Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

LES BROWN: Smyly Blanton who is the colleague of

dr. norman vincent peale what he said

about theories that fear is the most

subtle and destructive of all human


ladies and gentlemen fear kills dreams

fear kills hope fear what people in the

hospital fear can age you fear ladies

and gentlemen can hold you back from

doing something that you know within

yourself that you're capable of doing

but it will paralyze you and it seem

like you're in a hypnotic spell and I

ask you a question what is the benefit

what's the benefit of allowing fear to

hold you back what's the benefit of

giving up on yourself of not stepping

out on life and taking life on what is

the benefit for you what's the plus in

that it's one of the things I had to ask

myself so I didn't want to make any

mistakes I wanted everybody to like me I

wanted to be perfect the first time I

did something it's not going to happen

you're gonna make some mistakes you're

gonna hurt some folks feelings you're

gonna create some enemies whenever you

decide that you want to begin to take

life on you've got to ask yourself how

long am I going to allow this to hold me


fear is false evidence appearing real

Venice the delusion that we created our

mind it is a state of mind that can be

changed look at your life right now

whatever you've done up to this point in

time your life is working whatever you

have produced it came out of you as a

result of the kind of person that you

have become as a result of your choices

as a result of your consciousness now

you have to ask yourself are you

satisfied with what you hit produce is

this what you want would you like the

things would be better than this do you

believe that you deserve better than

this are you content to do everything

anything else but you already resign

yourself in life somewhat I'm happy I'm

not starving like the people in Calcutta

are you allowing yourself to get off the

hook like that or do you believe

somewhere in the back of your mind or in

your heart but there's some other great

work for you to do there's something

else that light has for you

I believe that you have to begin to

consciously monitor yours inner

conversation and stop talking to

yourself start building yourself up

sometimes the only good things you will

hear about you are the things that you

say to you here's something else most

people are not living their dreams

because of fear ladies and gentlemen I

was in Columbus Ohio yesterday speaking

for a particular Ohio Department you

lady named Karen who greeted me who

organized the event very talented very

skillful and she was talking about she

wanted to become involved in the

consulting business as they want you

doing it I said you have the abilities I

said you're not here because they like

you you're here because you're doing the

job you're making things happen and she

came up with all kind of ideas but

finally she said I guess I I can't see

myself doing it I guess I'm afraid fear

limited vision and lack of self-esteem

is what keep most people doing things

they don't

want to do public blue from Columbus

Ohio to Denver Colorado to a major

communications company and the person

that picked up the airport told me about

the fact that the company is planning on

having a major downsizing and they

offered some of the employees there in

early retirement and some of them will

earn as much as $300,000 and they said

this is the last time that you can take

this offer if you don't do it when we

have the downsizing you might be among

those who will lose their jobs and all

you will get is your severance pay and

only 50% of the people who were eligible

to take the $300,000 took it the others

were afraid to take a chance on

themselves the others couldn't see

themselves beyond that company they

couldn't see life after that company the

same reason that people stay in

relationships where they're abused are

they're unhappy where it's fun

fulfilling they can't see themselves be

that relationship they can't see

themselves enjoying life without that

person they think that this is harder

they can do the same reason that people

get stuck at a certain level in life

they can't see things being better for

them and they fake the business in and

this is all they deserve this is law

they've ever seen

they've been passed on to them and they

think that this is it for them Oh No


For more infomation >> Les Brown - This Is What Fear Makes You Do (Motivaitonal Video) - Duration: 5:06.


Chơi Game Đúng Hôm Thần Game Đi Vắng | Mixigaming Stream Moment - Duration: 29:35.

For more infomation >> Chơi Game Đúng Hôm Thần Game Đi Vắng | Mixigaming Stream Moment - Duration: 29:35.


The Shield Destroyed by Raw Roster RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 14:05.

This will be very interesting.


This was supposed to be Heel Trun.

I mean The Shield.

I wouldnt mind.

Everybody cheering him.

That's what everyone says.

What was that?

Yeah, vacuum cleaner.

Like the old times.

What is he doing here??

Why not?!

Why am I commenting this?

But it's very nice that Reene Young got the job as commentator on Raw.

Seth slipped really nice.

Are they arrested?


That´s not funny anymore.

So Faces vs Heels?


It lookes like they stole the police car.

So what´s gonna be? Some fight?

I'm here just waiting for fight. Nothing else.

What is Kevin Owens doing here?

Only Heels.

What is he doing here?

That guy from 205 live.

Right to the head.

Where is GM of Raw right now? I mean Deputy Manager. Temporary Manager.

That´s crazy.


Very beautiful ending of Raw.


So that would be all as it seems.

