Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Today's question is, "What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19.

Genesis chapter 18 records the Lord and two angels coming to speak with Abraham.

The Lord informed Abraham that "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and

their sin so grievous" (Genesis 18:20).

Verses 22-33 record Abraham pleading with the Lord to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah

because Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom.

Genesis chapter 19 records the two angels, disguised as human men, visiting Sodom and


Lot met the angels in the city square and urged them to stay at his house.

The angels agreed.

The Bible then informs us, "Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of

the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house.

They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight?

Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them'" (Genesis 19:4–5).

The angels then proceed to blind all the men of Sodom and Gomorrah and urge Lot and his

family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver.

Lot and his family flee the city, and then "the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom

and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens.

Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities..."

(Genesis 19:24).

In light of the passage, the most common response to the question "What was the sin of Sodom

and Gomorrah?" is that it was homosexuality.

That is how the term "sodomy" came to be used to refer to anal sex between two men, whether

consensual or forced.

Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities.

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who

were disguised as men).

At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason

why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were definitely not exclusive in terms of the sins in which

they indulged.

Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters

were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

They were haughty and did detestable things before me..."

The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and

is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination."

Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "...Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves

up to sexual immorality and perversion."

So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the


Those who attempt to explain away the biblical condemnations of homosexuality claim that

the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality.

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were certainly being inhospitable.

There is probably nothing more inhospitable than homosexual gang rape.

But to say God completely destroyed two cities and all their inhabitants for being inhospitable

clearly misses the point.

While Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many other horrendous sins, homosexuality was the

reason God poured fiery sulfur on the cities, completely destroying them and all of their


To this day, the area where Sodom and Gomorrah were located remains a desolate wasteland.

Sodom and Gomorrah serve as a powerful example of how God feels about sin in general, and

homosexuality specifically.

Want to learn more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

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And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> What was the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah ? | - Duration: 4:08.


100 Cool Shabby-Chic Garden Decor Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 12:50.

For more infomation >> 100 Cool Shabby-Chic Garden Decor Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 12:50.


Die miesgelaunte Crusher | Wizard101 #1482 (english subtitles) - Duration: 17:56.

Hello and welcome back to Wizard101

We are in Empyrea and I am looking for

for Crusher

Crusher ...

Who send me a friend request now?

There is nobody ...

Well, our first quest

in Empyrea

Wow, I find it quite great!

Man, I am still tired

last night it was very late

I am super tired, didn't sleep enough

Oh, what do we have here? Looks very interesting!

The ground

the ground is so shiny!


This is quite some kind of

high end graphics!

Wow, look how it looks!

Is this Unreal Engine or what is it?

So cool!

Ok, "find Crushers' cave!"

What do we have here? A firefly!

How sweet!

How big is this jungle?

Ah, here we are already!

Okay, it seems that our first fight in Empyrea is a Boss fight!

Crusher crush you ... that pun had to be done!

life, liefe, life

Boss deck is equipped

I don't hesitate for long but go


12400 EP (has the Boss)

And she has shadow magic, too!

And my turn is the second (I hate that so much)


You know what? You can't stop yawning as you began with it

Once begun you really can't stop

Where's my mobile? Ah, there it is.

I guess now it's too late for a shield

Good, good, good, good, good (not that hard to understand, isn't it? ;))

I can hear something again ...

I must do my turn and then go away for a sec



Oh, it's my turn again!

Unfortunately the last part

Unfortunately the last part

I meant in this redording session

Then I have to stop for today

*yawn* Ah, finally there he is

You have been waiting for you for a long time

What was that?

Does she have a hidden pet behind her arm?

Yeah, really, there ist is. LOOK!

Now I've only seen it

How sweeeet!

Actually sweet

Well, These ladies don't have much variety

Well, I call this fly a woman, too

Okay, this woman is life ...

But here I got -20%

And she will receive ...

And she will receive ...

Ah, she's preparing ...

Did she do something shadowingly?

Now I see ... okay!

(I read out the things on the screen)

Well, this is ... a pity

Now she sends me a shadow attack

Against Kevin ...

