Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

- [Narrator] Imagine a life

far from judgment, far from cruelty.

Far from the darkness of the past.

Tabula Rasa.

It isn't just a fresh start, it's a new world.

Siren will take you there.

For more infomation >> What life on a new planet could look like - Origin - Duration: 0:35.


5 RAPPEURS QUI VONT PERCER EN 2019 (Zikxo, 100 Blaze, Luv Resval ...) - Duration: 5:40.

Hi its NGZ

For more infomation >> 5 RAPPEURS QUI VONT PERCER EN 2019 (Zikxo, 100 Blaze, Luv Resval ...) - Duration: 5:40.


MEUS AMIGOS QUANDO EU TÔ NAMORANDO 😅 Tipos de amigos e minhas amigas quando estou namorando - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> MEUS AMIGOS QUANDO EU TÔ NAMORANDO 😅 Tipos de amigos e minhas amigas quando estou namorando - Duration: 3:51.


How To Make Money Online in 2018 💸 (FREE STEP BY STEP COURSE!) - Duration: 18:46.

What is up ninjas! Today we're going to talk about the secret to the success

Behind Walmart and all big department stores which is buy low sell high you're

Not going to want to miss this one guys stay tuned

Oh what is up everyone welcome to the channel for another exciting video um

Today we're gonna talk about the secret to all successful department stores

Around the world whether it's Walmart or any other big store right buy low sell

High because what what people don't realize is you know what walmart sells

Something for is not what they pay for it right or else they wouldn't have any

Profit every step of the product lifecycle everyone is taking their cut

Right the manufacturer sells it for $1 the wholesale the wholesaler sells it

For $2 and then you know the retailer or like the Walmart stores we actually buy

Things sells it for $5 and every step along the way people are taking their

Cut and we're gonna teach you how to skip all of that buy directly from the

Manufacturer and then sell it for the biggest profit margins but before we do

Guys I wanted to give a huge congratulations to our winners here here

here and here of our daily giveaway we're giving away $100 of cash a bunch

of fun prizes tons of different courses and things a you know of that nature

and if you guys want to enter to win hundreds of dollars straight to your

PayPal thousands of dollars worth of courses and a whole bunch more all you

have to do is two simple things tap that little subscribe button right there turn

on the little notification bells and then comment on this video how to make

money online and if you do those two things you're gonna be automatically

entered to win and you could be our next big winner so before we get started guys

