Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

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For more infomation >> Tinh Linh Kiếm Vũ (Full 12 Tập) - Main Số Hưởng,Trường Toàn Gái - Tuyển Tập Những Track Hay Nhất ♪ - Duration: 54:17.


1 Percent of Friendship I 1%의 우정 – Ep.13 [ENG/2018.09.28] - Duration: 1:19:58.

1 Percent of Friendship.

The famed too-much talkers

have come together.

Aren't those pajamas?

Stop it.

How about an IU-style look, Jungnam?

That's perfect for Jungnam.

Cut it out.

There's a reason behind his big eyes.

That's his desire for affection.

What kind of R-rated thoughts

made you grow a beard already?

You've insulted me.

Too much talk is a given.

Explosive excitement is optional.

It's a gathering of all-time chatterboxes.

(Four-fold frenzy and flair)

What's wrong with you?

Police officer!

The all-too-much guys

spend a rollicking day together.

Heechul is a bit...

The guy is alarming.

I get wild mood swings.

These men had us worried

even before we began.

Their story starts now.

(Friendship story of the four noisy men)

(At a playground on a relaxed afternoon)

Who will complete today's episode

of 1 Percent of Friendship?

It's a guy who knows how

to bask in a lazy afternoon's sunshine.

A familiar face we're glad to see after such a long time.

It's Kim Heechul, the great star of the universe.

(Briefly lost in his memories...)

Nice to meet you.

The new friend was so different

as if he's from a different world.

But even those flustering moments

have become happy memories.

(I should meet up with Jinu to party...)

I can't wait to find out

what kind of gathering is in store for today.

Oh, gosh.

(Voice giving away his identity)

I think I hear his voice already.

Oh, gosh.

(It's Bae Jungnam)

Hey, there.

Gosh, it's been a while.

That's for sure.

- Hey, there. / - Did you get out of jail or what?

My friend, Jungnam.

My same-aged friend, Jungnam.

Oh, nice to meet you.

They first met...

- On the show. / - I was born in 1983.

- The Year of the Pig. / - Oh...

- How about you? / - As it turned out...

They were both born in 1983.

Now he's my best friend.

It's Kim Heechul and Bae Jungnam

who became friends for real after the show.

What are you up to today?

What brings you here today?

- Out of the blue like this... / - Hey.

I'm inviting you to meet someone.

You guys will hit it off

as he's a really tough guy...

A tough guy who could be an older bro

or like a friend to you.

(I'll introduce you to my friend)

- Don't bother. / - He's a charismatic guy.

I have plenty of friends.

(Please stop)

(I've had my share of awkwardness)

Better than sitting side by side...

Nice to meet you.

Oh, yes. Hello.

(I want the awkwardness to stop)

You'll like him right off the bat.

He's totally charismatic

and such a cool guy.

He's got a really ripped body too.


("Ripped body" catches his ear)

You know those manly guys,

those stout fellows...

Those are the guys I like.

(Manly guy)

(Stout fellow)

(Friends like me are always welcome)

He embodies muscular manliness.

And working out...

(My muscles are holding up, right?)

What's all the noise?

Let's go in.

(What kind of muscular bro is it)

The symbol of muscles!

(Who is waiting for me?)

The symbol of strength!

(Heart thumping)

(I shouldn't feel awkward today)

(Welcome to dance class)

I knew it.

(Dancing sisters instead of a muscular bro)

(Come on in, Jungnam!)

(Only guy here, dancing away)

(Locks eyes)

- Hoyoung! / - Hey.

Join in, join in.

(This is the wrong place, I'll just leave)

- Just dance! / - Hello.

The new friend who made

Jungnam so flustered is none other than...

(Heechul's friend no. 2, Kim Hoyoung)

Regardless of his company,

his mouth always whips up

a whirlwind of chatter.

All sorts of unusual activities

make up his wealth of hobbies.

- Each flower is shaped differently. / - They are.

It's the aboundingly energetic

musical actor Kim Hoyoung.

(Too much energy)

People call me by...

- My nickname. / - Oh, a nickname?

They call me Hoy.

Like "Dooly the Little Dinosaur?"

For me, they are an intersection.

I met Jungnam on this show

and I also met Hoyoung

here on 1 Percent of Friendship.

This combination...

They're off to an unusual start.

Just dance!

- But first... / - It's salsa dancing.

Shake it, shake it.

Ma'am, shake it, shake it.

(Shocking first encounter)

(I can barely meet people's eyes at first...)

(Yet he's shaking his body on his approach)

(This isn't the workout I imagined)

Oh, come on and try it.

I can't do this.

Hey, even these elderly ladies are doing it.

(You can do it, young man!)

Hey, just dance.

Just do it. Anything is fine.

Don't be impolite. Join in.

(Heechul on his left, Hoyoung on his right)

(Teacher in the front)

(Motherly lady in the back)

Now spin!

(One enters freely but can't exit at will)

How does this go?

(Tries hard to keep up)

(Not able to blend in, in his own world)

I'm tired out already.

It's tiring, right? It's tough.

Out of all the encounters I've had,

this probably ranks the highest

in terms of awkwardness.

More so than meeting Junghwan

or Coach Yongsoo...

It was way more awkward.

It made me miss Coach Yongsoo...

Coach, I miss you.

(Eagle bro, I miss you)

That was the Busan dialect, right?

(Missing those good old days)

(Will the Eagle bro appear if I wish hardly enough...)

(For now, focus on me, Hoy!)

(No end to the Zumba dance)

- I'm tired out already. / - It's tiring, right?

It's tough.

It's tougher than my choreography.

Let's stop there.


(I survived)

That was our second number.

- Now let's start the third one. / - No, that's fine.

(Shocking news)

Let's get started now.

We'll go right in.

Oh, if it's over...

(Such good students)


(The moment they become one through Zumba)

Heechul, you're doing well.

(One, two, one, two)

(Clarifying their relations)

(Met once before, never met before)

- Step back! / - Back!

When will this end?

This is my first time too.

(After a long dancing session...)

Okay, now. Here is...

- Bae Jungnam. / - Of course, Bae Jungnam.

This is Kim Hoyoung, a musical actor.

I'm Kim Hoyoung.

He's a really tough guy.

A totally tough guy.

- Huh? / - Full of sexy charisma.

The sexy, charismatic Kim Hoyoung.

Gosh, so glad to meet you.

(Tough guy's greeting)

Gosh, so glad to meet you.

(Hanging on to his shattering mind)

Okay. Is this some kind of set-up?

Why are you beading sweat?

He's like this for real.

Why are you sweating so much?

I'm okay.

- Let's go. / - Let's get going.

- We'll go to a cafe. / - Okay.

- There should be a proper introduction. / - Right.

It was so exciting and fun, wasn't it?

- Well... / - No?

It's such a frenzy.

So this is Zumba...

Leaving behind their energetic first encounter,

the three men decided to take a brief breather.

How will these famed chatterboxes

spend their coffee time?

Let's have a proper introduction now.

- Otherwise, it's awkward. / - Is the camera ready?


Well, in terms of age...

He was born in 1983, the Year of the Pig.

He was born in 1983, the Year of the Pig.

But to me, he's an older bro.

Hoyoung, I have to address you formally on air,

but I believe we're the same age.

I was a grade above you as I was born before March.

He entered school earlier.

I'm classmates with guys born in 1982.

You're making a big deal out of it.

They got rid of that ages ago.

It was still in place when we went to school.

Enough with that knocking!

- We can't be buddies. / - Fine!

- We'll just speak formally. / - You smarty pants!

A real smarty pants!

I entered school earlier as I was born before March.

I'm classmates with guys born in 1982.

(Hoyoung, born before March of 1983!)

There he goes again.

That gets tricky because...

There's a reason why it matters.

I'll explain it to you.


I'll explain it.

For instance, I'm friends with the actors

Lee Sangyeob and On Juwan.

Those guys are born in 1983.

- They're your friends? / - They are.

But the thing is, those guys...

Gosh, Juwan is my friend too.

(Juwan and Heechul are friends too)

But the thing is,

now that we've gotten to know each other,

they speak to me informally.

Sometimes they call me older bro

and sometimes they call me Hoy.

They don't use honorifics.

That's why he has a nickname.

It's Hoy.

People just call me Hoy.

This guy has trouble

with those type of nicknames.


So I just want you

to call me however you want to

since I'll be calling you Jungnam

and speaking formally regardless of it.

I'll be using honorifics,

so you can suit yourself.

But how could I...

(Is that... Choo Sarang?)

Keep talking, you two.

(The great star of the universe has logged out)

I wouldn't mind if you speak informally.

I wouldn't mind at all.

Well, then...

I don't get finicky about age.

That's so outmoded.

We're all about the same age anyway.

Just do as you please.

That's perfectly fine.

It feels awkward to speak like friends...

- Before getting to know each other. / - Right.

Being friends isn't something

that happens just by definition

because you're the same age or anything.

I'm glad I was born mid-year.

Having an early birthday

must be a real headache for you too.

Each time you meet someone new...

No, it's not a headache at all.

But I wonder why,

the way I see it...

Yum! It's delicious.

(Knock, knock)

(Hoyoung's famous table-knocking!)

Why do you keep doing that?

Do you like gambling?

Is it for saying "call?"

I never gamble.

Isn't it for saying "call?"

You know how it is in movies

where they pass the chips

and want to move on...

Doesn't that mean...

Are you into casinos these days?

I watch a lot of films.

- Old films... / - That's no good.

You should quit going to casinos.

You're talking nonsense again.

I hate gaming and gambling.

We're similar in that respect.

- I don't do video games... / - Or gambling.

- Not at all. / - Me neither.

- This is... / - I don't even play Tetris.

Me neither.

(I don't even play block games)

Me neither.

I don't play games.

He's really into games.

I'm totally into games.

You should be careful of this.

I'm not into those games.

I do this to make people focus.

It's like a Morse code.

I'll just call him older bro.

That way, he'll treat us to meals

as an older bro...

Don't you think?

No, just call me Hoy.

Humor me by calling me Hoy.

No, no.

I just don't like the sound of Hoy.


(They settled on calling him older bro)

The three of us have

such different skin tones too.

We do, right?

The tone gets dark this way.

This bro is even paler than me.

- You're pale... / - He is quite pale.

- He's paler than me. / - Show us your arm.

A moment ago, we were all...

- He's so pale, right? / - So pale.

Why are you so pale?

- I don't get tanned. / - Take a look.

- Yeah, I don't get tanned. / - He's pale.

I'm in between. You're dark.

I don't get tanned.

Amazing, right?

You guys are really poles apart.

Even your clothes... Granted,

you're both fashionable guys.

But you tend to wear darker colors, don't you?

What's this?

What on earth are you wearing?

Those trousers look great.

Those trousers look great.

(Do those trousers look great?)

I'll take care of my own style.

You take care of yours.

No need to worry about me.

Did you alter those trousers yourself?

- No, not these. / - No?

He's good at altering his clothes.

I know.

This will do.

Now for the sewing...

