in with an estimated two million seven hundred thousand to four million six hundred thousand square kilometers of

Protected waters and if one is to go shark fishing in the Marshall Islands

They have to do a catch and release system and the Marshall Islands comes in at seventh with

181 point four three kilometres square number six Liechtenstein's a nice little landlocked

Country settled within the heart of Europe not actually a country with sandy beaches

But it's pretty in its own way with its mountainous terrain

Liechtenstein's is known for its constitutional monarchy headed by the Prince of Legion Stein

Economically this country has one of the highest GDP s per capita

Based off of the purchasing power parity and for this GDP per capita according to the CIA World Factbook

It's number one in the world. And as of

2018 that GDP was 98 thousand two hundred and thirty two dollars

Also, this country stands out strong as having the lowest unemployment rate in the entire world coming in at 1.5 percent

keep in mind that is coming from a country that has a population of


111 people and despite its population size. There may be something to learn from this country

But as for Liechtenstein's land size

it comes in at 160 kilometres square number five San Marino a country that is surrounded completely by Italy and is located in the

northeastern part of the country

Although it is one of the most prosperous countries when it comes to the GDP and GDP per capita with purchasing power

Parity it very much like Legion Stein also has the lowest employment rates in all of Europe and above

All San Marino is a country that is not listed to have any debt. Now. Keep in mind

That's because there's really no actual reports based off of it

But right now it has no debt at least officially strangely enough out of every country in the world

This is the highest amount of vehicles per person reports say this country has one

Thousand two hundred and sixty three cars per 1000 people also that means there's just more cars than there are people that's nuts

but overall San Marino has a population of thirty three thousand two hundred and eighty-five people as of a

2016 estimate and its land size comes in at sixty one point two kilometers square number four Tuvalu

located directly east of the Solomon Islands and kind of

southeast of those Marshall Islands that we just talked about and for the longest time it was under the British rule until of

October 1st of

1978 and by the year 2000 it became its own independent nation and although a very beautiful island

It is not really a big place that people go to visit on vacation

but that may change in years currently the population of this country sits at only ten thousand six hundred and forty people as of a

2012 estimate and it has a land size of 26 kilometres square number three. Now. This one's gonna be a hard one to pronounce

It's I think pronounced now rourou. I hope I got that one right also located near Tuvalu

It was settled by the people from Micronesia and Polynesia as far back as 1000 BC

Now it was claimed by the German Empire in the 19th century

But after World War one it was given to Australia as for now rumor

It's also seen some history in the Second World War as it was occupied by Japanese soldiers

And although most of the Navy actually bypassed this island

it was in 1968 that the country gained its own independence and by that time the country was also heavily dependent on

phosphate reserves the country also has a population of ten thousand eighty four people and unfortunately,

currently this country doesn't have enough money to have a fully functioning government simply because the phosphate reserves were tapped dry and

Thus in today's world about 90 percent of the country is unemployed

And as for this country, it has a land size of 21 kilometers square number two. We're getting it right there

We got to talk about Monaco. Oh, yeah

Located east right beside nice France and along the border of Italy and of course right on the side of the Mediterranean Sea

This is one country that many people will know not only is it one of the smallest countries but it is also the second smallest

But most densely populated country in the world a place that is known for its money as thirty percent of the population

Has been classified as millionaires and even though it is a rich country

It is actually not part of the EU and many of you may wonder why is this country? Not part of France?

Well, it gained its independence in 1911 and also besides hosting the Grand Prix every single year

It is also a country that has no tax or low business taxes

Thus making it a tax haven for many businesses around the world

currently Monaco has a population of 38,000 four hundred people on a land size of

2.0 to zero kilometers square and number one the last and smallest country on the entire planet is Vatican City

Indeed you probably guessed this one and of course a place that is ruled by the Pope would need to have its own sort of

government similar to San Marino

It is a country that is completely surrounded by Italy

With a population of easily estimated 1000 people the country itself is basically one giant

UNESCO World Heritage Site, but as for the smallest nation in the world

It gained its independence on February 11th

1929 and even during the Second World War German troops might have occupied the city

But they respected its position on neutrality. And for this country. It makes up most of its money from people visiting museums

Buying post stamps and cards and other items of tourism. And as for the Vatican City, it comes in at the smallest at

0.44 kilometers square so there you have it guys. That is a look at some of these smallest countries in the entire world

What did you think about this and out of curiosity which one of these countries would you want to live in?

