Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

We called it the Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever.

Great cities were built on mars and venus.

Mercury became a Garden world.

Human life span tripled.

It was a time of miracles.

We stared out at the Galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of

other stars – but the Traveler had an enemy.

A darkness that had hunted it for eons across the black gulf of space.

Centuries after our golden age began, the Darkness found us.

And that was the end of everything.

Welcome back Guardians, today I am going to cover a brief history of Destiny and Destiny

2 for new players looking to play Forsaken.

If you are new to the lore please be aware that Destiny's lore often requires interpretation,

meaning you may hear different versions depending on the content creator you listen to.

Also, I have a big announcement, the Destiny Down Under podcast, which is the podcast I

co-host, has been invited to participate in an Australian Destiny 2: Forsaken Gambit showdown.

In case, you have been under a rock, Gambit is a new mode in Destiny 2 that combines player

vs player and player vs environment in a 4v4 battle.

The Destiny Down Under podcast crew will all be meeting in Sydney to participate in the

showdown on the 5th September 6pm AEST, which is 1am 5th September pacific time.

(I am sure you will all still be awake playing Forsaken!).

We will be joined by various Australian & New Zealand musicians and elite athletes.

It would be awesome if you could come along and support our Australian content creators.

You can find the livestream through my twitch channel, a link will be below.

Thank you to Activision for the flight and accommodation in Sydney.

Similarly, the background Gambit footage was also sponsored by Activision and capture at

the Bungie studios.

As usual, the artwork at the beginning of this video was created by gammatrap and was

made possible with your generous donations on patreon.

All patreon donations go towards paying for the artwork, see the link below to support

the art and get some cool rewards.

This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest destiny lore episode.

[INTRO] Let's begin, in relative chronological order.

The earliest documented history of Destiny comes from the Books of Sorrow.

The Books of Sorrow is a record of the Hive's history; the Hive being one of the four major

enemy races in Destiny.

And like all history, it is written from a certain perspective, the book follows the

thoughts and actions of Oryx.

The Books of Sorrow describe how the Hive crashed landed into a planet known as the

Fundament and upon this planet the Hive were weak and preyed upon.

The Hive did not live very long and fell victim to other creatures of the planet.

In order to escape this cycle, Oryx sought the worm gods.

The worm gods were also trapped upon the planet.

The larvae from the Worm Gods formed a symbiotic pact with the Hive, granting them new strength

and immortality.

However, this new found strength was not free, the Hive were bound to feed their worm through


The act of killing would feed their worm and in turn make them stronger, however if they

did not kill, their worm would consume them.

This began the never-ending conquest of Oryx, and his two sisters, Savathun and Xivu Arath.

Oryx quickly adopted the sword logic; the sword logic, in my opinion has two components,

the first is that through killing you can gain more power and the second is more philosophical,

you kill to prove that you are part of the final universe, the perfect universe, if you

kill someone they deserved to die because that proves that they are not part of the

final perfect universe.

Oryx, using the sword logic, gained enough power to free both the Hive and the worm gods

from the planet the fundament.

Upon freedom from the planet the fundament, Oryx shows mercy for a civilisation that they

encounter, and is quickly betrayed by his sister and killed.

However, Oryx unintentionally creates a throne world.

His power had grown so immensely, he just did not die, his will created a cyst universe

known as a throne world.

A throne world acts as a death resilient mechanism, killing Oryx in the physical world does not

truly defeat him, and the only way to truly defeat Oryx and his sisters, is to enter their

own throne worlds and destroy them within.

Oryx's son Crota would also go on to have a throne world.

Strictly speaking, in the books of sorrow, throne worlds are closely tied to gaining

power using the sword logic, the Hive kill, gain more power, become ascendant, and create

throne worlds.

However, that does not mean that is the only way to create a throne world.

After further conquest and continuing to grow in power, Oryx realised that he did not take

power from the Worm gods, but rather they gifted him the worms.

Oryx believes this is why the worms consume the Hive because they do not adhere to the

sword logic, they were a gift, and Oryx believes that his power will eventually plateau.

Realising this, Oryx kills the Worm god Akka, gaining enormous amounts of power and discovering

how to speak directly to the Darkness.

He creates the Tablets of Ruin which allow him to commune with the Darkness.

Within destiny's lore the Darkness has not yet been fully explained, and for the moment

should be considered as a cosmic force of the universe and its will is to create the

perfect universe through eliminating anything that is weak.

The Hive and Oryx are the closest representatives of the Darkness that we face in Destiny, they

are not THE Darkness, but they do represent the Darkness.

Similar, to how the Traveler is not the light, but rather an agent of the light.

With Oryx's new found power from destroying Akka, creating the Tablets of Ruin and communing

with the Darkness, Oryx becomes the Taken King.

He know has the ability to make loyal servants using the power of the darkness.

The process is not really explained, all we know, is that Oryx opens an aperture, an enemy

is pulled through, and when they return, they are Taken and loyal to Oryx.

Oryx decides to have a family, with an unnamed mother.

Crota, Nokris and the Deathsigners are born.

Much of the family are considered failures, as Nokris rejects the sword logic and banished

by his father.

Nokris is a necromancy and rejects the sword logic, which makes sense, as being a necromancy

involves reviving the dead, where as the sword logic would not want to bring back a defeated

enemy, as that would be bringing weakness back into the universe.

Nokris branded a heretic by his father Oryx, he is banished and removed from the worlds

grave; the history of the Hive.

We do not really know the timeline when Nokris is banished, however it is likely after Oryx

creates the dreadnaught, as a Nokris statue exists upon the Dreadnaught, and Nokris makes

a pact with the worm god Xol.

Crota is also somewhat of a failure as he accidently lets the Vex into Oryx's throne


This is the first introduction of the Vex in the history of Destiny, one of the four

major enemy races.

The Vex are a liquid race, represented by the white goo in the robotic bodies and all

connected with each other.

They do not represent the light or the dark and in fact, only want a future where the

Vex exist.

The Vex want to control reality and the future.

After being banished, Crota battled through history to become a legendary demon.

The deathsingers created powerful weapons, like the Oversoul, which further enhanced

death resilience in the throne world and the weapon upon the dreadnaught that is seen destroying

the Awoken.

On the topic of the Dreadnaught, the Dreadnaught was created because Oryx wanted to protect

his throne world more.

The Dreadnaught is described as a physical manifestation of Oryx's throne world, Oryx

pushed his throne world into the material space to craft the Dreadnaught.

The dreadnaught is described as being within the throne world, while simultaneously the

throne world being the dreadnaught.

Yeah… it is confusing.

The easiest way to the think about it, is Oryx's throne world is now mobile in the

form of a ship.

Lastly, it is important to note that Oryx encountered the Traveler, the sentient giant

orb that represents the Light.

