Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

"Nightcore Music"

For more infomation >> 【NightCore】→ Flight + Zero Miz Kun avee player template | Nightcored By Zirix | - Duration: 3:12.


Syed Irfan Shah Mashadi Haq Chaar Yaar Conference 2018 || Irfan Shah Vs Shia - Duration: 8:18.






For more infomation >> Syed Irfan Shah Mashadi Haq Chaar Yaar Conference 2018 || Irfan Shah Vs Shia - Duration: 8:18.


TORNOZELO Treino de Marcha (impulso) Mobilização Articular MULLIGAN MWM Fisioterapia Dr Robson Sitta - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> TORNOZELO Treino de Marcha (impulso) Mobilização Articular MULLIGAN MWM Fisioterapia Dr Robson Sitta - Duration: 5:21.


Куклы ЛОЛ lol boy lol surprise лол шары распаковка unicorn lol видео для детей лол декодер мультик - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Куклы ЛОЛ lol boy lol surprise лол шары распаковка unicorn lol видео для детей лол декодер мультик - Duration: 7:34.


Nightcore - Cancer - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Cancer - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.



For more infomation >> TOP 6 PERFECT TIMING FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE - Duration: 2:41.


Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - Promises (Cover by Hai Ha) - Duration: 3:33.

Are you drunk enough?

Not to judge what I'm doin'

Are you high enough?

To excuse that I'm ruined

'Cause I'm ruined

Is it late enough?

For you to come and stay over

'Cause we're free to love

So tease me, hoo

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)


(Your everything tonight)

Is it loud enough?

'Cause my body is calling for you, calling for you

I need someone, to do the things that I do

I'm heating up, energy's taking control

I'm speeding up

My heartbeat's dancing alone

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)


(Your everything tonight)

'Cause I need your green light

Day and night, say that you're mine

'Cause I need your green light

Day and night, say that you're mine


Say that you're mine


Say that you're mine

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)

I make no promises

I can't do golden rings

But I'll give you everything (tonight)

Magic is in the air

There ain't no science here

So come get your everything (tonight)

For more infomation >> Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - Promises (Cover by Hai Ha) - Duration: 3:33.


1.1: Code! Programming for Beginners with p5.js - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> 1.1: Code! Programming for Beginners with p5.js - Duration: 13:11.


Лучшая бизнес мотивация | Женщины в бизнесе | История успеха Mary Kay Ash - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Лучшая бизнес мотивация | Женщины в бизнесе | История успеха Mary Kay Ash - Duration: 5:41.


Sadhguru explains Body-based Relationships Don't Last Longer || Self Realization and Brahmacharya || - Duration: 4:14.

namaskaram everybody knows the sweetness

of relationships but there is also a lot

of sourness unfortunately today we have

imbibed this from the West again that if

you are to the word relationship people

are generally thinking of body based

relationships or in some way it has to

be between a man and a woman or whatever

else but essentially body based

relationship no relationships can be of

many kinds if their body based

relationships usually the excitement

about each of this body will die after

sometime what you thought was ultimately

is not ultimate after sometime it is

natural that you begin to grow out of it

then when the main draw which brought

people together is kind of melting away

without knowing why they start being

unpleasant to each other because

essentially such a relationship is

towards extracting sweetness from

another person extracting happiness from

another person so if you tries to

squeeze joy out of somebody after some

time you find when it doesn't eat the

same results as it used to heal the

beginning some bitterness will begin it

is important when you're young certain

things may happen as you that growing

older when I say older from yesterday to

today you're older so today you must be

thinking in terms of that relationships

that you hold in your life not

necessarily in terms of biological

relationships any kind of relationship

that you hold

if relationship is based on your

expression of joy not on extraction of

joy for this you must become joyful by

your own nature first of all if you

focus on this that you are an exuberant

overflow of joy if it is so and

relationship is only about sharing this

then you don't have to worry about the

normal circus that people go through in

terms of relationships managing

relationships means in day to day life a

relationship may not stay just in one

area of life once people are together

they will have to share many things

naturally you will start stepping on

each of those toes for many many small

things that happen because of this there

will be many interactions or you can

even call them all altercations they

will happen all this you cannot manage

on a daily basis people think they can

manage after sometime you will see you

cannot manage so the best thing is to

manage yourself in such a way that you

are a natural exuberant joyful being if

this is so relationships will happen and

relationships will not be need-based

when relationships are need-based if

what you need does not come you will

start cribbing you will start

complaining and you will start feeling

bitter that what you are supposed to get

you are not getting if you eliminate

this need within you that you are a

natural overflow of joy if this one

thing you do you can have fabulous

relationship with every kind of people

irrespective of who they are they don't

have to be your kind with all sorts of

people you can hold wonderful

relationships when you have the most

beautiful relationships in your life


For more infomation >> Sadhguru explains Body-based Relationships Don't Last Longer || Self Realization and Brahmacharya || - Duration: 4:14.


(OFFICIAL TRAILER) ANANSI Episode 18, Season 2 |Miraculous| - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> (OFFICIAL TRAILER) ANANSI Episode 18, Season 2 |Miraculous| - Duration: 0:30.


Meghan Markle viene con un elegante traje negro con el Príncipe Harry en la ceremonia de caridad - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle viene con un elegante traje negro con el Príncipe Harry en la ceremonia de caridad - Duration: 3:24.


New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #132 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #132 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:20.


FELICIDADE - Porque é tão difícil permanecer Feliz? - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> FELICIDADE - Porque é tão difícil permanecer Feliz? - Duration: 5:44.


Banned Horror Movies That Were Too Disturbing - Duration: 10:30.

Horror movies are all about pushing boundaries, taking audiences and ratings boards to the

very limit of what they can stomach.

Some films have been so hardcore that entire countries have taken steps to ban them from

their theaters, in some cases making screening or possessing them a criminal act.

Sometimes you can see the rationale behind a movie being banned, but not always.

For one reason or another, these horror films were all battlegrounds for censorship, deemed

too disturbing for viewers… but they still managed to find their audiences anyway.

A Serbian Film

A Serbian Film has a reputation as one of the most extreme horror movies ever made,

and it's a reputation that's well-earned.

Centering on an adult film actor who's been hired to participate in an increasingly sadistic

production, the story is meant to be a metaphor for life in Serbia, conveying how the country

screws its people over from birth.

That metaphor gets very literal, being represented on screen by torture, murder, necrophilia,

and other, even worse things.

With that kind of taboo content, it's far from surprising that a large number of countries

wanted nothing to do with the movie.

