Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Open Shut Them

For more infomation >> Open Shut Them | Momo Beats | Kindergarten Songs And Videos For Babies - Duration: 2:08.


How to get unique youTube Channel Name || TechyDinesh - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> How to get unique youTube Channel Name || TechyDinesh - Duration: 2:26.


কিয়ামতের মাঠে আল্লাহকে যারা সেজদা করতে পারবে না || Kiyamoter Mathe Allhoke Jara sejda korte Parbe Na - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> কিয়ামতের মাঠে আল্লাহকে যারা সেজদা করতে পারবে না || Kiyamoter Mathe Allhoke Jara sejda korte Parbe Na - Duration: 1:57.


Phim ngắn | Sự trả thù của tiểu thư xinh đẹp | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Phim ngắn | Sự trả thù của tiểu thư xinh đẹp | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 10:47.


[FNAF] Baby Story Telling Tape 1986: 5 Keys & The Woman - Voiced by Rebecca Roy - Duration: 1:33.

Hello, boys and girls!

Today, I will tell you a story.

A story about a young woman who was sealed in a small room

In the room was a furnace and five keys

She was told that each of the five keys would unlock one of five doors outside her room

Inside each room was a child that she could take with her as she fled the building

But she was only allowed to leave her own room with one key, not all five

Desperate to find a way to save all five children

the woman melted the five keys together in the furnace to create a single key

hoping it would unlock all five doors.

But, of course, it did not work that way.

Now her key opened none of the doors.

Rather than leaving her room with a key to one life, she had taken with her the key to five deaths.

For more infomation >> [FNAF] Baby Story Telling Tape 1986: 5 Keys & The Woman - Voiced by Rebecca Roy - Duration: 1:33.


TRUTHER FRONTLINE - My New Journey to truth, open topic / open panel - Duration: 2:41:21.

For more infomation >> TRUTHER FRONTLINE - My New Journey to truth, open topic / open panel - Duration: 2:41:21.


Baa Baa Black Sheep Sat On The Wall | Songs For Kids | Music For Children by Farmees - Duration: 21:28.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All his bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe and sound.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All his bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe an sound.

Baa Baa black sheep sat on the wall,

Baa Baa black sheep had a great fall;

All this bags of wool was still on a ground..

So baa baa black sheep landed safe and sound.

For more infomation >> Baa Baa Black Sheep Sat On The Wall | Songs For Kids | Music For Children by Farmees - Duration: 21:28.


Buy Wifi Router Cheap Price In Bd | Buy Tp-link,Tenda,D-link, MI, In BD Dhaka / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Buy Wifi Router Cheap Price In Bd | Buy Tp-link,Tenda,D-link, MI, In BD Dhaka / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:17.


「PRODUCE 48」、デビューメンバー12人決定…日本人メンバーは宮脇咲良ら3人!! 誰。。。? - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 「PRODUCE 48」、デビューメンバー12人決定…日本人メンバーは宮脇咲良ら3人!! 誰。。。? - Duration: 3:12.


✅ 小林麻耶が3日、"黒歴史"を克服したことを自身のブログで明かした。 - Duration: 3:19.

 小林麻耶が3日、"黒歴史"を克服したことを自身のブログで明かし 。 同日、「黒歴史を一緒に塗りかえよう」のコメントとともに夫から 焼き専用のフライパンのプレゼントをもらったことを明かしていた小林

彼女は以前、『バイキング』に金曜レギュラーとして出演しており、そ 際に花嫁修業のコーナーで卵焼き作りに挑戦。しかし、料理下手なこと あり卵焼き作りに大失敗してしまうのだった

そんな大失敗の映像をついに夫が見てしまったといい、当時を"黒歴史 と見ている小林は「フジテレビさんのバイキング、見ちゃったのねーー 笑 大笑いの夜です」と明るくつづっていた

 小林は「先ほど、お腹が空いていた主人にYouTubeで朝から作 方を見てイメージトレーニングばっちりのだし巻き玉子、作りましたぁ ー!」と報告。結果は大成功だったようで、きれいな卵焼きの写真を公 し、「キャーーーー! YouTube最高!!!」「ミラクルぅーー ー! こんな綺麗なだし巻き玉子が作れるなんてーーー!」と歓喜のコ ントを書き込んだ

