Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

How to enable high frame rate mode on Mobile Legends?

Simple, just go to settings to do so.

However, not all Android smartphone and tablet support it.

So here is the guide for you to enable 60 fps high frame rate mode on your Android device.

No root access is needed.

First of all, download CPUforAnd.unity3d from Internet.

Download link at below.

Later on, you need to grant Mobile Legends permission to access and change your internal


Not all the Android systems are the same.

Do refer own user manual for details.

On MIUI, go to settings.

Select installed apps, then Downloaded.

Look for Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Go to Permission Manager.

Select Access and change files on internal storage.

Choose Accept.

That's all.

Close it then.

Launch Mobile Legends once.

It will start to write something on your internal storage.

Once loaded, close it.

Open your favourite file manager.

Go to internal storage.

Then select Android folder.

Open up data.

Look for

Then click on it.

After select files.

You should see dragon and UnityCache folders there.

Go back to folder where you downloaded CPUforAnd.unity3d file.

Copy it to internal storage – Android – data - – files – dragon

– assets – Document – android folder.

Launch Mobile Legends again.

Go to settings.

You should able to see High frame rate mode option there.

Select On then Okay will do.

That's all.

Moonton should enable it in the first place.

Anyway, that's all for the guide to enable Mobile Legends high frame rate mode on Android.

No root, GLTools or mod apk is needed.

My Mi Pad 4 is running smoothly now.

Your device should too.

That's all for now.

Be sure to thumb up if this guide helps you.


For more infomation >> How to enable Mobile Legends High Frame Rate Mode on Android? No Root, GLTools or mod apk is needed - Duration: 3:10.


TIB ET TATOUM - Le pardon de Lud - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> TIB ET TATOUM - Le pardon de Lud - Duration: 12:01.


Phim ngắn | Câu chuyện tình giữa thiếu gia ăn chơi và em nhân viên phục vụ | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Phim ngắn | Câu chuyện tình giữa thiếu gia ăn chơi và em nhân viên phục vụ | Tập 1 - samytv - Duration: 9:28.


Accidentally Filmed in Camera - Unbelievable Teen Vocal [ENG Sub] - Duration: 3:09.

In the street of your house

When the snow piled up in the snow melts in the spring

Will you come back to me

I ask myself this way.

Tears I'm trying to leave me

I cry at your words of goodbye

I can not take it any further.

My red eyes become blue

I know you will not come, but I wait.

It would hurt madly.

In this memories you left

I think I'm as hard

as I loved you.

I miss you

I say this more than anything.

I want to tell you

When I miss you crazy

Can I think of you like this?

I'll think you're next to me.

I want to see you, who was all I have.

For more infomation >> Accidentally Filmed in Camera - Unbelievable Teen Vocal [ENG Sub] - Duration: 3:09.


Totemism in Norse Culture - Duration: 22:49.

Hello my dear friends, how are you?

My name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about Totemism and Animal Totems in the Norse culture

This video is part of the Viking Religious Symbols video, but I thought it would be better to make a video solely focused on totemism in the Norse culture

because this subject has more tribal, primitive and shamanic understandings than the religious symbolisms I've presented on the previous video

I will divide this video into 2 parts

First I will give you a more historical and archaeological approach to animal symbolism in the ancient Nordic cultures

and then I will speak about totemism in the Norse culture

So my dear friends, let's get start

at first glance the most predominant animals represented in the Norse culture are the bear, raven and wolf

These 3 animals are the most mentioned in the literary sources and all of them connected to the god Odin

As this perfectly good example of a 9th century figure found in Denmak, in Lejre

Odin in his throne, Hlidskjalf, with his two ravens, Hugin and Munin, and his wolves in the back, Geri and Freki

The wolf and the dog are usually the companions in soul journeys to the other world in votive rituals

rituals dedicated to specific deities, most often Odin, to call upon the deity and offer as sacrifice such animals

because they accompanied the victims of human sacrifice into their journey to the afterlife

Dogs and wolves are connected with the warrior ideology, especially for the berserkir groups

a group of young, unmarried men who specialize in the art of warfare

Several generations of warriors combined the name of battle terms with elements related to dogs and wolves

also referring to the initiation of young people into the martial world

Although the berserkir were warriors much more connected to bear cults

but the very first warrior cults were connected to dogs and wolves, ancient Indo-European wolf rites

