Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

Roidmi F8 vs Dibea D18.

Which one will be the winner in the end. In short, both of them are great product for

their price.

Dibea D18 is being sold at around $100 while Roidmi F8 is 3 times D18 price at $300+.

My recommendation…

Just pick the one that suit your budget.

You can't go wrong with either one of them.

Build quality and bundled accessories.

Roidmi F8 wins.

It has better build quality and much more goodies.

It has extra soft woven nylon roller brush, extension soft pipe and electric anti-mite


And can be configured with mobile app too.

Suction power.

Again, Roidmi F8 wins.

It has 18500Pa while D18 has 8500Pa only.

But no worry about D18, it works just fine on daily cleaning task.

Just F8 has the upper hand on carpet with those extra suction power.

Operating and charging time.

Both are about the same at around 55 minutes on low power mode.

D18 lasts 23 minutes on high power while F8 lasts 9 minutes only.

But do take note that F8 suction power is much more powerful.

D18 takes around 4.5 hours to fully charge.

F8 needs 2.5 hours only.


D18 wins as it is lighter than F8.

So it is easier to clean top corner of the house with D18.

No worry, F8 is no way heavy for normal usage.

That's all for the F8 and D18 comparison.

Do refer their own review for details.

Personally, I end up using Roidmi F8 more due to extension soft pipe and very useful

electric anti-mite brush.

Again, pick the one that suit your budget and needs.

You can't go wrong with either one of them.

By the way, do use below links to buy one to support me.

Thanks for watching.


For more infomation >> Roidmi F8 vs Dibea D18 - Duration: 2:51.


Sing ភ្លេងសុទ្ធ | សម្រស់នារីខ្មែរខែភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ - ព្រាប សុវត្ថិ - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Sing ភ្លេងសុទ្ធ | សម្រស់នារីខ្មែរខែភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ - ព្រាប សុវត្ថិ - Duration: 3:37.


ENG🔥[LIT Action] LSD - Thunderclouds (Korean Reaction)(Asian Reaction) - Duration: 11:33.

Not LED but it's LSD!!!!!

this song is so good!!

hello to da world~~~

it's been quite a while i got here tho

yeah right and there's always some reason

well we drank together last night

this guys was over stepping even though he can't drink too much

so i dumped him far away -technically i am the birthday guy but

other people are suffering lol

today's Chubby boy's birthday!!!

(HBD message from Donald Trump , The President of The United States of America)

fireworks bang~!!

i don't give a F cuz i will not be on editting today

let's make Bang!!! Bang!!!!

okay yeah so i got here as Sean's substitution

i feel kinda fresh since i haven't been in front of this camera

nice to meet you again!!!

Ah Arigatto!!!!(Thank You in Japanese)

and the reason why i'm wearing this uniform, well some people who watched previous video would know

is because i gotta go to Army training today

after shooting this video, i literally have to go for shooting


aight cool then after this long intro, please introduce today's Artists

today's artist is...

not LED but it's LSD!!!

lmao LSD okay

LSD is..

the group constituted with Labrinth, Sia, Diplo

they are a group -right

haven't heard them before -me too tho lol

on my research, they've started this group in this year

and this is their debut MV

then they got so popular like this tho???

in such a short term??? -right i didn't know them but

i didn't expect they are so popular

aight then let's have chubby boy's wikipedia for more info!!!! -wiki time!!!

aight let's start

LSD is a music group

comprising English musician Labrinth,

and Australian... oh she's Australian tho

it's Sia

American music producer Diplo.

from Major Lazor!!!

and they made this group in September 2018 it's not that a while -wow

that's why there's not that much info in History section -it's short

since they are new

and they made an anime music video using Genius

and their debut song is called 'Audio' released on May 10

wow they've got so popular in such short time!!! are they mixed gender group group??

yeah as you see here lol

on the left of Labrinth

the one with the hat

and the middle is Sia

and on the right, Diplo from Major Lazor we did before!!!

well it's been a while since i saw this kinda hot mixed gender group after Black eyed peas

right right

i'm so expecting it!! then what's the song tittle tho?


forget???? -it's Thunderclouds!!!! lol

lol i al...most forgot but.

but suddenly popped up -thunderclouds

i think we'd better do intro so long today

ahhhh cuz you're not making subtitle today lol -HA HA AH

okay then i will use such difficult words only today -as always haha

Sean said that i'm making subtittle since i'm late today

so i'm gonna use only such difficult words today

so hope,,, you stay tuned bropp

how about it???

anyway that's what it tells

aight then let's talk with you guys listening to this song

i'm so expecting!!!

gotta spit some meaningless words for Sean

why don't we pause over 16 times today tho?? hahaha

then let's say LIT action!


umm Owl

..ah??? -owl owl


is she Sia?


nice sound tho




the feeling of this melody from the first part is like

it's like i could fly slowly like

like lay down on a hammock with fresh breeze

something like i'm floating with a good vibe

so i really like the vibe in this song

lol seems like you don't even know if you're still drunk or really float above the clouds tho

anyway this video makes me come up with a piece of arts from

well.. there's a Dutch artist

who usually displays some clouds

in some room

the footage will be edited on this video tho -right right the picture

anyway i just came up with him

but i forgot the name of him

anyway i think they got inspired by the Dutch artist and try to express some beautiful clouds in this vide

yeah the melody and the video are really going well together -yeah it's very dreamy

so now i'm feeling like the alcohol i drank last night is coming up to my brain again

okay lol let's keep going

hate me now~



wow this vid is so beautiful -i wanna ride that clouds tho

lol -Gundun~~~(it's the cloud Son Goku ride in some fairy tale or the Anime 'Dragon Ball')



wow -oh~


is that broken?? lol

(making noise)



looks like the movie 'Avatar'

wow -what's that?

