Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

You know the old saying:

Behind every great robot, is a great robotics developer.

Behind that developer is ROBOTT-NET.

Since the very beginning the results were promising.

They took measurements of the carrier as they travel from station to station

Cleaning robots met the environment.

If you want to build exoskeletons one of the first steps is you have to be able to build good robots.

If you work with industrial robotics, no matter how big or small you are,

no matter where you are in the development proces,

no matter how insanely impossible your project seems,

ROBOTT-NET can help.

We open doors to the best robotics minds internationally.

And are driven by Europe's four prominent research technology organisations.

ROBOTT-NET's mission is to make the best ideas in industrial robotics a reality

for technology developers and European manufacturing.

We do this by offering consulting and access to world class test facilities.

By helping you proof your concept

and understand the possibilities and pitfalls of robotics development projects.

ROBOTT-NET has already helped nurses, home builders, even astronauts.

We work with start-ups, SMEs and supersized manufacturers

Whether you need to know more about assembling, grasping, navigating, soldering, sorting, scanning, seeing,

stacking, cutting, carrying, communicating, collaborating, inspecting, welding, painting

programming, picking, packing, or developing your business plans,

There is a ROBOTT-NET specialist somewhere, who can help.

So if you're sitting with an industrial robotics challenge

considering how robots can improve processes in your company,

or working on bringing a great robotics idea to market,

then your next stop should be right here.


we're the people, behind the person, behind the robot.

Wanna learn more about ROBOTT-NET?

Then check out our YouTube channel, where you can see case stories from the more than 70 projects

we've already helped from all over Europe, with industrial robotics challenges.

For more infomation >> ROBOTT-NET: We're the people behind the person behind the robot - Duration: 2:38.


Truyện Ngắn Mới 2018 - Ta Còn Thuộc Về Nhau - Duration: 1:06:58.

For more infomation >> Truyện Ngắn Mới 2018 - Ta Còn Thuộc Về Nhau - Duration: 1:06:58.


자취생 공감-자취하면 생기는 일[밍꼬발랄] - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 자취생 공감-자취하면 생기는 일[밍꼬발랄] - Duration: 3:14.


The Last Train (2018) short movie based on city legends in Trainz - Duration: 12:32.


Trainz 12 movie

(News about ghost-train and bunker on Sportivnaya station)

The Last Train

Sportivnaya station



The Past

Attention the doors are closing

The next station is Sokolniki

Do not lean on door

(Very old map of Moscow metro (1950s))

Danger zone

(The records of different reports about Moscow Metro)

Sokolniki Station

Moscow Metro (Underground) was opened on May 15th 1935

First train departed from Sokolniki and arrived to Park Kultury station

Moscow Underground system was the first of 18 built in USSR and ex-USSR countries

Attention the doors are closing

the next station is Ligovsky Prospekt

Station Ligovsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg



Noviy Afon





Ploshcha Yakuba Kolosa station, Minsk

Nizhniy Novgorod (Ex Gorkiy)

Kryvyi Rih


Bezyimyanka station, Samara (Ex Kuybyshev)

Uralskaya Station, Yekaterinburg (Ex Sverdlovsk)

Dnipro (Ex Dnipropetrovsk)


Tukay Square station, Kazan

Attation the doors are closing

the next station is Park Kultury

Dear passengers please be polite

give seats to eldery people, disabled persons and passengers with children

Foxtrot: "Just friends, ok?"

Park Kultury station

This train terminates here, please leave the train

Exit to the city

Created by Pilot-Engineer in 2018

For more infomation >> The Last Train (2018) short movie based on city legends in Trainz - Duration: 12:32.


Is soccer more important than his life?Please stop My husband[HelloCounselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.09.03] - Duration: 26:31.

This is "A Life-risking Concern."

I need someone to be the husband.

He seems to be someone like you,

so you can play the husband.

Your husband?

Hey. Don't I get a say in it?

(Don't barge into my heart like that)

Don't get me excited.

That made my heart race.

Hello, I'm a woman in my fifties

who has just given up.

I've given up on my husband.

My husband has had an affair for 30 years.

(For 30 years?)

"Honey. It's raining today.

Why don't we have a drink together?"

"I can't. I have to go play soccer."

"Honey, it's almost 105 degrees today."

"But still...

I have to go play soccer."

Yes. My husband is crazy about playing soccer.

He's having an affair with soccer.

"Oh my. Oh my. Oh my."

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"I broke my rib while playing soccer.

But that's okay. I scored a goal."

(Oh my)

He may live without me,

but he can't live without soccer.

I had given up on him,

but I can't do that any longer.

In 2011,

he was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer.

Blood cancer.

"Honey, please stop playing soccer.

The doctor said you can't overexert yourself."

"I will play soccer

as long as my body is able to move."

Is soccer more important than his life?

I am quite desperate.

Please stop my husband from playing soccer.

Kang June.

Choi Minsoo doesn't play soccer, right?

Soccer... No, he doesn't.

But this is terrible.

I'm more worried about him having an affair.

It breaks my heart.


Didn't you say he's having an affair?

With soccer.

(June has become a star once again today)

You thought he was having an affair, too?

Then that's a serious concern!

Why are you clapping?

Choi Minsoo said that

teasing you is his hobby.

Let's bring her out now.

Sangjun, can you escort her?

- All right. / - Okay.

Please come on out.

(Who's concerned about her husband?)

(Bang Hyechun)

(Please come this way)

Help her up from above.

- From above? / - Push her up.

Can you please help me?

(Please help me)

Thank you.

(It's Sangjun's first time here, too)

How often does he play soccer?

I think exercising wouldn't be so bad.

Does he play soccer too much?

We've been married for 34 years now.

He's been crazy about it for the past 30 years.

He goes to play soccer 3-4 times a week.

He plays from 8-10 in the morning.

That's the 60s soccer team.

On Sundays, he plays in the neighborhood.

He comes home at 9-10 p.m.

- He plays all day? / - Yes.

He plays soccer so much that

I think he has forgotten about his family.

June got confused at first.

Please don't tell her.

You said that he's having an affair,

and she thought he was with another woman.

That's not true, right?

That was years ago.

(A refreshing blow)

I once caught him years ago.

That's not the concern anymore, right?

No. Just soccer.

Let's move on now.

Let's move on.

For his night shift, he goes to work at 3 p.m.

He's supposed to come home in the morning,

but he takes his uniforms with him.

- He plays after he works all night? / - Yes.

(He's eager to play even after a night shift)

You said he has blood cancer.

How can he overexert himself like that?

He had a runny nose, so he went to see a doctor.

They diagnosed him with a blood cancer.

Even when he's that sick,

he's so crazy about soccer. It's useless.

He doesn't care about his family.

When was he diagnosed?

He was declared to be cured 5 years after.

- Completely recovered? / - Yes.


When he got a physical exam this year,

they found many small tumors

in his kidneys. Both kidneys.

But he can't get surgery for that.

That's why you're worried about his health?

I'm worried that he'll collapse.

But you can't say playing soccer is bad for him.

- If he plays it moderately... / - Yes.

I'm not saying that playing soccer is bad.