At one point or another, A Serbian Film was banned in Germany, Norway, Brazil, Australia,

New Zealand, Malaysia, Spain, and Singapore, and the countries that eventually allowed

the movie required significant edits.

The movie is so extreme that it's almost gotten people thrown in real-life prison.

Following A Serbian Film's ban in Spain, the director of a film festival faced criminal

charges for daring to show the movie anyway, a move which drew condemnation from the film's


Despite how violent the film is, it uses its extreme violence to make a point, and of course,

no children were actually harmed during the making of it.

A Serbian Film may be one of the most boundary-pushing movies ever made, but it's still just a movie,

and as a horror movie, it's pretty genuinely effective.

Saw VI & Saw 3D

The Saw series of horror movies was sadistic from the start, but weirdly, it wasn't until

the sixth entry that any country made moves to ban them.

For some reason, Saw VI was initially banned from Thailand and Spain, with Spanish regulators

giving the film a rating usually reserved for pornography.

It's an odd move, considering the sixth movie doesn't do anything the previous five didn't

already get away with.

The follow-up picture, alternatively called Saw 3D, Saw 7, or Saw: The Final Chapter,

was also banned from public exhibition in Germany for its violence.

But what makes that movie more violent than the installments that preceded it is a mystery.

The seventh Saw movie was kind of a cornball gimmicky sequel lousy enough to put the franchise

into hibernation for years.

Hostel & Hostel: Part II

Lots of European commentators had an issue with the first Hostel for making the continent

seem like a lethal tourist trap.

But it was only in Ukraine that the movie pushed enough buttons to get itself banned.

Both Hostel and its sequel were outlawed in the country for excessive cruelty, as well

as for portraying the neighborhood as a place where tourists get tortured for money.

Despite the ban, the movie is still legally available for private viewing, just don't

let them catch you screening it in the front yard.

Beyond Ukraine, the uncut version of Hostel: Part II is banned in Germany and New Zealand,

and the film was only released in Malaysia and Singapore after undergoing cuts to its

more extreme scenes.

Some politicians in the U.K. have also argued that the film should be illegal, a crusade

made extra absurd by the fact that at least one politician who spoke out against the movie

eventually admitted that he'd never even watched it.

It's a fact that speaks to how arbitrary these censorship measures often are, one viewer's

trash is another audience's trashy good time.


Possession is one of the best and most bonkers horror movies ever made, but that doesn't

mean everyone was comfortable with its content when it was released in 1981.

Following a limited theatrical run in the U.K., Possession was labeled as a distasteful

"video nasty" and effectively banned for a decade, not getting released on home video

in uncut form until 1999.

The movie also had a difficult time getting an uncut release in the United States.

While it was never formally banned, the original U.S. release was heavily edited, resulting

in a number of different versions being circulated with dramatic variations.

One version notoriously cut out an astonishing 40 minutes, rearranging scenes and adding

optical effects that turned an already challenging movie into something all-but-impossible to


It wasn't until 2000 that the original version became widely available in the U.S., which

is shocking, considering the movie's relatively tame nature.

While its plot may feel like a fever dream, it's no more violent or graphic than other

horror movies of the era.

It's just a lot weirder.

Land of the Dead

Banning a movie instantly makes it more notorious.

Most authorities tend to do it only in extreme circumstances, with movies so extreme that

they'd test the mettle of even the most jaded viewer.

So it's odd that a relatively tame studio effort like George Romero's Land of the Dead

ended up being banned in Ukraine, especially when more typically-restrictive places like

the U.K. classified the movie as being suitable for teenagers.

The movie's ban in Ukraine comes down to unique context; specifically, it was banned for its

portrayal of cannibalism.

Not because its scenes of humans getting devoured were especially gory, but rather due to concerns

that such content would evoke memories of the Holodomor, a man-made famine that killed

millions when it was inflicted on the nation by Joseph Stalin's government between 1932

and '33.

The reason behind the ban raises more questions than it answers.

Land of the Dead was released in 2005, some 72 years after the events of the genocide,

and doesn't have anything to do with famine or Soviet history.

You can almost see the rationale, but is a zombie movie that takes place in post-apocalyptic

Pennsylvania really going to be the thing that opens those old wounds?

It's one of George Romero's worst movies, sure, but it's not that bad.


2009's Grotesque is a 73-minute exploitation horror movie from Japan that focuses chiefly

on the kidnapping and sadistic murder of a young couple.

That's it.

Nothing else happens.

Grotesque is the dictionary definition of torture porn.

The U.K.'s film classification board refused to put any stamp of approval on the film,

stating that the movie actually posed a risk to society.

Running down the movie's main offenses, the censors cited acts of "amputation, eye gouging,

castration, and evisceration resulting in a gory and violent death", in other words,

a typical horror movie fan's definition of a fun Friday night.

The lack of a traditional narrative only bolstered the board's decision to reject the movie,

with their assessment being that the film could not be cut to satisfy their standards

when its very concept was so objectionable.

Grotesque's home country had no such concerns, although the British ban did spark a debate

over the artistic merits of the splatter film.

The controversy brought a wave of new publicity to the movie, suggesting once again that there's

nothing so valuable for a movie's long-term reputation as the allure it gains from being


Father's Day

Described as "pure grindhouse madness," Father's Day is a Canadian horror-comedy about a man

getting revenge on the killer who molested and murdered his father.

The outlandish concept is clearly tongue-in-cheek in execution, not that that mattered to the

Australian government.

Although Father's Day was allowed to screen in Sydney for its 2012 theatrical premiere,

classification was refused for its home video release, resulting in an effective ban on

the movie in the country, with future screenings of it at film festivals being canceled.

With the film banned from a video release, a distributor for Father's Day took Australian

censors to task for taking the movie's content out of context.

After much back-and-forth in the press, the movie was eventually released in 2013, leaving

a censored version that toned down the gore.

Slender Man

Sony Pictures' Slender Man is the first studio movie to be inspired by the online horror

phenomenon, telling the story of a group of teenage girls who seek out the mysterious


At least, that was the plan.

Prior to its release, Slender Man sparked controversy due to its relationship to a real-life

attempted murder that took place near Waukesha, Wisconsin in 2014, when two middle school

students violently attacked their friend in an effort to appease the fictional creature.

In the lead-up to the movie's theatrical rollout, the father of one of the attackers condemned

the movie, accusing its producers of capitalizing on a tragedy, saying,

"In my opinion it's extremely distasteful.

All we're doing is extending the pain all three of these families have gone through."

Reportedly, the negative buzz spooked Sony into dramatically chopping down the movie,

removing much of the film's violence, as well as plot arcs and entire characters.

