Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

it's Tuesday and I need to get my

haircut let's get right into it

okay haircut is complete but it's

looking a bit messy at the moment so

let's quickly correct that and there we

go, what do you think? tell you what it is

great to get most of the crap that was

on my head off. So do I look the part do

I look like a model?

Probably not.

For more infomation >> I got a haircut (tiny vlog) - Duration: 1:56.


The Art of Instant Date - Pick Up London Girl - Daygame Infield - Duration: 19:09.

For more infomation >> The Art of Instant Date - Pick Up London Girl - Daygame Infield - Duration: 19:09.


Cocina BLANCA con ENCIMERA DE GRANITO - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Cocina BLANCA con ENCIMERA DE GRANITO - Duration: 7:35.


Bulgari wild pop - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Bulgari wild pop - Duration: 0:31.


The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Trailer 2 - Nora Allen EXPOSED What She Did Explained! Power Stone? - Duration: 6:51.

you're saying our daughter from the

future yep kind of stuck here now

anybody know what to do

I made a big mistake this man is hiding

in the shadows you guys beat him it

beats me we're supposed to omen because

the timeline changed

I need to know in the future what

happens to me the flash all new episodes


what's good YouTube Warstu here with a

video on the flash season 5 so last

night they released another trailer with

some interesting scenes in it so I'm

getting really high for the flashing

survived now you couldn't really see

much about this trailer unless you put

it in slow-mo which is pretty cool so

guys make sure described to never miss

any of the flash base videos so the

trailers yet again is centered around

Nora Allen Barry Allen and the main

current villain which I don't even

believe he's actually the overall

villain but let's go with it cicada so

let's get into the video so the trailer

starts with Nora Allen pratzen in the

speed room I think it's called not too

sure she's from the future she's gonna

be more advanced than Barry in my

opinion with her speed abilities but

just like they did the flash team flash

Cisco Caitlin I'm gonna have to run some

tests on her to make sure her speedster

cells and she's warming well and she's

healthy all that kind of stuff you know

just like they did when Barry was hit by

lightning he had to do all them to test

so it's kind of be interesting so yet

again Nora Allen tells us over and over

and over and over and over again that

she's stuck in this timeline this is

mainly to tell the audience that she's

going to be here for the whole season as

she is a season regular so whatever this

big problem is she's not gonna be

leaving to at least episode 23 which is

a season finale in obviously 2019 and

May so that's gonna be kind of

interesting so we know she's from the

future we've kind of get a tease scene

of what the future potentially looks

like there's a scene with people walking

around with umbrellas like random like

bright colors I guess you could say but

there's nothing really you can say about

that and maybe it's a flash museum maybe

it's something in the future I

presumably we go into the future at some

point or lease see in the future somehow

so that scene is kind of interesting so

the biggest part of the trailer is

actually Nora Allen doing something in

the Time Vault now I know this is DC not

Marvel but it looks like she's got the

Infinity going out and she's popping the

Power Stone out if you watch tight

Avengers infinity war the latest movie

that came out may you know what I mean

but you get what I'm saying within the

clip it was some kind of futuristic

technology it to me just looks like the

Power Stone and obviously because they

are in at the time of all she's maybe

show him Barry something to do with a

newspaper article she's changed a

timeline she's effect affected it pretty

bad in theory she's caused the nor Allen

flashpoint the longer she stays there

the more

mess up and in fact she could lose a

memory and start to do all the kind of

stuff but Barry Allen did do in the

season three of the flash when he was

stuck in a parallel universe although

it's not a parallel universe she's out

of time she's not in her natural time

online so to speak so we see cicada

standing behind Joe West we can hear him


we get to see a fully-fledged look at

him although it is pretty blurred image

of him for the first time now he's

looking pretty creepy breathing heavy I

don't think he's there to kill Joe West

although that would make for a really

good title when a cicada kills Joe West

in Episode one that would make for a

very good title but now I think because

Joe West is quite a good cop he's an

investigator he investigates all the

metahumans potentially they might know

each other somehow maybe so I presume

he's there he's there to get information

about the metahumans somehow then we

hear a version of Harrison wells we

don't know what characters gonna be

Sherlock wells maybe said there's a man

hiding in the shadows referring to

Takada we get a full glimpse of him

standing with a lightning bolt dagger

now iris is looking at something very

interesting on laptop something's on

fire what could it be it's most likely

gonna be the scenario of how he lost his

family and this is why he hates all that

matters and wants to Endemol or maybe it

could be the season finale maybe the

satellite crashing down we know it is

matter like Dark Matter based so maybe

that was the accident that turned him

into cicada killed his family

I'm most like you think it's gonna be

the whatever the accident was that kill

his family and started all this rage

against all the metas good or bad it

appears that cicada wants to end them

all I thought I don't think cicadas do


I think cicada is gonna be a doctor

alchemy kind of villain he's working for

someone else

hopefully that's plan so Nora Allen said

you immense defeat him but something

went wrong there Barry's like the

timeline change though big big big big

mistake mistake it's something to do

what happened the future she did

something so the most epic iconic part

of this whole trailer is Barry goes I

need to know what happened to me in the

future so the whole program since season

one has been centric around Barry Allen

disappear in a massive fight with

reverse flash the Aten was there and

lots of other people so

I presume she's gonna say you

disappeared you were killed now if this

case this means the flash is going to be

centric around the newspaper article we

steal which is interesting because this

program has a problem with continuity

and obviously are obviously iris West is

going to become a journalist again

so in this newspaper article she

actually wrote that article about Barry

Allen the flash disappearing so maybe

that's what happened to Barry Allen I

don't really think it's gonna be a cent

a bit I think what's happening is the

thing with these people that make they

cut edit cut trailers they edit stuff

it's probably making it a bit misleading

making it to seem like it's actually

more than what it actually is

now this trade is pretty solid like I

said but you have to watch it in slow-mo

to really understand what it is we get a

bit of origin story from cicada if you

can interpret it we get to see Nora

Allen with a Power Stone that's all we

see some futuristic tech that shows

Barry what happened in the future the

big big mistake how they were supposed

to defeat cicada because I don't think

that'd be the biggest problem in this

season is actually finishing cicada

because Nora has already confirmed you

were supposed to but I changed a

timeline but it's interesting to see

what this big big big mistake is so guys

this is my breakdown for trailer - I

think it's cool well it's a new trailer

with new actual footage for once for the

flash and not just a rehash there's some

good context so guys I will be voicing

the Captain Marvel video later

interesting weekly did post that they're

dropping something brie Larson was

talking to him via Twitter saying

they're gonna break Internet so I'm not

expecting a trailer because

Entertainment Weekly don't normally drop

trailers but whatever that is guys I

will be posting that Captain Marvel

teaser info whenever it post it post 5

o'clock in UK which is in about six

hours time I've recording this so

whatever it is I would post it the usual

time I post on my videos towards 9 10


GMT time UK till like always guys please

like subscribe and comment and I will

catch you in another video very soon

catch ya later

For more infomation >> The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 Trailer 2 - Nora Allen EXPOSED What She Did Explained! Power Stone? - Duration: 6:51.


ALÉM DA PRAIA 2 - André Martins, Krip, Mano Paz, Eddy, Mr. D (Prod. Della Beats) - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> ALÉM DA PRAIA 2 - André Martins, Krip, Mano Paz, Eddy, Mr. D (Prod. Della Beats) - Duration: 5:14.


Is CPA Marketing a SCAM (Marketer Tells ALL) - Duration: 16:09.

