Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Are You Sleeping Brother John

For more infomation >> Are You Sleeping Brother John | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children | Kids Cartoon by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:09.


Roundup: The weedkiller that could be killing people - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> Roundup: The weedkiller that could be killing people - Duration: 9:31.


আল কোরআনের অর্থ কি ? ডাঃ জাকির নায়েক || Quraner Ortho Ki || Bangla Waz Short Video Dr. Zakir Naik - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> আল কোরআনের অর্থ কি ? ডাঃ জাকির নায়েক || Quraner Ortho Ki || Bangla Waz Short Video Dr. Zakir Naik - Duration: 1:58.


Roblox | When me play Phantom Forces | [New Steel II] Phantom Forces - Duration: 9:08.

Hi guys

Welcome to my channel !

wait what ! they are coming to me

ready !

1 man !

2 man !

yay double kill :D


headshot !


For more infomation >> Roblox | When me play Phantom Forces | [New Steel II] Phantom Forces - Duration: 9:08.


Clap Your Hands | Momo Beats Cartoons | Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:11.

Clap Your Hands Action Song For Kids

For more infomation >> Clap Your Hands | Momo Beats Cartoons | Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:11.


Типичная ошибка трейдера – уровни поддержки / сопротивления – контекст рынка - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Типичная ошибка трейдера – уровни поддержки / сопротивления – контекст рынка - Duration: 2:03.


AVOCADO CUCUMBER SMOOTHIE | How to Make a Green Smoothie for Weight Loss - Duration: 3:36.

Hi guys. My name is Christina, I'm a

nutritional health coach and a

nutritional therapist and I upload

delicious healthy recipes nutritional and

lifestyle tips every week. If you are new

to my channel then do hit the

subscribe button to be notified when a

new video goes live. In this video I'm

going to share with you one of my

favorite morning smoothie recipes and

it's a recipe that it's really that

actually keeps me going for

approximately 5 to 6 hours, no kidding. And

because I hear a lot of complaints from

you when you're trying to switch diet

from - to more of a plant-based diet that

one of the things that's quite

challenging is to keep yourself such

satiated. So I'm going to share the recipe

for that exact reason so that you can

see that it's possible to be satiated

on a more plant-based diet. Okay this is

an incredibly refreshing smoothie that

contains hazelnut milk but you can use

any other non-dairy milk you like, like

almond milk oat milk coconut milk. I also

add half an avocado for this smooth texture and

the healthy pants incorporating healthy

fats in our diet ensures that we say

satiated for longer and also feeds our

brain. Then I add cucumber as it adds a

refreshing touch to the smoothie and for

its antioxidant properties vitamins

minerals and fiber. Fiber rich foods keep

us full for longer and manage our blood

sugar and I have mentioned quite a few


For additional fiber and also to

incorporate omega-3 fatty acids I also

add one tablespoon of chia seeds and my

last ingredient which has always

incorporated my smoothies in unflavored

collagen protein powder. Collagen is a

protein that exists now hair, eyes, nails,

and skin but as we grow up its

production is decreasing so I add some

extra to help my body stay stronger and

healthier for longer. Collagen is not a

vegan protein pattern for vegan option

you can use a flavour vegan protein

powder I have included some options for

you in the description of this video

Blend all the ingredients for a couple

of minutes and enjoy. For those of you

that would like this smoothie to be a

little bit more refreshing then add a

couple of ice cubes and that will do the

magic. Guys if you liked this recipe and

if you liked my dress this is how I wake

up every morning making smoothies yes if

you liked this video, please give it a

thumbs up comment on the section below

share it with anyone you think will find

it useful and I would like to stay in

touch. I also have a Facebook group where

we support each other where we are the

accountability buddies for one another.

So do join that if you want support in

your health journey and guys I will see

in the next episode. Bye.

For more infomation >> AVOCADO CUCUMBER SMOOTHIE | How to Make a Green Smoothie for Weight Loss - Duration: 3:36.


TAROKO NATIONAL PARK By Bicycle | Taiwan Cycling Trip - Duration: 25:18.

good morning Taiwan!