... Kupferknospe (Copperbud) lol

Wow, Girl, did you really do that?

Shall I attack?

One, two ...

blades (I don't think this is what It's called in the US Wizard101)

-20% and -25%


But until now they didn't damage me that much

That's why I go on

And wait for new blades

Because if I attack now I will not be able to do much damage

Man, Crusher looks definitly in a bad mood, doesn't she?

Or does she have a bad day?

Ah, I still have ... (can't understand myself!)

I must heal myself

Okay, now it's really getting time to be healed

Only 1300? Why so little?

Did I not catch something?

It seems so ...

This is how you know me ...

As I don't catch so much

But I didn't Change my Equipment, didn't I?

My healing income was 1600 before ...

For now I don't know

Allright, now we have ...


And after that I will try

to attack

Oh, look, the fly has -50%

Great (not great!)

Nevertheless the fly should be killed

Oh man, I have minus, minus, minus, minus (and so on)

We do something now

We must do something now

cause the fight takes too long for me

Great, better fail (damn, this is ironic!)

Actually this attack MUST be critical!

There's no way around it

otherwise I lose so much

and then this is not that good

Kevin, you didn't make it critical?!

He didn't kill the shit-house-fly

Well, good

At least she's dead, but ...

Still 1200 and something

But we can theeeeeeeeeeeeeee .... one moment

It still has -50% ...

Nevertheless I try it without any blades or something

Ah, yes, yes, accept!

Damn, I was too excited! Shit!

Thank god!


I cast Fire from above

Yeah, -25% again ...

and there -50% ... shit

That won't work!

Unless it will be a critical hit!

that would really help me, Kevin

I guess it will be ridiculous

1114 ... really?!


That should mean: lick my ass!

Damn, look how little is left!

I need nothing anymore


This is what I Need. Shit.

It is going bad ...

I need one more fucking attack

I'd Need a wand attack, a fucking wand attack would be enough!

Come on!

No more attack! Nothing more is allowed to happen to me!

Damn, it attacks me again!

I have this shield and so on ...

What a Close fight!

Those are the perfect Wizard101-moments

all in all it was quite bad

Yeah, NOW he's attacking critical!

And is grinning so naughty

Like this

What was that?

Crusher you dumb fool

Let's see what's over there in your disgusting ...

... cave

I wanted to say something else but I better let it be ;)

wanted to say disgusting things

And now we talk to that strange Crusher

this Looks like a carpet

Shall this be a carpet?

So she has a huge carpet in her CAVE?

Her son is Wesley ... she is Crusher ...

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Wesely Crusher

I forgot Mum Crusher Surname, it's too Long ago

Cool animation by the way

Well, see you back in the next part

Aaand ... what is that?

And I hope

that you will be back next time ... Oh, look, another quest for me!

Let's check it out!

What a damn cool cat


Okay, now we have to

explore the Spider monkey cave

I look forward to seeing what awaits me there


we already go there

But at least in the next part

See you back soon, take care of you

See you tomorrow

For more infomation >> Die miesgelaunte Crusher | Wizard101 #1482 (english subtitles) - Duration: 17:56.


The new Mercedes-Benz Actros - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> The new Mercedes-Benz Actros - Duration: 1:14.


BAMBUDAN HAVUZLU EV YAPIMI-Building Beautiful Decoration House Bamboo-İlkel Yaşam-İlkel Teknoloji - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> BAMBUDAN HAVUZLU EV YAPIMI-Building Beautiful Decoration House Bamboo-İlkel Yaşam-İlkel Teknoloji - Duration: 11:00.


Khloé Kardashian Daughter True Thompson Most Lovable Video In Ever - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian Daughter True Thompson Most Lovable Video In Ever - Duration: 1:26.


ABC Uppercase A to Z learning - ABC Kids Utube - Duration: 3:18.

ABC Kids Utube






















Ice Cream



































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Thank you. Bye bye

For more infomation >> ABC Uppercase A to Z learning - ABC Kids Utube - Duration: 3:18.