they're saying 'where's the love?'

oh -umm

wow this would be nice for some advertisement music

yeah right , well, i've googled that and actually this song is used in some AD -ah really?

some kinda AD of Samsung Galaxy Note 9?? or something?

yeah this song is used in that AD -ahh really?????

wow i think this song is the song no one can hate -right

and in the video, the costume she wearing in here,, is she Sia?? right? -it's Sia

anyway, her hairstyle or costumes, those are all cute

since they make this video with that kinda cute concept in this kinda mood ,

to be honest , i couldn't get the lyrics but i got fascinated by the melody and each scenes -right right

and speaking of the lyric,

since i keep hearing like 'don't forget'

i think it's something about broken love and some regrets

so with this melody, they'd like to say some hopeful message rather than gloomy messages?? right?

yeah i think so . from the scene the clouds're following Sia, i could guess

that she 's still caught up in the old memoris

then now it's time to get out?? -yeah i think so

okay let's get it

ohhh such a nice song



btw, i'm a huge fan of Labrinth

now she's going into the light of hope -yeah it seems like that

ahhhh now she got out -that's why she's penetrating the clouds

bye bye

my old love~

oh?? is that why it's heart shape?

gone -bye!

ahhh -oh she's crying

you was right!!! -yeah

i think i was right -right

something like that



is it over? -no!! oh wait it's over

aight we've listened to 'Thunderclouds' by LSD

the sound is def so nice like we kept saying

and the interpretation Haewon did ,

it's something about getting out from the memories and regrets of old love

soooo good because i'm the one who lives in full of regrets

yeah right, CM is the one who's all about regrets and bothering -yeah... ha

lol anyway, it's very nice watching this kinda MV cheering me

and Sia,, she's so adorable and i'd say she's my ideal type

the girl who is very cute and bright

i think that's the main reason why i was so into this video

to me, the best part is the front part that Labrinth was singing with such high pitch

the voice made me so refresh!!

and there's one of his songs about beautiful

i think his voice in here is similar in the song i just mentioned

i really like this song

i was wondering who's LSD and why this video got so many views like this

but ever since i started to listen, those questions have gone away -right

hope they keep releasing this kinda songs

yeah and this would be the case you can watch MV because the song sounds so good

that's right!!! - the song makes people search vid

yeah today i'm really satisfied because we did introduce such a great song to you guys

but we got bad news today... we gotta stop live streaming for a while

right... we did live streaming yesterday and we're supposed to do live stream today again for my birthday

but we've got blocked...

because we got caught by some copyright issues -right

we didn't realize and kept doing it then now we got blocked...

this is such bad news for all of people who keeps supporting and giving love to us

this guys will watch education lectures about copyright issues for 90days

and we'll try to figure out and make it right as soon as possible

even after we make it right , we're planning to do live stream more focused on communicating with you not getting blocked by copyright issues

so hope you guys stay tuned for our recording videos then we'll be back with being much better

da da da da

aight then let's finish real quick with this such nice mood

alright -let's say LIT action!

For more infomation >> ENG🔥[LIT Action] LSD - Thunderclouds (Korean Reaction)(Asian Reaction) - Duration: 11:33.


130+ Easy & Cheap DIY raised garden bed Ideas | Garden ideas - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> 130+ Easy & Cheap DIY raised garden bed Ideas | Garden ideas - Duration: 11:37.


Multicoloured Glass Bangles Designs For Women - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Multicoloured Glass Bangles Designs For Women - Duration: 4:28.


When Nothing Is Coming Up IYP #121 - Duration: 9:01.

Not Sheena's backing up there. There's a bunch of people. Okay? Yeah, we live now mate. Come on -

Go - no Graham

episode 121

We talked along healthy lifestyle

mix of the mental physical

spiritual knowledge mind body soul trifecta

Always negative to positive

Negative. Thank you for listening. Thanks for tuning in. Thank you for watching like it subscribe

share life all that good stuff and

Today's subject the tough on max now with chatting before and

Nothing was coming up

All the I had an idea wait a sec. I had an idea John had an idea but

They weren't mashing in the middle. So John's just put me on the spot somehow some way

Yeah, anyway, so basically nothing coming up that bring me value. So I was gonna ask my


What he does when shall be creative. He's trying to design and was trying to

write some music some lyrics

What you do when nothing's coming up, how do you create far quality supper?

Could you just drop your collar down please make because you you like he's rapping

Pop the collar down. Oh, man, let's just gonna mess with my style

Take your top off. Whatever is good naked normally do that's better. Yeah, I don't know

So, what do I do? That's great because I'm actually in the studio now I could show you I'm actually composing two songs right now

One's a rock rap ballad and I'm having a lot of fun doing that and then this other one is very funky

Can't even explain it the producer they came up with the beat is just it's just a crazy new-age beat

And what I try and do is

Currently I try and let something come through me man. I got a lot to say in my head, right?