My name is Dave Wawa

And thank you guys for tuning in and learning about these awesome

but small little nations and if you guys want to learn more about

small nations while hit those like buttons because if we do that

We'll maybe do a part - they're not gonna be the smallest

But maybe we'll just go up higher and higher and higher or like I said

Maybe we'll look at some of the smallest islands that are in the Pacific Ocean or even in the Atlantic Ocean

You guys just hit those like buttons because that'll be a good gauge for us to know the kind of stuff that you want to

See also, don't forget to leave a comment down there in the box below

And of course be sure to check me out on Instagram

You guys can always leave me a DM for other suggestions

If you want to reach me personally link for that in the description box below and that's pretty much it guys

We'll see you guys in the next video. Okay, cool. Bye. Bye

Alright so you made it to the end of an FTD facts video awesome

Well, I hope you guys really liked this one

But don't forget to check out our other videos on other countries around the world

You'll be actually surprised when you finish watching these videos. You'll be like wow

I know something that I didn't know and yeah, you can impress your friends. So check them out and until then

We'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> 10 Smallest Countries In The World - Duration: 12:05.


100 PLAYERS DESTROYED BY A LIGHTNING CUBE - Fortnite Weekly Funny Moments #4 - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> 100 PLAYERS DESTROYED BY A LIGHTNING CUBE - Fortnite Weekly Funny Moments #4 - Duration: 9:59.


Wade Graves & Animus Volt - Runaway (Moilatch Remix) - Duration: 3:18.

Love you guys <3

You too Nic :D

For more infomation >> Wade Graves & Animus Volt - Runaway (Moilatch Remix) - Duration: 3:18.


How To Make A Mini Vacuum Cleaner For Your Family 😍 - Duration: 6:02.

How To Make A Mini Vacuum Cleaner For Your Family

For more infomation >> How To Make A Mini Vacuum Cleaner For Your Family 😍 - Duration: 6:02.


Buy Cricket Accessories Wholesale Market In BD / Cricket Set price / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Buy Cricket Accessories Wholesale Market In BD / Cricket Set price / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:40.


Box of Toys Learn with Colorful Street Vehicles for Kids Fun - Duration: 6:18.

Box of Toys Learn with Colorful Street Vehicles for Kids Fun

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Learn with Colorful Street Vehicles for Kids Fun - Duration: 6:18.


Pleasure-way Plateau FL vs Winnebago Era 70a | Find Out If Luxury or Price Wins - Duration: 14:26.

You're in for a treat today.

It's a head to head comparison between the ultra-luxe premium Pleasure-way Plateau FL

and the bargain basement priced Winnebago 70a...

Will quality or affordability triumph in this epic head to head comparison?

Hi everyone it's Neil Balthaser and welcome to Ultramobility where you can find everything

about class B and B+ vans.

I love this stuff and if you're watching you probably do to and so you know what?

You should subscribe and hit that little bell to get notified when new reviews and comparisons

come out.

Recently you were all polled for what comparisons you'd like to see me do and surprisingly a

good number of you voted for the two vans we're comparing today.

So here's your head to head comparison between the Winnebago Era 70a and the Pleasureway

Plateau FL!

Let's start off with some basics: Both the FL and the 70a are built on the Mercedes 170

inch wheelbase Sprinter chassis.

Both feature the 3 liter, 6-cylinder diesel engine with a 5 speed automatic transmission

delivering 188 horse power and 325 foot pounds of torque.

The Era is one and a half feet longer clocking in at 24 feet 3 inches compared to the FL's

22 feet 9 inches.