this is a - comma Club right here it represents one million dollars from a

single website this is the first one I ever got from my Amazon course this was

from 2017 but it's kind of cool because we actually got a second one if you see

right here it would just arrived just a couple of days ago so now we have two

two comma clubs and the only reason I'm showing you guys is because I know what

I'm doing and I know how to actually make money online and so if you pay

attention during this video and watch it all the way till the end you are gonna

know how to make money online as well so let's get started the first thing we're

gonna talk about is all the Express and we're not gonna talk about the same

things that everyone talks about for all the Express we like to do things a

little bit differently so what we like to do and the first thing that we're

gonna show you is if you actually search kind of generic words like wallet for

example right if you're nonspecific what you can do is actually sort by orders

here I mean then you're able to see you know cuz there's a million different

types of wallets and it's hard to tell which one's the bestseller which ones

not the bestseller but if you type a generic word instead of saying like you

know Gucci wallet or some type of brand and just do a generic

right you can actually see of all of the different products on all the express

which is millions which one is actually selling the best overall right so that's

just one way that I like to use all the Express another cool way that not a lot

of people talk about that we've used kind of to be successful in the past is

actually doing as seen on TV right so what as-seen-on-tv means is basically

products that have a ton of marketing budget behind them that they're actually

budgeting and showing you know on television shows and on QVC and on all

the things like that and so if we type in as seen on TV here and click enter we

can actually see a bunch of different products here and then again sort by

orders because orders is kind of the truest representation of a product being

potentially successful and so we see here that people have pipeline bathtub

decontamination drain kitchen right a useful wonder upper body arm workout

machine lots of things that you'd really just never really think about to be

honest and this this stuff works for a lot of things so like you can type

wallet you could also type like phone case and there's a million different

types of phone case silicon you know glass plastic you know kind of like

rugged for people who are hard on their phones but we don't care about any of

that we're not gonna type iPhone 7 we're not gonna type iPhone 6 we're not gonna

type any descriptors we're literally just gonna type phone case generically

and then sorts and then sort by orders and how we see this one has forty two

thousand three hundred and twenty seven orders ridiculous right ninety seven

cents per piece which is crazily cheap even if you're selling it for nine

ninety five right you know so ninety seven ninety seven cents a piece and

let's do some little calculations here so ninety seven cents per piece plus a

dollar 95 shipping all right so we're gonna do one ninety five plus ninety

seven and remember these prices get lower the more you order so it's

actually going to be larger than this but we're gonna do a worst case scenario

so if you sell it for - uh if you if your total cost to buy it is two dollars

and ninety two cents and you sell it for $9.99 right which is very very

reasonable two dollars and ninety two cents here then your profit margin is

seven dollars per unit right and so if we're trying to make two hundred dollars

a day right and you have a product and you have a profit of seven dollars

around right we're gonna do two hundred divided by seven which means that we

need to only sell 30 of the today right and that's very very

possible with Facebook as you can reach millions of people and everyone pretty

much in the world especially in the USA needs a phone case right and the more

and more products that we start to add to our stores and the more and more

parts that we actually start to sell right that 30 number actually drops a

lot kind of a lot lower and it becomes a lot less significant to reach and so

it's very very easy to get to this point the hardest part is just starting right

99% of the people who watch this video are gonna take zero action on this right

the 1% of people who are like you hopefully that are gonna watch this

entire video and then afterward you know join one of my free training says we are

gonna give away a really fun free training that's gonna be very very

exciting for you guys that we've never really announced publicly somewhere in

this little video but it's only gonna be for the first few hundred people who

actually do a few things so I like to reward you guys that are actually like

supporting me and not just watching one second of my videos and things like that

so we're gonna be announcing that later on

so that's it guys right in less than 30 total products make 200 dollars a day

very very you know possible to do there so another thing that I like to use guys

is called buzzsumo buzzsumo is a really interesting app and i kind of think

about it as like the the way that you tell what's popular on the internet

right like what's buzzing and so that's kind

of their catchphrase so if we type in phone case here again we're gonna use

the same example look what we can see here right we see that in the past year

right and you can do 24 hours week month six months I'm just gonna leave it on

past year we can actually see how many engagements on social networks that

these particular things happen so it's actually showing us and so we can export

this and look at the entire thing or we can literally look at this one right we

see two hundred and not a two hundred and six thousand excuse me Facebook

engagements 403 Twitter shares right an unbelievable amount of traffic here on

Facebook we can we can look at the backlinks we can you we can look at a

lot of different information here or we can just like open up this article right

so the mini-drone phone case prototype that will let you take hassle free

selfies at any angle see that it is ridiculous and so i've never even heard

about or seen this but i wonder if you know this is gonna be available on the

mast or on the mainstream market soon enough this might

be too ridiculous to sell to be perfectly honest but there's a lot of

different things that we could see here so if we keep scrolling down we're gonna

see a lot of different stuff here funky and stylish new collection of phone

cases you jung-jae Nintendo is releasing some lovely left some lovely phone cases

which is awesome right OCC some Legend of Zelda here right

these would probably sell like absolute crazy I mean you'd have to you have to

worry about potential trademark infringement but I bet these would sell

like crazy or you could do something like similar but not exactly the same or

you know not to worry about trademark infringer and things like that but that

is buzzsumo right so you can use this literally for anything like you would do

you know camera you could do sunglasses and you can sort the internet you know

based off of engagement and that's the truest source that there is right if a

bunch of people are talking about it that's a bunch of marketing that's

already happened and you can sort this by recent right to try to find trending

products if they have a ton of social engagement but they haven't been out for

very long and so it's an incredible way to actually you know use buzzsumo to

your advantage again which is always what you want to do when you're selling

in e-commerce you have to be the first right you have to be on the first to

market and the people who implement this stuff you know quicker and the people

who learn how to you know find the trending products before everyone else

and get a store up or at least get a product up get the Facebook Ads going

right those are the people who make 200 plus dollars every single day doing this

stuff and so that is buzzsumo so let's look at a couple other things so again

as-seen-on-tv works not only on all the Express but also works on Amazon and so

if we look at Amazon here it's actually just put as seen on tv to see more stuff

what we can see is a bunch of different stuff right people are actually

advertising on this term which is interesting but you can use a Chrome

extension right and this this is a paid Chrome extension um do offer a you know

a paid subscription a much a significantly discounted price on that

if you do decide to join the ninja family and so what we can see here is we

can actually see the revenue or the monthly revenue of these products and

some of them are actually freaking crazy if you see like you know the this pillow