(Jungnam alters his vintage-style clothes)

That will do. It's done.

I decorated the hat.

I'm a hat-lover too.

The funny thing about the three of us is...

- That's your outfit, right? / - Right.

- It's not from a sponsored stylist, is it? / - No.

- That's your outfit, right? / - Right, all mine.

This is my outfit.

I have ten pairs of this same tracksuit.

- Really? / - The same one?

Search for "Kim Heechul airport fashion" online,

and you'll see me wearing only this outfit...

(Only this outfit?)

(While searching for Kim Heechul's airport photos)

(The program director made a shocking discovery)

("Kim Heechul's airport fashion")

(Typed into a search engine...)

(Photos of the tracksuit as he said)


(There are more airport photos of shirts)

(Featuring colorful cartoon characters!)

(Is this your colorful airport style?)

Oh, right.


Does this taste good?

- Let me have a sip. / - It's good.

You two get along.

I'll get along even better with you, Jungnam.

You guys could travel together.

You really hit it off.

What's this?

A gift.

(Hoyoung's surprise gift for the occasion)

Is it shampoo?

- Not shampoo. / - What's this?

It's a facial cleanser.

Oh. But why are there photos attached to it?

(Covered with Hoyoung's face)

The brand was printed on the bottle,

so I covered it with my face.

The brand was printed on the bottle,

so I covered it with my face.


You know, usually...

You know...

We can't show brands on air,

so I took care of that myself...

A pure-hearted gift, not product placement.

But your own face is...

I'm amazed you have stickers like these.

I made them myself.

Now I...

Does this treat hair loss?

It's not shampoo.

- It's for your face. / - It's a cleanser.

- Asking about hair loss... / - It's a facial cleanser.

I was worried about you.

Is your hair growing back now?

- Not bad, right? / - Not bad at all.

(Well, your hair has grown)

The funny thing is,

while shooting this show,

while shooting 1 Percent of Friendship,

I got an offer for a shampoo ad.


Isn't that funny?

♪ Carefully, carefully ♪

That song? That one?

- No, no. / - A different one?

I'm not sure. It's a new product.

- That's great. / - So funny, right?

They told me they could sense...

- A product for hair loss? / - Yeah, they said...

They could sense my genuine concern.

But they went, "It's a shampoo for treating

hair loss and it works really well.

But given your K-pop idol image,

would it be okay for you?"

They could sense my genuine concern.

But seriously, this was

really stressing me out.

There should be some progress.


I can't believe I'm losing hair.

I can't believe I'm losing hair.

Do you have any hair loss?

- No, not me. / - Not at all?


But many of our peers...

- Have that problem. / - Next time...

When that shampoo is released,

I'll give it to you guys as a gift.

(Me too!)

What should we do today?

Should we go to the karaoke?

I don't like singing.

Actually, I...

I really enjoyed looking through

Jungnam's social media because...

His clothes... Not every model

knows how to style their own clothes

fashionably on a daily basis.

But he wears such stylish outfits,

so that's what made me

follow his social media account.

You like clothes shopping, don't you?

I do enjoy shopping,

but I usually shop overseas for vintage items.

I see. Since you like vintage-style clothes.

But even here in Korea,

there are vintage shops at the market.

Do you go there often?

Where do you go for that?

Migliore or the APM mall?

- Not there. / - No.

There's a vintage section at Gwangjang Market.

- For vintage... / - I haven't shopped...

In 12 years already.

- Really? / - Honestly, I never shop.

Should I pick out an outfit for you?

(Tracksuit-clad idol with two fashionable men)

- Today we'll... / - We'll take turns...

I'll pick out something for Heechul.

I'm pretty fashionable too.

I'll go for the type of style

that Heechul hates the most.

Then let's do it this way.

Since there are three of us...

Hoyoung could pick out an outfit...

- For Jungnam. / - And I do it for you?

You pick out an outfit for me.

- I'll pick one out for Hoyoung. / - Sounds good.

If you feel like it there...

- You guys could team up... / - Sure.

- To pick out my outfit. / - Sure.

It takes me barely 30 seconds to shop.

Okay, okay.

Got it.

(Will it be awesome or comical?)

I can pull off...

Pretty much any look.

So you're fine with anything?

It really doesn't matter.

As long as it's not too revealing

or it's not too wacky,

I can pull off just about anything.

Whatever the style,

his handsome face makes

the clothes look just fine.

The idol Kim Heechul can make

even a tracksuit look glowingly stylish.

(Black tracksuit, Heechul's daily look)

In all seriousness,

I don't joke around with clothes.

Rather than normal clothes...

(Forerunner of vintage, New York style)

I go for the vintage style, New York-style look.

That type of look.

His chiseled body, melded with

his one-of-a-kind fashion choices,

make even his daily looks

worthy of a fashion shoot.

(Model Bae Jungnam, stylish daily fashion)

There's no absolute standard

for judging people's style.

But if I could rate my own fashion,

I'd get a perfect 100 out of 100 points.

A bold color palette and matchless styling

go into the actor Kim Hoyoung's

unique fashion sense

that refuses all things ordinary.

(Toss away T.P.O., eyes on me, Kim Hoyoung)

It's the Gwangjang Market fashion show

starring these three, male fashionistas.

Let the show begin.

Let's go in.

It's been ages since I've been here.

Wow, what a place.

Actually, it's my first time here.

- Your first time? / - It is.

Wow, what is this place?

- It's like Dongdaemun Market. / - Right, right.

- But it's all vintage. / - Wow, awesome.

(Gwangjang Market, one of the top historical markets)

(Officially Seoul's No. 1 traditional market)

Wow, I'm surprised.

I haven't been here in a while.

They have store spaces now.

You can recognize vintage stores

by their unique, vintage aroma.

Gosh, back in the day,

I wore shirts with flower prints all the time.

I probably have 100 shirts or so at home.

I always wore...

They look good on you.

- Flower prints... / - It looks good.

Or insisted on wearing something red.

This is great. It brings back memories.

Look at that silk shirt...

Oh, that looks nice.

The people passing by would

mistake you as the store owner.

How does it look?

- I like it. / - It's nice, it's nice.

I used to wear these all the time.

- It's real silk. / - Oh, my!

- That's cute. / - It's cute, right?

- So cute. / - It's nice.

- I should come here again. / - How much for this?

- This place is great. / - It's $30.

How cute.

(Pajama-style outfit gets 3 likes)

- That looks good. / - Wow, it's nice.

I thought the three of us wouldn't get along.

- But we do, right? / - But now that we're here...

I wore clothes like this all the time.

Three years ago, on KBS,

I hosted a fashion styling show.

A styling show?

- A fashion-beauty show? / - Yeah.

I hosted it with Hani, Bora

and Hara back then...

("A Style for You" with Heechul, Hara, Bora, Hani)

(A global, interactive style show)

(With plenty of photos of Heechul's style)

Hey, Jungnam. Take a look.

It reminds me of Kim Wonjun's kilts.

No way...

Hey, look at this.

In honor of your best buddy Junghwan...

It's the World Cup season, after all.

This is perfect for Jungnam.


Keep in mind, I was the host...

- On a fashion-beauty show. / - Sure.

This has a unique vibe.

Wow, I remember...

- Back in junior high... / - I knew you'd like it.

The teacher who taught Chinese characters

used to wear a similar outfit.

Just by looking... Wow, it's nice.

(He can pull off the Chinese-teacher look)

You look like you teach Chinese characters.

You're a true model.

I noticed it right away...

- The nice collar and such. / - Hold this.

Hold this for a moment.

Where are you off to, grandpa?

Good clothes at a good price.

It's a perfect length.

I'll get you a clean-cut outfit.

- A basic look. / - I don't have a t-shirt.

I'll get you a t-shirt.

But the size is a bit...

Isn't this jacket too oversized?

Is the over-fit in style these days?

Yeah, it's one of the trends.

It'll look good on you.

(Going off to try out his picks)

Off you go.

You're really into clothes.

(Trust me)

(How will Heechul's style be changed?)

- Isn't it too much like "The Wild Days?" / - No.

Come on out.

(Who are you?)

(Everyone is startled)

It's sexy.

Give us a runway walk.

I should puff a cigarette on the way.

(Aura of a mob boss taking over Gwangjang Market)

It's too much like "The Wild Days."

All the men in Naples, Italy,

dress like this, you know.

(Naples-style, Italian vintage look)

It's the Italian style.

It's a European vibe.

You know the film "Purple Noon?"

- Sure I do. / - "Allan" Delon?

(Did I hear that right?)

It's that kind of look.

Who is "Allan" Delon?

- The greatest actor ever. / - No.

Don't you mean Alain Delon?

Don't pronounce it as "Allan."

It's embarrassing.

(Going all the way with a runway walk!)

Let's head in!

(I'll be a boss from "The Wild Days")

You've still got it.

You've still got it.

It looks alright, doesn't it?

- Looks nice. / - It does.

Pick out something more extreme.

This is too normal.

- I went for a simple look. / - Right.

To let you adjust...

- You call this simple? / - Yeah.

It's simple enough.

Gosh, this is tough for me.

(We agree, it's simple)


Let's split up.

- You choose for me. / - Okay.

- You choose for Jungnam. / - For Jungnam.

I'll choose for you.

We'll meet up when we're done choosing.

We'll each choose a style

for the other person, right?

These three friends with different tastes

will be giving each other a style-makeover.

What kind of outfits will they

end up choosing for each other?

This is cute.


These are cute.

How much for this?

- That's $1.50. / - Oh.

(Can't focus on the mission...)

This is cute.

Oh, this looks cute.

Officers in the army...

- Used to wear these. / - Right.

I should buy this for myself.

(Mesmerized by cute items, my pick)

I'll take it.

- Here. / - Sure.

(Jungnam is shopping, mission is forgotten)

I'm done here.

(Side-tracked again while choosing for Heechul...)

What a nice neckline.

(Delirious shopping again)

I'll get this for myself.

What a nice collar.

I should wear this myself.

How much for this?

(Jungnam kept buying clothes for himself)

Please show me that one too, quickly.

These are mine. These are mine, and...

For him, I'll just throw something together...

Hey, you bought your own stuff?

I'm shopping for myself.

You shouldn't be buying for yourself.

I'm looking for your stuff too.

- You should be buying for me. / - I'm looking.

Hang on. Go look.

- What are you doing? / - Fine.

I'll look for your stuff.

At this rate, you'll stay here all night.

(Focusing on the mission again!)

(Heechul's mission, styling Hoyoung)

Do you have tracksuits

with matching tops and bottoms?

(Going straight to the black tracksuits)

It's simply impossible to imagine

Hoyoung wearing this, isn't it?

You might be wondering why

I'm deliberating over these tracksuits.

But even these tracksuits

have their own rules of style.

I've been wearing them for years now.

Thank you.

(Heechul's mission completed)

I'm choosing clothes for the fashionista,

the model Bae Jungnam.

It's $30?

(Careful deliberation)

Jungnam already has tons of clothes.

Especially when it comes to vintage wear,

he already has tons of it.

