Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Breast aesthetic surgery

Breast Enlargement A woman who has aesthetic

first we need to understand well

the nozzle has two functions

the first is the maternal function which is very important for this baby

to produce mother pillars

the second one is a sexual organ

and on a person's sexual organ

we have to watch the minimum

confidence in one's self and

for an unnecessary mark on the sexual organs

it is so good that the blood of the breast is so good

it is such a good texture

usually at the entrance of the nipple

the first two to three months become red and fluffy

6th month

falls to the bottom of the 12th month

color tone gradually

color comes from the skin

For more infomation >> Meme Estetiği Ameliyatı - İz Kalır Mı? Zararı Var Mı? - Duration: 1:53.


What can caramel teach us about concrete bridges? | Famelab - Duration: 5:36.

I'm Andrew Smyth, aerospace engineer and finalist of the Great British Bake Off.

And today I'm gonna be using baking to explore the extraordinary engineering behind the everyday

material we take for granted - concrete.

From the Shard in London to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, concrete is a ubiquitous material


But from it's usage in Roman times to today, engineers have had to be a little bit crafty

to enable us to build taller, bigger, and stronger structures.

But first of all, what is concrete?

Concrete is made up of aggregate, which is basically just small and large rocks, and

is bound together by cement.

Now what's really important about concrete is on it's own it is a brittle material.

So under the microscope, it's made up of lots of little crystals.

What that means - in compression, so when the material is being pushed together, it's

really strong.

In tension, when it's pulled apart, it's very weak.

So when we think of a bridge, if you put a load on top of that, the bottom surface is

pulling apart in tension, and the top is pushing together in compression.

That means if we're just building with concrete, we're gonna have a very thick and expensive


What else is like concrete?


I've got my sugar there, and I'm gonna add in some cold water.

And then I'm gonna pop on my hob.

So I've got my caramel bar here.

I've just melted that down, cast it into a bar, and now we're gonna test how strong it


So I've just got four little pots here.

And this is my caramel bridge.

So this is the pure concrete example.

And this is a low tech demo, you can do this at home.

I've just got a bolt - you can drop anything solid on this.

Watch how easily this shatters.

So you see, absolutely shattered.

And if you look at the side of these surfaces, it is glassy and sharp, and just like a broken

pane of glass.

So not much height at all, and the whole thing failed and fell apart.

Caramel is brittle, concrete is brittle, what can engineers do to make it stronger without

making it a lot heavier?

Well we use the idea of a 'composite'.

A composite is where we take two materials and use the best of their properties to make

a material that is greater than the sum of the parts.

In concrete, this is with reinforcement, or steel bars.

Now to show you how this works, I've just got really simple wooden blocks here, and

these are the crystals of my concrete.

So on their own, if I push them together and lift them, they fall apart.

They can't form a bridge because they're poor in tension.

If I want to lift them I have to really push them together so that when there's load on

top it still remains strong.

The way that reinforcement works is that it takes steel, which is good in tension, or

here my elastic band, wraps it around the base of my bridge.

I can lift it, and when there is load on top, the elastic band - or the steel - takes the

tension, and the concrete takes the compression, making the best of both materials, making

a lighter, stronger structure.

So with concrete, we do it with steel bars, but how on earth do you reinforce caramel?

Well, something ductile, stretchy -

strawberry laces.

So that's exactly what I've done.

I've welded on some strawberry lace reinforcement onto the bottom of my beam.

You can do this at home too, you just winch them through the caramel.

I'm gonna put those on the bottom surface of the beam because that's the one that's

in tension, so that's where I need the reinforcement.

And let's see if it does the job!

So you see that shattered, but it's holding together.

So it is still a solid beam, and it's got those little cracks, but it's not caused the

whole structure to fail.

And in real concrete, we have these tiny cracks that form, but they don't propagate through

the structure and break it, because of the reinforcement, and that's what keeps it safe.

So if I bend this, you can see those strawberry laces are acting like a hinge.

They're absorbing that tension and that energy.

And they actually fail in a very similar way to steel - they get thinner and then they

break in the middle, something called 'necking'.

So a composite caramel reinforced beam.

Much stronger than the pure caramel one.

So next time you see an epic skyscraper or a gigantic bridge span, think back to your

favourite sweet treat - the humble caramel.

