Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Military Power Comparison

Russia vs Japan

Total Population

Land Area (km²)

Defense Budget

Active Military Personnel

Nuclear Weapon


Armored Fighting Vehicles

Multiple Rocket Launchers

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery


Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft

Attack Helicopters


Air force

Aircraft Carriers






Patrol Boats


Military Ranking

For more infomation >> РОССИЯ vs ЯПОНИЯ | Сравнение армий [2018] - Duration: 3:46.


Nun Reacts to the Nun Trailer | My Debut Film! - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Nun Reacts to the Nun Trailer | My Debut Film! - Duration: 4:19.


《Girls' Talk - 愛情開箱》第73集 - 最冧對白 - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> 《Girls' Talk - 愛情開箱》第73集 - 最冧對白 - Duration: 11:08.


MrJWW presents the A-Class 2018 (Part 3): Exterior design - Duration: 2:22.

So the previous generation A-Class marked an incredible reinvention of the car.

Not only did it become a lot more sporty, but it also

began to appeal to a younger audience

which in turn made it one of the most exciting cars in its class.

And while this car has some incredible tech on the inside,

I want to talk about how fantastic it looks on the outside.

It's adopted a more

purist design ethos,

but let's talk about some of the features

that make this car look so great.

The first thing that comes to my eye is this

incredible sweeping catwalk line that goes all the way down

the side of the car. It is literally

point-to-point and one feature which you might not pick up on straight away

is the fact that the car has a much longer

wheelbase and what that does: it just gives it this

lovely squat and stance that gives it a much more sporting feel to it.

Continuing on that theme is a steeper bonnet line

as well that drops off quite

suddenly and to complete the whole package

is the larger wheel arches

which accommodate sixteen to nineteen inch alloys

and I think the whole thing just looks so awesome.

Speaking of wheels and that longer wheelbase,

not only does it make the car look great

but also allows for more room in the rear for any passengers.

Speaking of rear,

here we are and you can see immediately

that it has this lovely wide stance which is further

exaggerated by these shoulders here.

Something else you might have picked up on

is that the rear lights are actually split in half.

That looks great, for sure,

but the practical benefit is that when you open the boot,

you'll notice that half of the lights go up with it

which means they don't encroach on the boot space.

So when you're throwing bags inside just got lots more room.

And finally moving around to the front of the car,

which might have my favourite feature, is the iconic star grille

which has these optional chrome diamond pins,

which ties in really nicely with the

determined-looking headlights, which also have this

awesome chrome inlay here.

And when you stand back from the car

together it just looks so great.

For more infomation >> MrJWW presents the A-Class 2018 (Part 3): Exterior design - Duration: 2:22.


Anlässlich 20 Jahre Google: Google unterstützt Drohnenmordprogramm | 04.09.2018 | - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Anlässlich 20 Jahre Google: Google unterstützt Drohnenmordprogramm | 04.09.2018 | - Duration: 1:21.


Reinventing Mobility: The CASE strategy - Duration: 3:47.

We now have over 200,000 times more vehicles on the road

than Carl Benz ever thought possible.

Over one billion vehicles, most of which are based on inefficient technology.

Over one billion vehicles whose usage, let's be frank, is far from optimised.

And by the year 2030 worldwide numbers of passenger cars, trucks and buses could exceed two billion.

The result is ironic, the only challenge with our invention is its own success.

But with every challenge comes opportunity,

and the time has come to reinvent mobility.

Over 65 billion parcels crisscross the planet each year.

Unfortunately, a quarter of delivery vehicles are not operating at full capacity.

Hundreds of specialists at Daimler are developing, designing and programming

a system to link drivers, trucks and fleets in an effort

to make every future delivery as efficient as possible.

Sixty percent of people believe that humans are better drivers than computers.

The fact is, ninety percent of all accidents come as a consequence of human error.

And that is why we focus on what technology can deliver

and what it is allowed to deliver to benefit all road users.

