Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018

This is for my life man, and for memories. I need you to pass me the ball one time, man.

I'll go deep. I'm sorry, brother.

Yes! Yes!

Hey, you made my day, bro.

I can scratch it off the bucket list.

Bucket list moment, baby. Yeah! Yeah!

What up, family? Yes, yes. What up? What up? What up?

You guys have been with us forever, man. So we appreciate that.

So welcome to this Brotherhood.

We appreciate it, man.

We did a special version of Welcome to Atlanta, man. Especailly for y'all.

We know about the morale in the city and how we've been wanting this forever.

So we feel like this is one-hundred percent the season.

This is the time! It's about determination. It's about focus.

I don't want to take this guys job away

but I want to let y'all know how much we want it even more than y'all do.

I can't say we want it more. I know y'all want it more than us.

But at the same time, as a city,

everything that's going on in Atlanta, this is our season. This is our time.

That's how I feel. So hopefully this music makes y'all do that.

Ditto, what he just said. Exactly.

Alright, well you're part of it, man. Why don't you break this thing down with us.

Alright, on 3, man. Brotherhood!

That's what we going to do. Let's get in.

Y'all ready? 1-2-3 Brotherhood!

Hell yeah!

Family, boy!

If it was up to me, you would already be in that thing!


Go get it, Matty Ice! We got to get it!

Alright, bro.

I'm trying to get on the field with y'all man.

I need to get out here!

What am I doing? Where's my uniform? Oh, I got a uniform! Let's go!

Give me my cleats! Where my cleats at?

What up, fam? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Good to see you guys, man.

You made my day, bro. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Ludacris and Jermaine Dupri visit practice - Duration: 2:03.


دعم قناة_عياش دبوان _|صديقي| دخول إشتراك 💙💙 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> دعم قناة_عياش دبوان _|صديقي| دخول إشتراك 💙💙 - Duration: 0:16.


$175,000 In 1 Year | Law Of Attraction Explained By Bob Proctor (How It's Done) - Duration: 9:45.

