Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Emperor: Vader.

Darth Vader: Yes, master.

Emperor: Rise.

For more infomation >> Rise... - Duration: 0:17.


¡Un hijo blanquito y de ojos verdes! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:33.

For more infomation >> ¡Un hijo blanquito y de ojos verdes! | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 23:33.


Open Shut Them | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Songs And Videos For Babies - Duration: 2:08.

Open Shut Them

For more infomation >> Open Shut Them | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Songs And Videos For Babies - Duration: 2:08.


Dying for Help: Tasmania's overcrowded psych wards - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Dying for Help: Tasmania's overcrowded psych wards - Duration: 11:13.


How to get unique youTube Channel Name || TechyDinesh - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> How to get unique youTube Channel Name || TechyDinesh - Duration: 2:26.


কিয়ামতের মাঠে আল্লাহকে যারা সেজদা করতে পারবে না || Kiyamoter Mathe Allhoke Jara sejda korte Parbe Na - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> কিয়ামতের মাঠে আল্লাহকে যারা সেজদা করতে পারবে না || Kiyamoter Mathe Allhoke Jara sejda korte Parbe Na - Duration: 1:57.


Phim ngắn | Sự trả thù của tiểu thư xinh đẹp | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Phim ngắn | Sự trả thù của tiểu thư xinh đẹp | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 10:47.


Moored up and we are lumberjacks for the day | Day #02 Heading to BCBF on our narrowboat - Duration: 9:36.

yes a typical morning actually this is

very typical begins with a bit of mouse

rescuing I want to call it so Munchie

has brought in a mouse and they don't

like to kill the mice they like to put

them behind storage mountain and then

watch me rescue them

Are you ready Munchy?

You like going for a walk don't you We've had to go

find Alice this morning because we are

in Alice in Wonderland and Munchy came

for a walk with me and he wasn't very helpful

we have some off-grid chainsaw

to show you

Munchy and I just going for a walk

Fancy seeing you here

this is a fancy case isn't it

yeah what's inside

don't drop it in the

canal cuz I don't think it's magnetized

it's a chainsaw, a tangled chainsaw

where was it

it's a good workout hey

so we have just made all this kindling

for free which probably is that 10

pounds worth in monetary value do you

reckon yeah probably well that's extra

sticks yeah so better than a gym

membership and lots of fun as well and

you're outside and it's lovely you may

have noticed that I am wearing these

awesome awesome gloves that are Kath's

and weave I thoroughly recommend them

they're actually they're called no cry'

gloves I don't get sponsored by them

but I'll leave a link to them in the

description below because nothing

touches you

ever onward!

nobody looks good when they're chopping wood

you look adorable

I think this is it

I think we need to go back to the boat

now and this is enough wood however it

is Kath's wonderland of free heating so

she's finding it really difficult to get

back aren't you I think we should go back

and have lunch and come out again this afternoon

no I'm painting this afternoon

You can't send me out into the woods alone

I can! I'll send you with the cats It's not safe! we can't

just do what you want to do you're gonna

think this is staged, it's not staged

we can't just do what you want to do It's for both of us

I think if we have enough kindling then we

don't have to buy kindling any of the

extra slightly bigger stuff we have it's

just really nice to start a fire off

I don't think we're ever gonna be set up

with enough space to just run a fire off free wood

I know and I wouldn't want to either

because how do you keep it going all

night no but I'm just saying that

certainly for the like this kind of bits

of weather where it's been really cold

and other people have put their fires on

yeah it's when we would be looking at

burning wood because you only need it to

take the chill off and that's what I

think and especially because it's been

you know it warmed up so quickly but I

think we have to stop now because I'm

getting cross and grumpy and so are you

and we we just need to go back and have

us have some water

and have some lunch and then I'll do

some painting and you come back here

with Alice it's too far for Alice no I

can see the boat we can't I really can't

you've wandered off into the Wonderland

what about that one you got caught up in

the dream I did

we are officially lost so I think it's

left and Kath thinks it's right and

Kath's wandered off on her own so I

kind of have half a mind as to go to the left

it's what doctor who told me

can you just size check that with the fire


look at that I haven't finished yet Haven't you?

I got the roof wood to chop that's awesome

Can I have another bag?