The Traveler operates under a different philosophy, and that is to build the perfect universe

through creation, rather than creating the perfect universe by eliminating weakness.

The philosophy of the Traveler repulses Oryx and those who follow the sword logic; and

so naturally Orxy wants to consume the Traveler and the Light, feeding his worm.

In addition, the Traveler did try to kill Oryx on the planet the fundament to prevent

him making the bargain with the worms.

We are made to question the intentions of the Traveler, because technically the Travel

made a tidal wave on the Planet the fundament that would kill trillions of beings, but the

Traveler only did this to prevent any species from making a symbiotic pact with the worms

and releasing them from the Planet.

The Books of Sorrow ends with Oryx's sisters, Savathun and xivu arath leaving oryx and taking

their throne worlds elsewhere, they have yet to reappeared in destiny 2, however many heralds

of Savathun have appeared.

The final page reveals Oryx's plan with writing the books of sorrows, his hope is

that anyone who reads the book will understand his journey, understand the bargain that he

made and his conquest to perfect the universe, and hopefully continue his work, therefore

allowing him to live forever.

This is where the Weapon of Touch of Malice comes into play.

As Guardians, we collect the Books of Sorrows as calcified fragments, and we learn Oryx's

story, in the Taken King DLC we enter Oryx's dreadnaught and throne world, kill his lieutenants

and Oryx, and using materials from the dead, craft the Touch of Malice.

You could argue, that as guardians wielding the touch of malice, we continue to kill,

we continue the sword logic and we in fact continue the work of the Oryx and the Darkness.

Moving along to the next topic.

Oryx never managed to catch the Traveler, and the Traveler continued to partner with

and assist other civilisations to build and grow.

One of the species that the Traveler assisted was the Eliksni, or you may know them as the


The Fallen had their own Golden Age; a time of technological advancement and growth.

The Traveler was so revered in their culture, spheres were worshipped and servitors were

considered as mini-gods, not only because of their shape but also because servitors

produce the life source of the Fallen, ether.

When you defeat the Fallen you can see the Ether escape their body.

Despite their now scavenger appearance, the Fallen were once considered a traditional

and noble race and consisted of many different Houses; a house being a group of Fallen who

serve the same Kell, and worship a Prime Servitor.

A Kell being the leader of the House.

Fallen have four arms, which can re-grow, however the Fallen leadership remove the arms

of Fallen who fail in combat and restrict growing their arms back.

Therefore, the most powerful Fallen will have four arms.

Fallen with mechanically arms is clear indication that they reject the Fallen hierarchy system

and refuse to serve a Kell, Variks and Taniks are examples of this.

The downfall of the Fallen came from a catastrophic event known as the Whirlwind, which destroyed

their golden age, the Fallen Houses fell to in-fighting and their civilisation crumbled.

Some say that the Traveler abandoned the Fallen in their time of need, however, no one really

knows what happened during the Whirlwind.

Following the Whirlwind, the Fallen would be reduced to pirate scavengers tracking the

Traveler and trying to reclaim their technology and culture.

After leaving the Fallen, the Traveler would eventually settle in our system.

Its flight path was detected and humanity put together a team to make contact.

The team was lead by Commander Jacob Hardy who plans to intercept the Traveler on Mars.

Jacob Hardy and his team successfully make contact with the Traveler, and first hand

witness the Travelers ability to terraform and change a planet.

On a side note, it was Jacob hardy's team, specifically Mihaylova, that developed the

AI system that would later form the foundation for Rasputin.

Rasputin is a warmind, an intelligent planetary defence system capable of using satellite


Successful contact with the Traveler on Mars marked the beginning of the Golden age, humans

were gifted with new technologies and advancements.

We knew more, we fly further and lived longer.

Within the Golden Age, humanity became an interplanetary species, with bases on Venus

and Mars.

On Venus research institutes were established such as the Ishtar Collective and scientists

discover Vex ruins on the planet.

The Vex were introduced in the Books of Sorrows, however this is the first introduction of

the Vex to humanity.

The Vex are organisms within the white goo of robotic frames, with every vex connected

to the Vex network with the goal of creating a future in which only Vex exist.

Some researchers from Ishtar collective capture a Vex specimen on Venus and begin experimenting.

They look into the Vex mind and see a perfect simulation of themselves, the Vex researchers.

The implication of this, is that the researchers become concerned that if the Vex can perfectly

simulate them, how do they know that they are not already in a simulation.

The researchers aim to prove their existence by contacting the Warmind Rasputin.

Rasputin's programming foundation was created by Mihaylova from the Ares One team that made

contact with the Traveler, and was later modified by Ana Bray from the Clovis Bray corporation.

Clovis Bray was both a man and name of his technology juggernaut.

The researchers believed that Rasputin was so complex that even the Vex could not simulate

it, and therefore, contacting Rasputin would prove their reality.

They did contact Rasputin, and the Vex researchers then used Rasputin to help program virtual

copies of themselves, virtual copies that they sent as explorers into the Vex network.

Rasputin was not the only technology created by Clovis Bray.

Within the Clovis Bray laboratories, the researchers created the Exos, SIVA and engrams.

Exos are human minds transferred into a robotic bodies.

There is much controversy surrounding Clovis Bray practices, with some reporting experimentation

being conducted off world in order to avoid ethical guidelines as their experiments would

never be approved on Earth.

The process of Cayde being converted into an Exo is also shrouded in ethically concern.

Cayde agreed to become an Exo in order to clear his debt and so you have to question

whether Clovis Bray prey upon vulnerable citizens when conducting experiments.

The creation of SIVA is also questionable.

One again the patients comment on their coercion into the program and one of the lead researchers

discover that the company had mortality rates of 50-60% for injectable technology.

SIVA was an injectable technology with wide applications.

It is nanotechnology.

Its initial development focused on creating the perfect colonist, modifying humans to

make them more durable during space travel, strengthen their immune system, reinforcing

their skeletons and musculature and accelerating synapse functioning.

However, SIVA could also be used to build entire cities, the mites could be programmed

to build and therefore were also responsible for the technology advancements during the

Golden Age.

However, others also planned for SIVA to be a weapon.

Rasputin would later claim control over SIVA and its programming.

Engrams were a way to encrypt and protect golden age technology.

While humanity continued to grow and prosper during the Golden Age, they were unaware of

threat the Traveler brought with it; the Fallen wanting to reclaim the traveller, the Hive

wanted to consume the Traveler, and the Darkness wanted to win the cosmic war against the Light.

We don't really know what occurred during the Collapse, what exactly happened, and the

closest we get is a memory from Cayde in his journal which describes this oppressive cosmic

force, presumably the Darkness.

With the arrival of the Darkness in our system, the Warmind, Rasputin detected this threat

approaching and took control over all defensive assets developed during the golden age.