The new Mercedes-Benz Actros 2019 | Trailer - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> The new Mercedes-Benz Actros 2019 | Trailer - Duration: 1:45.


𝟐𝐱𝟒 BackPack hanger build & GiveAway:15" Spire Messenger Laptop bag❗️ - Duration: 8:51.

over the years I've had a few backpacks

including this 15 inch messenger laptop

spire bag this is a piece of crap

ochio motorcycle laptop bag but I

recently got this shapeshifter bag from

a think-tank and it's fantastic link

below if you want to get one and I

always just toss it on my chair and I

need a place to hang it up so I'm going

to show you how to make a holder for

your backpack if you want to win

that spire 15 inch messenger bag hang

out to the end of the video and I'll let

you know how to do that

so let's go ahead take a look at how to

make a 2x4 backpack holder my name is

Eric temple

I'm an industrial designer welcome to my

channel about product design and making

I hope that you like and joy and become

a subscriber make sure you give the

video a thumbs up and then you hit the

bell hit the bell again so you get the

little parentheses around it

that way you'll be notified every time I

have a new video don't forget to check

out the design and making merch below

hoodies t-shirts and stickers okay I'm

gonna start out this project just like

it would pretty much any other design

project I'm gonna start by doing some

sketches and figuring out exactly what

it is that I want this object to do and

I wanted to hold my backpack I want it

to be easy to take on and off I need to

screw it onto the wall and I also want

to have a little slot to hold a tablet

or a cell phone I'm going to start out

with a basic do by 4 and it's gonna be

about 3 inches long and so I'm just

marking that off and we'll cut that to

size and while I'm at it for a good

measure I'm gonna make two of them so

you will see footage from the two units

that I'm gonna put together one will be

for the studio and one will be for the


this is a good time to use the dust mask

with a protection that I built in a

previous video to check that out link


let's lay out the cuts onto the 2x4 I'm

cutting about an inch and a quarter hole

that's gonna be for the thumb so that

you can easily put the bag on and off

the holder comfortably and I'm just

laying everything out kind of eyeballing

it once that I've gotten the

measurements down and this right here is

the radius that the actual handle is

going to rest on

now I use a little waste block to cut

and hold everything in place while I

drill here I set the depth gauge on the

drill press and I drill the bigger hole

so that at the head of the screw can go

in and will drill the thinner hole for

the threaded part of the screw after


I drew but it's not quite long enough to

go through on the drill press and I have

to chuck it up in my hand drill and

punch it through and it's still barely

long enough and then I push it through

from the backside here we're gonna mill

out the thumb area so that you can

easily grab the bag and I just do this

on the drill press with my cross slide

vise and a machine that Square to the

hole that I drilled so the tangent on

the side there goes straight up and

that's pretty easy to do here with the


so here I'm drilling the rest of the

cross slots on the top this is the big

wide slot for where the handle of the

backpack actually goes it's a lot wider

than the one in the back that is used to

hold your mobile device

now I felt the part was a little too

flimsy based on the fact that I had a

hole drilled down the middle of it to

mill out these slots on the side so I'm

gonna do that on my bandsaw and just

make a series of little relief cuts and

then remove that material to get the

rounded dome shape for the handle I'm

gonna do this by hand so I've clamped

down my block and I'm taking a little

handsaw here and I'm cutting the relief

on the corners and then we're gonna use

a chisel to round that over nice so this

way we don't get any marks in the

backpack long term as it's hanging up

it's a nice smooth radius and we don't

mess up that material on the top of the