is selling two hundred and eight thousand dollars a month right monthly

revenue based off a 30 day estimated sales right one hundred and sixty

thousand for this flawless tainless Hair Remover all of these

different and we can sort by monthly revenue here we see that you know the

air personal space and portable cooler pillows the finishing touch flawless

right and I think the finishing touch flawless woman's painless hair remover

might be a perfect product right it's small it has perceived value as seen on

TV right this might be an interesting product to look at again tactical

flashlights are great one of my one of my buddies built a multi-million dollar

business literally just selling tactical flashlights with Facebook ads um and in

his Shopify store which is freakin crazy if you think about it another cool way

that I like to look for products is called Amazon Movers & Shakers so if you

type in Amazon Movers & Shakers like this and we click on this link in Google

we can actually see you know what has made significant leaps in popularity by

a different by different departments so if we go to kitchen & dining here we can

see a lot of different stuff is available we see KitchenAid right and

this is all the whole time we're doing this guys were getting ideas of what we

can actually sell on our Shopify store because remember just because amazon has

something it doesn't mean you can't be successful selling it on Shopify as well

because how we're gonna reach these people is with you know Facebook Ads

Instagram influencers you know there's a ton of different ways to get organic

traffic and all of the those different things so just because it's on Amazon

doesn't necessarily mean that it's not something that you want to sell so let's

actually go back to our original example that we were looking at just to kind of

keep some consistency so if we look at cell phone and accessories here we can

see a lot of like cords and cables and watch bands and things like that watch

bands could be interesting especially when the iWatch first came out or the

Apple watch first came out the people who you know understood and had kind of

the the foresight to go out and create a bunch of different accessories for

whenever there's a huge launch like that you know with Apple that has multi a

hundred million dollar budgets for advertising it's not billions right so

everyone hears about it everyone talks about it there's countless news articles

about it and the people who understand how to make their cut of that are the

people who create you know new and interesting bands like breathable nylon

and like these things that like fit and and things of that nature so let's take

a look at this this is an Apple watch portable charger I've never seen this

before currently unavailable which is also good

which means that it might be available for us to kind of take over

so there's 367 reviews see which is interesting so if we one little trick

that I like to use is taking the actual part of the title here so like Apple

watch portable charger and let's actually type this into Facebook so if

we type this into Facebook what we can see here is posts photos right what

we're looking for is you know photos or videos that have like a lot of kind of

social engagement because again if people are engaging with something it

means that they're interested in it so we've see five likes here 15 likes here

one like right 250 1000 likes right so maybe the people like this band a lot if

we take a look at videos also and you can do this with anything right any any

product that you find on all the Express any any product that you find on Amazon

whatever the case may be right especially if you're quick and things

are just coming up it the more that you're doing this the more that you're

actively monitoring Facebook and like kind of sorting things by social proof

have the better off you're gonna be and so the last thing I want to talk about

with a quick guys is that extension that I showed you earlier right which is

called viral launch file launch is an incredible platform it's an incredible

piece of software that allows you to sort literally hundreds of millions of

different products on Amazon and we can apply this not only to selling on Amazon

right which is an incredible way to make money on its own but we can use this

actually for our Shopify source when we were just getting started when we're

just trying to make you know our first hundred dollars our first two hundred

dollars online the best way one of the best ways for sure to do it it's just

creating you know a Shopify store that costs almost nothing to create right

running a few ads getting a few sales you know for more than you bought the

products for and once you start to get that inflow of money once you start to

save a little bit of money then you can get into like more automated scalable

kind of long-term business models like creating you know a private label on FBA

so what we're doing guys right now we are in a viral launch and we're in the

keyword section of product discovery the reason these categories are checked is

because these are the most profitable khattak profitable categories to sell in

on amazon that i've found you know over years selling on amazon what we're gonna

do guys is actually hop into the advanced filters the advanced filters

are really interesting because sales to reviews is something that no one talks

about that no one uses right this is one of the

best ways that I've used very quickly to find incredibly profitable products very

