Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

-As I mentioned, coming off a two-week break,

we're so happy to be back on air talking to all you guys tonight.

I was very lucky. I got to go to Italy

with my wife and my two sons, Ashe and Axel.

Ashe, two years old. Axel, four months old.

They are not fun to travel with.

[ Laughter ]

On the flight to Italy, about eight hours.

We took a red eye, so we were flying at night.

We were hoping they would sleep the whole way.

That was not the case. My son Ashe, the two-year-old,

did not sleep a wink for nine hours

and talked pretty much the whole flight.

[ Laughter ]

Definitely loud enough

for everybody on the plane to hear him.

And one of the things we had done to prepare him for the trip

was just to tell him in the weeks leading up to it,

"We're going to get on a big airplane,

"we're going to fly over the ocean,

"we're going to land in Italy, you're going to eat pasta,

you're going to sleep on the plane."

And in the weeks leading up to it, he would repeat it to us,

and that gave us this false sense of confidence

that he was gonna be good on the plane,

when all it really did was he just said that to us

the entire flight. [ Laughter ]

Every time it looked like he was almost asleep,

he would wake up

like he remembered he had a business meeting...

[ Laughter ]

...and just start saying, "Ashe on a big airplane.

"Ashe go to Italy. Ashe eat pasta.

Ashe sleep on the airplane."

[ Laughter ]

And so pretty much,

as it would be anyone's response to that,

the plane had had it with him.

And then the best part though was right as we landed,

wheels touch down, and we're going down the runway,

and Ashe yells -- again, for the whole plane to hear,

he just yells, "We did it, guys!"

And... [ Laughter ]

And it was definitely -- [ Applause ]

You could tell people were saying, "Did we?

Did we do it?"

Still wouldn't trade it for anything.

Had a wonderful two weeks.

For more infomation >> Seth's Two-Year-Old Son Talked for an Entire Red-Eye Flight to Italy - Duration: 2:02.


[神州穿梭.深圳]#117 深圳筍崗文具批發市場|海量結婚用品|立興喜慶|飛翔婚慶|超巨型二手車商場|幾百部車任你睇 - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> [神州穿梭.深圳]#117 深圳筍崗文具批發市場|海量結婚用品|立興喜慶|飛翔婚慶|超巨型二手車商場|幾百部車任你睇 - Duration: 6:10.


*WORKING* How To Get FREE SKINS in Fortnite (Free Royale Bomber Skin,Skull Trooper,Galaxy Skin) - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> *WORKING* How To Get FREE SKINS in Fortnite (Free Royale Bomber Skin,Skull Trooper,Galaxy Skin) - Duration: 10:11.


పనిమీద బయటకు వెళ్ళేటప్పుడు ఈ విధంగా చేస్తే లాభంగా తిరిగివస్తారు | Astrology | Remedies for Naragosha - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> పనిమీద బయటకు వెళ్ళేటప్పుడు ఈ విధంగా చేస్తే లాభంగా తిరిగివస్తారు | Astrology | Remedies for Naragosha - Duration: 2:01.


CLC(씨엘씨) - 둠칯두둠칯 (Doom-CLC, Doodoom-CLC) [손] EP.01 : 손생님과 함께하는 미술교실 - Duration: 12:23.

(Is this some artist's studio…?) [What is this place with such sensual drawings?]

Hello This is SORN of CLC

(clap) (clap)

All these pictures here are the drawings I have drawn

And the pictures I took after visiting exhibitions

But there are just too many, so let me explain

These ones were drawn with my hands.. like this?

But there are no actual drawings

Because I gave them as gifts

And they are with my friend now

And these..

There's something called Digital Arts..

Programs like A*** Illustrator and C***..

I used these programs a lot when I drew webtoons

While I was looking at some pictures online trying to find something new to make

I saw this magazine cover..

There was an artist who was drawing with this style

So I just did what he did

And it looked okay, so I tried a few

These are the ones from when I went to exhibitions..

You know, when I was a trainee and made my debut, I visited a lot

And I got much inspired there

And also I found out 'There's such kind of artist'

Or.. 'Oh there's this kind of style..', etcs

This is pretty recent.. I guess about last month?

I went there last month, called 'Doodle World'

Actually he is the reason I started drawing webtoons

Then, I saw a lot of SNS pictures of 'Mr. Doodle'

And I did a lot of webtoons last year, right?

I was highly inspired by him as well!