The car has always been and will remain a declaration of independence.

However, on average most cars are only in use for one hour per day.

We believe sharing is better than parking, especially in cities,

and our success has proven us right.

A car2go vehicle is rented every 1.4 seconds.

And in the future it could autonomously travel directly to where it needs to go.

The demand for lower emissions does not need to compete

with the ever increasing demand for mobility.

As a matter of fact, it should drive it.

Our objective is clear:

continue to cut the emissions of each individual vehicle using all available technologies.

Reinventing mobility, over 280,000 people

are working on just that at Daimler.

Every day.

And we're all convinced of one thing:

The passion to invent will never cease.

For more infomation >> Reinventing Mobility: The CASE strategy - Duration: 3:47.


The Purge Promo "Power of the Purge" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> The Purge Promo "Power of the Purge" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.



For more infomation >> NHẠC EDM - ANH SƠN MUSIC CHANNEL - Duration: 5:07.


Schwerstarbeit für Spürhunde | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Schwerstarbeit für Spürhunde | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:32.


085 - Into London on the Paddington Arm on our Narrowboat - Duration: 12:35.

So we are heading... we're facing away from Brentford, but we're going to turn around, and go back to Brentford,

even though we only left Brentford two days ago.

But we're gonna put back down to the basin because we're meeting my parents.

They're coming to spend the day cruising with us, and we thought we'd also go back down there to use the facilities again.

We're like a couple hundred feet away from the basin. So we've just got to basically reverse up.

I don't think I can turn, so I'll be reversing into the basin

It's wide enough isn't it?

Mmm, it's wide, but it's not deep. So I think I'll just have to reverse.

But um, yeah, so we're just going to go back to the basin and get into a

facilities position there, get some stuff cleaned up and wait for your parents arrive, then we're cruising that away. Back the way we came.

That away, It's a little bit complicated. It's around that way. Back the way we came two days ago.

Yeah, up a flight of six locks. There is like two, then there is six, and there's.... anyway, we'll be going up to the

junction with the Paddington Arm. And this time we're gonna turn down the Paddington Arm.

Yes, after stopping at the Tesco's and filling up with huge amounts of perogies.

Alright let's go. I'm going to walk. You're going to walk.

Good day, nice day. Really nice day. Long day. Jo's parents visited.

So, umm, yeah. Reversed onto the

service point mooring, you had gone for a walk and disappeared completely. Well, I tried to walk down there

But is there a black building overhanging the basin. So they've closed the towpath off because it's dangerous.

So then I walked, like a really long way around, and then I realised I was

practically by the station, so I thought I'd go and meet my parents. You intended to

come with the boat on the tow path.

Like you didn't remember until, I'd pushed off, and was already heading backwards, and called to you,

and was like, you know, you can't go in the towpath. Yeah, but I thought there might be a way around, but there wasn't.

So, yeah, I had a nice little shower there, got scolded because there's no temperature control on the shower,

And then we all jumped back on the boat and headed up

Yeah, and.. Lots of locks, we met a boat on the way up on the first lock so we shared with that boat.

Yeah, that is by some miracle.

On that stretch, there's hardly any boats, Yeah. All day, but we happened again...

Like we met one coming down and then we met another one going up. It was really lucky. Yeah, and

And basically we we had is help the entire time, and honestly, he did a lot of, he did a lot of work

He's got a small, single cylinder engine on his boat, but boy could it haul.

Like it really made, you know made this kind of funny putt-putt. Nice noise. He said it was a

Swedish fishing boat engine. And he said it was like, from the sixties.

Yeah, made a nice noise, did definitely, like, put out a bunch of unburned...

You could smell...

pure diesel, you know. So it was a little bit nasty, but

but the thing could really haul. because whatever prop he has on there...

it's just he'd start out of the...

Out of the gate, and i'd be like, I am not even moving. Just see his dust. Yeah.

Like, I think people are bored of us saying it, but its just so hot.