But for some exhibitors, that self-censorship wasn't enough, with theaters near the site

of the attack refusing to screen the movie at all.

The result of all the drama was an incoherent mess of a movie that got little in the way

of a marketing push, getting poorly-received by just about everyone.

The most puzzling thing is that anyone could have seen the controversy coming from a mile

away, which makes one wonder why producers even tried to make the movie in the first


The Bunny Game

An independent 76-minute movie produced for $13,000, The Bunny Game easily ran afoul of

British censors upon its release in 2010.

Short, slight, and brutal, the movie centers on the kidnapping and torture of a prostitute

hitchhiker by a sadistic truck driver, nothing more, nothing less.

The BBFC refused classification for the movie on the basis of its graphic depictions of

sexual abuse, calling the movie "unacceptable to the public."

The board's decision didn't come down to any one objectionable scene, but rather the movie's

very concept.

According to a statement made by the board,

"The principal focus of the work is the unremitting sexual and physical abuse of a helpless woman,

as well as the sadistic and sexual pleasure the man derive[s] from this."

In short, there may be no version of The Bunny Game that British censors would find acceptable.

On principle alone, that's a pretty big bummer for British fans of the horror genre.

The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)

Despite its notoriously disgusting concept, the first Human Centipede movie has a fairly

traditional feel to it.

Its central idea of kidnapped people being stitched together end-to-end is body horror

more nauseating in concept than in execution, with the movie itself being fairly restrained

when it comes to graphic detail.

That restraint went out the window for the movie's sequel, which went to extreme lengths

to shock and horrify, getting itself banned from several nations upon its release.

Stark and confrontational, The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) hit the throttle on its

use of sadistic, nihilistic violence.

While the first film's villain was a demented surgeon who at least sort of knew what he

was doing, the second movie's villain is just demented, creating his centipede with brute

force and barbed wire.

The film is so bleak and brutal that the British Board of Film Classification outright refused

to give it a rating, saying "no amount of cuts" would make the movie acceptable enough

to be exhibited or sold.

The movie was eventually approved for release in the United Kingdom, but only after having

two and a half minutes of footage cut out.

Australia required 30 seconds' worth of edits, while New Zealand never let the movie screen

at all.

If you missed out on the sequel, you didn't miss much, but it's still so much better than

the third movie in the series, which censors around the world didn't even bother with.

That one's not terribly offensive.

It's more just… terrible.

For more infomation >> Banned Horror Movies That Were Too Disturbing - Duration: 10:30.


Cara Cepat Kaya Dengan Farm Sorcerer Stone (English Sub)🤑 | Growtopia Indonesia - Duration: 11:18.

Hello guys

Welcome back with me, Aipan

In video "How to get rich with farmable"

In this video I will discuss about rival chandelier

That is sorcerer stone

Why did I say rival chandelier?

Because this farmable has same growtime, selling price, and drop gems with chandelier

You can break sorcerer stone 6x hit using pickaxe, and 8x hit with empty hand

I bought 200 seeds for 30 wls

And in this farm there are 2.600 sorcerer trees for 390 wls

I forgot to put growtime, there is 7 days 15 hours, or 183 hours

Let's check the trees and harvest them

We got 9.841 sorcerer block and 120 seeds

Without more bla bla bla, let's go break them


Now let's check the gems and seed we get

Let's take the gems and then sell the seeds

Now let's spend the gems to buy birth certificate and the rest to buy wordlocks

Then let's sell 139 sorcerer seeds and 4 birth certificates

From 2.600 sorcerer stone trees, we can produce 72 wls

We can produce wl more if sorcerer seed's price doesn't drop

But it's okay, still profit guys

So if I compare it, sorcerer and chand are not much different

It's just chand more interested than sorcerer

You can check people that entered in BUYCHAND and BUYSORCERER

Which one do you think is better? answer it in comment

And I will give you more tips about how to get rich with farmable

Request your own farmable in comment section guys

Maybe just it in this video

Hope you guys always profit to get richhhhhhhhhhh

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Cara Cepat Kaya Dengan Farm Sorcerer Stone (English Sub)🤑 | Growtopia Indonesia - Duration: 11:18.


Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter | Full Fight | SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING - Duration: 44:06.



Lennon: I-I-It's Showtime!

[ Crowd cheering ]

Ranallo: It's a big fight with a big-fight atmosphere!



It is beautiful. It is brutal.

It is boxing at its best.


What a fight!


-- Captions by VITAC --

Ranallo: Just over 9,000 fans have congregated here

at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

And we are set for another showdown

in one of the most talent-rich divisions in boxing.

The welterweights about to go at it.

Andre Berto and Shawn Porter

for a chance to challenge Keith Thurman for his WBC title.

[ Bell dings ]

Lennon: All right, fans, here we go with the main event of the evening,

12 rounds of boxing in an eliminator

for the WBC Welterweight Championship of the World.

And now, ladies and gentlemen in attendance and boxing fans

joining us around the world,

live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York,

i-i-it's showtime.

[ Bell dings ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Introducing to you first, on my left,

fighting out of the red corner,

wearing blue trunks with green and yellow trim,

fighting out of Las Vegas, Nevada,

by way of Cleveland, Ohio.

He weighed in at the welterweight limit

of 147 pounds.

With four world title appearances in his career,

his professional record stands

at 26 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw,

with 16 wins coming by way of knockout.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome

the WBC number-three ranked contender

and the former IBF Welterweight Champion of the World,

introducing "Showtime" Shawn Porter!

[ Bell dings ]

And his opponent across the ring, on my right,

fighting out of the blue corner, wearing black and white trunks,

joining us from his home in Winter Haven, Florida.

He weighed in at 146 1/2 pounds.

His record stands at 31 wins, 4 losses,

with 24 wins coming by way of knockout.

A veteran of nine world title bouts,

he is currently ranked the WBC number-four contender.

Please welcome the former IBF, the former WBC

Welterweight Champion of the World,

introducing Andre Berto!

[ Bell dings ]

Once again, our referee in charge,

now to give instructions, is Mark Nelson.

Nelson: Andre, gentlemen, you received

my instructions in the dressing room.

You both know exactly what I expect -- a good, clean fight.

Obey my commands and protest yourself at all times.

Touch 'em up. Good luck to both of you.

Ranallo: Referee Mark Nelson with final instructions.

At the age of 33,

the battle-hardened Andre Berto knows

Father Time could calling at any time.

However, he feels he can still be the cream of the crop,

hence his mantra, "the harvest is coming."

