Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Veteran Actor "Dilip Kumar" Hospitalized in Mumbai | Lilavati Hospital Mumbai

For more infomation >> Veteran Actor "Dilip Kumar" Hospitalised in Mumbai | Lilavati Hospital Mumbai - Duration: 0:47.


► Parkour V4 ✔ Sản phẩm đặc biệt | Happy Birthday to ParkourZone ( Phần 1) - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> ► Parkour V4 ✔ Sản phẩm đặc biệt | Happy Birthday to ParkourZone ( Phần 1) - Duration: 5:15.


Hoa Kỳ Không Cản Nổi Tên Lửa Siêu Thanh Mới của Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:06.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

A US Senator had a Chinese spy on her staff.

For decades.

The Chinese military tests a new hypersonic waverider.

That's a missile, not a surfboard.

And finally, Chinese police are fearless.

When it comes to arresting dissidents.

This is China Uncensored.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

Our top story, turns out a former staffer

of California Senator Dianne Feinstein...

was a Chinese spy!

This happened five years ago,

when she was the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

You'd think she should have known, right?

But she had to learn about it from the FBI.

Then she fired the staffer.

A spokesperson for Feinstein said, don't worry,

no staffer in California had security clearance.

However, Feinstein's connections with China go deeper than that.

And it ties into a much larger story

about how the Chinese Communist Party uses what's known as

"elite capture" to influence American government officials.

We'll have more on that in an upcoming episode.

The Chinese military has just tested a new hypersonic aircraft,

called Starry Sky 2.

Which sounds like either a Japanese anime

or a lesser Van Gogh painting.

But no, Starry Sky 2 is China's first hypersonic waverider vehicle.

Chinese state-run media called the test a success.

That may or may not be an actual photo of the Starry Sky 2—

since according to the article,

it has a wedge-shaped fuselage.

It supposedly uses its unique shape

to ride the shock waves

generated by its own hypersonic flight.

Basically, it's like a missile on a surfboard.

That can carry a nuclear warhead.

Gnarly, dude!

Oh, and US missile defense systems have no way to defend against it.

Speaking of war with China, Trade War!

As you know, many US companies,

particularly tech companies, have been doing

anything and everything to get into the China market.

And the Chinese Communist Party takes full advantage of that.

Apple recently hit a market cap of over 1 trillion dollars.


Except that's largely thanks to China.

And according to state-run People's Daily,

that means companies like Apple are now

a bargaining chip in the trade war.

I mean, Apple is doing so well in China,

and some Chinese businesses are really hurting from the trade war.

Does that sound fair?

It would be a shame, if, er, oh I don't know,

"Chinese people make it a target of anger and nationalist sentiment."

Yes, Chinese people—

with absolutely no prompting

from the Chinese government or state-run media—

might target Apple with anger and nationalist sentiment.

All by themselves.

But the joke's on the Chinese regime.

Because somehow I can't imagine President Trump

losing sleep over the fortunes of Apple.

He only loses sleep over what he's going to Tweet at 3 am.

And speaking of Trump's 3 am tweets...

ok, 5:30 am tweets,

the US has imposed sanctions on Iran once again.

And President Trump's Twitter message is clear.

You either trade with the US or Iran, but not both.

But it seems the Chinese Communist Party doesn't care.

I mean, I get it.

China and Iran have so much more in common.

The people of both countries love eating rice,

drinking tea,

and being locked up in prison for having opinions.

And the Chinese regime loves Iranian oil.

And since they currently buy a quarter of Iran's oil exports,

they're not going to stop because of US sanctions.

In fact, they're probably going to buy even more oil.

Not to mention all the new business China is doing with Iran

as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Speaking of Chinese businesses,

Chinese telecom giant Huawei has surpassed Apple

as the world's number two smartphone maker.

Korean Samsung is still number one, though.

How did Huawei make it to number two?

Thanks to its close relationship with the Chinese government.

As well as the Chinese military.

And the fact Huawei spies on its competitors,

and has been stealing intellectual property for a long time.

Yes, this article is from 15 years ago.

So with all the stealing intellectual property

and support from the Chinese regime,

no wonder Huawei has surpassed Apple.

Speaking of a Chinese company getting a few extra perks

to beat its Western counterpart,

this is Baidu,

the Chinese search engine with a...

familiar looking homepage.

Baidu says they're going to beat Google if Google's

new censored search engine comes back to China.

Which really is just perfect.

Google is going to give in to Chinese censorship demands

to get back into the China market.

And then a homegrown Chinese search engine

will outcompete Google,

because of course.

It reminds me of that ad Baidu ran in 2009,

where Google was the arrogant white guy who spoke bad Chinese,

and Baidu steals his girl and Google spits blood.

That was probably the most truthful thing ever

to be put on Chinese state-run television.

Meanwhile Google has been taking a beating

both inside the company and outside—

after its plans for a censored Chinese search engine were leaked.

Google has responded by...saying nothing at all.

Sounds like a winning strategy.

And finally,

Chinese police just don't care anymore.

This is Sun Wenguang, an 80-year-old academic

living in the Chinese city of Jinan.

During a recent interview with Radio Free Asia,

a group of policemen showed up and, well, take a listen.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Let me tell you, it's illegal for you to come to my home.

I have my freedom of speech!

Did you hear the live audio?

Now, I'm no authoritarian leader, but if I were,

I'd probably know that arresting an elderly professor

during a live interview would be really bad

for my international image!

I would wait until after the interview.


Then again, with almost every major company

and many countries begging to do business with China,

what the heck?!

Chinese police can do whatever they want!

Who's going to say anything?


Who listens to them?

So what do you think?

Leave your comments below.

And before you go,

it's once again time to answer questions

from fans who support China Uncensored

on the crowdfunding website Patreon.

Fiona asks,

"What are the best places to visit in China

that still have much of ancient Chinese civilization/history

preserved that wasn't destroyed in the Cultural Revolution?"

That's a tough question.

China has thousands of years of history.

Before the Cultural Revolution,

even a brick wall might have been around for hundreds of years.

It's hard to imagine just how full China was with cultural relics.

But during the Cultural Revolution,

Mao sought to destroy what he called the Four Olds—

Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.

A huge number of irreplaceably temples

and artifacts were lost forever.

There are still some that have survived, though.

For example, the Jokhang Temple in Tibet.

But the problem is, the Jokhang Temple—

like a lot of cultural sites—

has been subverted by the Communist Party,

and turned into a propaganda tool to show

how the Party is so good at preserving Chinese—

or in this case, Tibetan—culture.

