Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 4 2018


Which character on the Smash Roster would you say represents the series as a whole?

3. 2. 1.

If your answer wasn't Captain Falcon, then you disgust me.

But okay, let's go over the respectable choices.

It's no secret that Mario's the most famous character out of everyone

He's been the main set-piece for a lot of character reveal trailers

And he's been on the cover of every box

I wouldn't blame someone for choosing him

Kirby can wear a hat resembling a character if he inhales them

So in a sense, he literally embodies everyone

He was also created by the same man who made Smash

Roy works too because when you think about it, he's the only fighter in the entire series to have originated in Smash

Since he appeared in Melee months before his own game

R.O.B.'s another great pick since he was a major player in Brawl's Story Mode: The Subspace Emissary

He started out as the Ancient Minister, an original character who was tasked with sending multiple worlds into subspace

He underwent some character development throughout the story and reemerged on the side of good as R.O.B.

But no other character on the roster comes close to representing the Smash Bros. legacy as well as Captain Falcon does

He's one of the twelve original characters, and has been in every subsequent game since then, so he's a veteran

And one with an insanely iconic move-set at that

Falcon Punch, Falcon Kick, the Knee of Justice, the Heel of Shame!

These are all attacks that will live on til the end of time out of the sheer hype they produce

His combos and movement options are strung together in ways

That make him one of the most stylish and exciting characters to spectate

No matter what game he's in

Even Snake and Otacon can't help but imitate him!

Speaking of his moves, he wants to see yours!

He's had the taunt "Show me ya moves" since Smash 64, and it hasn't gone away since then!

Why do you think he says this phrase anyways?

It doesn't come from his origins, it's a Smash original, so what did Sakurai wish to convey by having Falcon say this?

Well as many people know, Smash 64 was originally Dragon King: The Fighting Game

Where these generic-looking characters beat each other up in the same way we see Smash now

Putting Falcon right next to one of these characters makes him look oddly suspicious

As if his model and some of his moves were based off the beta of Smash

If this is true, then he was the first Smash Bros. fighter that Sakurai created

Under this lens, "Show me ya moves" feels a lot more…


As if Sakurai himself is excited to see what you're made of

So next time Captain Falcon strikes you with that iconic pose, and says

"Show me ya moves"

Then you better be giving it your all

Out of respect...

For『The Symbol of Smash』

For more infomation >> The SYMBOL of Smash - Duration: 2:56.


This Is Us Season 3 First Look Preview (HD) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> This Is Us Season 3 First Look Preview (HD) - Duration: 2:40.


Wholesale Real Estate Complete Setup |Step By Step Process with Seller Phone Call and All Documents - Duration: 20:35.