And I try and let the beat hit me and rock with it. However, having said that

Always always always something comes up, right if you're trying to write a song you got to think of songs three minutes long

You've gotten you've got verses you've got a pre-chorus. You got a chorus you got

Ad-libs, you got all this stuff and there are times for sure

When just nothing pops up

So what I just did man was it was random here all morning

The Sun just came out maybe 20 minutes ago

So I took a mental pause and went right outside and sat in that Sun had a tea

And just thought over and over in my head

Actually, I kind of let my head go numb to be honest

I was just thinking kind of the beat of the song and as things came up. I just jotted them down

So now I have a whole list of just one to two words here and there

That could be mashed up into something. You don't mean and that's the same with design I try and take little

Snippets of things and put them all down on a piece of paper. Yeah, then I might wait I

Might wait a couple hours. I might wait till the next morning the next evening look at it again

And then from that maash on that paper something pops out of me

science engineers that reminds me of a mile where Eminem


He's on the bus when he's just got these pages and pages and pages of words and scribbles and are all in different direction. Yeah

So yeah, what we in it in it, it's it's it's that thing where we're kind of all go. Yes, sir

We speak of those a lot. It's not it's not so much linear as it's you know

Ethereal, it's just it's just everywhere and it's mashed and something might mix over here over there

even when I

Forwards backwards it all kind of yeah, and even when we talk about t-shirts design this morning, it was the same thing

it was like, you know, I see something in my head and

Then and then I don't see it

So I write it down and then three seconds later something totally different comes in and you're just you're just pulling

Instead of like out of your conscious you're pulling out of your subconscious, right so else

Now that's exactly what I was going to speak about when it was the nothing coming up because I gotta I saw a friend yesterday

Who's he's been in this whole social media side for a while

and he's moved away from the YouTube channel and yyyy, so Tara things that used to create from nothing and

singing dogs with pink hats and

meditations and all all this stuff like we're like millions of views on things and he's moved away from all that he's gone on to

T-shirt design consider said that a comic t-shirt for you

and so uh supposed to I think for t-shirt design a for ignoring a purpose and

Nothing was coming up

Nothing was coming up because we could do this

Fucking bombarded from all directions. Yeah, not generally in love and

there was just clutter and chaos and

You know, there was no continuity and what I was thinking so I kind of had to stop

But the cup of tea is a very English thing to do you go get the cup of tea

The calming it's the secure as the stately blanket, whatever record

And I just thought on

this simplest most

Basic and level. What do we need is t-shirt to say

And ultimately it came down to nothing more than who we are ignore your purpose. And what's our motto

negative to positive

And that would have been

completely lost

in all the levels and the layers and things here things here wound up and down and we've got this doing this and this doing

That I mean at this on the back

because we often think that mall is

Always almost often better

More bigger faster louder more colorful. Whereas actually it was sometimes if we just peel back those layers

to the very

Basic level of what is required. So for us as human beings



Little water then food, and then everything else is just nice icing on the cake

Everything else Iceland can if we peel it down to what we need human beings

It's very very basic. But we just cover ourselves on this this noise and clutter which is

the house the car possessions the

The circle of friends it just goes on and on and on so, you know

You just lost in the chaos

Peel it back to the very basics, which is you your water your oxygen

Maybe your family but so max I got three points to write off on that. Yes, one of the things we always learned

Yeah is kiss keep it stupid? Simple? Keep it stupid simple. I mean you look at the Nike swoosh you look at coca-cola

I mean you look at some of the biggest brands out there. It's not

You Bert? Yeah, it's not. Ooh, BRR dimensional crazy too busy. Its we are human McDonald's is an M. You'll never forget that

And then a lot of the times I think when we get into that creative space, you know, okay

John we're due for designing this t-shirt, then I read it and we start thinking

Well, what does Bob what is Susie? What's Jim? What's what's all these end users?

What would they think of our design instead of again?

Keeping a stupid simple and one of the biggest metaphors I could use would be if we all sat in school, right?

So we all sat in our desk in school and looked the teacher on the chalkboard

Right and when I used to come in in the morning and them in the first thing the more than that chalkboard was clear there

Was nothing on it. So think of that as your

subconscious mind when it's

Clear there's nothing on it by the end of the day

You've got one stick one teacher up there writing down everything that the kids have wrote and there's no more chalkboard

It's just all chalk in words, and your mind is cluttered

You don't have that that simple, you know that simple one reaching in for just one or two words, right?

And so keep the chalkboard clean

Let it flow. Let it flow

And on that note

Hey guys, we got a shoot. We got a shirt to design on that. No, it's

Done neck done. That's it. That's all I think we will have

Pro has designed it on the show by the morning. I think we will have it in my Inbox

Yeah, thank you all

Could be anywhere in the world, but you're right here with us

Thank you for liking thank you for sharing things for everybody in the audio. Those numbers are crazy creeping up

We love that subscribe share like, you know, if you know anybody that needs a little positive kick in the ass

Let them know about us and always we'll be back tomorrow to spit more fire. Thank you, Joe cab

For more infomation >> When Nothing Is Coming Up IYP #121 - Duration: 9:01.


Opening Box Megatins 2018 - Duration: 12:15.

What's up meangirls friends welcome to this channel, let's open some tins that burger

it won, a Chinese feat

here comes an evenly and a borreload, remember it if not Chinese pay the tin

what you want my faithful friend cakes

Give an envelope to pastelismo

hey quiet old Chinese and their company

the ecoloco

Mekk poops, I do not know what this is but it's cool

Give to play again pendulum

I died still missing envelopes

pure garbage

remember that this will one day be a goal

look, I just let them know, as well as all these monsters, which initially do not serve the

final will be god

look how beautiful about

that's how you open pure garbage in 3 tins

how much is the saryuja worth admire it because they will not have it

good friends in summary, how common is it the penalty of these tins

there are commons that are worth It's worth 5 pesos

is demise now with many rituals that are coming out, it's cool that they will be taken out because

