- Boom, what's going on, everyone, it is Steve Larsen.
Today I'm gonna talk about how I actually set up
affiliate outrage, and I'm actually super excited.
It's launched.
I've spent the last four years learning
from the most brilliant marketers today.
And now I've left my nine to five to take the plunge,
and build my million dollar business.
The real question is, how will I do it
without VC funding or debt, completely from scratch?
This podcast is here to give you the answer.
Join me and follow along as I learn, apply, and share
marketing strategies to grow my online business.
Using only today's best internet sales funnels.
My name is Steve Larsen, and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio.
(guitar riff)
What's up guys, hey so today,
we're gonna go through it, and I,
I just wanna share with you guys why I got started
on Affiliate Outrage.
Some of you guys might know, I actually started this
in college, not the program,
but like the first, the first money I ever actually made
online was with affiliate money.
And, and I went out, and I was it was,
I guess I had a ton of fun with it, 'kay?
But it was out of desperation.
I had been trying so many things, I was like,
"Hey, I'm gonna go try this, I'm gonna try that," okay?
Literally, it was like seventeen businesses that I tried,
and I'm not saying like tried, like I was actively in them,
you know what I mean?
I was cutting things out, just doing that thing,
whatever that business idea was for a solid three,
three to six months, 'kay?
And so if you do the math on that,
like it took me a few years, right to figure this stuff out.
And that's pretty normal, all right?
Just as if you're gonna get really good at anything else,
like you're not gonna be amazing right off the bat.
So transitioning from employee over to business owner,
right, entrepreneur, creating value, marketer,
that's not an easy task.
And it's not one that usually happens
quickly for most people.
And so what I wanted to do,
is I wanted to make this program,
okay, for many reasons, okay, one of them is because,
I don't, I have my little like, need to give back,
I wanna share with you guys the strategies
that got me my first cash, okay?
How I actually was able to go make money.
It was through affiliate marketing,
and I wanna teach you guys that kinda stuff.
But what I really want you to do, though,
I want you to notice what I'm doing, 'kay?
Watch from it, watch from like a 30 thousand food view
what I'm doing, 'kay, so if you have launched something,
one of the biggest questions that I get,
and something that's made a scene, I've been emailing a lot
about this lately, and it's been, been a lot of fun,
but one of the challenges that, that,
and when I hear this guys, I cringe on the inside.
"Stephen, I've launched my thing,
"how do I get traffic to it?"
Gah, (chuckles) right?
Oh my gosh, that sucks, oh man, I'm so sorry.
Because there's a bunch of stuff that you should,
first of all, you should take it down, 'kay?
Because what I wanna teach you real quick is,
is how I've been able to launch, the last six, seven funnels
this year, okay, that I've built, that I've put out,
and every one of them has been successful, 'kay?
Now, that means different things, varying amounts, 'kay,
but a lot of money came in, 'kay,
on each one of them, 'kay, lots of it.
And, and what's super fun, is I wanna just, real quick,
I just wanna walk you guys through
why they were successful, 'kay?
It's all about this concept called the prelaunch, 'kay?
Now, I love movies, I love going to movie theaters.
I don't really stop and watch movies
in the evening here much.
Sometimes I like sitcoms, Seinfeld, still a big fan,
definitely a big fan of The Office. (chuckles)
Anyway, Psych, love that show,
'cause I'm a goofball, and so is he.
Anyway, so if you guys,
if you guys go to like a movie though, okay?
You go to a movie theater, I want you to imagine,
how successful would a movie be, right, now imagine,
Hollywood, right, they dump out,
they dump a $100 million bucks into a movie.
And, and, and you're going to see a movie,
and let's say you don't know quite, know what it is.
And let's say that you get to the movie theater,
and you walk on up, and the first time you have ever heard
of a movie ever is on the day the movie gets released
to the theaters.
What do you think the success rate
of that movie is gonna be?
Not that good, right?
Not nearly as good as it could be, is if there was
a lot of pressure built up before hand.
Guys, that's what marketers do, they build up pressure.