wholesaling real estate 101 I personally

believe everyone who's in real estate

should know how to use this skill and

this video is gonna take you step by

step and what we're doing right now is

step number one a whole selling real

estate because we are and yes I don't

mean rolling down the street smoking in

dough I mean you're driving for dollars

you're looking for distressed properties

to see what is gonna be something you

can make a play for and when you run

across something that looks like this

we're gonna show you what you do after

the fact to make a deal happen if you're

finding me for the first time please go

ahead subscribe to the channel click the

notification bill so you're down every

time we drop these life gains videos

also check my video description link

that's where you'll see links to

everything that we do on this channel

you can make some money and also support

me on patreon let's jump into the video

what good youtubers returning life

gamers and those looking to get started

wholesaling real estate

my name is Lamont Tyson two sexes hell

host of this life games channel and

we're going to take you on that

step-by-step journey today to

wholesaling real estate a skill I

believe everybody in real estate needs

but before we do that I gotta put on my

plus seven glasses of sexy as hell

work on skilling up my craft giving you

all the better YouTube experience

something better to look at for the

forms that you'll see in this video that

I help you as you're out there doing

this thing for other great links and for

gear go into my video description and go

check out shop life Gamescom everything

is going to be down there to help you

get started in this whole selling

process I only ask

that if you find value in this video

please share with everybody please let

people know that you are out here making

these games and this channel is helping

you get there so you guys just seen the

first step in the opening of this video

driving for dollars is still the number

one way you get your real estate there

are also other ways you know direct

marketing even a mail marketing so forth

and so forth but the cheapest way the

way to do it on a shoestring budget and

I ain't talking about Nike shoe strings

I'm talking about them joy - thing some

things those folks that was poor

pantsuits to buy from Kmart you thought

it on that shoestring driving $4.00 is

still the best way to do it so you found

a house that identifies what's the next

step the next step is you get on your

computer you look it up and we're going

to do that right now on the sexiest hell

man so I've got my address all you have

to do now

whatever county you're in go to their

tax department and input the address so

for the one I found is Alamance County

and this is going to be a free option

you can use Alamance County

everybody's county is going to have this

information pop up and then from there

you would just go to your county's tax

directory so you see you have

departments community elements County

the GIS system whichever one you want to

use let's go to departments just for the

sake of this video to help those that

this is their first time going to

anything and see you have county

departments governments all that good

stuff online services and when I first

got to doing this I didn't have anyone

helping me do it so I just came to these

websites and you look for a tax

department okay and I think this is it

right here tax bills search this is it

and when you find this ladies and

gentlemen just come to whatever your

counties looks like there look similar

but maybe not the same and you will just

follow the directions to find the

information you need so for what I'm

looking for and you

would just put his infant you would put

the address that you found while you was

out driving for dollars right in here

and as you can see it said do not

include the tight so I'm gonna put see

your Trinity and I think it's Street so

that's why I say you while you're doing

your driving for dollars make sure you

write down the correct information let's

test it out

then we're gonna search so that wasn't


Trinity Drive is it and here's the

information you will just click on it

there's listen up the owner as of July

or what may have you and as you can see

here it says Charles and Christine WT it

gives you the tax value of the home

assessed value and from here you can go

to the next step which is you try to

find their phone number for all we know

this information right here may or may

not be accurate you can use it if you

want to but you don't know for sure so

the probably the path of least

resistance would be to just try to give

them a call and so the next step would

be you would get their information and

you will go to white pages so I'm on the

white pages listing we know the names

we're looking for we're looking for

Christine T and/or a Charles T and

Charles W T and look at what we found

right here from the top scrolling down

Charles William T Christine shoe team

that's exactly who we're looking for

these two are probably the same this

information pretty much matches up with

what we found on the county website and

the phone numbers right here I blocked

it out so that no one knows their phone

number try to keep it private this is

the deal I'm working on next step is you