I have a video precisely about that

In northern Europe these wolf rites and wolf-warriors continued to exist

although at a certain point in Scandinavian history there was a clear division between warrior bear cults and warrior wolf cults

The bear cults started to be the official elite warriors of the Norse society while the wolf cults started to be exclusive of outcasts

I do believe that the Ulfhednar, wolf warriors, progressively stopped being elite trained warriors and became unofficial troops, mercenaries

There is this possibility that outlaws, murderers, criminals of all sorts who were casted out from the society, started to form their own groups of warriors

precisely doing the same thing the original wolf warrior cults did

young warriors who abandoned society an adopted the characteristics of dogs and wolves and became wild in nature

The Ulfhednar might have been wild groups of warriors, and later became elite warriors accepted by the society

only to be put aside once again and offer their services as mercenaries when they became outlaws

More or less like what happened to the medieval religious-military orders

They were accepted and had great power when it suited the nobility

and were outlawed and forbidden to exercise their duties when they became an inconvenience to the nobility

Birds - birds of prey such as hawks and falcons are traditionally symbols of aristocracy - while the eagle is an emblem of power

And ravens of course, not just related to wisdom but as birds related to death, carrying the dead into the afterlife

For instance, we have this example of a pendant demonstrating two ravens metamorphosing into the horn-tips of a bearded figure

which demonstrates the continuity of ancient pre-viking cults in the Nordic area

You see, in prehistoric times birds of prey were often related to death and the journey into the afterlife

but this sort of believes are much more evident in pre-celtic cultures of western Europe, along the Atlantic

We have many representations of warriors dressed as birds and with bird heads

representing the fusion between warrior cults and death rituals and the entire afterlife perspectives of warriors being carried into the afterlife by birds

It was common to leave dead warriors on high places to be taken by birds of prey

their bodies destroyed and carried by birds into the heavens

This sort of Western European traditions were later adopted by Scandinavians

which is why I do believe the so called Blood Eagle isn't what we think it is

I've also done a video about that one year ago

It's quite possible that the description of the Blood Eagle being a gruesome way of punishment and execution

was in fact an exaggeration made by Christians

to amplify the fear people had of those terrible heathen Norsemen coming down the frozen wastes to devour poor innocent Christians

It's possible that the Blood Eagle was actually a ceremony invoking the ancient early Bronze Age traditions of Western Europe

giving deceased warriors to birds

Or, it could have been a form of punishment, to be eaten by eagles,

much like in the Greek myth of Prometheus being tied to a rock and every day an eagle would eat his liver

That might be what the Blood Eagle actually meant

Either a ceremonial punishment reserved for special warriors, or a death ritual for deceased warriors

The use of an eagle is curious because to the Greeks it was the personification of Zeus

so maybe at a certain point to the Scandinavians it was linked to Odin, as a warrior and death deity

and warriors of great renown weren't carried by crows or ravens or other carrion birds, but by the noble eagle of Odin

Let's not forget that Yggdrasil itself, with all its animals, there is a great eagle on the very top of the Cosmic Tree

A very widespread type of amulet in the Viking Age, both in the Finland area and in the British Isles,

was the use of bears' teeth - both bronze imitations and original pieces

It was supposed to contain magical properties related to the capture of the spirit of the bear

there is a good example of that in the Finnish culture, this word right here (karhunpeijaiset),

which I won't try to pronounce, it's Finnish

and roughly translated it means "bear hunting feast"

Prehistoric connections to the bear hunt and acquiring the bear spirit to absorb the bear qualities

Another example, in the Hrólfs saga kraka

the character Bodvarr has his soul transformed into a bear

a reference to the ancient pre-Christian rituals still preserved in medieval literature

To our prehistoric ancestors the bear was seen as a sort of wild brother, our wild selves

For centuries the bear was considered to be a symbol of nobility and power

and for millennia the bear was the king of the forests

thus his connection to royalty, before the lion was introduced by political and religious powers which came much later into the European background

Anyway, in the Scandinavian case, and with great prominence during the Viking Age

the bear cult was still alive as we understand in the figures of the berserkir

Ferocity, strength, endurance, were the qualities sought by these warriors

But as I've said, there is always this idea of this bear cult being linked to Odin

but the bear is one of the very few animals in the Scandinavian religious context that wasn't actually linked to Odin for a very long time in the history of Scandinavia

only when Odin became the god of Kings

Sure the bear was also a symbol of royalty but that was much more in pre-Celtic and Celtic backgrounds

not much in Scandinavia

It's quite possible that the bear cult is linked to the god Ullr, and not Odin

because Ullr before Odin, was seen as the actual god ruling the Aesir, sitting on the throne

and that mythological past can still be remembered in the tale when Odin was expelled from Asgard and it was Ullr who was called by the gods to sit on the throne