So it'll be fun to give him something

that he wouldn't pick out for himself,

something a bit daring.

When wearing vintage clothes...

(Unbalanced style for a daring style?)

A slightly unbalanced style

goes into creating that vintage vibe.

Now let's hand over the clothes

we chose for each other

and split up to change into them.

- Then we'll go eat or... / - We'll meet up.


Enjoy the clothes.


No looking. Don't look yet.

- We'll regroup later, right? / - After we change.

- We need to grab a bite. / - In these clothes?

Yeah, in these clothes.

Off you go. I'm hungry.

- You're shopping again? / - You're not done here?

Hey, this isn't the time for that.

Let's go.

I'm off. Okay.

- All set to go? / - Yeah, let's go.

Let's go, go, go.

Huh? You didn't buy that?

- You didn't, Jungnam? / - Gosh.

There are two bags?

(Preview of the styling relay)

(Getting nervous)

They're glasses.

It's getting me nervous.

It's like an outfit out of "Nameless Gangster."

(Despair continues)

Geez, what on earth is this?

I thought we agreed not to do it like a variety show.

(Despair felt here as well)

All dark. Pitch-dark.

I knew it.

Kim Heechul...

(Heechul, you have it coming)

I knew you'd give me a tracksuit.

(Triple combo of despair)


What's this?

(He's a serious, top model)

(Glaring color, please protect your eyes)

What on earth is this?

(Greatest crisis of his modeling career)

(Can't even sleep...)

(When I think of those clothes...)

(Familiar background music and silhouette)

(Kim Heechul, first runner of the styling relay)

(Heechul's styling by Jungnam)

(Vintage wide trousers, vintage wide jacket)

(Vintage silk shirt, accessorized with glasses)

Kim Heechul!

(Kim Heechul!)


Are you coming from a bathhouse, or what?

Are you coming from a bathhouse, or what?

You're looking cool.

- This isn't cool at all. / - It is.


I'm dressed like an old dude.

Gosh, those glasses are cool too.

I'm old enough already, but...

- The clothes make it worse. / - Gosh.

Straight out of "Nameless Gangster."

Were you trying to turn me into an ant?

I feel like a sinner.

What's with those dress shoes?

You didn't get me shoes for the outfit.

The shoes didn't cross my mind.

I just can't get used to these clothes.

Never have I ever worn

an all-black tracksuit like this

with a matching top and bottom.

I'm always in a matching outfit.

(Enthralled by this first-time fashion experience)

(New York-style vintage approaching)

Let's hurry up and go.

Let's hurry up.

(Laughter attack)

You went too far, don't you think?

You went too far, don't you think?

(Is that fluorescent guy from the future?)

I knew you could pull it off.

(Jungnam's styling by Hoyoung)

(Fluorescent hat, more than 3 colors)

(Colorfully fluorescent top, vintage trousers)

(Love it)

- Let's go in quickly. / - Jungnam...

It looks good on you.

- Let's get going. / - Hey.

These clothes are no good.

Those are fine.

These aren't fine at all.

The jacket was so-so.

The cap was terrible. A fluorescent combo...

It was all a mix of fluorescent colors.

Fluorescent colors aren't my taste.

I don't own a single piece

of fluorescent clothing.

(Wrapping it up politely)

But it was cute.

It wasn't my style.


It's not my taste.

He said, "If you don't want them, give them to me."

I should give him the clothes.

It was simply pitch-black...

Dressing me up like an ant...

I could only wonder

why he went to such lengths

to suppress my brightness.

- This is no good. / - It looks different.

Different, indeed.

You chose these for a laugh, didn't you?

No, no, no.

Would you dress this way yourself?

I wanted you to wear bright colors for a change.

- It looks nice. / - Just for a change...

- I wanted to see you in color. / - This is insane.

Let's go in.

Once we get there,

we'll meet the no. 1 too-much talker.

- It'll be crazy. / - Where are we headed?


(Phone call to a secret friend)


It's already a bit much.

I'm bringing over some great friends,

but one of them is a bit iffy.

(Iffy friend)

Leave that guy in the undergrounding parking lot.


Are you already there?

Yeah, I've been here for 3 hours now.

Three hours?

You're so hard-working these days on TV.

We'll be there soon.

- See you soon. / - We're right there.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Darkness descended upon the Seoul skyline.

Just like the sparkling lights,

a man full of sparkling excitement

was waiting for the three friends.

(Pink all over)


Let's go, let's go.

Wow, what a nice place.

Here I am.

(It's Boom)

- Chul, chul, Heechul. / - Here I am.

Gosh, Boom.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

I'm a fan of yours, Bae Jungnam.

It's been a while.

Hello, nice to meet you.

I'm Heechul's enthusiastic friend,

always ready to raise a "T-S-H-C" ruckus.

I'm Boom. Nice to meet you.

"T-S-H-C" is an acronym for what I say

when I get excited.

"Tray full of beer with side dishes to match.

Hold up a drumstick and chirp away."

That's what I yell out when I'm excited.

A gathering of too-much talkers...

There's the best of the too-much talkers.

"Shake it, shake it, boom, boom, boom.

Laugh out!"

One of those too-much talkers,

always hyped and full of mischief

and yet kind-hearted...

Boom is one of them.

I'm a fan of yours, Bae Jungnam.

It's been a while. How have you been?

- I kept myself busy. / - Have a seat.

- So it was you. / - It's getting noisy.

- Excuse my outfit. / - No worries.


What's with your clothes?

We went to the vintage market...

- Together. / - Was the Itaewon...

Global Village Festival held today?

What happened?

- Huh? / - I guess our meeting was the festival.

Jungnam picked out Heechul's outfit.

- I see. / - Heechul picked out mine.

I picked out Jungnam's outfit.

- I'm always in tracksuits. / - Which one...

Looks the most decent?

- Which one of us? / - Well...

In terms of fashion, it's Bae Jungnam's outfit.

(Of course)

- I look the most decent? / - Yes.

- He looks fine, right? / - Looks fine.

Could you show us the t-shirt?

At least the t-shirt...

- At least the t-shirt is okay. / - It's fine.

Jungnam, what don't you like about it?

- Well. / - It's my first time wearing...

- Such a colorful outfit. / - That's it.

That's what I was aiming for.

As soon as he walked in, I felt like helping him out.

I was wondering why...

- But it was because of his outfit. / - I wanted...

To make him try something colorful.

Are you the caster in the middle?

- Yeah. / - Is it for the World Cup?

- It's a Bruno Mars look. / - You dressed up.

(Going up against Bruno Mars's pink jacket)

(It's Boom, dressed up in pink)

(I'm the Bruno Boom)

How do you rate it as a model, Jungnam?

It's the best outfit here.

It's a Bruno Mars look.

You two don't know each other well, do you?

- A while back, we... / - We said hello in a hallway.

- We did a show together. / - Right, we did.

He's friends with my friends.

He's making that clear-cut.

Guys like Mooyul and Rain...

They all went to the same school...

- So I knew him. / - We're friends then.

You haven't met Jungnam, have you?

- I... / - We met in passing.

I met you once and then saw you at a nightclub.

Then saw you at a nightclub.

Hey, were you girl-chasing again?

When was that?

- A while back. / - Probably in my twenties.

I saw him once at Octagon.

- If it was Octagon... / - It had to be recent.

- Not too recent. / - In your early thirties...

Or late twenties.

You were riding high.

Hey, you've been nagging at me all this time.

Stop chasing after girls.

Boom's radio show is the best.

- Radio? / - I host a radio show.

Invite me as a guest.

I'd be on my way to another radio show,

passing through the hallway.

I'd see Boom standing in his studio alone...

- Just dancing away. / - Alone?

- It looks so fun. / - He dances like that...

Even when there are no cameras?

There's the music.

(Oh, yeah!)

(Raving concert at "Boom Boom Power")

(Unknown dance moves are a bonus)

(Laugh out)

Whenever I play this song on the show,

it reminds me of you, Jungnam.


- Oh? / - Young Turks Club's "Affection."

The intro to the song

sounds like Jungnam's name.

I'm serious.

(What kind of song could it be?)

♪ Bae Jungnam, I trusted your love ♪

(What's up with that guy?)

♪ I really trusted ♪

♪ Jungnam, I really trusted your love ♪

(The oldie makes natural reflexes kick in)

(Choreography copier steps up)

- It goes like this. / - The scissor-kick.

That's it.

(Auto-repeat, not edited footage!)

Can I have a glass of water?

♪ This is surely a dream ♪

♪ I can't believe it at all ♪

Get me a glass of water please.

Oh, good old Boom.

That song is from 1996.

(I'm getting dizzy)

He was partying just fine at the club...

- But now he's a bit... / - I'm a bit unwell.

(Nam, nam, Jungnam is feeling unwell?)

♪ Jungnam, I really trusted your love ♪


♪ And that you couldn't live without me ♪

Meeting one person is hard enough.

Meeting three of them at once...

It was like being with people from another world.

It's a bit bewildering.

I spent all my energy shopping.

Right, we should eat.

We should have a bite to eat.

Sure, let's eat.

But before that, what's the age rank?

Oh, the age rank.

- How does it stand? / - Jungnam and I...

We're friends, both born in 1983.

- But I was born earlier in 1983. / - This bro...

- That's how it is. / - He was born in February...

whereas Jungnam was born in March.

They were born only a month apart.

So I told them that everyone

just calls me Hoy nowadays.

- Hoy, Hoy. / - Like you being called Boom.

No one calls you Lee Minho.

Everyone calls you Boom.

His nickname is Hoy. Yours is "Shake."

Yours is "Shake."

You have to add the last bit in "Shake it."

- "Shake it," Boom. / - Careful in Gyeongnidan-gil.

Shake it.

I'm Boom.

- My real name is Lee Minho. / - I see.

Yes, Lee Minho.

Are you that person, by any chance?

♪ Bae Jungnam, I trusted ♪

♪ Bae Jungnam, I really trusted your love ♪

Jokes are all about repetition.

Is he always low on energy like this?

I spent all my energy on shopping.

The three of you are like besties.

You guys could form a new band.

- The three of you. / - A band?

Like we did just now?

♪ Bae Jungnam, I trusted ♪

♪ Bae Jungnam, I really trusted your love ♪

♪ And that you couldn't live without me ♪

- It's his theme song. / - Get me some water please!

- Oh, what a ruckus. / - Gosh!


- Is this a sitcom or what? / - Oh, gosh!

Are we filming "Rainbow Romance?"


- It's been so long. / - Why are you dressed that way?

- Sukchun. / - That outfit is extreme.

What's with you?

Why are you dressed so plainly?

How about me?

You look like a neighborhood thug.

What about this outfit?

You look like an old dude.

Are you in the band Solid or what?

♪ My love holding on ♪

♪ To the edge of the night will cower no more ♪

(Even Sukchun has joined them...)

♪ Briefly I will ♪

Shush. Be quiet.

(Enough already)

I always...

- It's my restaurant. / - Really?

- Of course. / - You're setting out...

To take over all the places in Yongsan.