He just needs to play it in moderation.

He sometimes comes home with a sprained ankle.

One time he slipped in the rain

and had to wear a cast on his arm.

He once broke his ankle.

Have you tried talking to him

about your concerns?

I told him, "You're sick. Play moderately.

You're not on the national team."

He's not going to earn money. He's spending it.

He ends up spending money on soccer.

Sure. He also risks his health.

Yeah, sure.

Either way, he's not on the national team.

So I told him to play in moderation.

What did he say?

He said, "I can take care of myself."

He said, "I can take care of myself.

I'll take care of me. You take care of you."

You must be here because you're very worried.

I have so much to say.

I could write more than 100 books on my concerns.

- That's an exaggeration. / - I'm serious.

In my opinion,

you could write about 30 books.

What do your children say about it?

My daughters tried to stop him, too.

- You have 2 girls? / - Yes.

They wanted to be here today,

but they were too busy.

- Your daughters aren't here? / - No.

I thought that woman was your daughter and

thought, "How could she look so nonchalant?"

So she's not your daughter.

Let's meet her husband now.

Please applaud for him. Hello, sir.


He's so healthy. Hello, sir.

(He looks healthy!)

You have so many games to play on Sundays.

- That's right. / - How did you come today?

I'm glad you said that.

I have games to play from 7:30 to 8.

- In the evening? / - In the morning.

I played two games in the morning.

I just got here.

He already played.

I kept calling him to make sure he came.

What's your position?

Left wing. I mostly use my left foot and left hand.

That's a crucial position.

It isn't easy to find people who are left-footed.

Did you see how his eyes sparkled

when he talked about soccer?

Ask him another question about soccer.

You know more about soccer than I do.

How many goals do you usually score?

You don't know much about soccer.

(Kim Jongmin / Doesn't know about soccer)

I don't make the goal myself.

I dribble the ball and pass it

to my teammate.

When my teammate shoots and makes a goal,

it's so thrilling.

(He's getting excited again)

Do you like playing soccer that much?

Even if I collapse on the field,

I will continue to play!

I may skip a meal, but I must play soccer.

He's so passionate about it.

Do you play 3-4 times a week?

I play every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

I play on Sundays with another team.

After we eat lunch, there's another game

with people who are in their 60s.

There's more?

I play with them, too.

Let's say a game takes an hour.

I play about 6 hours in one day.

All right.

(He's been doing that for 30 years...)

We understand that you love soccer,

but you're overdoing it.

That's why your wife is concerned.

She tells me to play less, and I don't ignore her.

The blood cancer I had

- is a type of leukemia. / - Right.

I was able to overcome chemotherapy

because I've built up my immune system

by playing soccer for years.

I went to see my doctor recently.

He said, "Continue to play.

There is no other medicine.

Playing soccer is your cure."

- No way. / - That's understandable.

Wait. Your wife just frowned and said, "No way."

He said, "Play soccer, but moderately."


But he plays too much. He even abandoned us.

The doctor told you to play moderately?


Yes, he told me to play moderately.

(He changes his words quickly)

But the doctor never forbade me to play.

She said that you abandoned your family.

She seems to hold a grudge about that.

Did you abandon your family?

No. I slept at home last night, too.

You said earlier that you never ignored your wife.

But in what ways

do you think that

you didn't ignore her?

I know my own body more than anyone else.

If I don't exercise, I could take medication.

But by playing soccer,

I am balancing my body

so I don't need medicine to keep myself healthy.

You didn't play soccer when you were sick, right?

I'm asking because you love it so much.

I was crazy about it back then too.

(This is too much)


I was completely bald,

so I wore a bandanna on my head.

You played while getting cancer treatments?

I would fall down after taking a few steps,

but got up to play. Then I collapsed again.

I got chills.

My teammates dragged me off the field.

- When I think about it... / - Unbelievable.

But by playing soccer,

I was able to overcome the chemotherapy.

Ma'am. Did you know that he played

during those cancer treatments?

I didn't know he collapsed on the field.

If I stopped him, he would just yell at me.

He said that he could take care of himself.

If I keep nagging at him, he opens his eyes wide

and we end up arguing with each other.

I'm sick as well.

I didn't argue to keep myself healthy.

In 1995,

my mother passed away from liver cancer.

I know how she was during those cancer treatments.

Taekyun, too.

My mother had blood cancer, too.

It's impossible to play sports

while going through chemotherapy.

I am amazed by your strong mentality.

He was in a sterilized room for 48 days.

Right. That's what I heard.

When his platelet numbers went up,

he walked up and down the stairs.

I'm impressed.

He would walk 10,000 steps a day.

- While he was hospitalized? / - Yes.

He even tried to help other patients

and got in fights.

- Why? / - He was trying to make others walk, too.

He was telling other patients to walk, too?

What did the patients say?

He was comfortably in his wheelchair and

the husband kept asking him to walk.

So he must've said, "No!"

He must've watched what he ate, too.

Of course.

They told me that the room could be contaminated,

so I sterilized the house every day.

I would make sure his food was germ-free, too.

You did everything for him.

When he went out, I made him multi-grain rice.

Oh, talking about this is going to make me cry.


Let's not talk about that anymore.

She worked too hard for him.

She did. You admit that, right?


It's not easy for a wife to do this much.

But she feels like soccer is more important to him.

It must be so upsetting.

You may think you've recovered because of soccer,

but it's all thanks to your loyal wife

and your daughters.

It's not because of soccer.

Since you're crying so much,

we'll talk about the cheating.

Because you're crying so much.

What else is your husband into?


(Getting worse)

He likes fishing, too?

Once you get into that...

He likes fishing, too?

(Why did you have to mention that, too?)

You're just into so many hobbies.

Excuse me, sir.

He doesn't play soccer on Mondays and Wednesdays.

So he goes fishing.

When he doesn't play soccer?

Yesterday, he said he'd go to a sauna

and went to play pool instead.

He's into billiards, fishing and soccer.

So he never spends his free time at home.

He doesn't drink though, right?

He'd die if he drank.

He used to drink a lot when he was younger.

Then he doesn't go out to drink?

He still goes to be there.

It sounds like

you are so busy with hobbies

that you don't spend time with your family.

That must be tough for her, too.

My friend owns a billiard hall,

so I went to stay cool in the summer.

Okay. Then what about fishing?

That, too.

I'm an impatient man.

So I go fishing to look at the mountains

and try to slow myself down.

What about going out to drinking engagements?

I have to go because

if I go home right after the games without

spending time with my friends, it's embarrassing.

I've known them for years.

That's why you go even though you don't drink?

Have you ever thought about

doing these hobbies with your wife?

That's a great question.

You can ask my wife.

She hates the sun, which we make Vitamin D from.

That's why she...

That's what you think.

Would you hate doing those things with him?

She hates going out without a parasol,

so I never asked.

Do you really hate doing those things?

If she wanted to, I'd go with her immediately.

Tell us, ma'am.

Do you hate doing them? He says that you do.

We can't do those hobbies without money.

Why? Because they bet.

- That's what you hate. / - They make bets.

Going fishing costs money, too.