By Rasputin's calculations there was very little chance of surviving the threat and

Rasputin predicted that the best chance of humanity surviving would be to cripple the


Rasputin believed that crippling the Traveler would force the traveller to produce some

sort of defence mechanism to protect humanity.

Rasputin predicted that if he did not disable the Traveler, the Traveler would flee.

Most lore tabs indicate that Rasputin did shoot the traveller, however this is not confirmed,

whether the darkness crippled the Traveler or Rasputin did, the result was the same,

the Traveler was crippled and fell silent over Earth, but in its dying breath, it fulfilled

Rasputin's prediction and produced a defensive mechanism, the Ghost.

Ghosts would go on to revive the dead to produce Guardians, the first of their kind.

Never in the Traveler's history had a Guardian been produced and some may argue that the

Traveler had fled all previous encounters with the Darkness and therefore never had

reason to produce Ghosts and Guardians.

Ghosts scan the dead and can somehow determine their compatibility with the new guardian.

Once the ghosts choose their match, they revive the dead for the first time and they are born

again a Guardian.

However, they have no recollection of their previous lives.

The Ghosts allow guardians to wield the light within three elements, solar, arc and void.

Technically, Guardians could wield the light as a weapon in any way they seem fit, however

over time classes developed based on the Guardians personality; Hunters, Titans and Warlocks.

Within each class, subclasses developed such as Hunter nightstalkers, Titan strikers and

warlock dawnblade.

The subclasses are passed down like martial art knowledge and new Guardians hone their

skills with each technique.

During the Collapse, many humans tried to escape earth in colony ships, and while many

perished during the escape, some were transformed in space.

Somehow, humans aboard colony ships were turned into the Awoken, in what has only be described

as being caught between the light and darkness, and in that space, the Awoken were born.

The original Awoken are not human, not exo and not guardian, yet extremely powerful.

The Awoken Queen Mara Sov describes her mother as starlight and father as the dark, once

again reinforcing their creation between light and dark.

The Awoken took shelter amongst the Reef and called it home.

Reef born awoken consider their heritage very important and any awoken who lives the Reef

for the last city is looked down upon.

Following the collapse, the dormant Vex suddenly reactivated on Mercury, venus and mars.

While, the Ghosts seem to take careful consideration before resurrecting the dead and creating

Guardians, not all Guardians were good.

In the early times following the collapse, some Guardians became warlords, terrorising

the surrounding citizens.

Some Guardians rose up against the Warlords and formed the Iron Lords, Guardians dedicated

to protecting humanity.

Lord Saladin was a part of this group.

Survivors from the collapse begin to gather around the crippled Traveler on Earth and

this forms the Last City and marks the beginning of the city age.

City defences are built, specifically the construction of the City Wall by the Titans.

As expected, gathering many people around a central point below the traveller resulted

in political struggles and violent conflicts; known as the Faction Wars.

Eventually peace was established and government formed, called the Consensus, which consists

of the Speaker, the Vanugard and a representative from each Faction.

The Speaker claims to speak for the Traveler during its silence, however during his capture

during the Red War, the Speaker admits to never hearing the Travel.

Until this day, it still remains uncertain if the Speaker truly represented the Traveler,

or simply took advantage of the lack of leadership.

The vanguard currently includes (and soon to change with Forsaken); Ikora Rey for the

Warlocks, Cayde-6 for the Hunters and Zavala for the Titans.

Zavala also acts as the Vanguard commander.

In regards, to Cayde-6, andral brask was the previous vanguard hunter, Cayde replaced him

following Andrals death.

The Vanguard mentor new Guardians, teach them how to wield the Light and coordinate missions

in order to protect the City.

Meanwhile, the Hive begin to build an army on the moon to form an invasion of Earth.

A plan to destroy and consume the Traveler.

Likewise, the Fallen are eager to claim the Traveler and the Battle of Six fronts occur.

The Fallen attack the last city and resting place of the traveller from Six different

fronts, four orders of titans successfully repel the attack.

Following Six Fronts, Osiris is appointed the Vanguard commander, under recommendation

from Saint-14, the Speakers son.

The Iron Lords look to rebuild civilisation with their discovery of SIVA in an old Clovis

Bray facility.

While initially believing SIVA could be used to rebuild civilisation, SIVA was found to

be under control of Rasputin, who uses SIVA to kill nearly all of the Iron Lords, Lord

Saladin and Lord Efrideet were the only Iron Lords to remain.

It is believed that Efrideet had already left the Iron lords and was not actually at the

battle to claim SIVA.

Why Rasputin refused the Iron lords access to SIVA is unknown, maybe Rasputin was no

longer on our side, maybe Rasputin predicted that the Iron lords could not control SIVA,

and it would do more harm to humanity than good.

Sometime following the Iron Lords, three guardians enter the Vault of Glass.

In the Vault the powers of the Vex are magnified and it is described as almost a research chamber

for the Vex.

For example, in the vault of glass the Vex can erase you from history, however outside

of the Vault they are yet to achieve that.

Of the three members, Kabr sacrifices himself, combining his light with the Vex to create

a weapon known as the aegis.

The Aegis is used to destroy the templar during the Vault of Glass Raid.

Praedyth is trapped by the Vex and lost to time, however is able to communicate with

guardians by making a transmitting device.

Pahanin escapes however suffers madness or nightmares, and would be later killed by Dredgen

yor, a guardian who has embraced the darkness.

While, in his Vanguard Commander role, Osiris became obsessed with the Vex and learning

about the Darkness.

His prophecies are considered dangerous by the Speaker, as the Speaker believes it will

disrupt unity within the City.

Osiris left the tower and his post as Vanguard commander.

The City would then coordinate its next major defense against the Fallen at the Battle of

Twilight Gap.

This time the House of devils attacked the City.

Lord Saladin lead the City defences.

Zavala and Shaxx are at this stage, Lord Saladins students.

Shaxx leads a counter-offensive against orders and the City is able to repel the Fallen.

Following this Saint-14 embarks on a crusade to pursue Osiris, however Saint-14 would later

be found dead, killed by the Vex, however he was so powerful that the Vex honoured him

in a burial chamber.

During the battle of Twilight gap, the House of wolves looked to join they fray, however,

Mara Sov queen of the reef engaged the Wolves, despite her dislike for the City, Mara Sov

likely believed that if the Last City fell, the Reef could also be in danger.

The battles between Mara Sov and the House of Wolves would be known as the Reef wars.

Virixas was the original House of Wolves Kell, over the course of the Reef Wars he was replaced

with Skolas.

Towards the end of the Reef Wars, Variks would betray Skolas, providing vital information

leading to Skolas's capture.

Rezyl Azzir a previous hero to the City goes to the Moon in search of the Hive.

He encounters a wizard in the hellmouth, that begins his corruption and eventually transformation

into Dredgen Yor, wielding the infamous hand canon Thorn, a weapon that can kill guardians

by draining their light.