There are lots of graffiti in Seongsu-dong

So many in every corner..

There are graffiti drawn on the walls

I don't know if they are still there..

And here, this place is..

Where we went while working on <No Oh Oh> album

All of us leaned on this wall and took pictures

And this is.. the 'Happy New Year' card I made

For Cheshire on New Year's day

When I was into 'typography', art made of texts

I made them!

And I showed these in 'PRODUSORN' earlier

I did a lot of these with paints

Usually, while browsing online.. I just see some pictures

And I feel 'I want to do this'

And just make them

Ah! A lot of my friends and the members have told me

That all my drawings are of people

They are all humans

(This is the real HUMANISM…) [SORN likes to draw people!]

Human human human human

I have never learned to draw

Drawing pictures is the same

Singing is the same

Dancing is the same

I see things, I follow them

As for singing practice, by listening to many others

I get to learn many styles

And as I get to know many..

Since there are many to learn from, I can make them my own

Actually.. um.. it's hard to explain

(scratches scratches) Actually.. um.. it's hard to explain

I just did this without thinking

But from the beginning..

When I couldn't draw yet in my mum's house

She reads a lot of magazines

And since I was young, about 8? I did things like these

I just cut out pretty women's pictures and glued them together

I made them since.. maybe I was 8

Ah! I had a lot of toys when I was young.. like Barbie dolls?

I like dressing things up, decorating hair..

I was much interested in the magazines my mum read when I was young

I use scissors so well

It may be because I used them a lot since I was young

I cut things out very neatly..

So! Since I have a lot of time today

I have been to the stationery store

And now I will make some things

I am not sure if I will be successful, but just for fun..

It doesn't matter if I don't succeed.. so let me do it!

(What should I make today?) [Sorn usually watches video clips to get inspiration]

The first thing is called 'Fluid Art'

This is done by..

Mixing acrylic paints and silicone oil

For those who don't have silicone oil

You could use that thing you use in washing dishes

You could do it by mixing it with detergent

Mixing Mixing Mixing like this~

(After you flip the cup over the canvas) She will pull it out. Pull!

If you pull the cup out, this comes out

Do you see it?

Ah~ Pretty @_@

But the funny thing is..

When I put on clothes, I just like black color

But when I do arts, I like them with more colors

The second thing is called 'Water Marble Marks'

You put some nail polish into water and mix it, dip this and that's it!

Very easy, huh?

Look how easy it is, the video is only for two minutes too

(Now she's even dubbing..)

1. Put the nail polish into the water and mix them

2. Put the cup into the water

3. Wait (nothing much to write)

(Why am I reminded of Bob Ross..?) [Art class with Teacher Sorn]

Now everyone, it's all ready

Now that we don't have much time

Let me make it beautifully

Let me do it again! !@#$%$@$ what?

If it comes out pretty

You could try it at home too

So let me make one now

I am so nervous

I watch a lot of Youtube videos like these

[cute cute]

I really wanted to do this

What if I don't make it..?

Let me put it in

[first drop]

[first drop] What??


We won't do it on the mug I bought

Let's first do it on a plastic cup..

(Putting in nail polish with excitement)


I guess this is not right.. not right..

(The creation of a new substance)


Waah T-T

(It's not going well today…) [It means when she goes swish, it comes out naturally]

Ah~ first let me do it this way

Nervous, anxious

This is not it! Lol This is so not what I intended lol

Ha.. I have a bad feeling about this..

It feels like I am not going to make it today

(As if she's psyching herself up..) [She seems a little upset..]

(it is not right..)

I can't do like the video

(She is dead serious) [As if she's investigating a new substance]

[Dropping bolder than ever..]

Why am I.. Argh!!!

(This is the achievement of the research) [Colors come out pretty as she stirs it up randomly]


Yes, I will do it!



(Tip.1) [Sorn gets an extra high-pitched voice when she makes a pretty thing..]

(I told you so) [Teacher Sorn gets her confidence back]

(Confidence attached) [So her creative activities go on…]

(The biggest in recent time) [exploding reaction!]

Yeah~ everyone, it's done now!

But now my hands got all dirty..

Huh! This one here's cute too~

Cutie 3 Cutie 2 Cutie 1

Anyway! The first one's done!~

(Very easy~ huh?) [So the first art piece was a piece of cake~]

Now~ Let's move on to the last one~

But doing this… such a waste..

Why did I do this?..

I am thinking 'Why did I do it?'