I will cry but good came out this crap

it's more decent than the garbage that I'm not going to take

This is not good right now but in the future maybe for a few combos that come

the maiden still buy it for the truedracos It costs like 30 pesos

the price of history by Chinese this one that became fashionable the altergeits and it's worth 20

we have this super letter, which I have like 8

rotting in my folder but I already have another to put it there

of this I also have like 6 or 7 I do not lie I also have 8

It's the troll that makes you think it's evenly match

And these I had never left me, but I prefer them instead of these, secret garbage,

they look pretty, do not believe Chinese nothing never

like everything wearing a helmet I do believe that it can serve in the future

but it's Chinese do not believe him will take care at some point

rescue dog never juice there is rescue dog

that's not rescue, it's key dog as it is called

you look for it, you who do not see look for it then the rescue is also going to be played

tenderly happy No, not that

I came out saryuja of ritual, I felt stolen and I got the real saryuja, the tlayuda

and 2 puppies of these, which is pretty much cool

play pendulums conclusion do not buy cans

if you buy them, but have more luck buy them with Chinese

and with me, do not mean if you buy them with me really these cans came out very ugly

these are the promos trash, this maybe you can play, you select

himself and change attribute and type and this cool is like to play with instant and

A) Yes You can only download it on Tuesday

trash trash

trash trash

trash trash

garbage and in some future may that garbage the conclusion of this can opening is

who has bad luck burger leave your bad luck,

if you count an investment they are approximately thousand pesos of the 3 cans of how are these

selling, 650 the pair You can say they are like

950 like thousand 975 suppose

good Chinese gives it in 300 the pair is very good seller, you can buy them

but without letters only the can a true asshole

no letters with pleasure and with letters send me inbox, prices for inbox

in what business does the outsider do this remember now the flip flops are not for the regional ones,

now it's going with short and with thor socks, and I do not know forget about autism

is that if you have any avenger in the feet, you'll have the avengers at your feet

it's night because you're in short but it will be day

haa yeah that asshole I am, as I could forget that dawns, sorry

you're not exactly right it's going to dawn on sometime

If you win you want to buy avengers socks you must

after the Chinese cultural breviary if we do an approximate accounts are like

600 pesos and watching him dance is priceless, it would be like a loss of 400

but I know someone that I saw that opened cans in the week, a guy said I sell you

my cans, you're ugly, opened them and it came out 2 evenly match 1 firewall, a borreload, a

bomber and the star card of the moment, all that came out, if in 2 cans

the superstar letter of the moment but with the other 5 he does not care, he was

very good in fact the guy told him they came out so cool

I'm not going to pay you in 600 I'll give 100 more, take for the chewing gum so that

do not be sad and the truth I said I think they go well, a

friend opened like 4 Case and had like 12 or 13 evenly, but this is merely luck as

you can leave very broken how can you get out So, or worse than this

I say that buying cans is ugly, if you buy 2 for the excitement of opening

can, to see what you get, but a case is exaggerated, Good thing they do it for a hobby

really the cans, your problem is that before they were less secret and now they are more secret,

now with more secrets the possibility is smaller, what's up with this, you can say ok

I buy my cans and I'll have saryuja or something but having more secrets there is more trash

what can you get out if you say I buy 2 cans There are 6 secrets that can be so bad

is that apart they filled with those secrets secret secrets, that is, secret 14, in which

6 were good, and the other ugly, but now it's more other 14 that are 14 garbage

if they were the secret 5 or 6 that are more or less cool, and the other 4 garbage, would be

well, why do you say good or good I got an ugly one good, or 2 ugly and one

good, or 2 good and one ugly, it's cooler a ratio like that, instead it's ugly ugly now

ugly and ugly but that is not secret, if it is secret you can

see it and it's secret, but it's promo I opened an envelope that I got to enter

to the tournament and I think it worked out much better what happened to me right now

I got a luminous one, and this one that is more valuable than the secret ones

do not feel that these megatins are not what what the people expected, as people say,

I wanted to ash at 20 pesos you arrive with your ticket you have ash,

but that if it's 500, it went up to the price of the ash, I change it

Well, that's all you already know, decide if you buy cans, I hope our opinion helps you

it's a roulette for you can have one of these or be like cakes

and poor and one of those

For more infomation >> Opening Box Megatins 2018 - Duration: 12:15.


【Dead by Daylight】皆さん台風大丈夫ですか。 - Duration: 1:05:09.

For more infomation >> 【Dead by Daylight】皆さん台風大丈夫ですか。 - Duration: 1:05:09.


I Almost Broke My Knee! - Gran Fondo Kälviä 2018 - Duration: 15:26.

Hello! I'm Saukki.

Let's make this video in Finnish.

Let's see how it goes.

Today here in Kälviä we have this cycling event called Gran Fondo Kälviä.

It's 12 hour cycling event

The idea is to ride 18 km route every hour with a group of cyclists.

Or you can ride non-stop as long as you want.

I have done that in previous years.

This year they have this new gravel route.

And I'm going to ride that.

That's why I'm riding this mountain bike.

This week I've had some flu

So I think I should take it easy today.

But let's see how far I should go.

Ok, let's go.

Good morning!

Welcome to ride with Tapio-T.

Today we are going to ride Gran Fondo Kälviä.

12 hours, 9 km back and forth,

Let's have fun!

Ahaa, there are other YouTubers around?

Yes, Tapio-T, hello!


Are you going to ride the whole day?

As an ecxercice, my goal is 250 km.

Last week I rode Helsinki Velotour with single speed bike

I had to walk the bike to top of the hills because of my cramps.

Ok, it's almost the time.

There are Sauli, Peter and Jan going for the gravel route.

I guess the rest of you are going to the road route.

The gravel route goes to the left.

And the road route goes to the right and after 9 kilometers turns back.

You can of course ride further if you feel the 9 km is not enough.

Or you can ride here and go around the church.

Group starts on every hour, so next start is at 11.00.

You can create your own speed groups on the go.

Ride safe!

Ok, let's go!

Looks like there are not so many riders going to the gravel route.

Few guys are coming.

They are coming with me.

Ok, let's go!

Here we could choose in which direction to go.

Let's ride that road.