Dredgen Yor would go on to kill Jaren Ward, with Shin Malphur later inheriting Jaren words

hand cannon and ghost.

This is one of the only creation of Guardian that didn't require the individual to be

dead first.

Shin Malphur would later kill Dredgen Yor with the Last Word.

Following that, Guardians attempt to reclaim the moon from the Hive however fail.

The battle is called the great disaster.

The Hive forces were lead by the son of Oyrx, Crota, who impaled many Guardians with his

sword and resulted in the permanent death of guardians.

Retreating from the moon, and despite the Vanguard enforcing a no-go zone, Eriana-3

starts to build a fireteam aimed at enacting revenge on Crota and defeating the Hive.

Eriana-3 leads a fireteam of Guardians consisting of Eris Morn, Vell Tarlow, Omar Agah, Sai

Mota and Toland the Shattered.

Toland the shattered chases Hive knowledge, and wants to learn the deathsingers song in

the Hellmouth and he does in fact meet a deathsinger.

In his "death" he accesses the Hive overworld and claims to be our messenger to and from

the Hive overworld.

Eriana-3, Vell, Omar and Sai are all brutally murdered in the Hellmouth.

Eris morn survives in the Hellmouth, however at the cost of her ghost and light.

Even though Crota was successful at the battle for the Moon, Crota retreats to his throne

world, leaving the Hive to continue to build an army on the moon.

The Ahamkara, dragon-like creatures that turned up when the Traveler arrived, were ordered

to be hunted to extinguish, however there are clues that at least one still remains.

The wish-dragons were seen as too dangerous by the vanguard, assumingly because of the

power they have.

Ahamkara remnants remain in armour sets and the bones of ahamkara continue to have influence

over their wearers.

Now, that is just a brief history of what occurred before the Player entered Destiny,

now lets move onto your history as Guardian in the game.

You are revived in the Cosmodrome as a freshly born Guardian.

The Fallen are digging through the Cosmodrome, while we don't know exactly what for, the

Vanugard suspects it is Rasputin.

Alternatively, the Fallen may have been looking for SIVA, because we know that in the future

the Fallen use SIVA to enhance themselves.

Regardless, we seek out Rasputin hoping to create a powerful ally.

We access Rasputin and re-open the array giving Rasputin access to the entire network, however

it is still not clear whether Rasputin is friend or foe.

Despite the restrictions placed on the moon due to the Hive infestation, you are sent

to the moon to investigate a Guardian that went dark in the Hive fortress.

After destroying a number of prominent Hive, you discover Siphon Witches that have captured

a shard of the traveller, and through ritual they have been draining the Travelers light.

While Light returns to the Traveler, you encounter the exo stranger.

The Exo Stranger claims there is a threat much greater than the Hive, and encourages

you to find the Black Garden and destroy its heart.

We don't really know what the blackgarden is, or what is at its heart.

Howevrt, my theory is that the heart of the black garden is a form of the worms, the same

worms that Oryx introduced to the Hive in the Books of Sorrow, the same worms that granted

power and immortality.

One theory is that the Vex worship the worms at the black heart in order to understand

how to harness the power without forming a symbiotic bond and without introducing the

worm larvae to their fluid.

Of course, we don't know where the black garden is and have to pay a visit to the Awoken

in the reef, which provides our first encounter with Prince Uldren.

The queen knows the location of many secret things, including the black garden and the

location of the Nine.

If you are wondering who the Nine are, and their purpose, there is very little information

on this topic and it is still highly debated and discussed.

After collecting a Vex gate lord's eye, the Queen exchanges the coordinates for the

Black Garden.

You go through the Black Garden on Mars, and destroy the three bosses, the sol progeny,

which are Vex from the past, present and future.

The exo stranger thanks the guardian for the work and leaves the guardian a weapon, the

strangers rifle.

You join a raid team of Guardians enter the vault of glass and destroy the Vex, including


Destroying the Vex in the Black Garden and the Vault of Glass is thought to have stopped

the Vex from creating their own version of reality, and the City can breath easy for

the moment.

Moving onto the first DLC, The Dark Below.

Eris morn appears in the tower, remembering that she has been trapped in Hellmouth with

the Hive since trying to stop Crota with Eriana-3's fireteam.

She has lost her light in Hellmouth.

She returns to the Tower with mix reception and informs you of Crota's resummoning to

the moon and invasion of earth.

We stop the Hive ritual to resurrect Crota back to the moon.

Once again, we not quite sure why he left in the first place, considering the decisive

victory at the Great Disaster.

After stopping the summoning ritual, you join a team of guardians to enter Crota's End

raid and destroy Crota in his throne world, so that he may never be summoned again.

Eris Morn had acquired the knowledge about throne worlds, told to her by Toland.

House of Wolves Moving onto the second DLC, House of Wolves.

Following the Reef Wars, the Queen of the Reef claimed leadership over the House of

Wolves, with many of the House of Wolves leadership locked in the Prison of Elders.

The House of Wolves expansion follows Skolas's attempt to reclaim the House of Wolves.

The Queen actually captured Skolas at the End of the reef wards, but sent Skolas as

a gift and apology to the Nine.

The Queen sent him as an apology for Prince Uldren's spies poking around the Nine's


When Skolas arrive at the Nine, the Nine set him free and this marks the beginning of Skolas

looking to reclaim the House of Wolves.

Skolas tries to unite all of the Fallen houses under one banner, claiming to be the Kell

of Kells, however he was unsuccessful following attempts to get a hold of Vex technology to

modified his forces and also using Vex technology to pull the house of wolves through time.

Skolas is eventually re-captured and thrown back in the prison of elders.

Guardians would go on to kill Skolas within the Prison.

Moving onto the third DLC, The Taken King.

Eris morn and Osiris warn Queen of the reef mara sov about the arrival of Oryx, Crota's


The opening scenes of Taken King begin with the battle for Saturn, with the Awoken Fleet

taking Oryx's dreadnaught head on.

Queen of the Reef Mara Sov summons the living weapon, the harbingers, which appear ineffective

against the Dreadnaught.

Oryx responds with a weapon of his own created by his daughters, the death singers.

The entire Awoken fleet is destroyed, the Queen, her paladins and her techuens aboard

her ship are thought killed in action and Prince Uldren crash lands on Mars.

While on Mars, Prince Uldrens finds the Kell of Kings, one of the few remaining Fallen

houses and it is thought that Prince Uldren claims leadership over House of kings.

You also encounter a new threat on Mars, the Taken.

Oryx opens an aperture, takes his enemies, and they return as loyal servants.

After acquiring a stealth drive, guardians board the Dreadnaught, and disable the superweapon,

establishing a transmat zone for reinforcements.

We fight our way to a portal only to discover that we need to become ascendant to enter

a rapture to face Oryx.