Squeezes Squeezes

Ah~ Such a waste T-T

Paints being poured in generously

Actually.. earlier…

I checked the price of these..

With that, you can buy about..

Three fried chickens Lol

(but.. comparing that to chickens is a bit..) [the gap between arts and reality..]

(The path of arts is not easy) [Leaving behind questions newly rising up…]

Wow.. Ah.. I failed again

Actually I don't think I was supposed to do this with such a long cup

Because the colors were supposed to all layer up, and the layering makes it pretty

Since the colors are not mixed up

But in a long cup, if you do this..

If the colors mix on the way down!


So.. my drawing…. failed..

(Won't it look pretty as Teacher Sorn expected?) [Will it be good?]


[bloosh] Right.. I knew this would happen..

I knew it.. T-T

(I should save it somehow) [My three fried chickens…]

Spreads spreads

The lady on internet made sure it was easy..

(Sad sorn...) [Teacher Sorn lost her confidence]

Now! Everyone.. Today..

I tried so hard..

The first one.. was a success..

But what I wanted to do the most.. didn't come out well

But more than I expected..

(The world is wide and everyone has a different taste) [It's all up to you to judge~]

Although I failed a lot.. but I also..

Well.. I think… it was of 50 : 50 rate

But this one is in a way.. a little..

Pr…..pretty.. no?

(The picture looks pretty in its own way)

(A newly found gift) Oh! It smells good (The picture looks pretty in its own way)

Today you found out

how I got to like arts so much

And learned a little more about me

So keep cheering for me and hopefully for my arts too

So that's it for today, everyone!

(The gifted hand of CLC!) [Keep having healthy hobbies in the future~]

For more infomation >> CLC(씨엘씨) - 둠칯두둠칯 (Doom-CLC, Doodoom-CLC) [손] EP.01 : 손생님과 함께하는 미술교실 - Duration: 12:23.


Chris Cuomo Talks About Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearing - Duration: 3:59.

-Welcome back. -Thank you.

-I know you're a busy guy.

Did you get to enjoy the Labor Day weekend at all?

-Yes. -Good.

-No. That's a lie.

In truth, I am constantly obsessed with

what we have to do.

-Yeah. Do you ever feel, though --

'cause I have this feeling as well.

I have an obsession about it, but over the weekends,

things that happen on Saturday

that you think you might have to talk about

when your show comes back on aren't actually news anymore

by the time Monday rolls around.

-Right. Let alone if you're gone for two weeks.

-Yeah, exactly. You're gone two --

You're gone for two weeks, and you think,

"Oh, when I get back,

I'm gonna have to talk about Paul Manafort."

Now it's like, "What? Who?"

It feels a long time ago.

-It's true.

Even his daughter is changing her name now,

he is such old news.

She's taking her mom's name.

-Yeah, right. It's Bond, right?

-Yeah. -Yeah, she is changing her name

to Bond, which is, by the way, a much better name.

-It's a strong name. -Yeah, exactly.

-I think I'm gonna change my name to Bond.

-Yeah, let's all do it.

So, anyway, as we're talking about this, you know,

it just seems like you have to focus on today's news.

There was a lot today.

We had the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

There was a moment that happened with the father

of one of the slain students at Parkland, right?


-Explain what happened real quick,

and then I want to show the clip and get your take on it.

-Right, and again, judge for yourselves when you see it

because it's a real metaphor moment

for how we're deciding to decide what's true in our society.

Kavanaugh's leaving.

And the father comes up to him to introduce himself.

Puts his hand out.

I believe you will see the judge

recognize the man and the gesture.

He does nothing, turns away, and then security escorts him.

The White House says I am completely wrong,

that the video is clear evidence of the judge wanting to connect,

not having time because he was whisked away by security.

-All right. Let's take a look and see. Decide for yourself.

Yeah, it's an ice job. I mean, fully.

-You know?

-Now obviously, now we were talking a little bit

about this backstage.


-It's a real in-the-moment situation there.

Obviously, he doesn't have a lot of time to think about it.

When you're a judge, one of the things you get to do

is you get to take a lot of time.

You get to deliberate for a great amount of time.

But in the split second there,

it did not seem like he made a good decision.

-How long you been away?

[ Laughter ]

The father of one the kids who was murdered at Parkland

reaches out his hand, says his name,

and you don't shake their hand.

Now, first thing we have to do

is give the judge an ability to explain. Okay?

What was your understanding of it?

Why did it happen that way?