I would wake up and I just wanted to get

the debts off my back I wanted to get

through the day to think that you could

sit down and take a pen and write out

what you want then get it that was the

furthest thing from my mind, I mean

I just didn't know, that never entered my mind

but that's what he got me to do and

he talked to me for a while well then

I said I wanted $25,000 I mean that

would be like maybe you saying right now

you want a billion dollars I mean it was

so far out of my reach that I didn't

even know anyone with $25,000 and I

didn't believe it but he said if you do

exactly what I tell you, you can have

anything you want

I not only didn't believe it there

was no way I could believe it

but the way he spoke to me he had such

conviction I knew he believed it least I

believed he believed it and then he said to me

why don't you do what I'm telling you

he said your ways not working mine is

he was happy healthy wealthy


I couldn't even figure out why it was

talking to me and something inside me

said why don't you do what he says

so I thought I'll try it

he's give it a try you've got nothing to lose

and so I said okay

and that's really where it all started

and he gave me this book and he said

read this every day he got me to commit

that I'd read it every day well I did

and that's a thick book, you know

for a guy that doesn't mean I never read a

book in my life I was 26


I started to read it and he

said do exactly what I'm telling you and

do what the book tells you

well my whole life changed

just like that

how long did it took

what happened was I carry a gold card

I always have one and I keep it in a

plastic sleeve and when I touch that see

when you write your goal you create a

picture in your mind it's like painting

a picture in words and that picture is

impregnated into cells in your brain

well when you touch something your

sensory factor touches affected it sends

a light message through your central

nervous system and activates those cells

in your brain so the picture of your

glow flashes on the screen of your mind

well I didn't know any of this at the

time but he had me write it on a card so

I wrote the goal that I wanted on a card

and I put it in my pocket and what

happened was I kept reading it I got it

I started to treat it as a joke

but I started to think of earning money

now you think well weren't you think of that

before no I wasn't I would get paid

whatever they give me and I was always

in debt so I was thinking debt

now tell you one thing I've learned if your goal

is to get out of debt

you'll probably stay in debt forever

because that's what you're thinking

about and I quit thinking of debt then

started to think of earning money and I

heard a guy say there's good money

cleaning floors so I'm not president

I don't clean floor and I started, I remember

I had to borrow 980 dollars and that was

not an easy thing for me to do I mean I

wouldn't have lent me money nobody won't

lend me money but I needed that much to

buy a used floor machine and some

buckets and mops and he said something

he says don't clean floors for somebody

else do them for yourself so I was doing

what they tell me

and that's what they started to do

I got one office to clean then I got another

one then another one any went from there

the first year I earned 175,000 in under

five years I was over a million

and I was cleaning offices in Toronto Montreal

Boston Cleveland Atlanta in London

England I would just go and open offices

and hire people to clean floors

all started from a joke

presume joke your work yeah

it was

it's like I think it's fascinating that

even though you don't believe something

in that moment even if you tell yourself

a lie so many times you will start

believing it

well there's no question

you tell yourself a lie often

enough you're gonna start to believe it

and way around 1900 William James said

believe and your belief will create the fact

it's got to be believed you've got

to believe it and if there's no belief

it ain't going to happen

see when you believe it you're encased

in the idea you fuse with the idea and

that makes all kinds of things happen

in the movie 'Think' which you're gonna be

featured in and which is made by the

laws and the principle in this book

there's something that really touched my

soul which is the three feet from gold

story which I think a lot of people

resonate with because so many people I

think everybody has goals everybody has

aspirations everybody wants this and

that and that but so many people just

don't get them immediately and quit, so

how do you feel about that like what

level of belief do you need to have you

need like never give up

and I think it goes beyond belief I

think you have to know it you see when

you believe it there's no quitting you

never quit it doesn't matter what

happens you don't quit quitting is never

quitting is never an option

the people that quit they never really

bought into the idea in the first place

see you've got it, you get it on three levels

the second you think of

something you've got it intellectually

when you get emotionally involved you've

got it on a spiritual or emotional level

well then that expresses itself through

the body but it's just an instrument of

your mind

and so when you're really buying into it

you literally fuse with it Neville said

you fuse with it and this causes all

kinds of things to happen you're dealing

with electronics you're dealing with

energy like the second you think

something that's all you need, see you

live on frequencies you think on

frequencies your phone operates on

frequencies and it's like magic you're

you're in Romania right


I'm in Toronto


if I've got your number on my phone I

could take a picture something hit like

that you've got it in Romania

simultaneous with me sending it because

when you get into the mind there isn't

any time or space just immediate yeah

just immediate

well the, you're living on frequencies

now when you think of something what

you've done is you've flipped your brain

onto a higher frequency

the very fact you can see it is all the

proof you need to know you could get it

what you have to do is raise your level

of consciousness to that frequency

and then you will attract whatever is on

that frequency all the good you need to

manifest the idea, Carnegie said that way

back in 1908 to Hill when when Carnegie

commissioned him to write this book he

said any idea that's held in the mind

that's emphasized that's either feared

or revered so it could be better good

that's either feared or revered we'll

begin at once to close itself in the

most convenient and appropriate form available

it starts to move in to form

Wernher von Braun that dr. Wernher von

Braun there was the mastermind of the moonshot

he told John Kennedy when he was

president he said the natural laws of

the universe are so precise that we

don't have any difficulty sending people

to the moon and we can tighten the

landing with a precision of a fraction

of a second

or one of the first laws is

a perpetual transmutation of energy

energies forever moving into form

through form and back into form now what

makes you and I unique is we can dictate

the form it's going to move into because

we're creative beings like all the

little creatures on the planet

are completely at home in their

environment they blend in you and I are

the only people or the only creatures on

the planet, the human, that is totally

disoriented in their environment and

that's because we've been given the

mental faculties to create our own environment

I have read somewhere that

once you think about something you

visualize it you create it once and then

it's your job to create it in the real world

that's right, everything is created twice

so you first created in your mind

it's already created then you have to

actually take it from that world

in the material world

For more infomation >> $175,000 In 1 Year | Law Of Attraction Explained By Bob Proctor (How It's Done) - Duration: 9:45.


► Hoffman vs Zurita - Duration: 13:03.

For more infomation >> ► Hoffman vs Zurita - Duration: 13:03.


Why These Weird Carnivores Smell Like Popcorn - Duration: 3:32.

[ ♪ ]

Wander through the forests of southeast Asia, and you might suddenly wonder if there's a movie theatre nearby.

That's because parts of Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia are home to the binturong

— a cat-like carnivore with pee that smells like buttered popcorn.


Binturongs—or bearcats as they're sometimes called, though they aren't closely related to bears or cats

— like to hang out high in the trees of dense forests where they can avoid ground-dwelling predators while they snack on fruit, insects, small rodents, or leaves.

They're covered in shaggy, black fur with long, goofy tufts behind their ears,

and they have grasping or prehensile tails which they use to clamber along branches.