Thanks for sticking around to the end of the video guys, hope you really enjoyed it.

If you did enjoy it and you wanna see more, don't forget to like and subscribe below for

loads more content.

And if you do wanna find out more about Famelab click that in the link as well.

That's the end of the video.


For more infomation >> What can caramel teach us about concrete bridges? | Famelab - Duration: 5:36.


3D Model of Asteroids Lowpoly Review - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Asteroids Lowpoly Review - Duration: 0:56.


3D Model of Volcanic Planet Review - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Volcanic Planet Review - Duration: 0:26.


PLANET ALPHA Review - "Beauty and the Beasts" - Duration: 8:27.

Planet Alpha may look good on a postcard, but I wouldn't want to vacation here.

Gorgeous views and gigantic creatures abound on this idealistic planet that holds a deep secret.

However, you're not the only one looking to solve the mysteries hidden within.

Planet Alpha may bite off a bit more than it can chew, but I did enjoy the time I spent with it.

Planet Alpha follows a formula well established by PlayDead with their games LIMBO and INSIDE.

This is a linear puzzle-platformer that's just as much about its setting as it is the

puzzles and the platforms.

You'll be making harrowing jumps, pushing blocks, and manipulating the environment to

get through the compact, dense levels.

All this is framed with an intentionally ambiguous story taking place in a unique, visually striking setting.

Planet Alpha deviates from this formula slightly by emphasizing the platform puzzles and providing

you with ever-evolving powers.

Planet Alpha doesn't take long to get going.

After a short interactive credit sequence, you are thrown into it.

As a small space man, you have to jump, climb, and crawl your way to ancient, ruined temples

to unlock the power hidden within.

As you progress you absorb some of this power, which gives you the ability to manipulate

the flow of time.

At first you can only do this at specific points in the game, but by the end you learn

how to use it whenever you want.

This ability is key to solving many of the game's puzzles.

As you change the time of day, certain plant life will behave differently.

For instance, when the sun is out giant yellow mushrooms will bloom, providing you with platforms

to jump on.

Changing to night can cause tall grass and plants to grow, providing you cover from patrolling enemies.

By the end, you will be forced to dynamically change the time of day as you run from danger;

jumping and sliding while activating elements of the environment.

These are the best parts of Planet Alpha providing exciting, adrenaline filled set pieces.

These set pieces work mostly because they are on rails, requiring you to jump only a

few times, with a generous margin of error.

Unfortunately, when more precise platforming is required, some of the game's shortcomings

rear their head.

There are a handful of zones that up the challenge while also mixing up the game's physics.

They can turn into frustrating cycles of trial and error, mostly because of your inability

to know what's coming.

Blocks will float, spin, and throw you into the darkness, and all you can do is cross

your fingers that you'll land safely on the other side.

Also, the game isn't consistent with the ledges you can grab onto.

All of this is exasperated by the sometimes flaky collision detection.

Many times I jumped and simply slid off a ledge that I should have landed on or at least

grabbed onto.

For a game focused on platforming as much as Planet Alpha is, I would have liked

these things to be handled better.

In addition to the platforming, Planet Alpha features stealth puzzles.

Many areas will be full of dangerous enemies that can kill you in just a couple of hits.

In order to pass these areas you must use the environment and your abilities.

Hiding in tall grass and waiting for a patrol to go by is the most common scenario, but

there are a handful of clever puzzles.

The game will also make you closely investigate the environment to find alternate routes when

you're presented with a seemingly impossible obstacle.

These moments prove to be challenging while also providing you with a sense of accomplishment

when you discover the solution.

I never ran into a puzzle I couldn't solve without a little exploration and analysis.

I did run into a few AI pathfinding issues with these puzzles, however.

In one instance, I had to move a block in order to reach a high ledge.

I placed the block in the path of a patrolling enemy and it got stuck and couldn't complete

its patrol.

I had to restart from a checkpoint in order to fix the issue.

Thankfully the checkpointing system is generous, if a little unreliable.

I had a few checkpoints that loaded me after a challenge that I died on, which may be a

little too generous in my opinion.

It should also be noted that most of the checkpoints do not save the state of the world, just your location.

This can lead to odd instances where enemy patrols are in very inopportune locations

or you may be forced to cycle the time of day more frequently than you may want to.