alright guys another QA voiceover I know

you guys love that so I know I said last

yesterday I was gonna be the last one

obviously if you watch til the end of

the video you know that I was gonna add

more on today it got a little bit long

and I have a shitload of CPM marketing

immediate questions which is basically

how you can make money overnight with IP

hopping and CPA networks I'm gonna

answer all those here today will roll

through them really fast it's gonna be

rapid-fire so you can get the most bang

for your buck this will be the last QA

for a while unless you guys like it so

hit that like button if you want to see

more of these drop a comment down below

let me know that you like them if you

don't like them don't hit the dislike

button but let me know that you don't

want to see more of these down in the

comments I do plan on getting back to

it's been a it's been a hectic couple o

hectic couple weeks for me I've been

traveling a lot I've had a lot of stuff

I'm building stuff for my businesses on

the back end and so I know that there's

kind of been some lack stuff on the

channel a lot of QA some mean comments

you know some of these these basic

things but trust me when I say we're

gonna get back to the making money

online we're gonna get back to the

marketing device we're gonna get back to

the e-commerce and the entrepreneur tips

so stay tuned for that got a lot of

great stuff planned I've outlined a

bunch of great videos coming I just have

not had the chance to record them but I

will make that a priority this week

coming up for you guys I want to get

some great content and some tips out

there for you so enough of the

blabbering we're gonna go ahead and

answer all the questions that I was

going to answer on the last video but it

got a little bit long if you want to

check out any of the q and a's I'll drop

them in the description below there's

three of them already this is the fourth

and final one like I said unless you

guys like it so this all isn't

pertaining to the CPA marketing tutorial

immediate money which is 100% free in

2018 video I'll drop that in the

description below I'll also drop it up

in the right-hand corner if you want to

check that out too basically like I said

teaches you to high P hop using cpa

networks and making an immediate amount

of money initially so essentially what

it is is you're gonna basically be

filling out your own cpa offers so yes

it's a little black hat it's a little

bit you know it's not ethical in a lot

of ways but it's a way that i teach you

know people to make money when they're

first starting out because i don't do

that obviously but just just go ahead

and watch the video

the video if you want to check it out I

don't do it guys it's just a way that

you know beginners to make you know 500

to a thousand bucks really fast and then

take that money pocket it obviously

that's not a sustainable business model

take that pocket and put it into a

legitimate business for you it's just a

really good answer to that question

because the number one question I used

to get was I don't have any money how

can I start a business and my answer

would be you don't you can't you need

either money or you need time you need

something man go get a job and so this

is an answer to that question it kind of

gives people a little bit of startup

money I have been blabbering

I apologize and we're three minutes into

the video already let's answer some

questions so so hen asks do I have do I

need to have email addresses specific

country do I need to have email

addresses for specific countries this is

all over the place this question for CPA

offers when I'm completing them myself

no because for this specific and normal

CPA marketing yes because your CPM

marketing when you're doing CPA

marketing you're going to need to send

those links out to other people and yes

you're gonna need specific countries for

those CPA offers but for this you're

actually going to be clicking your own

links and fulfilling out filling them

out yourself so clearly if you live in

you know India then obviously you just

want to do you want to find cpa offers

that are only legitimate for india

because your IP address is where you're

submitting the emails will be from india

if you're in the united states obviously

then you just want to go for united

states you know if you're in canada it's

pretty self-explanatory but you're gonna

be the one filling the the submits out

for yourself and making the money for

yourself you're basically submitting

your own offers so only yes but it's

clearly gonna be the country that you're

in so it's not really that i feel like

that's kind of common sense and goes

hand in hand sorry if that's mean carpal

tunnel home remedy says what should be

on the website so so basically what i

talked about is that in this video to

give you a little bit of just kind of a

short summary is i create a website and

I tell you to create a website make it

look legit make it look like it's a CPA

blog and then obviously hide a page so

with all the CPA offers yourself so you

can kind of just go to random locations

or you know a proxy and kind of load

that page up and then click and submit

all your your your links and make money

that way so he basically says what

should be on that website should I put

CPA offers on there

should I post it on a blog I want to

know what to put on there to make the

powers-that-be think it's legit thank

you yeah you want to make the site look

legit you don't just want to have it a

landing page with all of your offers

because I promise you your CPA or your

affiliate you know manager is gonna

check that so you're definitely gonna

make make it look like a legit site for

sure but that being said it doesn't have

to be the craziest you know most filled

out site ever put it make it look like a

blog make it look like it has an email

submit you know for to capture emails

like you're actually a legitimate site

and then make a couple blog posts it

doesn't have to be the best site in the

world just make it look legit

and then obviously hide your page don't

make it visible to you know normal

people that don't know about it

Samuel a looka wha do I think that's how

you said that looka wha do ya something

like that I'm sorry I'm terrible with

names guys do you have a video on how to

create the type of website and how to

hide the link I don't have a YouTube

video maybe I'll make one in the future

if enough people comment and want

something like that but that I do go

over that in depth in the course how to

actually create that website I'm not

gonna push you guys on the course I did

link I used to Lincoln in the videos all

the time but I'm not trying to sell you

anything on any of these future YouTube

videos I just want to give you value so

if you are looking for that course the

video that I dropped in the description

on this you know obviously answering

questions I believe it should be linked

in the description of that video I

haven't checked in a long time but I

don't want to sell you guys on anything

so you know if you're really looking how

to build the website you can shoot me an

email and maybe I can kind of walk you

through it or maybe I'll create a video

in the future get rid of skin naturally

get rid of skin naturally so so once a

person gathers enough money from this

method what would you recommend that

they invest in next kind of a loaded


every business isn't this isn't right

for everyone and everybody has a

different situation everybody has

different money everybody has different

you know goals and strategies I would

say find something that works for you

whether that's private labeling is a

good one drop shipping is a good one

although there's a million ways to

dropship I've talked about this before

and I would suggest starting with

another drop shipping business model

that is not Shopify to kind of give you

the you know the overall business model

and a nutshell and then you can't kind

of move there I would

just private labeling I'd also suggest

arbitrage I would suggest a number of

different things that if you're really

interested in any of the business models

that I suggest you can check them out on

my website BG media innovation comm Kim

su Phi buck says one question do I did I

use a VPN or a proxy for this method I

personally didn't um but you can if you

if you know what you're doing obviously

there's it goes a little bit beyond the

scope of this video there's internal IP

addresses there's external IP addresses

you have to make sure that your VPN and

proxy switches both of them that's a

common misconception and problem I

personally didn't I just literally IP

hopped so I would go to different

libraries because they're free and

obviously all of them have different IP

addresses you can also if you're in the

States you can use GPS stores you can

use staples you can use FedEx oh you can

use anything that's gonna give you a

free or any school something like that

don't if you're not you know if you

don't if you don't go to that school or

you're not a resident of that community

don't just walk into a random you know

kindergarten school or I don't know a

kindergarten school I'm all over the

place today um a little hungover I'm not

gonna lie

sorry for that but yeah I don't

personally use the VPN proxies I always

suggest going places in person but if

you have to yes you can get away with it

mine for months says what is the

requirements for CPA marketing kind of a

broad question they're gonna skip it I

don't know why I put that on here that's

way broad that I could teach any the

requirements recipient marketing or that

you have internet access and you want to

do CPA marketing Momoa huh says can I do

CPA marketing in the Philippines yes you

can sahaja yogi PS is will the network

block me if you get caught yes obviously

but if you get caught doing this just

normal IP op and they're gonna block you

anyway so the you know yeah they're

gonna block you if they catch you but

the whole idea is to not get caught Nasr

Mohave says can I use can I change my

browser the same question yet basically

can use it an IP or proxy yes you can

freedom printer says aren't these CPA

networks well capable of detecting

proxies they're that yes they're versed

in detecting proxies but if you do

proxies correct and you're switching

your IP and you're making sure obviously

always check them first don't just hop


that a proxy works because that's an

easy way to get banned or blocked check

them first but yes if you check them

first and they're legit there's a lot of

great ways to switch your IP out there

that are undetectable to other people

especially see bayonet works and if

you're doing it properly a little bit

beyond the scope of this video but then

obviously you're not going to get

detected when the Watteau says hi brian

mccann how many times can each email

address be used with this with this

method before it can't be used anymore I

always use one email so I'll go ahead

and I'll make a bunch of emails into

that right if I were going to do this I

don't do this anymore obviously and what

I would do is I would go through and I

would do about three to five four five

pushing it maybe three to four you know

offers on that specific page per email

address then I simply retire the email

address so I might save that email

address if I were doing this you know

and maybe used it a couple weeks later

if I were wanted to do that again but it

three to four is the answer I want to do

more than three to four offers with the

same email address because it's gonna

look Shady

my clue says so they have job offers to

promote I don't know what this says