They create events, 'kay?
For lack of a better term right, it's a campaign,
that's a campaign, setting up a Facebook ad,
they call it campaigns, they're destroying that term, 'kay?
Campaigns are events that you orchestrate,
you built pressure around product launches,
certain things, right?
You open and close release, sorry you open and close
access to public, 'kay?
Now you watch what Hollywood does,
and you watch what they do, right?
When you go in and you actually create,
you're creating a product, just as important, you guys,
just as important as your product's ability to deliver
on what you say it will, it is just as important
for you to think through the launch strategy,
your go-to market strategy
that you're actually gonna go say,
"Hey, what's up, market, what's up, here's my thing.
"Here's my thing," right?
How do you go, and you actually create and orchestrate
all that pressure ahead of time, right?
Anticipation, "Oh my gosh, I've gotta have that,
"That is so crazy cool," right?
What's that study that said, there's a study that said like,
anticipation for vacation, the amount of excitement and joy.
In the mere anticipating of a vacation, is just as exciting
as the vacation itself, right,
which is fascinating, right?
And so if you're gonna go on a trip,
or there's something you're gonna go through,
and let's say it's an event, or you're gonna come
to my OfferMind, or whatever it is, 'kay?
If you orchestrate that correctly, let's say it's family,
right, I got three kids, three amazing little girls,
incredible wife, and we go in, and let's say we're gonna go,
"Hey, let's go to," I don't, like we went to Disney, 'kay?
We went to Disney in April, and family had never been there
before, my wife had never been there before,
obviously the kids hadn't, that's, it took,
took the family there, I was very careful to make sure
that I was talking about Disney a lot,
well before we were ever gonna go.
Well, well before we ever got in the car
and went to the airport.
Well before, why?
Because I'm building anticipation.
Oh, have you seen the maps that are over there, right?
Because I know, and, you guys will be like,
"Stephen, you need to use marketing principles
"on your own family?"
Of course I do, come on, right?
You should too, right, marketing is just the act
of shifting and affecting people's beliefs.
Why on Earth would I not built anticipation
for something that we're gonna do as a family.
Of course I'm gonna do that.
Of course I'm gonna do that, right?
I'd be stupid not to, right?
So I was like, "Hey, check out this map.
"Oh, look at this, we could go eat here, we could do this.
"Check out these hotels, did you know there's a monorail?
"We could ride the monorail, did you know we could do that?
"Holy crap," you know what I mean?
And I'm talking about the cool things,
and I'm future pacing, okay?
I'm not trying to manipulate.
That's not what I'm talking about at all.
But I am, I am trying to lace in a whole bunch of things
prior to the event happening, right?
Whether that event is an actual event,
you going somewhere, a product launch, 'kay?
So what I want to do real quick, is ultimately,
I want to talk to you about affiliate outreach,
but I, I want you to know how I've been leasing this out.
Right, how I built up pressure ahead of time, okay?
If you look at my very first product I launched
at the beginning of this year,
it was on January 4th.
January 1st, I did not even have the idea for what
the offer was going to be.
January 4th, I had cash in hand from it, from the idea, hm.
Fascinating, right, big lesson there, 'kay?
So I went in, and here, this is, guys,
there's like several plays that I run,
one of the plays that I'll run
has everything to do with publishing.
I will publish, publish, publish, meaning off of a podcast,
a blog, Facebook, whatever it is.
I marry that platform,
and then I just start talking about it.
It's not even out yet.
I'm on the, I might not even know
what the thing is going to be.
In fact, most of the time, I don't, 'kay?
Most of the time, I have no idea
what the thing is going to be, 'kay?
I have an idea, meaning like, okay it's gonna probably
sit in this part of the ecosystem of the market.
I kinda want it to be like this over here,
and let's toss in this other, but I don't really know
everything that's actually gonna be inside of it.
What I'm doing, is I'm testing to see how people react to,
to the idea, right?
Did anticipation build when I said that idea?
Oh it didn't, huh, maybe that's a crappy idea, hm.