move on is to give them a phone call

based on the information that you found

let them know who you are nine times out

of ten they will not pick up the phone

they've heard people to do this to them

before and what you want to do is leave

a compelling message with a number that

they can reach you back so that in the

event that they fall through they'll be

able to get through somebody and you can

make a deal so let's give them a call

I've got my bullet speaker so you can

hear what I'm gonna say on the voicemail

hello good afternoon

may I please speak to mr. Charles T the

funny thinking

good afternoon mr. Teague my name is

Lamont Tyson and I am with Tyson's

playground real estate investing company

how are you doing today good that was

tighten well the target Tyson's

playground real estate investing LLC

okay okay I don't feel well sir I was

just calling just wondering if you are

in a need or have an interest in selling

your home located at 104 Trinity Drive I

I've actually gotten a few of these

phone calls lately I'm not sure what

list I got on but I haven't put much

thought into it yet well sir probably

let me explain to you what's probably


I'm a real estate investor and I work

with a team of real estate investors and

one of the ways real estate investors

find property is that they usually ride

buy homes where the grass is a little

grown they might see some mail piling up

and I'm possibly sure that that's how so

many people have been trying to contact

you and call you and that's another

reason why I'm calling just wondering is

there a situation where you might be in

position to sell or have had to be

forced to be in position to sell and I

just want to talk to you to see if I can

find a way to help you if you have a

need well I'll tell you what my wife's

recently took ill and I've simply had to

cut back my hours at work I don't have

time to mow the grass I bear

time to work and yeah things are

starting to catch up with us I just had

to take care of my wife first but the

money didn't last as long as I thought

it would well sir you know sometimes

things happen in life and I'm so very

sorry about what's going on with your

wife and I just I genuinely wish you

well and and just hope that things can

get on a better track certainly in terms

of the obligations that you've kind of

been forced into with the real estate

you know I would like to see if there's

any way I can possibly schedule a

meeting with you to see if we can talk

about helping you possibly alleviate

this burden that you're still having

which are real estate because at the end

of the day helping your wife and getting

her needs are gonna be your top priority

and then maybe we can see if we can kind

of line things up with the rest of

what's going on in your life in terms of

your real estate is that something I

could possibly set up a meeting to come

and meet you wherever is if I can set up

a meeting come meet you at that home and

we can kind of have a discussion about

it I you know I mean I'd rather not go

bankrupt I'm not sure we're in such dire

need yet that you know we really want to

move out of the house but let me make

sure you're not one of those signs that

see on the side of the road that say

will pay money for cash there will pay

money for your house and you know those

handwritten signs where they promise big

bucks but you wonder why it's


yeah so you know a lot of real estate

investors use those signs my company

personally doesn't like I said I'm more

of an individual who invests in real

estate and I try to make a way to help

people who have a situation where

they're possibly in need and make it so

that it's beneficial to everybody could

you help me let's say I go with this and

I obviously I don't want to go from

being in a homes being homeless can you

help me go to something smaller but I

still take some of that excess cash from

selling this home with something smaller

and help with medical bills you know I

mean these are just

they catch up with you quick just sir I

completely understand what you're saying

and being that I do work with the

network I do have some other homes that

you can potentially look at and I would

say that's definitely something we can

discuss if you can give me an

opportunity to come and meet you and we

can just talk about what currently

exists in your home in terms of mortgage

or it was paid for owners the condition

of the home we can certainly analyze all

these options if you just allow me to

just come and talk to you and really

show you what we can offer you to help

your situation I guess the meeting

wouldn't hurt can we meet at your office

do you want to meet here so you can see

the property whatever is comfortable for

you however I would prefer to meet at

your property just so I can do a

walk-through just see the condition of

the property give you a better analysis

of what it is we might be able to offer

just by being able to see the condition

of the home and really see if we can put

something in place to give you peace of

mind so that you can really really focus

on what's most important in this

situation all right what's your

availability Saturday okay let's see

today is August the 31st could you

possibly do let's see here

tomorrow's the first Saturday could you

possibly do 3 p.m.