This gravel route wasn't very popular this year.

Those few guys who rode with me for the first round went to ride the road route.

But I decided to ride at least one round around the gravel route.

But I think that after this I'm going to change to the road route.

Hey, what do you think about this Finnish language video?

Please write a comment to the comments section.

I have at least one more Finnish language video coming later.

But I'm not going to change my cannel completely to Finnish.

I just wanted to test what kind of feedback I'll get.

Ok, now I have a little bit faster bike.

Let's go!

Do you have to pedal that thing?

A little bit.

The turning point was there.

But let's go a little bit further.

I didn't go for a break yet.

Let's go to take a thumbnail photo for a upcoming video.

I put the photo here. Try to guess, what's the topic for that video?

But that video will come some time later.

Subscribe to my channel and click that bell icon

so you can get notification when I post new videos.

Who is missing a bottle?

I took a quick break at home and put this racing hood on.

I rode about 64 km on the gravel road in the morning.

And now I have been riding 77 km.

So it's about 140 km I think.

Let's see how far I can go.

I had to stop to strech out

because my right knee started to hurt.

Let's see if I can ride more.

Ok, the knee feels little better, at least for now.

I was going to ride a little bit longer loop this time, but let's see.

I don't know if I should go so far with this knee.

Ok, it seems that my knee...


It's not turning enough.

The knee is hurting so much, so I think it's better to turn back.

I don't think it's very good idea to ride any long loops.

Better to go back to the starting place.

How did you end up here in Kälviä?

Last year I was coming here, but I usually get sick just before Helsinki velotour and Gran Fondo Kälviä

So this year I got flu just before the Velotour

But I got better and rode the Helsinki Velotour

and now, a week after that Gran Fondo Kälviä.

I guess you are born somewhere near here?

Yes, I'm from Kalajoki, but I have ended up in Helsinki.

I guess you have also been riding 170 km as I have?

Yes I was riding the gravel route in the morning.

About 60 km.

And now I have been riding more than 100 km with my velomobile.

Ok I have been riding 170 km between this Vapaa-Ajan Talo and Palonkylä road.

My plan is to ride 80 km more.

I think that when the humor ends we get back to business and then I get the funniest pieces of this ride.

Yes, the last group ride of the day is the nicest.

We ride to the darkness.

Should we check your bike? You have pretty nice bike.

Tell me something about this?

In 1980 Raleigh team won Tour de France

They had this rider called Joop Zoetemelk

After tour de France they sold this "market bike" of the time to enthusiasts with his name on it.

With this steel frame this was probably much heavier than the race bike Raleigh used back then.

But this was lying around in Kalajoki many years without nobody using it.

Few years ago I took it with me to Helsinki and I repaired it.

I have ridden many sportive events and rides with this.

Thousands of kilometers.

Mechanically this is very simple.

If you have to replace something, there is no wires going inside of the frame.

If I would have to replace the wire on the road I just need to put it through there and around here to the derailleur.

I like this because it's easy and simple.

The gear shifting is as accurate as the rider himself can be.

You will find the "golden touch" after time.

Should we go back to the road before muscles get too cold?

Yes I think is better to go.

I'd like to get back on the road.

Yes. Please tell to the camera how people can find you on YouTube?

Subscribe to Tapio-T channel

It's spelled Tapio hyphen T

There you can find my bicycle adventures and more.

Ok, subscribe!

Here just people cycling.

We have this old saying here: In Kälviä there is only crazy people and cyclists.

Today it seems that there is more cyclists.

The time is now 18:30

There should be three group starts left.

19:00, 20:00 and 21:00

I think I should ride all of them.

I just realized

Soon it will be dark

And I have these sunglasses on

I have to go and change to clear glasses.

Ok, now I can again see something for a while at least.

It looks like it's going to rain.

But from where it's coming because the clouds doesn't look like rain clouds.

My knee is hurting. Maybe I should quit.

These small uphills are quite painfull with this knee.

Yes, I think I have to quit.

I think the knee isn't getting any better by cycling.

I didn't rode the last group ride.

I had to leave one line empty on my report.

But I think it's better this way. Better not to break my knee.

Subscribe to my channel

Go check out my webshop. There is all kinds of T-shirts and more.

I think that's all. Thanks for watching!

See you on the next video, bye bye!

For more infomation >> I Almost Broke My Knee! - Gran Fondo Kälviä 2018 - Duration: 15:26.


18+ Как заработать за ночь? Что такое overnight success и чем страшна халява? - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 18+ Как заработать за ночь? Что такое overnight success и чем страшна халява? - Duration: 3:25.


lilbootycall- yugioh [Bass Boosted] - Duration: 1:20.

Your Listening To lilbootycall yugioh (prod. janami & Amazement)

Subscribe, Like & Comment

For more infomation >> lilbootycall- yugioh [Bass Boosted] - Duration: 1:20.


What the Bleep is Energy? #8 With Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 10:33.

What The Bleep is Energy?

As Dain Heer Explains It Part Eight

Hi everybody, this is Dr. Dain.

Here to talk to you about, "What the bleep is energy?"

Installment number like 288 or something, I'm not sure.

Hopefully you've seen some of the other videos.

Hopefully you have an idea what this is that we're talking about.

What happens with energy is it really is within every molecule.

It is everything that we perceive, it's every way that we feel.

It's involved in every emotion, it's involved in every sense of space,

every sense of possibility.

And so let's talk today about your vibe.

Now, I don't usually talk about your vibration

because it's such a metaphysical concept

you talk about that and people just kind of want to vomit on you.

I'm not really interested in having that kind of a conversation

but what I would like you to start looking at is, "What vibe am I choosing?"

Am I vibrating like somebody who's successful?