But probably their most distinctive feature is their popcorn-y smell — which mostly comes from the urine they use to mark their territories.

They leave scent marks by squatting and spraying urine onto their legs and bushy tail and then rubbing those onto nearby branches.

They can also use a specialized gland near their anus called the perineal gland for this,

but researchers think the scents released from there are different and less appetizing.

The tasty smell of their pee is thanks to a chemical is called 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, or just 2-AP for short.

It's an organic heterocyclic aroma compound and an imine,

which is basically just a fancy chemistry way of saying it's a chemical that has a smell, contains carbon atoms,

has a circular structure made from multiple elements, and there's a double bond a with a nitrogen atom thrown in somewhere.

In popcorn, 2-AP forms when high heat causes a reaction between the kernel's sugars and amino acids

— a chemical process known as the Maillard reaction.

But binturongs aren't exactly caramelizing their pee, so biologists aren't sure how they make it,

though they think bacteria in the gut or near the urethral opening might be involved.

It's also possible other compounds contribute to the buttery aroma,

but when researchers identified a bunch of different components of binturong urine in 2016, 2-AP was the only one found in all of the samples.

And it hung around at room temperature, meaning it would probably also hang around for a while on a tree.

What's really interesting, though, is that male binturong urine had a lot more 2-AP than female urine.

And researchers were able to link the level of 2-AP in an animal's urine to the amount

of the sex hormone androstenedione swishing around in their blood.

Males have more of this hormone in their blood than females overall, but levels of it increase

in females when they're in heat — right when they're most fertile.

That means other binturongs might be able to tell whether there's a territorial male

or a female ready for mating nearby — all from how popcorn-y the branch they're scurrying on smells!

And while knowing what's behind the binturong's unique buttery smell is pretty cool all by itself,

it might also be kind of important because binturong populations have declined more than 30% over the last couple of decades.

So if 2-AP puts these vulnerable animals in the mood or signals when a female is fertile,

it could help conservationists breed them in captivity.

And that could help ensure these wonderfully weird animals keep forests smelling like popcorn for centuries to come.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you love learning weird facts like this about the universe, you should stick around!

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[ ♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> Why These Weird Carnivores Smell Like Popcorn - Duration: 3:32.


আপন যুবতী মেয়ের বুকের দুধ পান করলো বাবা কিন্তু কেন তা জানলে আপনার বিবেক নাদা দেবে !! top10-mayajal - Duration: 2:56.

এদের কাজের গতি দেখলে চমকে উঠবেন আপনিও !! Fastest workers in the world mayajaal

ক্যামেরায় রেকর্ড না হলে বিশ্বাস করতেন না আপনিও || top 5 Amazing Things happend in the world

এদের কাজের গতি দেখলে চমকে উঠবেন আপনিও !! Fastest workers in the world mayajaal

অবিশ্বাস্য বন্ধুত্ব | এই অবুঝ প্রানী গুলোও মানুষকে ভালোবাসতে পারে || Animal friendship with human

#Top10 #Mayajaal যে মিথ্যে গুলিকে আপনি এতদিন ধরে সত্যি ভেবে আসছেন | পেছনের রহস্য Top 10 myths that you still believe

আপন যুবতী মেয়ের বুকের দুধ পান করলো বাবা কিন্তু কেন তা জানলে আপনার বিবেক নাদা দেবে !! top10-mayajal

এদের কাজের গতি দেখলে চমকে উঠবেন আপনিও !! Fastest workers in the world mayajaal

For more infomation >> আপন যুবতী মেয়ের বুকের দুধ পান করলো বাবা কিন্তু কেন তা জানলে আপনার বিবেক নাদা দেবে !! top10-mayajal - Duration: 2:56.


Drake $120 Million Rich Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Drake $120 Million Rich Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 11:20.


[Trailer Canale 2.0] - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> [Trailer Canale 2.0] - Duration: 1:40.


Underappreciated 2018 Horror Movies You Need To See - Duration: 4:29.

This video was sponsored by The Purge on USA Network, a ten episode television event premiering

on Tuesday, September 4.

Will you hide, or will you seek?

Tune in to USA Network every Tuesday to make your choice...and seal your fate.

You don't need us to tell you that there's too much to watch these days..

Even months before Halloween, 2018 had already delivered a number of standout horror movies,

many of them flying under the radar - so we've collected our favorites.

For one reason or another, all of them were overlooked, but they're all worth a second



Sometimes a horror fan wants something intellectual, and sometimes you just want to watch people

run from an insane clown.