Stop that.

The old place was sold after going out of business.

That place where you used to bring dates.

- Bring dates? / - I had to sell the place.

The scene of his dates?

He came quite a few times.

Each time with a different girl.

Talk show or not,

you guys should pipe down.

- And order something. / - Hang on.

Hoyoung goes like this,

but you do it like this.

Place an order.

Gosh, this is such an overlap.

I'm the original.

There's no such thing! Everyone claims that.

- Hey! / - It's not like a pork hock restaurant.

Even an alleyway store can be an original!

- I'm leaving. / - The noise will bring the police.

Shall I leave?

The police are coming.

Officer, where are you now?

Oh, gosh.

- I'll stay in the middle. / - Got a relaxing pill?

Don't be so annoying.

You're presiding over Panmunjeom.

- Don't get too close. / - Fine.

This will be "Boom-munjeom." Or "Pan-Boom-jeom."

What a ruckus this is.

The dialogue keeps overlapping.

I wonder if Cheolsu is doing well.

Gosh, I miss Junghwan.

I remember when you first came to Seoul, Jungnam.

Bae Jungnam came...

Is it 20 years ago now?

- 17 years. / - 17 years ago.

That's when we met.

- He came to my restaurant. / - Really?

He was speaking in dialect.

But he was so handsome.

- Good-looking. / - I asked, "What will you do here?"

He said he was into fashion, styling,

modeling and such...

The Global Village Festival.

He wasn't tall at all but he claimed

he was going to be a model, of all things.

So I asked, "Then what's your special,

stand-out feature?" You know what he said?

He said it was his abs.

- Gosh. / - So I said...

- Let me see. / - How do you...

- In the elevator. / - You remember all that?

- First encounter? / - Yes, but he bared his abs.

- You must've loved it. / - Like some puppy dog?

Showing off his belly?

It was ripped with a six-pack.

- It startled me. / - Awesome.

Do you remember all that?

I do. It means I care about you.

He's a sensitive guy, so he remembers such things.

And he's really kind to guys.

Stop that.

I'm just as kind to girls.

- Oh, please. / - Especially to guys with six-packs.

Gosh, the three of you are really...

A triple, a triple combo.

But we...

It's the four of you!

Quattro, quattro.

- Quattro? / - Quattro.

We're not close.

- Who do you mean? / - I mean us.

We kept a certain distance.

You guys?

Since we're all a bit hyper.

I met Hoyoung on 1 Percent of Friendship.

He's so kind and funny...

- He's the most courteous. / - So likable.

He's quite the gentleman.

You have an eye for that.

(Regional broadcast switched on)

(Dizzy spell)

No, I take that back.

I knew you'd recognize my qualities.

Hoyoung is kind-hearted, indeed.

We were talking about this today

after I brought up my hair loss.

Apparently, there's a saying.

They say, the less hair you have,

the more virile... Y-You are...

- Huh? / - They say that for real.

There are different sayings,

like having a big nose and such...

I have a big nose and a bald head,

but that kind of research isn't always right.

I read online that medication

can get your hair to grow back

but there might be losses elsewhere...

- According to the netizens. / - That's...

Literally speaking, those are statistics.

Some people may have those side effects

but they don't happen to everyone.

Sounds like he has functional impotence.

Hey! What did you say?

See for yourself, will you?

Hey, you!

Hey, Mr. Impotent.

This is absurd.

- Betrayed by his anger. / - Mr. Impotent.

Just let it go, Mr. Impotent.


Getting angry makes it seem more so.

I'm a beast!

The functional impotence?

- Hold on. / - Mr. Impotence.

- I can clear this up. / - Come here.

- I'll show you. / - Hey.

That's clear glass.

(Brief moment to cleanse our minds...)

Speaking of all the women

Heechul secretly brought to my restaurant...

Based on their looks,

I'd say they were all glamorous

and had a sense of...

They seemed to be women

who wouldn't bother with weak men.

(Detail that fires up the imagination right away)


That's all I'll testify.

My testimony stops there.

Hey, did you hear that?

It's the first time that such talk about my dates

put me in such a good mood.

- They were all feisty ladies. / - Yeah.

- With Latin-American vibes. / - Right.

- With curves. / - Glamorous.

Heechul makes a show

of losing in the day and winning at night.

But he brings the game day and night.

He brings the game day and night.

Bringing the game all day long...

- Day and night. / - A catchphrase is born.

- You had it ready, right? / - He never rests...

Even at dawn.

Word gets around through the grapevine

about Heechul's whereabouts...

I realized he really wins day and night.

What about you, Jungnam?

- Your tendency... / - All of a sudden?

What about you, Jungnam?

(All of a sudden?)

- Jungnam is also... / - A bit...

- He's known for it. / - Yeah, famous...

No, a person like Jungnam could be

working out because he's surprisingly weak...

- Lose both day and night? / - Yeah.

So, look at him.

- You know, a certain fish... / - Yeah.

Inflates its body...

- Because it's weak. / - I heard that!

Right? Haven't you seen "Animal Kingdom?"

He's approaching it academically, so it's...

- Easy to understand. / - That's right.

He's building up on purpose...

- To hide his complex. / - Right, right.


- He's grown all he can grow. / - Right...

But one remains not grown.

- Nothing we can do about that. / - But it...

Has nothing to do with sizes.

But it has nothing to do with sizes.

Take it easy.

(Clear thoughts... Good thoughts...)

- His chest muscles. / - Oh, chest muscles.

- What are you talking about? / - What are we...

Shooting an internet show?

Thanks for the star-balloons.

I'm hungry.

Jungnam is...

Jungnam is really tired, he's exhausted.

(Food is here at last)

The plates are set.

Eat first, Jungnam.

Is it a salad?

Dig in.

(Ricotta cheese salad to increase appetite)

(Those who know about appetizers)


(Enjoy savory ricotta cheese)

(And those who think salad is just grass)

(Take a skillful bite of grass)

(Followed by a bite of ricotta cheese)



(This is a peculiar taste)

- It's delicious. / - Right?

I'm not eating salads.

- Really? / - Do you only eat meat?

When I'm on a diet, I stop eating altogether.

But it's an appetizer.

It's an appetizer.

Try it, it's a fresh texture.

Hey, try it with some groundsel greens.

(Do I still look like a salad?)

Spring comes with shepherd's purse...

- Eat the ones in season. / - Shepherd's purse.

It's shepherd's purse.

Isn't this wild chive?

Oh, wild chive...

- It's not shepherd's purse. / - It's lettuce.

(Here comes pasta)

Oh, pasta is here.

This place is known for its pasta.

Hey, do I have to finish the whole thing?


You'd be doing the historical drama, picking on

the hem line and all.

I'm usually not a fan of noodles, but this is great.

Shall I give it a try?

It's delicious.

What a dish.

- It's hot. / - Wind it.

You have to wind pasta like this.

Wind it.

You have to wind pasta like this.

♪ Wind it ♪

♪ Wind it all ♪

(Unnecessarily perfect teamwork)

♪ Back to myself ♪

♪ Before I met you ♪ / ♪ Wind pasta ♪

- It's the song from 2000. / - Do you know it?

I was in Wonju Technical High School then.

(You guys are too much)

(Easing down the excitement and starting to eat)

(Recognizing the food)

- It's amazing. / - Right?

Is it a fusion of Italian

and a little bit of Thai style?

- Is it only sold at your restaurant? / - It's fusion...

Slightly fusion.

- The pasta isn't greasy. / - It's good...

Sukchun, this is great.

Wow, a spicy fish stew.

(Of course it's spicy fish stew)

It's not a spicy fish stew!


(Oh, gosh)

How can you say that at an Italian restaurant?

You can find this by the Busan ocean.


Don't you have rice?


Mussel! Mussel! Mussel!

Oh, what is that?

You're being too loud, you're attracting...

- Flying bugs. / - Hey, it's a drone!

Hi, drone!

Wow, it's flying away!

(Ultralight drone working hard)

(Everybody, say cheese!)

(Get a good shot of us)

Wow, it's flying away!

Join us, wave your hand or something.

(Releasing pretentious reactions)

Drone, drone.

Nam, nam, Jungnam.

Singer Nami!

♪ I'm just staring ♪

♪ I'm just worried sick ♪

This reminds me of the nightclub!

(Calm down, happy thoughts)

♪ Not really that close ♪

♪ But not too far ♪

Are Itaewon nightclubs still open?

♪ Our love ♪

Why am I here?

What am I doing right now?

They don't know what's enough.

(His mentality turned into dust, mind is lost)

- Hey, KBS is good. / - Of course...


It's a public broadcast.

Boom, haven't you been on KBS for a long time?

I used to be on KBS "Let's Go! Dream Team."

- Oh, "Let's Go! Dream Team?" / - Yeah...

Let's go! Dream Team!

- Let's go! Dream Team! / - Dream Team!

(Crazy teamwork)

- Fail! / - That was so fun.

- Success! / - It was fun...

I was an original member of the show.

Original member?

- Sungmo was flying. / - Jo Sungmo.

- Jeolbong. / - Jeolbong.

- Park Namhyeon! / - Lee Sangin.

- Lee Sangin was there too.

(The legendary Sunday morning show)

(Sukchun is jumping)


(Straining with thin waist and arms)

(Calm down... I'm not there yet)

(Sukchun, responsible for the show's fun)

There was an all-girls Dream Team later...

- Right. / - Right, right.

Back then, it was "Girls! Dream Team!"

If you look at the hosts of that time,

they were old school.

- You're very meticulous. / - Delicate.

- This way, you can dip the bread. / - Delicate...

You're like an auntie at a raw...

- Fish restaurant. / - Come, come.

My goodness.

Aunties cut their hair short.

- Classy auntie. / - Let's go! Auntie!

Let's go! Auntie!


You guys go very well together.


Like this.

These guys go well together.

- Hey, Jungnam. / - We're together.

Why are you avoiding us?

- You're quite a chatterbox as well. / - Me?

I like it when it's R-rated.


(Wait? Weighed? Ready?)

(Sukchun, did you get that?)

(What was that... A Thai language?)

- I'm good with R-rated. / - Oh, R-rated.

He means R-rated.

- I mistook rated as waited. / - Me too.

I was wondering what he was waiting for.

For nationwide broadcasting,

learn the standard dialect for once.

I've been telling you for the past 20 years,

you have to learn the standard to do television.

Sukchun, standard is so yesterday.

Do you still write "Bon appetit?"

- Yeah. / - You do that, right?

- You're an old folk. / - You don't say that?

- "Enjoy your meal." / - It's changed.

(Falling behind the trend)

♪ It was like that then ♪

♪ I was very young ♪

For second, I heard "Didn't show up for long."

- I bet he remembers older songs. / - Yeah.

♪ Didn't show up for long time ♪

Let's do a segment, where we talk about old stuff.

Do you remember this? When you're asked

to bring rice to your school...

When they say that, you put in

this much rice inside the rice bag.

To help the less fortunate.

- I think I did that. / - We did.

We also gathered scrap paper.