さらに、夫からは味についても「星三つ☆☆☆」の評価をもらったと明 し「泣きそう。あんなに苦手な玉子焼きだったのに。味まで美味しいだ んて!!」と喜びを爆発させた。 ブログは「1日にして黒歴史、ぬり えました!!! あまりにも嬉しくて 夜遅くの更新失礼いたしました


For more infomation >> ✅ 小林麻耶が3日、"黒歴史"を克服したことを自身のブログで明かした。 - Duration: 3:19.


Let's go to the Farmer's market! XD [Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 15:37.

Let's go!

(They head back to Niagara Falls)

- You're going back? / - Yes.

For 4 hours?

On the way back, the trip will seem shorter.

That's true.

- We were talking the entire way. / - Right.

Time really flew by.

I'd drive for 4 hours to go see that.

- Right. / - It's worth going to.

- I'd go there. / - You have to go.

(It's day 5 of their trip in Canada)

(The sun is still warm)

(And Niagara Falls still looks amazing)

(The current time is 8 a.m.)

Now where to?

We're going to a market.

It's Canada's biggest and oldest market.

We'll get some food...

Allow me to escort you!

Of course.

He's in a good mood again.


- My goodness! / - Drive.

Oh, boy! Goodness!

Let's put on our seat belts.

- Let's go! / - Let's go!


We should've rented a supercar like those.

Are they for rent?

This is a supercar too.

Since we're going to a super market.

If you drive to the super market, it's a supercar.

They have the same sense of humor.


Oh, my God!

(Farmers' market)

- You're going to a market now? / - Yes.

Is it open every day like a super market?

No, it's not like that.

It's only open on Thursdays and Saturdays.

And it starts at 7 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m.

- It closes early. / - Yes.

- It closes at 3 p.m.? / - That's what made it tough.

It all closes so early, so we had to wake up early.

- Since it opens early. / - Yes.

(The market is an hour and 40 minutes away)

We're here!

Is this it?

That way.

All the specialties that can be found in this area...

It's a huge market that sells all that.

We can pick out street food...

- And sit over there. / - Whenever I travel...

- I always go to the market. / - Right.

- It's so much fun. / - Yes.

- This is... / - It's like Moran Market.

It's like Moran Market.

It is not.

I go to markets like this often when I travel.

I hear there's a lot of good stuff to eat.

What's that? Clothes hangers?


And they have guitars, Hongki.

Oh, they have stuff like this too.

These are handmade.

Yeah, they're all handmade.

People made them at home and brought them.


- Let's get some food. I'm hungry. / - Alright.

It's your favorite. Syrup.

- Where? / - There.


I was saving that to have with meat.

- Drink it all in one shot. / - Canadian whiskey?

Yeah, Canadian whiskey.

Gosh, it's sweet!

- Whiskey for Hongki. / - I have to buy a bottle.

- This will make a great gift. / - Maple syrup.

Let's pick out some food first.

Then we'll get your whiskey.

- It's so pretty and nice in here. / - Yeah.

There was so much good food there.

(Food that you can see in any other countries)


(As well as unique dishes you've never heard of)

- I'm hungry. / - Let's pick what we want to eat.

So much food.

- Look at those sausages. / - Should I get chicken?

- Chicken? / - Yeah

How's that sound?

You get what you want.

- I'm getting chicken. / - Alright.

It's chicken.

Is it not?

Fried apples.

(Fried apples!)

That's really famous.

- They fry apples? / - What is that?

- And it's eaten with ice cream. / - This is a first.

It's so delicious.

I kept thinking of it when I got back to Korea.

(Apple fritter with ice cream, $5.40)

I want that for dessert.

I'll go get something else.

- We split up. / - Stay here.

She went to get that apple fritter

and he went for chicken.

- There has to be chicken in that big place. / - Yes.

Why isn't there any chicken?

I don't see what I want to buy.

He really likes chicken.

Man, I'm hungry.


Oh, that's chicken.