very quickly and what this means guys is sales to reviews right so it means that

there's 50 sales of this product per every one review right and the reason

that that's important is because that means it's trending that means it's

starting to sell significantly more and the reviews haven't caught up which

means it's on like a huge upward trend right and no one uses this the way that

they should use it so if we choose these categories here to return our sales to

reviews 250 minimum and then press show keywords what this beautiful amazing

software is going to do and guys there will be a link down in the description

of this video a four of heavily discounted

subscription to this software and again they're extremely they're extremely cool

guys the people who run this and so if you're not if you're not happy with it

they'll give you a refund I'm sure um but you should be happy with it and you

should actually take action so what we see here guys is a bunch of keyword

filter results so back to school chalkboard right so it looks like

they're selling about seventeen thousand dollars every single month with about

twelve thousand dollars profit electric microdermabrasion right and we can take

these and literally go back to all the Express and and search them if we search

electric microdermabrasion and we sort by orders we see there's a hundred and

ninety nine orders here let's look at a couple other ones and we see the average

price here is twenty to sixty six and if we look at all I expressed they only

cost nine dollars right so that's like a almost a thirteen dollar profit let's

look at blackhead a poor cleanser if we go into all the Express put that here

again sort by orders here we go so we see 1430 orders 319 per piece and it

looks like on Amazon the blackhead pore cleanser are selling for an average

price of 2941 right so if we look at that one one more time right let's let's

bring up the calculator one more time so 2941 - right and it looks like this

one was 319 per piece plus a dollar fifty for shipping so you know around

450 we'll call it so if we bring up the calculator - 450

$24 profit per unit right are almost 25 so if we do 200 divided by 25 obviously

we're gonna get 8 here so you only have to sell 8 of these to make $200 per day

online as a kid as a beginner whatever you're trying to do or whatever point

you're at right and so using product discovery and viral launch and sorting

by sales to reviews to find trending products before they actually become

popular is one of my favorite ways to do it and so that is how you find

incredible products guys stay tuned because we're gonna come at you hot how

to make more money on the internet we've released a bunch of videos very recently

I'm showing you guys exactly how to make $100 per day how to make 200 dollars per

day how to make you know 500 dollars even if you're broke very very quickly

with zero money to start so if you haven't seen those videos definitely

come over to my channel hit the little subscribe button and then watch all of

those we've had a ton of feedback thousands of comments a ton of people

saying about you know how they started to make this work how they started to

make money online and so the second piece of the puzzle guys that is how you

find training products right but the second piece of the puzzle is how the

heck do you actually build a website where somebody can buy your products how

do you actually make money doing this right so for the first time today only

ever we're actually gonna give a completely 100% free Shopify tutorial a

Shopify mini course like we like to call it right where you can literally see

step by step an introduction of how you create a Shopify store how you can

actually do this all in one day right creating a full ecommerce platform where

you can where you can make money literally today you can make $200 today

if you work hard enough if you find the right product we're gonna release a

completely free mini course for the first 500 people who comment on this

video saying how to make money online right how to make money online the first

500 people are gonna get completely free access to our 100% tutorial a-to-z

Shopify ninja masterclass mini course that teaches you exactly what you need

to know to get a product up and start making money today guys or if you're 100

percent ready to join the family now get full access to the full complete course

I'm join our private group where I'm helping people one-on-one every single

day there will be a link to join specifically you can join the full

course today and we are doing a 50% off count code for the people that we will

have in the link just today only guys so I hope to see all of you at least in the

mini course for free right take action don't be the one the 99% of people that

take zero action on this video be the 1% actually take action at least join the

free mini-course and if you're ready to join the full course and get everything

that you need to be explosively successful on Shopify we do have a 50%

off coupon in the description for you as well so I love all of you guys seriously

I love teaching you all how to make money I love getting feedback from all

of you and I can't wait to see you all on the next video

ninja signing out

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online in 2018 💸 (FREE STEP BY STEP COURSE!) - Duration: 18:46.


Blackbear- g2g ft. THEY. (Sushanth Anchan Cover) - Duration: 1:53.

I would know exactly how you felt but we don't talk now

Used to hold you naked in my arms, I know you're gone now

Everything was right and now it's wrong now It's how I'm feeling on God now (yeah)

Post another snap, you thinking you're a big star now

Look at who I follow just to stalk now, quit playing 'round

You a klondike, you'd do anything for a bar now

See you around the world, you make the distance seem far now

Oh, oh, oh-oh, I leave you alone Make me wanna go, oh, oh-oh

Make me wanna leave my hometown

Away from Hollywood girls in the valley I know that all 'em tweets you posting is about me

I got to go, oh, oh-oh

I'll stay out of Cali for a while (Cali for a while)

I'll stay out of Cali for you now I'll stay out of Cali for a while

For more infomation >> Blackbear- g2g ft. THEY. (Sushanth Anchan Cover) - Duration: 1:53.