Or, oh they did awesome, maybe I should progress this
a little bit more, let's drop another little,
little bit of prelaunch content, right?
If you've ever read the book, Launch,
it's funny I'm talking about that right now,
I didn't realize that's part of where I got some of this.
Oh, I first read the book, Launch, by Jeff Walker
at our kitchen table when I was in college.
It's freezing, and it was winter time,
and that's the first time I read it,
and I was like, that makes a lot of sense, right?
I literally just followed certain elements of that book,
certain elements of like dozens of others I've read
on this concept, and starting doing it,
and since then, I've kinda developed my own repertoire
of how to get this done, 'kay?
So I'll go out, and I might, I might create a prelaunch,
I don't, I'm not gonna say might.
I, every product, major product that I put out there,
I always make sure there's a publishing engine behind it.
Okay, so what I do, is I make sure, and I know
some of you guys are gonna be like,
"Stephen, you talk about this it kinda a little in the past"
I know I have, 'kay, but listen to this, 'kay?
I wanna, I'm trying to point out the pattern
of what I'm doing, 'kay?
I'm trying to point it out, 'kay?
Funny enough, this is when a few people have been like,
why are, why on earth, I gotta turn the camera
a little bit here,
"Why on earth would you,
"why on earth would you tell your market about
"the actual marketing that you're doing?"
Right, why would you tell the people
that you hope to purchase?
Well guys, I teach marketing, so I'm trying to point it out
in what I'm doing, 'kay, 'kay?
So when you look at the, when you look at the product
I launched at the beginning of the year,
there's several things that I did to make it,
make it successful, you understand?
Hope is a terrible marketing strategy.
I do not hope for my products to be successful.
I ensure that they will, 'kay?
I, I, hope is a terrible marketing strategy, 'kay?
Someone put that on a t-shirt, staple that on my face, 'kay?
That's a good one, 'kay?
Hope's a terrible marketing strategy.
I don't wanna make a product, and be like,
"I hope people buy it."
Are you kidding me?
Or, "Stephen I made this thing, I'm not getting any traffic,
"I hope we can get traffic."
Like, oh, blah, ah gosh.
It gives me anxiety, thinking about that.
That is like the most terrible strategy ever,
for getting something out the door.
Don't hope your way into product sales, 'kay?
This is the way, it has everything to do
with the prelaunch, 'kay?
So again, I'm kinda goin all over the place,
but just follow me for a second here, 'kay?
The first thing, like one of the, it is
one of my first moves, I try to publish stories about it.
And if I can tell that, that,
that the idea of the product is insatiable enough,
or, or interesting enough,
or controversial enough, or I've thrown rocks
in the red ocean enough.
And it's starting to create like a reaction?
I almost think of it like,
like I'm standing in a blue ocean,
and I'm hucking rocks in the middle of the red.
Did that ripple really carry through the rest of the red?
Or, was it boring?
Huh, that doesn't mean my product was bad,
maybe the idea about the product was bad.
Hm, okay, okay here's another one.
Ready, there's another rock, bam.
All right, did that hit?
Is that a ripple effect, are people talking about it?
Is there, I'm not trying to create controversy
for controversy's sake, I think that's not cool.
But what I am trying to do, is I'm trying to point out
the pain points in the red ocean
that people have just may have gotten used to, right?
That, that's what I'm really doing,
I'm trying to bring attention to things that people
have become accustomed to dealing with in red oceans.
That's one of the major keys
to making a good prelaunch campaign.
So what I like to do, is I go in and start creating
these ideas, right?
And I've got these white boards all over,
I've got five white boards, one two, three four five.
Yeah, I got five white boards in here, right?
And I'll just start listing out story lines,
I'll start listing out different controversial hooks,
things that would take people in the red ocean,
and shake 'em, right?
I'm not trying to be polite, all right?
I'm trying to create value,
that's not the same thing, right?
So as a marketer, if you're like,
"Well, people aren't gonna like that I say that."