I wish I could say go visit such and such temple.

But the truth is,

a lot of temples are controlled by the Communist Party.

When my producer Matt visited the Jokhang Temple in 2002,

people warned him not to have conversations

with any of the monks there,

because a lot of them were spies,

and were trying to catch foreigners

who might support a free Tibet.

And after taking this photo,

the monks asked him for money.

Obviously, there are still a number of cultural relics

left from ancient China.

Like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City,

and the Terracotta Warriors.

There are also places with beautiful scenery and history,

like Hangzhou, Suzhou,

and that one place with the mountains from Avatar.

So those are some places you could visit.

But sadly, the spirit of ancient Chinese civilization

has been severely damaged by the Communist Party.

Over the last 40 years of economic reform,

as China has been opening more and more to tourists,

they've restored a lot of the old historical sites.

But they certainly don't want to restore traditional values

like compassion and honesty, or traditional ideas

like if a government doesn't serve the people,

it has lost the mandate to rule.

What nonsense!

But there is one part of China you can go to

to experience authentic Chinese culture:


When I was in a Taiwan a couple years ago,

I was pleased to see that even as the country

is covered with high-speed trains and modern hotels,

the people and government there both have a lot of respect

for preserving traditional culture,

even when foreigners come and goof around.

Also, the food is delicious.

Thanks for your question, Fiona.

And thanks to all the Patreon supporters,

whom I call the China Uncensored 50-cent Army—

the soldiers who help keep this show alive

by contributing a dollar or more per episode.

With Google trying to get back into China,

let's just say we will probably continue to rely

mainly on viewer support.

So if you can,

head over to

Anything you can contribute helps keep the lights on.

And that lets us keep the spotlight on China.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Want to learn more about China?

Go to

We have full half-hour episodes there every Friday.

You can also watch our TV show

on the China Uncensored app

on Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon FireTV.

For more infomation >> Hoa Kỳ Không Cản Nổi Tên Lửa Siêu Thanh Mới của Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:06.


Box of Toys Toy Blasters Nerf Guns Toy Weapons Toy Pistols - Duration: 12:41.

Box of Toys Toy Blasters Nerf Guns Toy Weapons Toy Pistols

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Toy Blasters Nerf Guns Toy Weapons Toy Pistols - Duration: 12:41.


Nightcore - Take You Down (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Take You Down (Türkçe Çeviri) - Duration: 3:25.


Salasar Kyo Jate Hai Jane Kanhiya Mittal Se || New Bhakti Bhajan 2018 || Divya Shakti - Duration: 12:23.

For more infomation >> Salasar Kyo Jate Hai Jane Kanhiya Mittal Se || New Bhakti Bhajan 2018 || Divya Shakti - Duration: 12:23.


[LIVE] EXO 엑소 'Monster' TV Performance Stage Mix Special Edit. - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> [LIVE] EXO 엑소 'Monster' TV Performance Stage Mix Special Edit. - Duration: 4:36.


RRCAT Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2018 | RRCAT Trainee Notification 2018 - Duration: 3:57.

RRCAT Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2018

RRCAT Trainee Notification 2018

For more infomation >> RRCAT Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment 2018 | RRCAT Trainee Notification 2018 - Duration: 3:57.


PENSAMENTO MULTIDIMENSIONAL p/ Arcturianos - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> PENSAMENTO MULTIDIMENSIONAL p/ Arcturianos - Duration: 8:45.


[ENG SUB] Photo People Season 2 In Tokyo Part 13 [EP 6] - Hot spring ♨Time - Duration: 9:43.


[The happy prize, choosing the bed] There are two good beds.

There are two good beds and two camp beds.

- Why don't you use the two good beds? - Why?

[What is this?] - Use the two good beds. - Why?

[Warm] You've worked hard.

[What the] You all sleep in bed. Why do you feign generosity?

You sleep on bed. Don't feign generosity.

- Hey. - There are two good beds.

- And I will sleep in camp bed. - Then why don't you sleep on the floor?

[If you think of others so much, I recommend you the floor] Let me sleep in bed.

[Say such nice things when the camera is off] - Say that when the camera is off. - OK.

[There's one camp bed left] One of you should sleep in camp bed.

[We will let you one of you sleep in camp bed] We will let one of you sleep in it.

[Let me sleep on the floor] Camp bed.

[Hmm...] - Only one blanket. - It's OK.

[Loyalty] I should go with Jae Joong.

[If you say so] Then I'd go.

[What the] Sleep in the camp bed.

[Seonho will protect Seonho's bed] Seonho will sleep in bed.



[Floor vs. bed] Seonho can sleep next to me.

This is not the picture I wanted.

[Very happy with the young entertainer joining them] Good job.

[Yoo Seonho / 17 years old] There's one bed left. You should use it.

We paid much for it.

[You should sleep on bed instead of wasting it] Then I should sleep in bed.

I can't help it.

- We will get a pillow, right? - Of course.

[Of course] Of course.

With a pillow and a blanket,

I can go anywhere.

[Jae Joong over Flowers] I can go anywhere.

[Love it] - I heard it a lot. - I think you will get a blanket commercial.

[He was aiming for that] - Blanket commercial. - Yes.

Let's go for the hot spring.

[They are covered in sweat after dancing] - Let's go for the hot spring. - I want to wash.

OK. Let's go.

[Let's wash out the sweat] You made us do this to wash up.

I'm sweaty.


[When everyone's asleep]

- This is amazing. - We all walk confidently.

[Wearing yukata] We're healthy.

After working in the morning, we came all the way to Shizuoka.

[Hot spring after a long day] - And we have much fatigue. - Of course.

- Let's recover in the hot spring. - Yes.

Recover from fatigue.

- I can feel the heat. - And there's smell.

[A gift-like place that will relieve their fatigue]

[But they are more interested in one thing]

[+2kg] - 70? - 75.

- 59 kg. - I gained 2 kilograms.

[After shooting PHOTO PEOPLE, he gained weight]

[Blessed Seonho didn't gain weight] - It's the same for me. - It's the same.

I don't gain weight easily.

[How about woo Hyun?] Oh my.

[+??kg] [Shocked]

I gained 3kg.

[They've eaten too well and got chubby]

[Only the male staff are in the hot spring]

Saeho's stripped.

He should wear something.

[Too real] Isn't it too real?

[Jae Joon's finished first] I'm cold.


[It's so warm] - Very cold. - Cool.

[Entering the hot spring in order] Is it warm inside?

Oh my.