Two Wheel Cruise here!

checking in in Hualien

with my wife, Thuong

she just arrived in Taiwan last night

we took the late-night train here to Hualien from Taipei

and today we're going out for an adventure

we'll be cycling to taroko national park

there's a big typhoon in the south part of Taiwan right now lots of rain clouds affecting this area as well

but we've got a little bit of a sunny break

it looks like the mountains are a bit cloudy

it might be a little bit risky

but we're up for an adventure

we've got our matching shirts on today

we're totally standing out as tourists but that's ok

we've got our high visibility bright green shirts on perfect for cycling

we're making our way to the giant bicycle store to rent our bicycles for today

and then we'll be on the road so

let's go check back in at the giant store!

we just picked up our bikes from the giant rental store

this is my bike

Thuong's bike is this one

and we got some sweet cute water bottles

Thuong is pretty excited about

we're gonna go ahead and get started

thank you

just about ready to start our ride

but first we got to grab some food

we haven't eaten anything yet

luckily, there's a 7-eleven convenience store right over here

so we're gonna grab a quick snack

and then get on the road

stocked up on some bread for later

this is the red bean bread so luckily

knowing kanji you know this means like red and this mean bean so can guess this is the red bean bread

this is the Mexico bread

it's really good

we're not going to eat breakfast here

we're gonna keep going on and try and

find some other place to eat breakfast

not looking good for us weather-wise

those are some massive clouds surrounding that mountain which we're about to go enter

we've started to make our way out of Hualien

we're going North along the East-coast

river path right now and already just

there's all these planes flying around

there must be some sort of military base nearby here

because these aren't like normal planes

these are like military planes it's

It's really loud, so I'm gonna put the camera away now..

so some first impressions

I thought Japan had a lot of 7-elevens

but they've got 7-eleven fever here in Taiwan

There's a new 7-eleven on every street block

there's one here and right back there

it's also weird riding on the right side of the road

we usually ride on the left side of the road in Japan

so far the scenery has been really awesome

it's really hot right now

but it's not so bad because the wind is really strong

really happy to be out here cycling

really happy everything worked out smoothly

these rental bicycles are awesome!

pretty fast and pretty solid and they got a lot of storage with the bags

only complaint I have so far is those planes are really loud

is this normal here?

or is this a special military drill?

if it happens everyday, it must be pretty annoying

anyway continuing on

hopefully get a ride along the coast and

take the scenic route up into Taroko National Park

great thing about Taiwan is all the

public athletic facilities you see

there's just a little place to work out here

here's a this is a pretty bad example

because this is a pretty rundown tennis court

the main point is they have these facilities everywhere

and here we go that seems to be a

rundown one but right next to here we've

especially in Taipei they have those parks everywhere so free public

tennis courts free public basketball

courts nothing like that in Japan

there's no place to play basketball or tennis outside for free

there are a lot of tennis courts, but they require reservations and money

months in advance one of the things I

really love here about Taiwan is just the free public athletic facilities here

we go this is their new Athletic Park it

looks like beautiful really nice we're

also riding in sandals today

her new sandals we bought in Vietnam my

sandals we got in Vietnam and the reason

for that is because it's really sunny

right here but it looks like it's gonna

rain over there so just in case it rains

we're protected so speaking of the

military earlier it looks like we're

right by one of the military bases

because they've got all the fences lined

up here with the barbed wire and they

had some pictures of the Jets on the

walls looks like we're on the right track

Taroko National Park!

stopping for a quick snack these look

pretty good we're gonna give it a try

really hot out there we're sweating

pretty bad taking a quick break at the

convenient to grab some cold sports

drinks and stock up on some other snacks

just in case because we're about to go enter Taroko National Park

so we're gonna be climbing up into the

mountains in a bit and we're not sure

how isolated it is how many shops are

anything there's gonna be there so I'm

gonna stock up here real quick and cool

off in the AC for a second about 20k in

so it took us about 20 K to ride over

here we also got that really good

looking like bun that we're pretty

excited to try out so quick fuel up and

then we're going to be back on the road

full of meat, Thuong's favorite

one of my favorite snacks here in Taiwan

I think it's called through joking so

it's like a peppered bread club this

one's a little bit different since the

It's so hot!