Yeah sure

There's loads hey. Yeah

it looks misleading at that one they are a lot smaller

that's great but they're still good for

burning yeah definitely as apposed to kindling

them which is all the ones that are smaller

Alice are you hunting a Munchy you were too

Now I'm hunting both of you

but we've got Munchie and Munchy's always

ready for a walk

Alice this is not helpful and when Munchy does that

alright we're gonna say

we're gonna say good evening sir

we're gonna head off for a little walk

if we can get the brats in I mean the

cats in yep oh here comes Alice Oh Alice

there she is quick Alice run run like a

clown is chasing you come on

that's not her tail wobbling that's her

belly come on don't stop running

good girl yeah you have to go to bed

they're both exhausted because they have

been in Alice's Wonderland today all day

thanks for watching as usual give us a

like and subscribe to be notified about

tomorrow yep

so we'll see you again tomorrow where

we'll probably be moving yeah we have to move tomorrow

gotta go post the cat

For more infomation >> Moored up and we are lumberjacks for the day | Day #02 Heading to BCBF on our narrowboat - Duration: 9:36.


New Warning for Video Games - Behind the News - Duration: 1:42.

have you ever played a game and discovered a hidden cost

usually if there's in app purchases

it's just, it's not like just to play different parts of the game

it's just to make you go further

in-game purchases are pretty common in games for your phone or tablet

they might speed up parts of the game or

just give you some upgraded features or items

a few kids have found themselves

in a bit of trouble with their parents

for racking up huge bills making them

in-game purchases are also becoming more

common in console and PC games and some people think that's a problem

While you often get a warning before you download a game with in-app purchases

you probably won't if you buy a game from a shop

In Europe an organisation called Pegi is changing that

every game that offers purchases will now have to

show this warning icon on the box to make sure kids know what they're in for

The same rule doesn't exist here in Australia

So, do you think we need it?

I think it's a good idea because if parents are with the kids

then they know if they're going to be spending more money or less money

I don't think that should happen because

by that being on the box or cover a lot

of people won't buy it knowing that

there's in-app purchases and that means

the business that made the game will lose a lot of money

I think that it's a good thing to do because then people

know if they need to spend more money on

the game whilst they're playing it

For more infomation >> New Warning for Video Games - Behind the News - Duration: 1:42.


Hong gi "Do we have to go when it's raining?!" [Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 16:15.

(It's day 4 of their trip in Canada)

(The weather is nice again)

(Niagara Falls, 7:00 a.m.)

Let's go!

For today's schedule...

- Kingston. / - Why did we wake up so early?

We're going a bit far today.

We're going to Kingston.


(Called the living history of Canada)

(The first capital of Canada)

(European-style buildings from British colonization).

(Kingston is a great place to travel to)

(Because you can see the Thousand Islands)

What's that?

That's so cool!

There were flags.

Of other countries.

The owner's country.

(A famous place to travel to for the rich)

(It's popular to take a tour of Heart Island)

Check this out.


- What the... / - I got this for you.

It's even blue.

Oh, my God!

Wow, that's so cool.

A convertible?

- That's the car? / - Right.

This is ours?

(You need one to tour small cities)

It would be great to ride a convertible there.


I almost always rent a car when I travel abroad.

Especially for small cities.

You need an international license, right?

You need an international license

and your Korean license.


Let's go!

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ Just us two ♪

(Small cities are a treat for the eyes and mouth)

(Touring day)

(Eating day)

(Niagara Falls is their base camp)

(Kingston is a 4-hour drive away)

It must be nice to drive in a place like that.

A 4-hour drive?

It's not tiring to drive abroad

in a place like that for 4 hours.

I love how I can just drive without thinking.

Not many traffic lights.

Isn't this nice?

Perfect for driving.

(They can't help singing on their way to Kingston)

♪ And I try, even though I don't know where to ♪

♪ I drive and drive ♪

He drove and sang for you! How nice!

(A drive with a live performance)

♪ And I try, even though I don't know where to ♪

♪ I drive and drive and it's still fine ♪

(They've been driving for an hour)

He's tired now.

He's tired now.

This road won't end!

He started complaining.

I was excited at first that

there's no traffic and there's all this nature.

But everything looks the same!

4 hours might seem long to us...

But it's not considered long in other countries.

For Canada, "nearby" is 3 hours away.

4 hours is like us going to Bundang from Seoul.

- The next town over. / - Right.

- It's the next town. / - 5 to 6 hours and you're there.

Right, that's how it is.

That's why you need cruise control in the U.S.

Just leave it on.

- It's tiring for us. / - Can't keep your foot on the pedal.

This is insane!

This is what road trips are like.

This is Battle Trip.

(Ontario, Canada is 10 times the size of Korea)

Just what is in Kingston?

There's a heart-shaped island

you can see from the sky.

And the guy that owned it is named Boldt.