Yeah, it was crazy hot again, it's hot inside the locks, I think it's just the temperature but there's so much green algae. Is it Algae? Yeah,

Is it Algae, or is it weed?

Oh those things that look like,

lentils? On the surface? It's like a green carpet. I don't think that's algae.

No, I think it's weed. Your dad said it's some sort of weed. But I'm like,

It really looks like lentils. And then we had the long haul back to the junction,

And we turned, and then we stopped for lunch. Even there was about half three by then, and

Michael made me run back to Tesco's, which was closing at 4:00, to get some pierogis.

Good pierogis, these are the... Mushroom and sauerkraut. Mushroom and Sauerkraut pierogis. I'm sorry that

I didn't have more time in that Tesco's because I swear there was an iaisle for,

like a giant bags of rice. Oh, yeah, the world foods aisle, aisles, there was like five of the. The world's foods aisle were amasing

They had a world's food fridge. There was Japanese candies. There was Vietnamese, you know soups in bowls and some, I mean they were all beef based.

If you get to that moorning at Bulls Bridge. Go to the World Foods aisle.

Yeah, if you like ,if you liked any kind of world, like sort of multicultural food source, that Tesco's is really good.

So then yeah, we headed up the Paddington arm, yeah

So yeah,

we're now on the Paddington Arm. Which is exciting.

No more locks now until... No more locks for quite a long... like 20 miles or something. Till Camden basically.

Yeah, there was a lady and a gentleman who took off in their boat, just in front of us.

And so we were sort of following them for a bit, and then they were following a wide beam who was moving very slow.

So then they passed the wide beam. I think its the first time

I've seen anyone overtake, let alone overtake a wide beam, and then we got to overtake the wide beam.

I'm still surprised at how rural it feels like. And there were houses and stuff. Yeah. But,

you are in this protected green space. Even though you're surrounded by like large construction places and stuff,

I mean it was funny. We came around a corner and and your dad pointed out Wembley Stadium

It's like you can see Wembley Stadium but you've got this corridor of green. I walked up to the next bridge which is like

50 feet past the pub we're sitting at right now and

looked around the corner, just to see if there was other moorings, and there is just a massive

gravel pit on one side, and a massive gravel pit on the other side and they're building something like

Oh, here is our food. Many many blocks in diameter.


Perfect, thank you

Cheese and chips and our onion rings Im not sure about the cheesy chips

Honestly, if you knew what the price was you really wouldn't be sure.

Don't tell me

Yes, so we got here, well, the reason we came here is to drop my parents off

so they could go and get the train back.

And we ended up staying at the mooring we dropped them off at.

It's not ideal,

We're on a bit of a curve, but there was a pub here, with all these tables in the shade, like our boat... literally

Like that is our boat.

we were just like... shall we go and get a cold drink.

Yeah, cuz it's so hot, and here's the thing I've told people I'm a tea-totaler I'm not really a tea-totaler.

I'm more of a, I very rarely drink alcohol

But it turns out that these things, these Rekorderlig and other ciders are fine.

Especially the ones that are funny colours, this one it turns out isn't a funny colour.

and it is mainly pear juice.

but I'm kind of liking the...

I still wish they weren't on alcoholic, but I'm kind of liking the large bottle of something extremely cold

every time I pull over. It's just so warm.

I really don't rate these chips. They are so disappointing.

Oh well, What are you going to do. I'm going to eat them.

I'm going to add serious quantities of condiment.

Not allowed to add ketchup.

Got a salt

I got more salt. Do you want some salt. Uh-uh. One of these might be sugar. That would be a problem. That is probably salt right.

Yeah, so, we're on the outskirts of London, we've got two pages of the

Nickelson's guide left before we're in Little Venice. So is that the

next trip, are we just gonna push through? I don't know about push through but like..

I'd like to go and spend the night in Paddington Basin. So would I. People were saying yesterday.

that's if you're lucky, you'll get a mooring Paddington

potentially if you arrive their earlier.

