Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Homemade simulator for yourself and your beloved dog

Wooden 80% of the bike that can not only work, but also to go

The hybrid of tricycle and truck with Cummins diesel engine"

Homemade electric car from Togliatti "Player-1" in operation

Automatic gates for lazy but smart drivers

Thank you for watching!

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تعلم اللغة التركية (الدرس الأول من المستوى +C1) (الفاعل olan) - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> تعلم اللغة التركية (الدرس الأول من المستوى +C1) (الفاعل olan) - Duration: 11:34.


Ông thầy vi diệu trọn bộ [60fps] - Main giấu nghề cực ngầu và dâm - Nhạc edm Nightcore hay - Duration: 1:22:11.

For more infomation >> Ông thầy vi diệu trọn bộ [60fps] - Main giấu nghề cực ngầu và dâm - Nhạc edm Nightcore hay - Duration: 1:22:11.


Wollef & Furkan Emre - Tros - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Wollef & Furkan Emre - Tros - Duration: 3:03.


EN ÇOK İZLENMİŞ 10 TÜRK KANAL !! - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> EN ÇOK İZLENMİŞ 10 TÜRK KANAL !! - Duration: 3:42.


【Dead by Daylight】深夜の電気起こし。#47 - Duration: 2:34:01.

For more infomation >> 【Dead by Daylight】深夜の電気起こし。#47 - Duration: 2:34:01.


5 Fears Stopping YOU From Being With Your DREAM GIRL - Duration: 13:46.

Renee: What if I told you that meeting your

dream woman is actually easier than you


and that you've had the power all along?