Am I vibrating like somebody who's happy? Is that the vibe I'm putting off?

Is that the vibe I'm choosing for myself?

Or am I vibrating like a little pile of poo in the corner?

Am I doing my "poo emoji" vibe today?

You want to start looking at this because it's the vibe that you choose

that invites the reality you create.

So, one of the things that's been going on for me for the last several weeks,

which has not happened for me ever, is my body's been having an interesting time with,

yeah, let's just call it sickness of an intestinal nature.

And for me I've never had that before and it's been going on for a while

and normally I can change anything in a heartbeat, right

It's created this place where...

one of the things I noticed the other day was like the joy that I normally am

it's like really up and down.

Now, before Access, this is one of the other things that's made me aware of this.

Before Access, it was usually down, there was so little awareness of the joy.

And I got my Bars run and it changed my life.

Then I started doing these ESB sessions and then facilitating ESB classes

and what started happening was I started having more and more joy.

And yet you know what, I never really fully acknowledged it,

I never really fully acknowledged how joyful I was.

I wonder if maybe you might be doing a little bit of that?

So, everything you're doing to not acknowledge how joyful you actually are,

will you destroy and uncreate it please?

Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.

So, what happens is what you acknowledge can grow,

what you don't acknowledge withers and dies.

Especially if it's a capacity, like joy.

So, over the last few weeks having the joy leave and then come back

and leave and then come back and I have got to say every time it left

it was based on my choice and every time it came back it was based on my choice.

But for me I started noticing that as my body was doing this weird stuff

and I was really uncomfortable which is not a place I live with my body.

I started letting the joy go too.

So, one morning I woke up and I was actually facilitating a class in Sydney, Australia

and I was like, "wow, you know what, I am done being pathetic!

Body you can be as sick as you need to or whatever it is you got going on"

Because my senses my body's actually changing something major, really big!

And if you've been having stuff like that in your body,

maybe your body's changing something major too.

What I said to my body is, "body, do whatever you need to to change.

I'm here with you, let's make it as easy as possible!"

I made the demand in my world I am NOT going to be pathetic anymore.

I'm not going to live like the poo emoji anymore.

Why? Because it sucks!

Having that vibe, choosing that sucks!

And we can all acknowledge that it sucks, it fucking sucks!

Especially for somebody who knows they're happy.

What I got out of this this was the acknowledgement of

I've never really truly acknowledged how happy I had become

and how different that is.

So, this vibration of joy thing that I'm talking about...

Think about three or four people when you're around them

you actually get more joyful – not less.

And it just is, it's not even something they do, it's like something they be

that gives you permission to be something and unlock something in you

that is an acknowledgement of your being .

They're acknowledging you and the energy that you be.

And sometimes there being an energy that's more like you

than you're willing to acknowledge but being around them

gives you permission to be it.

So, one of the things that was happening for me when I was doing

"hey blahh!!! cranky pants"

is some of the people in my life were actually happy and joyful

and they would be around and I would starting getting more joyful.

I started looking at this I'm like, isn't this interesting...

This space that we can choose,

by the way there's a beautiful volcano over's just so pretty.

It's one of the things that brings me joy.

But there's a space that we can choose of this joy

where everything around us starts to change.

So, let me just put it like this okay, remember I talked about the poo emoji?

Well, imagine a poo emoji made of stone,

there's no much going on, there's not much swirling of energy,

there's not much movement in that right.

And if you've ever noticed when you're joyful,

there's like this movement meaning things are not solid anymore.

They don't just stick in place anymore, they have a movement to them.

You become like a superhero in one of those movies you know

because where ever it comes at a superhero

because they're like a superhero right.

So, they're not like, "oh my god, somebody's judging me.

Oh my god no, they don't like Superman, oh no!

Oh, Wonder Woman, I'm too hot for you, totally get it, oh my god, oh no!"

No matter what comes at them they're like,

"I'm a fucking superhero, bring it on bitches!"

What if you were more like that in your life?

And you noticed that energy of joy that I'm being?

I know, for some people it's annoying as fuck and I totally get it.

If you're annoyed right now this so applies to you,

I can't even begin to tell you.

You've been hiding this,

you have been shoving it down like with the poo thing.

Probably I should get over the poo thing right now...

I'm like six years old but I'm a happy six, okay good.

I have that joy thing going on right but what happens is

a superhero has this movement of energy

and so anything that comes at them gets involved in that movement

and can't maintain its same solidity.

That's the way you are when you embrace the joy of you, okay.

And that's what you are when you choose the joy of you

and here's the thing nobody on the planet is willing to acknowledge,

okay almost nobody on the planet, that would have been improper English.

Almost nobody on the planet is willing to acknowledge that your joy is your choice

and when you be it, you be a movement of energy

that allows things to come toward you and even if they're really solid,

even if they're like really intense and really yucky.

If you stay being that movement of energy they can't maintain their solidity

at least not in your world.

Now they may in other people's worlds and other people will look at you

and they'll judge you for being too happy

or they'll judge you because you don't get how significant this is

and what a problem this is and you're not making this a big enough problem, young lady

and why are you not and I can't believe it!

I don't know why I sound like Rickard Nixon right now but you'll get the idea.

"I am not an unhappy crook"

I've never done that before, it's like my first time,

you guys are inspiring me, thank you so much!

I don't know what goes on in here, we call it Dain's brain.

Um, in all of Access, we call it Dain's brain.

It's just happens...

So, this thing about being that, is you are this movement

where non of the solidity and the yuckiness can stick to you.

None of it can solidify you, none of it can slow you down.

So, will you choose it now please?

And everything that doesn't allow it, will you destroy and uncreate it?

Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.

And what definitions do you have of the necessity of sadness

and suffering and trauma and drama

that keep you from being the joy you know you are?