Typically you want to immediately reset the challenge to a consistent "neutral state"

in games like this to perfect timing and execution, so this is an odd way to handle checkpoints.

The bright, colorful backdrop to the environments adds life and wonder to the game's setting.

You'll see locations and creatures you'll come across later in the game.

Events will also unfold in the background.

It's even more impressive when you consider the fact that you can manipulate the time

of day, completely changing the way everything looks.

Plants glow bright in the pale moonlight, and many of them completely change their form

as time progresses.

As previously mentioned, these transformations often tie into the puzzle solving, making

them both visually pleasing as well as gameplay relevant.

Some of my favorite moments in Planet Alpha occurred near the beginning, when the story

was revving up and the plot was being established.

It begins with a literal bang as a race of militaristic automatons crash down around you.

Their goal seems to be planetary annihilation, targeting both you and the ingenious species.

But the planet is just as hazardous to them as it to you.

The first time these robots engage with the vicious local lifeforms I was reminded of

the first time I played Half-Life.

These types of engagements are just as novel in this genre as they were with first person

shooters back then.

Some of the larger encounters also lead to reoccurring boss enemies you slowly pick apart

throughout the game.

These moments are what make Planet Alpha special, even if the overall story doesn't wrap up

as nicely as you would probably like.

Planet Alpha is an ambitious attempt at a narrative-focused puzzle-platformer.

It's successful in the areas it tries to innovate: Setting, visual style, and environmental puzzles.

It's a mixed bag when we talk about the actual feel and responsiveness of the platforming.

It doesn't overstay its welcome either, clocking in at about five hours.

Planet Alpha's strengths definitely outweigh its weaknesses and it's an easy

recommendation if you're looking for fun romp through a beautiful sci-fi story.

For more infomation >> PLANET ALPHA Review - "Beauty and the Beasts" - Duration: 8:27.


আল্লাহ কিভাবে আমলনামা ওজন দিবেন? || Allah kibhabe Amol Nama Ojon Diben || Bangla waz Short Video - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> আল্লাহ কিভাবে আমলনামা ওজন দিবেন? || Allah kibhabe Amol Nama Ojon Diben || Bangla waz Short Video - Duration: 6:10.


Sheila | Auditions 4 | X Factor | (Performance) - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Sheila | Auditions 4 | X Factor | (Performance) - Duration: 2:39.


The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Promo (HD) Final Season - Duration: 0:31.

- [Narrator] It's the beginning of the end!

- [Penny] What?!

- [Amy] There we go!

- [Sheldon] Oy!

- [Narrator] Monday September 24th, be there for the start of Big Bang's final season!

- No!

- Yes!

- No!

- Yes!

- [Wolowitz] Nooo!

- [Narrator] Get ready to celebrate the biggest season in Bang's history!

- [Sheldon] Shall we steam the wrinkles out of our wizard robes,

or make vigorous socially sanctioned love?

Either way I can check something off my to-do list.

- [Narrator] The Big Bang Theory's final season begins!

- [Wolowitz] That was weird, right?

- [Leonard] I honestly can't tell anymore.

- [Narrator] CBS Monday September 24th.

For more infomation >> The Big Bang Theory Season 12 Promo (HD) Final Season - Duration: 0:31.


Fake Honey? Honey companies accused of lying about ingredients - Behind the New - Duration: 1:51.

whether it's being spread on toast for a sweet breakfast treat

or mixed with lemon to soothe a sore throat

honey is a big hit with a lot of Aussies

you probably already know that it's the

stuff that these little guys make from the nectarine flowers

they mix it with enzymes and proteins in their stomachs

which turn that nectar into honey

then they regurgitate it into their wax combs

that's where beekeepers collect the

honey from but now there are suggestions

that not all of the honey we're eating here in Australia comes straight from the bees belly

An Aussie horticulturalist and businessman paid to

have some tests done on popular brands that contain a mix of Australian and imported honey

an overseas lab did two different types of tests

and while the honey passed the first one the second

found that some products weren't a hundred percent pure honey

including a Allowrie mixed blossom honey. IGA's Black & Gold private label

and Aldi's Bramwell's private label

experts told the ABC honey from overseas might be being mixed with other sugary substances

without the Aussie companies knowing about it

but Australia's biggest honey maker Capilano

denies that any of its products are anything but pure honey

It's questioned the type of tests used and says it's honey meets all the Australian standards

IGA also says it's honey meets

Aussie standards while Aldi says it'll look into the claims

The law firm behind the tests says there needs to be a

bigger investigation so it's likely this won't be the last you'll hear about this sticky situation

For more infomation >> Fake Honey? Honey companies accused of lying about ingredients - Behind the New - Duration: 1:51.