Porter says you're gonna see excitement,

you're gonna see some heavy punches landed,

and ultimately, you're gonna see two great warriors

duke it out and leave their hearts in the ring.

[ Bell dings ]

Lights, camera, and what we hope

will best describe this welterweight showdown --

action -- begins with "Showtime" Shawn Porter

and Andre Berto.

Porter in the blue, green, and yellow.

Berto sports the black and white.

Bernstein: Porter wants to attack carefully

and attack smartly.

He and his father both talked about the fact that they want

to work their way in but not necessarily stay on the inside.

They studied the Floyd Mayweather fight

with Andre Berto, and they talked about taking

a few notes on that fight.

Now, Paulie, do you think that's the right strategy

against a guy like Berto?

Malignaggi: Here's the thing.

I think Porter's best asset is the fact that he pressures

and he throws a lot of punches and he keeps you both mentally

and physically occupied every second of every round.

But a guy like Berto, who has got a sharp

counter uppercut and can punch a little bit,

you want to be leery of that at times.

Of course, having said that, you know,

Keith Thurman was big puncher, and Porter attacked him

and had a lot of success in that fight.

So I think Porter's best asset is to pressure a lot.

If he boxes, it may throw Berto off for a round or two.

But I think your best bet is not to box Berto.

I feel like Berto will be the better boxer.

Well, I have a feeling we're gonna see

a lot of what is transpiring early here, Al,

with human demolition derby --

the boxing version of bumper cars, as they collide.

And it's not always beautiful.

It's sometimes brutal, but it can be effective.

Shawn Porter, former football player in high school,

he started fighting at 165.

'Cause he's football player,

he's strong on the inside.

And you saw him kind of pushing Berto around there.

And Berto comes from, well, a family of fighters.

His father, Dieuseul,

competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

His brother, Edson, was a mixed martial artist.

His sisters.

It's a family of combat sports athletes.

You don't want to get caught in an alleyway against those guys.

No, and at the dinner table, do not reach for food

without knowing it's okay.

Without using your proper etiquette.

A minute left in the opening round.

When this fight was announced,

it was expected that it would be action packed.

And -- Oh!

And Berto with a double jab

that caught the attention of Porter.

And that right there is what I'm saying.

Once Berto starts getting into a timing rhythm,

I'm not sure Porter can outbox him.

But I do think Porter can really make

Berto uncomfortable with a lot of pressure.

As Porter tends to make a lot of other guys

uncomfortable with that pressure.

And there was Berto taking a page

out of his family's other playbook.

They have wrestlers, there's mixed martial artists,

and looking for a front guillotine there, Al.

Not allowed in boxing!

[ Laughs ] I was just going to say that.

Darn it.

Seconds counting down in the opening round,

and that windmill right hand just missed from Porter,

as he attacks the body in the clinch.

So, a feeling out process,

getting to know you round here in Brooklyn.

[ Bell dings ]

Nelson: Time!

Bernstein: For Andre Berto, something that,

in the keys to victory, we saw him do in round number one --

stay off the ropes. And it helped him be effective.

Two punches can get to Shawn Porter.

One is the counter left hook.

And Berto has a very good one.

The other punch that Berto possesses is the uppercut.

And we have seen that punch land against Shawn Porter.

As for Shawn Porter, I believe he's got to use his jab

to get on the inside and push the pace of this fight.

It's a power jab. It's a very good punch.

We did see him work the body very well at times

in round number 1.

And we saw him wing a big overhand right

right at the end of the round. He wants to get that punch in.

[ Whistle blows ]

[ Bell dings ]

The bell in round 2.

The Porter camp told us that what probably cost them

the incredible fight against Keith Thurman

was Porter's defense.

He admitted that they had been working on his defense in camp,

moving out of the way after throwing punches.

They think it will

bode them well in this fight against Berto.

And it isn't that Porter fought bad defensively in that fight,

but could improve.

Berto normally throws about 10 punches less per round

than Porter.

They both threw fewer punches than they normally do.

But Porter did throw more in round number 1.

Porter changes levels, attacks the body before they clinch.

This is where Porter is effective.

He doesn't accept any clinches.

He will physically maul you.

Al, you mentioned him being a former football player.

Also a former high school wrestler, so, physically,

he can push you around and create space in there.

He's doing a great job working the body.

And Berto is starting to show some swelling on that right eye.

He got hit with a hook inside or a head-butt. Who knows.

And maybe Berto was trying to motivate himself,

but he did tell us he feels he's faster, stronger,

more explosive then Porter.

He said his experience is going to prove

to be the difference in this fight.

He also told us that, while Porter is a pressure fighter,

a lot of it isn't effective pressure,

just a lot of mauling, as you alluded to, Paulie.

A moment ago, though, that nice right hand

by Porter landed on the inside.

It was a very good punch.

And, Mauro, you made a point

with Berto talking about that explosiveness.

A prime Andre Berto was very explosive.

I just don't know how close he is to his prime here.

Because Porter is explosive.

Referee's going to have his hands full, literally,

telling both fighters to keep it clean.

And now Porter has Berto on the ropes.

Creating enough distance where they're both

throwing punches at close quarters.

This is where Porter is effective.

This is where Porter makes you uncomfortable.

And it's not just physical. It's also mental.

You can't discount the heart

and the warrior spirit of Andre Berto.

Final minute of just the second round,

and already fistic fireworks here as expected.

Berto looking to hang on!

I don't --

And he was complaining.

Yeah, he's looking to hang on because he wants

to make the punches stop, that's the thing.

They start raining on you,

you start wanting to make them stop coming forward.

He's cut, wow. Porter is cut bad.

And it was a clash of heads, as Berto indicated.

Nelson: Accidental butt.

And the referee has now made it official --

accidental butt.

Porter has been cut many times,

including in his last fight against Keith Thurman

under the left eye. But that is a nasty gash.

As we head into the home stretch of round 2.

That's a bad one, man.

I don't know, man.

They might have to stop this thing.

That's also the risk about a Shawn Porter fight.

He's already coming in forward, a lot of times,

he leads with his head.

And he's so aggressive.

And he does, really, at times,

approach it like he's still on the gridiron.

Yeah. Oh!

And Berto off balance, but he goes down!

Nelson: Three, four, five,

six, seven, eight. You good?

Right here.

Berto seems okay, but Porter responding

like a warrior to the blood on his face.

[ Bell dings ]

And Berto tastes the canvas

for the eighth time in his career.

Frustrated at the turn of events of that round.

And Berto shaking his head on the way back to the corner.

Porter will bring that out in you.

Man: B., B., we want him.