Everything that is,

right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.

One more time.

What definitions of the necessity of sadness, suffering,

trauma and drama do you have,

that keep you from being the joy you know you truly are?

Everything that is

right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.

My suggestion to you, my request of you,

my gift to you as a tool and a possibility, every morning when you wake up,

start swirling the energy, start swirling the energy.

This is one of the things you become acquainted with in the ESB class,

you started swirling the energy.

And even if you don't know what I'm talking about about right now,

guess what, I'm being the energy.

That is that swirling of the energy, can you feel it?

Can you feel it? Do you feel your body kind of start to go,

"whoa, I think I get what he's talking about!"

If you don't, don't worry about it, that is totally okay.

It's part of what the ESB class is about opening,

is your energetic capacities.

Your energetic platform for your very being to exist

we're all of these energies, including this swirling energy

that makes it so nothing can solidify in your world

can actually be your living, breathing reality.

So when you wake up in the morning, start swirling the energy and then ask:

"What energy, space and consciousness can I be

to be the most joyful person in my life and on this planet today with total ease?"

Everything that doesn't allow it,

right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.

And whether you know it or not,

your joy is a gift to this world my beautiful friends.

Your joy gives possibilities to us all.

Your joy makes it so that the solidity of reality cannot maintain itself

which is why people keep trying to stop you from being it

because if you be that joy, they cannot limit you and stop you

and you don't validate their reality of sadness and trauma and drama anymore.

And you become a source for possibilities and when you do,

the friggin world gets changed and far greater than it was before.

So, thank you very much for listening.

Thank you for putting up with Dain's brain for this particular video.

What if you truly being you are the gift,

the change and the possibility this world requires?

You are and I cannot wait to see you in person someday.


What if your capacities with energies are unique?

Join Dain Heer in person all over the world

For more infomation >> What the Bleep is Energy? #8 With Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 10:33.


[ENG] LuHan × KFC CF_ Sichuan spicy pepper chicken rice Version - Duration: 0:18.


Hot and sour pepper give to you

Big chicken meat give to you

Rice also give to you

My spicy pepper chicken rice all give to you

Come to KFC and try the Sichuan spicy pepper chicken rice

It will makes you feel super cool & spicy

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × KFC CF_ Sichuan spicy pepper chicken rice Version - Duration: 0:18.


Musique Douce Pour Arrêter De Penser Musique Relaxante - Duration: 1:11:58.

Soft Music To Stop Thinking Relaxing Music

For more infomation >> Musique Douce Pour Arrêter De Penser Musique Relaxante - Duration: 1:11:58.


How to solve problems of Inverse Trigonometric Functions using arc tan x plus and minus arc tan y - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> How to solve problems of Inverse Trigonometric Functions using arc tan x plus and minus arc tan y - Duration: 8:41.


Munafik 2 REVIEW With ENG SUB CC - Duration: 8:16.


I'm Ragu!

I'm Athavan!

Almighty Records Presents

Ithu Thaanda Padam!

Yes! He is the one we named Malaysian Siddharth Abimanyu!

This is his own movie

So what is the movie is about?

This is a horror movie!

A supernatural revolving movie!


This is one of a kind horror movie

If you have watched munafik 1 definitely you all know how good the movie was

This is a direct continuation from the previous movie.

Those who have watched the first one the sequel will give you full satisfaction of a proper story.

Even for those who seeing it for the first time it will definitely entice you to watch the first part of the movie.

I think it will entice the cold eerie feel inside us to watch the first part.

This is not your regular type of horror movie, this is a spiritual story too.


How can that be?

This story revolves around an imam or a Muslim religious ustaz

The story show how God test the sheer will power of the ustaz

Will he able to withstand the test of the supernatural entity? will he able to surpass the challenge?

Will he prove his worthiness? What will be the end of the journey? All this what the story of Munafik 2 is about.

The actor himself has written the script for this movie.

When we watch in theater, we won't try to get out from the place

Because there's alot of suspense in the story. We will keep guessing what will happen next

He wrote it in a very interesting way.

In this script the character development like how we always mention

Was give proper depth and details.

Every scenes are equally important to watch

If you missed a scene you will miss a good moment you won't know what happen.

Yes! he is the cinematographer for this movie.

All the scenes are beautifully taken

The scenes will not scare us, at the same time it won't create boring feel

We will feel like we are sitting inside a dark room and not knowing what's going to happen next

Where is the ghost is gonna come from

He kept us in that way from the start till the end.

He showed he is a well talented cinematographer.

Because the movie was majority taken at night and some scenes in the jungle and cave.

Some place we can't even detect whether it's a set or real jungle

Not only in jungle, even inside the room was dark but we will be able to see clearly what is happening.


When the possession happen, and the entry of the ghost

You have to watch how the ghost will come!

The way he handle the camera, the cameraworks definitely brings that fear inside us

The entry of ghost was ok but there is something else

The possession stage and the ritual of exorcism was shown in a extreme way

which we never seen before in Malay movies

So who are the casting in this movie

With them there are many more who have acted in this movie.

But our lead hero Syamsul Yusof

His character he lived in it, giving it a life and the path the character goes through

As an ustaz the challenges he goes through

was shown in very realistic way.

There's another character who acted equally to Syamsul Yusof performance which is Maya Karin's .

Her acting was tremendous!

We was impressed! Especially i was impressed!

It was AMAZING performance!

When she was possessed...

The way she acted that time.. definitely will strike a fear in us

You might watched it in trailer but watched in theater to get the full feel of her acting.

All the other actors that have acted in the movie

have their own characters

which they have executed perfectly

All of them did tremendous job and given life to the character they acted.