Right, cuz I like the idea of, if it was possible, to get down there and spend the night in Paddington Basin

Apparently it's got a reputation for being windy and hard to turn in and people don't like going in there,

So maybe there's a little bit of a of a chance. I don't... we haven't been able to book a place in


proper, Little Venice. So yeah, so that's pretty much our entry into London. I think we might stay here tomorrow

Oh, yeah. Or at least if someone moves, we'll move back onto one of those or something

Yeah, but I like the idea of having a day of rest. We've been moving just too continuously.

There is about ten vlogs that I need to edit.

Thanks for watching; like, click, comment, subscribe, bell, dooblydoo... Urm... see you next time.


The fruit of passion.

Alright, are we ready for this nonsense?

So we went backwards this morning into...


Brentford. Yeah

What Michaels trying to say is he did a superb professional reverse. I did do a superb professional reverse.

Somebody on the boat in front of me was like, you're cheating, You're using bow thrusters. I'm like, where's your horse?

Again. It gets old. It does.

Maybe we should just drop the hint. Its like [whispers] Or dog is famous.

Thanks for watching, like, click, comment, hit the bell thing, in the doobly-doo subscribe..

Run around in you know

furry outfits... He's going in. He's going in, he's trying to get in.

I'm pretty sure that is some sort of a wasp not a bee.

One way or another...

fertilise that...

wonderful cider... Get off my chips though.

Not in the way that you...

In the way that you actually fertilise plants...

You know pollinate, that's what I was going for, should not have sex with a cider.

He seems to be eating it. I think its time to end.Time to end

For more infomation >> 085 - Into London on the Paddington Arm on our Narrowboat - Duration: 12:35.


ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ - DAWG RTA I by VapersMD and Asmodus l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:09.

Hello there!

Today we'll talk about new device called DAWG RTA by Asmodus in cooperation with VapersMD

Let's roll!

Hello everyone! Alex VapersMD is here and I'm glad to welcome you on my channel

This is DAWG RTA. Our new cooperative project with Asmodus

This RTA was designed by me and Jeff. We've sat down together and drawn a design of this device in 3D editor

And Asmodus has catched our idea and made it into reality

A little bit of background. When I was at Chiese Vape Expo IECIE, those of you who is following my channel saw these videos

There we have concluded contract with Asmodus about cooperation

And back then, few months ago, we announced that we will release RTA

And here, after some time has passed, after all the tests and prototypes, this dual coil RTA has been released

Many subscribers of my channel asked me to make a dual coil RTA, after I released several different RDAs, MTL tanks and I didn't had DL(Direct Lung) dual coil RTA yet

So, welcome it once more - DAWG RTA - cooperation of VapersMD and Asmodus

Let's dive down and take a closer look at it

So, friends, first we'll do the unboxing. It's always interesting

Black packaging with the logo of device - DAWG RTA

Also there is color mark sticker

On two sides it have Asmodus logos and the VapersMD logo on the front side

On this side there's another color mark

And at the bottom of the packaging there's the description of kit inclusions, warning, scratch-code for authenticity check, certificates and barcode

Under the cover we're met by device right away, which is lay in foam

Moving forward, under the foam we'll stumble upon User manual

User manual is in English and it includes specs and guide how to launch this device

Also in the kit we have 2 bags - one include spare o-rings and extra post screws and other includes two 0.3Ω pre-made fused clapton coils, which is fully made of Nichrome wire

Also in the kit we have Allen key for post screws

And extra Pyrex glass

And now a little bit of specs. This RTA is made out of Stainless Steel and available in 4 colors - Matte Black, SS, Gold and Blue

It features 810 non-o-ring drip tips slot, top fill, 3.2ml tank capacity, deck for dual coils and adjustable bottom airflow

Height of RTA with drip tip is 46mm, height without drip tip is 39mm and diameter is 25mm

And as always, we start from the top and in order, where we have black delrin 810 non-o-ring drip tip

Friends, this is standard drip tip, but we tried to make it as comfortable as possible.