but we're gonna go back on the road

hopefully it's a bit cooler in the gorge

looks like we might not get hit with rain it is still a bit cloudy over in the mountains but I'm crossing our fingers

we might be lucky let's get back on the road

absolutely loving all of the canopy trees here and especially the bike lane here

granted this is for the scooters and the bikes and stuff like that but cyclists can use them too

there's not much traffic really nice

looks like we're starting to enter the main gorge area we've got a little

descent here and looks like we're gonna be wedged in between the mountains right straight up ahead

we haven't even entered yet and I'm already getting a good feeling

this is gonna be beautiful!

the last 7-eleven before we enter

mountains I forgot to mention in earlier

in today's vlog that today's course is actually part of the Taiwan KOM challenge

so a really popular hill climb race here in Taiwan

this race is multiple times a year

the year but I think the main one is in

September or October or around there

really want to participate in that one day

today we're not riding the full course

it's about 100 kilometres and climbs up over 3,000 meters of elevation gain

pretty insane.. We're not doing that on these bikes in these clothes..

hopefully we'll do that another day

today we're just checking out the main

attractions at the gorge and nearby the

see some pretty cool stuff pretty soon

looks like we got some restaurants and shops here

we've arrived at the main entrance everyone stopped by this bridge

taking pictures pretty cool site looks like a kind of dried-up river but a couple streams is still going

they got water markers there by the bridge so I wonder if once upon a time or sometimes