- The hot spring... - This is it.

[Everyone's entering in admiration]

[I love it]

[All amazed by the hot spring]

[Everyone has entered]

[They're relieving fatigue] - Hot spring. - This is what hot spring is like.

Have you been to a hot spring in Japan?

[It's the first time life] - We're here for the first time. - The first.

The amazing thing is that

we wrote down a wish list.

We all wrote hot spring.

[They connected even before they knew each other] - Everyone did. - It's amazing.

- It's the first time that we had unified wish list. - Yes. - I know.

[I like it even more] Very nice.

It's a bit cold

on the outside.

But it's very warm inside.

It helps the circulation of blood.

That's right.

[Scratching] You have to think of your condition when you travel.

Do you know why it's itchy?

- Why? - Because of bad circulation.

[Joking 1] Isn't it dead skin cell?

- No. - You shouldn't do that here.

[Saeho feels tight. Trust me] - Isn't it discourtesy? - It's not.

[Joking 2] Smell under your fingernails.

[Cool guy] It smells like skiyaki.

[We're laughing thanks to him] We ate skiyaki earlier.

How is it, Yeongmin? It's your first time in the Japanese hot spring.

[The scenery and the wind is something that you can enjoy only in outdoor hot spring]

I love the scenery and the wind.

And I love being altogether.


[Altogether] - Stay. - Altogether.

There was this saying.

- That you become very close after going to a bath together. - Yes. - Among guys...

[I agree] You show everything you've got.

[Taking off everything] You take everything off

and talk about your innermost feelings.

[It's amazing] You can share that when you go for a bath.

[It's sad] - It's sad. - Bathing culture is disappearing.

- Yes. - Why do I sweat so much?


[Laughing] How is it, Seonho?

[Seonho says] It's hotter than I thought.

[It is hot]

[Stand up because it's too hot]

[Everyone's aghast]

Thank God there's no female staff.

[Joking] If you are like this, I will give you a bad memory.

[Now it's time to enjoy the hot spring in earnest]

Look at Taehwan, he opens naturally.

[Embarrassed] He's confident.

He's been working...

[He's worked out for acting] I played the role of athlete a few times

so I worked out all day.

[It's been with him since 17] I had this since I was 17.

- You've never lost it? - When I lose it, then I gained weight.

[Let's talk about something else. I feel sad]

[Let me help you]

[Yoo Seonho won the PHOTOPEOPLE karaoke] Seonho won the karaoke mission.

Our wish list.

[Requesting for a warm song] Do you know any warm song that would go well with the hot spring?

- Warm song. - Warm song?

[What will Seonho sing for them?] 5, 6, 7, 8.

["Maybe Spring" - Yoo Seonho]

[His debut song that he sings for them before the album is out]

[They listen to Seonho's singing] - It's nice. - Very nice.

[Seonho's warm song that goes well with the spring night]

[Embarrassed] Good.

[It's very nice] - It's aimed at winning girls hearts. - Girls hearts.

[Seonho's voice goes well with spring] - It's the song for spring. - Yes.

- It's nice. - Amazing.

Let me sing a bit.

Let me sing a bit.

In the hot spring, I feel something

[I will express it through singing] that I haven't felt before.

Where should I put my heart?

Where should I empty it?

[Infatuated] Full, full.

[Touched] It only fills.


[Very nice]

You're piling up in me.

Where should my heart go? To dreamland.

[They will be cooked in the hot spring] If we stay longer, we will be found here.

We have our wish lists for tomorrow.

- Let's go up and sleep. - OK.

- Let's go. - Good job.

[Male staff laughs]

[Regretting] Please edit it well.


[Their wish list of relieving fatigue in the hot spring is done]

Way to go.

Way to go.

Blank, blank.

I'm good, right?

My facial expression didn't change.

Let's see.

- Here it is. - Pictures.

- Here. - See? I look blank.

Yeongmin looks tired.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Photo People Season 2 In Tokyo Part 13 [EP 6] - Hot spring ♨Time - Duration: 9:43.


Nowości w 05.09.2018 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Nowości w 05.09.2018 - Duration: 2:38.


Why Are Few RELATIONSHIPS DIFFICULT? Ep 66 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:18.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris. Welcome, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti and welcome to Soul Reflections.

Thank you.

We were discussing about forgiveness and there was an incident

Where the sister got her brother imprisoned because of a loss in business deal.

The outcome of the discussion was good

Earlier I had got myself entangled as a third party

I radiated resentment from my side

So there was a heavy exchange of resentment.

And later I wrote to them that they are beautiful people

They would have never done that if not for a past Karmic account

It happened with you and it can happen with all of us.

Now let us resolve it. This is what I wrote.

Now we will not think of whether we will get a positive response or a negative one

Now I want to understand what is to be done until we get a reply from that side.

I can't ask everybody to study spiritual Gyan and meditate.

I can't tell that to the brother who is in jail. He will not be willing, he might get angry.

What do I do?

You mentioned - " the person with whom something wrong happened"

If we have that person to create right thoughts

He will say he cannot do it.

But it is actually very important for him to do it.

Can I do something for both those souls?

You will anyway do it. Let us take it one step at a time.

So first you will do it. What would you do?

There is a Karmic account between these two souls, today that Karmic account is not pleasant.

The reason is that there was something unpleasant in the past.

Now both are creating resentment towards each other.

If you try to convince them, neither of them will be ready at this moment.

The sister will not be willing to revoke her action.

She is not ready to forgive.

The brother who is suffering will create hatred for his sister and her family.

He will also not forgive because he is already suffering.

So both the souls who have that Karmic account

If we advise them with our words at this time

They are not ready for it.

What can we do as a third person?

We often see our family members, extended family members or friends having to face past Karmic accounts.

We will also want to do something for them.

But we feel that we cannot do anything as such.

Because they do not understand, no matter how much we explain.

Many people say they understood what we are saying.

That we should not create negative thoughts for that soul.

But other people in our family are creating.

So how will this problem get resolved?

How to solve the problem when other members of the family are radiating negative energy?

One step at a time.

We need to change their thought process very slowly and gradually.

How can we change somebody's thought process?

By radiating our thoughts to them.

When we try to talk to them verbally

When we try to speak to them, it turns into an argument.

Everybody's ego and pain stands in the way.

And they cannot understand what is being said for their welfare. The intellect will not receive it.

If you ask me to forgive somebody

Then today, I am not talking about a few years back but today

If I put in a little effort and explain it to myself

By taking Gyan, my understanding past Karmic accounts

Thinking about the present and the future I will still be able to do it.