Stay foc-- Listen to me.


What you doing?

There's going to be moments like that.

The way you overcome it is by being that great white shark.

Stay focused and blink.

He's got a cut eye now.


Understand? He's got to fight like that.

So, in the inside, don't raise your legs up.

Bernstein: Talked about the overhand right for Shawn Porter.

Here is where he gets low.

Takes a left hook from Berto,

but delivers his own right hand.

It bounces off the head of Berto and knocks him down.

So we saw two elements there.

We saw Berto landing the counter left hook,

but then we saw Porter landing the right.

And you get a look at that cut, which they did

a pretty good job on in the corner.

[ Bell dings ]

Ranallo: This is round number three.

And things already heating up

between "Showtime" Shawn Porter and Andre Berto.

The carrot dangling in front of them,

an opportunity to challenge Keith Thurman

for the WBC's green belt.

In the last round, 20 of the landed punches,

according to ShoStats, by Porter were to the body.

He really went downstairs very effectively.

Berto had the green belt at one time.

Nelson: Stop! Don't punch!

Then suffered a first loss against Victor Ortiz

in what was the fight of the year that year.

Also a savage affair against Robert Guerrero.

And what about when he ripped apart his right shoulder

in the fourth round of that fight with Jesús Soto Karass

and still went to the 12th.

So, again, you can say many things about Andre Berto,

Paulie, and maybe the journey he took,

but you cannot question his character and heart.

Malignaggi: Absolutely.

You said, he comes from a family of fighters.

They come fighting out of the womb.

And that's mental and physical.

Of course, he's gonna be mentally tested

here in this fight because took another butt from Porter.

This is what I was talking about earlier in the fight.

You made your millions, you've made a ton of money,

you've had a great career if you're Andre Berto.

You start to ask yourself when you're in a fight like this,

"Do I really need this?" I'm telling you.

Guys, it's a weird feeling.

Because, mentally, this kind of fight

puts you in places where you're uncomfortable.



Fierce exchange.

Berto trying to hang on.

Bernstein: Mark Nelson is faced with decisions

every five seconds in this fight.

Oh, big right hand by Porter backs Berto up!

Look at Porter. He will not accept the clinch.

He will not accept the clinch.

It may not be textbook,

but Porter shoe shining the body of Berto.

Berto trying to lean in.

Those are big body shots.

And, yeah, Porter treating Berto's body

like it's filled with candy along the ropes.

A minute left in the third.

And whether they are or not, this is what I'm talking about

with the mental pressure right here.

Oh, right uppercut on the inside!

Berto came back with one!

Nelson: Break!

Break! No, no, no. Don't punch.

We've seen the blood of Shawn Porter,

but the guts of both of these warriors.

And we're just heading into the tail end of round 3, Al.

Bernstein: Berto would love to land

either one of those nice left hooks,

or there he tries the uppercut.

He needs to land something significant

to keep Porter off him.

And I think Berto has to go back to the base

and start off the jab again.

There's the uppercut.

Berto right uppercut on the inside.

Oh, but there's the rabbit punch by Berto.

Nelson: Don't rabbit punch.

There's also no space.

Berto needs to leave a little bit of space

to throw that uppercut.

He needs a little bit of space in general.

He's got to use his jab more.

You see it right here. He's at a distance.

He's not using that jab.

If you're being out-jabbed by Porter, it's a bad sign.

[ Bell dings ]

Nine minutes have elapsed.

Keith Thurman, of course, watching with vested interest.

After all, he's the man who unified the titles.

The winner will be the mandatory challenger

for Thurman's WBC belt.

Bernstein: We take a look back at --

We saw the aggressiveness of Porter.

Now, that's important.

Look, he used the jab to get inside.

Then he was able to throw this array of punches.

Not everything landed, but the jab got him here,

where he could rip the hook, throw to the body.

And then here was Andre Berto with some frustration.

With a clear rabbit punch.

As Porter had his head away from the head of Berto,

so there's no butt involved.

Round four.

And quickly, Paulie, why you are so high on Errol Spence.

Well, I think, you know, he's got the southpaw stance,

great body puncher.

Solid timing fighter. Fundamentally sound.

I mean, there's not a lot to not like about Errol Spence.

Explosive and fun to watch. Great personality.

Very marketable fighter.

Porter sticks the jab.

And then they grapple, and Berto frustrations.

Nelson: We need a clean round here.

Come on, just box.

And the referee saying, "Come on, let's clean it up."

But Berto's frustration written all over his face.

It's hard to referee a Shawn Porter fight.

And if you go into a fight with Shawn Porter,

you can't expect the referee to really help you much.

Oh! Good one-two, as Porter momentarily

blinded Berto with the jab.

Berto trying to attack the body and just pushing.

Bernstein: It's a misnomer, though,

to think that Shawn Porter is just about roughhousing.

Because you look at him landing all these nice, short punches

to the body and the head -- he's an effective fighter, as well.

He lands a lot of punches.

Nelson: You good? Okay.

A lot of it, though, is at close range, Al.

Bernstein: Yeah, no, I agree.

I'm just saying it's not just about the roughhousing.

It's not.

But a lot of the roughhousing creates the openings.

That's where he's at his most effective.

I agree. But look at those short counterpunches

when Berto is on the inside. I'm saying he can do it.

And you're right.

It's created because he gets on the inside like that.

You know what it is? You start wanting to get

out of there, and you don't know where to go.

You're like, "Man, how I do get this guy off me?

I can't even fight him off

because he's smothering my own offense."

Berto wants the room for the uppercut here, but where is it?

Minute and a half left in the fourth round.

Nelson: Watch your heads!

Dirty boxing at its best?

Well, you're seeing, as Berto trying to fight off the ropes,

clubbing right hands.

There was the uppercut by Berto.

Bernstein: Finally. Finally, he was able to get that punch in.

Nelson: Accidental butt.

Another butt?

Accidental head-butt.

Another accidental butt.

Bernstein: And it's Porter that keeps getting cut.

Berto wanting to get right back at him.

He wanted to take the momentum from landing that uppercut.

He's cut over both eyes.

And the left eye of Shawn Porter beginning to swell badly.

And again, they throw caution to the wind

before sticking to each other like Velcro.

Final 60 of the fourth.

They got to get to work in that corner now

with that two cuts in Porter's eye,

and they're both in a bad spot.

And they're both leaning forward,

in even, like, the angles they're in.

Here, they're -- they're just rough housing.

They're leaning forward, but a lot

of the head-butting comes from Porter's side.

Lead right hand by Porter,

misses with a sweeping left hook.