if there's some bad flooding if the

water level rises up to get up there

they'll be pretty insane considering how

low it is right now anyway here's the

gate for the entrance to the park we're

gonna ride through that and go check it

out and then already you can see some of

the awesome cool little tunnels that

we're gonna pass through there's one

example right there

most people come here by touring buses

so I'm guessing we're gonna run into a

lot of those buses on the road time to


starting with some absolute beautiful

views just instantly as we entered the

park all of those sort of like cave

tunnels where you're just going through

and it's rocks right here you can see

we're going through another one and

these are actually as cool as they are

these are a bit scary there was a local

rider from in Japan where I live who was

riding in this area last year and a

falling rock hit his head which killed

him and so you do need to be extra

careful while you're riding through here

make sure you are wearing a helmet we

rented some extra helmets from the giant

store today as well those cost an extra

100 Taiwanese dollars for our whole trip

which isn't bad and men just loving

riding through here even though it is a

bit busy with cars the roads are a bit

more narrow than the other roads but

it's not so bad everyone's pretty polite

and respectful because there's lots of

cyclists and pedestrians here but yeah

just them being surrounded by like being

in a gorge surrounded by tall massive

mountains on both sides the beautiful

river in the center and it's just

beautiful clear water beautiful bridges

here's a sign watch out for falling

rocks especially now when it's like

storm season there's all the typhoons

heavy winds strong rains coming here

must be really dangerous we're about to

go through this sort of big tunnel not

super big but we just turned our lights

on luckily these bikes came with lights

coming out of the tunnel we got two

different splits here we're gonna go

check out the what is this the Chung tun


Oh Sun starting to come out beautiful

view as we approach the temple over here

in the waterfall there we go beautiful

view of the waterfall and temple area

over there key date on a demo Kimi hotel

today Jenai

I can't emphasize our show properly in

the camera how tall and how massive

these mountains are but just take a look

at this it looks like there's a hiking

path that goes up along here you can see

sort of some trails built into the side

of the mountain right there and this

goes all the way all the way all the way


there's also another shrine or temple

over there as well so it looks like if

you hike up you can get up to the other

part don't think we're gonna do that

today though

we just took a look at the map to figure

out where we are and what sort of

attractions there are here and it looks

like we just sort of went through loop

so we're gonna go back to where we just

were and I think these are most of the

main tourist attraction areas in here

but we're gonna try and continue and go

climb up the mountain a little bit I'll

see how far I can convince tone to go

until we decide to turn around so we're

gonna write a bit more of the kom

climbing course hopefully get a few more

beautiful sights in along the way all

right let's get back on the road

looks like a pretty old bridge guess you

can walk over that must be one of the

parts of the hiking trails oh it says

don't enter so never mind don't go there

man just surrounded by beautiful sights

no matter which direction you look

it looks like they're working on our new

tunnel here so it's pushing her way

through the climb

looks like the tunnel that we saw

earlier it just comes out right here

that's really not that long only like a

kilometer maybe to not shower where

they're making that but looks nice I'm

gonna stop and take a quick break here

right by the dam it looks like there's a

lot more water up here and they're just

filtering through the stem

I think towing may have reached her

limit so we're gonna stop eat a snack

and see she's willing to continue or not

so let's eat some of the on phone with

the red bean bread that we bought

earlier these bags that were renting are

pretty cool they're not quite waterproof

but they do have a waterproof cover that

will come up in to protect it if we need

it it's got pouches in the backs for our

drinks and yeah just really useful

everything came included with the bike

rental we paid 1,700 Taiwanese dollars

for the three days came with all these

the two bags in the back the back in the

front we got a water bottle and the pump

in computer lights everything

so the spread turned out to be not just

red bean but it's got a little bit of

cream inside there as well

pretty good snack we're in this little

pavilion thing nice little rest stop by

the dam beautiful view of the river from

here full body of water now and really

lucky with the clouds everywhere so far

everywhere that we've been riding we

haven't been under the dark clouds yet

they just seem to be stuck deeper in the

mountains little break is over we're

gonna go back on the road let's get

going on to the next attraction

we found one of the remaining tourist


looks like it's gonna be a pretty tough

climb I asked him do you want to climb

this or not and she's like let's just do

it and so we're gonna give it a try

not sure how high we're gonna go not

sure how beautiful the site is going to

be up at the top but we're gonna start


so that was a little tough of a climb to

get up here and up at the top here we've

got this kind of like recreational

center lots of families out here most

people would be driving up here there's

also a couple of buses that came up here

and not quite sure all there is to do

but we don't have too much time to stick

around but it looks like you can keep

hiking a little bit up to the top we

were hoping to be able to ride our bikes

to the top and get a really nice view so

we came all the way here we might as

well check out this little hiking path

here and see if there's a nice view up

at the top this says the the village

hotel or something so we're gonna try

and I guess we could ride up this but

we're probably going to walk up it after

finding a few signs and reading a bit of

more about this place found out that

this is kind of like the region where

the more indigenous old Taiwanese

population used to live and have kind of

like a tribe I guess so we've got some

statues here we just climbed up to the