He needs to pay about $30-50.

If he wins, he has to chip in money.

He must buy uniforms seasonally.

There's the picture.

- His uniforms. / - He's like a professional.

Oh my.

(He spends lots of money for his hobbies)

They aren't even worn down yet.

He won many awards, too.

You don't get paid for winning trophies.

You don't get paid for winning trophies.

It's all a waste of money.

I see two bottles of liquor in there, too.

How are you doing financially?

We're not well-off.

I work 3 jobs.

- I work for 12 hours a day. / - You do?

What do you do in the morning?

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,

I cook for 18-month-old babies.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I cook for

a 75-year-old woman who has colorectal cancer.

Then from 4 to 8 p.m.

I babysit a child.

You're a babysitter.

So you have to work three jobs

just to make ends meet?

He can't even get the treatment he needs.

Because we can't afford to pay $1,000.

He doesn't drive his car to save money.

He takes a packed lunch, too.

(If he could spend less on his hobbies...)

She works three jobs and she's crying.

How do you feel, sir?

I feel terrible.

I wouldn't be a man if I didn't feel bad.

I promise that in the future...

We don't have much time left...

Unless it's an official tournament,

I promise right here and now that

I will spend more time with my wife.

We're touched because we've never heard him say this.

But I guess she's heard this before.

She isn't affected by his words at all.

I will spend the rest of my life for you.

(You caught me)

(I won't be fooled again!)

We invited his friend who plays soccer with him

to ask about what he thinks.

He looks very familiar to us.

You'll recognize him.



It's been a long time.

There's a soccer game every Tuesday and Thursday.

There's also another club that plays

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I'm with 13 teams in Korea and 4 teams overseas.

Overseas? What's an overseas team?

I wear this uniform to every game.

I will play soccer even after I die.

I will love soccer forever.

(He's just as bad...)

What are you doing here today?

I play soccer 3-4 times a week.

You two play together?


Oh my.

Sometimes, he would run

then start panting with his hands on his knees.

(You said you beat cancer thanks to soccer...)

He said he has tumors in his kidneys.

I think it's because he played too much.

I couldn't imagine how his family feels.

Do you think he loves soccer more

or do you love soccer more?

It's true that I love soccer more.

If I'm on level 100...

- He went like this. / - He went like this.


I'm only into soccer,

but he's also into playing pool and fishing.

So overall, I think he's worse than I am.

I put on pain relief patches this morning.

It would've been nice if he asked if I'm in pain.

He doesn't get me medicine even when I'm sick.

I get dressed and go out to buy it myself.

Could you tell us how your health is?

I've been diabetic for 29 years.

But I still operated a restaurant.

One day, I fell down the stairs

and they put 8 metal pins in my ankle.

- In your ankle? / - Yes.

I was supposed to get them removed, but I was so busy

earning money that too much time passed.

Now they are stuck and can't be removed.

I also had disc surgery.

I have 4 metal pins in my lower back.

She has quite a few ailments too.

When were you the most upset during those ailments?

When I got surgery on my hand,

he came to see me while he was

covered in sweat after playing soccer.

I still can't forget that.

All you wanted was a sincere word from him.

It's not because I hate her or anything.

Sure, we know that.

- It's my fault. / - Why do you think you did that?


Why do you think you did that?

You don't care about your family?

I guess that's all I can say.

I'm embarrassed of myself.

I don't want to make any excuses for myself.


Why was I so indifferent to her?

I am very heartbroken.

What do you want from your husband?

I want him to play soccer less.

I don't work on Saturdays,

so I wish he would take me out to

a nice restaurant or

to a nice sauna.

I don't ask for more.

You're not asking for much.

If he spends his Saturdays with you,

will you let him play pool and go fishing?

That... That would be hard.

No billiards?

Because we're in a financial bind.

- Do you agree too, Mr. Red? / - Yes.

He doesn't need to play pool or go fishing?

I think he should quit everything except soccer.

(Stop it!)

He's nudging him.

Your family came here before with their concern.

Has that concern been resolved?

Or is it the same? Or did it get worse?

I made a promise with the whole nation,

so I must keep my promise.

I can't keep the promise 100%,

but I'm trying my best to make up for it

by spending more time with my family.

So I will make sure he doesn't play too much.

Really? Is that a promise?

I will make sure he doesn't play too much.

How many times do you think he should play?

I want him to play just once a week.

Just once a week?

What do you think about that, ma'am?


Oh my.

(This isn't what I wanted)

You agree with him playing once a week?

Once or twice a week only.

She'll allow you to play twice a week.

- Sir. / - Twice a week.

Your friend said once a week,

but your wife will let you play twice a week.

Thank you for saying that, honey.

I will keep that promise.

Don't make a promise that you can't keep.

We'll give you some time. Your wife seems

to be very upset about you opening

your eyes wide and speaking coldly to her.

She won't look at you.

She isn't able to look at you.

You're right. Look at your husband, ma'am.

We'll give you some time.

Think about what promise

you will make to her.

Think about it.

Let's start with Sangjun. Is it a concern?

He goes overboard in everything he does.

I understand how hard it must be for her,

but I understand how he feels, too.

Our family is exactly the same.

My parents have two daughters.

So I always worry that my dad might be lonely.

I hope their daughters watch this

and learn something from it.

Your love for soccer isn't the problem.

It's a problem and a concern because

you're putting soccer before your family.

Is it a concern?

Yes, it is.

You're happy when you play soccer, right?


She's happy when she's with you.


Then you both should be happy together.

Are you telling her to play soccer with him?


Think about how you can be happy together.

I'll think about it with you.

Okay, everyone.

I have no idea what he just said.

If you think this is a concern, press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please say a word to your wife.

For the past 34 years,

I never called her "honey."

What did you call her then?

Her name.

Or you could call her by her full name.

Like when you two dated.


Ms. Bang Hyechun.

No one can understand

how much your heart has rotten

over the past 34 years because of me.

I will make a promise on this program,

in front of the whole nation!

Starting tonight,

I'd like to have a meal with you at a restaurant.

Until the day we die,

as long as you will allow me,

I will be with you.

Please believe me when I say that, honey.

I've loved and will love you forever.

I love you.

That was so awesome.

You're so eloquent.

- Ma'am. / - Do you forgive him?

I wonder if he'll keep his promise.

Please have faith in him.

I will believe him.

I will work hard and do my best to support him.

How many votes did they get? Please show us.

"A Life-risking Concern."

The last digit is a 9.

How many votes out of 200 did they get?

159 votes.

Please give them a round of applause.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Is soccer more important than his life?Please stop My husband[HelloCounselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.09.03] - Duration: 26:31.


This Chick's Trouble: Excel Hash - Duration: 12:55.

No worries.

It's not a cooking show, but there's gonna be some cooking involved.

I'm probably not the best chef in real life, but today I'm gonna be cooking with the four

chosen ingredients for the #ExcelHash Challenge.

It's a challenge organized by Oz from "Excel On Fire".

Now, the participants are my MVP online colleagues.

Each one of us needs to make a video that includes four ingredients which were chosen

by you: form controls, frequency formula, max function, 3D model.