that's a this is all over the place I'm

gonna skip this one

Nathaniel Graham says hey Brian would

you recommend this course for pay per

call marketing as well so this course

isn't necessarily per pay per call to be

honest it's more like pay per lead or

you know just submitting emails so no

paper calls great I know people that do

pay per call but for this specific IP

hopping strategy it's probably not ideal

Andre Schell Baker says or Snell Baker

sorry says hey Brian great vid I'm

interested in enrolling your CPA

marketing course but I was wondering

what is the difference between this cpa

marketing ninja course and your cpa

marketing master innovation course great


so cpa marketing ninja is the course

which basically deals to the IP hopping

aka the ninja part so it's what we're

talking about right now it's IP hopping

on different IP addresses and making

your own CPA commissions and making

money that way it's a start-up money

course cpa marketing mastery and

innovation is the other course that

deals with basically getting email leads

you know into the hundreds of thousands

and blasting out an entire email list to

that hundred thousand people you don't

need a bunch of conversions to make good

money because let's say you know 300

people convert on a hundred thousand

emails while you're making a decent

amount of commission that way so you're

basically growing an email list and

you're gonna blast out that email list

with your CPA offer with that basically

deals with writing good email copy and

converting people who Fadi Solomon says

thanks for this useful useful method can

I use it with incentive offers yes you

can my clue says what Network promotes

ppl job offers they all do mic that's

pay per lead they all do so handy for K

or B K for says hi Brian understood the

concept but I don't know how to get

started in what tools I need to use I am

your student from you to me of court of

York or CPA marketing ninja I need your

help to get started the tools that you

need to get started if you're in the

course are you know any web design you

know software so Wix it you can get them

honestly which is great one I love it

you can use WordPress you can use any of

them you know you can use GoDaddy

whatever you want to use you can use um

what's the Gator one I forget what it's

called used to use it I which is a great

one because you can set it up 100% free

you don't need to actually have to pay

for a whipped website to actually set

your Wix website up and have it go live

if you watch my one course how to create

passive income with no initial funds it

basically takes you through you know

creating a free website that looks legit

and is live so you don't need any money

to start at all you just need you know

your eat your not your email software

you need your ax you know whatever you

know software essentially you're using

your drag-and-drop software to create

your website ABL or alt media Pro says

how many email addresses do you

recommend that we honestly the more the

better there's no recommended amount of

email addresses to you know basically

use the more the better

so however many you can generate great

it's my my for says how to how do you

put this on a hidden page simple you

with Wix specifically you go to manage

pages and you hit the three little dots

and it just says there's a hide option

there I'm sure it's very similar with

any other you know landing page software

or any other website building software

you just you hide it if you can't find

it just Google how to hide on specific

software that you're using a fob says

can I use atomic email sender instead of

using gmass yeah

100 cent so atomic email sender is

something that's in included in the atom

Park software bundle so obviously what I

talk about a lot is atomic email hunter

which hones for the emails there's also

atomic email verifier which verifies the

emails and then he's referring to what

Tomic email sender which is you know the

sending software for the emails so if

you just buy the package obviously

together most people don't want to do

that then I believe yes that comes with

a verifier and the sender your hun

percent great to use that but if you

don't want to buy it you're just buying

my course to get the crack version then

obviously I suggest GMS cuz it's sending

capabilities are great it's very very

very very unregulated compared to

MailChimp Aweber GetResponse any of

those softwares so that's why I

recommend it for these cold leads and

you can still you know it's very very

cheap I think it's like seven or eight

bucks for gmass whereas the other ones

when you're sending 100,000 emails are

gonna get expensive sparta vlogs says

what the hell man what that I love how I

answered I kept this one at the end what

the hell man is this what you want to

teach beginners to learn no I don't want

beginners to do this but I'm a problem

solver and I'm an entrepreneur and

entrepreneurs number one thing that they

do is solve problems the number one

question at because I have over 120,000

students on you to me now I get asked

all the time like I referred to in the

beginning of this video what you know I

don't have any money how can I start a

business well you need money to start a

business and a lot of businesses you

don't but you're gonna have to spend a

lot of time and people think that they

can just hop on and not spend any money

and you know they're just gonna start

raking in money so I tried to find the

best solution that I could find which is

this video and this method this IP

hopping strategy so that they can make

immediate money for free and then invest

that money into a legitimate business so

I don't want beginners to do this but

I'm just trying to help people out I'm

all about giving value like that so if

you guys like this method if you like

this video if you like and appreciate

the fact that I'm going through and

answering your questions again hit that

like button I genuinely appreciate it

also lets me know that I'm on the right

track and you enjoy these I swear it to

god this will be the last Q&A for a long

long time I just wanted to kind of go

through and answer a bunch of your

questions because I think it's really

really going to help you guys out also

if you have a specific question drop it

on this Q&A video and the next time

whether that's a month from

ten months from now ten years from now I

will come back and you know answer these

questions so it's not gonna be ten

months or now I'm joking so it might be

a couple weeks from now when I you know

have a really slow day and I decided to

do another Q&A so obviously hope you

guys enjoyed the video and I will see

you in the next one

For more infomation >> Is CPA Marketing a SCAM (Marketer Tells ALL) - Duration: 16:09.


Cut Lemons And Keep Them In Your Bedroom - See What Happens Next! - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Cut Lemons And Keep Them In Your Bedroom - See What Happens Next! - Duration: 2:50.


আতা ইবন আবি রাবাহ এর জীবনী - Duration: 15:00.

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sundor now,2 gojol chai,6 gojol chand ke boli,1 gojol chand ke boli tumi sundor

now,5 gojol child,9 gojol chokher poloke eto me hote parola,3 gojol chokheri poloke,4

gojol chormonai,7 gojol creator,8 gojol dekhbo,10 gojol dekho,7 gojol dekhte

chai,5 gojol din,8 gojol dj,2 gojol down,3 gojol download,4 gojol duniya ke

musafir,9 gojol duniya sundor,1 gojol duniya sundor manush sundor,6 gojol ei sundor

ful,6 gojol ei sundor sunil akash,7 gojol eid,3 gojol eid ka chand,9 gojol eid

mubarak,1 gojol ek din matir bhitore hobe ghor,4 gojol ek muchi hajir ghotona,10

gojol ektu darao mayre dekhi,5 gojol english,2 gojol english 2018,8 gojol farhan

ali qadri,7 gojol ferdosi,4 gojol for kids,2 gojol ful fote jamon jamon,10 gojol

full album,1 gojol full hd,3 gojol full hd video,9 gojol full movie,5 gojol

fultoli,6 gojol furfura sharif,8 gojol gaan,2 gojol gangaajal,3 gojol gaon,8 gojol

gojol,1 gojol gojol 2018,10 gojol gojol islamic gojol,4 gojol gojol odia song,5 gojol

gojol video gojol,9 gojol golap nilam,6 gojol gunagar banda ami,7 gojol hafizur

rahman,6 gojol hafizur rahman siddiki,9 gojol hasbi rabbi,8 gojol hasbi rabbi

jallallah,2 gojol hd,5 gojol hd video,7 gojol hindi,1 gojol hindi 2018,4 gojol

hindi bangla,3 gojol hindi song,10 gojol in bangla,7 gojol islamic arabic,2 gojol

islamic bangla,1 gojol islamic bangla 18,10 gojol islamic bangla 2017,10 gojol

islamic bangla 2018,3 gojol islamic bangla ainuddin,6 gojol islamic bangla best,8

gojol islamic bangla o modinar bulbuli,4 gojol islamic hindi,5 gojol islamic

urdu,9 gojol jalsa,2 gojol jamana diwana,5 gojol janina koto sundor tumi allah,3

gojol jannati bulbul,10 gojol josna rate,8 gojol josti mukul,6 gojol josti mukul

misty bokul bristy veja ful,9 gojol josti mukul misty bokul gojol,1 gojol junaid

jamshed,4 gojol junaid siddiqui,7 gojol kafon amar,2 gojol kafon amar apon,4

gojol kafon amar apon kobor amar ghati,7 gojol kalarab,6 gojol kalarab 2017,9

gojol kalarab 2018,5 gojol kazi nazrul islam,8 gojol ke mohan,10 gojol khoma kore

dau maf kore dao,1 gojol koborer ajab,3 gojol la ilaha illallah,3 gojol lab pe

aati hai dua banke tamanna meri,7 gojol lage,8 gojol lal foring,4 gojol latest,9

gojol lokkho koti tarar majhe,2 gojol london paris,6 gojol love,1 gojol lyrics,5

gojol ma,2 gojol maa,4 gojol matiro pinjira,9 gojol maula ya salli,6 gojol mizanur

rahman azhari,3 gojol modinar bulbul,8 gojol mojaffar,5 gojol movie,7 gojol mp3,1

gojol mp3 2018,10 gojol naat,4 gojol nazrul,2 gojol new,1 gojol new 2015,3

gojol new 2016,9 gojol new 2017,6 gojol new 2018 hindi,7 gojol new 2018 kolorob,8

gojol new all,5 gojol notun gojol,10 gojol o modinar bulbuli,2 gojol o sokina

r kedo na,4 gojol odio,8 gojol of hafizur rahman,10 gojol of kazi nazrul islam,9

gojol ogo allah,6 gojol ogo ma tumi,1 gojol old,7 gojol oliullah aseki,5 gojol

oporadhi,3 gojol pakhi hole ure jetam,2 gojol pakistani,1 gojol pakistani 2018,5

gojol part,8 gojol paye pori baghmama,9 gojol podda meghna,6 gojol pratiyogita,3

gojol prithibi amar,10 gojol prithibi amar asol thikana noy,4 gojol purana,7 gojol

qirat,4 gojol quran,5 gojol quran sharif,7 gojol quran tilawat,6 gojol qurbani

gojol,8 gojol rabbana ya rabbana,2 gojol rabbi al ala,10 gojol ramadan,9 gojol

ramjan,7 gojol ringtone,1 gojol ringtone bangla,6 gojol roj bihane ekta pakhi,5

gojol rokonuzzaman,8 gojol romjan,3 gojol romjaner oi rojar sheshe,4 gojol salat

kayem koro,2 gojol salat tomar,1 gojol sara rat du chokhe ghum chilo na,10 gojol

shahabuddin,10 gojol shorif uddin,8 gojol sk habib,5 gojol sonar modina,7 gojol

song,3 gojol song hindi,9 gojol sunbo,6 gojol sunte chai,4 gojol tarek monowar,4

gojol the,8 gojol then,6 gojol tofazzal hossain,7 gojol tone,3 gojol tone mp3,10

gojol tri bhuboner priyo muhammad,1 gojol tumi josti mukul misty bokul,2 gojol

tumi josti mukul misty bokul bristy veja ful,5 gojol tumi rahman tumi meherban,9

gojol umme habiba,8 gojol urdu,1 gojol urdu 2017,6 gojol urdu 2018,3 gojol urdu

ghazal,4 gojol urdu mp3,5 gojol urdu mp3 download,10 gojol urdu naat,7 gojol urdu

new,9 gojol urdu video,2 gojol video,1 gojol video 2018,4 gojol video bangla,3

gojol video bhajan,10 gojol video download,8 gojol video full hd,6 gojol video

hd bangla,7 gojol video movies,5 gojol video new,9 gojol video song,2 gojol wala

wala,8 gojol waliullah,5 gojol watch,2 gojol waz,1 gojol waz bangla,7 gojol waz

mahfil,6 gojol whatsapp status,3 gojol whatsapp video,10 gojol without music,4 gojol

world,9 gojol ya habib,10 gojol ya muhammad,8 gojol ya mustafa,7 gojol ya nabi

salam alaika,4 gojol ya nabi ya nabi,2 gojol ya rasool allah,6 gojol ya rasool

allah ya habib allah,1 gojol ya sayyidi irhamlana,3 gojol ya taiba,9 gojol youtube,5