You gotta like get over that,
or find another profession, 'kay, 'kay?
And market, go read, one of my favorite books is,
is a book called Trust Me I'm Lying by Ryan Holiday.
That is a fantastic book, and oh my gosh so good.
Anyway, that'll help you get over the fear of,
of getting people to, anyway, some of the things he says
in there is extreme, but you know.
That's why it sells well.
Okay, anyway, okay so one of the things I like to do, right.
Number one, publishing, and again, what I'm publishing
about is this major core idea, this big idea.
Todd Brown talks about, okay.
It's this major core idea where, if I can drop it in there,
does it cause people to get suddenly aware
of the problem that was already there?
I don't need to create problems in a red ocean.
There's already problems in a rod ocean,
that's why it's a red ocean, one of the reasons, right?
I just need to bring attention to the fact
that there is an issue that they've been comfortable with.
And when I start to make, when I know I have hit that idea,
I can move forward and both starting
lightly to design the product,
and lightly starting to design the prelaunch campaign.
Does that make sense?
That is like prerequisite to everything.
I will not even create a product,
I will not try to sell you anything, I will not do,
unless, unless I've got this, this idea, right?
And the idea is the thing that you're putting in their head,
through a story, I'm putting an idea in their head
like, "Holy crap, why do, why do I put up with,
"with walking everywhere, or on a train, or in a boat?
"You know what, let's freakin' fly, yeah."
What's up Wright Brothers right, they're gonna go drop in.
"OH man, that is a problem, right, what?"
If you read the book, Play Bigger, talks all about that.
Talks about whoever can define the problem best
is usually the one who owns the solution the best, 'kay?
I'm trying to figure out what problem I can best define
in the red ocean.
When I do that, we're gonna roll forward
into a prelaunch campaign, 'kay?
And so, I go in, and I start doing things, like I said,
I aways create a publishing platform.
I will start listing out all of the red ocean influencers
who are also selling or providing
something similar to what I am.
I will go in, and I'll start looking,
I look at, to see who also is publishing,
that's very key, right, who's publishing?
Because if I can listen to their podcasts,
if I can read their blogs, or I can listen to their shows,
and they're the major publishers in that red ocean?
I now know what major beliefs are being shoved into
the throats of the red ocean, right?
I know now exactly where their current beliefs are,
'cause story upholds belief, right?
And I know what the stories are they're consuming,
therefore I know what beliefs that they are upholding,
and now I know what to go change and shift to a blue ocean,
does that make sense?
I'm not trying to get too deep into this.
Does that make sense?
But I need to know what their current beliefs are, right?
So I'll go in, and I look at the red ocean producers.
What are the products?
I look at the red ocean, it's, guys,
one of the easiest ways for you to start dominating
in a space, if you have not yet, get intimate.
Get incredibly knowledgeable on your red ocean.
A lot of guys just have no idea
who the freak you're selling,
and that's why your marketing doesn't work.
Because it's not actually written for any person.
It's not written for a market,
it's not written with a single customer in mind.
Instead, you'll like, it could sell this person,
this person could buy it, you know who,
this person could buy it, that's crap.
That's the fastest way to failure, okay?
I'm not asking who could buy it, anybody could buy it.
I'm looking at who should.
I'm looking at my dream customer.
That's a very different question to answer
than who should buy my thing, who should,
who could buy my thing, who could,
that person could buy it, of course they could buy it,
if they have the cash, they could buy it.
Who do you want to buy it, right?
And a lot of that has to do with getting intimate
and understanding more about the red ocean iteself.
Who is in inside that red ocean?
What are they believing, what are they reading,
what are they consuming?
You have got to know, guys if there is more,
I mean I design a blue ocean, 'kay?
When I start designing, right, it's been really fun,
guys, I've been a part, I've been able to do that
a couple times now, okay?
I accidentally become category king in a few places
without realizing it, and then when I look back and realize,
it's like, "Oh my gosh, this is what I did," right?
When I am designing a blue ocean, 'kay?