Berto is cut, too.

A right uppercut by Berto.

Porter has got to be careful.

Porter trying to turn him.

Porter has got to be careful of that leaning inside.

Berto has finally found a home

for that uppercut in this round.

[ Crowd booing ]

Nelson: Accidental butts!

Mark Nelson, the referee,

has had easier nights at the office,

and, yes, Berto cut due to an accidental butt.

Time. Doctor.

No, no, doctor. Doctor.

The legendary Jim Ross would say

this is a bowling-shoe ugly, Al.

I know you've worked with him.

Bernstein: Yes. That's a good line.

Final seconds of the fourth.

Porter attacking the body again.

Berto leaning in.

And we need to get through the fourth round

to make it official, due to all these cuts...

[ Bell dings ]

due to the accidental butts.

And we do.

Man: Now you're working.

Listen, the fight is easier than this, okay?

Pour some water down there.

The fight is easier than this, okay?

Much easier if you box him now.

He's wild and tired.

Make your punches on point and sharp.

Don't cock nothing, okay,

and you will have this fight over.

Man #2: Get these rounds in the book.

Man #3: How we feeling, champ?

Keep winning these rounds. Keep winning these rounds.

Keep winning these rounds for me, all right?

I need more jabs and feints.

Step around this man.

I want you on the inside right there with him, okay?

Your head should be on the inside.

Man #1: Hold up.

Box him for me. Box him for me.

Don't cock your punches, okay?

[ Bell dings ]

Ranallo: So, all the head-butts have been deemed accidental.

We are in round five.

While these two are going at it in the ring,

this could very well be contested in a back alley

the way things have transpired.

Mauro Ranallo, Al Bernstein, Paulie Malignaggi

at ringside for Andre Berto/Shawn Porter

welterweight title elimination bout.

Malignaggi: You see how he pushed off Berto in disgust.

That was like "I'm disgusted with you" push.

Bernstein: Meanwhile Porter is landing big body shots.

That's the thing.





The jabs have been abandoned at close range.

And Porter leaning in.

But Berto, again, trying to fight him off.

The cut men deserving bonuses tonight in this main event.

This -- I'm gonna go way back here.

This is like Carmen Basilio and Gene Fullmer fighting.

That's what the feeling is.

Fullmer did have a rough, rugged, dirty style.

In Technicolor!


I mean, that's just what it feels like.

And the question then becomes, guys,

is Porter putting pedal to the metal

and putting on the gas because of the cuts?

Well, and of course, we would go to the scorecards

if they stopped this fight

because of the cuts on either fighter.

So, you want to win rounds, obviously.

I would say Porter is likely ahead in this fight.


Nelson: Break! I got you.

Kind of action you might find at a game reserve

with all of this ramming and the bodies colliding.

With 1:13 left in the fifth.

Berto trying to start being first here.

Bernstein: Yeah.

Trying to make a concerted effort.

Over the top with the right hand.

Nelson: You good?

Under a minute left now in the fifth frame.


And you have to...

Time. Time out.




The plastic surgeon's looking out for work tonight.

[ Crowd booing ]

Now the crowd keeps booing.

Blood's in his eye.

Watch me a second. Watch it, track it, track it.

Ranallo: Wow.

Dr. Robert examining the cut.

Bernstein: Why are they always looking at

Berto's cuts but not Porter's?

With all due respect, Porter is cut over both eyes.

Dr. Avery Browne has checked out Porter's cut.

But you're right, Al, not at this time.

Yeah, but I mean, not in the middle of rounds.

Twice in the middle of rounds, Berto has been --

Oh, good counter right hand by Porter.

Nelson: Break! Be careful.


See the little spin move Porter made.

All psychological warfare.

Bernstein: I have such respect

for Shawn Porter's aggressiveness.

I know it's rough, I know it doesn't always look pretty.

It's not supposed to be pretty, Al.

If it's pretty, it's not Porter's fight.

You're right.

This is how he wins.


Final 15 seconds of the fifth frame.

Nelson: Break! No punch! Be careful.

And it's been a very close encounter

of the welterweight kind here in Brooklyn.

Man: We got this. We got this.

B, listen to me one time.

-Yeah. -Box him in the middle.

Don't load up now.

Bernstein: Much of the storyline in this fight

now revolves around the cuts of both of the fighters.

And here we see, on the inside,

Porter's head banging against Andre Berto's.

That created the cut over the left eye of Andre Berto.

In round 4,

as Berto comes in,

we're gonna see an elbow...

Malignaggi: Oh. That's a nice one.

...from Shawn Porter that bounces off the left eye

of Andre Berto.


That's the left hand was extended.

Half jab, half hook, all elbow, though.

[ Bell dings ]

So, it's been rough in there.

Not for the faint of heart.

Nelson: Doctor wants to see you.

And the doctor would like to see you!

Doctors are making house calls here with us.

Come here. What?

[ Speaks indistinctly ]


Berto, come back. Come back, come back.

He's got to look a little more.

Hang on. Look at me, baby. Look at me. Look at me.

Malignaggi: It's gonna become a --

This is gonna become a mental battle of attrition.

Nelson: Time in.

Ranallo: And They once again renew hostilities here

in round number 6.

Scheduled for 12.

Credit to Porter, guys, because I'll tell you what.

He's probably up in the fight.

He's got two cuts over both eyes.

He could easily say, "I can't see,"

and win this fight on the cards, in my opinion.

Bernstein: And it has been done before.

Right. And a reminder, because of what

Paulie is saying, you know, if this fight

were stopped due to those cuts, they would go to the scorecards.

Nelson: Ready.

And of course...

Let's bring in our unofficial

"Showtime Championship Boxing" scorer, Steve Farhood.

Farhood: Mo, I don't think this has been

a very difficult fight to score.

You see I have Porter up 49-45.

The first round, very little happened.

Berto landed the cleaner punches.

Otherwise, it's been all Shawn Porter,

and as you guys have pointed out,

should this fight end now, I think it's pretty clear

that he's ahead on all three cards.

By the way, when I mentioned it was a very close encounter,

I meant physically, not just anything else.

It's incredible how close -- the clinching.

It might not be close on the cards,

but Berto is still live in there,

meaning he still intends to win.

There are some times in a fight where a fighter

is still in there, but he has the winning mentality

beaten out of him.

I don't see that with Andre Berto.

I see him still trying to win the fight.

I see him still trying to look for shots.

Looks for that counter shot.

Man, look for that counter left uppercut

and then clipped him with the left.

Those are the two punches

you have to throw against Shawn Porter.

You've got to land the left and you've got to land the uppercut.