Now, as you can see, not the easiest ingredients to work with.

The result can be eatable or not ... so, basically, useful or useless as long as it includes these

four ingredients.

We can also use the help of other ingredients to create the final dish.

3D model is an interesting new addition to Office 365, and it's gonna be the first

time I'm using it.

I think it's a good addition for PowerPoint, and I'm gonna show you something interesting

at the end, so make sure you don't miss that.

But before you watch my cooking, what would you cook with these ingredients?

Let me know in the comments below.

I'm gonna show you my version.

Let's just hope it's better than my actual cooking.

Let me give you some context ... assume I work in the HR department, and I just received

this data from my boss.

There's information on department, employee name and the date they started to work at

the company.

Now, my boss calls me up and tells me, "This is some information on job tenure, and I want

to present it at some employee orientation."

It should be somewhat engaging, somewhat entertaining so that the new employees aren't going to

nod off right away.

He also wants to have it clustered, so let's say group one shows how many employees are

less than a year with the company, then how many are there one to five years, five to

fifteen years and more than fifteen years.

All of that for each relevant department.

I have a suspicion it's not just for the presentation, but he also wants to know how the department

leaders are doing in terms of keeping employees.

Anyhow, my challenge is to present this in a clear and engaging manner, so I'm gonna

use images for the clusters: chicks for newbies, rabbits for the second group ... kind of like

the job hoppers ... pigs for the third group, and for the last one, I'm gonna use turtles

because they have the longest lifespan.

So, now I need to figure out how to put this information into these year clusters and also

how to analyze this by department and visual this in a very tasty way.

First thing I'm gonna do is to get the amount of time that has passed since this date.

For this, I'm gonna use my first ingredient.

It's a secret ingredient called the DATEDIF function.

It's secret, because if you type it in here, it doesn't show up on the list ... but it's

a super handy formula for calculating age, or in this case, the amount of time the person

has been with the company.

I'm calculating the amount of months that have passed between this day here, between

today's date, and I'm dividing it by twelve so this way I can tell who has been there

less than a year as well.

Let's add the second ingredient now, which is a main ingredient, form control.

Let's fill it up and connect the result to here.

Now, to actually see what the user selected, I'm gonna use another side ingredient ... it's

the INDEX function.

I basically look through this list, and move down four rows and get what the person selected

in here.

Now, let's bring in the second main ingredient, the FREQUENCY function.

Frequency function is an array formula.

It's quite simple to use, all you need is to give it something that's called the "bins"


Those are basically the clusters that my boss was talking about.

These are my clusters, and I'm gonna explain why I have zero here.

One is zero to one years, and down here is greater than fifteen years.

Here, you can see how I used the frequency function, but it's frequency with a twist.

The twist is I'm not looking at the entire data set here, I'm looking at it by criteria.

My criteria is sales.

My criteria could also be finance ... that's gonna change things up.

The reason I added zero here is because using frequency in this way allows me to kick out

the departments that are not valid.

So, in this case, any department that's not finance is gonna get zero, and this way I

can kick them out.

The six means I have six people working in the finance department for less than a year.

The one means I have one person there that's been working there for greater than fifteen


Let's bring in the third main ingredient, the 3D model.

Now, I set up the clusters right here just so I know what type of icon I should use

for them.

Zero to one years is a chick.

For this, I'm gonna use the 3D model.

Insert, illustrations, 3D models.

From here, I'm just gonna do a quick search for chicken.

That looks like a nice, cute chick.

Insert it right here.

Now, check this out ... I can turn this around the way I want.

I also have some options right here under format.

You can pan and zoom, change the height, use one of these here.

So, I'm just gonna format it the way I like, make it smaller and put it here.

I'm gonna do the same thing for the turtle.

Grab an image from the 3D model, size it correctly and put it here.

One thing to watch out for is that these 3D models can really explode your file, so keep

an eye on the file size.

To make sure my file size doesn't explode, for the rabbit and the pig, I'm actually gonna

insert an icon from here.

Now, we have the three ingredients in place.

We haven't mixed them up to create a dish.

We're still missing one main ingredient, but let's start with our dish, let's start putting

it in the oven, and then add in our last main ingredient.

Based on this data set, I'm gonna create a chart.

I'm gonna prepare the data for my chart by just typing out the category so it's easy

to understand what they are.

This is not so easy to read ... I'm gonna add the number of employees right here you

can see, this is just referencing this cell.

Now, let's insert the chart ... reverse these categories.

Let's just make sure this is dynamic until now.

I'm gonna send this to the back.

It's starting to come together.

It doesn't include my images yet, so let's bring them in.

I wanna position each image at the end of the chart here, so I'm gonna use a scatterplot

for the series of my images.

For that I need numbers.

I'm just gonna use these for now, and then I'm gonna bring in and replace this with our

final ingredient, and you're gonna see why that last ingredient is gonna give it a perfect


Let's add these in as a scatterplot.

Select data, add, series name, icons, series values ... now, the "y" is gonna be a secondary

axis that's gonna pop up here.


Because these are not numbers.

I need my "y" to translate this category to a 1, 2, 3 and to a 4.

So, actually, what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna type them in.

1, 2, 3, 4.

My categories are fixed, they're not gonna change, so I can actually type them in here.

You can also type them in Excel cells.

Those curly brackets that we saw before come automatically.

Now, I need the "x" values as well, but I can't add them in, because it's not a scatterplot


Let's go and do that.

See this?

It's automatically putting it on the secondary axis.

I get my numbers here, but I want these to be restricted to 0.5 and I think 4.5 is good.

The reason it's 0.5 and 4.5 is because I want this one to be a 1 and the last one to be

a 4.

Right now, it's the other way around, so let's switch them values in reverse order.

Positioning looks kind of good.

This one's supposed to be on the end here, this one is supposed to be here.

Why is it not there?

Because it's missing the "x" values.

I haven't given them yet, so let's select them right here.

Positioning is perfect!

Now, let's add in our images.

All we need to do is copy, click, click ... two times click, otherwise you're gonna paste

this for all of the series here ... paste.

Let's repeat for the other ones.

Now, this is starting to look interesting, but it's not gonna look as good without our

last main ingredient, MAX function.

What is that max function gonna do to make this much better?

Right now, this just looks like a little, cute drawing somewhere.

But I don't want it to be a little, cute drawing.

I just want the symbol that has the highest number.

I want the other symbols to disappear.

So, in this case, I just want to show the pig.

If I switch to sales, I just wanna show the turtle ... I don't want these there.

Let's bring in the max function.

All I'm doing here is checking to see is this number the max in here, and if it is, it's

gonna put that number, otherwise it's gonna write an error.

The reason I write an error is that's the way I'm gonna hide the series.

Excel can't prompt these type of errors, it breaks your series.

Now, one tweak I'm gonna make to this is instead of showing the exact same number, I'm gonna

multiply this by a small percentage.

That just moves it a little bit out of the way.

Okay, so all of the ingredients have been added to create this dish, but it doesn't

look very tasty or appealing right now.

Let's just update the formatting of this to create a tasty dish out of it.

That's the decorated version of our dish.