НОВИНКИ КИНО 2018, Сентябрь. Самые ожидаемые фильмы 2018. Кинопремьеры! - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> НОВИНКИ КИНО 2018, Сентябрь. Самые ожидаемые фильмы 2018. Кинопремьеры! - Duration: 2:31.


Интервью с PPM - Epic Pen Spinning. - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Интервью с PPM - Epic Pen Spinning. - Duration: 6:46.


Pes 2019 Youtuberların Siyah Top Montajı #1 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Pes 2019 Youtuberların Siyah Top Montajı #1 - Duration: 5:45.


Sunny Again Tomorrow | 내일도 맑음 - Ep.75 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.09.03] - Duration: 34:34.

(Episode 75)


Why are you out here,

instead of coming inside?

Just. Just because.

Did you meet the elders?


Is something wrong?

Did someone disapprove of you?

They were all very nice to me.

I see. That's great.

Why? Do you want to talk?


Did you have dinner?

Of course.

You must be tired, so shower and turn in.

Okay. You turn in too, Dad.

I came out to take a stroll

to work off my dinner.

Go on in.

Ji-eun, why didn't you listen to what I said?

I told you just to date him

and keep it from the family.

Why did you create such a huge problem?

I told you your grandma and mom would make a fuss.

And if your aunt finds out...


What if she finds out Dogyeong is Mr. Park's son?

Aunt Jinhui knows.

And maybe Dogyeong knows too.

What a mess. What a giant mess.

You just play dumb.

Are you really thinking of marrying Dogyeong?

What about your aunt?

Ji-eun, she's your aunt, not some stranger.

I can't yield, even if it's Aunt Jinhui.

It's not something I can yield on.


Don't you care that I would be unhappy?

What I mean is...

I might die if I'm told to break up with Dogyeong.

It may look like child's play to you,

but Dogyeong and I beat all odds to get here.

We even broke up once.

It took a lot to confirm our love for one another.

Our love took a lot of courage.

Not even death can put us apart now.

What about Dogyeong?

Does he feel the same way?


He would be willing to die for me.

Let's put your aunt aside for now.

Your grandma won't be happy

when she learns who Dogyeong's dad is.

She'll be furious.

And what about your mom?

As it is, she's not happy that he's a publisher,

so she'll lose her mind if she finds out.

That might not be all.

She might shave your head

and lock you up in your room.

You know how your mom is.

You can help me.

I can't be with anyone but Dogyeong.

Please help me, Dad.

This is maddening.

Why do you keep going to Ji-eun's room these days?

I do not.

Don't deny it. Tell me what's going on.

Our future son-in-law visited us.


Who says he's our future son-in-law?

It must be the heat.

Mom seems out of it these days too.

How is a lousy publisher any different

from a leather craftsman?

Ji-eun should be with a high-powered professional,

such as a judge, lawyer, or doctor,

don't you think?

There are professionals in all fields.

Teachers, instructors, hairdressers,

courier delivery people.

A publisher is a professional too.

Are you kidding me? Seriously.

Do you want to joke around about our only daughter?

I'm not deaf. Stop yelling

because I'm a nervous wreck as it is.

Anyway, I won't let Ji-eun marry that Park Dogyeong.

If Ji-eun asks you,

put your foot down and say no.

Got it?

Why are you sighing?

You stop her if you want to.

She won't listen to me.

As a father, he should be firm

at times like this.

He always makes me play the bad guy.

He's bent on making me a mean mother.

Darn it.

Jinhui, I'm so upset.

I don't know

why Ji-eun brought a guy like that home.

And Mom's no better.

She brought up marriage

at the dinner table earlier.



I almost passed out.

She and Ji-eun were talking

like he was already part of the family.

I couldn't believe it.

I've never seen Mom like this.

He may own a publishing company,

but it's a one-man operation.

Marrying him

will only mean hardship.


Ji-eun must take after you.

She has no eye for men,

and she's not greedy either.