gojol zamaana deewana,1 islamic gojol 786,3 jihadi gojol,4 mp3 gojol,4 top 5

gojol,1 zakaria gojol,5 zakir gojol,2 zikir gojol,3 zikiri gojol,8 zikre gojol,6

zindabad gojol,9 zoya gojol,10 zulekha gojol,7 awaz tv,10 az zuha,6 qari abdul

matin waz,8 qawmi waz,10 qurbani waz bangla,9 siddiki waz 720,1 warz 1000 vs 1000,1

warz 1000z,2 warz 1000z โปรโมท,10 warz 1000z โหลà¸",6 warz

11,8 warz 11z,7 warz 15up,5 warz 15up โปรโมท,9 warz 17z,4 warz 4,7 warz

40z,2 warz 40z โปรโมท,6 warz 44,9 warz 44z,1 warz 44z โปรโมท,4

warz 47z,8 warz 4g,3 warz 4g ss2,10 warz 4g ss3,5 was hast du gedacht,10 was

he slow,9 wassup,1 wassup asap rocky,4 wassup blood,3 wassup bro,7 wassup

commercial,2 wassup lil reese,8 wassup logic big sean,5 wassup scary movie,6

wassup vro,9 wassup wit the bag,10 wax cap,10 wax face,9 wax fang majestic,6 wax

figure prank,8 wax figures,10 wax freestyle,7 wax i ain't a real man,7 wax i

need a dollar,10 wax i shoulda tried harder,6 wax idols,5 wax instrumental,8 wax

interview,9 wax ranch dressing,9 wax rapper,6 wax red,8 wax ring toilet replacement,10

wax room,5 wax room berner,7 wax rosana lyrics,4 waz 14 february,3 waz 2017,6

waz 2018,3 waz 2018 all,9 waz 2018 amir hamza,8 waz 2018 bangla,2 waz 2018 habibur

rahman,1 waz 2018 hafizur rahman,4 waz 2018 mizanur rahman,7 waz 2018 new,5

waz 2018 tarek monowar,10 waz 5 metrowy,1 waz 6 metrow,1 waz 6 metrowy,2 waz 6m,3

waz abdul mannan,6 waz abdullah al amin 2018,7 waz abul kalam azad,9 waz abul

kalam azad bashar 2017,3 waz afsari,8 waz amir hamza,2 waz amir hamza 2018,1 waz

and nav,5 waz ansari,10 waz ayubi 2018,4 waz bangla,2 waz bangla 2018,1 waz bangla

2018 amir hamza,10 waz bangla 2018 mizanur rahman,3 waz bangla funny,5 waz bangla

noakhali,7 waz bd,8 waz by delwar hossain saidi,9 waz by razzak,6 waz by razzak

bin yousuf,4 waz channel,4 waz child,1 waz chittagong,8 waz chormonai,3 waz

chormonai 2017,7 waz chormonai 2018,5 waz chormonai pir,6 waz chormonai rezaul

karim,9 waz critic mahfil,2 waz dance,7 waz de scene,5 waz de transporte,3 waz delwar

hossain,10 waz delwar hossain saidi audio,1 waz delwar hossain sayeedi namaz,2

waz delwar hossain sayeedi ramadan,4 waz delwar hussain saidi,9 waz dot,8 waz

eliasur,8 waz eliasur rahman,6 waz eliasur rahman zihadi,4 waz eliasur rahman

zihadi 2017,5 waz eliasur rahman zihadi 2018,2 waz eliasur rahman zihadi mp3,9

waz eliyas,10 waz enayetullah abbasi,7 waz english,3 wąż eskulapa,1 waz foot,1

waz freestyle,5 waz full movie 2007,2 waz fultoli,3 waz fultoli saheb,4 waz

gaming,5 waz gang,1 waz gucci,4 waz gud,2 waz habibur rahman juktibadi,3 waz hadji

habiba,8 waz hafizur rahman,2 waz hafizur rahman juktibadi,7 waz hannin,5 waz hardly

enough,1 waz hindi 2017,6 waz in bangla,1 waz in urdu,3 waz islam,4 waz islamic

bangla,2 waz jahangir alom,7 waz jalal uddin al qadri,3 waz jalali,10 waz jamal

uddin,1 waz jihadi,8 waz jubaer ahmed ansari,4 waz juktibadi,5 waz juktibadi

habibur,6 waz juktibadi habibur rahman,2 waz junaid al habib,9 waz kamal uddin

jafori,4 waz kamrul islam said ansari,6 waz kazi ibrahim,5 waz khaled saifullah ayubi

2017,3 waz koborer jibon,7 waz kurbanir,6 waz kuruni jiboni,2 waz lailatul qadar,2

waz lailatul qadr,10 waz lutfur rahman,1 waz madani,9 waz mahfil,1 waz mahfil

bangla 2015,6 waz mahfil bangla 2017,3 waz mahfil bangla 2018,4 waz mahfil mizanur

rahman,7 waz masum billah,10 waz mizanur rahman azhari,2 waz mizanur rahman

azhari 2018,5 waz mustakim billah,8 waz nasir ahmed,8 waz nasir uddin gopalgonj,9

waz nazrul islam,5 waz nazrul islam 2018,6 waz new,7 waz new 2018,4 waz new bangla

2018,10 waz not waz,2 waz nouman ali khan,1 waz nurul amin,3 waz obaidullah,10

waz of abdur razzak,5 waz of amir hamza 2018,3 waz of bangla,4 waz of mizanur

rahman azhari,1 waz of nasiruddin,7 waz of saidi,9 waz olipuri,2 waz oliullah asiki,6

waz ordinary girl,8 waz pakistan,2 waz pakistani,6 waz pillgang,10 waz pir,9

waz pir saheb chormonai,5 waz pirjada shafiqul islam,3 waz pita mata,7 waz playlist,8

waz poppin,1 waz porda,4 waz qari abdul basit,7 waz qari abdul matin,4 waz

qari habibullah belali,5 waz qawmi tv,3 waz quran,2 waz qurbani,1 waz rafi bin

monir,1 waz rafiqullah afsari 2018,3 waz rzeczny jest niebezpieczny,2 waz saidi,1

waz saiful islam,6 waz saydee,8 waz sayeedi,5 waz shab e qadar,7 waz shahidur

rahman,3 waz sharifuzzaman,10 waz sheikh motiur rahman,9 waz skyrim,4 waz skyrim

speedrun,2 waz taheri 2018,7 waz tarek monowar,4 waz tarek monowar 2018,2 waz

tariq jameel,8 waz thunder kiss 65,4 waz tofazzal hossain,5 waz tofazzal hossain

2017,9 waz tofazzal hossain 2018,3 waz tofazzal mp3,6 waz trailer,1 waz video,2

waz video 2017,7 waz video 2018,3 waz video bangladesh,5 waz video download,9 waz

video song,8 waz video watch,10 waz vlogs,1 waz voirob,6 waz vondo pir,4 waz w

warszawie,3 waz waliullah,2 waz waliullah aashiqui,4 waz waliullah aashiqui 2018,5

wąż warszawa,10 waz waz bangla waz,6 waz waz waz,1 waz west bengal,8 waz woman,7

waz world cup,9 waz yahya mahmud,1 waz yahya mahmud 2018,3 waz yousuf,5 waz

yousuf nobi,4 waz yousuf sardar,7 waz yousuf zulekha,2 waz youtube,8 waz yusuf,6

waz zakaria,1 waz zakir naik,3 waz zakir naik bangla,2 waz zikir,7 waz zubair

ahmed ansari,4 wazdope,6 waze lane guidance,9 waze language settings,7 waze liam

neeson,8 waze lightning mcqueen,6 waze local advertising,4 waze lyft,3 waze

lyrics,5 wazhack,4 wazzap,5 whats 9 plus 10,2 whats 9 plus 10 remix,6 whats 9+10,1

whats 9+10 11,7 whats 9+10 21 vine,3 whats 9+10 full video,9 whats 9+10 meme,10

whats 9+10 original video,8 whats 9+10 remix,4 whats 9+10 song,5 wiz khalifa,1 wiz

khalifa rolling papers 2,8 wiz khalifa see you again,10 wiz khalifa so high,9

wus good partynextdoor,9 wuz good,3 wuz good and brandi marie,10 wuz good couples

night,7 wuz good vines,6 wuz gud,8 yatim waz,10 you was right,9 lecture 0,4

lecture 0 - introduction to computer science i,2 lecture 0 continued - introduction

to computer science i,1 lecture 0 cs50,5 lecture 01,6 lecture 01 - the learning

problem,8 lecture 01 introduction to blockchain â€" ai (basics,9 lecture 01- life of

prophet muhammad(pbuh-mufti menk,7 lecture 02- life of prophet muhammad(pbuh-mufti

menk,3 lecture 05,10 lecture 1 algorithmic thinking peak finding,1 lecture 1

introduction and optimization problems,6 lecture 1 introduction and proofs,4 lecture