Season 2 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Season 2 - Duration: 2:09.


আনন্দ টিভির পাবনা জেলা প্রতিনিধি সুবর্ণা নদীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে পটুয়াখালীতে মানববন্ধন - Duration: 1:27.

আনন্দ টিভির পাবনা জেলা প্রতিনিধি সুবর্ণা নদীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে পটুয়াখালীতে মানববন্ধন

For more infomation >> আনন্দ টিভির পাবনা জেলা প্রতিনিধি সুবর্ণা নদীকে হত্যার প্রতিবাদে পটুয়াখালীতে মানববন্ধন - Duration: 1:27.


Wedding Quest - Duration: 4:16.

All of you, probably, know that at us various kinds of live quests which usually are spent in the closed premises are now popular. And what if you do mobile quests and come with them to some event, for example, to a wedding? An entrepreneur from Moscow Anton Lantsov came up with just such a quest (his site is With whom you can come to any wedding and hold with his help the traditional rite of "bride's ransom" (or her shoes). After all, you will agree, traditional wedding contests, invented in the Soviet times, are no longer so interesting. I want something original, electronic, interactive. To implement his idea, Anton made 6 thumbs and stuffed them with tasks with electronics - to make it interesting to guess the puzzles. For example, the task is a labyrinth - you need to hold the bride (or groom) through the labyrinth. For example, in a task you need to catch two ticks of some tadpoles (I'm afraid even imagine what they mean). And so on. Half of the quests in this quest are universal, and half are individual, which are created on the basis of the personal data of the bride and groom. For example, in this quest there is a baguette on which photographs are laid out. I do not know exactly what they should do with the groom, but, suppose, put in chronological order, or so, so that neighboring photos have something in common, or simply in size. For entertainment, these pedestals can glow and are accompanied by sound effects. Passage of the quest usually lasts 20-30 minutes. And it is not difficult - that each participant could cope with it and the groom was guaranteed to have access to his bride. This quest can work anywhere - on the street, in a restaurant, at home, even at the entrance - which makes it universal and affordable for weddings of any level. The cost of such a quest for the organizers of the wedding is about 60 thousand rubles. To conduct such a business - exit wedding quest - you need 3 people: the lead (he also brings it to a minibus, unloads, installs, sets up); a person responsible for all the mechanics and electronics of the quest, and a marketer - who promotes it. Anton invested in this business 500 thousand rubles. His business in Moscow has already paid off. And now he starts to go out into the regions (he is already phoning from different cities, asking to buy a franchise for this business). So you have a chance to open a similar quest in your city.

For more infomation >> Wedding Quest - Duration: 4:16.


Volcano Goddess is HERE and Dragon Child on SALE! OMG! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:05.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for September 4, 2018.

At the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty today, look for half off deals from Becca, Butter London,

Mario Badescu and Eyeko.

The Makeup Monsters' Dragon Child palette is now on sale for $35 -- don't forget their

lipsticks are still BOGO while supplies last

What is this sneaky peek from Artist Couture?

We're not sure yet, but we suspect it has to do with glow

The New Becca

Volcano Goddess palette is accessible to everyone now at Ulta, $46

More sneaks from Kat Von D -- first, this Fetish Blush + Highlighter Palette, and next

this Fetish Eyeshadow Palette with 25 eye shadows in matte, glimmer, metallic and mega-glitter


Last, swatches of the Fetish Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Set with four full-size Lipsticks

-- coming September 27 to Sephora In-stores & Online,, and Debenhams

Also coming soon, this Clover palette from Too Faced.

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,

What's Up in Makeup, returning September 16th!

For more infomation >> Volcano Goddess is HERE and Dragon Child on SALE! OMG! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:05.


Homekeepers - Savanna Hartman - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Savanna Hartman - Duration: 28:31.


যে দুটি গুন থাকলে আল্লাহর অলি হওয়া যায় || Jey Duti gune allahor oli | By sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> যে দুটি গুন থাকলে আল্লাহর অলি হওয়া যায় || Jey Duti gune allahor oli | By sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 1:44.