Trashy, exploitative, and mean-spirited, Terrifier is the sort of movie that's meant to be discovered

on a beat-up VHS tape.

Except instead of being pumped out into dollar theaters in the '80s, it was somehow released

in 2018.

Terrifier commits to its trashiness from every angle.

It's simplistic, low-budget, and sometimes dubiously acted - which is not to say that

it's a bad movie.

While it's certainly not for everybody, the movie has notched a solid 80 percent on Rotten

Tomatoes, meaning slasher fans should feel confident giving this punchy thrill ride a

late-night spin.


What if you made a nasty wish in a fit of rage, only to find later that you couldn't

take it back?

Pyewacket tells the story of a teenage girl who naively puts a curse on her mother in

a half-baked woodsy ritual.

After her moment of frustration has passed, the girl has to watch as her curse becomes

terrifyingly real, and the consequences close in around her.

Pyewacket is a movie from the slow burn school of horror, favoring mood over scary moments

and a sense of dread over jump scares.

Elevated by strong performances from its mother and daughter leads, the movie sports a concept

relatable to anyone who's ever been a teenager - especially a teenager who's made a big mistake

or two.


Wildling isn't just an underappreciated horror movie - this unsung character study is one

of the best movies of the year.

The story of a young woman raised in captivity who enters the real world as a teenager, it's

a feral child story that takes its premise very literally.

A supernatural horror movie, Wildling brings out its fantastical elements slowly, drawing

you into its world of believable characters well before it reveals what it really is.

It's a movie that tests your allegiances as a viewer, with your sympathies constantly

shifting as the circumstances change.

It's also a movie of adolescent self-discovery with a particularly wild twist.

Starting like a supernatural version of the movie Room, Wildling basically turns into

Predator by its third act - an appropriate transformation, given the subject matter.


Left for dead in an isolated location, a young woman is forced to hang on to her life as

the criminals who nearly did her in come back to finish her off for good.

Over the course of Revenge she turns from a carefree hedonist into a vengeful destroyer.

The circumstances of her near-death experience are so brutal and unfair; you've never wanted

to see the bad guys get what's coming to them as badly as you do here.

A vicious, adrenaline-pumping look at savagery and survival, Revenge is not a comfortable

watch, basically being a cross between 127 Hours and I Spit on Your Grave.

But if you've got the guts to watch it, it's a trip well worth

your time.

The Strangers: Prey at Night

A surprise hit when it invaded theaters in 2008, it took the producers of The Strangers

a decade for a follow-up to be realized.

Enthusiasm for the first movie faded in the time between releases, and the sequel landed

in theaters with a much more muted splash.

But fans of the original Strangers shouldn't ignore this second go-around, which may be

better than the original.

Moving the action from a couple's home to an empty trailer park, Prey at Night effectively

builds on the original's premise of pointless, random violence.

It can't be reasoned with - it can only be fled.

The sequel gains points over the original for the target family's tendency to fight

back, making the game of cat-and-mouse much more of a level playing field than it was

in the original, and ultimately, making this a more rewarding watch.

Mom and Dad

Written and directed by Brian Taylor, one half of the directing duo that brought the

world the Crank movies, Mom and Dad is a look at the most out-of-hand family squabble you've

ever seen.

It's as though they took a mundane argument between parents and their children, added

Nicolas Cage, and… well, made a Crank movie out of it.

Simple and brutal, Mom and Dad is a cathartic and chaotic horror-comedy, with all the best

Nicolas Cage weirdness you could ask for - up to and including an enraged performance of

the Hokey Pokey that involves a sledgehammer.

It's not every filmgoer's favorite flavor, but if you're still with this video, you're

probably the target audience.

For more infomation >> Underappreciated 2018 Horror Movies You Need To See - Duration: 4:29.



What's up guys, my name's Miah.

Welcome to my channel.

And today's basically going to be introduction to my channel! and me.

Well, in case you can't tell, my name is Miah.

Spelled M-I-A-H, not "Mia".

This channel is basically going to be if a beauty blogger had a kid with a DIY blogger

and mushed it all together and it was this channel.

So, be looking forward to my new videos coming up soon.

I don't know what my upload schedules going to be yet because I am in the middle of my

second year of college.

It could be more often, It could be like once a week, I'm not exactly sure yet.

But once I start getting into the flow of things we'll have a set schedule, and a set

name for you guys.

Make sure to click the subscribe bell down below so you can be notified when I upload

my first real video!

Alright bye!

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