We go back to the moon and obtain a shard from Crota's crystal and the guardian looks

to obtain more stealth technology from Rasputin to infiltrate Crota's funeral.

We use Crotas crystal and the stealth tech to enter the funeral and absorb Crota's


Using the crystal full of Crotas soul, guardians appear to be ascendant and can pass through

the portal.

We confront Oryx and destroy his physical form, only to see Oryx retreat to his Throne


This is somewhat confusing due to the nature of the dreadnaught, as the dreadnaught can

be considered his throne world in itself.

Regardless, following defeating Oryx in the physical realm, Eris morn collects a shard

from his sword, Willbreaker, the shard will later be used to make one of three exotic


You enter the raid through a portal to Oryx's throne world to ensure his true death.

You progress through the raid killing the warpriest, golgoroth, deathsingers, and finally

Oryx himself.

You collect the items, Blade of Famine, Shroud of Ir Anuk and the Ravenous Heart from the

Warpriest, deathsingers and Oryx respectively in order to create the Touch of Malice.

The touch of malice is the plan that Oryx mentioned in the books of sorrow, this was

Oryx's plan, that in the event of his death someone would make a weapon like touch of

malice that would continue to kill and create the perfect universe, and of course, guardians

make the weapon.

Moving onto the Rise of Iron DLC.

Rise of Iron begins with a strange infection spreading amongst Guardians known as Tech


The vanguard request the help from a group of civilians known as Owl Sector.

Owl sector discover that the tech mites originated from a Clovis Bray laboratory, and realise

that the Tech mites are an early version of SIVA, a nano technology.

They discover experiment notes from Clovis Bray with the development of the SIVA mites,

with some of the experiments resulted in death and serious side effects.

They discover Clovis Bray's notes leading to solution for the crisis, however guardians

are not cured but rather the SIVA tech is surpressed, because the Clovis Bray experiments

never developed a cure, only a way to suppress the SIVA mites.

The Fallen house of Devils, had also been investigating SIVA digging into golden age

research labs around the system.

The Fallen Splicers are born, with Fallen merging themselves with the SIVA technology.

Guardians track down and destroy Sepiks Perfected, after reclaiming felwinters peak.

We also discover that the Fallen were experimenting with Hive.

WE destroy a captive Hive orge that had been infused with SIVA from a Fallen priest.

With the help of Shiro-4 they devise a plan to enter the SIVA replication complex, the

clovis bray origin centre of SIVA.

You destroy the SIVA replication chamber using a self-destruct mechanism.

On returning to the Iron Temper, Saladin gifts you a sword and pronounces you as the next

generation of Iron lord.

A team of guardians enter the Wrath of the Machine raid and destroy Aksis, inside the

Perfection complex, therefore eliminating the SIVA threat.

Moving onto Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 begins with the Red legion lead by Ghaul launching an invasion on Earth.

Ghaul plans to steal the Traveler's light as he believes his worthy of being chosen.

A device captures the Traveler and cuts the link of light between the Traveler and guardians.

The Speaker goes missing during attack.

It is revealed that Ghaul came into control of the Red Legion through a military take-over

and had exiled the previous Cabal emperor, Emperor Calus.

Emperor Calus claims that the Cabal empire has lost many of its virtues during Ghaul

reign, such as its multi-species composition and vast technologies.

Calus is keen to enact his revenge on Ghaul and rebuild the empire with the most power

species in the system.

In order to reclaim your light, you head to the EDZ to find a shard of the Traveler that

broke off during the collapse, after fighting their way to the shard, you reclaim your light.

Meanwhile, Zavala has gone to Titan to establish a counter-offense, however he was not aware

that Titan was overrun by the Hive.

After securing the command centre on Titan, guardians claim a golden age CPU to crack

a Cabal message revealing the Red Legion plan to use a super weapon known as the almighty.

You make contact with Cayde-6 on Nessus and Ikora Rey on IO, reuniting the Vanguard.

Asher Mir provides intel that blowing up the Almighty will also blow up the sun with it.

You have to board the almighty and destroy the link with the sun and then return to the

last remaining city to face Ghual.

Meanwhile, Ghaul has been successful in siphoning the travellers light and uses guardian like

abilities in fight.

Regardless, Ghaul is defeated, however upon death is resurrected as what seems to be light.

The traveller awakens in its greatest moment of need obliterating ghaul.

A shockwave of light is sent out across the system and a mysterious space fleet is re-activated.

Leviathan appears above Nessus and Emperor Calus retruns.

Emperor Calus wants us to join his forces.

The leviathan was the ship he was exiled upon, however, he also uses it as threat for new

species and ensure that they either die or join him.

Upon boarding the leviathan, we discover we have not met the real Calus, only a robot


Calus continues to promise us more power than the light could ever offer.

Moving onto Curse of Osiris.

Panoptes, a vex mind, is trying to create a future where there is no light or darkness,

just the Vex.

Osiris was investigating a simulation of the Vault of Glass, when the Vex reactivated,

Osiris attempts to send his ghost, Sagira for help, however Sagira is damaged in the


Guardians receive Sagira from Ikora Rey and visit Mercury to see if the Cult of Osiris

can assist in Sagira's revival.

Using information from Brother Vance, the guardian places sagira's shell in a device

that allows her to fuse her consciousness with our ghost.

Eventually, Panoptes is tracked down and destroyed by Guardians, with the assistance of Osiris.

Osiris returns to the infinite forest, essentially many vex simulations, and he remains there

to monitor the vex and prevent any future Vex plans.

The leviathan continues to swallow Nessus and injects the Planetary Core, Argos.

Guardians enter the raid lair to clear the Planetary Core and emperor callus is continually


Moving onto the Warmind expansion.

Ana bray is the adopted child of the Bray family, infamous for the founding of Clovis

Bray, the technology juggernaut responsible for Exos, the Warmind Rasputin, SIVA and engrams.

Ana Bra was a golden gun hunter who fought at Twilight Gap, and faked her death.

She was presumed dead until the Warmind expansion.

As a Guardian, Ana Bray has no recollection of her past and has returned to mars to discover

the history of Clovis Bray.

While on Mars, Ana Bray requests assistance from you the Guardian.

Falling Warsats are melting the ice and releasing the Hive, and the Worm god Xol, which had

been frozen on Mars since the Collapse.

There is a loose connection that the Traveler awakening and releasing a shock wave of light

is somewhat responsible for the events about to take place.

For some reason, Rasputin has triggered the Warsats to fall out of the sky.

The web lore suggests that the hive on the moon technically was not the first contact

with the Hive, and in fact there was Hive present on Mars.

During the Collapse, Ana Bray and Master Reinhart suspect that Rasputin froze certain areas

of mars to trap the Hive and the worm God Xol.