backpack and it also gives us a little

bit of extra breathing room just for

putting the backpack on and off of the

holder makes it that much easier to take


now to smooth out the little radius part

for the handle there I use a file it's

actually a metal file it's not the

correct file I don't have a nice square

wood file so I use that metal file I'm

going to take everything over to the

belt sander and we're gonna kind of

radius things off to make things a

little bit more human a little softer so

that your hands aren't rubbing up

against anything sharp here as well for

the thumb area take this over to the

oscillating spindle sander and we'll

radius off that edges the front edge

there ideally I think would be done with

a router but I don't want to get

everything out so I just did it by hand

when it put on a little boiled linseed

oil to bring out the grain on the wood

it makes it nice gives it a little

finish and I'm just using a paper towel

and in here I use a brush to get down

into the little edges and grooves and

corners and stuff makes things a little

bit easier at this point I realized that

I probably need a little slot in case I

want to run a cable up through this

thing to charge a mobile device and so I

just sort of milled that in I didn't

want to drill a straight up hole and

this is a lot nicer let's mount it on

the wall the unit is a little bit wider

than a 2x4 is when you build a wall so

only one of the screws in this case goes

into the 2x4 but I think it's pretty

important to note that make sure if you

build yourself something like this that

at least one of your screws goes into

the structure inside your wall so I can

support the bag

all right there it is mounted in my

studio the other one gets mounted in the

shop I don't bring it down into the shop

a lot my backpack but occasionally I

need to load up some gear from going on

a little design adventure and that's a

great addition to have to your shop now

if you want to win that 15 inch aspire

bag I'm gonna give it away to one of the

next 100 new subscribers to my Twitter

page so leave a comment there and tweet

at me to let me know that you're a new

subscriber I look forward to all the

comments and you get a free bag if I

pick you don't forget to subscribe to

the channel you can do that by clicking

on an icon in the bottom right of the

video or below the video give it a

thumbs up and follow the channel there

as well want to know about upcoming

design content and projects that I'm

working on follow me on Instagram

Twitter Facebook and my favorite Google+

links below also don't forget to check

out all the design and making gear below

rock on click here to check out some of

the other design and making videos that

I have that you might enjoy

For more infomation >> 𝟐𝐱𝟒 BackPack hanger build & GiveAway:15" Spire Messenger Laptop bag❗️ - Duration: 8:51.


Materia sobre Dash Dinheiro Digital - Adoção em massa - LEGENDAS em Português - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Materia sobre Dash Dinheiro Digital - Adoção em massa - LEGENDAS em Português - Duration: 4:20.


How to Decorate Kids Room: Tips to Calm Kids Down - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> How to Decorate Kids Room: Tips to Calm Kids Down - Duration: 14:33.


Why You SHOULD Be Excited About The International Break - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Why You SHOULD Be Excited About The International Break - Duration: 3:35.




For more infomation >> MY FIRST PLOTAGRAPH LOOP - ANIMATE PHOTOS - Duration: 0:53.


🔴 СТИЛЬ КОКО ШАНЕЛЬ: 5 потрясающих вещей ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 🔴 СТИЛЬ КОКО ШАНЕЛЬ: 5 потрясающих вещей ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 1:54.


Die 10 größten Logikfehler in den Harry Potter Filmen - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Die 10 größten Logikfehler in den Harry Potter Filmen - Duration: 7:46.


Ari Lennox - Whipped Cream - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Ari Lennox - Whipped Cream - Duration: 5:25.


🍀DKSUKO Rain Boots - Women's & Girl's Waterproof (Adjustable Buckles) Review 👈 - Duration: 3:58.