But if I tell somebody who has been to trade and has just come back

Then it will be difficult for him to forgive.

First of all if we had to do it ourselves

Everyone can check for themselves

Is there anyone whom I need to forgive?

Many of them.

Then let us do it first.

After that we will see how to heal others.

If there is someone whom I need to forgive

Now I have the understanding that exchange can be healed only through forgiveness.

All the understanding of why I need to forgive.


Forgiveness seems difficult because

Is because we create a statement - it is their fault.

It becomes very easy to forgive if we change the statement and say

Both of us had made a mistake in the past.

It is very easy then to take the next step.

The first step has to be right.

If I say it is your fault

You did this to me

Then I will find it difficult to forgive you.

Why should I forgive you?

Even if I understand that it will have a future consequence

That it will continue in future, even then

We will not be able to create good energy for the other person.

We can't create the right energy as long as we say it is their fault.

When the energy that is radiating is - it is their fault

How can the healing happen?

This one line first needs to change.

We can check the energy levels of both the lines.

One is I create a thought - it's his fault.

What is its energy?

Second is I create a thought - there was a Karmic account created in the past between both of us.

Both of us had done something wrong at that time.

Isn't the energy of these two lines different?

If I create a thought - it is your fault

What am I radiating to you?

But if I create a thought that something unpleasant was created by both of us in the past

What happened in the past is an imagination.

And the present is a fact because I have seen it.

How can pass be an imagination?

We will have to imagine it, isn't it?

Not at all. See this is what happens.

When we have the knowledge - as is the Karma so will be the destiny.

Is there a guarantee to this statement? For example you are sitting in front of me.

If we say even in the previous birth we were sitting this way, I can only imagine it.

It is not a huge fact.

There is a difference between imagination and understanding.

How do we understand when it is an imagination?

Okay. Today if I do not take care of my body

Tomorrow I will fall ill.

There are a number of years between the today and tomorrow in this case.

There could be a gap of 5 years or 20 years

That I did not take care for 20 years

I did not eat on time, did not rest enough

Exercise was not even in my routine.

I did a lot of those for 20 years.

So after 20 years

There were a few illnesses is in the body

What will the doctor say as the reason for it?

You had not done something right over the years

And this is the consequence.

Today you cannot see what is it that you did not do in those 20 years.

Because you didn't do something 10 years back, or 10 years back or something had happened.

What can you see today? You can see the illness in your body.

But if I do not take responsibility for this illness

Then I cannot create a solution.

Now I understood. Since I did not pay attention to my health

That was the cause and what has happened today is the effect.

We need to look at the effect and believe in the cause.

When we see the effect and take responsibility of the cause

Then we can heal it.

If I saw the effect - illness.

Cause - wrong lifestyle.

Healing - correct lifestyle.

Who has the power? It's with me.

If I saw the effect that the body is ill

And if I ask - Why did God do this to me?

Why is my health bad?

If I say the city is like this, the weather is like that, air is not clean

Water is polluted

Something or the other is bound to happen

It means I didn't look at the cause.

I did not take responsibility of the effect.

So I will not be able to create a solution.

Solution and healing can happen only when

When we take the responsibility that I created the cause

Today if I change the cause

The future will change.

It applies everywhere, even and relationships.

Let us not consider about past birth for now.

Suppose relationship between two souls is not good today.

It doesn't happen that with the first thought they create, the relationship gets spoiled.

They met, a situation came, they lived together for some time, something happened

One of them did something and the other retaliated. So conflicts happened between them.

Today that conflict is visible in their relationship.

What is the cause for that conflict?

Effect cannot be created without the cause.

A knotted relationship cannot get created with the first thought itself.

He said something which I did not like.

I said something which he did not like.

Today there is a problem in the relationship. It is the effect.

We need to heal it now.

We need to see the cause for it.

We look at the cause and see what we thought and said to each other.

The effect and cause are connected.

Present is the effect and past is the cause.

I want the future to bring a beautiful relationship.

So I need to take responsibility of the cause

Today I need to change the cause.

I need to take responsibility of the past and in the present

Change that process

With that the future will change.

Suppose I don't talk properly with somebody today.

Tomorrow she may not talk to me, feeling upset.

So then I need to talk to her, put in effort and speak to her lovingly.

So in the present I understand that it is a result of what I did yesterday.

So either I say sorry and tell her I understand what I did yesterday.

After I do that it all becomes fine.

But when will it happen? Only when you take responsibility.

Which means we need to take responsibility of the past.

Without taking responsibility of the past

You will not be able to correct the present.

Suppose she is upset with you today but you do not take responsibility for the past.

If you said - I did not do anything, so I don't need to do anything now.

Then what will happen to the present?

It will continue with the same quality and flow into the future also.

The moment you took responsibility for the past

And changed, the present also changed.

Future also changes.

So the Gyan of Karma

It is not an imagination.

We can see it in one lifetime.

Everything is not always past Karmic account of the past birth.

It can be a past Karmic account of the present birth also.

This is a past Karmic account of yesterday.

Yesterday's Karmic account comes in front office today

By correcting it today we will correct our destiny of tomorrow.

When we understand it we can see

Karma and its result, Karma and its result.

It is between two souls

While you were doing this

Yesterday you did not speak properly

Today that person is not behaving right with you.

You remember yesterday.

So what did you do today?

You changed.

So you are today and tomorrow will both change.

Let us look at it again. Yesterday you did not speak properly with someone.

Between yesterday and today

Suppose both the souls change their costume

Between yesterday and today

Is it not possible that the costume will change?

Yes both of them died and took a rebirth. And they met again.

It can even happen in a gap of one day isn't it?

It can even happen in a gap of one day.

Yes it can.

Why do elders tell us - do not have a fight before you sleep.

We don't know if we will wake up tomorrow. Don't end a meeting with anyone with a fight.

We don't know if you will meet them again to resolve.

These are the reasons. Anything can happen between yesterday and today.

Things happen all of a sudden.

We could be travelling somewhere and something can go wrong.

At least one of them a leave the body out of the two people.

It can happen with both of them too.

When we take the responsibility that yesterday I did not speak properly

So today she is not behaving properly. Accepted?

Do you accept it?

Suppose one of them or both of them leave the body between yesterday and today.

Both will definitely meet each other again.

Their costume (body) has changed and even relationship has changed.

It's not necessary that they come as husband and wife. They can meet in any relationship.

The feeling between them the last time when they had met

The energy exchange they had, was continued.