Mainly the captain of the ship, We already reviewed his movie before

Which was KL Special Force

We can see he have given the same amount of commitment for the movie and demand the same

From all the actors and bring out their best so far.

This movie was taken in 65 days too

In this 65 days they have worked as a team to give this movie

Especially Maya Karin who was said struggled alot because

all the scenes she acted, the falling part was taken for real without a stunt double

Such lively she have acted in this movie.


In this movie there are fights in every scenes

some scenes we feel sad to watch

it will revolve around Maya Karin who get beaten

I have liked Maya Karin when i saw her in the movie so the scene she get beaten was sad for me

Eventhough there are fighting scenes in the movie

The main fights always between the ustaz and the possessed body or the ghost itself.

Yeah! yeah!

All the fights are reasonable and align with the story well.

When we watch it was good

We can conclude that the stunt was there to ignite the story even more.

The ending was well justified also.

The music composer for this movie was

They have given a good music that need for a horror movie

at one point there will be only bass sound

It will raise our heartbeat and make us feel we are in the movie

Some scenes doesn't have sound at all

So imagine dark scene with no sound or music

Suddenly there will be something popping up

When you hear this

Those who are weak hearted please be extra careful when watching this movie

Well our Malaysia's own Syamsul Yusof did the editing himself

Where are you from bro? Where are you from?

The guys is fully talented

He is an all rounder

Every scenes and the cuts in the movie was perfectly done

We should told this earlier, the story did goes in few direction

We have to watch it closely to understand where it's going.. in a good way

If missed one scene, you will miss the whole direction

At first, it might confuses you but if you watched Munafik you will understand where the story is going

Even you haven't watched it you will get the clear picture when the movie progressed further

The twist was brought in such way.

The editing was done well for both film

Colour grading, lightings are done really well

There are no flaws.

Technical production! Your section bro! Come on!

I have no words for technical production

As i always mention, technical production are the backbone of a film

But you guys! Hats off!

Did you see some places!


A movie become hit because of the crew behind it

As you said bro, the captain of the ship steer the technical production in the right direction

We can see how much hardwork and the energy you have put in when we watch the movie.

Even we was surprise to see some of the place the scout chooses.

It is a perfect location and a location that are not been used before in any other movies was choosed

So technical production done good job so hats off!

In conclusion!



I'm Ragu

and I'm Athavan

Almighty Records presents


Peace out!

For more infomation >> Munafik 2 REVIEW With ENG SUB CC - Duration: 8:16.


لن تصدقي كيف يبدعن في تزيين الكيك 🎂 و الحلوى بطرق غريبة والنتيجة غير متوقعة 😲 - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> لن تصدقي كيف يبدعن في تزيين الكيك 🎂 و الحلوى بطرق غريبة والنتيجة غير متوقعة 😲 - Duration: 6:50.


Vài Lần Anh Say Kaiz Video Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Vài Lần Anh Say Kaiz Video Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.


Ensoniq Mirage = No Quantize - Duration: 4:13.

What is going on! Although it hasn't been

said it's fair enough to say that when

speaking of the ensoniq mirage it's not

really seen as a complete workstation

when in fact it could be in this video

we're going to look at the sequencer on

the ensoniq Mirage an 8 bit sampler with

a lot more to offer than its bits but

first I'd like to invite you to like

share and subscribe to our Channel and

with that let's get to it right so the

ensoniq Mirage has an interesting

architecture its keyboard and memory

system is split into two halves the

lower half and the upper half which

conveniently is split right down the

middle each half it can accommodate

eight samples for a total of 16

individual samples loaded at any given


now the sequencer functions as a strict

note recorder you hit record you start

to play when you're finished you hit

stop and that's it no quantize at all

however when looking at these two things

put together we can look at the Mirage

as a 16-track sequencer and since you

are able to overdub on this very basic

sequencer this setup can accommodate an

entire song with some thought and

pre-planning now what we've done today

is use five samples in total to make a


using the mirages sequencer so let's

quickly listen to our sounds alright

those are they now to engage the

sequencer you press the record button

once to arm it and again to start it now

it won't begin to record notes until you

hit your first key which is great

because it gives you some time to set

things up so here we go live in on the


you notice I just hit play again to take

us out of record and pressing right on

the place where I'd like the sequence to

stop makes it loop relatively on top

let's add our second part on the upper

half by doing an overdub so to get in to

overdub mode you press the record button

again followed by the play button so

everything starts back up as usual but

now when we play we will not replace

anything but add to the sequence that we

already have run so we're off a sequence

of looping according to my playing style

which is completely off today and that's

another story well regardless we're able

to add up to 16 parts via individual

examples to make up a complete song so

with a little bit of pre-planning you

could make an intro a break of chorus

all right from beginning to end and

looping a completely linear way from the

way we usually work with sequences

because you've got to let everything

play out in order to add so I say this

all to say but if you have a mirage or

if you're getting into settling this is

a really an amazing way to learn

sequence and programming sequences

because if you start here and then get

on a more proficient sampler it's going

to be so easy

because really this is the ground level

of digital sequence and did I mention

that even though this sequencers are

running on its own it can be synced to

an external sequencer when all is said

and done and you have your masterpiece

all laid out in the Mirage you're able

to save not one but eight individual

sequences onto a single floppy no doubt

the ensoniq Mirage is a lesser-known gem

of a sampler often overshadowed by its

younger siblings especially in the

sequencing department The Mirage still

deserves a lot of credit for the things

that can actually offer in today's times

if this was your only sampler you would

have everything you need to put together

complete compositions which isn't bad

for an 8-bit sampler from 1984 anyway

thank you for watching if you like to

learn something today subscribe to us on

YouTube I will catch you on the next one

in the meantime take care of yourself


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