This is a tale invoking a Scandinavian past when a god and a goddess of Winter and Hunting were the divine pair of the natives of Scandinavia

before the introduction of the warrior cult of Odin

I highly doubt that the Berserkir were into an Odinic cult

It's much more plausible that they embraced a prehistoric bear cult still alive during the Viking age

much more tribal and totemic in nature

and that same cult became linked to Ullr. While the wolf, raven, eagle and the serpent were totemic symbols of Odin

The Serpent, it wasn't just a symbol of wisdom and protection, but also of the preservation of the natural order and stability of the universe

therefore also a symbol of chaos because without chaos there is no need for order

Chaos is the ever changing force in the universe that forces the inevitable change and evolution of everything

The serpent is linked to many Chthonic deities, underworld spirits

precisely for being an animal that lives in the earth, comes out of the very soil, from darkness, coming to the surface to give the knowledge of hidden secrets

An animal associated with Loki, Hel, Gullveig and her forms as Heidr, Aurboda, Hyrrokin etc

but the serpent is also connected to Odin

Odin metamorphosed into a snake to get to the mead of poetry, for instance

This metamorphosis is exactly what happened to Odin in religious terms

He took many forms and many names because when he was introduced in Scandinavia many local deities were syncretized, combined in the figure of Odin

Odin absorbed the attributes of other deities

But the serpent continued to be linked to Odin because he absorbed some of the underworld Scandinavian gods

The earliest Scandinavian god similar to Odin, that we know of, was the Bronze Age spear god engraved on stone

With huge proportions when compared to the other elements around

The importance of this deity is clear, he was depicted as being very big, occupying a large area of the rock surface

as you can see with those people there for scale

This spear god, was a nature god as well as a chthonic god, chaotic in nature

The Scandinavian "Odin" before the cult of the Germanic Odin was introduced in Scandianvia

Some of his prehistoric myths remained in the poems about Odin becoming a serpent

Now talking about Totemism in the Norse culture

Totemism in its spiritual essence is the term to refer to the relationship of spiritual bound between a human, or group of humans, with specific animals and plants

The animal totem is generally understood to be an ancestor, a guardian, a spiritual entity

who provides something positive to the human or humans it's bound to

And in the Norse culture the animal Totem is intimately linked to the spiritual self

meaning that it's not just an entity we can call upon like a god or a goddess

but a spiritual entity that it's part of us, directly connected to us due to also being an ancestor

To the pre-Christian Norse and certain Germanic groups

totemism is manifested in both animal helping-spirits, and animals of military groups incorporating shamanic practices and trance techniques

such as we have seen before in the berserkir and ulfhdnar

Let's start by addressing the Fylgjur

I'm sure you are familiar with the term

Fylgja meaning follower, or also fjylgjukona, something that fetches

This term can be better understood if we remember that in Seidr the practitioner of seidr is capable of sending forth its mind in the form of an animal

to do something, to catch, fetch, bring back, the embodiment of the will of the practitioner of seidr to physically do and attract things

And most often this embodiment of the will comes in the form of a cat, also ravens

in general we are talking about familiar spirits which later came to be understood as the pets of witches

In the Norse tradition the Fylgjur are spiritual entities capable of being controlled or helping someone because they are attached to the self

being part of ourselves but at the same time spiritual entities with life of their own, their own individual existence

The Norse concept of the soul is complex and divided into many parts and certain parts are influenced by our ancestors and other spiritual entities

which is why the Fylgjur are part of our spiritual self

In Old Norse literature the Fylgjur are only seen in dreams or by people capable of seeing them with supernatural powers

They appear in the shapes of women or animals, but are a sort of doppelganger of the person and can act on behalf of the person

or appear instead of the person

Upon a person's death, the Fylgja leaves the person and becomes an independent being

so it's not like the concept of soul in the Christian perspective

it's just part of the soul of the individual, a sort of individual spiritual being residing in and with us