It is revealed that Rasputin's foundation was created by Mihaylova from the Ares One

Team, she designed the foundation of the AI system.

At some point, Clovis Bray acquired this and continued to develop the AI to what we see

now with Rasputin.

Specifically, Ana Bray was the one to develop Rasputin's consciousness and intuition.

Ana Bray considered Rasputin like a child and allowed him to absorb great works of philosophy,

military history, art and even comedies.

Following this Rasputin develops independence, begins to re-write its own code, he upgrades

weapons systems and warsats without prompting, however Ana Brays last words about Rasputin,

is that there is one thing she never taught Rasputin and that is Trust.

And she is unsure if she can trust Rasputin.

You fight your way to the Clovis Bray facility, where it is revealed that Rasputin was the

only warmind and previous communications with Rasputin was remotely controlled from Mars.

The Core of Rasputin's mind is trapped on Mars.

We fight our way to Rasputin's core, as the Hive also swarm the Core.

Rasputin provides assistance in the form of the Valkyrie, a spear like weapon, to help

eliminate the Hive.

Once again, we are not sure if Rasputin is friendly or just trying to preserve itself

by allowing us to defeat the Hive.

Ana Bray and Zavala have a conflict, Zavala criticise Ana Bray for not being present during

the Red War and chasing Rasputin.

Zavala does not think Rasputin will help humanity, calling him broken weapon.

You are now aware of Xol who is trying to destroy Rasputin on Mars.

You are sent to the EDZ to recover a shard from the Traveler, as the plan is to use the

Traveler shard to lure Xol.

Ana Bray believes Xol is impossible to defeat without Rasputin.

You try to find Xol's feeding ground to place the crystal and stumble upon Nokris.

Nokris is revealed to be a Necromancy, which is un-usual for the Hive, remembering that

the Hive worship the sword logic, which means if something is killed it deserves to be killed,

it is weak, yet Nokris, brings them back through necromancy.

Like I previously mentioned he was exiled and disowned by Oryx for this.

Upon defeating Nokris, you place the traveller fragment and the Xol appears.

Xol attacks Rasputin.

Ana suggests using the Valkyrie to kill Xol.

You super charge the Valkyrie and kill the worm god, Xol.

Rasputin talks directly to Zavala, Ana Bray and you.

Rasputin shuns the vanguard and says he will define his own reality, and that he will defend

humanity on his own terms and he has no equal.

Rasputin launches a new warsat network solely under his control.

Zavala is still concerned as ever, yet Ana implies she can keep working with Rasputin.

The Exo Stranger from Destiny 1 is thought to be Elsie Bray and is revealed in the lost

memory fragments.

Emperor Calus once again opens the Leviathan and enlists the assistance of Guardians to

destroy some unwelcome Cabal aboard his ship.

Upon defeating Val Caóur we once again win Calus's favour and he acknowledges the strength

of guardians and wishes that we would join his empire and train his troops.

The Taken appear on IO and strange portal opens that leads to the Weapon, Whisper of

the Worm.

The theory I would like to suggest, is that Whisper of the Worm, is a weapon created by

Xol, given to guardians, so that when we kill, the power from killing is transferred to Xol,

we are feeding Xol through the Whisper of the Worm.

By doing so, Xol is rejecting the sword logic, he is admitting that Guardians are stronger

and not challenging us, what he is doing is allowing us to be stronger but still feed


The Whisper of the Worm is similar to Touch of Malice, but a different version of the

sword logic.

AND that is a brief history of Destiny, from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 Warmind.

I hope you enjoyed this latest destiny 2 lore episode.

If you made it this far, well done, thank you.

If you would like to support the channel you can leave the word Forsaken.

As usual it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> Destiny's Lore and Timeline for Forsaken | Myelin Games - Duration: 46:39.


Отзыв о парении от Александра Антипина - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Отзыв о парении от Александра Антипина - Duration: 1:34.


Консервы для собак Brit Mono Protein | Обзор от - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Консервы для собак Brit Mono Protein | Обзор от - Duration: 1:06.


Lee Marlin Spike Loop - Another Secure Loop Knot? - Duration: 8:24.

the Lee Marlinspike loop

hello everybody welcome back and today's

little knot that I've learned and it is

a really new kid on the block this one

is the Lee Marlinspike loop and from

what I understand it was recently

created made discovered by a guy called

Alan Lee and I'll put a link in the

description down below where you can see

this actual not being tested on his test

rig and he tests I think he with this

one he tests it to destruction and so

yeah it's worth checking out

alan lee site because he does some

interesting things with knots in testing

them and that will be in the description

down below now the wonderful thing that

i like about this particular knot is

that it starts off with the Marlin spike

hitch and if you haven't seen my video

on the Marlin spike hitch that also I

would say is really worth watching

because the Marlin spike hitch itself

that particular hitch will turn into so

many different useful knot and once

again I'll put a link in the description

below with regards to this one so anyway

without further ado let's get on and tie

the Leigh Marlin spike loop okay so as

you can see I've got my cordage laid out

in front of me and what I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna show you how to tie this knot