(And there are two different kinds)

Spicy chicken.

(Fried chicken and two sides!)

(He does a happy chicken dance)


(He successfully gets some chicken)

Another mood swing.

There he goes again.

- He's happy again. / - He's happy again.

One dozen please.

- How cute! / - Donuts.

- And I got pizza. / - That pizza looks good.

The pizza was delicious.

(Huh? Why flowers?)

I got flowers!

- You can't bring that back. / - Did you eat them?

No, when you stay in the hotel...

- The scent? / - If you have flowers...

It feels like a cozy home.

She's a romantist.

(They have a nice brunch in the nice weather)

- That looks so good! / - It was delicious.

I want to try that.

I found the chicken.

I like having a lot of different dishes.

But we already have so much food.

Did I buy too much?

All I bought was one thing.


She bought way too much food.

- You have to taste each one. / - No.

- Right. / - You did a good job.

You want to try a bunch of stuff.

You have to taste everything.


Hongki's getting yelled at.

(Chicken noodles and rice, $6.70)

(The familiar smell of chicken)

This is a great idea.

These 3 dishes come with rice.

From before...

Look how much he's eating.

He likes it.

(Chicken has never let him down)

You have to try this.

- This is... / - It's Thai food.

It's not Thai. It's Chinese.

It's kind of like Chinese food.

- Chinese food in Canada? / - Right.

It's perfect!

(Perfect for his immature taste buds)

- I found this for you. / - Smoked chicken.

(Hyorim bought some chicken for picky Hongki)

- That looks good. / - That's the real deal...

- That's what you should've gotten. / - Looks great.

(Smoked chicken)

They asked how spicy I want it.

I bet that's delicious.

I bet it is.

- This is good. / - The sauce is really good.

The sauce has some heat to it.

It's something I've never tried in Korea.

- This? / - Yeah.

BBQ Chicken has this flavor!

No, it's a bit different.

The spicy smoked chicken from BBQ Chicken

tastes just like this.

He hates losing arguments.

He hates losing arguments.

They serve their drumsticks like this?

- Yeah, just like this. / - Not the fried kind?

They have smog chicken too.

Oh, really?

This is smog chicken.


It's smoked. Not smog.

- Smog is something different. / - Right.

This is really famous.

- The line was really long. / - Yeah, I saw.

It's a fried apple,

drizzled with maple syrup.

That's a fried apple?

- I want to try that! / - I want to try that too.

- I want that. / - With some ice cream.

- I really want to try that. / - The fried apple...

That was a great combination.

- That looks so good. / - It was delicious...

- That I ate another one. / - That looks great.

- It's kind of unique. / - Yeah.

I've never seen this before.

Gosh, I think it'll be too sweet.

I love sweets.

It's not that sweet.

- Not as sweet as it looks. / - It's really crispy too.

(I'm not a big fan)

The ice cream and maple syrup are sweet...

But the apple inside tastes fresh.

Totally different from an apple pie.

(So, Hyorim)

Isn't that dessert though?

I don't care about that stuff.

I'll eat everything.

- I bet it's good. / - I don't understand that either.

This is how I am.

I have trouble understanding

unimaginable combinations.

That's why I'm not too big on sushi.

- What? / - Why not?


I love eating just raw fish,

but when you combine that with rice...

I just don't understand that union.

Just like that, I don't understand this union.

The apple has been fried

and you're eating it with ice cream.

I don't get why Hongki doesn't like that stuff.

There's nothing I can't eat.

You two seem like siblings.

What are we doing after we eat?

Something you'll like.

We're going to a winery.

Canada is known for icewine.

I shouldn't get drunk on TV.

- Let's go! / - Let's go!

You can do wine tasting there.

- Right. / - Yes, you can.

(An hour and 40 minutes back to Niagara Falls)

I prepared a private and special event

just for you.

We're not just going on the Niagara tour.

If you spend a bit more...

This is a tour that even locals don't know about.

We're going to the winery.


So to make it private...

(What's that?)

We're taking that helicopter?

Yeah, we're taking a helicopter to the winery.

We took a helicopter tour

over Niagara Falls.