So watch me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

And If you like this video hit the like button, Subscribe and share.

That´s all folks and I'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> The Shield Destroyed by Raw Roster RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 14:05.


Ultimate Custom Night PL - Bunny Team - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Ultimate Custom Night PL - Bunny Team - Duration: 5:49.


LORD PRZESPAŁ SIĘ Z KAMERZYSTĄ? [100% LEGIT] [NO SCAM] Ukryta wiadomość z kanału Lord Kruszwil cz.2 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> LORD PRZESPAŁ SIĘ Z KAMERZYSTĄ? [100% LEGIT] [NO SCAM] Ukryta wiadomość z kanału Lord Kruszwil cz.2 - Duration: 1:56.


How to Track Cash Flow | Catching Clouds - Duration: 6:31.

hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder

of catching clouds the leader in

e-commerce accounting today I want to

give you an example about how to project

out your cash flow on Saturday I gave

you a video and talked about why it's

important to be tracking your cash flow

and keeping an eye on that going forward

if you miss that video you can see it

right here but let's just jump in and

get started all right so you can do this

in Excel you can do it in Google sheets

and it's really really simple

all you do is you have your any day that

you've got a bank that is open you're

going to have a change in bank balance

because you're going to be having money

coming in you're gonna have money going

out and that's all we're looking at

today is September 3rd and we're gonna

look out ahead for four weeks you can do

this for 30 days you can do it for 4

weeks you can do it for 2 weeks you're

gonna do it for 60 days whatever works

for you ok and what you're going to do

is you're going to have one section for

cash coming in so those are going to be

deposits into your bank account and

you're gonna have a section for cash

going out so that's going to be stuff

that's going out and then at the end of

the day you'll have your ending bank

balance you'll see that becomes your new

balance for the next day and so on and

so forth and you just kind of keep going

forward so I like to have a little bit

more detail in here so for your cash

coming in you'll keep track of things

like Amazon deposits so let's say that

you've got an Amazon you're selling on

Amazon you're getting your Amazon seller

deposit once every two weeks you would

just find out when you're expecting that

deposit and every couple of weeks you

throw it in there ok a our collections

this is going to be you you invoiced

somebody they're paying you on terms and

you're kind of estimating when you're

going to get the check you call up your

customer and say hey when are you gonna

pay me and they say hey you'll have a

check by Friday then you can throw that

number into your cash flow projection ok

PayPal transfers stripe anything else

that's coming in you can just include on

there to show your cash coming into your


okay then you have another section for

cash out this is going to include things

like money that you're taking out

personally an owner distribution or it's

going to include payroll or your sales

tax payments your payroll tax payments

any auto-draft payments that are going

to come out of your account

automatically through ACH any of your

monthly bills when you're paying a lump

of bills every few weeks or something

like that and then any credit card

payments basically anything that's that

you're planning on using the money

that's in your checking account for okay

and then you can just go through and

fill all this out in my example I want

everything to be entered as a positive

so that I don't accidentally forget

here's a negative and then I have like

if I had negative $250 and I put it in

as a positive number it would like

actually add it in there and it would

throw everything off so I like to put

these in as positive numbers so that

these numbers down here are all


and you don't screw stuff up okay so

let's say you've got $30,000 in your

bank account and you say hey I don't

need $30,000 in my bank account I'm

going to take 20,000 out and stick it in

my savings account you can see that when

you do that

oops remember what I just said you can

see when you do that that you're gonna

run out of money in just a week and a

half so no maybe we shouldn't do that

okay yeah one thousand I can save you

know so so all you're trying to do is

just make sure that when you've got

payments coming up say you're going to

purchase some new inventory or something

like that you just want to make sure

that you have the cash flow sufficient

because one of the biggest reasons that

businesses go out of business is due to

cash flow not due to lack of

profitability all right so so this is

how you do it on a day-by-day basis

I would recommend if you are right if

you're just running the ragged edge that

you do this and just make sure that

you're staying on top of things I would

also say you may want to make sure that

you're pulling out money for savings as

much as possible if you haven't seen my

video on profit first maybe check that

out that might help you as well okay so

that is the daily cash flow you'll also

want to do something like a three-month

cash flow so you'll see how this has

lots of details on it I probably

wouldn't do that for a multiple month

cash flow because you just aren't

entirely sure what's going to come out

and when but you can get estimates so

let's say you've got some accounts

receivable so you've sent out invoices

to people let's say you have $50,000

worth of invoices and usually

historically speaking you collect 80%

within 30 days then you'll know roughly

how much money is going to come in based

based on just that knowledge of your

business okay and it's really

straightforward you just start with your

starting balance estimate how much

you're going to collect estimate how

much you're going to need for money

going out based on how much you spend

each month on payroll how much you spend

for rent so on and so forth to come up

with your ending bank balance and you

just want to make sure you've got enough

money to cover the bills that's that's

basically how it goes so it doesn't need

to be complicated this should be really

straightforward if you have any other

questions or comments or tricks that

have helped you make sure you include

them in the comments down below I hope

this video helped you if you did please

like comment and share if you haven't

already please subscribe and I'll catch

you later

For more infomation >> How to Track Cash Flow | Catching Clouds - Duration: 6:31.