I'm Renee Slansky for The Attractive Man

team and today in this video I'm going

to reveal to you the five fears that are

blocking you from meeting your dream

girl I'm also going to give you the

simple strategies to get overcome those

fears increase your confidence and make

your love life limitless I'm a

professional dating and relationship

coach and I help men from around the

world increase their confidence and

build the relationship that they really

crave now typically speaking most of the

time the reason why we come against

roadblocks or we find that we're not

getting the progress that we want in our

relationships or we're not attracting

the woman that we want into our world is

simply because of fear or lack now

whether it is fear of failure fear of

repeating the past fear of not being

aligned enough or lack of confidence

lack of self-worth or lack of knowledge

on how to actually approach women most

of the problems that we have that hinder

us from love boiled down to those two

things but in this video I really want

to focus on the word fear because here's

the thing about fear fear is a big fat

liar now what fear does is it takes a

thought or an idea and it builds it up

to be something that isn't even a

reality yet and this hinders us from

opportunities it limits our potential as

a person and in this case it also

actually stops you from being able to

attract the right we went into your

world with such ease and confidence now

in order to become fearless the first

thing you need to understand is why you

had those fears when we can identify the

problems that we're up against we're

then able to really look at why we have

these problems where are they stemming

from what are the beliefs associated

with those problems and then once we

have the whys we can then work on the

house and that's what I want to do for

you in this video I'm a really practical

dating and relationship coach and I'm

not going to sugarcoat the truth from

you okay I've heard all the truth I want

to make sure that you're first able to


sort of fears you might have that are

actually blocking you from meeting this

scalp and then I'm going to give you a

simple sort of strategy in order to be

able to overcome that fear so that you

can hear it on the head move forward and

get on with having an awesome love life

the first fear is fear of inadequacy now

whether this is you feel inadequate as a

man because you don't believe that your

finances or your life is up to date or

whether it is that you feel inadequate

physically or maybe you feel inadequate

in a status position either way when we

don't feel like we're enough we project

that and not only does that lower our

confidence but most of the time it

actually lowers our standards as well

and then we wonder why we're putting

this effort into dating and we're not

really getting the results that we

desire and that's because if you have a

deep sense of belief that who you are

isn't enough or what you have isn't

enough to offer the right woman then

you're not really going to attract the

right woman because you'll be living

thinking and speaking and making actions

out of that deep centered belief now we

all know that life is a journey there's

always going to be seasons where we have

abundance and sometimes where we don't

have as much if you can understand that

you are enough and that your validation

as a man has nothing to do a width of

whether or not you're being affirmed or

rejected by a woman then it's going to

help you realize that where you are in

this point in your life you're still

able to make the most of it the thing is

a lot of the times when I'm coaching men

I find that one of the repetitive sort

of patterns they have is feeling that

you have to be at a certain level before

you can start dating and it's like

you're living in the future of who you

want to be instead of celebrating who

you are now here is what I want you to

do to help overcome that fear I want you

to do the opposite of a vision board I

want you to do an accomplishment board

this is a great little exercise it'll

probably take you about 10 15 minutes

and it is something that is highly

effective all you need to do is get a

piece of paper maybe a cork board or

whatever it is in your reach and simply

list all your accomplishments what have

you achieved up until this point in your

life have you achieved certain degree

have you achieved certain statuses have

you achieved certain relationships with

your family that are worth noting you

see I want you to realize that your past

doesn't have to be a place of residence

but a place of reference meaning you

have done great things

who you are is enough and it's really

about taking that time to actually

acknowledge who you are at this point in

your life an accomplishment board is

basically a reminder of who you are

right now and who you've been in the

past it's there to celebrate your

identity it's said to celebrate your

achievements and to remind you visually

that you are actually progressing in

life that you are somebody that you

don't have to reach a certain level in

order to feel that you are able to love

and be loved by a woman the second fear

is fear of failure now fear of failure I

think is something that the majority of

people struggle with but moreso you guys

because there is so much pressure placed

on you by society to be the man to be

the provider to be the protector and you

almost have to live up to these

unrealistic expectation now the good

point from point number one with the

accomplishment board is that it's going

to help recognize that you aren't

failing that you have achieved something

and that you are progressing as well now

if you feel again that you're going to

fail in a relationship what you need to

do is you need to just scale it back a

little bit and take the overwhelm out of

the end result fear of failure is

basically seen and end result and

assuming that you're not going to make

it or that you don't have what it takes

in order to be able to succeed in a

relationship relationships are always

changing and growing and don't forget

you're not the only person in the

relationship it's also up to her as well

to make sure that she's playing her part

in order to make the relationship

succeed as well take the pressure off

yourself not every relationship is going

to last because that is just how life is

and we can't control other people's

actions and reactions in the

relationship all we can do is control

our reaction and our actions in the

relationship if you have a fear of

failure then this is what you need to do

the thing is whatever we water is what

so it's important to make sure that

we're watering thoughts and words and

actions on what it is that we actually

want to blossom you might not always be

everything to her and that's okay

because it's not your responsibility to

be her whole entire world or you might

not have everything that you think that

she wants guys let me give you a little

bit of advice right now women want a

husband not a hero I know that

instinctually you guys want to step into

this night saving role that you want to

be our protector and provider and

everything like that but at the end of

the day we don't want all the fancy