I think 3 p.m. would work yeah we can be

here ok

great mr. t will thank you for your time

again my name is Lamont Tyson with

Tyson's playground LLC I will bring it

right I will bring you a letter and my

number is 336 and I will look forward to

meeting you tomorrow at 3 p.m. all right

I will be here okay Thank You mr. t all

right thank you

okay now ladies and gentlemen I wouldn't

expecting him to pick up but I'm glad he

did but let's say he didn't pick up the

next thing you would have done is you

have taken this ladder that is in my

video description send them a letter let

them know you

arrested in the property and then you

would call him and follow up within the

next seven days hopefully he'll get back

to you if not you keep trying but all

while you're doing this you're still

looking for other properties so now that

I made contact with them the next thing

I'm going to do when I get to his home

I'm gonna get a better feel of what he's

gone I'm gonna try to assess the home

and while I'm there if he's willing to

do so I'm gonna make an offer that's

gonna leave enough meat on the bones and

I'm gonna make that offer based on

whether or not he has a mortgage and if

it's paid for that would be my optimum

situation but more than likely it's

probably not paid for it so I'm gonna

figure out what he owes on the mortgage

I figure out if there's any equity in

the home and also do a comparable search

on my CRS data website you don't have

that you can use the other information

using this video and then I'm gonna make

him a comparative offer but ladies and

gentlemen you've got to leave meat on

the bones to make a deal and if you can

do that you'll have other investors that

might want to pick up this property and

that'll be your first deal in

wholesaling real estate and also if he

decides he wants to pick up the deal

that I'm gonna offer to him you would

give him a due diligence check for a

hundred and two hundred dollars just to

take it off the market and to get him to

sign the contract I will have a link for

the contract that I use in the video

description and under this contract you

give them maybe two weeks maybe three

weeks whatever you can give them to do

so that gives you an opportunity to get

your inspection team in the home find

some other things that might be going on

in the home and if you have to

renegotiate your deal so that you can

cover the things that are broken in the

home that need fixing and need help and

you can show this to him via paper form

by the inspection the other thing you're

gonna want to do you're gonna also want

him to gain the trust and give you a key

so that you can have

investors come see the property or you

can have him meet you over there

but it would be a whole lot better if

you could just take him out of the

situation gain enough as his trust that

he can give you a key so that you can

have investors come look at the property

you can have your inspection team come

look at the property and he doesn't have

to be dealing with it but if he's still

living there like he mentioned in this

video then you'll just have to bring

your team and let him know everything

that you're going to be doing to help

get this property move so now you've got

the contract on the home and you've got

to find buyers one of my real estate

mentors Gerald he has a great YouTube

channel I will leave his channel in the

video description link mentioned to me

one of the best ways he's been

successful when he finds a kind when he

gets a home on the contract and moving

the contract is by reverse engineering

the contract

I mean reverse engineering wholesaling

how does he do that he will meet with

all the real estate agents in his

community that he's built connections

with and ask them who are cash buyers

under their customer list that have

bought cash homes within the last 90 to

120 days

those are your gold mine buyers who do

this thing and are likely to buy your

property quickly now let's just say you

don't have trusted real estate contacts

why don't you try calling some real

estate agents telling them who you are

what you're trying to do that you have a

home under contract and if they can help

you move to homes you'll offer them a

percentage of whatever you can do to get

the home move also some real estate

agent if the home doesn't have a

mortgage would probably be willing to

list it on the MLS if you give them a

fee so ladies and gentlemen this is how

you will overcome finding buyers once

you get a home under contract another

way you can find buyers is go to your

county's courthouse auction see who's

buying the real estate but if you really

want to spend that time on the phone

find motivated real estate agents see

who's been buying properties for them

forecast and you can go that route

lastly I would encourage you to go to

your real meetings and your investment

group meetings in your community and

that will be another way to find

motivated buyers so you've gone through

that whole process you brought in a

couple of buyers ladies and gentlemen

you've showed them and believe me I want

you to have confidence when you bring

these buyers because the confidence is

in the deal don't be afraid to talk to

the buyers you know even if you're new

to this game if there is a big enough


the buyers are going to take you

seriously and the next thing you know

you will have done your first

wholesaling deal and I can only tell you

when you get one done it feels so

gratifying almost like this moment

for those of you that saw binges you

know what it felt like when that moment

hit and here's a copy of what a check

would look like when she was going

through the process and ladies and

gentlemen that is hole selling real


step by step each and every process that

you can go through to get started with

making money in this whole thing I must

remind you you might be working this

thing for three or four months before

you get the first person that is going

to allow you to deal with them that's

just a part of American capitalism

that's just a part of anything you do

that's worth value it is not going to be

easy in the beginning but I'm trying to

be a bridge to help you all make this a

lot easier so it you can get it done if

you want to reach out to me I've got

links in the video description so that

you can talk to me I'm going to be

leaving all the contracts and documents

you would need to make this thing happen

in the video description absolutely free

I encourage you to check it out and as I

said earlier in the video be sure to

subscribe to this channel like my videos

and share and share I'm Cheryl also for

those of you that have some medical

needs and your family my wife is a

nephrologist at Duke and she started a

YouTube channel helping people that have

kidney disorder high blood pressure

diabetes all things that surround the

kidney and that's going to do it for

this video don't forget to like my video

comment and subscribe go get yourself a

life game check that video description

box let me know if me or any of my

people under my team and network can

help you with this whole process as we

want to see you be successful the power

is with you and you can do it until that

next X is hell video I'll see you

For more infomation >> Wholesale Real Estate Complete Setup |Step By Step Process with Seller Phone Call and All Documents - Duration: 20:35.