Jinhui, why don't you forget getting married

and just adopt Ji-eun?

Jinhui, are you listening to me?

I'm sorry, but let's talk some other time.

I have a headache and need to rest.

This is why they say only immediate family counts.

If it were Sujeong,

Jinhui would have thrown a fit

if she wanted to marry a guy like Dogyeog.

Anyway, Ji-eun can be very bullheaded.

How will I stop her?

Mom, should I turn off the light?


So B asked out A,

and even though A said no,

B won't stop pursing A?

He won't, like he has brakes.

B doesn't even care that A likes C?

Isn't he a weirdo?

Then it's one of two things.

B really loves A

or B is competitive.


That's how some men think.

They are so vain that if a woman likes someone else,

they can get competitive.

That's why they get more aggressive.

What do you do when a guy gets competitive?


You can't fall for it, not ever.

It's obvious what the guy will do once he wins.

His interest in the woman will wane,

and then he'll dump her.

Hanui, are you A by any chance?


And B is your merchandising director,

the coldblooded narcissist?


And C is Dogyeong.

Am I right?

No. I said no.

So I'm right.

An adamant denial equals admission.


At least you're no longer the one crushing.

No, you're definitely wrong,

so don't tell Mom.

You're too naive to handle this.

Why did you say I shouldn't tell Mom?

You're admitting that I'm right.

You won't tell anyone, right?

If you pay.

I won't quote a price.

Pay me what you think is right.

I can't believe I call you my sister.

Yes, Ji-eun.

Did you get home okay last night?

You didn't call me.

I'm sorry.

I must have been nervous

because I fell asleep as soon as I got home.

You don't sound well.

Are you sick?


Listen, Ji-eun,

is President Yun of Sujeong Boutique

your biological aunt?

Yes. Why?



I was just curious.

It's nothing.


We'll talk again later.

Get back to work.

Hi, Mom.


Ms. Kang,

I'm curious.

What is your hobby?

Eating and sleeping.

Special talents?

Eating and sleeping.

That's really it?

Yes. That's what I most love and excel at.

Why do you want to know?

I want to get to know you better.

Get out of here.


It's instinctive to wonder about someone you like.

You've had a crush, so you should know.

I'm done with having crushes.

Anyway, let's get to know each other better.

"Each other"? Are you kidding me?

Let's talk after we're done.

We could talk at home.

You didn't have to come here.

President Yun sent me here

because it'd be too much for Hanna to prepare

for the show alone.

How are you?

Fine. It's been a while.


Congratulations on the successful show.

Thank you.

Is your show today?

Yes. It'll be Sujeong Boutique's first show.

I wish you great success.

We'll do well without your wishes,

so don't worry.

We're not on good enough terms to wish

each other well, don't you think?

You have an engagement.

Let's get going.

Manager Yun,

didn't she illegally sell Sujeong Boutique clothes?

So why is she with Hangyeol?

Ask your brother.

Go to the dressing room

and get the outfits to the models.

I'm going to talk with Ji-eun.


Let's go.

Have you been running into Kang Hanui at work?


Can't you stop her from working with K1?

It must be hard whenever you see her.

Are you okay?

Sujeong is dead.

I feel better after that shift in thinking.

Yes. That's how we should think.

Do you still have feelings for Lee Hangyeol?

Are you seeing Dogyeong to spite him?


I don't care whether or not Hangyeol is seeing Hanui.

You fool.

If Hangyeol rebuffed you because of Kang Hanui,

you should date someone

better than Hangyeol, not worse.

He doesn't have money, a good job,

or an established family.

All he has is a good college diploma.

But that alone means nothing out there.

So don't even think about marrying him.

There is no way.

I will marry him.

I try to not to let it get to me,

but it's tough seeing Aunt Jinhui.

I feel like I'm suffocating

whenever Sujeong is mentioned.

That house is like a prison to me.

I want to get out.

Nevertheless, you can't marry just any guy.

If you do, you'll ruin your life further.

He's not just any guy.

I love him.


Do you think love will take care of you for life?

Look at me.

I'm in this sorry state

because I married your dad out of love.

Do you want to end up like me?

I have a lot on my mind because of your aunt,

so don't add to my grief.

You don't know why I'm against your aunt

being with Mr. Park, do you?