Other than that all their other exterior dimensions are the same.

So from the outside these two vans start off this competition on pretty even footing.

Let's head inside to see if this trend continues.

We're in the rear lounge of the Plateau FL and it's easy to see why this lounge configuration

is so popular here in North America.

You've got a large, reclining ultra-leather sofa that spans the entire width of the van.

There's plenty of room for 3 people to sit on the sofa and with memory foam cushions

and ottomans it's a perfect layout for kicking back and watching a movie.

Panoramic windows all around let plenty of light in and the back doors open and swing

all the way around to let more of the outside in.

But it's not all peaches and cream for the FL.

You'll have to pay extra for the side and rear screen package which the much less expensive

Era includes as standard.

That's a bit of a black eye for the FL.

Also the pedestal table is too small for more than 2 people to use.

But the FL has an ace up it's sleeve that the Era can't match: A second FRONT lounge.

The FL in the Plateau FL stands for FRONT LOUNGE and it's a completely separate lounge

located at the front of the van.

Utilizing the cab seats which swivel around and the pedestal table from the rear lounge

you've got a very comfortable front living area.

There's a second 24 inch LCD TV and a beautiful and lustworthy workstation complete with curved

radius cabinet doors, a large picture window and a solid surface Corian counter top with

AC and USB outlets.

The quality and craftsmanship that's gone into the design and execution of this front

lounge makes it worthy of carrying the FL moniker for the Plateau.

This is truly a spectacular front lounge.

This is the one and ONLY lounge of the Era and I'm not going to sugar coat this: It's


It starts with the side-ways mounted jump seat which just throws everything off.

The jumpseat is small and uncomfortable and without proper 3 point seat belts it's virtually

useless for carrying passengers you care about.

Orienting the jumpseat along the side of the van forces an "L" shaped layout right at the

point in the van where you need space to get into and out of the van.

That means the table top has to be weirdly shaped with that carved out cut away so as

to not block the entryway.

To make matters worse the table isn't big enough to accomodate the person sitting at

the far end of the jump seat.

I guess that's where unpopular guests are going to sit.

The whole lounge setup feels cramped and uninviting and obviously Winnebago agrees with me because

you can't find a single photo of the front lounge anywhere on Winnebago's site.

What's up with that Winnebago?!

But I'm not going to close out this round on a sour note with Winnebago.

There are some standard and optional features that Winnebago offers at a much lower price

point that frankly Pleasureway should be ashamed of.

Let's start with some standard features like a standard holding tank flush system, standard

side and rear screen doors, standard exterior speakers and service center light, and an

upgraded and larger in-dash touch screen navigation system which includes RV specific features

like nearby RV services, campgrounds and RV safe route planning.

Additionally, the Era offers some options that are not even available on the FL: a bike

rack, a roof rack system, a ladder and stainless steel valance trim that really helps to spruce

up the exterior look; and the biggest option the Era offers that the FL doesn't is a 4WD


If the Era can offer these things for 40 grand less then the FL then it's time for Pleasureway

to pick up their game.

The Era may have walked away from the last round with a bloody nose but the FL isn't

standing proud either.

It's time to move this head to head comparison into the galleys where we're also going to

talk about electrical systems.

Here we are inside the FL's galley and honestly it's a really nice galley.

Sensibly located on the passenger side of the van where you face out to your own camp

site and wide open from front to back - it's full of light and open.

There's an enormous expanse of counter that's around 6 feet long.

It's one of the longest counters you're going to find in a class b van.

With all that counter top comes a bunch of storage space above and below helped out by

the fact that the refrigerator and microwave are located across the aisle and not under

the counter.

Speaking of which the microwave is convection but the 3-way refrigerator is kind of small

at 3.8 cubic feet.

Let's talk electrical systems before heading over to the Era.

At first glance it looks like the FL blows the Era out of the water in the electrical


It's got 400 amp hours of lithium batteries standard while the Era doesn't even offer

lithium as an upgrade to its lead acid offering.