top of that road and they've got the

hotel here so all decorated in the old

fashioned style I guess the old style

kind of reminds me a bit of like the

Native American population in the US so

we've got some designs decorated all

over the place looks like they have some

nature paths and some unique places

built all over the area pretty cool so

let's try and explore a little bit more

before we head back some nice artwork


so up here it looks like this is kind of

where the hotel connects to looks like

they've got some more like older style

buildings and I guess you can stay here

camp out here and sort of experience

like the older lifestyle I guess a bunch

of hiking paths hiking trails all around

pretty cool place anyway I think that's

all we're going to explore here for now

we don't have too much time got to start

heading back before it gets dark

so we decided to continue on and go to

the last and final stop on the trail it

was so close we had to do it this is

called swallow grotto and another

beautiful view of the gorge right here

apparently in this section you also need

to wear helmets

everyone's got helmets on all the

regular pedestrians as well luckily

we've already got our helmets


so they've got little holes oh wow this

is beautiful little holes going in here

Wow the wall over there is just awesome

just not quite there's another one over


Wow check out all those holes over there

massive drop that is really cool

it is so beautiful here

nothing quite does it justice I've seen

videos of the race footage from the ko

I'm challenged and we're riding through

that main gorge area right now just

super wide open and insanely beautiful

unfortunately going to call it quits for

right now we've got about two and a half

hours till sunset and it's going to take

us about that long to get home so we're

heading back hopefully it'll be mostly

just sent out of here totems pretty low

on energy

and we're going to get some food at the

end once we exit out of the mountains

anyway here's a nice beautiful montage

of our ride back

we're just exited teracle National Park

had a blast going down that descent that

was really nice and we're at about 55 KN

completely done on sandals and feet are

starting to hurt right now because

they're not as stiff as I'd like them to

be for this kind of long ride but

tongues holding up pretty good but we're

gonna go get some food right now because

we're brilliant hungry we haven't eaten

a real solid meal all day we've just

been eating sort of snacks like bread it

different actually mostly just bread so

we're gonna get our reward meal and

search for some good food so let's see

what food options we can find here

Iman Oh Joshua mom I guess we that makes

you suckers old so we stopped by the

convenience store which is one of the

few places that's open and we got some

milk they're really famous with their

soy milk here this is one of my favorite

ones that I drank last time no sugar

high fiber and chunks gonna try the

papaya milk I also got sunburned by the

way you can see here I didn't ripe any

sunscreen on my knees so a little bit of

sunburn but nothing bad anyway

let's let's drink some milk

unfortunately this is going to be the

end of our day trip recycling ride from

qualia into tautoko National Park for

anyone who's in the area and thinking

about renting bikes and doing this route

we highly recommend it we had a great

time checking out all the beautiful

views in the mountains but definitely be

prepared there is a decent amount of

climbing despite the beautiful weather

that we had for most of the day we did

get hit with a little bit of rain for

our ride back home if you're interested

in following us with some more videos of

us cycling around Taiwan or also

watching some of our other videos

cycling around Japan be sure to

subscribe to our channel if you haven't

already you can also click the link for

our playlists of our videos here in

Taiwan and also a playlist of our other

cycling videos thanks for watching

especially a big thanks to all of our

patreon supporters if you're interested

in watching our videos early you can go

over to patreon where we have early

access for all of our patreon supporters

thanks again to everyone for all of the

support and we'll see you next time here

on tool Cruz be sure to watch out for

our next few videos where we'll be

cycling more around Hualien and then

also doing a cycling tour from Hualien

down to Taitung thanks again and we'll

see you in the next one

For more infomation >> TAROKO NATIONAL PARK By Bicycle | Taiwan Cycling Trip - Duration: 25:18.


Таблетки от курения Аллен Карр. Обзор средства Allen Carr отзывы. - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Таблетки от курения Аллен Карр. Обзор средства Allen Carr отзывы. - Duration: 1:35.


সিঙ্গায় ফুঁৎকার কেমন হবে || Singay Fotkar || bangla waz short video by motiur rahman madani - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> সিঙ্গায় ফুঁৎকার কেমন হবে || Singay Fotkar || bangla waz short video by motiur rahman madani - Duration: 2:23.


Куклы ЛОЛ ДЕКОДЕР Мультики Детский Сад Новая Куколка #ЛОЛ Сюрприз! Распаковка LOL Surprise Decoder - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Куклы ЛОЛ ДЕКОДЕР Мультики Детский Сад Новая Куколка #ЛОЛ Сюрприз! Распаковка LOL Surprise Decoder - Duration: 8:21.


Socias del cáncer | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:08.

For more infomation >> Socias del cáncer | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:08.


The First Time Bobby Brown Met Whitney Houston | The Bobby Brown Story - Duration: 2:18.

Wish we didn't have to sit through

-all these damn categories. -I feel you on that.

Just want to do my set, get my award and go home.

MAN (on P.A.): Ladies and gentlemen, we're back

in 15 seconds. Please take your seats.

Wish they'd hurry up from this commercial.


Excuse me.

You keep bumping me in my head.

Oh, I know.

WOMAN (on P.A.): Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Heather Locklear

and Mr. James Ingram.

-♪ ♪ -(applause)

And the nominees for best R&B Urban Contemporary Single

by a Female are...

"Superwoman," Karyn White.

♪ Superwoman ♪

♪ Oh, no, no... ♪

"Where Do Broken Hearts Go?", Whitney Houston.

-♪ Where do broken hearts go ♪ -(people booing)

♪ Can they find their way home... ♪

JAMES: "Giving You the Best That I Got," Anita Baker.

-(applause) -♪ And I'm giving you the best that I got ♪

♪ Baby... ♪

"The Right Stuff," Vanessa Williams.

♪ The right stuff ♪

♪ Ooh, no... ♪

And the winner is...