- Oh, scrap paper as well. / - Newspapers.

We would bring them to school.

Back in your time, didn't they award you

for catching rats by their tails?

Appear on the "Korea News."

(Sukchun has appeared)

That's right, Sukchun caught 100 rats.

(Sukchun, the town king of rats)

Back then, this guy would

wait by the school entrance.

We had that guy too.

- Oh, really? / - We also had that.

- Selling sugar snacks. / - Peroxide...

Whatever that was called.

Hey, peroxide is for...

- Bleaching your hair! / - It's for your hair.

We bleached our hair with it!

- We used that! / - You did?

My town used beer.

- At first, it was beer. / - Peroxide came after beer.

If you dye your hair with peroxide, it comes out

nice and bright.

It used to come out nice and bright,

but if I dye my hair now, I'd lose my hair.

I dyed my hair so much when I was young,

and look at me.

(Hair roots destroyed by beer and peroxide)

Which singer was famous in your days?

My time? Definitely Kim Wansun.

- You're so old. / - Wasn't it Bunny Girls?

Wasn't it Bunny Girls?

What are you... Excuse me.

What do you mean by...

- You can relate to Bunny Girls! / - Aren't you...

The Beatles generation?

You can relate to Bunny Girls.

Kim Wansun, Lee Sangeun.

Lee Sangeun! "Damdadi."

♪ Damdadi damdadi damdadi dam ♪

♪ Damdadi da da damdadi da ♪

(What's wrong with them today?)

Hey, you!

Hey, where are you going?

♪ Damdadi da da damdadi da ♪

Kim Wansun!

♪ Tonight, I'm afraid of the dark ♪

- ♪ Dark tonight ♪ / - Your head is scarier.

It's startling.

Sukchun, I thought you weren't feeling well.

(Don't stop me!)

♪ Wind, please stop him for me ♪

♪ Will he come when the sun rises ♪

♪ A wind will blow him away ♪

♪ Wind, please stop him for me ♪

Were you overseas when you were young?

♪ I don't know ♪

(Blasting raw voice)

That's right. Good.

(That's far enough... Please calm down...)

We're at Gyeongnidan-gil.

It's not allowed at Gyeongnidan-gil?

You can sing with raw voice here.

Back then, the pop music industry was...

At its golden age.

Our generation had the most fun.

We dreamed of becoming like them.

- They were legends. / - It was the best.

- Gunmo, Shin Seunghun. / - Right, right.

- All those dance teams. / - Yeah.

- Roo'ra. / - When SECHSKIES and H.O.T. were...

Famous, I wanted to stand out and liked

Taesaja more.

♪ Taesaja in the house! Ah! ♪

♪ Yeah! Taesaja in the house! Ah! ♪

♪ Fly into the sky ♪

Year 1998.

It was 1997.

There was also NRG.

♪ I can do it! ♪

("I can do it" by NRG)

♪ The fact that I love you ♪

♪ And that I miss you ♪

Sukchun, is that club still open?

No, it went out of business.

It did?

Because of loud people like you.

♪ My life is messed up ♪

(At this rate, they'll sing all songs from the 90s)

♪ You're all to blame ♪

- ♪ It's your fault ♪ / - "Be Responsible" by Untitle.

It's so good.

- Wow... / - Hey, sing along with us if you know it.

I don't know them.

- What? / - Don't act like you don't...

Every time we sing and dance,

you sit like you're an audition judge.


Boom, why did you color your lips pink?

Didn't you put on too much lip balm on your lips?

My lips are too dry these days...

- Because of my age. / - Here, bite on.

Here, bite on.

Wow, delicate.

Wow, you're so delicate.

Boom, are you an actress?

What is this?

(Mr. Chu)

This is so...

- Isn't this a lipstick? / - It's very red.

My lips look lifeless

because they're too white...

- So is your skin. / - Yeah, that's why...

I put on lip balm.

So Jungnam, which singer did you like

when you were young in Busan?

- Who did you like? / - Speaking of old songs...

I used to like poets.

I used to like poets.

(Enough with the singing)

- What? / - Poets?

You mean the poets?

What does he mean?

- Which poem... / - It's revolting...

- To see me so you leave... / - ♪ It's revolting ♪

♪ To see me so you leave ♪

So, you liked poets?

It's so nice to be up...

- On the rooftop. / - Good, good.

It's a little dusty today,

so let's dust off with some music...

- No wonder my cold won't get better. / - Okay?

The club is closed, so I'll call it the Boom club...

- Boom club. / - Oh, Boom club.

Between Boom and music, laugh out.


- Laugh out! / - Jungnam, laugh out...

Jungnam, humor him.

Jungnam, laugh out! Out!

Laugh out! Out!

(Turning on the DJ Boom mode)

Wow, look at that gear.

(Shining eyes)

What is the most heart-breaking affection?

- What? / - The most...

Heart-breaking affection.

There's no affection.


What does it remind you of?

Mr. Na Hoona!

No, it's Chae Jungan.

Yeah, Chae Jungan!

(Back to the last century)

Do what you want, want! Want!

(Don't stop me, I'm going all-out tonight)

Come on, come on!

I'm in mood for nightclub.

One, two, three! Oh, great.

Hey, look at Sukchun.

Look at Sukchun!

It's raining!

(I don't care)

♪ Thankful for my life ♪

♪ Loving, it's obvious ♪

(In perfect sync)

(Sexy, attractive)


(Jungnam, let's play together)

"I Swear" by Jo Sungmo!

(I'm so embarrassed)

(Speaking alien)

(My style)

(Neck-swinging dance)

Nice going!

- ♪ Boom diggy diggy diggy ♪ / - Oh, nice...

♪ Boom diggy diggy diggy ♪

Let me hear you scream!


Next song, next song!

Hey, Jungnam. Are you embarrassed of us?

You should get up too!

I'll clap my hands.

Let's go!

(Wait... I know this song!)


(A powerful song, Turbo's debut single)

("My Childhood Dream")

Let's go!

Let's go!


You're good!

I'm a musical actor.

You know the dance!

Look, he's dancing Kim Jeongnam's part!

Let's go!

That's amazing!

(Kim Jeongnam's powerful dancing)

(He seems good...)

(But somehow looks scary...)

(Relay popping)

Pass it on!

We did this a lot before, passing dance moves.

Next, Heechul!

(Perfect dance cover)

Pass to Hoyoung!


Good, it's Jungnam's turn next.

Jungnam! Dance!

It's your turn!

- Okay... / - Your turn.

(Closely defending)


(What did I do to deserve this...)

I felt sorry for not being able to dance along,

when they were filled with energy to dance.

(Jungnam, look at us)

(Let everything go, and you can be like us)

(Shall we dance?)

I was out of my mind.

I normally like to take my time,

but they came on too strong.

(Taken aback by too much energy)

(His friends were lively during the Zumba dance)

You're doing good, Heechul.

(Not able to blend in)

I can't do this!

(Jungnam had a hard time)

(Will he muster up courage this time?)

(Jungnam has changed!)

He's changed!

Last song!

♪ I'm the next door darling ♪

♪ With great body and sense of fashion ♪

(Soldier-like clapping)

♪ I'm a sweet darling ♪

♪ Come see me, if you want ♪

(Perfectly synchronized choreography)

(First time dancing this move)

♪ I'm the next door darling ♪

Oh, so good.

(I'm going to the nightclub after the shoot)

Swing, swing, swing!

(Keep on swinging)

Keep on swinging!

Thank you!

(Boom club is closed for today)

Nice playlist.

It was great.

It was exciting to hear old songs again.

Old songs are good.

What a party.

It's already 9:10 p.m.


- Phone call again? / - Hello...

Are you here?

Okay, okay.

- If Seo Taiji and Boys came on... / - I'll be back.

- Is someone here? / - I'll take a break...

Hold on.

He was the most excited one out of all of us.

Doesn't he own this place?

He led the party.

I danced too hard. Come on up.

(A mysterious guest behind Sukchun)

I invited someone.

(Getting ready)

You really did.

- Hello. / - Hello...

Come, sit here.

(A sudden appearance)

All of a sudden...

An acquaintance of mine said...

- Hello. / - She was going to visit me.

So I invited her.

(Why did she come?)

She's a big fan of Jungnam.


(Openly disappointed)

Oh, I'm not dressed properly.

Despite your fashion.

You look fancy today.

We used to look at the first impression

through two-line poem.

- Back in the old days. / - Of course.

- Let's use her name. / - Ahyoung...

Okay, "Ah."

You're beautiful.

(Heart racing)

He meant it.


It's an honor.

- Did he win an award? / - Busan men...

- Why is he honored? / - Busan men...

Like to make short, but impactful

first impression...

- Charming. / - That's a charm.

But why out of all these guys,

did you want to meet Jungnam?

I've been a fan for a long time.

(Friendly atmosphere)

He's enjoying it,

and he didn't speak or dance

when it was just us.

(Worrisome face)


(Acting silly)

(Showing all of his teeth)

We have this habit of asking

that stuck for a long time.

If Jungnam is number one...

- We'd like to rank the runner-ups. / - Rank?

Rank us?

- Because to us... / - Just us three, right?

This is important to us.

Like it was in the past.

If Jungnam was too busy with his schedule,

and you really need some help.

You can't get in touch with Jungnam.

Which one of us three,

would you call?

Kim Heechul?

(She chose Heechul!)

3rd place.

Let's not choose the 3rd place.

There was this show when I was young,

where you get kicked off a car,

for not being chosen.

- I think it was a KBS show. / - They even...

Pushed you off.

"You, get out."

One, two, three!

Number 5, get out!

Number 5!

Number 2!

(Even Jaeseok got kicked out)

(Oh, no)

Kim Hoyoung, Boom.

Please shout, "You, get out."

"I seriously hate him.

I'll hate him forever, even if I was born again."

That's too much.

Too much pressure.

"I can't stand being here because of him."

He's taking sides.

Why are you taking her side?

I'm just saying, it's her first visit...

If you take her side, I'm going to get mad.

Nice comeback.

- Very nice. / - Thanks.

- Nice host. / - Thanks.

Now, a powerful "You, get out!"

One, two, three!

(Who will laugh in the end?)

(Please... It can't be me)

(Who will her spoon point at?)

(I'm sorry)

Boom, get out!

Boom, get out!


Oh, no...

- I'm sorry. / - It's okay.

I'm fine...

- Because... / - You went through so much.

- No, no... / - But when this happens...

- I'm simply not her type. / - Everyone in the show...

Would pity him.

They would drag him off the car.

Drag him.

- I'm just not her type. / - Yeah.

She's not my type either...

- So we're even. / - All of a sudden?

- Holding grudge. / No, not that...

It's because her arms are so long.

I was surprised.

He's trying so hard not to laugh...

- On purpose. / - No.

I think she's actually really nice.

All of this is for the shoot,

but I think she's...

- Good-hearted. / - Jungnam is warm-hearted.


That's his strength.

Hey, I set you up on a date for the first time...

- Hold hands... / - What do you mean, date?

And go downstairs for some coffee.