Those are important weapons.

Little bit more reactive this round

is Berto on the timing shots.

Kudos to both cut men.

We have Hal Chernoff

in "Showtime" Shawn Porter's corner.


That was a slip.

Donald Dean is in Berto's corner

Right after Berto landed a very nice uppercut.

Yeah. That's what I'm saying.

He's starting to see the openings for the uppercut.

He's starting to really hone in on it.

Oh! Stiff jab by Porter scored.

And that's what Porter's got to do on his way in.

He's got to continue to jab.

Double jab, misses with the right.

And throw off the timing.

Throw off Berto's ability to time him.

That jab will do that.

Final minute of the sixth.

There it is again.

We're seeing Andre Berto move more.

That's not normally his stock in trade.

Berto, absorbing the combination by Porter,

Not all of those punches scoring.

But, still, Porter looking to impose his presence

on not only on Berto but the judges.

You see here Porter's got to be first with the jab.

Good pivot by Porter.

Works the body effectively along the ropes.

Nelson: I got it.

It's a hard fight where timing is gonna come into play.

Because Porter's style is so physical.

And he rushes in on you. He's hard to time.

So, a lot of times, for Berto,

he might be better off being first with the jab

and leading a little bit.

Porter comfortable and leading with that jab.

There sticks the jab again.

Does a good job of avoiding the attack of Berto.


[ Bell dings ]

Porter closes out round six

with another effective round.

As we head into the second half

of this welterweight title elimination bout.

Bernstein: Andre Berto went to the canvas in the last round,

not from a knockdown.

Ironically, he had just thrown an uppercut and landed it.

Look at that excellent uppercut. But got himself off balance

and fell down, which was a bad break for him

because he had just landed a good punch.

Although Porter did not look like

he was hurt by that uppercut.

And some gamesmanship by Porter there.

And we see it again. The uppercut landed.

But Andre Berto, who had a few other balance issues

during that round, in this case, hit the canvas.

Okay? You're doing good.

Don't reach for him, okay?

He's confused. He can only fight one way.

That's all he's been doing. One way.

This fight is yours, baby.

[ Whistle blows ]

Man: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Nelson: Come on.

[ Bell dings ]

Ranallo: It's been a grueling affair

as we enter round number 7.

The cuts have been well documented.

And, Paulie, with both Berto and Porter

enjoying the inside fighting,

what does it take to be an effective inside fighter?

Malignaggi: You want to obviously be physical but --

Oh! Nice counter right hand.

Good counter right by Berto.

You want to obviously be physical in there,

but in terms of creating the openings,

a lot of it is up to your physical presence in there,

your ability to step around and step inside.

You're also using you arms to create the openings

by shifting the arms of the other guy on the inside.

There's a lot of things involved,

and obviously being a good body puncher.

Bernstein: Paulie made the point that Porter

was using his jab effectively in the last round.

Borne out by the ShoStat numbers that say he landed

10 of 20 jabs in the last round.

And previously had been averaging 4 of 15

in his seven fights -- previous seven fights.

So he is using that punch effectively.

One minute has elapsed in the seventh.

Porter looking to shuffle, trying to discombobulate Berto,

who gets blinded with a jab and gets stuck with another jab.

Right uppercut on the inside by Porter,

who again peppers the body in the clinch.

One more thing about that inside fighting, Mauro.

No good inside fighter fights totally clean.

When you're on the inside that much,

you figure out ways to use your elbows,

your head-butts, and all that good stuff.

Spoken like a true boxer.

What was it Jesse "The Body" Ventura said?

"If you're not cheating, you're not trying"?

A minute and a half left in the seventh.

That'd be like a pitcher complimenting hitters

in baseball.

You're not going to do it, are you?

Oh, Berto misses with the right uppercut.

As Porter targets the head with those sweeping shots.


This fight being fought more at long range at this moment.

Yeah, at this moment, at least,

until Berto retreats to the ropes, which he hopes he won't.

This has been a decent round for Berto.

If he can consistently create some space,

he'll have room to leverage his shots.

Berto needs a little bit of space

to get the leverage on his power shots.

And there Berto timing Porter, as Porter leaned in

and was caught with the right hand.

There's the stiff jab again

delivered by "Showtime" Shawn Porter.

Coming up on 30 seconds left in the seventh.

Both exchanging body shots at close range.

[ Banging ]

Oh! Nice jab by Porter.

And I think that's Berto's way of respecting it.

[ Bell dings ]

You're in about the sixth or seventh. He's fading, B.

If he could do anything else, he'd be pressing.

Look at the corner. Look at the corner.

See how they're anxious? Just keep boxing.

Got to be mean, okay?

When he on the back foot, come under your legs

and show him that quick flick jab, okay?

Just flick it and step in. Okay?

He ain't seen the hook yet, but it's coming.

Yes, sir.

[ Whistle blows ]

Maintain your focus, all right?

I don't want you leaning on the inside right there.

[ Bell dings ]

Ranallo: This is round number 8.

"Showtime" Shawn Porter in the blue, green, and yellow.

Andre Berto in the black and white.

What a grueling affair it has been thus far, Al Bernstein.

Bernstein: Yeah, I think that last round

was very important for Andre Berto.

I think, personally, he probably won it,

and other than round 1, it's probably the first round

he's won in this fight.

And I think very important, because it may put him

still in the hunt to even get a decision in this fight

if he can really close strong.

But he has to win almost every round.

Good combination by Porter. Backing Berto along the ropes.

Porter, a buzz saw to the body.

With the left hook, right uppercut on the inside.

Malignaggi: That's the thing about Porter's physical prowess.

He'll force mistakes out of you.

Berto trying to hang on but cornered,

as Porter pummeling the body.

You see, you're trying to deal with

the the physical prowess of Porter

that you're not able to get yourself

in proper position.

Punches in bunches!

Porter teeing off on Andre Berto!

Berto giving a wink to us,

to say he's got it under control.

See if he can react to it.

A barrage of body shots, making that investment

is Shawn Porter here in round number 8.

But Berto standing, swinging.

Berto seems relaxed in there.

But he's being outworked,

and that is the thing with the rounds.

It's gonna cost you the rounds.

33 years of age.

A two-time welterweight champion

who has been in pitched battles

with the likes of Robert Guerrero

and Victor Ortiz.

Oh, good body shot by Berto there.

The overhand right of Porter is landing now a lot.

Shawn Porter's not a big puncher.

He hasn't knocked out welterweights.

And Porter...

But he can throw a lot of punches and land a lot.

...the casualty of the subjective

scoring system of boxing.