stuff we don't even necessarily want all

the money in the the glitz and the glam

and everything like that we want you for

you we want your time we want to know

that you value us we want to know at the

end of the day you're going to be there

beside us that is what we're focusing on

we're not focusing on what you're not

doing we're focusing on what you are


so therefore in our mind it's not even

about failure it's just more about the

effort that you're actually putting in

so I suggest if you do have this fear of

failure then remember what is a woman

actually wanting what is she actually

thinking focus on that focus on what you

are able to give not what you aren't or

have a fear about and that is how you'll

start to overcome that fear the third

fear is fear of the future now this

basically centers around the belief that

you'd feel that you can't control what

is going to happen maybe you're someone

that feels that you like to have almost

all your ducks lined up in a row or you

like to have things in order where you

can see that because it means that you

can then control your reaction to them

now that is typically usually because

you've had a past experience probably

from your parents where things have hurt

you that you didn't see coming and so

what you want to do is almost like you

want to safeguard yourself now

safeguarding yourself means that you

limit yourself from mystery from

surprises and also from the full

capacity of what a relationship can be

guys this is what you need to do in

order to be able to overcome fear of the

future living in the future means that

you're going to miss out on the present

because you're basing your future ideas

of what has happened in the past the

okay with getting over your fear of the

future is understanding that you cannot

control life all you can do is control

your reaction to life and that is where

the power lies in having peace in your

decisions and knowing that regardless of

what happens you're going to be okay

the fourth fear is fear of commitment or

fear of missing out now fear of

commitment usually stems from either

feeling that you were abandoned when

you're a child or maybe you had parents

that were divorced it could also mean

that you feel that you want the next

best thing

and unfortunately with our access to

online dating and dating ups we have so

many choices in front of us that it's

hard not to always consistently be

looking for the next best thing when you

actually start to allow this fear to

control you live it's almost like you

had this sense of restlessness because

you're constantly seeking and searching

for the next best thing or you don't

ever want to say yes to one thing a

hundred percent because you think that

you might miss out on something that is

ultimately better this isn't about

dating every single gal until you

finally find the right one because

that's exhausting and you're going to

get choice fatigue and you're probably

going to be 10 20 years down the track

and still single this is about really

pinpointing what it is that you want

really focusing in on that and making

sure that you limit your options only to

that the more options and things that

you add into the equation the more

anxiety that you're going to have around

the decision and the more you're going

to start focusing on well maybe I can

have better maybe I could have this

maybe I can have that is one thing to

have standard and to know if you need to

raise your standards or not it's another

thing to make dating and choices of who

you date out of a fear that you could

have better or you're going to miss out

on something better so I suggest simply

limiting your options again focusing on

ideally what it is that you really

desire and then being committed to that

person I'm not necessarily talking about

being in a full relationship with her

straightaway but rather being present in

that sort of relationship all those

dates that you go on instead of being on

your app and looking at someone else or

wondering about someone else you know

focus on what that person brings to the

table focus on their potential and the

potential of what you could actually

have together as a couple before you

bring someone else into the equation

we're never really going to know the

full potential of what we can have with

someone if we're constantly focusing on

other people and lastly the fifth fear

is fear of vulnerability guys love is a

risk and unfortunately you can try and

be as calculated and controlled about it

as you like but at the end of the day it

does involve another person and you

can't control the other person so

there's always going to be some level of

risk involved in finding love

vulnerability isn't a weakness in a

relationship it's actually something

that can strengthen your relationship it

makes things transparent it helps build

trust and it's actually a really

attractive quality in a man for us women

we want to know that the men we're

dating are men who aren't afraid to let

their walls down is not that we're

asking you to lay your heart on the line

because trust me I coach my women out

there not to lay their heart on the line

straight away it's important that you

get to know the person behind the

commitment at the same time you can't be

constantly guarded because of what's

happened in the past or what you're

afraid will happen in the future again

if you have this fear of being who you

are then you're never really going to

know if the person that you're dating

really loves you for who you are fear of

vulnerability basically stands back to

having been hurt in the past or having a

lack of awareness of how to actually

reduce the risk when it comes to love

and in order to be able to conquer this

fear I really recommend doing the boot

camp that we have with the attractive

man this is something that is going to

help increase your knowledge which in

turn increases your confidence it's

going to give you real sort of insight

and awareness and what it is you need to

look for what it is that you need to do

so that you don't just have the whys but

you also have the house it's one thing

to be able to identify these fears it's

another thing to know what it is that

you need to do in order to be able to

overcome them and become fearless so

which one of these fears can you relate

to I want you to actually tell me in the

comments below now if you really want to

increase your confidence and overcome

these fears then Matt has created a

confidence cheat sheet which has 18

proven ways to help you overcome these

fears and increase your confidence and

deal with stressful situations such as

approaching beautiful women this is all


on science and psychology and these are

methods that actually work to get your

free guide all you need to do is click

on the image at the bottom right hand of

this screen and it'll go straight to

your inbox and don't forget if you

haven't subscribed and turned on the

notifications already then do so now

because you don't want to miss out on my

next few videos pass this video on to a

maybe another mate that really needs

help in this area as well and until next

time I'll see you then bye for now

For more infomation >> 5 Fears Stopping YOU From Being With Your DREAM GIRL - Duration: 13:46.