But if you spend a bit more,

it'll drop you off in front of the winery.

- Really? / - Yes.

- The helicopter? / - Yes.

We got ourselves a private helicopter.

The private helicopter tour costs $280 per person.

(Starting point, Niagara Falls, winery)

This should be fun.

Wow, the wind...

I've never been this close to a helicopter.

Let's go!

(Bet you've never taken a helicopter to a winery)

(Wow, exciting)



It's not that noisy.

You don't have to wear headsets?

It's a new model, so it's not that loud.

You don't have to cover your ears.

- Yet you can hear everything. / - That's awesome.

- So that's a nice helicopter. / - Yes.


That's really scary.

It feels great to fly.


(To icewine)

(They can see Niagara Falls out the window)

Wow, amazing!

That's so nice.

The view from above is way different.

Of course.

You can take in the entire view.

We saw it from every angle.

Wow, that's so nice.

Now we'll tour the falls

and then head to the winery.

- Oh, really? / - Yeah.

What a special course.


Look, that's the U.S.

- That's the U.S.? / - Yeah.

(Canada, U.S.)

- That's the U.S. / - We were in American sky.

Look at that. That river is so windy.

- Right? / - Yeah.


And crossing the border by bridge

is kind of amazing to us Koreans.

This looks amazing.

Wow! There's the waterfall.

(How will Niagara Falls look from the helicopter?)

(They saw the Niagara Falls by boat last time)

- Now you'll see it from above. / - Yes.

We'll see it again from above.

This is amazing.

I can't see in front of me!


So pretty.

Gosh, this is so pretty!

The mist...

Wow, amazing.

This is made naturally.

Here we go, here we go.

Here we go, here we go.

(Time to enjoy the view of Niagara Falls from the sky)

Now from the sky.

What a sight.

It was like a painting.

An amazing sight.

Isn't that the U.S.?

Yes, that's Bridal Falls.

And that's Canada.

Canada's waterfall is bigger.

- And the shape is pretty too. / - You're right.

(Her heart races at the new sights)

(He makes a big deal over nothing)

(As we whistle over Niagara Falls)

It's so different seeing it from above.

The river flows down there.

That's right before the waterfall.

Wow, amazing!

(They fly towards the endless flowing water)

Hey, we were on that boat last time.

Everything I look at is so refreshing! This is great.

This is great, Hyorim.

- Right? / - Yeah.

- Now he finally admits it. / - For the first time.

Now we're going to the winery.

You take the tour and go right to the winery?

- It drops you off there like a taxi. / - Awesome.

- Such a great course. / - Like a taxi.

How long does it take to get to the winery?

- Around 20 minutes. / - 20 to 30 minutes.

It looks like a separate house or a farm.

(Where they'll get off)

Oh, so here it is.

- How do you get off? / - Where will you land?

I don't see anywhere to land.

- Just on the grass? / - Just on the grass.

(The helicopter landed right in front of the winery)

So cool.

Not a lot of people come by helicopter.

So everyone comes out of the winery to see it.

- It's like special treatment. / - You feel like a big shot.


I want to take a helicopter to go drinking too.

"What did you do yesterday?"

I just took a helicopter to get some wine.

You need a helicopter to get some wine.


(Feeling great)

Wow, this is great!

Hongki's happy.

(Another person is excited)

Hurry up!

(That's enough of that)

Geez, you're so silly.


I love this.

For more infomation >> Let's go to the Farmer's market! XD [Battle Trip/2018.08.19] - Duration: 15:37.


Rebranding with small or little change - Duration: 3:09.

So with all the hype about it being halal, did you guys know that in 2016, Subway actually

changed it's logo?

Hi, guys.

So in 2016, after 15 years, Subway actually changed their logo.

So they changed from something that looks like this.

To something that looks like this.

Today, what I really wanna talk about is rebranding.

So let's talk about logo change.

In 2017, YouTube actually changed it's logo.

And aside from YouTube, NBA actually changed it's logo as well.

And then came 2018.

This year alone, we've seen Lufthansa change it's logo.

We've seen American Express change it's logo and we've also seen Coke done the same.