His beloved wife fell ill.

So he built a castle for her.

(The secret behind Heart Island)

(Hotelier Boldt started building a castle)

(On a heart-shaped island for his wife)

(She died of illness right before completion)

(He stopped construction and never returned again)

(The castle was sold for $1 by the descendants)

(A U.S. company completed the construction)

It was sold for $1.

Then they finished the castle.

Now it's a tourist attraction.

For $1?

- $1. / - I should've bought it back then.

- I have a question. / - What?

Do girls want to go to places

with romantic stories like that?


A place with history.

And it's romantic too.

I find it interesting that

girls go to see this stuff.

We travel far to see things like that.

It really is heart-shaped.

(Trip to the small cities in Canada)

(A cruise around the Thousand Islands)

(The dock for the Thousand Islands cruise)

(It rains as soon as they get there)

It's not so nice out today.

Let's go!

Do we have to go when it's raining?

He doesn't want to go.

He kept complaining.

He yelled at me a lot.

I didn't know it would rain.

It started raining on the way here.

Let's cancel this plan today, Hyorim.

But we drove all the way here...

I can't help that it started raining.

It was raining when we left.

He keeps complaining.

Hongki's concept for this trip is the complainer.

(The Thousand Islands cruise, $37.50)

That's the Saint Lawrence River.

It leads all the way to sea.

(The Thousand Islands cruise)

(From 30-minute cruises to one that serves dinner)

What's that house?

What's that house?

- Is that really an island? / - That's an island too.

- That's an island? / - Didn't it float to there?

It's an island.

- It's like a bathroom. / - Isn't that still moving?

(Some islands are natural and some are man-made)

At least we have a roof.

It's fine even though it's raining.

This place is called the Thousand Islands.

But there are actually around 1,856 islands.

Wow, 1,865...

Most of them are vacation homes.

Most people own a yacht.

(Various islands can be seen on the cruise)

Look at that vacation home.

- You could fish from your house. / - Right.

Each island belongs to someone.

You'll see flags on each island.

Flags of Japan, America, France...

That's where the island owner is from.

But not a single Korean flag yet.

Prepare your cameras. A nice island is coming up.

Prepare your cameras. A nice island is coming up.

Where? Where?

Where do I point my camera?

This one?

- Oh, this... / - Those islands are very unique.

The left island belongs to America

and the right one belongs to Canada.

- With a bridge connects them. / - Two islands.

Two different islands.

I guess they're named differently too.

It's nice to check out the different islands.

This is so nice.

(Hongki was indoors to avoid the rain)

(Now he's enjoying the cruise)

With some coffee...

I get to relax and check out the islands.

(This is what true siblings look like)

I see another boat.

The islands...

(They sit separately but they don't miss a thing)

They're designed according to personal preference.

We are now passing through the U.S.

- We're passing the U.S. / - We're in the U.S.

The U.S.

That's the U.S.

(They're sitting apart but they think alike)

I can just hear him complaining now.

Oh, whatever.

I don't want to hear it.

Man! Who said it wasn't cold out here? Geez!

So many complaints.

So funny.

Do you know why there are no people up here?

I know.

Because it's rainy and cold.

They're just giving us some space.

Then you stay here alone.

Why is there a home there?

These islands are all owned by people.


Yeah, so that's why...

Soyou bought property here?

There he goes again.

Sorry about that.

Sorry about that.

I want to get off now.

I want to go back!

- ♪ Please open up ♪ / - Please listen to me!

He really never listens.

Why was I acting like that?

Did you bring your passport?

Your passport.

- Why? / - Your passport.

We're going to the U.S.

(The U.S.? Isn't this Canada?)

The island we're going to is in the U.S.

You need a passport and visa to go.

So you have to apply for a visa.

This is the U.S.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

(They arrive at the romantic Heart Island)

Let's go.

Let's go.

You've arrived in the U.S.?

- Yes. / - Yes.

Wow, awesome.

It's this way.

So, you use different money here?

- Only U.S. dollars. / - Dollars.

That looks like a church.

(Boldt Castle entrance fee, $19.50)

Do those small things count as islands too?

If it is, I'll buy it.

It's an island if there are at least 2 trees?

Is this American rain?

Yeah, this is American rain.

♪ American rain is falling ♪


Play my song, "In the Rain" as the background song.

You have a song called "In the Rain?"

♪ I hope that rain washes away our memories ♪

(They're about to enter Boldt Castle)

(It's like something you'd see in your fantasy)

So nice.

It doesn't seem American or Canadian.

It seems European.