1 introduction to ios 11 xcode 9 and swift 4,5 lecture 1 machine learning

(stanford,2 lecture 1 mit 6.832 (underactuated robotics spring 2018,10 lecture

1 natural language processing with deep learning,9 lecture 1 quantum entanglements

part 2 (stanford,3 lecture 1 the geometry of linear equations,8 lecture 12,7

lecture 2,1 lecture 2 elimination with matrices,7 lecture 2 experimental facts of

life,4 lecture 2 introduction to ios 11 xcode 9 and swift 4,3 lecture 2 mvc,10

lecture 2 natural language processing with deep learning,9 lecture 2.7 andrew ng,6

lecture 2018,5 lecture 23,2 lecture 25,8 lecture 3,1 lecture 3 chiropractic,7

lecture 3 cs50,3 lecture 3 data type declaration instruction in c in hindi,6

lecture 3 introduction to ios 11 xcode 9 and swift 4,8 lecture 3 loss functions

and optimization,10 lecture 3 mufti tariq masood,4 lecture 3 natural language

processing with deep learning,2 lecture 3 quantum entanglements part 1 (stanford,9

lecture 3 strong induction,5 lecture 4,1 lecture 4 expectations momentum and

uncertainty,7 lecture 4 free,9 lecture 4 input output instruction in c part 4 hindi,3

lecture 4 introduction to neural networks,5 lecture 4 part 1,8 lecture 4 part

2,10 lecture 40 - synchronous machine,6 lecture 47 â€" dimensionality reduction -

introduction stanford university,4 lecture 47 â€" singular value decomposition

stanford university,2 lecture 5,1 lecture 5 arithmetic instruction in c part 8

hindi,7 lecture 5 machine learning (stanford,3 lecture 5 part 1,2 lecture 5 part

2,4 lecture 5 part 3,10 lecture 5 part 8,9 lecture 5.1 andrew ng,6 lecture 5.4

andrew ng,5 lecture 504,8 lecture 6,8 lecture 6 avl trees avl sort,4 lecture 6 column

space and nullspace,5 lecture 6 fields,3 lecture 6 machine learning (stanford,1

lecture 6 mufti tariq masood,7 lecture 6 part 1,9 lecture 6 recursion and

dictionaries,2 lecture 6.5 andrew ng,6 lecture 61,10 lecture 7,1 lecture 7 classes and

objects in c++ part 1 hindi,10 lecture 7 cs50,4 lecture 7 introduction to

tensorflow,8 lecture 7 loops in c part 1 hindi,5 lecture 7 part 2,3 lecture 7 part

3,6 lecture 7 saurabh shukla,9 lecture 7 testing debugging exceptions and assertions,7

lecture 7.2 â€" regularization,2 lecture 8,1 lecture 8 android concurrency

and synchronisation,5 lecture 8 deep learning software,2 lecture 8 hashing with

chaining,9 lecture 8 object oriented programming,8 lecture 8 part 2,4 lecture 8

sampling and standard error,10 lecture 8 switch case in c part 2 hindi,6 lecture

8 the theoretical minimum,3 lecture 87 vg,7 lecture 9,5 lecture 9 - how to raise

money (marc andreessen ron conway parker conrad,6 lecture 9 constraints visual

object recognition,1 lecture 9 functions in c part 4 hindi,7 lecture 9 part 2,10

lecture 9 programming,3 lecture 9 python classes and inheritance,8 lecture 9

scalability harvard web development david malan,9 lecture 9 understanding experimental

data,4 lecture 9.4 â€" neural networks learning,2 lecture about depression,7

lecture about islam,2 lecture about life,6 lecture about marriage in islam,3

lecture about ramadan,8 lecture about salah,5 lecture anatomy and physiology,10

lecture ancient history,9 lecture art history,4 lecture asmr,1 lecture background

music,9 lecture building 2nd floor,2 lecture building bloodborne,1 lecture

business,10 lecture by farhat hashmi,6 lecture by mufti menk,5 lecture by nachhatar

gill,4 lecture by nouman ali khan,7 lecture by omar suleiman,3 lecture by vattan

sandhu,8 lecture chinese history,7 lecture chuchotée,2 lecture circuit bloopers,6

lecture circuit the office,1 lecture class,10 lecture climate change,9 lecture

college,5 lecture computer science,3 lecture coran francais,8 lecture coranique,4

lecture de la bible audio,6 lecture de la bible en francais,3 lecture de l'etranger

de camus,10 lecture depression,4 lecture des psaumes,2 lecture dinosaurs,9

lecture du coran,1 lecture du coran complet,5 lecture du coran en francais,8

lecture du coran traduit en francais,7 lecture ecg,2 lecture economy,6 lecture en

francais,1 lecture en francais avec audio,4 lecture en francais pour les

debutants,8 lecture english history,10 lecture english language,9 lecture english

literature,3 lecture etiquette,5 lecture example,7 lecture feynman,6 lecture fight,5

lecture finance,2 lecture for kids,3 lecture for learning english,9 lecture for

nursery,10 lecture for sleep,7 lecture francais,1 lecture francais facile,4 lecture

freud,8 lecture game theory,6 lecture general relativity,8 lecture genetics,4

lecture geology,7 lecture geopolitics,3 lecture glamour,2 lecture greece,10 lecture

guide,9 lecture guidée,1 lecture guru,5 lecture hall,3 lecture hall prank,2

lecture hall song,9 lecture hall sound effect,4 lecture hamza yusuf,8 lecture

harvard,5 lecture harvard university,7 lecture henry james,10 lecture hinduism,6

lecture history,1 lecture icebreakers,8 lecture in english,3 lecture in english

language,7 lecture in political science,9 lecture in spanish,10 lecture in

university,4 lecture infernale,6 lecture islam,1 lecture islam 2017,5 lecture islam

2018,2 lecture james joyce,2 lecture jannah,3 lecture japan,7 lecture java,8

lecture jee,10 lecture jesus,4 lecture jordan peterson,1 lecture jung,5 lecture

justice,9 lecture kaise banta hai,8 lecture kaise de,2 lecture kant,9 lecture khalid

yasin,6 lecture kholi wale ke chutkule,4 lecture ko le le ke chutkule,7 lecture

koligeet,1 lecture kumar vishwas,10 lecture kumar vishwas meerut,5 lecture la

ke,1 lecture la ke bhangra,3 lecture la ke remix,5 lecture language,7 lecture

law,10 lecture leadership,4 lecture lecture,9 lecture listening practice,8 lecture

literature,2 lecture love,6 lecture marriage,6 lecture mathematics,3 lecture

microbiology,4 lecture military,9 lecture mit,10 lecture money aujla,2 lecture

motivation,7 lecture mufti menk,8 lecture mufti menk 2017,5 lecture music,1 lecture

nachattar gill,1 lecture nachattar gill remix,9 lecture nelk,6 lecture nietzsche,10

lecture note taking,3 lecture note taking tips,5 lecture notes,2 lecture notes app,4

lecture notes ipad,8 lecture nouman ali khan,7 lecture on,2 lecture on economics,6

lecture on history,4 lecture on islam,5 lecture on marriage in islam,9 lecture

on philosophy,3 lecture on procrastination,8 lecture on psychology,1 lecture

on quantum physics,7 lecture on science,10 lecture philosophique,10 lecture

philosophy,4 lecture physics,9 lecture pour bebe,5 lecture pour debutant,8 lecture

pour enfan,7 lecture prank,1 lecture prank nelk,3 lecture psychology,6 lecture

punjabi song,2 lecture qasim ali shah,2 lecture qasim ali shah 2018,6 lecture

qasim shah,5 lecture quantum,9 lecture quantum computing,3 lecture quantum field

theory,8 lecture quantum mechanics,4 lecture quantum physics,1 lecture quran,7

lecture rap,1 lecture rapide,7 lecture rapide technique,6 lecture ready 1,10

lecture ready 3,4 lecture recorder,2 lecture relativity,9 lecture roman empire,5

lecture room cctv,3 lecture scene,4 lecture science,8 lecture series,1 lecture

sleep,7 lecture snippets windows server 2008,3 lecture song,2 lecture song punjabi,6

lecture stanford,10 lecture stoicism,5 lecture swift,9 lecture talk,9 lecture

tarot,4 lecture ted talk,5 lecture the tempest,8 lecture theatre key bloodborne,3

lecture time for bae,10 lecture tips,2 lecture to fall asleep to,1 lecture to

sleep,7 lecture trump,6 lecture ucla,7 lecture uk,8 lecture university,1 lecture

university of cambridge,6 lecture university of toronto,2 lecture upon the shadow,5

lecture upon the shadow summary,9 lecture upsc,4 lecture urdu,3 lecture urinary

system,10 lecture vattan sandhu,1 lecture vibration,6 lecture video,7 lecture video

online,8 lecture video recorder,3 lecture videos for entrance exams,10 lecture

vlog,5 lecture voice recorder,4 lecture vs tutorial,2 lecture vs tutorial class,9

lecture walter lewin,10 lecture war,1 lecture witchcraft,8 lecture with gm

varuzhan akobian,9 lecture with gm yasser seirawan,4 lecture world history,3

lecture world war 2,5 lecture writing,7 lecture ww1,6 lecture ww2,2 lecture yale,1

lecture yasir qadhi,2 lecture you,5 lecture youtube,3 lecture youtube video,4 lecture

zakir naik,1 lecture zakir naik bangla,2 lecture zen,7 lecture zen le monde,8

lecture zizek,5 lecture zorro,6 lecturer job,6 lecturer kaise bane,3 lecturer

qualification,10 lecturer riddim,8 lecturer zimdancehall,4 lecturer zoology,3 yale

lecture series,10 yoga lecture,7 yoga lecture in hindi,8 yogi lecture,6 yogi

lecture against muslim,9 zoology lecture for bsc,10 zoology lecture in hindi,9

For more infomation >> আতা ইবন আবি রাবাহ এর জীবনী - Duration: 15:00.