Mr. Park of the leather workshop

and Kang Hanui's mom of the store right across

live in the same house.

What do you mean they live in the same house?

Mr. Park owns the house,

and Kang Hanui's family rents from him.

They see each other at home and work every day.

What if he knows something about Kang Hanui?

Now you can see why I'm opposed, right?

We could get in serious trouble if we're not careful.

So I need you at least to do as I say.

Got it?

What is it?

Is that a rhetorical question?

Don't you know Dogyeong came to our house last night?

I'm going to lose it.

You're both here.

Here. Cold rice punch...

My goodness.

That was nice.

You must have had something very salty for lunch.

It's not that. I'm fuming inside.

I'm worried a time bomb will go off.

Let's talk this evening.

Eunae, I don't have the energy to gab today.

I'm going to back to work.

Did something happen between you two?

What's going on these days?

You should be deliriously happy

from your budding romance,

but why do you

look like someone on death row?

Hello. I'm your host Seo Jiyeon.

The anticipated wait is finally over.

I was counting down the days for today's show.

A brand all Korean women want to wear

is Sujeong Boutique.

And Sujeong Boutique is finally launching

on K1 Home Shopping.

Oh, wow. Orders are coming in even though

I haven't shown you the products yet.

How amazing.

Just because it's Sujeong Boutique.

It's truly remarkable.

Yes. Where should I meet you?

Yes, I know.

I'll head out right now. Okay.

(Hwang Ji-eun)

Hi, Ji-eun.

I'm just leaving work.

I don't think I can see you tonight.

I have plans.


I called him.

Come sit.

Thank you.

Let's talk about this later.

Good grief. You two must not have talked about it.

Let's start with you, Dogyeong.

Do you know whom your father is seeing?

Yes, I do.

He says he knows.

You met Ji-eun's aunt last night.

Um, Father...

You heard she is the CEO of Sujeong Boutique, right?

Did you know?

I found out last night.

Did you know?

It's only been a few days.

Do you have something against our family?

How can father and son be dating

women of the same family?

Tell me.

What if Jinhui and Ji-eun find out?

They'd go mad, right?

Apart from me, no one in our family knows.

Mother says she'd rather die than accept you.

As for Dogyeong, she approves wholeheartedly

and is already talking about a wedding.

She'll die

if she finds out you are father and son.

Come to a decision before things get ugly.

Either you both give up,


one of you walk away.

Turn in.

Hey, Dad...

Dogyeong, let's talk tomorrow.

I need to sleep.

Did you enjoy your date?

You have happiness written on your face.

That's what your face says, squirt.

It has utter joy written on it.

You're right, Dad.

I'm very very happy right now.

I started seeing someone.

I had a crush on her, but it worked out.

Who knows when it'll be my time to go,

but I want to keep her safe until then.

I want us to lean on each other when it's hard,

care for each other,

and cherish each other.

Good thinking.

You have my unconditional support.

Thank you. Okay.


We're already here.



Mr. Lee.


Please stop this.

It's making me uncomfortable.

Do you hate me that much?


Tell me why.

What's wrong with me that you hate me?

I can lay it all out, right?

You won't get mad?

I won't get mad,

so tell me everything.

First, I don't like that you're tall.

You're also too handsome

and too popular.

I don't like your stiff manner of speech,

your outbursts, or your coldness.

You're a narcissist who talks about

how popular and handsome you are.

And... And...

Oh. I don't like that you have a six-pack.

I don't like that you can't sing.

Should I go on?

Why don't you just say

that you don't like my very existence?

Fine. Let's say that's why you don't like me.

But didn't we kiss?

I definitely wasn't the only one doing the kissing.

You were also...

I was drunk.

Our blouses sold out,

so I was happy.

And I was out of it because I was drunk.

I told you I wasn't thinking straight.

Then should we try again?

You're not drunk,

and you're in a bad mood.

If we kiss now,

won't you know for sure how you feel?

This is why I don't like you.

Ms. Kang, I'm not calculating or conniving.

If I really like someone,

I blindly devote myself to her.

I like the person standing before me.

I like everything about you.

That's how I truly feel.

I'm sorry.


How can you not like me for being handsome?

My aunt?


I knew Dad was seeing the CEO of Sujeong Boutique,

but I had no idea she was your aunt.

I heard Aunt Jinhui had a boyfriend,

but I had no idea it was your father.