the table top method and at the end of

the video I'm also going to attempt to

show you how to tie the Marlin spike

hitch using the Marlin spike the problem

is its it's not that easy to see on

camera doing it is something you've got

to practice and do yourself so yet for

those of you who know how to tie the

Marlin spike hitch using a Marlin spike

great you can do it that way but I'm

gonna first of all show you the table

top method of tying this and what I've

got here is the red end is we're going

to be my working end and it's going to

the left hand side and to the right hand

side is my standing it

okay it is slightly caught hungry this

one but the first thing that we do is we

need to create our Marlin spike hitch

and the way that I created the simple

method is just to roll my cordage so it

crosses over like so and then roll it

again in my fingers and allow it to

cross over at the top there and you can

see there now we've sort of almost got a

pretzel shape so let's just move that

into the middle now that we've got our

pretzel shape there the next thing I do

is just bring up so this is my standing

end going here to the right hand side

and I just bring up a small amount of

the standing end through that loop that

we have now created there the next thing

I do is there's my working end so this

is my working end going on to my red

cordage and what I do now is I pass the

working end underneath that loop that we

lifted up at that point there so I can

now draw that up a bit we don't need too

much slack in this and then just draw it

through and then once I've drawn it

through I take it around the back of

everything underneath everything and

then what I do is I'm coming up on the

inside of my working end here and then

just take it on the inside and then tuck

it through for a second time underneath

that loop so it's running parallel to

the original one there such a double so

easy it's tied and now that we've done

that pull it up dress it up so that we

have it nicely dressed up and you can

see here now we've created a nice loop

it looks complicated because of all the

crossing points here but from what I can

see so far on Alan Lee's testing of it

this is a very secure loop and the other

thing is this is where more testing will

come into play to me at this point here

it look once it's been under load it

looks to me that it could be fairly easy

to untie because we've got actually two

shoulders here that we can pry

apart and then get hold of our cordage

and pull it out but I've only swung off

it a little bit maybe if you're using

heavier loads it may Jam but if you know

or if you're playing with this one and I

know some of you do when you've watched

these videos you go and play with them

and then you leave me comments so please

do comment down below and tell me about

this particular not the lis Marlinspike

lute okay so let's let's just show you

another way of tying this and let's see

if I can actually do it on camera and

show you what we're looking for here

okay so when were you when would

actually take tying the Marlin spike

hitch what we do is we get our Marlin

spike to dive down under our cordage and

then up over our cordage again like so

and I'm doing this sort of in slow

motion we then take it over itself so

that we form a loop and then we take it

over that right-hand end if I can just

do that I'm trying to watch the screen

and do this at the same time and then

bring up and there we have it we now

have the Marlin spike hitch it looks a

lot better and a lot nicer when you do

it fairly fast but now you can see here

that I have got my Marlin spike hitch

tied here there's that loop so all we do

now is on what we're looking for here is

this let me get another pointer so what

we're looking for here is this that you

can see here this loop here is just

running off to our standing end but on

this right on this sorry left-hand side

here we've got this crossing over point

here and we've got a leak coming out

here and so what we're looking for now

is and you can see the lead naturally

has a tendency to go off in that

direction and what we're doing now is

we're going to bring the working end

over of that lead underneath where the

Marlin spike was and through like so and

now that I've done that you can see now

hear that

at this point a loop has been created

but what I want to do is just just

tighten it up a bit more get some of

this slack out of it and then what I'm

doing now is I'm going to take it

underneath everything come up parallel

to the original past there and then

bring it round back under that loop that

we created there with the Marlinspike at

the very beginning and then pass it

through there I should have maybe left a

little bit more there and you can see

now here that we've now tied ourselves

and dress that up pull it up nice and

tight and we now seem to have I say seam

because it's still under testing this

one but we now have the lead Marlinspike

loop and from what I can see yeah a

really secure loop so please all of you

but Duff don't kill yourselves doing it

all of you please go out and test it

give me some feedback down below because

any feedback that I get I will also pass

on to Alan Lee and don't forget have a

look at his site where you can see this

being tested for strength anyway once

again thanks very much for watching see

you again next time

and if you liked it hated it you know

the routine

see you next time bye bye


For more infomation >> Lee Marlin Spike Loop - Another Secure Loop Knot? - Duration: 8:24.


Les Brown - This Is What Fear Makes You Do (Motivaitonal Video) - Duration: 5:06.

LES BROWN: Smyly Blanton who is the colleague of

dr. norman vincent peale what he said

about theories that fear is the most

subtle and destructive of all human


ladies and gentlemen fear kills dreams

fear kills hope fear what people in the

hospital fear can age you fear ladies

and gentlemen can hold you back from

doing something that you know within

yourself that you're capable of doing

but it will paralyze you and it seem

like you're in a hypnotic spell and I

ask you a question what is the benefit

what's the benefit of allowing fear to

hold you back what's the benefit of

giving up on yourself of not stepping

out on life and taking life on what is

the benefit for you what's the plus in

that it's one of the things I had to ask

myself so I didn't want to make any

mistakes I wanted everybody to like me I

wanted to be perfect the first time I

did something it's not going to happen

you're gonna make some mistakes you're

gonna hurt some folks feelings you're

gonna create some enemies whenever you

decide that you want to begin to take

life on you've got to ask yourself how

long am I going to allow this to hold me


fear is false evidence appearing real

Venice the delusion that we created our

mind it is a state of mind that can be

changed look at your life right now

whatever you've done up to this point in

time your life is working whatever you

have produced it came out of you as a

result of the kind of person that you

have become as a result of your choices

as a result of your consciousness now

you have to ask yourself are you

satisfied with what you hit produce is

this what you want would you like the

things would be better than this do you

believe that you deserve better than

this are you content to do everything

anything else but you already resign

yourself in life somewhat I'm happy I'm

not starving like the people in Calcutta

are you allowing yourself to get off the

hook like that or do you believe

somewhere in the back of your mind or in

your heart but there's some other great

work for you to do there's something

else that light has for you

I believe that you have to begin to

consciously monitor yours inner

conversation and stop talking to

yourself start building yourself up

sometimes the only good things you will

hear about you are the things that you

say to you here's something else most

people are not living their dreams

because of fear ladies and gentlemen I

was in Columbus Ohio yesterday speaking

for a particular Ohio Department you

lady named Karen who greeted me who

organized the event very talented very

skillful and she was talking about she

wanted to become involved in the

consulting business as they want you

doing it I said you have the abilities I

said you're not here because they like

you you're here because you're doing the

job you're making things happen and she

came up with all kind of ideas but

finally she said I guess I I can't see

myself doing it I guess I'm afraid fear

limited vision and lack of self-esteem

is what keep most people doing things

they don't

want to do public blue from Columbus

Ohio to Denver Colorado to a major

communications company and the person

that picked up the airport told me about

the fact that the company is planning on

having a major downsizing and they

offered some of the employees there in

early retirement and some of them will

earn as much as $300,000 and they said

this is the last time that you can take

this offer if you don't do it when we

have the downsizing you might be among

those who will lose their jobs and all

you will get is your severance pay and

only 50% of the people who were eligible

to take the $300,000 took it the others

were afraid to take a chance on

themselves the others couldn't see

themselves beyond that company they

couldn't see life after that company the

same reason that people stay in

relationships where they're abused are

they're unhappy where it's fun

fulfilling they can't see themselves be

that relationship they can't see

themselves enjoying life without that

person they think that this is harder

they can do the same reason that people

get stuck at a certain level in life

they can't see things being better for

them and they fake the business in and

this is all they deserve this is law

they've ever seen

they've been passed on to them and they

think that this is it for them Oh No


For more infomation >> Les Brown - This Is What Fear Makes You Do (Motivaitonal Video) - Duration: 5:06.


Spark Cash Card - Good Start Packaging | Capital One - Duration: 0:32.

I'm Ken Jacobus, I'm the owner of Good Start Packaging.

We distribute environmentally-friendly

packaging for restaurants.

And we've grown substantially.

So I switched to the Spark Cash Card from Capital One.

I earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything I buy.

And last year, I earned $36,000 in cash back.

That's right, $36,000.

Which I used to offer health insurance to my employees.

My unlimited 2% cash back is more than just a perk,

it's our healthcare.

Can I say it?

What's in your wallet?

For more infomation >> Spark Cash Card - Good Start Packaging | Capital One - Duration: 0:32.


שיטת Rake and Shake | מתולתלות - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> שיטת Rake and Shake | מתולתלות - Duration: 3:02.


【ぽに子】可愛いロボがよじよじ登る!Grow Home初見配信!#1 - Duration: 1:07:19.