The FL also comes standard with a 2,000 watt inverter versus the Era's meager 1,000 watts.

BUT, like the pricer FL the Era comes with a 2.5kw LP generator standard AND muliplex

wiring with integrated color touch screen controls for most systems.

That's pretty impressive considering the Era's price point.

But the Era goes a step further by offering 200 watts of solar STANDARD while on the FL

that's a $1,500 upgrade.

So again, the FL could have delivered a knock out punch to the Era but failed to do so.

Let's take a quick look at the Era's galley and see if it can continue to hold its own

against the FL.

At first glance it looks like the Era's galley is going to match or exceed what the FL has

to offer: it's sensibly located along the passenger's side of the van facing out to

your own camp site; it's got an enormous counter with lots of storage above and below and located

across the aisle is your refrigerator and microwave.

BUT And it's actually got a few things that the FL doesn't offer: For starters the refrigerator

is larger at 6 cubic feet and it's a compressor driven refrigerator which many of you will

love and under the sink there's a water filtration system which is standard.

If we could only stop there the Era's galley would win but unfortunately we have to address

the elephant sitting on top the kitchen counter which is that 24 inch LCD TV.

This is one of those Winnebago design decisions that's hard for me to get my mind around.

The thinking seems to have been: "We need a TV in the lounge and the only place to put

it is on the kitchen counter."

It's a horrible design decision and it renders all that beautiful work surface space virtually


So here we have a case of Winnebago snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

That's just sad.

For our final round let's talk bedrooms and bathrooms starting with the FL.

The first ding against the FL is that this is not a permanent bed setup.

The lounge converts to the bedroom so if you want to use this fantastic rear lounge you're

going to have to put up with setting up and tearing down your bedroom each day.

As far as a bedroom's concerned the bed is very comfortable since Pleasureway is generous

with the memory foam -- including using it in the ottomans.

The bed's flexible as you can use it as two twins or one queen bed and you've got that

24 inch TV back here for use in your bedroom.

Let's take a quick look at the bathroom and also cover tank sizes.

The bathroom is not the FL's strong point.

It's small and frankly for the price you're paying I expect more than a small plastic

sink and cheap hardware.

This is supposed to be a top of the line premium rig but the bathroom looks like it belongs

in a $10,000 trailer.

As far as tank sizes the FL gives you larger grey and black water tanks and I'm always

all for that.

Now let's head into the Era's bedroom.

This is the Era's bedroom in the back of the van.

It's a permanent bed setup which is a definite plus.

Also, the bed is flexible.

You can have two nicely sized twin beds or make up one large queen bed.

The bed's roughly the same size as the Plateau's but there's a lot more storage below the bed.

Like the FL there's a second 24" flat screen LCD TV back here.

The bed's comfortable to lay in because you have a proper mattress and the Froli support

system underneath.

Now let's take a quick look at the bathroom.

It's about the same size as the FL's bathroom but here you have a stainless steel sink and

a nice residential faucet.

The toilet paper holder is waterproofed.

There's not even a toilet paper holder on the FL.

It's sad to say but other than the smaller 8 gallon black water tank I'd take this bathroom

over the FL's any day.

So the combination of a permanent bedroom and a nicer bathroom means that the Era has

landed a significant blow to the FL's perfect little face.

Alright so where have be landed in this head to head comparison?

Surprisingly, the Era has given me pause for thought.

It has a much better permanent bed setup and a nicer bathroom and it offers some options

like 4 wheel drive that aren't even available on the FL.

To top it all off it does it all for $40k less.

On the other hand...

$40k isn't going to ever fix that ill-conceived front lounge.

Not only that but quality is a real issue with the Era.

During my review i found sticking framing and staples holding cabinets together as well

as other issues with quality.

And Winnebago isn't doing itself any service by only offering a meager 1 year warranty.

I have to award the win to the FL.

At the end of the day the permanent bed setup is the Era's real strength but without a useable

front lounge it kind of buys it all back.