We can quickly see the finance department has a lot of new employees there.

I'm sure my boss is gonna follow up on this, but I think it has something to do with the

department leader.

Now, let's switch to the sales department.

There we have a lot of turtles.

We have a lot of senior people, and that's a good thing, because they know our product


Let's just quickly take a look at marketing.

We have four people who have been there within one to five years, and procurement we have

five people five to fifteen years.

I think my boss is going to be happy with this analysis.

That was my solution.

We used the four ingredients to get our wonderful bar chart.

In addition, we used a few Excel tricks like the secret DATEDIF function, NA() function to get

our images to work on the chart.

Scatterplot inside the bar chart, and we incorporated our 3D images.

Now, here comes a quick bonus tip I talked about in the beginning.

It's an example of using 3D models in PowerPoint.

Let's say I was making a presentation to show the number of employees by employment time

in the finance department ... I could do this.

We can get this funny, interesting, different animation effect.

Here's where you come in.

Watch all six videos in the Excel hash playlist.

You're gonna find the link below and also in the cards, then vote for your favorite.

Link for voting is also in the description of the video, and here's how it looks.

You're gonna see the name of the YouTube channel and the name of the recipe.

Five star means great video, one star, not so great.

I hope you found something new here.

Please cast your vote.

See you in the next video.

Oh, and if you're serious about learning Excel, subscribe to the YouTube channels of the other

creators in the Excel hash playlist.

For more infomation >> This Chick's Trouble: Excel Hash - Duration: 12:55.


கோவில் நுழைவாயிலை மிதித்தால் என்ன ஆகும் தெரியுமா | TEMPLE ENTRANCE - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> கோவில் நுழைவாயிலை மிதித்தால் என்ன ஆகும் தெரியுமா | TEMPLE ENTRANCE - Duration: 2:22.


hack game tài xỉu 2018 - dạy cách cài đặt bản hack game tài xỉu - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> hack game tài xỉu 2018 - dạy cách cài đặt bản hack game tài xỉu - Duration: 7:34.


Met ondertiteling: dit moet jij weten over Insta, Facebook en LinkedIn - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Met ondertiteling: dit moet jij weten over Insta, Facebook en LinkedIn - Duration: 1:02.


[SoRi] Making of "Touch" - Recording - - Duration: 4:13.

Sori's YouTube Channel

I am currently at a recording studio.

List of emotions I need to carry: arrogance, non-chalance, make sure to breathe...

...Like Christina, "Hi guise, this is Christina"

A featuring rapper BASICK collaborated with me on this song.

- Hello. - Hi, I'm SoRi!

I'll give my best!

If my voice is a bit "airy"

BASICK's voice is more enunciated, and will be catchy to your ears.

Such contrast is something else for you to look forward to.

This solo number's concept would be...

As I've mentioned before...

Is something completely different from what I've tried in the past.

There will be something that's "wow-worthy" performance-wise as well...

I hope you guys look forward to it too.

Ah, and if you watch the music video,

the outfit also has a huge impact,

so, that'd be another thing to anticipate.


So, I decided to try out a concept that's completely different from what I've done so far...

I was very worried.

if you look up the lyrics, it's very, uhh... right!

When I was recording today, the producer was like,

"sensual image fits you, this is it!"

"This concept is perfect for you!" he said!

So I launched my solo debut project,

which was revealed to you guys all the sudden,

and continuously working on it,

and to realize so many of you are supporting me,

I've learned that once again, and was very moved.

I wanted to show you how much I have grown as a singer this time, once again.

I hope you guys get hyped,

As always, thank you so much, and I love you <3


For more infomation >> [SoRi] Making of "Touch" - Recording - - Duration: 4:13.


I Miss My Mom, Please Stop My Workerholic mom! [Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.09.03] - Duration: 28:52.

This is titled, "I Miss My Mom."


How cute.

I'm 15 years old and I miss my mom very much.

Star is loving this.

What are you looking at?

(Does he have 2 vocal cords?)

My friends hate it when their moms nag at them.

But I would love to hear my mom nag at me.

I can never see my mother.

"Mom! You'll come to my open class tomorrow, right?

You have to come."

"Oh! I forgot.

I can't go. I have to work!"

"You didn't forget about our weekend trip, right?"

"Oh no! I forgot!

I can't go. I have to work."

My mom works at a supermarket on weekdays.

Then after work, she teaches a singing class.

On weekends, she goes to do volunteer work.

So I'm always alone when I need my mom.

One time, I got a tonsillectomy.

"Oh, you're awake."

(No way...)

"Since you're awake now, I'm off to work!"

Am I really her daughter?

Here's what's most upsetting.

"Mom, I have a concern.

I got in a fight with my friend today..."

"Look, I'm tired!

When do I get to sleep if I must listen to you?"

I don't ever get time to talk to my exhausted mom.

Work always comes first for my mom.

Please stop her.

(Please stop my workaholic mom)

Jongmin, you're a workaholic, right?

What do you think about this concern?

I'm actually quite concerned.

- Who is? / - I am.

- You're worried about yourself? / - Yes.

- I'm a workaholic. / - Right.

I wake up and it's morning.

I wake up again and it's morning.

Then I get up.

I think to myself, "What am I doing?" as I go out.

It's good that you live by yourself.

You're not married yet.

Don't worry. If you're a workaholic,

- your wife will love it. / - Really?

(He's easily persuaded)

Sohee, weren't you busier when you were 15?

My mom used to work a lot back then.

She's a housewife now, but she still works a lot.

She's always been busy working,

so we never had time to talk.

But fortunately, I was busy, too.

That's a relief.

Her absence was filled in by my dad

and my younger sister.

So I didn't feel her absence much.

But I can relate to this concern though.

All right. Let's bring her out. Please come out.

(Who's concerned about her workaholic mom?)

(Kim Doi)

She's so cute.

Hello. I'm 15-year-old Kim Doi

from Hoengseong, Gangwon-do.


Kim Doi.

You're so pretty.

- You're charming. / - Her head is small.

She looks much smaller next to me, right?

(A real reaction)

How much does your mom work

that you feel like she's a workaholic?

Is it okay to speak casually to her?

Yes, speak freely.

- As long as you don't cuss. / - Really?

I think she's trapped in a black hole of work.

She's trapped in a black hole of work.

Most moms only have one job,

but my mom has 3 jobs.

She works from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays.

She's a PR manager at a supermarket.

When there is an event,

she comes home at 10 or 11 p.m.

If there isn't an event,

she does the dishes or serves food.

She works part-time, too?

She lives such a full life.

Then 2-3 times a week...

(There's more?)

From 7:30 to 11 p.m.

she teaches singing to elderly people.

She's a singing instructor.

She works a lot.

Doesn't she have free time on weekends?

On weekends, she does trot performances.

So she comes home at 10 or 11 at night on weekdays

and she also goes out on weekends.

Then when do you get to see her?

I see her before I go to school.

If I don't see her,

I wait past midnight until she comes home to see her.

You wait up to see her when she comes home?

That's so sad.

That's sad, but she's such a good girl.

Most teenagers don't want mom to be home.