For more infomation >> TOP 10 MOST EXPENSIVE SOCCER PLAYERS! ⚽💰 - Duration: 11:16.


DRAWING FLYING PINGS / Anime and OCs YouTube Artist / Ft. Flying Pings - Duration: 10:06.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I'm here with

my daughter flying pings sup how's it

going dudes and I am actually drawing

her today she has an awesome youtube

channel she is one of the best artists

of okay it's true okay I'm gonna be

checking so she's a little bi I know I

love it but anyway thank you for drawing

me it's super adorable and it was fun I

had trouble you know making the curly

hair and everything it kind of just

looks like ways but he's always telling

that drawing my hair is like impossible

because it honestly looks like spaghetti

hair and it just it doesn't it doesn't

draw well it's really hard to do and I

don't understand it

well that was my first time trying to do

curly hair so if I get better if I get

better I will try it again and hopefully

make the hair look more like Bethenny's

actual hair so make sure you visit her

channel though I'll put a link in the

description I had trouble with your eye

call or two which I'm oh yeah yes but

you know like always a hazel and then

when people trying to draw that I'm so

bad at hazel I don't know why it's just

the mix of like a brown and a green with

like a yellowish tint doesn't work well

with me I try to color it it just

doesn't ever come out right ever and I

know what I try it just never works yeah

it's like they don't make like a crayon

that color or something they need to

have like a hazel like you just click

hazel and it gives it to you but I don't

I mean hazel is pretty much like the

color that no one actually goes for when

they're about to call her eyes unless

they have to

because it just looks kind of like messy

ish Brown yeah so I don't know it says I

always have trouble trying figure out

how to get that color on to eyes

properly yeah and I wasn't sure the

color of the hair either but you know

that's always different depending on

where you're at so guys you gotta let me

know if you have ever drawn Bethany

because I see lots of fan art for flying

pings and there are some cute stuff

there is some really cute

so if I saw an HTM you know it sounds

like that they were like really adorable

Oh a lot of times they draw the pig they

just she watches the video and then she

flips it upside down this was laughing

in real life because it's like like what

did I do okay never mind okay like I was

saying this drawing you did is really

adorable well thank you do sidetracked

by watching the video a little too much

yeah I just wanted to make sure we knew

what was going on I'm not sure it looked

like those little water shoes you know

that you wear when you go down to the

creek and you want to play like with the

crawl dads and stuff wait well I think

it was last time you did that um maybe

like 50 years ago but like you said like

you said it sound like you did that

yesterday like you know like that really

relatable thing where you going down in

water to play with the Karl dads like

what have you done you know I was just

thinking - we have a little creek out

here beside our house you want to go

play in it yeah we think we could go

play with the crawdads I mean do people

still do that you know what you sound

like you're a little crazy but some

people have probably done that and they

probably all from West Virginia probably

yeah I'm a hillbilly Wow this is

yourself everybody this for West

Virginia is mad at me now that's okay so

but make sure you join Bethenny's amino

too because that is in really neat place

well you're posting all you're right

there to sober yeah it's sharing it in a

sense because she does it for her

channel too and like posts out her art

and does like notifications it's up like

that so but it's fun yeah it is I'm

sorry guys you see the log okay we're

professional now

we're just do to be ourselves and laugh

like idiots and that didn't upload it

because that's real I mean that's just

how we are

yeah we say they want you to be yourself

the video is having a look at it yeah

telling better you not to look at the

video because every once in a while I

mess up that's not a mess-up though you

can see these you might turn upside down

so you can see it better and like draw

from oh my god Bethany and I aren't

gonna laugh anymore in voiceovers okay

seriously every time we do a voiceover

why is it so hard I think it's because

we're sitting right next to each other

when we do her voice ours so when we're

sitting here right next to each other

makes it awkward because of them doesn't

look over she's looking at me and I'm

like what other times we're looking at

this video at the same time and then she

laughs and makes me laugh and it just

well at least it's casual yeah it's it's

definitely casual so you know if you

like casual voiceover there's a place to

go oh my goodness

okay I'm a total newb but that's okay