welcome back to the channel I've got

some new boots to show you today they're

from DKSUKO. I got these for gardening

and yard work but they can also be used

for hiking fishing or any number of

activities daily wear stay tuned to find

out more so these boots come in a

variety of colors and of course

different sizes they also come in girls

sizes they come in Y yellow pink navy

lots of colors so you can check the link

below if you want to take a look at what

is offered

I got brown because I thought that would

be best for everyday use for my purposes

I will try them on in a minute but first

let me show you more about them. So I

ordered these boots from Amazon and they

were fairly inexpensive I think about 27

dollars so I was a little skeptical

about the quality but they seem to be

very well-made they're made of a

composite rubber material and the inside

is a fabric the sole is rubber and it's

grooved to be anti-skid take a look at

that looks very sturdy. The heel is thick

about one and three-quarter inches so

that you wear well. And of course they

have the buckles on the side and these

buckles are adjustable for it to

individualize your comfort level make

them easier to get on and off . Best of

all these are waterproof. I have a pair

of boots that I've had for some time

that I'm very fond of wearing but I'm

tired of soggy socks if I go out even if

the grass is wet my feet are wet so

they're not waterproof so I'm looking

forward to wearing these I'm going to

try these on now

So here are the boots they are very

comfortable I've got my jeans tucked in

and there's plenty of room for that

which I like I can you know of course

also wear them out put one in and one


how's that normally I think it would

wear my jeans outside the boot I did go

up a size with these because I was

reading some comments that they tend to

run a little small so I'm glad I did

they're nice and comfortable. They're

roomy enough now that I can wear a bulky

sock or put a shoe insole in there if I

if I want to they don't cut into my calves

at all and as I said runs what my jeans

inside/ So I'm looking forward to wearing

these and not getting soggy feet

Some people do wear them hiking

motorcycle riding . I'm not going to be doing

any motorcycle running but I am looking

forward to wearing them on a daily basis.

So, that's a look at the DKSUKO rubber

boots. They're a good value for the price

they certainly seem to be and check

description section below for more

information thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 🍀DKSUKO Rain Boots - Women's & Girl's Waterproof (Adjustable Buckles) Review 👈 - Duration: 3:58.


How To Get Rid Of Nasal Congestion | How To Naturally Unblock Your Sinuses | Remedies One - Duration: 3:29.

are you suffering from a cold or the flu

try any of these three natural remedies

to help fight your nasal congestion and

recover faster today's video will

discuss three natural remedies to help

fight your nasal congestion before you

watch this video please take a moment to

subscribe our YouTube channel by

clicking the subscribe button then tap

the Bell icon so you will be the first

to know when we post new videos daily

nasal congestion is a symptom caused by

inflammation and the obstruction of the

nose ducts due to an excess production

of mucus it normally appears with

respiratory problems like the flu where

the common cold however it can also

appear due to allergies one eucalyptus

leaves the natural extracts of

eucalyptus leaves have an antihistamine

an anti-inflammatory effect that helps

reduce nasal congestion using them as

part of a steam therapy helps to clear

the airways and eliminate the excess

mucus that causes this symptom

ingredients 6 eucalyptus leaves 4 cups

of water 1 liter method 1 first add

several eucalyptus leaves in a pot with

water and bring to a boil to then when

it boils inhale the vapors covering your

head with a towel 3 repeat the treatment

every night before bed to relieve

congestion to honey and apple cider


the combination of honey and apple cider

vinegar is the natural treatment that

helps fight viruses and bacteria that

affect respiratory health both

concentrate anti-inflammatory analgesic

and decongestant properties that help to

alleviate the discomfort caused by the

flu and the common cold ingredients 1

tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 10

milliliters honey

1 tablespoon 25 grams 1 cup of warm

water 200 milliliters method 1 fir

add the apple cider vinegar and honey to

a glass of warm water and stir until

they're well dissolved too after they've

dissolved drink the mixture on an empty

stomach 3 repeat this every day until

the problem clears up 3 garlic and

turmeric the antibiotic and

anti-inflammatory agents of garlic have

been used as part of the treatment of

nasal congestion since ancient times

these properties added to the great

benefits of turmeric helps strengthen

your immune system for rapid relief from

respiratory problems ingredients 3

minced garlic cloves 1/2 TSP of turmeric

powder 2 grams 1 cup of water 250

milliliters method 1 first bring the

water to boil 2 when it boils add the

minced garlic in turmeric powder 3 then

lower the heat let the mixture stand and

strain it before drinking it for drink

half a cup a day for 3 or 4 days how you

treat nasal congestion let me know in

our comment section below if you liked

this video give it a thumbs up and share

with your friends for more daily tips

subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Nasal Congestion | How To Naturally Unblock Your Sinuses | Remedies One - Duration: 3:29.


The Dogs of Tupac, Peru & My Lost Love | A Life Story | Koaw Nature - Duration: 9:35.

Alright B, you want to hear a story man?


Alright. So this is about the dogs of Tupac

which is a mercado in Peru and…

my lost love.