Yes the FL is $40k more expensive but its quality level is light years above the Era's

and candidly if I really wanted a permanent bed setup in the FL I could just keep the

bed down and use that awesome front lounge as my main lounge.

So it's a win for the FL but it walks away from this competition with with a couple black

eyes and a broken nose.

A surprising head to head comparison today.

I really wasn't expecting the Era to do as well as it did.

If you want to see more comparisons click the playlist to the right and if you want

to encourage me to continue to make videos like this then please subscribe by clicking

the circular subscribe button below.

For more infomation >> Pleasure-way Plateau FL vs Winnebago Era 70a | Find Out If Luxury or Price Wins - Duration: 14:26.


Spoof Compilation || MCU | SW | SH - Duration: 10:20.

Welcome to the jungle

Captain America

the wild, wild west

pretending you could live without war

You raise me up

so I can stand on mountains.

Are you Tony--


This bitch's disgusting!

Nobody knows where they might end up

Nobody knows

Are you having an earthquake?

I am the one, don't weigh a ton Don't need a gun to get respect up on the street

Good job!


I came in like a wrecking ball

I never hit so hard in love


You better calm the fuck down!

Stop lying to me!

I'll show you the dark side

Shining, shimmering, splendid

What nonsense is this?

This is how to be

a heartbreaker



I am a God, you dull creature

and I will not be bullied by

Hell no

to the no, no, no



I'm surrounded by more dicks that a curious teenager..

Thunder, feel the thunder (lightning)

Lightning and the thunder (thunder)


These guys come from legend,

they're basically gods

There's only one god ma'am,

and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.

I got a friend in Jesus

I am..


How did this happen?

Look out,

here comes the Spiderman!





Bob the builder!

(Can we fix it?)

Bob the builder!

(Yes, we can!)

I'm at a payphone..

..trying to go home

Empty chairs and empty tables


I'm so lonely

I have nobody

for my own

I am Ironman!

Talk dirty to me

Talk dirty to me

Highway to the danger zone

Ride into the danger zone




You might want to rethink your technique

Na na na na

Come on, come on, come on

I like it-like it


We'll see..

Why are you runnin'?

Why are you runnin?

I wanna stand with you on a mountain

I wanna bathe with you in the sea


My mind's telling me no

but my body

my body is telling me yes

He's my brother.

WTF is going on?

Kill them all!

And I keep hitting re-p-p-p-p-peat

I know!!

I know! I know! I got it!

I got the concept!


Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne!


Makes me cry too..

Makes me cry toooo!

Cause all I hear is people, screaming out my name

Alright, listen..

I didn't want to have to do this,

but you leave me no choice.

Here comes the smolder...

This is kind of an off day for me.

This doesn't normally happen..

Almost there,

almost there..

Yo I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want

I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want

Didn't go in.

Baby locked them doors, and turn the lights down low..

That's in my brain now..

For the last time,

if you want to keep the rattle

do not throw the rattle..


I'll be patient!



Not in that onesie you're not.

Mister, I'll make a man out of you.

Hear in my garaaaaage

If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe, I'd been..


You push me harder,

I'll do the same.

It's not what you think.

I won't hesitate,



Nothing really gay about it

They see me rolling

Move bitch, get out the way

You wanna know my name then go and tell the Sarg..

They became the King and Queen of Gotham City.


I love you, bitch!

Oh, my God!

I ain't never gonna stop loving you,


Hello from the Dark Side..

I must have killed all the Jedi..

Why don't we d-do it in the road?

Why don't we do it in the road?

And everything is awesome!

Smack that bitch,


Alright, I yield!

Oh, God.. please, no!

Nice work.

Thanks, dad.

Do you see me as a father figure?

No! If anything, I see you as a father figure

cuz you're always bothering me..

Hey, show your father some respect.

You are my dad!

You're my dad!


Can't say that I'm sorry for blowing up Alderaan

we could have ruled the galaxy

as father and son

Who am I???