that is really okay stop try making an

imino and then like that would be pretty

fun like these on day if you ever made

one for you like your channel and like

just over time to slow the girl like if

you subscribe I'll have one subscriber

wait you don't subscribe you don't know

you don't you've joined it okay well

maybe Bethany all joy I do I would like

you guys watching this video I'm sure

you'd join the amino right huh they

didn't answer

guys I have to put up with this I know

don't be smart with me he's calling me

smart now okay well if you have any

ideas of other people that I should draw

let me know and hopefully this one of

Bethany is going to look a little better

here after I fixed the super-cute she

did really go over the end she's

learning proportions really well and

she's been practicing a lot so I'm super

hyped to see what she ends up doing

later on you know sometime like maybe

you've been drawing for like a year

you could try redrawing one of your old

drawings yeah what sort of progress

progression you've done yeah that would

be fun though and you can do that too

you need to redraw your old roadblocks

things I haven't done that I've never

redrawn those that were that old I've

redrawn like Amy taro though yeah like

well I didn't do it in my style I

changed up the style so it wasn't really

a redraw as much it was like me playing

around with styles so I need to like try

redrawing something again at some point

yeah that would be fun and have you

showin everybody like going into your

roblox place and sure yeah I have I had

an hour-long video of me looking at old

or Boxberger about that that was like

early on yeah it was it was quite a

while ago it wasn't all um right it was

just was a no I don't remember I think

I've looked at every single one of my

galleries on roblox okay it was like

really long but it was fun yeah was just

that one credibly long she was such a

cute drawer if I said that right

she was drawing every oh no she says

cute what she means by that is that the

drawings didn't look very good

oh come on no and I'm not you are way

better look at your art and you just

started and you're this good I guess you

did draw when you were younger right

like you drew a little yeah little thing

but this is fun I like doing this it's

fun yeah especially when I can do chibis

cuz I think chibis are cute I love

chibis I've always loved to drawing

jeebies I've done it in a while though

and I also love drawing traditionally

and putting it like the call

digitally I think that's like so much

fun I'd like to do that more often but

yeah I want to learn how to do anime

like well I mean like more proportion

like real people you mean like more

proportion like I guess like sort of

more like you must make sure it's still

anime yeah so like anime you're like you

did but yeah like those are fun but you

do whatever like you enjoy it whatever

the style you end up picking up because

everyone has different sounds they enjoy

doing and mine is like really generic

just anime but I guess everyone has

different styles like when I call her

it's just weird and whatever got really

good you do real good but I think school

about art though is that whenever

someone's learning and practicing they

always develop some style that is always

a little different even if you try doing

something like say I want to try anime

it's always gonna be pretty different it

pretty well that makes sense so

seriously go and visit flying pings on

YouTube and join her me know - and look

for me up there - and yeah followers let

me know you found me and you have fun

and I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> DRAWING FLYING PINGS / Anime and OCs YouTube Artist / Ft. Flying Pings - Duration: 10:06.


WoT - Rheinmetall Skorpion G - NC-11 (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> WoT - Rheinmetall Skorpion G - NC-11 (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 8:23.


暖男盛行,四大暖男星座他們暖在哪裡? - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 暖男盛行,四大暖男星座他們暖在哪裡? - Duration: 5:59.


AdWords for YouTube Petr Litvin - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> AdWords for YouTube Petr Litvin - Duration: 15:10.


Ta Say - APJ x Helia x Masew // AMV - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Ta Say - APJ x Helia x Masew // AMV - Duration: 2:54.


Toy Guns for Children Learn Colors with Colored Toy Guns - Duration: 5:11.

Toy Guns for Children Learn Colors with Colored Toy Guns

For more infomation >> Toy Guns for Children Learn Colors with Colored Toy Guns - Duration: 5:11.


How to cook compote with grapes and apples - Duration: 1:15.

apples / grape / plums (a couple pieces) / sugar

remove the core, cut apples into slices

separate the grapes from the stem

pitted plums

add the ingredients to a saucepan and add water


add sugar after boiling, stir, cook for 20-30 minutes

drink chilled

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