Off to the honeymoon!

♪ It's time for us to say good-bye ♪

♪ Until we meet again ♪

Jungnam, show her the way.

I'll give you his number.

Direct her to the bus terminal.

Good night.

(Jungnam being a gentleman until the end)


I almost forgot.

Since you guys are so loud, distracted

and out of your mind...

So were you.

Stop pretending.

Don't you remember dancing with us?

Where are you going with this?

Let me host just once.

You're in Itaewon, at my place...

- Follow my rule. / - Fine, fine.

There's a counsellor

just behind this building.

She's very good at counselling.

- Sounds good. / - You can go and...

- Wait. / - Receive a short counselling...

Counselling after a dancing party...

- Wow. / - We were dancing like this!

And now, there's a counsellor.

I need to serve my customers!

For my restaurant.

Is it the four of us?

Do we go without you?

- I made the reservation. / - Okay...

Taesaja, let's get up.

Oh, Taesaja is getting up.


Taesaja heading to the counsellor!

They are masters of distraction.

Good, good.

(Excitement exploding with friends alike)

It's unbelievable how energetic they are.

Those with jaws wide open,

please tune in!

Coming up, the four too-much talkers'

mental state will be explored.

(Adult psychology counselling center)

- It smells good here. / - It's so cold.

- You must wear a good perfume. / - Please turn...

Down the air conditioner.

Did you mean up?

It's a little cold.

It's cold...

- Shall we start? / - Yes.

It's nice to meet you.

I'm Counsellor Du Eunmi.

(Psychotherapy expert Du Eunmi)

Her last name is Du.

Is there a Du?

What does it mean?

Counsellor Du Eunmi?


(Already bombarded with questions)

Yeah, my last name is Du.

We come from Du Fu,

a Chinese poet.

Let's move on.


What do we do?

Today, we're going to

draw pictures and run some tests.

Take one each, please.

Hey, I remember drawing those...

- Fire hazard posters in school. / - Yeah.

We used to draw on those hard board papers,

it's exactly the same size.

Pass these pencils.

It's been a while.

My goodness...

- It's a 4B pencil. / - It is.

It's an eraser!

Oh, let's play eraser fight!

- Gather all erasers. / - Flip it...

You know what this is, right?

What did you call that move?

Do you know the dragonfly eraser?

(Really good at it)

There was something like this...

- This would be cheating. / - Cheating.

This is the big-size eraser.

- Right, right. / - This is it...

This is it.

- Mine. / - Yeah...

That's right, it's mine.

(This is their mental state)

Flip it!

- Don't do that. / - What do you mean...

We're so sorry,

we had a rush of memory.

It's okay.

(Distracted 3rd grade students)

We're now going to

draw a self-portrait of you, yourselves.

You'll draw from head to toe,

with a body...

- ♪ Self-portrait as I like ♪ / - Self-portrait?

Oh, gosh.

Now let's concentrate,

and start drawing.

Okay, good.

It's been a while...

- Do I just go with the flow? / - Sure.

Forget ratio,

draw however your hand likes to draw.

I'll then interpret each one of you

based on the drawings.

This may not be 100% credible,

but I'll explain some of

the important characteristics.

(These are the works of 36-year-old guys?)

The one who drew the most average portrait is...

(Who drew it?)

Kim Hoyoung.

People mostly draw like this.

The ratio is...

How are the feet?

A bit small.

- Aren't they small? / - Too small...

Looks like a wooden doll.

Those are the feet, and then

how are the hands?

Showing my own limitations?

To be honest,

you could deny this, but...

You want to rely on someone.

You want to lean,

you want someone to look after you.

(You poor man...)

Am I on the right page?

You're right.

Oh, really?

(Greeting friends at once)

Just dance!

Just dance!


(Hoyoung feels relieved around friends)

(Take care of me)

You have to look after...

(Not interested)

Are you paying attention?

- I am. / - We're hanging onto...

- Every word. / - We are...

Memorizing what you said...

- By focusing. / - Really?

Then what did I just say?

(I don't know)

He's probably thinking about his drawing.

You're thinking about your own drawing.

Next, we have...

What do you think?

Can you tell me how you feel?

A Japanese disorderly student.

His eyes look somehow confident.

There is confidence, you're right.

To be positive, it's confidence.

What's the negative?

To be negative...

- Arrogance. / - Good point...


Am I right?

I lived like that.

Right? You lived like that, right?

I lived like that my whole life.

He's not standing properly.

Not properly?

One foot facing the side,

slightly slanted.

The eyes are too pretty.

They're pretty,

but he drew only one eye, right?

Meaning he's only looking at half of the world,

only what he wants to see.

I think I heard that somewhere else before.

How is his mouth shaped?

That's my awkward smile.

I was famous for that as a kid.

Weird smile.

(Even Heechul's ID photo is arrogant)

The drawings are becoming weirder.

What do you think?


(At a loss for words)

(What is that drawing...)

(Who drew that...)

Please speak, except for the drawer.

And you made fun of our drawings!

Mine is normal.

Are you wearing a muscle-patterned shirt?

No, those are my muscles.

Isn't his one eye too big?


There's a reason behind his big eye.

(Boom's hidden nature)

(The grand unveiling)

(What's the secret behind his big eye?)

That's his desire for affection.

(Talking too much is a bad side effect)

Isn't it sexual affection?

- Stop kidding. / - Oh, but there really is.

- Where? / - His body.


Normally, people don't...

- Draw themselves without clothes. / - Right.

He's not wearing his top.

- I've never seen one. / - His sexual lust...

Is burning.

- True man. / - It's time to find your love...

Plus, he drew his body first.

- He drew his body first. / - Yeah...

The face came after.


(When they were drawing)

Do you not have a face?

- I'm getting there. / - Are you a faceless beauty?

(Boom had an unusual way of drawing)

It's his body over head.

So that means, sexual lust is most important...

- When looking at the opposite sex. / - Right.

When judging others,

he looks at the body before the head.

Plus, my hand is making a heart shape...

- That's a heart? / - That?

That's a heart.

Isn't that a spoon worm?

A spoon worm!

How can you say that?

It's obvious.

Right, his eye and body are

craving love.

He wants others to fall for his body.

Even the belt. Belts are usually

the signs of sexual lust.

Belts are usually the signs of sexual lust.

(Inescapable chain of sexual lust)

How is the belt related to sexual lust?

(That's because...)

(Can I say this on television?)

Why is that?

- I think it's really that. / - Yeah!

- Is it related to taking the belt off? / - Actually...

When teenagers draw belts,

they're aware that

they can't draw their important parts.

That's why they draw belts instead.

- Also, look. / - She's right...

His neck is really thick, right?

What's that?

- He's emphasizing his masculinity. / - Hey...

What were you thinking?

I'm sorry.

You didn't do anything wrong.


I think she's right, I think I am

to some extent.

I'll put it to a good use.


Wow, look at Jungnam.

It's like "Slam Dunk."

Very nice drawing.

Just like his friend,

- Jungnam's feet are also... / - They're small.

Small for his body.

In a way, Jungnam also wants

a place of comfort where he can rest,

and where he can rely on.


How does it feel to get to know yourselves more?

I'm a bit scared to do something.

It's because I didn't know that

my small and innocent drawing...

- Would have such an impact. / - It could also...

Be charming towards people.

- No, no, that's not it. / - A picture by...


(Winner of the 1st test, Boom)

Next, we're going to do

a psychological test.

In order to best understand your preferences,

pick an answer that you think best

fits your characteristic.

Let's get serious.


(Too-much talkers being serious)

Hey, Heechul would definitely answer

"Very much" to number 48...

- Number 48? / - Yeah.

Oh, you're right!

Uses exclamations often...

- And jokes a lot. / - Yeah.

It'd be funny to read each other's answers.

(Professional exclamation user)

(Heechul, always filling in for empty audio)

I think Jungnam is likely

to answer "Very much" to number 43.

Number 43?

- Pitifully at others! / - Back on the rooftop...

He was looking at me this way.

(Contempt and treat others like fools)

(Boom showing off his lustful dance)

(Ambiguous face)

Boom would definitely say yes to number 34.

No, that's not me...

- Not you? / - No.

Point and correct others' mistakes.

No way.

Are you always this energetic?

Are you shooting a sitcom?

Pass! This man is a pass.

(Stops music at his will)

- What? / - Fail!

(What will be their results?)

The test results are out.

- I feel nervous. / - Yeah.

- Wow, a graph. / - They come in graphs...

I picked out the most unusual person.

Who do you think it is?

- Jungnam... / - Jungnam?


- As unusual? / - Yeah...

- The most unusual? / - I'm unusual?

Yeah, Jungnam.


- Heechul? / - Kim Heechul?

I'm surprisingly well-behaved.

- You? / - Yeah.

- Heechul? / - I'm surprisingly gentle...

No, you're the strangest.

Yes, you're right.

You're the strangest of all.


- It's weird to call you strange but... / - It's me?


Number 1 is Kim Heechul.

He is most unusual and is self-centered.

Number 2 is Hoyoung.

Number 3 is Jungnam,

followed by number 4, Boom.

I'm very obedient.

- Yes, you're quite obedient. / - Yes, I am...

I picked Kim Heechul as the most unusual

because if you look at the graph here,

there's a valley deeper than the rest.

It's the deepest.

The mechanical reality criteria.

Right. The shallower the valley is,

the more reality-oriented you are.

When the valley is deeper,

a person is shown as more spontaneous.

He's the most spontaneous out of...


I said that Hoyoung is number 2.

We can see here that

Hoyoung is more realistic.

However, the fourth criteria

almost rose through the roof.

- What's that? / - The blue color...

You almost hit it too.

- You're both high. / - Us two...

It could've gone further if there were more spaces.

The inner mischievous aspect

showed up as 49 points...

- Out of 50 points. / - That's a full score.

That's right.

They get along so well together.

- Even though we had just met... / - Right.

- We got along nicely. / - So well.

- What do you mean it's gone? / - Stop with...

The nosiness!

- We can't be friends! / - Fine!

- I'll call you Mr. Heechul! / - Fine...

You're nosy! You smarty pants!

Wow, this is hard.

It's Zumba dance.

What's that big drop?

That's the dogmatic aspect.

The others may find it

hard to adjust to you.

No wonder his manager

kept changing.

He's famous for changing managers often.

What does he change?

His manager keeps changing.

Not just the managers,

the girls change often.

Not just the managers,

the girls change often.

Hoyoung, be honest.

Is it that bad to meet a girl at a nightclub?

He's been here before

with different girls every time.

Bringing the game day and night?

His face is all blushed later.

(The pieces are coming together)

- Right! / - Hey...

Oh, give me a break!

I'm really serious.

This is 100% real.

I'm old enough to get married.

It's going to be a tough marriage.

If you're too mischievous, too dogmatic

and too spontaneous,

your mood swing could end a marriage.

A complete disaster.

Oh, gosh.

- Heechul, you aren't crying, right? / - It's fine...

(Will Heechul get married in the next life?)

I don't get it.