I am, there is more fill in the blanks about the red ocean
that I'm filling out, rather than designing the blue ocean
itself, does that make sense?
There are more questions I have to answer
to get to know the red ocean, than the blue ocean.
Does that make sense?
There, there is far more for me to understand
about where people currently are, and how they got there,
than where I'm taking them.
That part's easy, right?
Most of the people skip the who, who are you selling?
Okay, so you're like, Stephen,
this is about affiliate outrage,
what does this have to do with affiliate outrage, 'kay?
Well, what I started realizing,
what I started doing was, there's a few things that I wanted
inside of affiliate outrage.
I wanted to teach more about, okay they,
the affiliate campaign for, if you guys saw,
there's a book called 30 Days, and it's what we,
right, and it's really, I was really honored, okay.
Russell asked that I would write a chapter in that book.
What would I do if I lost it all, and what would I do
to get it, get everything back,
or back on my feet, in 30 days, day by day.
Day one, what would you do, day two, what'd you do,
day three, what'd you do, right?
I am absolutely murdering that campaign, 'kay?
I have almost doubled the sales of, of affiliate number two,
okay, out of everybody, I'm number one, okay?
And you know, I'm excited, I'm gonna be pumped about it,
it's cool to celebrate your wins, woo,
I'm gonna celebrate that.
But I know why I'm, I'm number one, okay?
This is a play, it's like a football play, okay?
And I've practiced running it enough times now,
that 20 minutes before the affiliate contest started,
I was like, all right, I'm just gonna run the play.
That's all I did, to think through what I was gonna do
to make this successful, and be number one.
20 minutes, you guys, 20 minutes, it was 11:40, and at noon,
at noon the thing was launching.
And all I was doing was working the framework, all right.
This is what companies hire me to go do now,
which is really fun, okay.
Go fly in, work the framework with him for an entire day,
it's an intense day, it's about 12 hours, okay.
We go in, and it usually causes a complete restructure
of their marketing, and what they deliver.
But at the end of it, the outcome,
they're able to over deliver for the customers,
and over deliver to their wallet, okay.
I don't believe in you bleeding
for your thing anymore, 'kay?
Get paid what you're worth.
If not, you gotta contact me, 'kay.
I've been talking a lot, my voice is kinda shot, anyway.
Back to affiliate outrage, okay?
So what I did, right, and the reason I'm so stoked about it,
and I, the point of this episode is to tell you
that it's launched, it's live.
You can go to affiliate outrage.com, and you can learn
number one, how do you create affiliate offers.
Just because you didn't make the program,
just because you didn't make the product,
does not mean you do not need to make the marketing.
Does that make sense?
Just because you, does that make sense?
That's like a huge fallacy with affiliate marketing, right?
"Oh, somebody else made the product,
"somebody else made the product, I'm able to go in
"and just toss people out to the affiliate link."
Screw that, everyone does that, okay?
You are literally doing a red ocean activity in marketing,
with somebody else's product, okay?
Just because it's not your thing, doesn't mean
you don't need to create marketing for it, okay?
That's what you're gonna learn, I think it's
lesson one and two, those are the first two days.
And I'm gonna teach you guys how to create affiliate offers,
okay, so I'm super stoked about it, so if you guys can go to
affiliateoutrage.com, it'll take you straight into a spot
where you can go and, it's a, I think it's like 26 days,
okay, they're not, some of them are a little bit longer,
but most of them are a little bit short.
But what I did, is all like,
how can I make it an extra level of awesome, okay?
What if I created all the share funnels for all the things
I'm building for you, in the course for free, sweet,
so it's in there.
Oh, I know, what if I was to go, and I was able to get
all the, because I'm not a, not an expert in YouTube,
I love YouTube, but what if I got my personal YouTube
expert, right, she's freakin awesome, okay?
We just found out if you go type in Russell Brunson,
on YouTube, I'm video number three (laughs)
for that keyword in all of YouTube, okay?
She's really good, 'kay?
What if I got my personal person, for Facebook ads
to come in and teach you guys why our Facebook ads
do so well, okay?