And if you noticed, the changes are minor.

When we talk about changing the logo of a company, it doesn't mean that you need to

change the whole thing.


They went from a gradient color to something that looks more solid.

You can make changes to your logo when it comes to rebranding but the main thing is

that you still keep the most prominent part of the logo or the core of it.

One of the aspects of branding is actually your audience so for example, Subway, in Singapore,

has changed from being a non-halal restaurant to something that is halal.

So it changed it's target audience from non-Muslims to inclusive of Muslims.

But today I don't want to talk about that.

That's, you know, too touchy.

I wanna talk about how rebranding doesn't have to be that huge.

But of course, when you talk about rebranding, you don't really have to change your name,

you don't really have to change your logo.

So what I'm trying to say is that rebranding doesn't have to huge.

It can be as little as cleaning up your logo.

But guess what, it doesn't have to do anything with your brand's name or your brand's logo.

The easiest and simplest way that you can do your own rebranding is by changing the

brand voice.

Give it a whole brand new tone.

All it takes is a little change and all you need to do is change your brand voice or brand


A lot of brand agencies know this that, you know, when you wanna make changes to your

business or your brand, it's usually very very difficult but like I mentioned, you don't

have to go through something so huge.

You can start by making small changes as long as your goals are reasonably achievable.

Okay, so that's all I have to share for today.

I hope that was really really helpful.

Thank you so much for watching.

Catch you guys in the next one.


For more infomation >> Rebranding with small or little change - Duration: 3:09.


Pubg funny moments | shroud vss kills + 24 | pubg highlights - Duration: 11:47.

shroud : holy hey guys how's it going

don't l land in that house that's right

it's my house

I don't get a gun in this building

that's a wrap I will pick up that

machete of my absolute

pubg funny moments

pubg dance pubg fails pubg ghillie suit how to get

pubg highlights

pubg vs fortnite pubg highlights

shroud vss kills + 24


come at me come at me not afraid of you

he's totally fine I don't need to know

where you live

uh I'm free any time this evening aha

here's the pic of the game that maybe

hey hold on to this for me yeah thank


don't read that

let me borrow this for a sec

no no I don't know where that is I'm


okay and I'm moving and I'm jumping are

you that

not afraid of you say you mr. whacko

shroud vss kills


scared to leave this house now

shroud vss kills

shroud vss kills

fucking get off the fucking the VSS


I'm so lucky that happen

the hell was that bruh

I don't know that came from be honest

I missed our client and you get boosted

up here cause distraction not fantasy PR

game I've been asking you questions

about for the past couple months done

yet but we've got two classes and want

shroud vss kills

to start stress testing early not about

that garbage server like I'm down I'm

down I'm down

okay I didn't think you peach me so I

shroud vss kills

kind of just like stopped reacting a

little bit had it thought about my next


accidental outplay what's up bitch

I'm saying

I will try and Weiss

okay now he definitely knows where I am

that shot I'm a tree different angles

what I don't know what I'm gonna kill

he's taking so much damage from me I

shroud vss kills

think he was about to die

someone's about the sniper I'm gonna

check if he has meds

there's still that SKS guy behind me

I think I'm gonna go straight to the

action I could hide and try to play for

the win but

I'm probably not gonna win with this

setup so let's just try to force action

in here I'm assuming everyone always

cams here somewhere

shroud vss kills


shroud vss kills

you got the drop holy shit that's gotta

be a little embarrassing dude this guy's

so low why is there maniac

shroud vss kills

why didn't that why did he heal i dont understand

you can't tell where he's being shot

from there's a VSS assassin over here

running out of ammo so I gotta be


let's clear my mansion side not for sure

I was bumping into a fight but


that shit Jesus all right I guess

walk wrong for this I need to kill this

guy and hope he has some nine mil on him

oh he's strolling I'm wasting my ammo on

this guy I didn't even realize he has no

gun fuck am i doing am i wasted so much

ammo and in time on that guy thank you

for the fifty dollars my man appreciate

it so you can get a dub on this

speak them

so the person

oh wow I did not expect that game to be

a win okay holy shit let's go boys

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