Can't keep my hands to myself

And I remember thinking…

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods?

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Well, I am confusion.

I'm a warrior, and an assasin.

I don't dance.


Watch your profanity..

Oh, my gosh!

Look at her butt!


Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah

Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah

Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah

Look what you've done, Ah, Ah, Ah,

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah

I'm a motherfucking starboy.

Star lord, man..

So, what's the big fucking deal?

What the fuck are we doing out here?

I ask you,

what in the fuck are we doing here?

(what in the fuck are we doing here?)

What are you doing? Stop doing that!

I'm telling you, Tony wears his pants super tight.

In any other world I'd be like

millions of years old, but here on Saqqara..

What was that?

- Hm??

What was what?

I fucked up!

Now you're just somebody that I used to know.

For more infomation >> Spoof Compilation || MCU | SW | SH - Duration: 10:20.


Capturing Reality Tutorial: Laser and Photo Reconstruction. Part 1 - Duration: 4:50.

Welcome to Capturing Reality tutorial on worflow of reconstructing laser-scans and images (PART 1)

First, we import and convert our PTX laser-scans into internal LSP (Laser Scanner Picture) format

We press "Laser Scan" button in the WORKFLOW tab under "Import & Metadata" panel

By choosing a particullar "Scan Position" you define type of inter scans relation

Choose a particullar "Noise profile" of imported scan

You can tell the application to work with intensities instead of colors by setting "Ignore colors"

Finally, you can choose where to save the newly generated LSP files

we choose our own directory

Now we select PTX files to import

LSP files are generated during import. We will need just the LSP files from this point

You can add the LSP files into a new project in the same way as images

Each 360x360 scan is converted to 6 LSP files

Let us now import images into our project

Finally, we run Align to automatically compute images and laser-scans positions and orientations

It took just 1 min and 45 seconds to align all 4 laser-scans and 83 images

let us browse the reult a little bit

The scene is automatically METRIC and aligned according GPS positions of the scans. Let us define ground plane to align object with axes.

We create a reconstruction region to reconstruct jus the part of interest

Let us browse the project details now

In this panel you can find the "Component 0" details

Here you can find settings for laser-scan meshing

The "Minimal sampling distance" defines the laser-scan reconstruction detail in meters (feets)

0.002 means 2 mili meters, it is enough for this scene

We are redy to create a model now. We run "High Detail" reconstruction

It took just 1 hour and 12 minutes to generate model of 131 Milion triangles in 2mm detail

Don't forget to save the project

Check out PART 2 of this tutorial to see advantages of reconstruction images together with scans. This is RealityCapture!

For more infomation >> Capturing Reality Tutorial: Laser and Photo Reconstruction. Part 1 - Duration: 4:50.





Preocupación por la Reina Sofía tras tocar fondo alejada de sus nietos vive su peor momento - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Preocupación por la Reina Sofía tras tocar fondo alejada de sus nietos vive su peor momento - Duration: 4:30.



For more infomation >> NEYMAR ÇALIM AVANTAJLARI | PES 2019 İYİ OYNAMA TAKTİKLERİ - Duration: 7:09.


Новости 04.09.2018. Новости сегодня Главные новости дня. Новости России и Мира - Duration: 18:52.

For more infomation >> Новости 04.09.2018. Новости сегодня Главные новости дня. Новости России и Мира - Duration: 18:52.


ChaeLice và những câu chuyện... - By BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> ChaeLice và những câu chuyện... - By BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA - Duration: 14:17.


PAW PATROL Pups VS JURASSIC WORLD Dinosaurs: Full Episodes - Coco Kids Club - Duration: 10:14.

Paw Patrol Pups, this is Coco talking.

We have an emergency!

The city is being terrorized by dinosaurs!

They are demolishing homes of innocent citizens, scaring children, and only God knows what

other tragedies will befall us if we don't stop these dinosaurs.

We got you, Coco!

Paw patrol pups, let's get those gigantic chickens back to their world!