What if I was gonna, so I did, right?
What if I was gonna go get my personal writer, so I did.
What if I was gonna, 'kay, guys, I got my phone right here.
I'm gonna read you guys the list of the people
that I'm super excited to introduce to you guys.
Some of you guys don't know that I've been working.
If they're not on my team, then I, then I at least just know
that I, they're awesome, super appreciate them,
endorse them, so, so check this out, right?
Chris Benetti, he's a great funnel designer.
He's gonna come in and teach you how to make design awesome
without getting distracted by it, and thinking that's
what's gonna sell, right, in your funnels.
'Cause design is not what makes things sell, right?
Dan Havey, he's the man, he's gonna go,
and he's gonna teach you, he's a crazy good,
I call him the ninja hacker. (laughs)
He is gonna teach you guys more about a strategy
Using members areas, super awesome, so he hacked it all out,
and you guys get the share funnel of this pre hacked out
precur, he's a great coder, anyway,
so you guys are gonna get that.
Derek Wilson, he is the high ticket closer
at Clickfunnels, literally.
And he's gonna teach you guys how to do affiliate sales,
when a lot of you guys ask questions to me, like,
"How would you do this if you were high ticket?"
Okay, no different, but here are the script
that he talks about, it's really cool.
Helen Henley, she's fan, absolutely fantastic,
in fact a blog that, if you're reading this from the blog,
she's the one writing this right now to you, okay?
She is not just my incredible blog writer,
she's also helping me create my first book
which is coming out, which is all the lessons I learned
sitting next to the desk of Russell, okay?
Crazy awesome, she's super cool.
Josh Forti, Josh Forti is the man.
If you don't know who Josh is, he's the absolute rockstar
at social media in general, he specifically though,
he's gonna come in and teach you guys more about Facebook
platform itself, and also do more on Instagram.
See, and with Josh Ryan.
With Josh Ryan, if you guys will notice my Instagram,
I now have 35 thousand followers, they are not bots,
they are not fake people, how did we do it?
He's the guy that has done that with me as well,
which is crazy cool.
Julia Taylor, she's my WordPress expert.
She's the one who has completely redesigned,
and redone the sales funnel radio blog.
If you guys go to blog.salesfunnelradio.com,
we just barely launched and rolled out the new blog,
it's freakin awesome, okay?
It's way better than the clunky one that was on there
last time, the last one got it done,
the last one, like it made it work.
But anyway, blog.salesfunnelradio.com, boom,
that one's in there for you.
Kevin Anson, Kevin Anson, if you don't know who that is,
he's one of my good buddies,
he is the guy who films everything for funnel hacker TV.
We have an amazing line up here, anyway, I'm still going.
Is that okay, is it okay if I over deliver, is that okay?
Is it okay if these people over deliver?
Please go thank them for teaching you guys.
So each one of these guys has a day, okay?
Each one of these people has a day,
and they are teaching you concepts,
so I introduce them, then they're gonna teach you
the inner workings of the platforms that they're experts on.
All free, is that okay, right (laughs).
So Kevin Anson, he's gonna teach you how to actually create,
he's gonna teach you how to create promotion videos
in a good method.
Leslie Black, she is my crazy amazing accountant.
She, she's gonna actually teach you guys,
again, we are not legal advisors, disclaimer, disclaimer,
does everybody feel disclaimed, sweet, she's gonna go in,
and she's gonna teach you guys how to set up enough legal
structure to keep you guys protected while you're starting
to make your affiliate cash come in, okay?
Marley, okay, Marley Baird, absolutely incredible,
she is my YouTube expert.
Give all of these people all of your money, okay.
YouTube is one of my favorite platforms ever.
Out of all social media, I think YouTube kind of
is social media, (laughs) right?
But it's also a search engine, which is really cool.
Anyway, she is absolutely amazing.
My cool video intro, for those of you guys
watching my youtube, she's the one that made that.
She's the one cutting all the video for everything,
she's absolutely incredible.