What is this castle? Just for looking around in?

It's open to the public like a museum.

It's like a memorial hall.

So cool.

I bet it has some elements of the U.S. and Canada.

The person, Boldt...

- For his wife. / - He built this for his wife.

That story...

- It strikes a chord for women. / - It's romantic.

- Yes, it's romantic. / - That's so cool.

- Family... / - Boldt.

- Family suite. / - Entrance.

Oh, the family's suite.

So, this is how it used to be.

You're right.

George Boldt.

This is...

Where he slept.

They stopped construction here too.

It was like this.

- It's so pretty. / - So pretty.

So, this is...

Like the living room where the family gets together.

Where they can have coffee or tea.

This place wasn't finished either.

- There's a sad story here. / - Yeah.

It was so sad that it was sold for a dollar.

- No, it's not like that. / - His loved one died.

- So it was pointless. / - He didn't bother finishing it.

It lost its commercial value.

Wendy, do you want to go?

I feel sad.

- Where they can have coffee or tea. / - So pretty.

This place wasn't finished either.

They finished it so it looks how it would've.

They restored the 2nd floor for tourists.

And the rest of it is still unfinished.

So cool.

They didn't bother finishing this area.

It's a shame.

He never came back to this castle again.

- Boldt? / - Yes.

I passed by it before but never went inside.

They have a pool too?

Yes, there's a pool.

It says there's a pool.

They have everything.

Here it is.

They made this area into a pool.

Hey, a toad.

There's money on it.

I'll give you a coin. Give it a shot.

I'm great at stuff like this!

- Really? / - Yeah.

Give me a few more. You never know.

- You said you could do it in one try. / - Give me.

Throw it.

Oh, come on!

Throw it.

Oh, come on!

That isn't easy.

We spent a lot of money here.

Come on! Geez...

Come on!

- I'm getting the hang of it. / - Hey.

We definitely spent a few bucks there.

That isn't easy.


One coin please.

This is making me mad.

He even used my money.

(His final effort)

Last one.

Good luck for Hongki!

He might end up swimming in there.

Did he get it?

Did he get it?

It bounced out.

I guess that's a no for Hongki.

It fell in.

Move. Let me try.

I think she'll get it.

Is it that hard?

Toss it a bit far.

Good luck for Hongki.

Good luck for Hyorim.

Good luck for Hongki.

Good luck for Hyorim.

- In one try? / - I think she'll get it.

No way.


How does that make Hongki look?

She made Hongki look silly.

She did it in one try.

I didn't expect that either.

(In one try)

Looks like I'll have good luck!

I'm so happy.

Look at Hongki!

How embarrassing!

Look at Hongki!

You know what's good though?

I wished myself luck too before she threw it.

- But I threw it. / - Thanks.

How did that happen?

I'm so happy!

It's a good thing that

I said my name too before you threw it.

Don't include yourself.

I'm not.

Fine, we'll both have good luck.

- Yeah. / - Yeah.

As soon as my coin landed...

I became the queen of weather.

I still can't believe it.

I'm really lucky when it comes to weather.

So pretty!

- We should take a photo here. / - Yeah.

I'll take one.

1, 2, 3.

(Beautiful Boldt Castle)

(Goofy poses)

(The realistic siblings)

A couple shot.

Shall we stop at the gift shop?

Shall we?

All he looks at are cups.

He's obsessed with cups.

All he looks at are cups.

Isn't this one nice?

I'm moving house soon.

He bought a lot of cups.

Buy one as a souvenir.

They had so many pretty ones.

(Boldt Castle has a lot of nice souvenirs)

The cups all said Canada on them yesterday.

But here, they all say Boldt Castle.

Or New York.

Since you're in the U.S.

(I only have eyes for you)

A beer mug?

He seems the happiest when buying stuff.

I bought a few as gifts.

- As gifts. / - Yes.

Refrigerator magnets.

I collect those.

And international post cards.

Or if I go to museums,

I usually get a post card

of the most memorable painting.

Since you can't buy the painting.

So I always buy post cards.

I have a big stack at home.

This one's the best.

You can see the heart-shaped island.

(She picks a post card of Heart Island)


When would we ever go to Boldt Castle.


(Bye, Heart Island)

For more infomation >> Hong gi "Do we have to go when it's raining?!" [Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 16:15.


Ubisoft Blue Byte Gamescom 2018 - Recap - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Ubisoft Blue Byte Gamescom 2018 - Recap - Duration: 2:31.


[FNAF] Baby Story Telling Tape 1986: 5 Keys & The Woman - Voiced by Rebecca Roy - Duration: 1:33.