For more infomation >> 【ぽに子】可愛いロボがよじよじ登る!Grow Home初見配信!#1 - Duration: 1:07:19.


3D Model of Mouse Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Mouse Review - Duration: 0:16.


Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Ed 2 [ภาษาไทย] 『ลาก่อน เมืองพระจันทร์』 Ft.Aitsu_ - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Ed 2 [ภาษาไทย] 『ลาก่อน เมืองพระจันทร์』 Ft.Aitsu_ - Duration: 1:56.


Is this [GRWM] or not? 😂 Raina's Instagram Make Up Tutorial!!!📷 - Duration: 14:57.

For more infomation >> Is this [GRWM] or not? 😂 Raina's Instagram Make Up Tutorial!!!📷 - Duration: 14:57.


Imaginação: O poder escondido para alcançar seus objetivos • Camaçari TV • Diego Trambaioli - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> Imaginação: O poder escondido para alcançar seus objetivos • Camaçari TV • Diego Trambaioli - Duration: 15:25.


Kids Rhymes For Fruits Part 1 تعلم الفواكه بالانجليزية للاطفال - Duration: 1:35.

Kids Rhymes For Fruits Part 1 تعلم الفواكه بالانجليزية للاطفال

For more infomation >> Kids Rhymes For Fruits Part 1 تعلم الفواكه بالانجليزية للاطفال - Duration: 1:35.


3D Model of speaker Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of speaker Review - Duration: 0:16.


Zach Anner Tries the Xbox Adaptive Controller - Duration: 5:47.

>> Hi. I'm Zach Anner and we're here at

the Microsoft Lounge to check

out their new Adaptive Controller.

This controller allows any variety of

gamers with any ability to

play the way that they want to play.

These two big buttons,

they can be programmed as anything on the controller.

Right now, they're at A and B.

My first thought was,

"Man, I would have loved having this as a kid."

I won, I won both games.

I'm amazing. My second thought was,

"I want to beat Josh Flanagan playing video games."

Josh and I met in college and

we immediately became best friends.

He carried me up the mountains,

he's the Thelma to my Louise.

That analogy doesn't work at all.

>> I've got a pretty solid 34 years

of gaming under my belt.

I'm really interested today to see how

far Zach's less than one day of gaming stacks up to that.

>> If I can just get to that level immediately,

then I'll be satisfied.

Harch, a loser approaches.


>> Yeah.

>> You ready to be beaten?

>> I'm ready.

>> You're looking pathetic today.

>> Thank you.You're going to regret this.

>> If I can't win after training for 15 minutes,

then what am I doing?

You know who else had 15 minutes of training?

Neil Armstrong, and he drove to the moon.

>> Ready?

>> Yeah. Okay. So, you're beating me a little,

but I'm just getting warmed up.

>> This is more even than I thought it would be.

>> I was immediately taken aback by how good I was.

>> I was actually pretty impressed.

He was giving some punches there,

but he was still awful.

>> No, stop it.

Wait, you didn't win, did you?

>> Yeah, I did.

>> That went by so fast.

>> He got a few jabs in,

but at the end of the day, Zach, he's new to this,

he's a baby, and

what's the first thing you do to a baby? You spank it.

>> I can't spin that.

That sucks. I hope you get diarrhea and it never stops.

>> It's too late.

>> You can lead a gamer to an Adaptive Controller.

>> But you can't.

>> Make him.

>> Win.

>> Good.

>> Put that on the box.

Most people would be glad to get 15 minutes of fame,

much less 15 minutes of practice,

and Zach has squandered both.

>> I know what I have to do.

I'm going to go to the kitchen and get a snack.

I was losing so I needed to

take things to the next level with

a little anti-adaptive technology,

otherwise known as sabotaging.

Okay. Well, I think I'm ready to play again.

I can't believe I'm still losing.

We have a standard sabotage package for Josh.

Hit him with the darts.

Hanging him upside down,

shot him with darts.

>> What's inside the mind of someone like that?

>> Bubbles.

>> How is he winning with bubbles in his face?

>> I know.

>> Can I get some bubbles? This is nice.

If I don't beat him,

I'm going to have to train for another 15 minutes,

and I do not want to do that.

All right, Jillian shock him.


It's working, it's working.

The Adaptive Controller is working.

The Xbox Adaptive Controller works.

Thank you, Xbox.

See, this is what gaming is when you

make it adaptive so that everyone to can play.

>> Thirty four years of work down the drain.

>> Thank you so much Xbox for

designing all this and making all this possible.

I speak for myself and Josh when I say,

it's great that we can finally play

video games together. It's so much fun.

>> It's just, he's a stand up cheater guy,

and I think he's going to go really far.

>> I did it. I beat Josh, fair and square.

That's a microphone. Wait a minute,

am I being filmed?

For more infomation >> Zach Anner Tries the Xbox Adaptive Controller - Duration: 5:47.


Chơi Game Đúng Hôm Thần Game Đi Vắng | Mixigaming Stream Moment - Duration: 29:35.

For more infomation >> Chơi Game Đúng Hôm Thần Game Đi Vắng | Mixigaming Stream Moment - Duration: 29:35.


3D Model of Mouse Pad Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Mouse Pad Review - Duration: 0:16.


Amazing Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #130 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:23.

Hope you enjoy it

Thanks you for watching

For more infomation >> Amazing Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #130 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:23.


McDonald's New Corn Pie Review Mukbang - Duration: 6:39.

no talking, only eating sound begins at 3 : 10

Today, Im going to eat the new pies at McDonald's. It was sold only in Thailand, but it was released in Korea a few days ago.

no talking, only eating sound begins at 3 : 10

For more infomation >> McDonald's New Corn Pie Review Mukbang - Duration: 6:39.


The Shield Destroyed by Raw Roster RAW 09/03/18 REACTION - Duration: 14:05.

This will be very interesting.


This was supposed to be Heel Trun.

I mean The Shield.

I wouldnt mind.

Everybody cheering him.

That's what everyone says.

What was that?

Yeah, vacuum cleaner.

Like the old times.

What is he doing here??

Why not?!

Why am I commenting this?

But it's very nice that Reene Young got the job as commentator on Raw.

Seth slipped really nice.

Are they arrested?


That´s not funny anymore.

So Faces vs Heels?


It lookes like they stole the police car.

So what´s gonna be? Some fight?

I'm here just waiting for fight. Nothing else.

What is Kevin Owens doing here?

Only Heels.

What is he doing here?

That guy from 205 live.

Right to the head.

Where is GM of Raw right now? I mean Deputy Manager. Temporary Manager.

That´s crazy.


Very beautiful ending of Raw.


So that would be all as it seems.

So watch me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

And If you like this video hit the like button, Subscribe and share.

That´s all folks and I'll see you next time. Bye.

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