My concern about it is twofold.

One, as we were talking about before, and we talk about often,

we are not allowing ourselves to disagree with

anybody with decency anymore.

If you don't agree, they're your enemy.

The President very much foments that.

I think it's really toxic to our culture

that's all based on tolerance and understanding

that not everybody likes

what everybody else says and is about.

The second thing is, the "don't believe your lying eyes" stuff

that comes out of the White House.

That was clear evidence that it wasn't the judge turning away

from a man with their outreached hand?

I mean, it's just crazy talk.

-The crazy talk is -- there's a lot in this Bob Woodward book,

which is coming out next week.

Excerpts have been leaking out all day today,

including Gary Cohen at one point --

-Taking something off the President's desk

because he was afraid he would sign it.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

Basically to -- yeah.

-I can can't tell you how often people on my team come to me.

So, we just started the show, right?

We started this this team, small scrappy team,

where they will come to me, young people,

good, smart young people.

I am the oldest person on my show.

[ Laughter ]

Which is funny because it's true.

So, they will say something to me and I say,

"Stop. What else do you have?"

And they're like, "No, no, no. That actually happened.

He actually tweeted that.

We have to do it on the show tonight."

For more infomation >> Chris Cuomo Talks About Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearing - Duration: 3:59.


FUNNY FOOTBALL CAPS - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> FUNNY FOOTBALL CAPS - Duration: 5:55.


恋愛裁判/40mP feat. 初音ミク(Covered by コバソロ & 阪本奨悟) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 恋愛裁判/40mP feat. 初音ミク(Covered by コバソロ & 阪本奨悟) - Duration: 3:46.


Chris Cuomo Explains Why Republicans Embrace President Trump - Duration: 4:54.

-I want to talk -- Because one of the things is,

because you do talk to a lot of people

from the Trump administration on your show.

And because you deal with them,

and I've seen you have conversations with them

where they use circular logic,

they don't answer direct questions.

I mean, you talk to people like Rudy Giuliani,

you talk to Kellyanne Conway, you talk to Anthony Scaramucci.

Are you ever -- Is your mind ever blown

by the way that they're choosing to express

what's happening within those White House walls?

-No. I get it.

My mind gets blown by the reaction to it.

First of all, you know, they've all become

like household names now, you know?

Rudy will never need his last name again.

Anthony, you know, The Mooch... -Yeah.

-...will always be him. Kellyanne is like Madonna.

-Yeah. -You know, as one name.

Polarizing but one name.

And the reaction afterwards,

people on the left will say, "Do not have them on again.

I do not want to hear from them.

You are giving them a platform to lie.

I don't want to hear it," I am bothered by that.

One, look, if I'm not doing my job, then don't watch.

You have great choices on at the same time as me,

and if I'm not getting it done, that's the price of performance.

But don't be closed off to people

just because they say what you don't like.

There's value -- two ways in being tested.

One, Seth gets to hone his own argument.

You'll hear a question, tough question, tough follow,

this is how he or she handled it.

All right, I get that now.

I get where they're taking this. Hones you.

The second way is, be open. Who knows?

Maybe you'll find some common ground on something.

God forbid that our lawmakers are forced to act on something

that's good for the rest of us

instead of doing what they're doing today

at this hearing with all these silos.

You know, they just tucked in.

The Grassley thing was so funny,

I almost popped one of the caps off my teeth.

-Yeah. -When I was backstage.

[ Laughter ] His gaveling, slowly like that.

I didn't even notice it today.

-Yeah, well, I think that's the problem.

You're supposed to notice gavels.

-He's gaveling. He's a subpar gaveler.

-He's very subpar.

-As heavy-handed as he was in the hearing,

ironically, he's so soft-handed with a gavel.

-He tired himself out. This is gonna be a long hearing.

-So, you know, they're yelling at him.

[ Laughter ]

I mean, and they're content to yell,

get their time on camera, be seen as making that argument,

and the other side is gonna do what they're doing,

they're gonna have their vote.

Unless there is some explosive dynamic in that,

Kavanaugh will be the next Justice of the Supreme Court.

And that's why elections do have consequences.

When people say to me, "Why do the Republicans

embrace the President when he doesn't seem to be

traditionally Republican?"

Or conservatives, "Why do they embrace him

when they are supposed to be character people, evangelicals?

Why do they --" Judges.

-Yeah. -Judges. The answer is one word.

We are not united by many things in this country, culturally.