For more infomation >> EN İYİ KORNERDEN GOL ATMA TAKTİĞİ | PES 2019 - Duration: 5:32.


Génération Type 1 : RENCONTRE DU 1er TYPE - #1 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Génération Type 1 : RENCONTRE DU 1er TYPE - #1 - Duration: 2:26.


Danger zone full romantic HD Hot song | Srigandha Devathe | Kannada Movie 2018 | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Danger zone full romantic HD Hot song | Srigandha Devathe | Kannada Movie 2018 | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 4:00.


Rail Fence Block | Sampler Sew Along | Whitney Sews - Duration: 4:34.

hi everyone I'm Whitney and I post

videos here on my channel to help

sewers of all skill levels learn new

projects and techniques this video is

part of my sampler sew along its a block

of the month style series where I'm

sharing it twelve different traditional

quilt blocks so that we can make a

sampler style quilt together from start

to finish if you found this video at

random and want to know more about the

sampler sew along as well as see the

blocks that you've missed up to this

point there is a link in the description

box for the sampler sew along playlist and

also make sure to hit that red

subscription button down below so that

you are subscribed and you don't miss

out on the upcoming sampler so long

blocks as well today's quilt book is

called rail fence and it was designed to

look like the historic zigzag wooden

fences as a single block this one does

look a little bit strange but if you

decide to make it into an entire quilt

it does look really nice and has a bold

zigzag design on the diagonal if you do

decide to go with an entire quilt you

need three different fabrics a dark a

medium and a light and you will need one

strip from each fabric for however many

blocks you want to do so if you want to

make a 12-block quilt you need 12 strips

from your dark 12 from your medium and

12 from your light or you can use a

pre-cut jelly roll and just divide it up

into darks medians and lights and you

will have different colors for each

block but that is a really cool look as

well so to get started making one block

for our sampler sew along you will need

one two and a half inch by with a fabric

strip from three different complementary

colors if you decided to use fat

quarters for your sampler sew along just

cut two strips from each of your three

colors lay the three strips out in order

from darkest to lightest

flip the top strip over onto the next


lining up the long edges sew them

together with a quarter inch seam

allowance feel free to add a few sewing

clips or pins to hold the long strips


open the piece up and lay the third

strip on with right sides together so

all the way down the long side to attach

it as well give the entire piece a good

press so the seam allowances are going

up toward the darker fabrics use a ruler

and rotary cutter to trim the piece down

to four squares of six and a half inches

if you are using fat quarters you will

have two units at this point so cut two

squares for each

lay out the squares as shown like I

mentioned earlier as a single block the

layout does look a little odd now on to

sewing the block together flip the first

square on to the second so they are

right sides together and so to attach

press the seam allowance toward these

vertical strips

repeat for the second pair pressing

again toward the vertical strips then

lay the top half and the bottom half

right sides together and sew to attach

press the final seam and the block is

complete it should measure 12 and a half

by 12 and a half inches right now and

will be 12 inches when sewn into the

finished quilt

take a picture of your block and make

sure to share it with the #SamplerSewAlong

or go ahead and tag me

and the picture so that I can see it

because I love seeing what everyone has

been making for these so long then go

ahead and pick out your fabrics for the

next block that is shown here on the

screen in gray as I mentioned earlier

there's a playlist full of all these

sampler so long videos and that is

linked right over here to the side and

until next time happy sewing

For more infomation >> Rail Fence Block | Sampler Sew Along | Whitney Sews - Duration: 4:34.


Stocks With Ex Dividend Dates This Week Sept 10-14, PSA, ADP, PB, PKG, THG - Check It Out! - Duration: 21:57.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning

into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're gonna be

covering stocks with ex dividends next

week so every week on Wednesday we go

over stocks that have ex dividends

coming up next week we pick five stocks

that have strengths strong financials

here we'll go over the the screening

process but I have five stocks for you

guys take a sample PSA which is public

storage ticker symbol ADP automatic data

processing ticker symbol P be prosperity

bank shares ticker symbol P kg which is

packaging Corp of America and then th G

which is the hand over an Insurance

Group so a variety of stocks coming up

this week now what I screen these stocks

for this week is initially yields

greater than 1.5 if you're investing


you'll make back a dollar 50 or more

depending on your investment I want all

these stocks to have rising revenue net

income free cash flow moving positively

over the last five years and the last 10

years their price price-to-earnings

currently in the future it's expected

their forward price of earnings is

expected to decrease meaning that

they're becoming more profitable so less

than the current p/e and then next

year's earnings per share are growing

they're gonna be growing their revenue

their earnings and then in comparison to

the current year earnings per share and

then of course I like to see that

they've grown their dividends for the

last five plus years one of the stocks

actually two of the stocks in the list

today have grown their dividends for 10

plus years and then of course in the

data we discussed the dividend dates

price comparison to yield P comparison

to the industry the payout ratio

dividend history and a few other

statistics so that's we're gonna be

covering today these stocks are all

ordered by the ex-dividend dates between

September 10th and September 14th which

is coming up next week and of course if

you are brand new to the channel I do

make stock market finance and real

estate related videos weekly so if you

enjoy any of that go ahead and hit the

subscribe button and I will have this

article in the description below and

also in the comments section so stock

number one ticker symbol PSA it's a

public storage and real estate

investment trust it's a REIT that deals

with public storage I know a lot of

people to get into real estate they're

looking at public storage right now it's

able to survive the downturns and the


so this REIT owns and operates self

storage facilities in United States and

Europe the company operates in three

segments domestic self storage segment

Arab self storage and commercial there

ex-dividend is the eleventh of September

which is next Tuesday you would then get

paid out only 29th of September so here

their ten-year chart basically what I

like to kind of showcase is if you take

their dividend growth their price of

revenue divided by ten and that gives

you your change per year you know on

average so here a dividend for example

it's up two hundred and sixty three

percent over the last ten years so if

you were to divide 263 by ten you're

looking at them increase in their

dividend payout by twenty six percent

looks like they had a special pad over

here so this could be a slightly off and

you can see here for the most part they

had some very steady increases here in

the past and just recently have been

raising their dividends between fifteen

and sixteen by a very large amount and

then here a little bit periodic between

17 and 18 we looks like there hasn't

been a hike so far so there should be

they should be due to increase their

dividend here very shortly here are

their price up one hundred and thirty

nine percent over the last ten years

that puts them at around a thirteen

point nine percent average per year

revenue free cash flow net income all

growing at a steady double-digit growth

so everything's over five percent

they're on average per here so very

steady just nice and growth there is a

REIT now this is their one your chart

information here

they payout two dollars per share each

quarter putting them at eight dollars

per share for the entire year they're

currently priced at two hundred and

thirteen dollars and have a current

dividend yield of 3.75 here I have their

information here as well they have a

current p/e ratio of twenty nine point

six eight and a forward p/e at twenty

eight point nine seven their price the

sales is at a 13

Oh point six eight in their price to

book as eighty seven point six so when

charted it does show the current stock

does have a higher yield to price so


the yield for the average here you can

see that the yield for a time back in

early January February timeframe when we

had that ten fifteen percent pullback

the yield had actually exceeded 4.25

percent was actually up here maybe in

the four point three but it has pulled

back price has came out of those lows

and we can see here that we're right

about uh you know right about valued

with the yield slightly training above

the current price so I would say that

this stock is either undervalued or at a

value by right now just looking at that

number alone you know that that doesn't

paint the whole picture now stock is

above the industry average of twenty six

point three and it's also sitting in

above the S&P 500 average of twenty five

point ten currently so the stock is

currently trading at a twenty nine point

six eight and it's not expected to drop

below the industry or the S&P 500

putting it at fairly expensive here I

don't have any comparables to it so it's

really hard to do comparables but just

comparing it to the industry average in

the S&P 500 it is slightly over valued

for that position so it is sitting above

sixty percent payout ratio it's a wreath

they're designed to pay out a little bit

more normally you know ninety percent of

their earnings are paid out to their

shareholders to avoid taxes and such so

this one does have a payout ratio right

now of seventy six percent and they've

grown their dividend for the past eight

years their price to book value as we've

seen is seven point six which is above

3.0 where value investors would consider

it a value but it's all due to the

comparable do you have to just look at

comparables but right now I'm just kind

of looking at the price to yield p/e

slight you know very high if you had

bought the stock during that downturn in

February you would be a very nice amount

you would have locked in a very healthy

yield and you'd be sitting you know

pretty nice looking stock right now but

right now look looks about valued at

this current time second stock here we

have ticker symbol ADP automatic data

processes and products processing is

a sourcing company that provides

technology-based outsourcing solutions

to employees vehicle retailers and

manufacturers it operates in three

segments employee services professional

employer organization services and

dealer services a lot of companies they

use ADP for the human resources you know

to log in to payroll I've done that at

both of my past jobs and my current job

we have we use ADP for our processing so

here they're ex-dividend a is on the

13th of September that is next Thursday

you have to buy this one on Wednesday or

prior you then get that dividend payout

on the first of October so again

tan your chart here you can see that

their price has came up extremely high

here twenty two hundred and twenty seven

percent over the last ten years and a

lot of the growth is here just within

the last few years so on average if you

had invest in the stock for the past ten

years you would be up nearly twenty two

point seven percent on average every

single year or two hundred and twenty

seven percent on your initial investment

right back after that crash of 2008

their dividend they've increased it on

average by thirteen point seven and

again their revenue free cash flow net

income has also positive over the last

ten years moving up here in the double

digits not as fast as growth but this is

a larger company I believe they do have

a larger market cap then the storage

company so here looking at their

one-year charter adp pays out sixty nine

cents per share each quarter they're

currently priced at forty six dollars

they have shot up extremely high after

that pull back in february you can see

here they were trading at a hundred and

ten dollars they had actually you know

hit 110 broke out hit a hundred and ten

again and then went from straight a

hundred and ten dollars to a hundred and

forty six dollars now and their yield i

own this stock back in 2013 our 2017 I'm

sorry and I had you know I had this

locked in out of two or three percent

yields a very healthy yield now you're

currently yielding a one point seven

three so I would say the stock is highly

overvalued at this current time PE ratio

is sitting at a thirty nine point eight

three expected to drop with earnings to

a twenty eight point to it's price to

book is at an eighteen point four

9 and it's price of sales that a 4.8 so

right now I would say this is a very

expensive stock so when charted does

show the current stock does have a

higher price over yield which would

indicate it may be overvalued at this

time the stock is above the industry

average of 27.2 it's also above the S&P

500 average of 25 point 10 again setting

nearly at that thirty nine point nine or

forty point one depending on where

you're getting these numbers I pulled

them off you know why charts and

Morningstar so dividend yield around

that one point eight nine one point

seven three annualized pale they pout

two dollars and seventy six cents per

share or 69 cents Keats share each share

each quarter they have a fifty three

point three payout ratio which is very

healthy and have been growing and

increasing and paying out those

dividends for forty three years so for

the past 43 years they've not only paid

out a dividend but they've also

increased a year over year over year

stock number three we have PB this is

prosperity Bank shares provides

financial products and services to small

and medium-sized businesses and the

consumers in Texas it operates you know

throughout Texas here I'm not going to

read all the areas off but it's

primarily in Texas they're ex-dividend

date is again next Thursday on the 13th

they would pay out on the first of

October this talk has had quite a bit of

growth here you can see their price here

in the orange they're up nearly twelve

percent on average per year their

largest number here is the net income go

up twenty six point eight percent on

average per year that's pretty normal

for a bank you know we've been in some

prosperous times coming out of 2010 that

was one of their worst periods they have

came out of those lows and this company

is actually all in the triple digits so

their growth and net income free cash

flow and revenue is actually in the

triple digits instead of the double

digits we've seen in the past so looking

at their one-year chart information here

they pout 36 cents per share each

quarter or dollar 44 per share the

entire year they're currently priced at

seventy five dollars and nine cents they

have a dividend yield here at one point

eight nine which is actually it looks

like it's pretty

you know below where it normally was

here in the past you could have bought

this at a 2.25 back in September 2017

pre e rate down city 90 seventeen point

nine two forward two years at he's

sixteen point three one you're getting

it with a price of sales at a seven

point zero any price to book as a one

point three three their price the book

does look actually pretty healthy but

all there are other numbers here that

prices ran up from you know sixty sixty

dollar points within there now up to $65

point and their yield has dropped not

quite as you know as low as in the past

here if you bought it in February their

price had actually shot up where many

other stocks had actually fallen during

that February March period this stock

was actually at its highest peak back in

February in March before falling back


so when Charter does show the current

stock does have a higher price over

yield which may indicate it may be over

diet at this time the stock is above the

industry average of sixteen point two

and sitting below the sp500 average of

twenty five point ten as a PE Raina of

seventeen point nine two the dividend

yield on average right around one point

ninety one point eight nine depending on

the price on that day annualized pale

again a dollar forty four per share each

year or thirty six cents per share each

quarter they have a very low pay out

ratio of thirty one point two and have

been growing and paying out dividends

for the past fourteen years

so ADP recession-proof multiple

recessions this one here it's gone

through the past recession but it looks

like you know if you go back fourteen


that puts it at two thousand four so

check out their history to see if they

had just started paying out dividends

back in two thousand four and I just

continue to pay out dividends through

that downturn that would be something to

look at the number fourth sock is ticker

symbol pkg the packaging corporate

America they produce cardboard and

coagulated products in United States

they're ex-dividend it is on Thursday

the 13th of September they would pay out

on the 15th of October so quite you know

a couple weeks there in between

ex-dividend and payout this one triple

digits and all of their numbers dividend


price revenue free cash flow net income

if you look at the price they're up 32%

32.5% on average every single year or

three hundred and twenty five percent

over the past ten years very healthy you

know you know it's you know the dividend

you know sixteen point three percent on

average free per year it looks like they

did maybe have a dividend cut here or

something went on here back in 2008 and

nine it looks like they did cut their

dividend they have had dividend growth

for the past out of the year so it looks

like they did cut their dividend back

during that downturn but then increase

that on average about sixteen point

three percent over you know

year-over-year and they've had solid

returns as far as net income rich free

cash flow and revenue as far as their

tenure go there so looking at their

one-year information here let's go ahead

and scroll their stay payout seventy

nine cents per share each quarter or

three dollars and sixteen cents per

share each year they're currently priced

at a hundred and nine dollars and 22

cents one of the lower points here you

can see here for the past year their

current yield is at a 2.45 so this right

now if you're buying and looking at the

stock you're buying the stock right now

at a hundred and nine dollars which for

the year is that its lowest point you're

also locking in one of the highest

fields here at 2.45 a p/e at fourteen

point zero seven forward p/e at thirteen

point seven three price to book at four

point three then price of sales at one

point five so this one just kind of

looking at you know yield so win charted

dish of the current stock does have a

higher yield of a price which would

indicate it may be under buy it at this

time the stock is actually above the

industry average is twelve point seven

sitting at a fourteen point zero seven

it is sitting below the sp500 average of

twenty five point ten it is sitting

below sixty percent payout ratio

dividend growth for the past seven years

so looking at the the numbers wise you

know dividend yield you know one of its

highest points for the past year you

would lock in currently a 2.45 forward

p/e is expected to fall earnings per

share are expected to rise

that's why I kind of added this one in

the group they have a very their price

the book has actually been going down

and their price of sales remains about

that same so that is ticker symbol P K G