They'd rather be home by themselves.

It's important for a family to eat together.

That's when you can talk and bond.

When was the last time you had a meal with her?

It's been a year now.

(I want to have a meal with my mom)

Since she's working hard for her family,

couldn't you be more understanding?

But her work always comes before me.

- That's how you feel? / - Yes.

I finally got a chance to

go on an overnight trip with her to Gangneung.

Then she said that she forgot about a concert

and cancelled the trip.

What else can't you understand?

There was an open class at school.

Most parents come to that event.

At least one parent comes.

My mom told me that she'd be there.

So I waited for that day for so long.

Then she called me and said,

"Doi, I'm sorry.

I suddenly got a job. I'm sorry."

And she couldn't come.

How did you feel?

I was so upset.

It's embarrassing to not have a parent there.

Your friends' parents came.

Were you embarrassed?

No, I was more upset than I was embarrassed.

If she said no from the beginning,

Doi wouldn't have waited.

But mom made a promise and broke it.

Did you tell your mom about how you felt?

I did, but she got mad at me.

Why did she get mad at you?

"I couldn't be there because I had to work.

I didn't forget it because I wanted to."

How about your family?

I have a dad and an older brother.

My brother lives in a dorm at his high school.

He doesn't live with you.

My dad is a bus driver,

so he comes home at around 9 or 10 p.m.

and goes to work at 5 or 6 a.m.

Who can you talk to?

I talk to my two dogs.

Your dogs are your friends.

She feels her mom's absence very much.

Her mom must be quite upset.

Hello, ma'am.


She looks so cheerful. She's used to saying hello.

Do you understand your daughter's concern?

Every double-income family goes through this.

I don't think this is a serious concern.

But you work too much.

So much that Doi says you're a workaholic.

You work all week and on weekends, too.

We are not well off,

so I feel like I have to earn money.

That's why I work

as much as I can.

You have too many jobs.

Why do you work so many jobs?

My husband has debt,

so we are not financially well off.

I also grew up as the youngest in my family

with 7 siblings. So I have to earn money.

I don't want my kids to grow up poor.

Doi, did you hear what your mom said?

She's working because your family needs money.

I know that.

She gets paid for working at the supermarket,

but when she goes to perform,

she goes without getting paid.

(She doesn't get paid?)

Then you're not working for money then.

Aren't you doing it because you like to do it?

Older people are happy when they see me.

I'm not a well-known singer.

My stage name is "Songa."

Oh. Songa.

I thought it was Soa. Songa.

Hoengseong is the city of Songaji, meaning calf.

- My stage name means "calf." / - Yes.

I thought it had a more profound meaning.

You call yourself Songa, the girl of Hoengseong.


For unknown singers,

there are more events that we must pay for

rather than getting paid.

You pay money to perform?


So you end up spending money to work.

Don't you feel like

you need to love your kids more so that

they aren't neglected like you were as a child?

I know how she feels,

but I thought she'd be more understanding.

But now, I'm heartbroken.

- She's still a baby. / - She's only 15.

When my sons were young,

around age 12 or 13,

I thought they would understand how I felt.

But it wasn't true.

I didn't mean it that way,

but they were looking at it differently.

And ma'am,

it's unusual for a child her age

to want to be with her mom.

Especially at this age.

- She could go down the wrong path. / - Right.

I just met her, but the way she talks,

I can see she's more mature for her age.

That's why Mom thinks, "My daughter is mature,

so she'll understand what I have to do.'

But she's still a little girl at heart.

Your daughter was looking forward to that trip.

To Gangneung.

Why did you cancel it?

My friend told me that her restaurant was very busy,

but she had no one to help her.

So I cancelled the trip to help her out.

I was able to earn money at the same time.

We could go on that trip any other time.

That was her only chance to go at this age.

You also couldn't go to her open class.

I was in Chungju for work at the time,

so I got home very late.

She was crying when I got home.

You never thought she'd be waiting for you?

When I work, I only focus on my job.

So I didn't have the time to think about her.

Do you get to talk to

your daughter often?

I don't have time to talk to her in person.

But I text her. "Where are you?"

"I'm at home." "Okay."

That's about how much we talk.

- Is that your son next to you? / - Yes.

Are you upset that your mom is so busy?

She's always been a workaholic,

so I'm not upset anymore.

Has she broken promises she made with you?

So many times.

So I don't make any promises with her anymore.

Not at all?

(Distrusting his mother)

So what your sister had said so far...

You've gone through the same things?

She has never been to your school either?

During the 6 years of elementary school,

the time I saw her at open class

was less than 10 minutes.

I was so upset that I cried in my room often.

He cried, too.

I know your summer vacation is over now.

But you were home for the break, right?

My summer vacation was 28 days long.

I saw my mom for less than a week.

Even when I saw her,

it was late at night when she came home.

It was for less than 5 minutes and

even in those 5 minutes, she was dozing off.

So you were never able to talk to her.

You think work is your mom's first priority.

When did you feel like that?

I once got nose surgery.

My grandmother was the only one who came.

(At their limit)

I asked her, "Why didn't you come to see me?"

She said, "I have to put up displays."

The call lasted less than 10 seconds.

She never came and talked for only 10 seconds.

What about your father? Does he work so much

that he can't take care of you two?


Did you know that your son has been upset, too?

He holds a big grudge against you.

I thought they'd be more understanding.

You keep saying that they'd be understanding.

But they can't be.

You're the only one who thinks that.

What other events didn't you go to?

You went to his graduations, right?


(Not a freeze frame)

You thought he would understand that, too?

Yes. I thought family would understand that.

His grade school graduation? Or middle school?

I didn't go to either of them.

(Not a freeze frame)

It's sad that you work so hard for your family

and I understand a part of it.

My mother was an insurance salesperson for years

to raise the four of us.

But she always came to our graduations.

She didn't come because I asked her to.

She came because she didn't want to miss it.

I was very happy about that.

Couldn't you have taken a day off?

When there's a special event,

I always end up having to work.

(Maybe it's your lack of will)

You seem to miss your mother very much.

Whom do you talk to

about your feelings or concerns?

Yes. Whom do you talk to?

I talk to our two puppies.

To your puppies?

You only talk to your dogs

and not your friends?

If I talk to my friends...

They would...

I'm afraid that they would pity me.

Right. It's hard to talk to friends about deep topics.

I talk to objects at home, too.

- With objects? / - Yes.

Fish, squid...

I also talk to the hairtail.

And then you eat them up!

(Oh, Yeongja)

We will now bring out those dogs

who are Doi's friends.

- Let's meet them. / - Really?

Lime. Heim. Lime, Heim.

- Lime, Heim. / - Here they come.

Oh my.

Here they come.

How cute.

They are so cute.


They're poodles.

They are Lime and Heim. This is Lime.

Does he bite?

(Nice to meet you)

This one is a bit sensitive.

(So cheerful)

- She's sensitive, so she bites? / - Yes.

Lime is a bit sensitive.

- This is Heim. / - Heim.

She's the mom.

She's the mom and this is her daughter?

This is the mom and that's her son.

- Mom is smaller. / - This is terrible.