Right? We all come from different places.

Even English is a borrowed language

for just about all of us.

But law is our religion.

That is the set of rules that we go by that create our culture.

Judges. You stack the courts

across this country with white, male, young judges,

and you will have a generation

of a certain kind of jurisprudence.

I'm not judging it, but that's why,

as soon as Kavanaugh, if he makes it through

and he is confirmed, Donald Trump's presidency

goes in the history books as being impactful

because he will have changed that court.

-Sure, and a conservative success story.

-And, you know, he is -- You can say, "Well, you know,

he doesn't even know these guys.

He's just been given a list." Yeah.

That's what they wanted him to do.


-And he said, "Well, who do we like here, anyway?"

You know? Gorsuch.

-They said, "Leave the list on his desk."

-Neil Gorsuch -- yeah. And then...

[ Laughter ]

He had a list of, like, his driver.

-Yeah. -This guy Louie

who he used to know who, like, colored his hair.

"He's very good. When I say red, is it too red?

He always says, 'I don't know.'"

That's a good Supreme Court Justice.

Look, I think that you have to look at it that way.

My only concern that I have

is that you let the negativity consume you.

Not that there isn't good reason for it.

But we're gonna have elections now.

If people come out and vote, then you win.

Then people win.

If they don't come out and vote,

then they have nothing to complain about.

-Mm-hmm. -And I think that that's been --

[ Cheers and applause ]

Look, I wish I had some kind of high ground.

-Yeah. -Another thing that

I constantly get told, including by my kids,

is that I'm part of the problem.

I get told that all the time,

which secretly I have always believed.

-Oh, well, there you go. [ Laughter ]

Well, it's nice when your kids

can reinforce your own belief about yourself.

-Yeah. I always knew, you know,

the self-loathing would pay off

with some kind of universal recognition.

So now, that's why I wear all black.

It suits my mood.

For more infomation >> Chris Cuomo Explains Why Republicans Embrace President Trump - Duration: 4:54.


ELECTRONIC MEDITATION - Pandola #2 (2018) - Duration: 4:48.

Hello! Here is Catherine.

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

If you come...?

For more infomation >> ELECTRONIC MEDITATION - Pandola #2 (2018) - Duration: 4:48.


Chocotaco gets kar98 +15x and mk14 | 13 killls | pubg funny moments - Duration: 17:49.