However, it's possible that the Fylgja can be transferred to other family members if a certain relationship is maintained

and so the Fylgja, or the Fylgjur will continue to help future generations

this is because these spiritual entities are also associated to the personified luck of a person

which is the hamingja, but I'll do a video just about the parts of the self in the near future

So the Fylgjur is understood as animal totems

For instance, a person of noble birth would have a fylgja in the form of a bear or a boar

a savage person, very violent in nature would have a wolf

a sorcerer probably a raven or a serpent, etc.

a helping spirit taking the characteristics of the person and vs versa

the person lives by her or his totem. Learning from them, acting like them, interiorising their characteristics

The gods themselves have their own fylgjur, their own animal totems

Freyr the boar and horse, Odin has wolves, ravens, serpents and also horses

Freyja the cat and the boar, Thor the goats

Angrboda the wolf and serpent and cave bear, Hel also has the serpent, dragon, etc

Then we have military societies and warrior groups who adopted a totemic view of the world

and to the Norse the wolf and the bear were usually the totemic animals of these warrior groups, much praised for their ferocity and strength

The Initiation rites of young warriors usually involved spending a period of time alone in the wilderness

They would have to survive by adopting the behaviour of wild animals such as the wolf and the bear,

obtaining food by hunting, gathering, and also stealing provisions from other packs

meaning, villages, towns and even other groups of warriors, constantly risking their lives

The savage world and the life beyond the limits of the civilized life, was the training ground of these warriors

On this case it's not about the individual's totem, but about the totem adopted by the group

so each warrior adopted the animal spirit of their group and acted like so during and after their training

The warrior achieved a state of spiritual unification with the animal totem, which could be enhanced with shamanic and trance techniques

or even with the consumption of psychotropic substances

The warriors would also dress themselves in a ritual costume made from the hide of the animal

So to these warriors embracing the animal totem had to be a complete process of transformation, both in and out, becoming the animal themselves

It was more than a mere symbolic transformation

The Fylgja in this case is not just a helping spirit

the person was possessed by the fylgja, which leads us to the spiritual level of shapeshifting

The shamanistic activities within such warrior groups was precisely to reach out to the Fylgja and make a sort of pact with it

becoming one, the shapeshifting of the spiritual self

Before I say goodbye, I want to leave a little message:

Each one of us has a beast within

Some have it in deep slumber and others have it on a lethargic state

Once in a while the beast stirs and is aware of its condition and wants to get out

And it's a great pain to see it cannot break its chains

In our civilized world we have built cages to keep our wildest desires-

away from this illusion of a sophisticated and enlightened existence brought about by the evolution of societies

It's an irony, really

All the effort to domesticate nature and we ended up domesticating ourselves

So once in a while . . .

howl . . .

Just give it a try, you won't be disappointed

At first it will seem totally silly, until you understand the sense of freedom it gives you

Howl once in a while, unleash the call of the wilds from deep inside and let the winds carry it

Show the world that the beast is still very much alive and all the efforts of the society to contain it, weren't enough to silence it

Let them know and let them hear that the old gods are still around

Alright my dear friends, thank you so much for watching and see you on the next video

Tack för idag! (Thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> Totemism in Norse Culture - Duration: 22:49.


2018-09-05: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> 2018-09-05: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:08.


A Girl Best High Notes [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:26.

I'm still leaving. I do not think it's the end.

You are in love with me I am still with you

I want to break up just as much as you do. No, I want to be happier than you.

Tell me how you've forgotten me. To me who is still breaking up

I am still in love I love you more than anyone else

I did not break up. Could someday I be separated from you

You don't know yet I am still with you

I'm parting every day Still waiting for you

I want to be as bad as you. No, I want to be worse than you.

Tell me how you've forgotten me. To me who is still breaking up

I am still in love I love you more than anyone else

I did not break up. Could someday I be separated from you

If you stop here without anyone knowing I really wanna be good-bye. I think that's the last thing.

I regret you. I'm grumbling about you more than anyone else. .

I hate to hate you Could someday I forget you

I do not know you yet I am still with you

For more infomation >> A Girl Best High Notes [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:26.


Creepy Noises..【Gachaverse】 - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Creepy Noises..【Gachaverse】 - Duration: 0:44.


AFEZZ Λόγια του Παρατηρητή Official clip - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> AFEZZ Λόγια του Παρατηρητή Official clip - Duration: 4:04.