As you can see, all the edges are rounded to not cause a discomfort your lips during use

And you can use your favorite 810 drip tips if you want to without any troubles - there's enough space on the top cap

Let's move on and the next part of our device is top cap. Top cap have these cutouts for convenient unscrewing

And I'll say this - Asmodus tried their very best to make this RTA, I'm daring to say, top notch quality

And when I received first prototype I was amazed by threadings, which guys made at the top cap

It's such smooth and nice, that I always screw and unscrew the top cap with pleasure during the filling

Threadings here is just maximum amazing

But it's pretty simple - top cap, which is screwed and unscrewed in standard way - counter clockwise to unscrew, clockwise to screw down

Inside, under the top cap, you'll be met by two big fill slots and it's recessed, so you will not miss for sure

Moving forward, next goes top part of the device - chamber, shaft and glass holder

It unscrews counter clockwise in one piece

After you have unscrewed this part, you can get rid off the glass and replace it with additional from the kit if needed

There's engraving with the name of this device - Dawg - on the chamber

And spherical machining inside of the chamber

So, friends, here we are, got to the most interesting thing, I guess - the deck of this RTA

I think you already noticed these two huge tubes for bottom airflow

If we look at it from the side, you'll see, that airflow tubes is a bit rounded, to ensure that you were comfortable to place a coils above it

So it's like you place the coil in some sort of slot

Regarding the posts. It might be said, that it's postless deck, but of course you'll see positive and negative post here

Anyway, these posts is for vertical coil installation

This is positive post, this is negative post. There's hex screws on both sides

If you take a look lower - here you'll see juice flow holes

So there's no juice flow adjustment in this tank, but it's not needed here anyway

Pay attention at the distance between this juice flow hole and airflow tube. And by running a bit ahead I'll say this - you can wick this RTA even with your feet

In other words - without any troubles - simply pull the cotton down a little bit

And even if there will be gap between cotton and this juice flow hole - it's not a big deal

And I'll repeat - pay attention on the height of airflow tube

So you're not going to have any troubles with leaking at all. At least, I never faced with the fact, that this tank has leaked

And last thing we will look at - is airflow adjustment ring

As you can see it's removable, it's held by a single o-ring and you can adjust it by turning

This ring has a stopper, so this ring won't scroll around. And it's pretty tight, especially when the tank is dry and never been used before

So you need to put some effort to adjust this ring and adjustment happens on both sides simultaneously

At the bottom we have the name of this device Asmodus logo, VapersMD logo and it's written, that it's manufactured by Asmodus and designed by VapersMD

And serial number, of course

So, friends, now is the most interesting moment - let's launch this device

And we'll be working with Blue one. I freaking love that Blue one

Friends, before we get to the coil installation, I have two things I would like to discuss with you

First. I think when you saw these airflow holes you've thought that you can throw some heavy build

I STRONGLY DON'T recommend doing it. Otherwise, you'll get very hot vapor and overheat of the tank

So use a build with resistance around 0.12-0.15Ω

I'll be using this coil trimming tool and lead length should be around 6mm. If you don't have such tool - you'll have to eyeball it

Overall, let's go

So, friends, coils is installed and wicked, as you saw I didn't had any difficulties

I stuffed the cotton nearly with my feet and even if you will have small gaps at the bottom of juice flow hold - it's not big deal

And now it's time to saturate it and fill the tank

And, friends, everything is ready to get back to face-time and talk some more about these RTAs

So, huge thanks for your attention in close up

Let's go up top

My neighbor. I love him. He loves to knock, he loves to drill, he's a great man. Hardworking


Well, nevermind, let's talk about this device

You know, friends, initially, when we start to designing this tank it was looking different and had different diameter

It was 24mm in diameter, but since we wanted to implement some features in this device, we had to enlarge the size of it

As a result, the tank has 25mm in diameter

But you know, friends, it's not a con for this device, since most RTA users use it on box mods

So I'm pretty happy with this diameter and I'm happy with an end result

I don't know what to say in this review, it's more of a presentation video and story about how it was made

Of course, in mine video I won't be discussing pros and cons of this RTA

There will be a lot of other reviews from other reviewers, which will fully tell their opinion

And my mission is to show you this device, show how it works. In the hands of creator, you could say

Many people, obviously, will have a question - what's with the flavor?