An argument could be made that Porter could be undefeated

coming into this pivotal fight.

Right uppercut on the inside by Berto.

Berto is trying to look for it, he's trying create space,

but Porter doesn't give you a lot of space in there.

In this round, look at the ShoStat numbers.

Porter landing 34 of 69 power punches.

And so many of those are clean body punches.

And Berto, who trains near San Francisco -- Oakland --

under Virgil Hunter, there was a power outage in the city.

Well, he's having a power outage here in this round

when it comes to the power punches.

Although look at him now going to the body.


Old school phone booth fight.

Andre Berto, "Showtime" Shawn Porter.

I barely remember a round when someone landed

as many body punches as Porter is in this round.


When Berto gets some distance, he's able to land some shots.

Good counter hook there.

Good footwork. Good pivot by Porter.

[ Bell dings ]

Porter takes that space right away.

Man: Okay. Tell me about that round.

Tell me why you did it so I know.


No, I said, "Why did you go to the ropes?

-Huh? -I don't know.

Bernstein: Shawn Porter and Andre Berto.

We won't look at this in slow motion,

we'll look at it in real time to show you

the amount of punches, the fact that they were going at it,

and Porter, for the most part, getting the better

of these exchanges, ripping body punches

and head shots, as well.

But just the pressure of Shawn Porter,

which we've talked about.

Pretty remarkable.

Berto wanted to try and counter. Just couldn't do it.

Malignaggi: Berto rolling with a lot of that, partially blocking,

but also, it's mentally fatiguing.

Because you feel like this guy is just not gonna get off me.

[ Bell dings ]

Nelson: Shawn, right here.

Doctor wants to see you.

I hope the doctor

is not billing him each time he sees him.

Yeah. What round are we up to?

I don't know. I haven't seen the card.

What corner are you in?

I'm in the blue corner. Blue corner.

Ranallo: They have battled through 24 minutes.

Bernstein: Is that all?

Yeah. Here we are in round number 9.

A testament to both their conditioning, as well.

Because Porter anticipated that Berto would be fading

in this portion of the fight.

As he gets caught with a left hand.

Malignaggi: Yeah, absolutely.

And, oh, the jab finding it's target for Porter.

Everybody getting work tonight. The fighters --

Oh, and there goes Berto backpedaling!


And Porter...

attacking with reckless abandon.

Yeah, took a head-butt first.

They're calling it a knockdown because of the ropes.

Nelson: You want to continue?

Walk towards me. Walk over here.

You want to continue?

Yeah. He hit me in the head. He head-butted me.

Come on. Here we go.

Malignaggi: Everybody getting a workout tonight.

The fighters, the ref, the doctors.

And Berto's -- And Porter's jab.

And Andre Berto's visage beginning to resemble

what we've seen in prior contests, Al.

Bernstein: Yeah. Unfortunately for him, this has been repeated.

And he's showing the same gameness and toughness

as in other fights, but he is being dominated right now.

Got tagged with the left hook.

And Porter continues to pour on the pressure.


Clips him with the left hook!

Berto up against the ropes again!

And that's it! The referee stops the fight!

And "Showtime" Shawn Porter becomes the mandatory challenger

for Keith Thurman's WBC title!

That's the thing about Porter, man.

He takes the fight out of you.

Like I said earlier in the fight,

it's not just a physical thing.

It's a mental thing, too.

His dad, Ken, sharing a moment together.

Their bond is extremely close,

as we pointed out.

He'll be seeing the doctor again, Mo.


He earned his victory and his paycheck tonight.

A grueling fight.

Yeah. The battle-tested Andre Berto,

who tastes defeat for the fifth time.

But Showtime Shawn Porter,

he said he wanted to run it back with Keith Thurman.

He has earned the right to do just that.

As we go back to the sequence

that would be the beginning of the end of this fight,

there was a clash of heads, it appears,

that initially stunned Andre Berto.

And that's what he was trying to tell the referee.

Here we see

that's where the banging of the heads together.

Looks like it really stuns Andre Berto.

And you can see that that is what started his issue.

And let me tell you, the side of your head

is also thinner with the skull, so when you're butted there,

you're gonna feel that a little bit more.

So, he's in trouble because of the clash of heads.

Now, in theory, right there,

he could have gotten a moment to recover.

But the referee didn't see it as a clash of heads.

Then, later on, it would rain punches

from Shawn Porter.

Throwing the uppercut and the right hand.

Not everything getting in there there.

But then the left hook.

He's teeing off on Berto, who is in some trouble.

That was the left hook that sent him against the ropes

and created a knockdown.

And then, the end of the fight,

as we look from a couple of different angles.

Porter cranking up those left hooks.

Porter has a pretty good left hook.

We talk about his overhand right.

But his left hook is also a good very punch.

Keep continuing to throw it, keeping up the pressure

against Andre Berto.

And, ultimately, that's when Mark Nelson would step in

and say we've seen enough.

And Andre Berto not really complaining that much about it.

He had been under pressure in this fight consistently.

And one more look at it, Paulie,

as we see Porter continuing with those left hooks.

Blood-filled face of Shawn Porter.

He doesn't mind continuing to work.

He never stops. He never stops throwing.

He never stops pressuring fighters.

And this is the result.

If you're going to face Shawn Porter in the ring,

this is what you're gonna see.


He'll physically beat you down,

but mentally, he'll start to make you doubt yourself.

And like I said, when you've been though

so many tough fights, like Berto has,

you start to wonder to yourself --

it's a subtle thing -- but you start to tell yourself,

"Man, what am I doing here?

This is just not the kind of fight I want to be in."

Man: Hold up, hold.

One second. I'm gonna let you do it.

So a huge victory for Showtime Shawn Porter.

Let's make it official with Jimmy Lennon Jr.

[ Bell dings ]

Lennon: Ladies and gentlemen, we have the time of 1:31

in round number 9.

Our referee in charge, Mark Nelson, stops the contest.

He is the winner by way of technical knockout.

He is the winner of

the WBC Welterweight World Title Eliminator,

"Showtime" Shawn Porter!

[ Bell dings ]

Oh, man.

For more infomation >> Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter | Full Fight | SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING - Duration: 44:06.


Sonic Riders. Zero Gravity: Babylon Story (Cutscene №1) + Субтитры (Youtube) - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Sonic Riders. Zero Gravity: Babylon Story (Cutscene №1) + Субтитры (Youtube) - Duration: 2:50.


WOWEscape WOW - Wakeup The Mermaid Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 10:49.

WOWEscape WOW - Wakeup The Mermaid

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