How to play YouTube with screen off in the background - Duration: 0:58.

If you want to play YouTube with screen off in the background then what we will do is

we will open YouTube using a browser instead of the app.

So, let me open YouTube by using Google chrome and I will open here website

I will tap on this more option at the top and select desktop site.

Suppose, this is the video which I want to play, I will open it.

I will stop the video and I will minimize.

Now if I want to play the YouTube, I will scroll from the top and then select this play

button and you can hear the YouTube playing.

So, this is how you can play YouTube with screen off.

For more infomation >> How to play YouTube with screen off in the background - Duration: 0:58.


PREDADOR 2018 | O QUE PODEMOS ESPERAR? - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> PREDADOR 2018 | O QUE PODEMOS ESPERAR? - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 9:35.


September Glam Bag Sneak Peek & Bobbi Brown Camo Luxe Collection | This Week in Beauty with ipsy 9/4 - Duration: 5:50.

(playful music)

- Hey guys! I'm Roxette Arisa,

and you're watching This Week in Beauty with ipsy.

So today we're chatting about the brand new

Camo Luxe Collection from Bobbi Brown,

and also their Luxe Matte Lip Colors.

First off we have the Camo Luxe Collection's

Camo Luxe Eye and Cheek Palette.

It's basically putting a modern spin on iconic camo.

This packaging is so cute,

when I saw it I just about died

because it's like the cutest little thing.

Especially for all of my camo-lovers out there.

And when you open up the pallette

you actually get a really nice variety

of shades and products.

There are actually six different eyeshadows in here

so you get some mattes in here

and the mattes are really nice and pigmented.

I always find that mattes are harder to swatch,

so when mattes swatch well

it really gives me high hopes for the shadows.

Like, look how beautiful that is.

It's swatching so opaque, so creamy,

and you can just tell that it's going to blend out

really nicely on top of the eyes.

This is one of the shimmer shades that I just died for.

It is so beautiful, I think it'd be so perfect

for a smokey eye to really give it that glitz and glamour

but still have that dark and edgy look.

I love that you do get those different formulas.

So, like I said you get mattes,

but then you also get some sparkle shadows,

and then a metallic shadow in there as well.

So this is one of the more sparkle shadows.

Again such a pretty formula

and I think that the pallette shades

are very cohesive with one another.

Moving on, you also have

a light reflective highlighting powder in here,

which is so pretty.

Well first of all it has a nice little design in here.

It almost looks kind of camo-esque,

it has like a little swirl pattern.

But the powder itself is so beautiful

if you're looking for a radiant sheen.

This is what it looks like on the skin.

And you can just tell that it's going

to blend out super easily,

and add the perfect gold touch to your cheekbones.

And there are also a couple other products

inside of this collection.

There's some new nail polishes,

and also some new gel liners,

and if you haven't tried the Bobbi Brown gel liners,

they are amazing. They're really, really good quality,

and these are some nice, pretty shades.

So we have Cyprus Ink and Forest Shimmer Ink,

so a little different than your average black.

Now moving on to our lippy collections.

We have some of Bobbi Brown's brand new Luxe Matte lippies.

And basically you guys know

this is one of their best-selling products,

their Luxe Lip Color.

And it really is an iconic product for Bobbi Brown,

and whenever I think of Bobbi Brown,

I honestly do think of like their lip products

because they're such a good formula,

very moisturizing on the lips,

last a long time and everything like that.

But now they have introduced a new formula.

So this is their Luxe Matte Lip Color.

I really like the packaging,

how it's similar to the original Luxe Lip Color,

but it has almost more of a brushed metal look to it.

So you can tell from the outside packaging

which one is their original formula

and which one is their matte formula.

I really, really appreciate that.

But not only is the packaging beautiful,

honestly the formula is amazing as well.

It's very smooth on the lips, comfortable to wear.

I'm wearing one of the shades right now.

I'm wearing Plum Noir, and it really is comfortable to wear.

It actually has oil infused powder pigments

to make sure that your lips stay matte and not dry.