No matter what trouble you find yourself in, Coconut and the Pup Patrol will save you!

Major Coco and his six brave pups: Rocky, Marshall, Chase, Rubble, Skye, and Zuma are

here for you.


Guys, subscribe to our channel!

The world is in danger, and we need a new brave member to join our squad!

Paw Patrol Pups, this is Coco talking.

We have an emergency!

Coconut City needs you.

What happened Coco?

The city is being terrorized by dinosaurs!

They are demolishing homes of innocent citizens, scaring children, and only God knows what

other tragedies will befall us if we don't stop these dinosaurs.

Wait, what... dinosaurs?

How did they get to Coconut City?

An ancient portal has opened and made it possible for dinosaurs to enter our world.

Ahh.. oh my God!

We must save Coconut City!

Yes, but how?

Do you know anything about ancient dinosaurs, Chase?

Hold your horses, Rubble!

I have a solution.

Only the magic amulet can close the portal to the dinosaur world.

You should go to the dinosaur world and find this amulet!

Ready for adventure, Coco!

Wait, how will we find this magic amulet?

I don't know much about their realm, but I assume it's biiiig!

I have a map!

But one piece is missing, the piece that shows where the ancient dinosaurs lived.

I need this piece We got you, Coco!

Paw patrol pups, let's get those gigantic chickens back to their world!


Oh God!

Are you seeing this?

Poor Coconut City!

Chase, I see the ancient portal!

Let's go through it!


This dinosaur world is sooo cool!

Guys, no distractions.

We have to find the piece of the map for Coco So, what do you suggest?

The dinosaur world is huge, how will we ever find the map and the amulet?

What if we dig?

Even in the trash you can still find treasures.

It sounds insane, Rocky!

But this is dinosaur world afterall, there is no sanity here!

Hahah Pups, let's dig!

Guys, I've found something!

Chase, It's a chocolate, it must have come through from our world.

Guys, I've found something too!

It looks like the missing piece of the map!


Sending it to Coco!

Oh, what's that?

A map!!!


These pups are good!

"Pups, you are doing a great job!

I've got your map!

The Coconut City can barely keep afloat and the dinosaurs made it to the city center."

How is the mission going?

Is everybody alright?

Yes, all pups are doing fine but it's getting creepy here too.

Coco, where can we find that amulet?

"You should go north as far as you can until you see a giant red cave.

The amulet is in there.

Good luck pups!"

Okay, Coco, we got you!

Let's get this amulet!


Chase, Coco didn't say anything about GIGANT DINOSAUR!

"Keep calm, Rubble.

We need to draw him out of the cave....

Hmm... does anybody have a chocolate bar?"


Oooh... guys, I wanted to eat it later Don't worry Rubble; I will buy you a heap

of chocolate bars after the mission!

Now pups, dig hard!

Oh no, watch out for the dinosaur!

Ah, there is a dinosaur too!

Oh jeez, and another dinosaur!

Guys, I've found something!

Help me!


It's the magical amulet!


What do we do now?

mmm... activate it?

Now, all that's left is to put the amulet where it belongs.

From time immemorial the magic amulet was kept at the grand dino-stone!

You will find it deep in the wild jungle!

Good luck pups!


It's the grand dino-stone!

Hurry up, place it by the stone!

Is it working?

Should we feel something?


Oh... woooow.. ohhh.


It works!

We are home!

Coco, how is Coconut City doing?

Pups, you've made it!

The portal is closed, and all dinosaurs were sent back to their ancient world.

Thanks to you, the magical amulet was returned to the grand dino-stone and will guard our

world for generations to come.


We've saved Coconut City!

But my chocolate bar sank into oblivion.

Come on, Rubble, let's get you a bunch of sweets!

Woof, guys, today we saved Coconut City from imminent danger and the pups did a great job.

Give us a big thumbs up, subscribe to our channel and press the notification bell.

That way you will never miss our new videos!

The new adventures are waiting for you!

See you!

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