Whether you meet each other after a day

Or meet after a month

Or meet after hundred years.

It is the energy exchange between two souls

The day they meet, that energy exchange will continue.

It is a matter of taking responsibility between yesterday and today.

But if there is a gap between yesterday and today

You are calling it imagination.

When we would play chess

Parents used to scream at us to come for dinner

But we would tell them not to touch it or disturb the chess board.

We would fall asleep after dinner but till the next day the board would remain untouched.

If we were busy that day we would still keep it the same way and resume the game on the third day.

So that one game which was unfinished

We would make sure all the pawns remained exactly in the position we had left them last

Why would you not take it all away and then put them back just before resuming?

Because it was incomplete.

Only when the game completes, we will restart.

It is incomplete.

Is it an imagination the next day?

No we have just played it half-way

Does it seem like an imagination, the next day?

Isn't it real? This energy exchange is also equally real.

So the next time we meet it will remain continued.

We need to explain this to ourselves repeatedly and accept it.

It is reality.

Should we accept now? Last time we had left it.

Today it is here now.

The win-loss that was happening last time

Today it will start from that point.

Which means the energy exchange we had left at, last time

Whoever was doing wrong, whoever was being troubled, the kind of energy being sent

Who returning that energy

It will start in the same state today.

This is not imagination.

This is real.

The sooner we accept this reality

The better and sooner we can start playing today's game, in a beautiful way.

Otherwise if we engage and blame games

We will not take responsibility.

Again let us see those two lines

You are doing wrong to me

Second line is that last time there was something that was unpleasant between us.

Both are different?

When we say both of us have done a wrong Karma

Rather than saying - you are wrong

It is like we were playing the game of chess last time and the game was incomplete.

Show the first thing that stops now is the energy of blame that you are wrong.

You are doing wrong with me - this energy stops.

Now I need to do a Karma because of which this energy exchange will move in a positive direction.

It does not matter how intense was our wrong Karma last time.

It could have been the worst Karma last time, it does not matter.

Last time however long our Karma towards each other had been

Today I need to take it towards the right direction.

That understanding and that realisation itself

Releases so much resentment and hatred.

Where will the focus shift to?

No blame and not a victim.

You are wrong and I am a victim - this energy finishes.

Responsibility of the past

And responsibility of the present

But it is a responsibility of both of them.

They played the game together.

If even one of them begins, the energy exchange starts.

If we look at it as a responsibility

Absolutely it is both of their responsibility.

So whatever is happening is right then.

Even in the past it was both of their responsibility.

And today if even one of them begins the game

In the right direction

The game will change.

But if we stand here and blame each other

If we blame and become victims

If we say - poor me, I am being wronged.

That person is wrong, he is troubling me.

The past energy was ugly, but with this kind of energy exchange the present also becomes ugly.

Future will also definitely be ugly.

Small effort made today

Will change our present and future.

First step is to stop the energy of saying -they are wrong, they are bad.

Stop the energy of saying - poor me.

What is the thought? It is both of our responsibility.

Both of us had done a Karma in the past

Because of which this is the energy exchange today.

Today I take the responsibility of changing this energy.

When the thinking changes, the Energy field changes

The energy with which you talk to people changes

The thoughts we create about other people, its energy will change.

A lot of Karmic accounts become light here itself.

Karmic account will be of this size but by repeatedly thinking about it we escalate it to a bigger size.

So let us first focus on reducing that Karmic account.

With our thoughts.

We need to prepare an affirmation to use during our morning meditation.

I am a divine soul.

He is also a divine soul.

Between both of us who are beautiful souls, sometime in the past

Both of us had created a wrong Karma.

Both the souls are very beautiful.

Both of us divine souls, with some Karmic account in the past.

Sit for meditation every morning and emerge that soul

Not the body and not the relationship.

Not the labels.

Not the conflict that is going on today.

We not bring the photo of that person on our mind?

Soul is a point of light.

But if we need to see or concentrate

We just give a white outline for the body.

We don't need to talk to the face.

When the past Karmic account happened between the two of us

The face was different probably.

The body was different, the relationship was different.

It is soul to soul, so every time we need to talk to the point of light.

We need to talk to the soul.

The moment we start seeing physical things

We get stuck in the present with what is happening.

We need to talk to the soul and this is just a practice.

A body made of white light.

And that soul. We know which soul we are talking to.

The vibration reaches faster when we talk to the soul.

Then I should also talk as a soul

We are already sitting in meditation in a soul conscious state.

When we sit in meditation, it is I the being in the body of light.

God's power is with me.

Then emerge that soul in front of you.

A soul in a body of white light.

The thought - I am a divine being.

I accept everyone as they are.

Now look at that soul and say - beautiful divine being.

We need to say this repeatedly and several times to that soul.

Beautiful, divine being.

Because it is the truth.

I was about to say it is a lie.

How is it a lie?

That brother will ask me - How can I call someone who sent me to jail as a beautiful soul?

Why was he sent to jail?

Because of past Karmic account.

Who were all responsible for that Karmic account?

Both of them.

Again bring the mind back.

I keep forgetting that the original quality of the soul is pure.

Given now that soul is pure and only with me there is an unpleasant Karmic account.

Only he was sent to jail, not everybody else.

With everybody else the relationship is very pure but only with him there is a problem.

Why are we creating these thoughts?

So that the negative thoughts get finished gradually.

I am a divine being and that soul is a divine being.

Beautiful being.

Both of us had a past Karmic account.

Today both of our present Karma

Is very beautiful.

What we are doing is to create a thought of the reality which we want.

Send a very powerful message to that soul.

That both of us have done something in the past.

Let's forget the past.

Let's create a new Karma today.

The new Karmic account which both of us will begin today will be perfect.

Our future will definitely be perfect.

We just need to pay attention that the reality we want

We need to create a thought about that.

And every morning in meditation we need to send that thought repeatedly to that soul, from our mind.

Between the two of us now it's a present new Karma.

You are a beautiful soul and together we will create a miracle today.

Keep sending the thought.

And the specific thought like in this case

Where the sister has sent her brother to jail

Send a specific message to that soul.

O soul, I have a firm faith

That you will release me from here.

I am completely sure about it.

Because both of our Karmic account is very beautiful from today.

Say it with full faith and conviction, and radiate that message to the soul.

Radiate it every day.

When we send that message every day

What happens to the other quality of thoughts and energy automatically?

They will stop.

Even if one of the two people starts sending this vibration.

The healing will begin on the other side.