Those pure matte powder pigments are doing their job.

And on top of that they are full coverage lipsticks with,

like I said, comfortable lightweight wear time,

and they are supposed to stay on your lips

for 12 hours with that same high impact color.

And they actually are available in 18 shades,

so we have a couple here to show you guys today,

but you have a wide range to choose from.

My favorite shade is probably

either Plum Noir or Red Carpet.

So Plum Noir is the one that I have on my lips right now,

but Red Carpet is just your perfect classic red.

And I feel like whenever I'm looking for

a matte red lipstick, I'm looking for something

that is going to be comfortable to wear,

but also stay on my lips a long time

and this is just that.

It's going to look so pretty with a wing liner

or even a bronze shimmery eye.

I think this is going to be a go-to for me starting off now.

So tell us what your favorite color is

down in the comment section below

and you can always shop Bobbi Brown's classic beauty staples

and get cashback on Ipsy Shopper.

(light music)

Now let's take a sneak peak at the September glam bag.

There are some seriously amazing products

that you might be getting in yours.

And first off, can we just talk about the bag.

It's so cute, it has these little lashes,

black and gold, it's like the cutest little thing.

The first product that I wanted to mention

is Benefit's Hoola Bronzer.

This is a cult favorite and for good reason.

It is such a great bronzer color,

because it has this nice, neutral undertone.

So tons of different skin tones can use this bronzer,

and because it is matte,

you can actually use it as a contour

or a all-over bronze.

And it blends out super nice and easily

for either one of those.

So you might be getting that guy,

I'm really, really excited for that.

The next product is the

Make Up Forever Ultra HD skin Perfector.

This stuff is amazing because it provides light coverage,

so this is not like a full coverage foundation,

but it does provide very, very light coverage

to just kind of even out the skintone

on days when maybe you're going for a no makeup makeup look,

or you're just going out to run some errands,

this is great because it is going

to lightly perfect your skin.

And lastly the product that I'm actually wearing

on my lips right now is

the Smashbox Always On Liquid Lipstick

in the shade Babe Alert.

This may be in your Glam Bag as well,

and if you have not tried the

Smashbox liquid lipsticks, they are incredible.

They have such a great, nice,

comfortable, lightweight formula,

never dries out my lips,

and it really is something that you have to try.

So those are some of my favorite products

that I'm really excited for you guys to try out,

and let us know what you think

down in the comments section if you do.

That's all we have time for today,

but thank you so much for watching

This Week in Beauty with ipsy, I'm Roxette Arisa,

and we'll see you next time.

(playful music)

For more infomation >> September Glam Bag Sneak Peek & Bobbi Brown Camo Luxe Collection | This Week in Beauty with ipsy 9/4 - Duration: 5:50.


【ヒヤ.生】夜のオハナシ【MHW】 - Duration: 2:48:56.

For more infomation >> 【ヒヤ.生】夜のオハナシ【MHW】 - Duration: 2:48:56.


জিহ্বা কি কাটবে চরমোনাই || Motiur Rahman Madani Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> জিহ্বা কি কাটবে চরমোনাই || Motiur Rahman Madani Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:07.


臉皮不夠厚,在情場很吃虧的星座 - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> 臉皮不夠厚,在情場很吃虧的星座 - Duration: 7:37.


GOOD FILMS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN (PT. 3) [SUB ITA] - Duration: 8:44.

Hi guys it's Debbie and today I'm back with

my "Good films you've never seen" series.