You never got to meet her but

they kind of intertwine.

Storytime on Koaw Nature.

[theme music]

[upbeat string music]

So last year when I was in Peru,

I went there in August.


we went to the mountain district of Mache

which is this beautiful, bucolic area with

a lot of potato farming and red-soiled mountains.

It was just a real lovely place.

And I was up there with my buddy Michael

and his family was up there for a reunion, sort of.

[indistinct chattering in Spanish]

And one day we went to go climb this mountain called Mira Mar.

But what was also unique and what I also love about Peru are these—

they have dogs just wandering the streets down there.

It's not like the United States.

They have a lot of strays

and a lot of people have their dogs

that they just let roam the streets or the mountains.

It doesn't matter if it's the city or a rural setting.

So this one day, we're just climbing this mountain

and this little dog decides to join us.

And it's just like this little dog came along

and climbed an entire mountain with us.

[inspirational music]

[heavy breathing]

She got little burs in her fur. We picked them out.


As this dog was climbing the mountain,

I also noticed that Michael's cousin,

this beautiful, young woman

was climbing a mountain in a designer coat and jeans.

And so that's when she caught my eye.

Fast-forward to a little later.

[sentimental music]

I started to get to know this woman.

This beautiful young architect—crafty, clever.

I got to know her more on this trip.

And we ended up going to a vacation she planned to go north.

We went to Núro and I got to swim with some turtles with her.

And, uh...

And it was just amazing—

I was falling in love with this girl.

And so I told her, "I have to get to know you better—I have to."

And so I went back in October

and this is where the dogs of Tupac come into play.

And so I lived with her for a few weeks and every day—

pretty much every day—we'd go to this market near her house called Tupac.

So in Tupac, it's this mercado

where people are selling all sorts of things from

knock off designer clothing to

fresh produce or

they have the butcher markets or knock off CDs.

It's where people do their thing.

But in this market, I just noticed these dogs that were going around.

So I started to film them—I had to.

It was just very interesting how these dogs and the humans

formed a symbiotic relationship.

And that's just a relationship where they are sort of depending on each other

either for companionship

or it's to keep the rats away

or individual stalls are having their dogs kind of do a patrol.

So it was just fascinating to see some dogs that were obviously strays...

I started giving them little names—

I'd be like, "That's Eddy right there.

That's Germaine.

That's Roxanne."

And I'd start to recognize the dogs from day-to-day.

I'd be like, "Hey, Pauly. How you doing today?"

And the dogs would actually, ya know,

they'd recognize me because I was kinda filming them.

But I mean—you'd have the juice lady.

I'd get a fresh-squeezed orange juice.

You could get a fresh-squeezed orange juice, right in front of you,

for like twenty-five cents U.S..

[calming music]

This was the day-to-day of all these people.

Most people spent their lives in this market. It's what they do.

People—a lot of people like the girl I was seeing would go there

and they'd buy their fresh produce.

They'd buy what they needed

and they'd take these little combis home or these little

three-wheeled motorcycles.

And the dogs would be there right there alongside of them

barking in the street or chasing cars.

And the dogs had their own little agendas as well.

They had to keep track of each other

and make sure their own little system was working.

So B, when you think of nature—

when you think of a very dense city:

concrete, cars, honking,

you don't really think of nature do you?

And I think that's something we need to—as a generation—

we need to start looking past.

We have to realize that we humans are a part of nature whether we are in a city—

whether we're in a place like this.

We humans have changed the globe so significantly

that if we start to consider nature as all that is untouched by humans—

all that humans have not manipulated or affected in some way then

there's hardly a place on this planet that we could think of. --That's true.

For me it was one of the best times of my life

because even though I wasn't in a setting like this where I—

this is where I'm comfortable the most.

—with the birds singing,

with the frogs going 'bloop'—well I can't do it—on the shore.

This is comfortable.

But to see the interactions in the market in Tupac was great.

To share that experience with her, the woman, that was a great time too.

She dumped me with a text message.

[hearty laughter]

Ya know it was a great time.