Should it be done daily?

Yes and it needs to be done many times a day.

It needs to be done.

And to be done many times a day.

We are starting a new thought process.

What will be its benefit?

My own negative thinking will start getting dissolved.

This is forgiveness.

When I stop sending negative energy to you, it is forgiveness.

When I send it to you it will have an influence on you.

When both of us create that quality of energy

Karmic account has to absolutely change.

It happens and we have seen too many incidents.

Where very complicated things

Very complicated issues have got resolved when even one of them has done this every day.

But Ego and the lack of knowledge will stop us from doing it.

Lack of faith and lack of belief will also stop us.

We need to consider a Karmic account like an illness.

That there is an illness.

But he will refuse to accept.

Whatever we are doing for ourselves, let us first see how we forgive other people.

This Karmic account is my illness right now.

No I don't want to sit and cry about this illness.

I don't even need to look for reasons for this illness.

I only and only need to go in the direction of healing.

And my healing can happen only with this

I need to change my present Karma from here - from my mind.

We will consciously sit and do it every day.

When we want help we exercise every day is it not?

Every day we take medicines.

Every day we check our diet.

Likewise we will change our thought every day.

A patient who has blood pressure variations will have to take medicines all his life.

We need to do it every day.

When we do it daily

The first benefit that is noticeable is that we will become lighter.

Experiencing that lightness will imply

The Karmic account is getting settled.

Thank you so much, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

For more infomation >> Why Are Few RELATIONSHIPS DIFFICULT? Ep 66 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:18.


Stray Kids "Mixtape#2" Video - Duration: 5:03.

Do you remember when we all met first and said hello?

We practiced to take the first step We were like mothers of babies

We did everything as much carefully as making baby food

On the day when we took care of everything

If the people's response is proportional to our passion

This is impossible If I responded

To the zero response I might get hurt badly

Maybe this song couldn't come out I'm just thirsty for a moment

I think I forgot the excited feelings at the moment

In other words, I think I became mature more than before

I think I lost to this as I was pressed for time

It's awful to cling to you like a tick

The end as the insect repellent Even under the pressure

I can't control my dream Even if it's dark in front of me

My passion lights up in front of me as a lantern

Once 9 of us are together We become the lighthouse, things will change

Don't close your eyes again

The shadow is standing where the light shines on

If you look back, many lights will

Be waiting for you

Am I doing right or not

To be honest I was nervous at that time

But thanks to the many flowers shining on 9 of us

I'm not insecure

One for the fame, one for the game

Anytime is okay like them

One for the way, I'm gonna take

Anywhere I hum this song

Even if I go too far

I can't stop

Even the dark shadow

needs light to exist

We ran to the same light

It's a simple friendship of 9 with music and dance

I don't regret it even if I'm a little exhausted

I'm just happy laughing while having some chicken

Follow the world where black contrasts with white like crosswalk

I live my life again that I can't avoid

Just relax and smile Take it easy

It's just simple Don't be serious

I'm just trying hard

Hey We never give up we never give up

We never give up

We never give up

I believe my family

The light is shining on us

So we can overcome anything

Even if the shadow swallows us We will not give up

I wake up My happy dreams fade away

I can't breathe My head is spinning

I keep doing this replay

I can't feel it over time

In my head colourless voices

Stepping in my mind hopeless choices

I know I can't succeed if I feed like this

Leave like this scarred and feared pain like this

One for the fame, one for the game

Anytime is okay like them

One for the way, I'm gonna take

Anywhere I hum this song

Even if I go too far

I can't stop

Even the dark shadow

needs light to exist

Sometimes I feel the same way

When I'm tired and exhausted I look up the sky

It can't always shine

But it can shine more brightly only with darkness

So think about it again (I can't)

Look back on the path you ran (I can't)

Before you know, you've come this far

It's too early to give up

Hard times will pass

Don't worry

Fly it to the sky fly

One for the fame, one for the game

Anytime is okay like them

One for the way, I'm gonna take

Anywhere I hum this song

Even if I go too far

I can't stop

Even the dark shadow

needs light to exist

One for the fame, one for the game

Anytime is okay like them

One for the way, I'm gonna take

Anywhere I hum this song

Even if I go too far

I can't stop

Even the dark shadow

needs light to exist

For more infomation >> Stray Kids "Mixtape#2" Video - Duration: 5:03.


Star Wars: Die SUPERWAFFE der Separatisten - Die MALEVOLENCE - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Die SUPERWAFFE der Separatisten - Die MALEVOLENCE - Duration: 4:49.


The Untold Truth Of Bretman Rock - Duration: 4:54.

Bretman Rock is one of the internet's biggest rising stars. Soaring to fame as a teen, the

vlogger got famous for his beauty tutorials, but he's so much more than just another influencer.

The YouTube star is also beloved for his quirky sense of humor, and confident style. He's

got millions of followers across his social media accounts, with over ten million fans

on Instagram alone.

His over-the-top online presence belies a down to earth personality that many of his

fans might not know about. Here's untold truth of Bretman Rock.

"Bitch I got my RedBull, nobody can tell me s---."

Yes, that's his real name

This influential beauty vlogger has a pretty unusual name. And he has his dad to thank

for it. As the story goes, Rock's dad is a big pro-wrestling fan, and he wanted to pay

homageto his favorite wrestlers in his son's name. Rock told KITV,

"He particularly liked Bret Hart and The Rock, so that's how he got Bretman Rock."

His beauty icon

Rock became fascinated with beauty products when he was around 4 or 5 years old. He told


"I knew I was going to love or be doing beauty when I would watch my grandmother get ready

for church. It was a cool process to watch how makeup would make her feel when she put

it on, and the confidence it gave her."

His family supported his love of beauty, and Rock's mother let him experiment with her

makeup, something he is still grateful for. He told The Phillippine Star,

"Sometimes I get emotional because I had it so easy.…Especially when a fan comes up

and tells me, 'Oh my God, Bret, you've inspired me so much. My parents don't accept me for

being gay.' And I'm like, I don't know what my life would be if my parents didn't accept

me the way that they do."

Most likely to go viral

Rock hit it big at a young age, but had been active for years before getting famous. He

first uploaded to YouTube when he was in eighth grade, although he has since deleted the videos

because he thinks he, quote, "looked a hot mess", and by the time he was 17 his name

was known by millions. Regarding his Insta followers, he told KITV in 2015,

"It all happened so fast, like, two months ago I was at 200k and now I'm at 2.3 million."