Hello, boys and girls!

Today, I will tell you a story.

A story about a young woman who was sealed in a small room

In the room was a furnace and five keys

She was told that each of the five keys would unlock one of five doors outside her room

Inside each room was a child that she could take with her as she fled the building

But she was only allowed to leave her own room with one key, not all five

Desperate to find a way to save all five children

the woman melted the five keys together in the furnace to create a single key

hoping it would unlock all five doors.

But, of course, it did not work that way.

Now her key opened none of the doors.

Rather than leaving her room with a key to one life, she had taken with her the key to five deaths.

For more infomation >> [FNAF] Baby Story Telling Tape 1986: 5 Keys & The Woman - Voiced by Rebecca Roy - Duration: 1:33.


Applying the ADHEAR System | MED-EL - Duration: 3:22.

In this video you will learn how to apply the ADHEAR system.

First make sure the hairless area of skin behind the ear is big enough

for the adhesive adapter.

If it isn't big enough adjust the hairline with a razor.

The skin must be clean and dry before you apply the adhesive adapter.

Clean the skin thoroughly and let it dry completely before you start.

You can use the positioning tool

to help you correctly position the adhesive adapter.

Place the adapter in the tool and remove the protective film.

Do not touch the adhesive surface.

If you do accidentally touch it

or if you put the adapter in the wrong place on the skin

simply try again with a new one.

Make sure that the skin behind the ear is free from hair

and move any hair away from the area.

Hold the positioning tool so that it is touching the ear

with the adapter placed over hard bone.

Press the tool down firmly.

Gently remove the tool by moving it straight upwards.

Take care that you do not pull against the adhesive adapter

when removing the tool.

Press down firmly on the entire surface of the adhesive adapter

for at least 30 to 60 seconds.

Before you connect the audio processor

to the adhesive adapter behind the ear

it's good to practice on a table or the back of your hand.

Find the correct position

and tilt the audio processor onto the snap connector

while pressing down on the adhesive adapter.

To disconnect the audio processor,

press down on the long side of the audio processor.

Then tilt it off the adapter.

Remove the audio processor gently and do not pull on the adapter.

You can also practice with your eyes closed

to get a better feel for the process.

When you connect the audio processor to the adhesive adapter behind your ear

make sure no hair gets between the two parts.

Tilt the audio processor onto the adapter from behind the ear.

For optimal hearing make sure the audio processor

does not touch the outer ear.

To disconnect the audio processor

press down on the side closest to the ear.

Tilt the audio processor off the adhesive adapter.

Do not pull on the audio processor.

This may dislodge the adhesive adapter from the skin.

The adhesive adapter can usually be worn day and night

and should be changed once or twice a week.

Remove the adhesive adapter by slowly peeling it off the skin.

The adhesive adapter can only be used once.

The retention clip can be connected to the audio processor with a loop.

It is recommended during sport,

play or in other situations where there

is a risk of the device falling off.

The clip can be attached to clothing.

For more infomation >> Applying the ADHEAR System | MED-EL - Duration: 3:22.


Вредно ли есть на ночь? Ночной дожор - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Вредно ли есть на ночь? Ночной дожор - Duration: 6:18.


యవ్వనంగా ఎక్కువ సేపు రతిలో పాల్గొనాలంటే | Ayurvedam In Telugu | Ayurvedam | BHavishya Jyoti - Duration: 2:10.


For more infomation >> యవ్వనంగా ఎక్కువ సేపు రతిలో పాల్గొనాలంటే | Ayurvedam In Telugu | Ayurvedam | BHavishya Jyoti - Duration: 2:10.


Drogas, alcohol y embarazo | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:40.

For more infomation >> Drogas, alcohol y embarazo | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:40.


TRUTHER FRONTLINE - My New Journey to truth, open topic / open panel - Duration: 2:41:21.

For more infomation >> TRUTHER FRONTLINE - My New Journey to truth, open topic / open panel - Duration: 2:41:21.


Baa Baa Black Sheep Sat On The Wall | Songs For Kids | Music For Children by Farmees - Duration: 21:28.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All his bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe and sound.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All his bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe an sound.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All this bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe and sound.

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Black Sheep Sat On The Wall | Songs For Kids | Music For Children by Farmees - Duration: 21:28.


Funny Tema and Mom ride on Sportbike ride on Tractor Pretend Play with Power Wheels race cars - Duration: 2:38.

Funny Tema and Mom ride on Sportbike, ride on Tractor Pretend Play with Power Wheels race cars

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