Even he is with his mom all the time.

Then it upsets Doi even more.

Let's say you're back from school.

Lime and Heim run to you, right?

- How do you talk to them? / - How?




They seem to understand.

I got in a fight with my friends today.

That's what you tell them?


Just thinking about it upsets her.

You're not acting, are you?

She's really upset.

- She... / - She's reminded of the past.

Oh my.

(My only friends who will listen to me)

(All she wants is love and care...)

(Her sincerity is bringing everyone to tears)

If you continue to think of it in a sad way,

there will be no end to it.

Lime! Heim! I got in a fight with my friend today.

This is my friend in the picture! Go bite her!

(Oh, Dongyeob)

But thanks to Lime and Heim,

she was able to overcome those hard times.

He's angry.

He's speaking for her.

Did you talk to them about your mom a lot?

(Of course)

Heim, you're lucky your mom is with you.

How jealous.

This is real jealousy.

When your mom cancelled your trip,

did you talk to them about it?

What did you tell them? Share with us.

"Mom said we would go on a trip,

but then she said she's busy.

Do you want to go for a walk?"



She never skipped their walks.

She's not as mature as her mom thinks.

Her brother is crying, too.

Do you understand? Have you seen her cry?

Yes. The day the trip was cancelled.

When I came home, she was holding the dogs

and she said that she misses mom.

You saw that?

I cried with her.

(Is work still more important?)

Your sister...

She talks to her dogs at times like this.

What about you?

I played video games.

You talked with video games?

Everything is resolved with a round of gaming.


Should they be understanding, as you said?

Now that I've listened to them talk,

I feel bad, too.

Son. Why don't you ask your mother?

Ask her what's more important. Work or you?


(Focused 1 / Focused 2 / Focused 3)

What's more important? Work or us?

You are more important.


(We're watching you)


(Mom, please!)

I can't quit my job.

(That's so harsh...)

(I can't watch)

I'd like to ask the mother.

Your son and daughter...

What does your daughter mean to you?

I think she's a very independent child.

So when things get tough for me,

she does the chores at home without me knowing.

She even cooks better than I do.

She can even make side dishes like

soy sauce braised beef that other kids can't make.

She cooks for her brother,

so I've started to rely on her a lot.

Since when did you start to cook?

I knew how to cook rice when I was in 5th grade.

I can make soybean paste soup and kimchi stew.

I can also make soy sauce braised beef and eggs.

Spicy rice cakes.

Steamed eggs.

Steamed eggs. Even my wife can't make that.

Rolled eggs, too.

- Rolled eggs. / - I'm impressed.

You only talked about cooking so far,

but there are more house chores.

My friends have fun after school,

but I come home

and do the laundry if there is any.

When Dad comes home...

- You cook dinner for him? / - Yes.

You do all the chores at home.

Mom said,

"You're a woman, so you have to do those chores."

Since you're family, you have to be understanding

and you're a girl, so you have to do the dishes?

You're a woman, too, ma'am.

You told your daughter she has to do the chores.

You're an adult woman. Why don't you do those?

I teach about 3 singing classes

in the evenings.

They are evening classes.

Those older people wait for me to come.

Your child is waiting for you at home.

Your daughter is waiting for her mom at home.

I have to do my job and

she's naturally doing what she needs to do.

You have a duty as their mother.

But I have a clear conscience.

I work hard for my children and

I can do things for them when they need it.

But think about it, ma'am.

That's not the issue here.

How do you feel about making them so lonely?

I don't think what I'm doing is wrong.

But I do realize that I am hurting them

by being away so much.

That absence will last a long time.

It'll last their lifetime.

That absence will make her wander all her life.

What upsets me the most is that

this is how her mom thinks.

She feels bad for her children,

but she doesn't feel too badly about it.

Your daughter is smiling and healthy right now,

but you never know how that'll change.

Because you weren't there when she needed you.

How do you feel? Your niece is here today.

How do you feel as her aunt?

I'm always there looking out for them

on behalf of my sister.

I go to their house at times to clean their house.

It's always a big mess when I go.

I clean the entire house for them.

I also cooked for my brother-in-law several times.

One day, I was cooking fish stew and

my sister's mother-in-law came.

She saw me and said,

"I don't know who my daughter-in-law is,"

and slammed the door and left.

I was quite perplexed.

You seem to understand how your sister feels.

You even cried with her.

What are you most concerned about?

One day, she did the chores,

went into her room, locked the door

and started to cry.

I'm worried that

she might get depressed.


So as her brother,

you got upset and played video games again?


(He's adorable)

Why did you cry that day?

I fell down the stairs at school.

I severely sprained my ankle.

It hurt so much, so I called my mom.

She said, "It's just a bruise.

You'll be fine."

That's terrible.

So I went to see a doctor by myself.

The doctor told me that it would hurt for a while

since the bruising was so extreme.

You had to get treatment, too?

What I don't understand is that

if you couldn't be there for her anyway,

couldn't you at least speak nicely to her?

"Oh no. How bad is it?" Couldn't you say that?

Your daughter was hurt.

She engages in a lot of horseplay.

- She gets hurt often. / - All kids are like that.

She's independent,

but she's outgoing like me.

She gets hurt quite often,

so I didn't know she'd be heartbroken by that.

How would you feel

if she gets depressed?

She seems to be more mature for her age

and she cries in her room often.

One time, I came home past midnight and she was awake.

She wanted to talk to me about her concern.

I didn't think much of it at the time.

She told me about the fight she had with her friends.

For the first time, I comforted her

and hugged her.

It breaks my heart.

What do you want from your mother?

I want her to perform less on weekends

or ask her managers at the supermarket

to reduce her hours.

I'm also worried about her health.

Is she ill?

She suddenly got sick and

ended up in the ER one time.

The next day, she calmly went to work.

She said, "I'm okay."

- She has a bad back. / - Her back?

Aren't you worried about your health, ma'am?

My 4th and 5th vertebrae are so bad

that I need surgery.

One time, boxes fell on me

and I broke my finger.

I went back to work with a cast on.

I got a bloody nose during my singing class.

My blood filled up half of the sink.

You bled so much.

(This 15-year-old is upset for many reasons)

What do you want to do the most with your mom?

I want to go shopping with her.


Instead of taking the dogs to a dog cafe,

I want to take a walk in the park with Mom

and talk to her.

She's really not asking for much.

Can you grant her wish?

I will try to work less

so that I can spend more time with my children.

As your mother, I will do my best

to be the best mom that I can be.


I'm very sorry.

(She's hearing this from mom for the first time)

I love you very much.

I love you.

Doi is crying.

Let's start with Lee Sangjun.

Please work less and spend time with your kids.

- I think it's a concern. / - A concern.

Song Sohee.

I definitely think it's a concern.

This is definitely a concern.

Please love your children.

You'll be surprised,

but I don't think it's a concern.

These two children have

great talents that other kids don't have.

They will be able to achieve

whatever they set out to do.

Kim Jongmin.

It's time for you to decide.

If you think it's a concern, press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please show us the result.

Did they get over 100 votes?

How many votes out of 200?

158 votes.