I'll answer so - guys who understand in the design of devices - it's initially clear for them

And those who don't understand what's going on and what's with the flavor, I'll answer that, friends - I wouldn't release a device on a market, which has no flavor

So at this point let's end discussion of flavor of this tank

Regarding some nuances, I'll repeat what I said in close up

First. Coil leads should be around 6mm in length. Otherwise it might be uncomfortable for you to install the coil and position it above the airflow

Second thing. Some of you might think, that in the moment you fill this tank it will leak. No, it will not leak. It was tested many many times

No matter how I wicked it, no matter how big was the gaps in the juice flow hole - tank is not leaking

And all that is because the airflow tubes and posts is very high, liquid just can't reach the airflow holes and you need to try very hard to make this RTA leak

You need to be a complete crooked-handed to make it leak

Overall, I'm satisfied. I'm happy with quality of manufacturing. Asmodus made everything top notch

I'm happy with the colors. These colors simply amazed me when I first saw them

I'm loving this Blue color, I'm loving this Matte Black. It looks so fire. Gold is awesome too

It's not the shiny gold, which glitter, it's darkish a bit

And SS color is classics

Overall, friends, we've made a tank, which we would like to use by ourselves. And we succeeded

I hope you will like it as well

I want to say big thanks to Asmodus and particularly Eddie, owner of this company

I want to draw your attention to one important fact - Asmodus is one of the few companies in China who have their own production

They manufacturing everything by themselves, they don't order nothing from no one. They make absolutely everything start from drip tip and ends on pins

So Asmodus is responsible for their quality and here they made everything beautiful in here

Another time huge respect to them and big thanks

Also, I want to express big gratitude to Alexander from USA, for helping in communication and in overall that inter lingual stuff. Big hello to you

Also thank you Jason from BMI

And of course respect to Jeff, who took a direct part in creation of this device. In design of this device

Folks, big thanks to you for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Write a comment - what do you think about our new device? It'll be very interesting to read

And please, CIS Vape community, stop comparing. It looks funny already, like starting from the Skill

Well, I guess I'll set few asses on fire in comments anyway. Ah well, whatever, Mission: Complete

Also, don't forget to Like this video if you liked my review, share this video with your friends in your social media

And press that Bell button to not miss new videos on my channel

Alex VapersMD was with you

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ - DAWG RTA I by VapersMD and Asmodus l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 13:09.


Еврейские анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про одесситов! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Еврейские анекдоты из Одессы! Анекдот про одесситов! - Duration: 1:01.


Get To Know Me Cruise Style Collab - Duration: 8:23.


For more infomation >> Get To Know Me Cruise Style Collab - Duration: 8:23.


Bollywood Teachers We All Want In Real Life | Teacher's Day Special - Duration: 1:13.

Bollywood Teachers We All Want In Real Life | Teacher's Day Special

For more infomation >> Bollywood Teachers We All Want In Real Life | Teacher's Day Special - Duration: 1:13.


The Purge Promo "Release the Beast" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> The Purge Promo "Release the Beast" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:11.


কবর কি হল পরকালের দ্বিতীয় স্তর || Kobor Holo Porokaler Ditiyo Stor By Motiur Rahman || Bangla Waz - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> কবর কি হল পরকালের দ্বিতীয় স্তর || Kobor Holo Porokaler Ditiyo Stor By Motiur Rahman || Bangla Waz - Duration: 2:41.