👀 НОВОЕ ПРО ХЕШТЕГИ. Как использовать хештеги на YouTube. Сторителлинг и видеомаркетинг ТВ - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 👀 НОВОЕ ПРО ХЕШТЕГИ. Как использовать хештеги на YouTube. Сторителлинг и видеомаркетинг ТВ - Duration: 1:54.


Bob Woodward's Trump Book, Colin Kaepernick's Nike Campaign - Monologue - Duration: 3:28.

-Let's get to the news.

Famed Watergate journalist Bob Woodward

will release a new book next Tuesday

detailing life within the Trump administration,

titled "Fear: Trump in the White House."

And I don't think Trump's gonna like it,

'cause it's a book.

[ Laughter ]

According to Woodward's new book,

President Trump once told Rudy Giuliani

that he was a baby.

And then, out of habit, he added,

"But I'm not the father."

[ Laughter ]

[ Scattered applause ]

[ Laughter continues ]

Woodward's book also claims that,

when President Trump learned

of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's appointment,

he said, quote, "Everybody's trying to get me."

Well, not everybody.

[ Laughter ]

[ Audience ohhs ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Applause continues ]

During a speech in New Hampshire yesterday,

Senator Bernie Sanders

accused President Trump of being a pathological liar.

Is that even an accusation anymore?

At this point, it seems more like a Snapple cap.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]


After Nike announced that

former NFL quarterback and activist Colin Kaepernick

would be the face of its new ad campaign,

angry consumers began posting photos

of themselves burning their Nike shoes.

Unfortunately, he's also been named the face of Yankee Candle,

and now they don't know what to do.

[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

[ Laughter and applause ]

Britney Spears was booed

during the final performance of her world tour last night

after she forgot the name of the city in England

she was performing in.

[ Audience oohs ]

Said Spears, "How you feeling tonight...


[ Laughter ]

[ Scattered applause ]

[ Laughter continues ]


Florida police are searching for a person

who accidentally donated a duffel bag to a thrift shop

that contained almost five pounds of marijuana.

[ Sniffing ] "This smells like weed,"

said customers about every thrift store item ever.

[ Light laughter ]

800 pounds of lemons were stolen recently in Southern California.

Police are on the lookout for a man who looks like this.

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter continues ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughter ]

A man was arrested in Southern California last week

after police found 800 pounds of stolen lemons

inside his cars.

He wasn't going to admit to it,

but then the cops put the squeeze on him.

[ Laughter and groaning ]

[ Applause ]

Yeah. Yeah.

We took two weeks off and came up with that.

[ Laughter ]

[ Chuckling ] One lemon joke for each week's vacation.

[ Laughter ]

According to a new study,

the big toe was the last part of the human body to evolve,

but, boy, did it ever.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's got everything you want.

For more infomation >> Bob Woodward's Trump Book, Colin Kaepernick's Nike Campaign - Monologue - Duration: 3:28.


Amber Ruffin Addresses Protests Against Nike's Ad Campaign Featuring Colin Kaepernick - Duration: 1:26.

-After Nike announced that former NFL quarterback

and activist Colin Kaepernick would be the face

of its new ad campaign, angry consumers

began posting photos of themselves

burning their Nike shoes and apparel.

Now, this story obviously has some strong racial overtones,

and I'm not sure I'm comfortable commenting on it.

-But I am! [ Cheers and applause ]


Okay, here's the thing, white people.

I'm not saying you don't have a right to protest.

I'm just saying you're doing it the wrong way.

Why not burn your shoes privately,

instead of putting it on the Internet for everyone to see?

Why are you disrespecting the hard-working people of Nike?

-Oh, I don't think that's what they're --

-Protest is a right guaranteed under the constitution,

but there is a time and place for that.

And the Internet is neither the time, nor the place.

-It's not?

-I'm tired of you people politicizing shoes.

-Oh, wait, wait. I see.

You're just saying all the stuff white people said

when Kaepernick was kneeling, aren't you?

-You're damn right I am!

Whoo! Go ahead.

Burn your shoes, you dummies.

And if you don't have any Nikes, take your ass down to the ATM,

take out $140, and burn that.

Whoo! [ Cheers and applause ]

-Amber Ruffin, everybody!

For more infomation >> Amber Ruffin Addresses Protests Against Nike's Ad Campaign Featuring Colin Kaepernick - Duration: 1:26.