As of 2018, Rock has over 10 million followers on the 'Gram. But in spite of his fame, he


"I want to live like a normal life. I mean, I'm a boy that wears makeup, but I want to

be as normal as I can."

His secret talent

People may see Rock's full face of makeup and flamboyant personality and assume that

he's not the sporty type. But Rock is actually a gifted athlete and former star of his high

school track team. He told PopSugar,

"Before I fell in love with beauty, I fell in love with fitness first. Ever since I was

a child, I was always upside down, running around, or hanging somewhere; I was always

signed up for sports like soccer, volleyball, cross country, and the love of my life: track."

Now that he's out of school, Rock still makes a point of staying in shape, saying,

"I do CrossFit three times a week and weightlifting two times a week, and then I do my own training

in the weekends. […] It's the only time I feel like a regular-schmegular person."

Potty-mouthed rebel

Rock may be famous as a beauty expert, but he's also a born entertainer. And while he

might come on a little strong for some people, he isn't backing down.

"I went to the briefing earlier, and they're like you know you're not allowed to swear,

and I'm like what the f---."

He told PopSugar,

"Being regular and doing what people expect you to do is sooo BORING.…I keep true to

myself by simply doing what I feel like doing and saying f--- you to anyone that tells me


Rock is all about keeping it real and staying true to himself, and he has no problem conveying

that message with a bit of potty-mouthed realness, telling the mag,

"If someone told me I can't wear makeup because I'm a boy or lift weights because I'm too

gay, then I will deadlift my ass off with a full face of makeup, with a blinding highlight,

using my Babe in Paradise palette just as a big F U to their faces."

Living out loud

One of the things that resonates so deeply with Rock's fans is his confidence.

"If Jesus was filming for Allure, what look would he be giving?"

He has turned into something of an icon in the LGBTQ community. But while he wouldn't

consider himself to be an activist, per se, he's been an inspiration to many. Rock told


"It's hard to say I'm 'involved' in LGBTQ activism, as I think I live the fight for

LGBTQ rights everyday by just living honestly and openly and showing people it's okay to

be different."

But that's not the only identity he's fighting to protect.

His Filipino heritage

Rock was born in the Philippines, where he lived for the first few years of his life.

He later moved to Hawaii, but he hasn't forgotten his roots. He enjoys his celebrity in the

Philippines, where he hosted the 2017 Miss Universe Red Carpet, telling the Philippine


"People here are so heartwarming and nice.…I feel like I'm best friends with all my supporters

here. That's all you can really ask for."

But Rock isn't just proud of where he comes from, he's dedicated to repping his fellow

Filipinos. He told HelloGiggles,

"I feel great to show the beauty of Filipinos (they are some of the brightest people in

the world).…I want to prove that Filipinos can do things just the same as others, if

not better — and cuter."

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Bretman Rock - Duration: 4:54.


Ruston Kelly: Faceplant - Duration: 4:04.

-My next guest is a critically-acclaimed musician

whose album "Dying Star" is out this Friday.

Performing "Faceplant,"

please welcome back Ruston Kelly, everyone.

[ Cheers and applause ]



♪ -I took too many pills again ♪

♪ I took too many pills again ♪

♪ Blacked out for a week, didn't eat, didn't sleep ♪

♪ Came to, did it all again ♪

♪ She's probably gonna be pissed ♪

♪ She's probably gonna be pissed ♪

♪ Throw the yard and key my car ♪

♪ If I show up to her house like this ♪

♪ Oh, it was a dark December ♪

♪ Not even angels came around ♪

♪ And I was too stoned to remember ♪

♪ Come too far to turn back now ♪

♪ Come too far to turn back now ♪


♪ Feel like I'm gonna fall down ♪

♪ Feel like I'm gonna fall down ♪

♪ But I was born and raised in an earthquake state ♪

♪ So I'm better on shaky ground ♪

♪ What the hell am I gonna do now? ♪

♪ What the hell am I gonna do now? ♪

♪ Got a half-lit smoke ♪

♪ Good God I'm broke but I gotta make it back to Germantown ♪

♪ Oh, it was a dark December ♪

♪ Not even angels came around ♪

♪ And I was too stoned to remember ♪

♪ Come too far to turn back now ♪

♪ Come too far to turn back now ♪




♪ Baby, won't you take me back? ♪

♪ Baby, won't you take me back? ♪

♪ It ain't like I'm trickin' on the corner for crack ♪

♪ Baby, won't you take me back? ♪

♪ Oh, it was a dark December ♪

♪ In the City of Angels ♪

♪ I was comin' down ♪

♪ And I was too stoned to remember ♪

♪ I've come too far to turn back now ♪

♪ Come too far to turn back now ♪



[ Cheers and applause ]

-Ruston Kelly, folks! "Dying Star" is out this Friday.

And for dates, go to

For more infomation >> Ruston Kelly: Faceplant - Duration: 4:04.


South Korea's biggest broadcast format market "BCWW" kicked off Wednesday - Duration: 2:18.

Various exciting programs helped promote Korean culture or Hallyu while wowing viewers across

the globe.

Regardless of these successes, Seoul isn't sitting back and putting things on autopilot

mode, as evidenced by a content market being hosted in the country for the 18th time.

Hong Yoo takes us to the BroadCast WorldWide event.

The biggest broadcast format market in Korea, Broadcast Worldwide, or "BCWW", opened on

Wednesday at COEX convention center in southern Seoul.

Already in its 18th year, the event under the slogan "Discover, the infinite potentials

of Content" will continue until Friday.

300 booths from 200 exhibitors of 50 different countries are taking part in this annual event,

offering a close look at diverse broadcast formats to

domestic and international buyers.

And among the participants, Arirang TV was a head turner with its long list of content


"Arirang is producing and broadcasting various content such as news, documentary, and entertainment


And this year we brought a new documentary called 'ArTravel' and our most popular programs

are After School Club and Simply K-Pop."

Arirang TV is currently cooperating with Chinese media outlets to not only create content together,

but also promote and propel Korean programs in the Chinese market.

The booths are divided into zones based on their field, from the Power Media Zone for

Korean broadcasters that have highly influential content… to the Foreign Media Zone for international


Hosted by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and organized by the Korea

Creative Content Agency, the BCWW is slated to continue growing and serving as a platform

to expand Korean broadcast content to all around the world.

"Exports of Korean broadcast content increased last year in the Asian market, especially

in Japan, making more than 400 million dollars' worth of exports in 2017 alone.


Hong Yoo, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea's biggest broadcast format market "BCWW" kicked off Wednesday - Duration: 2:18.