There is a criterion that could

redeem your lost points.

This criterion measures the protective instinct,

like taking care of others,

and you scored the second highest.

If all these are like you said,

won't that make him very unique?

At one point, he's warm. Suddenly, he's dogmatic.

- Now, he's mischievous. / - Right.

- A moody person. / - Kim Moody...

Kim Moody.

What if he met an even more mischievous girl?

Is there such a person?

- Let's look around. / - Alright...


Forget trying to change

all criteria, everyone has

his own unique strengths.

Just try to focus on raising

the spontaneous part to more realistic part.

- I have a question. / - Yes, go ahead...

So those blue and red lines

are the ones you drew,

where blue means inner, and red means outer.

- Correct. / - So...

We're looking at how our inner and outer

aspects are not the same.

- So that means... / - Correct.

- For example... / - You're so smart!

For example...

You're so smart!

- For example... / - Isn't he like a snobby student?

You really are like a smart student!

Listen to me.

- Not fair. / - So I'm saying...

- So here... / - I'm listening.

Some lines have little difference.

Some have the same values.

- Yes, correct. / - So how...

Do we interpret this...

Yes, so our inner self...

- That's a wonderful question. / - So annoying.

So annoying.

Trying to suck up.

Yeah, I got into college without a problem!

(Nice one)

That was a good question.

The red represents outer feeling,

and blue, your inner feeling.

With Heechul, we can see that

his inner mischievous aspect

outscored his outer feeling.

He's more mischievous

than how he looks on the outside.

- Are you holding back? / - He probably is.

That's how we can see it.

I'm a psycho!

When he shoots,

he never looks at the scripts.

It's 100% spontaneous.

With Heechul,

I was right about him.

To be honest,

he's a little too much.

I never imagined...

(I thought I was normal...)

That I'd score so poorly

in that test.

I'm quite embarrassed of being so


So when I do shows...

- You don't watch. / - When they offer me...

The main host, I don't take it.

- I need someone beside me. / - Right...

You don't know where you're going to bounce.

He goes best with anchors.

You should meet an anchor.

Who's a good anchor?

I think you'll go well with an anchor.

Will she be able to like him?

Someone so spontaneous?

Opposites can fall for each other.

I want to meet my opposite.

(That's it!)

But they won't last long.

Oh, my.

But they won't last long.

(Spoiling the fun)

What are you, a fortune-teller?

It's no good. Bring me the time

and date of your birth later.

(What is he saying?)

What a complete jerk.

(Hoyoung's spirit went up)

Look, Heechul adjusting to his partner

is not a dependent self-depreciation.


It's because he's open and mischievous,

he needs to rise above spontaneity.

Are you her disciple?

- Let's look at yours. / - Are you a disciple?

Your outfit somehow matches with hers...

- Like a disciple. / - Right.

- Is he your disciple? / - Oh, please.

- He totally is. / - His spot suggests so...

This is nice!

He's doing great.

Heechul is feeling dizzy.

Let's look at Boom's score.

- Mine is easy. / - Is there...

Anything significant with his?

Like Jungnam said,

Boom might seem bright

on television with all the laughter, but...

- He's filled with anger? / - Filled with anger.

Jokes aside.

There's a twist to my score.

Please explain it to us.

We can say that Boom is someone with the least

difference between his inner and outer feeling.

He's living as his self.

I have this...

- Part of me at home. / - You're hyped on set...

- When I'm home... / - But that's not all of it.

- I'm quiet / - Calm...

- I like to cook, and... / - I can see that.

I really like plants,

so I really like to arrange flowers.

Boom was a little surprising.

Looking at the graph, I thought Boom would

have more ups and downs,

but that wasn't the case.

I'm normal.

Those over there are abnormal.

I'm a fine individual

with very stable

way of thinking.

I hope everyone would see that

through this psychological test.

So, Hoyoung's inner mischievous aspect

also outscored his outer feeling,

right? So...

You two get along very well.

We definitely do.

(From Zumba dance)

Let me hear you scream!

(To the spontaneous rooftop party)

Next song!

(Amazing chemistry between the two)

Hoyoung scored higher in

the reality aspect,

so he knows when to stop acting up...

- And start behaving. / - I control myself.

You're controlling.

He scored high in that aspect.

How can you call the rooftop party controlling?

That was a close call.

(His self-control is stunning)

Jungnam is similar.

He's humoring others on the outside,

but he wants to do more on the inside.

Do you know what she means by that?

Yes, yes.

It's more comfortable to just humor them


Jungnam has this

very manly part of him.

I thought some parts won't

suit me very well.

Some may not suit me

when we're playing around,

but I thought that

we'll do better when we're

having a deeper conversation.

When Jungnam first met them,

he thought he won't become friends with them.

(Seems happy, but awkward)

(The four were not in complete harmony)

I don't think anyone suits me.

It's no joke.

I began with a question of

whether we'll become friends.

As uncertain and awkward time passed,

they discovered new commonalities

as they grew a bond of sympathy

as new friends.

(Smiles on their faces)

As you get to know them,

they're all very warm.

What we see on television isn't everything.

I felt the sincerity.

We all know

that even though we're different

and don't get along too well,

we're all good on the inside.

I want to give us 99 points.

99 points is ninety-nine

in English.

I think we deserve it.

I really felt that

we could make a whole show

with just the four of us.

They feel a bit sad to part like this.

Maybe that's why

we can expect more

out of their friendship in the future.

(The four friends' friendship will continue)

("Bingle Bangle" by AOA)

For more infomation >> 1 Percent of Friendship I 1%의 우정 – Ep.13 [ENG/2018.09.28] - Duration: 1:19:58.


[피치요거트] ★새로운 젠더 정체성와 중대 발표★ - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> [피치요거트] ★새로운 젠더 정체성와 중대 발표★ - Duration: 4:29.


মৃত্যর পর কি মানুষকে জীবিত করবেন || Mrittor Por Ki Manuske Othaben || Bangla Waz Short Video - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> মৃত্যর পর কি মানুষকে জীবিত করবেন || Mrittor Por Ki Manuske Othaben || Bangla Waz Short Video - Duration: 1:35.


PASSIONI.. MOTO, ALIENI, VITA.. (Sub. ENG-ES 🇬🇧🇪🇸) - Duration: 2:48.

Passions: motorbike, aliens.. life

PeekAboo! It's Wednesday, goodmorning!

Always go where your passions drive you

Do not ask yourself if they are real or not

Who can say if something is real or not?

In this dimension, do you probably have passions and in another you have others?


Ok, now you'll call me CRAZY

All right, let's make everything simpler

Let's drink on it

Passion for motorcycles, passion for painting

a passion can be of any kind

You may have a passion for something that is not physical

that you don't see.

I think on people who have a passion for UFOs for aliens

and they never have seen one

but that mystery leads them to continuous research

and it is something that gases them

it is something that puts gasoline

at that flame that they have inside

it is something that feeds their mind

to find questions and answers...

to deepen certain themes

The same is true of music, dance, riding,

passion for the nature, for the garden

yoga, sports...

all those things that make you feel good

because, in the end, despite making a commitment, diligence,

despite sacrificing your time, it is time well spent

and it is a PASSION

What does PASSION mean?

Something you do, sometimes even with difficulty

but you can easily cut out time for this thing

and commit yourself on it

A passion gives you the right adrenaline

and the right enthusiasm to face it

I repeat, even if you find a lot of obstacles

you do it, 'cause it's something you like.

it's different from talent:

talent is an innate gift that you have

on making good a thing

In this case no, it's different: here you put

your efforts to reach a goal

even if you never reach your destination, but you always go there

This is the fundamental part of the note:

Do not ask yourself whether you will arrive at the destination or not

Don't ask yourself if the passion is real or not

Follow it! Do it!

Love it! Dedicate time.

If it's something that makes you feel good, that's right

For more infomation >> PASSIONI.. MOTO, ALIENI, VITA.. (Sub. ENG-ES 🇬🇧🇪🇸) - Duration: 2:48.


Eroxin Extra отзывы. Eroxin (Эроктив) капсулы для потенции обзор. - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Eroxin Extra отзывы. Eroxin (Эроктив) капсулы для потенции обзор. - Duration: 2:53.



For more infomation >> SURMONTER LES DIFFICULTES ALIMENTAIRES | S04E1 - Duration: 3:26.


HN Vlogs - Vứt Tiền Thử Lòng Người Đi Đường | Troll - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> HN Vlogs - Vứt Tiền Thử Lòng Người Đi Đường | Troll - Duration: 3:13.


ШРИ-ЛАНКА НОЯБРЬ ХИККАДУВА отдых Наригама бич (Narigama) В ХИККАДУВЕ ПЛЯЖ НАРИГАМА ОТДЫХ в ноябре - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> ШРИ-ЛАНКА НОЯБРЬ ХИККАДУВА отдых Наригама бич (Narigama) В ХИККАДУВЕ ПЛЯЖ НАРИГАМА ОТДЫХ в ноябре - Duration: 1:38.


Nonstop 2019 - Nhạc Sàn bass Cực Mạnh 2019 - Đánh Sập Mọi Phòng Bay | VM#75 - Duration: 57:45.

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2019 - Nhạc Sàn bass Cực Mạnh 2019 - Đánh Sập Mọi Phòng Bay | VM#75 - Duration: 57:45.


Nid Card Password Recovery | Smart Card Password recovery | Smart Card password Changed 2018 - Duration: 9:58.

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For more infomation >> Nid Card Password Recovery | Smart Card Password recovery | Smart Card password Changed 2018 - Duration: 9:58.


Aimer - Tiny Dancers『15th Single』 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Aimer - Tiny Dancers『15th Single』 - Duration: 4:47.



For more infomation >> [TOOZI]🔪JOIN 5 KNIVES TOGETHER AND CUT INGREDIENTS - Duration: 6:06.


OLD: Caillou Freezes the House/Grounded - Duration: 6:12.

[Important] Read this message.

Boris: Caillou, today Rosie, your mother, & I are going to Starbucks to get some coffee & something for Rosie.

Caillou: Okay then, dad, but can I maybe come to get something too?

Boris: Absolutely not!

Instead you will clean up the house while we are gone as a punishment for your bad actions with Rosie. would bad actions

Caillou: what bad actions? All I did was asking you if I can come with you guys.

While dealing with what you don't consider crashing the car into McDonald's when we were about to see Rio 2,

& when you were imagining in a live talk show with Rosie!

Those are the bad actions!

We will be gone now, & you'd better clean up the house or else you're grounded!

Narrator (Me): Notice that due to GoAnimate/Vyond logic, the grounding time in the previous episode wears off when the next episode starts

Caillou: But dad, you can't trust me to look after the house. What if I mess up and something bad happens?

Boris: Caillou, you will be fine. We will be going now.

Caillou: Okay then, dad.

Man, why do I have to clean up the house while they are gone? It is just unfair. This is not right for dad.

Why would he do this to me? I wish he would learn a lesson.

(Caillou comes up with an idea)

Caillou: Wait, I know. I have a good idea.