Returning competitors reinvent themselves in the 2018 Mae Young Classic - Duration: 2:34.

Last year was very upsetting because I didn't get as far as I wanted to,

although I'm very proud to be part of the first ever Mae Young Classic.

This year, I'm coming in with a whole different attitude.


>> I learned a lot from last year's experience, just from the mistakes I've

made, just being the happy-go-lucky, smiling, I'm happy to be here.

It's not gonna be like that this year.

I'm not gonna tell my game plan, but it's definitely gonna we a whole different

attitude, a whole different style. >> I look back on it and, yeah,

it was all fun and games back then, I was just happy to be here.

But it's sort of makes me feel sick, the way that I was acting,

just jumping around like a fool, not caring.

It's a different Rhea Ripley this year, and I'm out to win it.


>> I think last year I was trying

to be a little too nice, trying to be too much of a people-pleaser.

But this year, it's all about me.

It's all about Reina. >> I was so happy and

so proud that Shayna advanced, but

in deep doubt inside that loss hurt, being asked back to the Mae Young Classic, too.

This is my time to shine.

I'm not going to fail this year because I know what that feels like and

I don't wanna feel like that ever again. >> Last year at Mae Young Classic,

my opponent was Dakota Kai.

She's a very good wrestler.

But unfortunately, I lost that.

One thing is different, Kavita is not same this year.

This year, I understand only victory and for the victory, I can break anybody.

I don't care who is standing in my front.

I fight only for winning. >> I don't think I could live with myself

just making it to semi-finals again.

I have to make it through the finals, I have to win.

>> Last year was pretty new and

almost zero experience inside the ring?

Look at me, I'm the real black belt, and I'm gorgeous, so I will be ready.

I'm here now, and I'm focused to win the Mae Young Classic.


For more infomation >> Returning competitors reinvent themselves in the 2018 Mae Young Classic - Duration: 2:34.


TaGueuleOnOuvre - Cottage Medieval from 4Grounds - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> TaGueuleOnOuvre - Cottage Medieval from 4Grounds - Duration: 10:38.


Being d/Deaf/HOH in social situations|| DEAF AWARENESS DAY 4 - Duration: 4:51.

Just a quick announcement before we get into this video

I am doing one d/Deaf related video a day

For the whole month of September because September is Deaf Awareness Month.

So if you would like to see more of those videos then make sure to subscribe to my channel

And make sure to also turn on the notifications. Thank you.

Hello. Are you sonsy folks. This is day four of Deaf Awareness Month

{Intro music}

Let's talk about social situations and being d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing in social situations

Hands up if you suffer from social anxiety

Well, apparently you are more likely to if you are d/Deaf or hard of hearing

Which makes complete sense because social situations tend to be


frustrating, for us deafies

Navigating a one-on-one conversation in a quiet setting can be very difficult for us

But there are a number of things that add to that anxiety

When we're in a social situation

Let's break them down

Conversations between more than one person

We read lips

That is typically how we follow spoken conversation

And when there is more than one person that can become increasingly difficult

Imagine that you are d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing and you rely on lip-reading

Obviously if you actually are d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing then you need not imagine this

You are at a friend's house with three of your friends, and they are discussing

Harry Potter for example

And they are talking and they are asking questions and they are laughing

and they are speaking over each other

And you literally need

Two sets of extra eyes just to follow the conversation

You basically wind up dizzy from shifting your focus so much

It's a real thing and it's exhausting

And that is before we even factor in all the other things that can happen in a social situations

Here's a few examples

{text on screen}

Let me show you what it can be like for us d/Deaf and hard of hearing people

{speech inaudible over background noise}

You see what I mean?

And we deal with this in pretty much

every social situation

So how the hell do we manage?


We don't

we either have to Constantly remind our friends of our deafness

or we have to completely wing it

We do a lot of this

And this

He's said it three times now, and I still don't know what he's saying

Just nod

Some of this

Oh they're laughing! Quick join in

And a whole lot of this

Did she say "cry" or "die?"

Basically, if you see a d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing person that appears to be following a conversation

There is a pretty good chance that they are faking it

We're pretty decent actors, but inside our minds we are doing this

God I wish to turn the music down

Are they still talking about Harry Potter?

Does that guy have to make cocktails so loudly?