Nathan Sheer, he's one of my good buddies, okay.
What I ask Nathan to come do, he's a great funnel hacker.
It's hard to find funnel builders who are also marketers.
It's easy to find funnel builders.
It's pretty easy, ish, to find marketers.
It's very challenging to find
a funnel building marketer, okay?
There's not many out there.
Nathan is one of those other people that is like that, okay?
He's got the crazy twitch in his left eye,
and he's awesome,
okay, he's sort of, he's gonna teach you guys,
there's a checklist he's gonna walk you guys through
to make sure your funnel's ready to rock
before you launch it.
Is it okay if I keep going, cool.
Nico, Nico Moreno, he's my chat bot expert, okay.
He's the one, he's co-created some products with me,
and he's helped me create some cool things with chat bots.
Him as well as Josh Forty, and so he's gonna teach you
to use chat bots to get affiliate sales, what?
Okay, Semma, Semma is my absolutely incredible Facebook
person, I call her the Facebook ads whisperer. (laughs)
Okay, she's the one who's been doing,
running all my Facebook ads, she's absolutely fantastic.
Each of these people, just so you know, they're not
fair game to go and like just promote your stuff to 'em
automatically, just know that all of them
charge a lot of money, and I'm not joking, okay,
I'm talking like base fees of multi-thousand dollars
just to even do like a normal consultating session
with them, okay?
And what each one of these guys have done,
the reason I'm telling you that,
is because I want you to go in, and at least thank them.
Okay, they have gone in, and they are grabbing a day
where they're gonna teach you their skill set,
and how to sell another person's product
with their skill set.
Regardless of platform, or regardless of whatever it is.
So I'm super excited to launch affiliate outrage.
This has been a fun thing.
This is one of the plays that I'm making,
it's gonna look, one of six,
and in order to ake over a certain realm that I'm going for,
that's kind of undisclosed yet. (laughs)
So for me, it's a very strategic, for me in order to
teach a whole lot of people how to be affiliates, okay?
So I'm creating an affiliate army.
And I'm excited affiliate outrage is out,
it is ready, you guys are ready to have it,
but watch specifically what we'll be doing next, okay?
There's a lot of cool things,
we got a few more episodes coming out here,
I had to do a lot of stuff in order for affiliate outrage
to be done, which is probably why
it took a little bit longer
to get out than I expected, which is pretty normal
for any entrepreneur. (laughs)
Any funnel hacker especially.
But anyways, I'm very excited for you guys to have this.
Hopefully it's been helpful to you.
And if, if you really want an awesome education
of what marketers actually do, watch the prelaunch
that I went through in order to launch this thing.
Even though it was free.
I still had to sell it, okay?
Look at how massive the sales page is
for this free product, okay?
Look at it, watch it.
I encourage you to consume this slowly, all right?
You're now buying anything, so I was gonna say, buy slowly.
Okay, it's free, okay, but buy, go through it, slowly.
Okay, watch what I'm doing.
Why am I doing what I'm doing in this.
Why would I introduce to you all the people in here?
Why would I tell you about all the things that I, right,
why would, if you notice, I have brought you through
multiple epiphany bridge stories.
I have published my face off about it,
I've co created it with a lot of people.
We've done a lot of pressure ahead of time
on this thing, right?
Even when I knew it wasn't quite ready yet, or going to be
for a little bit, I'm like, "Hey, it's coming out soon.
"I'm not telling you when, but it's coming out soon.
"It's coming out soon, it's coming out soon."
And you guys, if you guys go look at the group,
you guys are like, "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited.
"This is gonna be so cool."
And I'm like, "Yes, it's working."
Right, and a lot of you have told me,
this is way better than any paid one that's out there,
when you haven't even had it yet.
Fascinating, think about that, okay?
This is better than anyone's paid stuff.
Are you sure, because I haven't even gotten through mine yet
you know what I mean, I'm sure it is,
it's really incredible, okay,
I've assembled quite the team here
to come do this for you guys for free,
so please go thank them.
But watch what I did.