I will make it so dad would never make me clean the house again by freezing up the house & pretending that the freezer was left open.

Time to open up a freezer wide open & get some freezing supplies from the garage.

Now I'm going to open up a freezer and refrigerator.

(Caillou laughs)

(Refrigerator & freezer gets left open)

(House starts to freeze up)

Caillou: Now I am going to take the freeze ray to speed up the freezing process

Narrator (Me): Notice that this gun is the freeze ray, because there's never a freeze ray gun listed on there. So the gun will be the freeze ray

(Caillou takes the freeze ray & runs with it)

Now I'm going to use the freeze ray to speed up the freezing process of freezing up the house

(House freezes up some more with the process with the freeze ray & the refrigerator & the freezer being left open)

~ When Caillou's Family got Home... ~

(Caillou's family arrives back home by their car)

Boris: Oh my gosh. What just happened to our house? Why is it frozen?

Doris: Caillou, Are you okay?

Yes mom. The freezer was left open and it totally froze the house up and I barely managed to close the freezer up.

I was so scared. It was terrible. I wish I just came to Starbucks with you guys.

(Caillou cries)

Boris: I'm so sorry Caillou. I will never do this to you again. Just let me come into the house to see what happened in there.

Caillou's Mind: Oh no! I forgot that I left the freeze ray in the kitchen by mistake. I have to do something or else dad will find out that it was never left open and the freeze ray is used

Caillou: Um, dad, I have to go back inside for a little bit.

Boris: It's okay Caillou. You don't have to hide any of the frozen stuff. I won't get mad at you. I should have never made you clean the whole house by yourself.

Besides, I don't want you to freeze the death. I'm coming in now.

(Caillou runs back in & Boris walks into the house to take a look)

(Boris walks in & finds the living room frozen)

Boris: Well, it looks like everything in here is frozen solid ice. Let me check the kitchen.

(Boris walks to the kitchen)

(Boris walked in noticed Caillou in the kitchen)

Boris: Caillou, what are you doing in here? I don't want you to freeze to death like solid ice.

Wait a second. It looks like solid ice and the kitchen, so I guess you'll have to stay away from here.

I guess I'll just check over there.

Caillou: No (x24)


(Boris walks back over here angry)


Caillou: What is it, dad?

Why is there a freeze ray gun behind me?

Caillou: What freeze ray gun?


Caillou: Um, um, um, um, I never put that freeze ray gun there.

Boris: Oh really? Well, it's a good thing that I recently installed surveillance cameras in the house.

We are going to watch the surveillance tapes to see what they have to say. Come to my room right now.

Caillou: Um, um, um, dad, I'd really rather not come.


Man good thing the freezing and the ice cold didn't make it up here and didn't freeze in here.

Anyways, Caillou we are now going to watch the surveillance footage to see what really happened while we are all at Starbucks.

Caillou: No dad, please don't watch the footage.

Boris: Too bad Caillou!

(Surveillance tape video starts up)

Now I'm going to open up the freezer & the refrigerator.

(Caillou laughs)

(Refrigerator & freezer gets left open)

(House starts to freeze up)

Caillou: Now I am going to take the freeze ray to speed up the freezing process.

(Caillou takes the freeze ray & runs with it)

Now I'm going to use the freeze ray to speed up the freezing process of freezing up the house.

(Boris found out he did it via the Surveillance tape)

(Boris rages at Caillou)



(Caillou cries running back into his room)

For more infomation >> OLD: Caillou Freezes the House/Grounded - Duration: 6:12.


Earlier Shahid Afridi Now Shoaib Akhtar Says ''Yeh Hai Hmara Kashmir'' - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Earlier Shahid Afridi Now Shoaib Akhtar Says ''Yeh Hai Hmara Kashmir'' - Duration: 1:11.


Meu último amor - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Meu último amor - Duration: 1:56.


#NSMT Yêu Thương Nhạt nhòa Nhạc Sống Remix - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> #NSMT Yêu Thương Nhạt nhòa Nhạc Sống Remix - Duration: 2:52.


Agenda zum Lernvideo Die Betriebsversammlung | E-Learning für Betriebsräte - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Agenda zum Lernvideo Die Betriebsversammlung | E-Learning für Betriebsräte - Duration: 2:56.


Zeminar Presents Alan O'Mara | How Real Talks Changed My Life - Duration: 8:17.

From my own experience,

my own story, I've learned an awful lot

and I'm gonna share some of that with ye. I've picked out three things,

three really important things that have changed my life.

On the screen there, I have a picture of a, of a u-shaped valley. It's an image I use quite a lot,

because it reminds me of, of a period of time in my life. In 2011 I was playing for Cavan

in Under 21 All Ireland Final - it was a huge positive time in my life.

Lots of highs, lots of memories, lots of strong emotions,

but six months later

I was dealing with suicidal thoughts. I'm gonna talk to you about the stuff that got me well,

the reason that I'm here today, because the stuff that got me well is the stuff that keeps me well

and that's something that I have to learn the hard way.

A lot of this stuff I didn't know when I was your age,

I wish I did - maybe some people tried to teach me, I didn't listen to them.

If you had of asked when I was your age would I end up in the place that I was, I probably would have laughed

out of the room. I wouldn't have thought it would happen to me but it did!

The first

The first learning I picked up

when I reached out for help was that I wasn't on my own.

I have a podcast series on at the moment - it's called Real Talks and I sit down with different GAA players,

we talk about different life experiences - things that happened, what you learned, picked up along the way

and the amount of times I think to myself - I used to think I was on my own feeling that way and

the brain can be a funny thing - when you're feeling that way, when you're feeling alone, if you're feeling depressed, you're feeling isolated -

sometimes it tricks you into thinking you're the only person in the world to feel this way...

but you're not!

So if you're having a bad day,

if you're having a bad week, a bad month, if you have depression, if you have anxiety, if you're self harming, if you've got

body images - if you're struggling with body image.

You're not on your own. I absolutely promise ye

you're not the only person feeling that way and

you can find help if you ask for it. The next thing I want to talk about is resilience.

Certain things in life just aren't going to go well.

There's going to be relationship difficulties. You're gonna win some finals. You're gonna lose some finals.

You're going to be injured. You're gonna fail exams. You're gonna go for a job and not get it.

There's just ups and downs in life,

It's inevitable, and you gotta accept that but resilience is a way that you can learn to cope that,

better equip yourself to deal with the challenges that life brings. The place in life

I'm at now - I sort of have this mood map where I'm on a scale of 1 to 10 and

resilience for me is recognising within a two point shift in that scale -

so if I go from a 7 to a 6 to a 5

going okay, draw a line, what's going on? Is there anything I can do about this?

Do we need to talk to someone? And that's what resilience is for me.

What resilience will be for you could be completely different.

What works for me might not work for you and what works for you might not work for me, but guess what?

That's grand,

your first worry is to figure out what works for you and there's lots of different ways and shapes and forms to

build resilience, to have coping mechanisms,

but take some time out today, this evening, during the week to think about what you have in your life that helps you cope

when you're having a bad day, when things aren't going well.

Who do you have that you can talk to?

What gives ye a bit of a release? Have you got somewhere that you can go to help you relax for a while?

I like to go do goalie training, jump around in the muck for an hour - end up with muck in my ears, my jocks, my socks and

places you don't want to know about.

I'd imagine that's not probably up the street of everyone else. That's grand. You just have to figure out what works for you.

Is that okay?

The last one and the most important one.

It's around the concept of real talks because having real talks in my life changed my life.

I learned it the hard way in a counseling room

when I got to a stage where I had to - I had no choice but to talk,

but I haven't been back to counseiling session since 2014 and the reason I haven't is because I have better conversations in my life

every day with family and friends,

with people I know and people I trust.

In 2011 when I was in that, going through that spell, that slide downwards that I referred to,

my friend came home from college one day and I'd been spending a lot of time in bed, I wasn't getting up, wasn't going to college.

Just wasn't doing the right things and he sat in the end of my bed one day -

he says, "how's things going - you getting up today buddy?" and I was like, you know, no, what's the point?

Can't be bothered. I'm just staying here. I'm watching Game of Thrones. Leave me alone.

And he looked at me again, he said "is everything all right?"

And I'm like HOW do I get this fella out of my room - I am NOT talking to him about this!

So eventually fobbed him off, changed the conversation,

moved on, got him out and went on my way.

And a couple months later after starting counseling

I decided was going to tell one or two of my friends. So I went back to the same fella,

he was the first person that I approached - as I said I was living with him,

we went to school together, played football together all the way up. I said can I talk to you in the kitchen there for a minute?

He said "yeah grand". So he followed me out and I got "what ya want?" oh I've somethin, somethin, I've somethin to tell ya

Silence. So I'm there, do I say it, will I not, what do I say, how do I say it?

And he just goes - "what do ya WANT?"

And I just blurted it out - I'm goin to counseiling

And he took a step back and he looked at me

And I sort of look, I was like oh my god shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have said that - he is gone out the door

He's gone off Bebo, gone off Facebook, gone off Twitter, gone off Snapchat. He is out of my life,

he is not gonna be my friend anymore.

He took a step back he looked at me again and he said "counseling"? and I said, yeah

And he said something I'll never ever ever forget.

Do ya know what he said?

I went to that there last year for a while.

He was running out, sneaking out of the house, lying to where he was going, lying about what was going on, hiding it from me.

I was living in the same house, sneaking out, hiding it from him

And we just looked at each other that day and we just promised - we're never doing that again.

The reason I tell that story is, remember I showed you the valley at the start?

That first conversation where he sat on my bed

was about two or three months before I hit my rock bottom - the day

I had - the day where a suicidal thought, became a suicidal feeling and almost became a suicidal action.

And I had - I coulda just spoke to him that day. I coulda opened up and maybe avoided going to that place.

Sometimes in life and school. We have societal pressures, peer pressure

And we give in to people around us, we give in to other people's expectations,

and one of the big things I want to get across to you today is - to encourage you yo be yourself.

Each and every one of us is a different person that can all make a positive contribution

people around us, to our own lives.

That picture for me -

I used to be that guy,

used to wear a mask, used to hide what I'm feeling, hide what I'm thinking - because I'm the MAN and I have to

keep it to myself.

And Tony touched upon it nicely there when he said about being more open honest around ye. And actually

one of the reasons that stopped me reaching out for help and being more open honest with my friends was that I thought it would

weaken our relationships, but from my experience and in my life, it has infinitely strenghtened them.

I have better friendships and better relationships with my family and friends

now than I've ever had and a quote that I always like is that the secret of change is to focus all of your energy

not on fighting the old but on building the new.

So I see there's people here scribbling notes, they're on their phones, they're chattin to each other -

take something out of today

If you thought everything I've said there is pony that is grand, take something from someone else. Go home with two or three points.

And make a change in your life that's for the better.

Mind yourself.

Look after each other and have better conversations each and every day with your family and with your friends.

And just my call to action, I've said it once and I'm gonna say it again -

The best person you can be is yourself,

so be you along the way and good luck. Thank you

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