#39 We're Lost In The Forest | 숲에서 길을 잃었어요 | Baby is Shooting with Sony Action Camera - Duration: 7:36.

We're going deeper and deeper.

There's no way out.

I'm scared! Let's get out of here!

Hello, "Juwon".

Now you're recording this with your own camera.

"Juwon Tube".

Can you see me? It's so exciting!


Are you ready to go?


Let's go!

Let's go!


What does "An-neeeee" mean?

Hello my friends.

From the beginning of "Juwon Tube", I always wondered how "Juwon" sees the world.

So I decided to do some interesting experiment.

From today on, he's going to have his own camera just like this.

"Juwon" now you have your own camera. You can film anything you want.

Please hit the red button here.

It's working!

You're recording everything that you see through this lens.

Shall we go?

Let's go!

"An-neeeee" means "An-neeeee".

I have been recording things like this.

We're going upstairs.

Since he has his camera now, we can show you his point of view(POV).

Can you see me?

Can you see me "Juwon"?

Stand still! If you sit down you can't see me.

We're going uphill. It's pretty steep but "Juwon" is doing alright.

Don't worry about me. I will not tumble down.

Can you climb over?

Cheer up!

You can do this.

Great job!

I climb it over just like "Iron Man".

This pathway is even steeper than the other one.

Do you think we can make it?


Shall we give it a try?


Let's go!


You're doing very well.

I'm good at climbing daddy.

I can see that.

I didn't pack the "Choco Pie".

Oops. You left your "Choco Pie" at home?


We're out of snack then.

That's right.

What can we do about that?

Wait. I need to wipe the sweat off.

I'm very close to tumbling down.

Don't worry. I'm holding you tight.

Let's start walking again.

I'm excited to show our friends video footages that "Juwon" is filming.

Are you going to show it to our friends?


It's going to be your first video!

Isn't it?

But we're out of snack. That's a big problem.

That's right. We're in trouble.

We're got to hurry daddy.

Are you wiping off the dirt from your shoes?

This is the brand new shoes we bought together right?


Now I'm on your camera. Hi!

This is "Juwon's perspective".

Let's go.

We've come a long way.

How can we go even deeper than that?

Look at this! It's spiderweb.

Yes it is.

Go away, spiders!

Do you hate spiders?


This forest is huge.


And this pathway is beautiful isn't it?

Daddy, I want you to carry me on your back now.

Right here?


"Juwon", take a look around.

If I start carrying you on my back from here, we won't be able to go back.

We've got a long way to go.

I know.

I've got to think about that.

I found chestnuts!

You'll get pricked with a chestnut burr.

I can pick it up.

With bare hands?


It hurts!

Can you pick up this chestnut daddy?

It hurts!

It hurts!

We can't pick it up.

You need a pair of gloves to pick them up.

We can come back later.


Grab my hand daddy.

We're very close to the top of the mountain.

Right? "Juwon"?

Just hang in there!

We're very close to the top of the mountain.


But I'm kind of short of breath.

I think I can see the mountain peak.

No, it was just another pathway.

Is there a way out?

Look at that! It's a gigantic spider!

That looks scary.

Let's get out of here.

Let's get out fast!

We're on top of the mountain!

Are ready for the ritual?

You say "Iron-Man" and then I'll say "Iron-Man-Man-Man".

I see.

Let's start here and we're moving forward.

This is how we celebrate.

"Juwon (Tube)"


We've come a long way today. It's been really difficult.

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We took a long walk but you can jump around. I'm impressed.

I can't feel my leg right now.

Now we're going downhill.


Shall we eat some snack when we get there?


Look at me with this camera.

We're on our way down the mountain.

Go! Go!

Go! Go!

Grab me tightly.

"Yong D" has to carry "Juwon" on his back.

("Juwon" is exhausted.)

We shouldn't have gone too far in the first place.

For those of you who learn Korean from our channel, "Annyung" is correct way of saying "hello" in Korean.