Why did they have to pick a table right next to the toilet?

if she talks with her drink over her mouth one more time, I am going to scream

I wish I'd stayed home

And no, I am not exaggerating

navigating a social situation when you are d/Deaf or hard of hearing

is very, very stressful

So if you have a deaf or hard-of-hearing friend, then please take a moment to check they are okay

we will still struggle but at least we will know that somebody is with us

And if you plan on having a conversation

Then try to find a quiet place to do it and make sure that you are looking at the person while you're speaking

For more infomation >> Being d/Deaf/HOH in social situations|| DEAF AWARENESS DAY 4 - Duration: 4:51.


Vlogg 17/07-2018 // Stavanger!! - Duration: 3:06.

Soo we are now in land

where are we mom

Mom: Stavanger

Irene: Stavanger

Hii! I'm now back from..

the circus or no

I went to teen's club after circus de soleil

or not teen's club but to my friends and then I went here


my bed...and I'm going to sleep now because I'm getting my nail fixed tomorrow morning

but yes

For more infomation >> Vlogg 17/07-2018 // Stavanger!! - Duration: 3:06.


Intel® Developer Zone Update | September 2018 | Intel Software - Duration: 3:49.

I'm Stephanie Essin, and this is the Intel Developer Zone


In this episode, we cover the recent milestone

of a school in the Oakland Unified School District,

the latest practical processor rolling out

of Intel's inventory, and give you

a breakdown of the 2018 Unreal Open Day Event,

which took place in Shanghai, China.

Starting in 2015, Intel partnered with McClymonds High

School in Oakland, California to develop and improve

their engineering and computer science programs.

Three years later, in 2018, the high school

reached a milestone with 60 out of 62 graduating seniors

planning to attend college.

According to US News and World Report,

85 percent of the student population at McClymonds

is considered economically disadvantaged.

One student, Gemini Map, described

how having a mentor almost felt like having another family.

With her mentor's help, Gemini exclaims

that she was motivated to focus on her classes

and aim for a college education.

The program mostly focuses on work based learning, mentoring

and internships, education and awareness for parents,

and professional development support for teachers.

This initiative is part of Intel's five year,

$5 million investment in two schools in the Oakland Unified

School District.

The goal was to launch a new Engineering Pathway Program

and to encourage students to pursue careers

in the STEM field.

This year, 31 of McClymonds' graduating seniors

completed the Engineering Pathway Program

and are ready to start their next semesters as college


These successes show how a little support and investment

can dramatically improve educational outcomes

for students, preparing them on their path

to becoming high tech visionaries.

Finding the right processor for your workflow

can be so tricky sometimes.

It's almost like searching through different dating sites

trying to find the perfect match.






Well, we stumbled across a solution.

Intel recently announced the release of the new Intel Xeon

2100 processor.

It's designed specifically for entry level workstations,

allowing creators to work with powerful single-threaded

application performance.

The best part is that the platform focuses on reliability

and affordability.

They're mainly for creative professionals

and offer higher max turbo frequency, faster DRAM speeds,

enhanced I/O, and advanced security features.

It's different, because it has a six core processor as opposed

to the four core processor of the previous model, which

enables better performance across workstations.

It also offers error correcting code memory

to improve the system stability and to reduce the possibility

of data corruption.

So for all you designers and developers

out there looking for the next best processor,

I think you found your match.

This past spring was the 2018 Unreal Open Day

Event, held in Shanghai, China.

The showcase is a crossroads for hardware, software,

game development, film production, and design

from around the world.

This year, the number of Unreal Engine developers

continued to increase.

And Intel reported that it scaled up

to 5 million developers worldwide.

Why did developers like this conference so much?

Well, they unveiled many innovations

such as the Unreal Engine's latest real time ray

tracing and facial motion capture technology.

These are exciting because they present game developers

with the ability to create more realistic

and dynamic worlds for their games.

It also allows them to update the overall aesthetics

of their gaming environments.

Intel's new partnership with Epic Games

will enable them to create more engaging worlds.

And there will be further exploration

of new fields such as VR.

Although you may have missed the event this year,

be sure to check it out next year

to stay ahead as a game developer.

Thanks for watching, and make sure to tune

in to the next Intel Developer Zone Update.

For more infomation >> Intel® Developer Zone Update | September 2018 | Intel Software - Duration: 3:49.


Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM - Duration: 3:47.

Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM

Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM

Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM

Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM

Move Your Belly - Miss Thea - Improvised Belly Dance - Music Club FM

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