...Anita Baker.

♪ I'm giving you the best that I got, baby ♪

♪ Yes, I tell you now... ♪


Forget all these people. Okay?

They trying to make you be what they want you to be.

You don't owe anybody anything. You're wonderful.

Be you.

Thank you.

-You're welcome. -ANITA: And, um, I want to thank

Bob Krasnow, Electric Records,

uh, black radio, uh, for our first number-one single ever,

uh, on "Giving You the Best That I Got."

We'd like to thank, uh...

No more industry chicks, huh?

(scoffs) Yeah, right.

For more infomation >> The First Time Bobby Brown Met Whitney Houston | The Bobby Brown Story - Duration: 2:18.


ASMR Eating "LONGAN Fruit (EXOTIC)" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:29.

ASMR Eating "LONGAN Fruit (EXOTIC)" Challenge Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "LONGAN Fruit (EXOTIC)" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:29.


Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Enjoy Double Date With Joe Jonas And Sophie Turner - Duration: 2:43.

Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Enjoying Double Date With Joe Jonas And Sophie Turner at U.S. Open

For more infomation >> Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Enjoy Double Date With Joe Jonas And Sophie Turner - Duration: 2:43.


Numbers Song | Learn To Count | 1 - 10 | Kids Songs And Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:02:36.

Learn Counting Numbers 1 - 10

For more infomation >> Numbers Song | Learn To Count | 1 - 10 | Kids Songs And Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 1:02:36.


【PRODUCE48】日韓デビューメンバー12人が決定!日本人は3人!グループ名は「IZONE(アイズワン)」! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> 【PRODUCE48】日韓デビューメンバー12人が決定!日本人は3人!グループ名は「IZONE(アイズワン)」! - Duration: 4:33.


2018-02-24 HH Living Buddha Discourses on Two Guhyasamaja Mantras and Mudras - Duration: 1:31.

Visualize Guhyasamaja

After the visualization

One then recites the mantra

There are two mantras


Adding an "ah" syllable to the mantra is acceptable


This is also fine

This mantra is ok

Both mantras are acceptable

Moreover, there are mudras

(Grandmaster demonstrates the mudra)

There are also two mudras and both are acceptable

One is

To interlace the fingers inward and straighten the index fingers

Keep the tips of the index fingers touching

This forms the mudra

One is to interlace the fingers inward

And keep the tips of the index fingers touching

The other mudra


To have the thumbs interlaced inward also

Interlaced the thumbs inward

This is also fine

Both mudras are acceptable

So are the both mantras

Having the mantras

With the mantras, mudras

And visualization

The Guhyasamaja Sadhana is established

For more infomation >> 2018-02-24 HH Living Buddha Discourses on Two Guhyasamaja Mantras and Mudras - Duration: 1:31.


How To Flatter Your Figure With A Saree - Duration: 2:11.

If you love watching Glamrs videos

and would like to be notified every time we drop a new one,

please bash that bell icon below!

Sarees are a special staple in every Indian woman's wardrobe.

Whether it's a saree borrowed from our mom

or the trendiest new one out there,

they truly make all women look their best!

Here are some style hacks that will help you never go wrong with a saree.

First things first,

your petticoat must fit perfectly.

Shapewear petticoats that are lightweight

yet stretchy will give the right fit for your

saree to drape seamlessly.

Your saree can feel bulky or ill fitted if it isn't draped well or tight enough.

Once you finish the pleats,

pull the excess fabric from under them

and tuck it for a snug fit.

Make broader pleats by using more fabric to ensure

that they don't gather or bunch up at the waist

and look bulky.

The way you carry your pallu depends entirely on your personal style

and gives you all the room to experiment

If you want to opt for a sleeker look around your arms and shoulders,

pleating up a narrow pallu over shoulders will help

as it will not add any extra volume.

While nothing can beat a classic saree look,

a little experiment never hurt anyone!

Don't be afraid to break a monotone look

with a contrast or a print, it will only add

interest and some structure to your look.

Adding a neutral or metallic belt to your saree drape

will help your outfit look put together.

Hope these tips help you flaunt your nine yard beauty more often!

Until next time, stay tuned & stay Glamrs!

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