How to Peel Garlic Easiest Way - Duration: 2:55.

How to Peel Garlic Easiest Way

Cut the garlic's top

I saw a video How to Peel Garlic on Youtube

I like peel the garlic

That's great. You peel the garlic all

Into the garlic in a empties

And shake It!!!!

It still has Skin

We need more shake

It is the better way peel the garlic

For more infomation >> How to Peel Garlic Easiest Way - Duration: 2:55.


MÁY SẢN XUẤT CỬA NHÔM NHẬP KHẨU || Hướng dẫn vận hành máy cắt nhôm 2 đầu 05 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> MÁY SẢN XUẤT CỬA NHÔM NHẬP KHẨU || Hướng dẫn vận hành máy cắt nhôm 2 đầu 05 - Duration: 4:31.


Tử Vi Tuổi Mùi Tháng 8/2018 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc, Tình Cảm Sức Khỏe - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tuổi Mùi Tháng 8/2018 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc, Tình Cảm Sức Khỏe - Duration: 9:41.


「Nightcore」→ Radioactive ✗ Walk On Water (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:54.

Nightcore - Radioactive X Walk On Water (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Radioactive ✗ Walk On Water (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:54.


I'd date that! - Duration: 2:03.

Bro, you gotta check out this chick.

Ooooh, god damn, that'll do!

Yeah, I would date that shit right there.

Oh, I would take her out to dinner and a movie.

Oh, I'd ask her what kind of movies she liked beforehand

so I could pick one that suited both of our tastes, ya know what I'm sayin'?

Fuck yeah, man.

What else you got?

Ooooh, shit!

I'd take her out on one of those afternoon dates,

so there's not a lot of pressure to be spending the night together, ya know?

You know what I'd do, man, I'd take her out on one of those brunch dates, like mid-morning and shit, right?

Oh, I'd brunch-date the shit out of her.

I'd brunch-date her fucking brains out.

Oh, okay, okay . . .

Not my usual type, but I can dig it.

Yeah, right?

Man, I would ask her about her family . . .

what kind of books she liked . . .

I'd ask her about her job, too.

Oh, bro, shut up!

I haven't asked a girl about her job in, like, a month! I'm dying for it!

Man, I asked a girl about her job last night.

Wha—?! Get the fuck outta here!

Yeah, man, at the bar.

Fuck, man.

Fuck, I asked her about . . .

what she does all day, how she got into that kind of work, her frustrations with the job . . .

Oh, shit!

I even asked her about her ambitions for the future.

God damn, bro, you're an animal!

Hey, man, what can I say? I got needs,

and if she's gonna give it up that easy, I'm not gonna say "no," right?

Hell yeah, man.

All right, you gotta check out this next one.

Oooooh, god damn!

Man, I would go out with her for three years,

pop the question on the beach,

have a small wedding at a Napa Valley winery with only our closest family and friends,

and then take out, like, a fucking 30-year mortgage on a spacious but conservatively appointed house.

Yeah, man, but good luck finding one who'll let you do that kind of shit to her.

Yeah, I know, but I can dream, right?


Wanna watch some cartoons and jerk off?


For more infomation >> I'd date that! - Duration: 2:03.


33 идеи воспитать в себе железную уверенность Терминатора – Как поднять самооценку и стать успешным - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> 33 идеи воспитать в себе железную уверенность Терминатора – Как поднять самооценку и стать успешным - Duration: 13:01.


Learn Colors with Oddbods Wrong Puzzle Game - Videos for Kids - Duration: 4:41.














do not forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Oddbods Wrong Puzzle Game - Videos for Kids - Duration: 4:41.


Stossel: What Trump's Court Pick Means for Liberty - Duration: 5:19.

Hell no on Kavanaugh!

Some people are very upset over

Donald Trump's pick

for the Supreme Court.

He is a dangerous man!

Are you ready

for a fight?

What are they so upset about?

What's at stake is freedom for LGBTQ Americans,

for equal rights,

for civil rights!

People are freaking out.