And it is as much of an education as the lessons themselves
inside of affiliate outrage.
Anyways, I wanna thank you so much,
I appreciate you guys being here, I appreciate you guys'
support in this, I am, I am actively trying to help people
not just make money, but call themselves on their own BS
for not doing things that they know they should be, okay?
And I'm trying to do it in a way where,
I never wanna yell at a person.
I'm not yelling at an individual, but I will yell
at your behavior, right?
I will yell at my behavior.
I will yell at my habits, right?
I have false beliefs about my ability to go achieve things,
just like a customer has false beliefs to go buy my product.
Okay, and the better that I can get at calling my own
false beliefs out, like I would for a customer,
and shift the stories in my head, the faster I can approach
the goals I'm actually looking for.
And so you're gonna see, inside of affiliate outrage,
a combination, this is why I took a while
for me to get it out there.
It's not just like, money money money money money money,
right, and that's a huge part of it.
But what it really is, also, it is, it is the ability,
for you, if you go through and start,
I hate the term mindset training, okay,
but that's part of what it is,
is, I've found that people suffer more,
and do not take action more, because of,
it's not because they don't know what strategies to go for,
it's because their brains
can't handle an actually go achieve
and take down and conquer the thing I'm telling 'em to do.
Right, so there's just as much like,
there's just as much like "Hey, this is the strategy,
"this is why it works,
"and here's a whole bunch of case studies."
As much as there, there's a whole bunch of like,
"Look, here's how to handle it when,"
because a lot of you guys I know that follow me,
you really haven't made any money on the internet yet.
And I wanna call, I want you to call yourself out on that,
and expect something different.
Why, why have you not?
Right, go in, and you, that's why I like affiliate stuff.
Because you have the ability to go in and practice marketing
without, without the intense, intense,
I don't know, experience it is to create the product itself.
Some people get so wrapped up on the product,
that they forget that this other thing, that
is completely isolated called marketing exists, right?
And you gotta go learn that.
And that's why I love the training wheels
that affiliate marketing really is.
So I encourage you, if you're like,
"Oh, I don't know, I already have a product,"
or whatever, that's totally fine.
Okay, but the strategies alone
that you're gonna hear the team,
all these people who are incredible that came in.
It's like 16 people, okay.
They came in, they're dropping out
all this incredible stuff,
you're gotta learn more strategies of marketing,
not product creation, okay?
And marketing is what pays you, okay, okay.
Not the product, the product just delivers value
that the sales message promised.
The product, does that make sense?
The product just delivers the value
that the sales message promised.
It's the sales message that does the selling, right?
It's the marketing that changes the mind,
it's the marketing that sets up a new style of belief
in the person's head.
This is getting deep.
Anyway, I'm not trying to make this like this crazy thing
but I want you to know why affiliate outrage, for me,
has been such an awesome, kind of near and dear project
to my heart, and why I've spent so much time on it.
And what it really can do for an individual,
if they let themselves do it.
Guys, so thank you so much, I hope you enjoy this,
I hope you guys enjoy why I've done this.
Hopefully I've been able to explain a little bit more
about why I am doing what I am.
Use affiliate marketing as a training set, right.
As training wheels to learn what marketing actually is.
It is not the act of setting up a freakin' ad.
That can be part of it, but it's not marketing itself, okay.
And I want you to learn how to do that,
and I want you to use this program to do that.
And if you so choose, promote my products,
we give out fat commissions for doing so, and I think you.
Guys, thank you so much, hope you guys enjoy this.
You guys can go to affiliateoutrage.com and go
and get started on the free program.
Thank you guys very much, and I'll see you guys
in the program, bye.
(clapping rhythmic music)
Woo hoo, hey, thanks for listening.
Hey, many don't know that I actually made my first money
online as an affiliate marketer.
If you wanna know how I funded my entire company
without using any of my own money ever,
you can learn to do the same for free
at affiliateoutrage.com.
Interesting Article. Hoping that you will continue posting an article having a useful information. Candlesandsupplies
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