Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Beads abacus 4mm brown 37 Beads round 4mm black 3 Nylon string 0.23mm(dia.) 80cm 1

At first, Add 5 beads(brown, brown, brown, brown, black) to red nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Add 3 beads to blue nylon string, It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Pick up 1 beads in blue nylon string

Add 3(brown, black, brown) to red, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Pick up 1 in red

Add 3 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 3 to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2(black, brown) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Add 3 to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 3 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2 to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(black, brown) in red

Add 2 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in blue

Add 3 to red, cross

ring (6)

Pick up 3(brown, black, brown) in red

Add 1, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in blue

Pick up 1 in red

Add 1, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in red

Pick up 4 in blue, cross

Pass the blue nylon string to the position of the left ear

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the right ear

Add 3 to red, put the right ear

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the behind head

Add 3 to blue, put the left ear

Pass the blue nylon string to the position of the behind head

Tie the nylon string

After connecting, through the nylon string to 2 or 3 beads

Cut a little pull state the nylon string

It was completed

Use 3mm of Swarovski beads

For more infomation >> [WancoBeads] How to make facedog Yorkshire Terrier - Duration: 14:01.


5 Reasons Narcissists Can'T Have Intimate Relationships - Duration: 5:30.

5 Reasons Narcissists Can'T Have Intimate Relationships

If you currently have a relationship with the narcissist, then I believe this short

video will be useful for you.

Narcissism, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), is defined as a strong sense of "grandiosity,

a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration."

People diagnosed with NPD are often defined as arrogant, demanding, manipulative, and


Surprisingly, narcissists have an extreme self confidence, which draws some people attention

to them, however, you should know that this projection is merely an illusion, because

deep inside, they are actually quite a fragile individuals.

Moreover, they also often use this fragility as a source of simpathy from others.

Because of their traits as a narcissist, you'll hardly find a good relationship with any narcissists.

Narcissists tend to take advantage of any kind person's act.

Worse, they will see a person's kindness as an act of weakness, imagine a great white

shark that detects blood in the water.

While intimate relationship happens when the couple loves, understands, and respects each


Such relationship is only a dream when it comes to relationship with narcissist.

If you are wondering why, here is the reasons.

#1 - They only want power

Narcissist demand appreciation of their power from their partner.

They do this by pretending to be weak, hurt, and desperate as a way to seek attention,

care, and kindness.

However, narcissist will use this to take advantage of others and leech their energy

to feed what they want, which is attention and attention.

#2 - They cannot trust others

Trust is one important element in a relationship.

Unfortunately, narcissists just cannot afford that.

They fail to trust others because narcissists are wired to see themselves as the one who

can be trusted.

Others are just additional objects that can be stirred to feed the narcissists.

#3 - Looking for motives

Narcissists always try to find out how to victimize their partner.

They will do it through some motives ranging from giving and taking affection to pretending

to be hurt, and being frustrated.

All of these are only used as bait so that the narcissist can have higher chance to use

their victims.

#4 - Abusive

If the other partner starts to make defensive move against the narcissists, things can get


They usually will start doing crazy things such as throwing stuffs and scratching their


However, this can get worse when the other partner becomes the target of abusive behavior.

Literally, the other guy can be the punching bag for the narcissists.

#5 - It's impossible

It is just impossible to establish a good or even intimate relationship with narcissists.

They really just want you to be the victim.

Nothing else.

Despite the fact that they give you attention, care, and support, they will take everything

back, leaving you with nothingness.

All in all, that's the 5 reasons narcissists can't have intimate relationships.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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