They are freaking out because

they don't understand those top areas,

whether it's abortion or gay rights,

or Citizens United that people on the left

tend to be concerned about.

There's really not gonna be a change.

That's because the court, especially

Chief Justice Roberts

respects precedent,

especially when people have come to

depend on previous decisions.

After a quarter-million gay marriages

and 45 years of legal abortions,

the court's unlikely to reverse itself on those issues.

I will nominate

Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

But if Kavanaugh replaces Kennedy,

there will be changes.

Individual freedom.

What does Kavanaugh mean for that?

He's great there, probably better than Kennedy.

Retiring Justice Kennedy

sometimes ruled against individual liberty,

like when he said it was okay

for a Connecticut town to grab Suzette

Kelo's property and little pink house

because the developer who might pay more in taxes

wanted her land.

Kennedy voted for the bad guys.

He voted to take away the property from the people.

Kavanaugh could very well be the fifth

vote to overturn Kelo.

Trump's nominee has got to go! Hey hey!

One major area that people might be upset about is

affirmative action.

We won't stand for Donald Trump's attempt

to use the Supreme Court as a weapon

against all of our progress.

Kavanaugh could provide the

fifth vote to overturn that 40 year-old

experiment with using racial preferences

to promote some kind of nebulous


Lawsuit against Harvard University

for discriminating against

Asian-American applicants.

That case against Harvard's racial preferences may

reach the Supreme Court soon and the

court may end affirmative action.

The court with Kavanaugh on board may also

toss out some gun restrictions.

He has written one of the leading lower

court opinion expanding the scope of the

individual right for armed self-defense.

He's not a gun nut.

He's a constitutionalist.

Kavanaugh has a history of

reining in government regulators.

All these alphabet agencies

that increasingly intrude in people's lives,

he has written at length that the

government keeps doing things that it

doesn't have the power to do.

The Constitution's separation of powers

protects individual liberty.

At his nomination announcement at the White House,

he talked about how the separation

of powers is there to protect liberty.

That's fantastic. I think Libertarians

will like the push-back on government excess.

But Kavanaugh does side with

government on one form of excess.

The government was collecting all of our

metadata, all of our phone records.

Kavanaugh ruled that he was just fine with it.

He said that the NSA is justified

in collecting metadata on

Americans as part of the--

He volunteered to write that.

He was enthusiastic that

this serves a critically important

special need - preventing terrorist attacks.

But the government says we're

aware of no instance where the

program discovered an attack.

That's his worst case.

Now it's unclear how that

extends beyond the national security

surveillance area.

He has a lot of good opinions

on police needing a warrant or

laws being drawn so broadly

that prosecutors are convicting people who

are not guilty.

Clearly he defers to the

government on national security grounds,

but most judges and justices do anyway.

At least on other forms of regulation,

Kavanaugh has a strong record

of not deferring to government.

We have a moral obligation to act on climate.

As a judge in DC, Kavanaugh voted to

strike down some environmental rules.

Some EPA regulations where the staff

just said, we're gonna do this?

That's right.

I mean, I like the idea of clean

air and clean water.

There are federal laws that protect that,

but in the last decade, the EPA has taken a

lot of liberties.

But it's their job.

Clean the air, clean the water.

EPA does not get a free-floating power under the

Constitution or otherwise to do what

they think is best.

It's Congress' job to say, you know our

air isn't clean enough.

Here's how you should be doing your job, EPA.

Why is it better for Congress to do it?

Congress is elected,

and if we don't like what it's doing,

we can fire it.

That's the way the checks and balances work

And that's why it's so important that courts

hold the bureaucrats feet to the fire.

Hey hey, ho ho,

Kavanaugh has got to go!

The Libertarians should definitely be happy

with Kavanaugh.

He's not going to agree with us

all the time certainly,

but no justices or judges do.

The fact that we're looking around the edges to see

what sorts of things we can disagree on

shows how far we've moved in 10 or 20 or

30 years.


At least now people and

judges talk about limiting government

and how regulation's out of control.

That's new

compared to the last 10, 20, or 30 years.

For more infomation >> Stossel: What Trump's Court Pick Means for Liberty - Duration: 5:19.


Magie + Trucuri Ep 3 - Duration: 3:33.

Hey Guys Welcome back!

Detalis in description

Im Roblox Tudor and yea

For more infomation >> Magie + Trucuri Ep 3 - Duration: 3:33.


Suicide attempt (Subtitled) - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> Suicide attempt (Subtitled) - Duration: 11:26.


大地復甦(Terra Restore) 第6集 短暫的記憶&噁心的下水道 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 大地復甦(Terra Restore) 第6集 短暫的記憶&噁心的下水道 - Duration: 5:17.




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