I wish her the best and she'll have an amazing future.

And I just hope my little homies,

those little perritos in Tupac,

are watching her and taking care of her

as she buys her produce every day and all that.

Yeah. They say—ya know it's the question:

'Is it better to have loved and lost

or to have never loved at all?'

And I think after we deal with heartache of love and losing it—

that's very strenuous—

but it's almost a privilege to just have someone like that

and that feeling for a while, right?

I send the best wishes to my perrito homies in Peru

as well as well as my Homo sapiens sapiens friends.

And thank you for listening to my story. I appreciate it.

Alright good luck fishing. Let's get of here.

Let's go to a better spot. How 'bout that?

For more infomation >> The Dogs of Tupac, Peru & My Lost Love | A Life Story | Koaw Nature - Duration: 9:35.


We had Bingsu for the first time! Friend time with Arleebean at Dubu! (Near Philly!) - Duration: 8:45.

Hello friends, it's that time again

I see her.

Do you see her?

I see her


This is very creepy ooh, but that's a good walk and a very Wiggly camera

That's actually a still, sort of


From your video

D'awwwww. I know.

It's like a present!

This is the only thing I care about.

Oh, but the other one's the fancy one.

Oh, I see it now.

It's VERY delicious.

Oh, I'm so excited, thank you!

Like, terrifyingly delicious.

Ooh. OOOOH. Oooooooh.

And I thought that you would look super cute in like a Rosie wrap

So. Perfect.

That's so perfect. Yeah.

So it's both the swatch card and also has all the information

Cuz you know I like to build palettes

Uh huh, uh huh. So cooooool. Yaaaay!

So, Arleesha, you have had a taste of everything so far what are your favorite things?

This is good. ( the bibimbap )

This is good. The soondubu. This is good. Just salad. Yeah. Yeah Salad's good. This is kimchi

Which equals good? Yeah, this is good

This is good. This is good. Mm-hmm. This is water. No, but you know what? It's barley water. It's good

It's good everything's good. So the conclusion is dubu is like one of the greatest restaurants that has ever restauranted. Oh, yeah

Oh, yeah. No, I agree. I like how I asked you for what's your favorite thing so far you were like the whole thing?

What do you mean there's a favorite?

I'm not prepared. I'm not prepared to answer that question.

I think my favorite is what's always been my favorite. I love the mushroom soondubu

And I don't remember the full name but it's the mushroom Soondubu. That's my favorite

And I also really love their Kimchi and their salad

this is my first time having their bibimbap and it's actually probably the best bibimbap I've ever had and

One super fun thing that you might not know about this potato salad sure

It looks like potato salad, but it's got apples in it. And I know that sounds crazy. That sounds like some nonsense

It's good, that's the face of someone that just had some apple potato salad. I can't tell you anything more.

It's sweet potato salad.

Which is.. wha duh... uh buh... It's just great.

The crunchy bottom!!!

Thank you


No idea if I'm even in frame. whatever

We fought as admirably as we could but

At the end of the day, this is just so much food

This is this is the look of defeat.

Oh well

Ah. the arrival of our admission of defeat

Once again, Dubu is great. Come here if you're anywhere near, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania


Ooh, that's refreshing so the ice part is like so refreshing and so fluffy

No, you can eat it by yourself itself. Yeah, why would you I

I say is I eat just that... Ooh! it's milk and ice

Mmm, that's so good. That's

Why why have I not grown up eating this


It was like one of the greatest desserts I've ever had in my whole life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. It was so refreshing

Yeah, and today it's like a million zillion degrees. So it's perfect

So patchwork

It's a game

You make a quilt

Maybe you'll win.

Maybe I'll win

maybe Bubba will win?

Do the the Hulk walking away sad music? Yeah, yeah, there you go.

So long, farewell.

Photoshop me green.

Aufwiedersen good night...

I guess so.

Goodbye goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye

Goodbye! GOODBYE! ........

(whispered) goodbyyyyyyeee

((Cackling of a madwoman who thinks her creepy jokes are funny))

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