Books in the Freezer TBR [CC] - Duration: 5:23.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and welcome to my Books in the Freezer Readathon TBR.

I found out about this readathon at the Shades of Orange YouTube Channel, which is run by

Rachel, and it sounds great.

It turns out she runs a podcast of the same name and since I'm recently getting back into

podcasts, I've downloaded a couple of episodes that look like they're going to be right up my alley.

This is a readathon that's taking place from October 1st to 14th, and of course we are

reading scary books.

Because scary books, or upsetting books, are the one that you put in the freezer so they

can't hurt you anymore, if I've learned anything from Friends.

That was it.

The other co-host for this readathon is Stephanie at That's What She Read, which is just a fantastic

name for a channel, and I'll link both of them down below.

There are 5 challenges.

I've picked books for each of them, and I don't know a whole lot about the books because

I don't like to go into my things knowing everything about them before I read them,

but I will try to give you a little bit of synopsis.

Let's not lie; I'm just gonna use Goodreads.

If you've been around my channel for while, you also know that I like to get things from

the library, as opposed to buying them, because 1) I work at the library, and 2) I spend all

of my money on travel, so I need to get things from the library because I do not have money

for buying books.

So to figure out what I wanted to read for these challenges, I basically searched lists

of things that would fit the challenges, and then checked to see if the library had it,

and then as soon as I found one of those things that mashed up in that Venn Diagram, I went

"that is what I will read".

The first challenge is to read a horror book by a female author, and for that I'm reading

Broken Monsters.

Quickly scanning the synopsis, it looks like there's a couple of different point of view

characters on this one, but I'm just going to read you the first sentence of the Goodreads,

and you'll know that this is going to be something dark, and twisty, and creepy:

"Detective Gabriella Versado has seen a lot of bodies, but this one is unique even by

Detroit's standards: half boy, half deer, somehow fused together."

I don't even want to read any more; I'm already hooked.

I want to read it.

The next challenge is to read an anthology of short horror stories.

You can either do an anthology of a different authors or an anthology all by the same author.

And this was actually incredibly easy to find because Rachel actually recommended this in

her video announcing the readathon, and I went, "Oh, my library has that; I will just read that".

However, again, just reading the first line on the Goodreads, I was like, "yes, this is

a good pick," because the first line reads:

"Word Horde presents the debut collection from critically-acclaimed Weird Fiction author

Nadia Bulkin."

Weird Fiction author?


I want this in my life.

I love weird fiction.

And apparently three of the short stories in this collection were nominated for the

Shirley Jackson award, so I'm looking forward to it.

The third challenge is to read a book featuring or by and POC author or character, or queer

author or character, and I figured why not both?

For this one, I will be reading the first volume of a Manga called Tokyo Ghoul..

Apparently Goodreads only has the synopsis of it in French, which I do not read.

So let's try this again.

I found this book by looking up queer horror stories, so I can only assume that the queer

element is there, and of course it's a manga so it is not white people.

I assume.

I assume it's set in Japan; let's just check.

Yes, according to Wikipedia, Tokyo Ghoul is "a Japanese dark fantasy manga series".

Sounds great.

I haven't read a lot of manga, so I'm really hoping that if I do get into this one, my

library has the rest of the volumes.

I'm pretty sure it does.

So I can complete it.

But I'm going to start with volume 1.

The fourth challenge is to read a book that has a movie adaptation, and for this one,

I'm going to read American Psycho.

I did see the movie when it came out years ago because I've been trash for

Christian Bale ever since Newsies.

And I also really love horror movies.

I spent a lot of my youth watching horror movies.

In fact, my first email address definitely had "horror" in it.

But besides a few trivial plot points, there's not a lot I remember from the movie, so I'm

looking forward to reading the book and seeing how much of it I see with Christian Bale's face.

This is a black comedy about a man that works on Wall Street and is a psychopath.

And finally, the last challenge is to read a book that is recommended on the podcast,

and although I haven't actually listened to it at time of recording this video, the first

one that Rachel talked about in her video was something that I already want to read,

and I'm like, "Perfect! It just gives me an excuse to finally read it."

And that book is My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix.

I saw this when it came out last year.

I really wanted to read it in October, because, of course, that is the best month for reading

the creepy things, and I think that it just didn't get to my library in time for that,

so I've been basically waiting for October to roll around again so I could read this book.

Just from looking at the cover of this, I feel like there's going to be a lot of nostalgia

feels from growing up in an earlier decade than now, and after reading this, I might

actually go back and watch The Exorcis[t], because I remember watching it when I was

about 14 at a slumber party, and all of the other people were freaked out by it and I

giggled through a lot of it because I like horror movies.

I'm weird.

My favourite movie when I was 4 years old was IT starring Tim Curry.

So yes, even though it is September, I am very excited for this readathon in October,

because the creepy times are gonna happen.

There you have it.

Have you read any of these books?

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For more infomation >> Books in the Freezer TBR [CC] - Duration: 5:23.


Essence Of Murli 06-09-2018 - Duration: 5:50.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date is 6th September 2018

Essence : Sweet children, stop remembering your own bodies and everyone else and recognise the Father accurately as He is and what He is

and consider yourselves to be points and remember the Father, in the form of a point.

Question: Which knowledge do you only receive from the Father at this time, knowledge that no one else can give you?

Answer: You live together as husband and wife, look after your household and also remain pure.

The Father gives you this knowledge at this time. No one else can give you this knowledge.

You have to donate the five vices, but the main one is lust which you have to conquer completely.

Only by remembering the Almighty Authority and following His directions do you receive strength for this.

Song: Have mercy on those who are unhappy.

Essence for dharna: 1. Keep the Father in your heart and maintain the happiness of receiving the property.

You definitely have to become completely pure.

2. Just think about how tiny a soul is and how it has such an imperishable part recorded in it.

Become a point and stay in remembrance of the Father, a point.

Blessing: May you become an easy yogi by putting a full stop to the past knowing the importance of the full stop.

The easiest punctuation is the full stop. BapDada simply tells us about the account of the full stop.

Become a point yourself, remember the Point and, knowing about every scene of the drama, apply a full stop.

Know the importance of the full stop and put a full stop to the past and become a point and you will become an easy yogi.

In any case, we now have to become points and return home.

Everyone resides in the home in the point form where thoughts, actions and sanskars are all merged.

Slogan: Be a karma yogi and while performing actions, remain beyond, that is, become a flying bird.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our loveour remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

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