Does your father know?

He'd been agonizing alone,

unable to tell me lest I got hurt.

Dad will probably try to sacrifice his love

to put me first again.

I don't want him to make such a decision.

Then what about us?

Can you break up with me?

Can you live without seeing me?

I don't want us to break up.

We love each other.

Don't you love me?

Will you let go of my hand?

You've seemed very down,

so I made you coffee.


Thank you.

My goodness. Cheer up, will you?

If you look that down despite seeing someone,

what will your girlfriend think?

Won't she think that she brought you grief?



Oh, hello. You're Dongseok's daughter, right?


Thank you for the coffee.

Let's talk later.


What brings you here alone without Dogyeong?

Dogyeong told me

that you're dating my aunt.


I feel bad for the grief I'm causing you and Dogyeong.


I love Dogyeong very much.

And he loves me back.

I know.

He told me he loves you a lot.

Father, couldn't you walk away?

Dogyeong will try to leave me for your sake.

But the thing is,

I can't live without him now.

He's my one and only.

I'm truly very sorry,

but I beg you.

Please walk away from my aunt.

I don't know where to start

or how to talk about this.

Why didn't you tell me at least

that your son is seeing Ji-eun?

How agonizing it must have been

to suffer that knowledge alone?

I just couldn't bring it up.

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Thankfully, your mother seemed to like Dogyeong.

There will be trouble again

if she finds out Dogyeong is my son,

so I worried I might ruin my son's future.

I had a lot on my mind.

Ji-eun and I are merely niece and aunt.

People will say what they will,

but I don't care.

All I want is to be with you.

Let's think about it.

What? He's gone out again?

He's been so mopey lately

that I'm worried sick.

Hi, Dogyeong.

Hello, Ms. Im. What is it?

I have a question.

Is something going on with your dad?

He's been so down the past few days

that I feel bad for him.


Yes. So I called to say we should have

a steak barbecue to invigorate him.

That sounds good.

I'll ask Dad.


By the way, Dogyeong,

do you know Dongseok's,

I mean, our security guard's daughter?

She came to see your dad and called him "Father."

Ji-eun did?

Oh, so you know her.

How do you know her?

I'll tell you later.

Yes, sure.

What is going on?

Both father and son want to talk later.

It's stoking my curiosity even more.

Jinhui's being a stubborn mule,

so I can't just sit back and watch.

What if she really ends up marrying him?

I can't let that happen.


Why are you here again?

Because I had to come.


Come here. Come here.

- What are you doing? / - Come here.

Let go of me.

Ow, that hurt.

Do you still not believe me?

I told you nothing is

going on between Eunae and me.

What did I say?

Aren't you here because you're suspicious of me?


I'm here to see

Mr. Park, not Ms. Im,

to discuss Jinhui.

Mother will see to it so why are you getting involved?

Just stay out of it.

I told you Mom and I are on the same side.

Mom will collapse if Jinhui doesn't relent.

I have to stop her before Mom collapses.

Mr. Park might become related to us by marriage,

so keep your nose clean.

Nothing good will come out of your involvement.

"Related by marriage"?

That's what I'm here to stop.

This is fishy.

Are you on their side already? Are you?

What side?

I'm not on anyone's side.

I'm with the winning side.

You are?

Then you just sit back and watch.

Good grief. I give up.

My goodness. Welcome.

Hello, Mr. Park.


Are you here to order shoes?

I came to see you.

You know my sister, the CEO of Sujeong Boutique.

Do you really think you can be with her?

I'm here.

Oh, hi, Dogyeong.

Mother. How are you?

What brings you here, Mr. Park?

This is my father.

Your father?

He is your son?

What is it?

I rushed over for the emergency meeting.

Let's look at this and talk.

Okay. First three points.

Too tall.

Too handsome.

We shouldn't be lying here like this.

No, we shouldn't.

Drastic action must be taken.

I don't know what to do

as this is new to me too.

I'm very sorry,

but I can't give up Dogyeong.

For more infomation >> Sunny Again Tomorrow | 내일도 맑음 - Ep.75 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2018.09.03] - Duration: 34:34.


Rolling Sky - Ice Sheet (Massif v2) | Old vs New - Duration: 3:06.

Rolling Sky - Ice Sheet (Massif v2) | Old vs New

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