(They got 158 votes)

This is "A Life-risking Concern."

For more infomation >> I Miss My Mom, Please Stop My Workerholic mom! [Hello Counselor Sub:ENG,THA/2018.09.03] - Duration: 28:52.


3D Model of DNA Review - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of DNA Review - Duration: 0:25.


Экскурсия на Пхукете 2018. Озеро Чеолан на 1 день - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Экскурсия на Пхукете 2018. Озеро Чеолан на 1 день - Duration: 8:39.


Best Questions To Ask In An Interview (Find out if the Job is RIGHT for you) - Duration: 4:56.

I am Marat from EMMOTION and today I'd like to discuss and share with you the important questions

which you'd better ask in your job interviews, for the sake of your own future.

I've interviewed so many candidates I've always been very surprised with such few amount

of good questions asked during the interview.

A big percentage of candidates don't have any questions at all which is not the best

way to approach your potential future.

You'll be spending at least 40 hours a week there, you SHOULD have questions!

Keep in mind that even though you are being interviewed, you are also interviewing the


Don't hold back your questions once the interviewer gives you the chance to ask them.

It's not only about coming across as a prepared candidate and demonstrating your genuine interest

in becoming part of the organization, the replies to these questions will help you to

determine whether this role is a right for you and whether this company is a right place

to be.

The opportunity to ask questions typically comes at the end of the interview.

Once "Do you have any questions for me?" comes up, start your own evaluation of the


Step one would be finding out:


"Why is this position open?"

This question will help you figure out if things are truly going well at the organization.

Was the previous person promoted?

Did the person leave to join another company?

Or because they didn't meet expectations?

If the recruiter hesitates or becomes evasive, that could tell you everything you need to


Question two would be finding out about the company culture but without asking it directly.


"What types of people are successful in this company?"

In this day and age, most companies advertise their values and their company culture online

and the hiring managers state those by heart.

This question will let us understand how the company's environment impacts the employees.

Finding out which type of employees last in this place and which become successful, make

the company values very clear.

The 3rd questions will help us understand whether you are the "right fit" for the



Which would be a successful candidate in this position?

The hiring manager will cite the goals in terms of an ideal profile for this role.

The more you know about the their expectations and metrics for success, the easier it will

be for you to tailor the conversation and demonstrate your fit.


What are the key challenges faced during the first few months of the job?

Remember, the interview is as much about you assessing the company as it is about the interviewer

assessing you.

Smart interviewees will always want to know what they are in for.

Understanding the immediate challenges of the job will clear up if it is a role where

you can truly become an asset.


What do you enjoy most about working here?

Since most of hiring managers ask "Why Do You Want To Work Here?" this question is

a great way to find out whether your image of the company corresponds the reality.

It's the perfect question to catch the recruiter a little off-guard and get an honest answer.

Regardless of what they say, just by looking at them you can probably evaluate how they

truly feel about their company.

Another indication of whether it's the right fit for you.


What is your timeline for the next steps?

May I call or email you to follow up?

Never leave an interview without finding out the company's timeline for making a decision,

and how you should follow up afterwards about your candidacy.

It's much better for your quality of life and peace of mind to know what should you

expect in the next few weeks.

And if after the indicated timing you haven't heard back from the company, you can easily

get in touch with them to follow up, as agreed.

Make sure that all of the questions lead to a natural dialogue, but don't lose the opportunity

to get to know your future employer.

If you ask these questions, you'll successfully evaluate whether the job is right for you.

You'll also manage your own expectations for this role during the nearest future.

Thanks for watching, hit the subscribe button for more professional and personal growth.

For more infomation >> Best Questions To Ask In An Interview (Find out if the Job is RIGHT for you) - Duration: 4:56.


Doll details with crochet accessories - Transfer paper - Duration: 7:58.

Hi, dear crocheters!

How are you? My name is Fernando

welcome back to GanchiGurumi.

We're back!

We're restarting with tutorials,

patterns, tips and techniques!

For today's video

I'm showing you a technique I like a lot!

It is so simple yet cool!

I'm showing you how to decorate your amigurumi

to look like it has prints or images.

So let's begin!

If you want to crochet this cutie

go to my Etsy shop and get the pattern!

Well, this was all!

Remember the transfer paper I use in the vid

is white.

So, once used

every part with no color will become white.

But you can find it transparent too.

Both of them can be found at or other specialized shop.

If you have any question, tell me in the comments

and I'll do my best to help you!

As always, I'd thank you if you Like this video

and share it in your social media.

Don't forget to follow me in mine

to see all my pics and projects.

Subscribe to my channel and set notifications on

in the little bell below.

Thanks for watching and

see you in the next vid!


For more infomation >> Doll details with crochet accessories - Transfer paper - Duration: 7:58.


Learn Wild Animals For Kid || Name and sound Lion, Gorilla, Hippo, Giraffe, Elephant - Duration: 4:26.




For more infomation >> Learn Wild Animals For Kid || Name and sound Lion, Gorilla, Hippo, Giraffe, Elephant - Duration: 4:26.


Экскурсия Сафари на Пхукете 2018 - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> Экскурсия Сафари на Пхукете 2018 - Duration: 9:15.


BLACK BEAN NOODLES Eating Show! mukbang (Jjajangmyeon) - Duration: 7:13.

Shall I eat Jaengban Jjajang(Jjajang on a tray)~

Lots of seafood, mushroom and meat with noodles

Taking a big piece of meat, meaty shrimp and a spoonful of Jjamppong soup~

It's a perfect combination~


Hong! Subscribe!

Wow, there are lots of ingredients here.

Many shrimps.


I found a rice cake. I've never seen rice cake in Jjajang before.

By the way, in tteobokki, no nope.

I think it's nice having rice cake in Jjajang.

Maybe it's Jjajang tteobokki.

It's good.


Noodles took it back.


I've got Silbi Kimchi. Why don't I eat it now?

It was so good when I ate it with Jjapaghetti.

Wait. I'll bring it.

Thumbs up and subscribe! Don't forget to set the alarm on!

Oh, I don't think I need Silbi Kimchi. It's really spicy.

Well, I got to think that I needed something spicy which would clear up the sweetness of Jjajang.

Jjamppong is handling it very well.

Thank you, mr. Jjam. :-)

What are you looking at?

Do you hear what I'm saying?!

This small octopus is really tiny. People shouldn't catch things this tiny, right?

Nope? So small.

For those of you who like seafood, I think you will love Jaengban Jjajang.

There's much seafood.

This is just Jjamppong broth they give for free and still there are many ingredients in it.

It's huge.

It says it's 2 portions but I think it can cover 3 portions.

It was the first meal for me this morning and did I eat much?

I'm so stuffed.

It was delicious.

Wa, it's a lot.

To top it off~

It's the first time I ordered Jaengban Jjajang and..

There are many first times for me.


it's great.

I'm quite satisfied with the quantity of added ingredients. Things are much more than in normal Jjajang.

It's a huge plate.

I got to think it might be better for three people to order two plates of Jaengban Jjajang than three Jjajangs.

Then, that's all for today.

Bye bye~

Please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button :-)

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