Chocotaco : everyone surround everyone's out of here

kar98k 15x scope

scaring the Hutt's having a hard time

with someone shooting an s12 K back or

mk 14 kills

Oh God

brownie what the heck look at this guy

it must be low

who's this sorry did not take any

chances I'm about to die though this guy

just has nothing what are you laughing

about bow yep my hair I'm looting he's

not shooting at me

and it shot me or no he didn't

I shot me shot me I love one vest

oh yeah

where's the other

let's try try to kill himself

it's your own or something Oh

we'll snake the snake man

I'm gonna take the high ground all right

and pop at you meaning to the tribe it's

good at possible

15 X okay

doulas tree let's get stop like there's

not a bridge or something

so zoomed in dude I can see the pattern

the grass

I don't know what I am oh that's okay

see the red dot

just drop this we're golden they even

have a grenade this is still a terrible

place in the map to be without a vehicle

so it's not perfected

someone has probably that guy just

killed so what a weird stuff to drop

though there's a buggy

nice we're probably have to drive right

now yeah let's go up here where maybe we

get another drop

oh yeah

kind of sucks like this if this isn't

Homme I that's what I want if it does

anything else

an amor a mark or Dean I would take

everything else is

and the worthless it's a pretty bad

position to we're always gonna smoke it

loot it and throw away

a little bit funny if that wasn't made I

didn't actually check

bummer heimo deny somebody a Groza

actually instead of denying and I'm

going to drop it see if they can find it

here you go whoa Jesus - doing over here

my pursuit

okay had no idea there was an airdrop

because you just sit in his house Oh

spicy window just chill ran someone over

and killed himself this is Battle Royale

all right so much about gonna be here

not really a good place to pull up here

I'm gonna try pulling up behind the two

story that I want to get into you not

smart but oh this is like a oh stop here

how like terrorists this whoa really

man don't die here just dead man

so I'm supposed to kill him at Kendall

but the box makes me scared usually said

let's check the bus yeah this happened


but all these I don't know all these

doors are open the group is here

scavenge it bad

she's got a fresh helmet if I end up

losing my helmet there's not a dude just

like I mean I didn't clear downstairs to

be in this room down here

I mean there could technically be

someone in like one of these bathrooms

yeah they're building that bathroom is

open I can't see the other bathroom

where are we we could move till they go

he's huts

remember this Alamo let's go there

compounds kind of bad plus him on the

edge which is bad also

uh-oh it's not good

sausage BK as it has good there's a guy

in that Hut

I'm not gonna go for that

sucks effect as long there's two arms oh

all right well we got zone still wait oh

I just never mind mr. legend

I could kill this guy in a hut but it's

not like a thing I can run to well I

could I mean I can capable of running do

it get armed in the head right here

and that chief added every shot is like

seeing the sky

nobody pro isn't that hot

good shot like eight dude so many arms I

think there's three arms in the game I

see you guy took a chance that if I had

shot him right here that I kill him I'm

gonna actually probably see if I can get

an angle them in here they can he's

safer cuz if I'm outside I'm just gonna

get shot by somebody else and there's

like three arms maybe at least two arms

move out

yes to go let's say he's here so he

doesn't have to move far I just have to


Tom isn't kind of tunneling on this game

slightly pushing

that'd be nineteen enemies I should

really not be outside if there weren't

any zombies I wouldn't be scared of

being outside at all but oh that's a

problem all right we have a problem with

my new bind if I press it won't scope

didn't scopes me oh my god oh poor guy

she didn't die

was a guy in this Hut

just killed this guy and they've got

film by this is it Randy

that is just like that is so frustrating

for the guy that died next to me I saw

like wow that is just the worst

well this is challenge because I'm not

in a good position and there's nowhere

to go I think I need to drive a little


I can take this Hut right here

everyone's around everyone's out of here

sky in the huts have a hard time what

someone shooting an s12 K back or

brownie what the heck I give this guy oh

god no what is this guy doing oh my god

this guy one

it sucks cuz you didn't even hit me but

I mean good for him we're watching the

replay of this guy

this guy is an s12 K and I think it's a

stream sniper maybe

For more infomation >> Chocotaco gets kar98 +15x and mk14 | 13 killls | pubg funny moments - Duration: 17:49.


Cucumber, potato & Lemon Remedy for Extra Fair Skin - Skin Whitening Remedy - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Cucumber, potato & Lemon Remedy for Extra Fair Skin - Skin Whitening Remedy - Duration: 2:27.


Natural cure of DIZZINESS | Acupressure treatment | Samaya yoga - Duration: 2:46.

Welcome all, I am jyoti khatri.

Health and Holistic Wellness expert.

In todays video i am going to share quick and easy way to cure dizziness naturally.

All you have to do is just massage the acupressure point which i ll be showing you in a while.

It will help ease dizziness naturally which may be caused due to cold, , lack of sleep,

excessive work pressure, motion sickness, seasickness, high blood pressure, heart disease

and other reasons.

If you are watching the video for the first time, then subscribe now to get natural health related videos.

Also, press the bell icon to never miss the updates.

Lets get started

Before applying any self healing techniques, it is very important to begin the treatment

with positive frame of mind.

You might want to use the breathing technique which i have shared in another video to bring

yourself in to the positive and happy sate of mind.

You will find the link in the video description below.

This acupressure point is located on the radial side of your wrist.

So, in oder to locate the point correctly tilt your thumb upright.

You will clearly be able to locate the point in to the the hollow or depression between

two tendons which is extensor pollicis longus and brevis tendons.

Press and stimulate this point properly.

Gently massage the point for 2 minutes.

As, you massage this point you will see your dizziness is slowly easing out.

You will feel its effect immediately.

Along with curing dizziness this acupressure point is also found useful in treatment of

other problems like wrist pain, headache, redness, pain or swelling of eye, and sore


I hope you find this video useful, Hit the like button below and share it with everyone

who might get benefit from watching this video.

Also, write in comment down below which health problems you are dealing with right now.

Will cover those topics in the future videos.

Subscribe the Samaya yoga youtube channel to get natural health related video.

I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Natural cure of DIZZINESS | Acupressure treatment | Samaya yoga - Duration: 2:46.


Brush Your Teeth Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Sis and Bro - Duration: 1:52.

Brush Your Teeth Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Sis and Bro

For more infomation >> Brush Your Teeth Song Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Sis and Bro - Duration: 1:52.


FUN BATH BOMB CHALLENGE!!!! - Duration: 10:00.


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