We don't say "An-neeeee".

It's JUWON's own way of saying "hello".

Am I right?


Are you saying "Annyung" or "An-neeeee"?


He's supposed to say "Annyung".

"Annyung" means "hello" and "how are you" in Korean.

"Juwon" you're not grabbing me properly. I can't carry you this way.

Grab me by the neck.

We've got a long way ahead of us. Do you think I can carry you on my back all the way through?

We should have chosen an easier course.

This one is too high.

Grab me. Just grab everywhere. Grab it!

Grab it very tightly!

"Annyung" my friends!

"Juwon Tube"!

We can't miss this!

What are we here for?

We're here for a snack.

"Mukbang~ Time"!

"Juwon"! Let me have a sip.

Just a sip.

Just a sip, please!

It's already empty.


(Don't miss the post-credit scene!)

For more infomation >> #39 We're Lost In The Forest | 숲에서 길을 잃었어요 | Baby is Shooting with Sony Action Camera - Duration: 7:36.


KULIAH TERSERU DI NEW ZEALAND! // Aulion & Gritte Agatha - Duration: 16:13.

For more infomation >> KULIAH TERSERU DI NEW ZEALAND! // Aulion & Gritte Agatha - Duration: 16:13.


Hochzeitsplanerin Jacqueline Deininger | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Hochzeitsplanerin Jacqueline Deininger | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 7:20.


Feature: 2018 Honda HR-V RS Navi CVT - Duration: 4:10.

Hi, this is Ian Magbanua from Top Gear Philippines.

Today, we're driving the face-lifted Honda HR-V RS.

Right off the bat, we have visual changes that bring the car closer to its brethren.

We have the black chrome grille, the newly configured LED headlamps.

The one striking thing about the new RS is, of course, the new Phoenix Orange color.

Across the range, we're also getting new 17-inch wheels.

As opposed to the outgoing models which shared the same wheel design, the RS has a different

five-spoke design from the lower E model.

There aren't many changes mechanically.

It still shares the 1.8-liter R18 engine, which can be found on the Honda Civic.

Suspension-wise, the brakes, everything is the same.

In the interior, they have new Piano Black trims, a change from the outgoing models.

So the 2018 HR-V is also the first in the Honda line to get the 7-inch Kenwood touchscreen

audio system.

The only difference with the E being that the RS gets the nav options.

It also gets Apple CarPlay and Android Auto with mirroring, which I think is a very convenient


What changes, though, from the outgoing EL model, which used to be the top-of-the-line

trim, is that you have two less airbags.

Whereas the EL used to have six, you only now have four.

I like the convenience of the paddle shifters.

Put it in Sport, and just take control of the gears.

There's a good amount of oomph from the 1.8 engine, which pumps out around 140hp.

Compared to its competitors, I think the HR-V fares well.

You've got good handling, good visibility from the driver's seat.

If you want to get playful, I think this is a good crossover to get playful in.

The headroom may be a bit small because of the sloping roof.

Try not to bring your six-footer friends.

You've got good, readable gauges, and a really nice air-conditioning system.

We've been driving around in the sun, and the air-con has been keeping us comfortable

the whole time.

The one thing I don't quite like with the interior of the HR-V, and this goes with most

Hondas in the lineup right now, is the touchscreen air-con controls.

Although I did say that the air-con is really nice and cold.

Under glare, it's hard to see the controls.

And unlike solid, tactile buttons or knobs, your finger has to go creeping around the

console just to look for the proper controls for the thermostat or the fan.

So, Honda's HR-V RS is now being offered in the market for P1,495,000.

I think it's a reasonably priced offering.

We'll have a more in-depth review of the car in the coming months to see how it fares

against its current competitors.

A lot of its competitors have had their facelifts, a few more are coming so, we'll see how

it fares in the market.

So that's it, that's our first taste of the Honda HR-V RS.

This has been Ian Magbanua for Top Gear Philippines.

Thanks for viewing.

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