SoRi ft. BASICK - "Touch" Making of MV EP1 - Duration: 4:33.

You are now watching SoRi's "Touch" music video set!

(The shoot begins!)

(The first scene to shoot starts at the rooftop)

Hi, hello!

Staff must be so hot (Current temperature: 36)

No matter what you do, such as putting on hat, covering faces... you're gonna get burnt.

Fortunately, the temperature dropped from yesterday,

and we're in the middle of the mountains, so that's a plus.

Cut! Okay!

That was good!

- Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.

That's the one to keep.

(Setting up for subsequent dance scene at the rooftop.)

We're at the rooftop.

I can hear cicadas... isn't it nice?

The white suit is nice too.

This is my first time ever putting on a white two-piece suit,

I was very satisfied when I first tried it on.

I looked so cool with it.

I thought it'd fit the dance well with it.

It wasn't easy

to dance in the hottest summer in 111 years

outdoors, so it has been really tough.

But I think I've done okay.

The director is leading us well,

the same thing goes to assistant director and staff members too. they're really passionate.

But no one has said "this song is nice."

I said the choreography's nice!

Choreography's nice? that's not what I asked for!

B-but the song...

Perhaps it's because the song hasn't been completely mixed yet...

That's probably why they're not getting it.

Once it's been mixed completely, it'll be real catchy.

Right, unnie? It's good? (Answer me)

You said it's really good right, Eungyu?

- It's really nice! - it's bright and fast-tempo

It's a perfect song for this weather.

It grows on you as you listen to it more and more.

(Sori falls in the middle of the dance scene!)

We're all wearing really spiky heels,

and since we're on the grass, they keep dig into the ground.

But when I did monitoring, it's actually not as bad as I thought.

Everyone's doing a great job without showing.

You guys are true pros!

I really love this set.

I'm not sure if I'm in a position to say this,

Since I've debuted,

I've been with R.G.P and CoCoSoRi...

It doesn't mean I am experienced in music videos, but I've been in a couple.

This is the first time I've ever shot music video outdoors (Sori forgets "Mi Amor" was shot outdoors.)


So to begin with, I am loving this fresh air,

I usually get headaches whenever I shoot indoor sets,

But being here is really refreshing, no headaches.

It's so fresh! I like it.

I like this location!

For more infomation >> SoRi ft. BASICK - "Touch" Making of MV EP1 - Duration: 4:33.


Видео для детей с игрушками – Фиксики все серии подряд. Познавательные мультики для детей / Fixiki - Duration: 20:06.

For more infomation >> Видео для детей с игрушками – Фиксики все серии подряд. Познавательные мультики для детей / Fixiki - Duration: 20:06.


நான் என்ன பாவம் செய்தேன் நிர்கதியாக நிற்கும் சுந்தரத்தின் மனைவி | ABIRAMI - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> நான் என்ன பாவம் செய்தேன் நிர்கதியாக நிற்கும் சுந்தரத்தின் மனைவி | ABIRAMI - Duration: 1:51.


zulada kendi kafama bomba attım - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> zulada kendi kafama bomba attım - Duration: 6:35.


Турция: Русский город Карс. Граница с Арменией. Туристы из Сингапура - Duration: 21:47.

For more infomation >> Турция: Русский город Карс. Граница с Арменией. Туристы из Сингапура - Duration: 21:47.


SS Vlog Ep 6 Where do you run ? - Duration: 1:45.

Now that winter is done & dusted

Spring is here

Its time to get outside

make the most of the weather as it starts warming up.

thought i'd show you where i run.

If your anything like me

you can get a little out of control with your eating sometimes

you need to get out for a run & burn it off.

or just for your own mental sanity.

Anyway, i'll take you for a little jog through here.

You know when you move to a new town..

there's nothing better than discovering

new places to jog.

Check out that beautiful river, hows that for serenity ?

So, we're in New Plymouth at the moment.

One of the cool things about New Plymouth

is all the different parks & walkways you can take advantage for a jog.

its pretty cool.

If you haven't ran in a while, just get out there

and have a crack.

dont need to go to far

just enough to get things turning over.

more river crossings.


I guess that's one of the things about cardio

people hate it sometimes

but at the end of the day

epic views like that, just before the sun goes down

I tell you what, its a motivating way to run

You know, every run is an adventure.

About to get dark, i'm going to shoot off home.

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