and in the fifth sock here is ticker

symbol th G this is a Hanover Insurance


they underwrite personal commercial

property and casualty insurance coverage

in the United States that operates in

three segments personal lines commercial

lines and other property and casualties

casualty so ex-dividend is on 13

September which is next Thursday you'd

have to buy this stock on Wednesday or

prior you would then get paid out on the

28th of September this one you can see

their net income has grown up over a

thousand percent their one point zero

1000% their price is up two hundred and

thirty five percent well it doesn't look

like much here you can see here it

almost looks like a flat line here on

the right but they had to make room for

this ginormous net income that they've

grown so this kind of throws out all

these little numbers here it makes it

look much flatter than it is if we had

actually taken this line out their net

income their free cash flow would be

much higher currently than their revenue

and their dividend growth so dividend

growth very small growth maybe two

percent on average P here so most of

them they're just basically like a

dividend growth company where they don't

they may not pay out as much so they're

currently sitting at a one point seven

six so anything with a yield around one

point five one point seven you know

those dividend yields a lot of those

companies are growth companies they have

a lot of growth potential they reinvest

a lot of their earnings back into their

company you can see payout ratio twenty

five percent payout to their

shareholders seventy five percent of

their earnings are reinvested back into

the company growing their net income

their revenue their free cash flow

building up their company this is more

of a growth dividend company so you

would just buy it expect that growth you

know depending on their financials and

how it kind of plays out in the future

but then you'd also get paid out some

dividends along the way so we're looking

at their one-year chart they pout fifty

four cents per share

each quarter or two dollars and sixteen

cents per share each year they're

currently priced at one hundred and

twenty-two dollars with a yield of 1.7

to 1.76 their current de ratio is twenty

three point zero six which has been

coming down and their forward p/e is at

a fourteen point two nine their price to

book is eighty one point seven seven

this is you know financial insurance

company so price the book I always like

to see it between that one point three

one point seven range and price the

sales right now is at a point nine

so when charted it does show the current

stock does have a higher pricee over

yield which would it make it may be over

died at this time the stock is above the

industry average of 18.9 it's sitting at

a twenty one point o twenty three point

six so I put in twenty one point four so

have to correct that but look at their

forward p/e is that he fourteen point

two nine their earnings a while I did

including here we won't check that right

now but their earnings are expected to

grow this one does look like a pretty

good growth company here price the book

at a one point seven seven which is

above which is below 3.0 or value

investors was considered eight value so

stock while it is currently trading

eighty twenty three point zero six in

the future the p/e is expected to fall

to a fourteen point two nine their

earnings are expected to grow very nice

right now and dividend gild one point

seven six percent annualized payout 2.16

payout ratio twenty five point one and

dividend growth for the past six years

so those are all the stocks that have

ex-dividend x tweaked if you guys had to

pick one single stock here which one

would you guys pick would you guys pick

a public storage ticker symbol PSA would

you guys pick adp the automatic data

processing company would you pick pv

prosperity banking would you p pick PKG

which is packaging corporate america or

would you pick the hannover insurance

company i've you know while this one may

not be currently valued i do see

potential for this one continuing to

rise I would say that hand

over is a good growth dividend potential

but if you're looking for a value by an

opportunity right now I would say that

the value by in this list is probably

the packaging Corp but of course it does

require more information their revenue

free cash flow net income up triple

digits their price their dividend growth

all looks very nice you're currently

locking in at a two point four five

percent yield with a current price tag

of one hundred and nine dollars this

looks very inexpensive when you look at

price to book price of sales in

comparison to its history and you're

buying it with you know seven years of

dividend growth they may cut it in the


but at the same time they may not they

have a very low pay out ratio at thirty

nine point eight so my pick for value

would be pkg and my pick for growth

would be thg so hopefully you guys have

enjoyed that little snippet I wrote of

course I'm not a financial advisor or

tax professional the information

provided is my opinion for entertainment

and fun this is not this is just me as a

financial investor trying up others make

the money work for them and of course I

don't own any one of these stocks so no

big disclaimer there I used to own ADP

but it's very expensive now and would

not buy into it right now but that is it

for this guy's video if you guys did

enjoy the video hit the thumbs up button

below I highly appreciate it leave a

comment section below as to what stock

you would pick an ad or you know not add

to your portfolio which one would you

recommend as a value my and which one

would you recommend as a growth dividend

stock let me know in the comment section

below and thank you guys for tuning in I

will see you next time

have a great day bye

For more infomation >> Stocks With Ex Dividend Dates This Week Sept 10-14, PSA, ADP, PB, PKG, THG - Check It Out! - Duration: 21:57.


Horóscopo hoy, 5 de septiembre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo hoy, 5 de septiembre de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.


Làng lá phiêu lưu ký - Thử vận may vào giờ cuối của sự kiện và cái kết bất ngờ #BảoNhưTV #Lànglá - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Làng lá phiêu lưu ký - Thử vận may vào giờ cuối của sự kiện và cái kết bất ngờ #BảoNhưTV #Lànglá - Duration: 5:00.


[TEASER]- Un trip en SUÈDE ! (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:38.

That was a trip that we were waiting for a long time

Next stop Sweden

first stop, Stockholm and its incredible light

Then, we will be fishing in the southern archipelago, yet preserved

For more infomation >> [TEASER]- Un trip en SUÈDE ! (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:38.


He is my EVERYTHING? (Relationship Advice) - Duration: 4:07.

The quality of our life depends on the quality of our relationships but the marriages now are

under more stress than they ever historically have been with a divorce

rates being about 50% for the first marriage and about 65% for the second

marriage. What marriage looks like today is

dramatically different from what it looked like about 70 years ago. So today

we're going to begin by looking at some of the reasons how marriage has changed

and how that impacts us.

So throughout history people did not marry for love at all and so if love grew and that

was like cherry on top but love and desire was not the reason for marriage

like he is now.

If you became a divorcee then you were socially

outcasted and so you know fortunately now we have choices, choices and voices

that we never have had and that is really shaking up society and rightly so.

So what's happening now is that not only do we have the

traditional expectations of what manages to once provide like security and stability

and lineage but now as we are becoming more lonely we're expecting our spouses

to meet all of our needs. So as the relationship expert Esther Perel states

we're asking one person to give us what a whole village used to provides us so

we want our spouses to be our best friend, our therapist, the one who supports

your dreams, the one who understands everything you say and mean, you're passionate lover,

your confidence, and then soon putting too much pressure on our spouses, men and

women and when they don't fulfill all of those roles we get upset. They say that

an average person can only turn to 1 or 1.5 people in crisis and so we don't

have enough people in our lives and we're making a mistake of turning to our

spouses for everything. So there's so much to say about marriage and

relationships but if there is one nugget that I would like you to take away from this

episode will be that you don't have to share every experience with your partner

they don't have to understand every part of you, people have different levels of

growth and understanding and interests and patterns. So for example if you want

to be more adventurous and your partner doesn't, that doesn't mean that you're

not compatible it might mean that you need to meet your need for exploration with

somebody else, like your best friend or say if you love to talk about your the

details of your work for hours but you're where your partner doesn't

understand that could mean that you need to find somebody else like a co-worker

so then you can go for a lunch date with and you know talk for hours or whatever

and so you know we're created as social human beings who really need to be part

of a group and so putting too much pressure on the institution of marriage

which it really wasn't created to hold could really definitely cause to crack it.

We were created as social human beings who really need to be part of a

group and so putting too much pressure on the institution of marriage which really

it was not created to hold can definitely cause it to crack because not

one person can be your everything.

For more infomation >> He is my EVERYTHING? (Relationship Advice) - Duration: 4:07.


The Dogs of Tupac, Peru & My Lost Love | A Life Story | Koaw Nature - Duration: 9:35.

Alright B, you want to hear a story man?


Alright. So this is about the dogs of Tupac

which is a mercado in Peru and…

my lost love.

You never got to meet her but

they kind of intertwine.

Storytime on Koaw Nature.

[theme music]

[upbeat string music]

So last year when I was in Peru,

I went there in August.


we went to the mountain district of Mache

which is this beautiful, bucolic area with

a lot of potato farming and red-soiled mountains.

It was just a real lovely place.

And I was up there with my buddy Michael

and his family was up there for a reunion, sort of.

[indistinct chattering in Spanish]

And one day we went to go climb this mountain called Mira Mar.

But what was also unique and what I also love about Peru are these—

they have dogs just wandering the streets down there.

It's not like the United States.

They have a lot of strays

and a lot of people have their dogs

that they just let roam the streets or the mountains.

It doesn't matter if it's the city or a rural setting.

So this one day, we're just climbing this mountain

and this little dog decides to join us.

And it's just like this little dog came along

and climbed an entire mountain with us.

[inspirational music]

[heavy breathing]

She got little burs in her fur. We picked them out.


As this dog was climbing the mountain,

I also noticed that Michael's cousin,

this beautiful, young woman

was climbing a mountain in a designer coat and jeans.

And so that's when she caught my eye.

Fast-forward to a little later.

[sentimental music]

I started to get to know this woman.

This beautiful young architect—crafty, clever.

I got to know her more on this trip.

And we ended up going to a vacation she planned to go north.

We went to Núro and I got to swim with some turtles with her.

And, uh...

And it was just amazing—

I was falling in love with this girl.

And so I told her, "I have to get to know you better—I have to."

And so I went back in October

and this is where the dogs of Tupac come into play.

And so I lived with her for a few weeks and every day—

pretty much every day—we'd go to this market near her house called Tupac.

So in Tupac, it's this mercado

where people are selling all sorts of things from

knock off designer clothing to

fresh produce or

they have the butcher markets or knock off CDs.

It's where people do their thing.

But in this market, I just noticed these dogs that were going around.

So I started to film them—I had to.

It was just very interesting how these dogs and the humans

formed a symbiotic relationship.

And that's just a relationship where they are sort of depending on each other

either for companionship

or it's to keep the rats away

or individual stalls are having their dogs kind of do a patrol.

So it was just fascinating to see some dogs that were obviously strays...

I started giving them little names—

I'd be like, "That's Eddy right there.

That's Germaine.

That's Roxanne."

And I'd start to recognize the dogs from day-to-day.

I'd be like, "Hey, Pauly. How you doing today?"

And the dogs would actually, ya know,

they'd recognize me because I was kinda filming them.

But I mean—you'd have the juice lady.

I'd get a fresh-squeezed orange juice.

You could get a fresh-squeezed orange juice, right in front of you,

for like twenty-five cents U.S..

[calming music]

This was the day-to-day of all these people.

Most people spent their lives in this market. It's what they do.

People—a lot of people like the girl I was seeing would go there

and they'd buy their fresh produce.

They'd buy what they needed

and they'd take these little combis home or these little

three-wheeled motorcycles.

And the dogs would be there right there alongside of them

barking in the street or chasing cars.

And the dogs had their own little agendas as well.

They had to keep track of each other

and make sure their own little system was working.

So B, when you think of nature—

when you think of a very dense city:

concrete, cars, honking,

you don't really think of nature do you?

And I think that's something we need to—as a generation—

we need to start looking past.

We have to realize that we humans are a part of nature whether we are in a city—

whether we're in a place like this.

We humans have changed the globe so significantly

that if we start to consider nature as all that is untouched by humans—

all that humans have not manipulated or affected in some way then

there's hardly a place on this planet that we could think of. --That's true.

For me it was one of the best times of my life

because even though I wasn't in a setting like this where I—

this is where I'm comfortable the most.

—with the birds singing,

with the frogs going 'bloop'—well I can't do it—on the shore.

This is comfortable.

But to see the interactions in the market in Tupac was great.

To share that experience with her, the woman, that was a great time too.

She dumped me with a text message.

[hearty laughter]

Ya know it was a great time.

I wish her the best and she'll have an amazing future.

And I just hope my little homies,

those little perritos in Tupac,

are watching her and taking care of her

as she buys her produce every day and all that.

Yeah. They say—ya know it's the question:

'Is it better to have loved and lost

or to have never loved at all?'

And I think after we deal with heartache of love and losing it—

that's very strenuous—

but it's almost a privilege to just have someone like that

and that feeling for a while, right?

I send the best wishes to my perrito homies in Peru

as well as well as my Homo sapiens sapiens friends.

And thank you for listening to my story. I appreciate it.

Alright good luck fishing. Let's get of here.

Let's go to a better spot. How 'bout that?

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