As usual the films on this list may be

movies you are totally familiar with, but

let's just say that in general the films

I'll speak about today either never

really reached huge audiences or they

did for a short period of time and now

are no longer so well known. The first

film I'd like to speak about is "21 Grams"

starring Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn,

Naomi Watts, Charlotte Gainsbourg and

which is directed by Alejandro Gonzalez

Inarritu, widely known for his films

such as "The Revenant" or "Birdman". "21 Grams"

is the story of a set of very different

characters: Benicio del Toro portrays

a strongly devout Christian, who uses his

faith to help others, Sean Penn is a

critically ill man who is in urgent need

of a heart transplant and Naomi Watts is

a mother of two, living a common suburban

life. The title of the film, "21 Grams"

refers to an old scientific experiment

according to which every human body

loses 21 grams of weight at the moment

of death, implying that there is

some quantifiable form of soul. This

concept is metaphorically tied to the

nature of the film's plot which is a

deep drama surrounding the lives of all

the characters which end up colliding in

a very dark manner, with the theme of

life and death as a constant. I don't

want to say too much to avoid spoiling

the plot but let's just say that after a

tragic event occurs in the life of one

of these characters all the characters

lives, their paths,

intertwine in one larger story which

ends up being both heartbreaking and

thought-provoking. The next film I'd

like to speak about is one that you

would only really hear about if you were

to have a Netflix account, because I have

never ever seen it advertised anywhere

else other than the platform and that is

"The fundamentals of caring". "The fundamentals

of caring" stars Craig Roberts as a

disabled British teen and Paul Rudd as

his American carer. The two quickly bond

even thanks to unlikely circumstances

and a very harsh, particular sense of

humour and they eventually agree to leave

together on a road trip across America,

something which for our main character,

because of his health condition, had

always been a far away dream. This

film doesn't have a particularly captivating

plot, it does not have extreme and

unexpected scenarios. But it still has

that little something which makes it's

so enjoyable to watch. A friend and I

actually were on a holiday once and we

chose to watch this film two days in a

row. I think it's so enjoyable both

because of the chemistry between the

main characters and also because of

their relatable nature even in

unrelatable situations. And I think we

also end up being captivated by their

own personal background stories, which

make us feel as if we know them so well.

The next thing I like to speak about is

"Little Miss Sunshine". This movie was

released around seven years ago but

because of the current hipster trend I

could easily imagine the posters of this

film, the screen

caps with the quotes underneath on any

current Tumblr dashboard. This film has

an ensemble cast which includes Paul

Dano, Toni Collette, Steve Carell a very

very young Abigail Breslin and it is the

story of a very chaotic moment in a

regular family's life. The household

scenario includes a teenage son who has

taken a vow of silence and prefers to

read philosophy on his own while

preparing to become a pilot, an uncle who

attempted suicide after a particularly

hard heart break, an overworked mother

and an impatient and very competitive

father. And together with a very

straightforward grandfather they all

represent very opposite ends of the

spectrum. But they all end up leaving

together on an older Volkswagen minibus

because the youngest daughter has been

selected to compete in an absurd child

beauty pageant...

Little Miss Sunshine. You can tell that

this film works that "absurdity in a

normal situation" effect. In general

Little Miss Sunshine has that effect

that films like "Manchester by the sea" or

"Lady Bird" worked so well, which is

creating a captivating story from a

down-to-earth situation: overlapping

dialogues, characters

endlessly fighting over small details

regardless of all the normal family

situations, all added to the actual

beauty pageant which is the apex

of absurdity. I think this film breaks

right into our hearts because we've all

been in those family situations in which

we look around ourselves and think...


But then in those same moments we become

emotional because we feel the family

bond become even stronger. And I also

think that this film stronghold is

the skillful acting, which provides most

of the relatable material: the confused

dialogues, the car trip. the family unity...

Now is then let's talk about a more

recent film: "The Florida Project". This

film was one of the competitors during

the last award season but in the end it

never really reached the huge audience

like the other nominated films. I have

made a complete standalone review video

about this film, you'll find that link

down below but to sum it up this is an

aesthetically stunning story, set in a

cheap long-stay motel in Florida. The

story follows the lives of those living

in the motel, many of whom are struggling

to make ends meet and it particularly

focuses on Moonee, a child living with

her not so reliable and responsible

mother who eventually ends up doing

anything to get enough money to provide

for herself and her daughter. The manager

of the motel, portrayed by Willem Dafoe,

unofficially takes on a paternal role

for the kids at the motel, as they often

don't really have a guide in their in

personal lives and at the same time he

spends his days trying to stop his

guests from being arrested/ getting high

in general getting into trouble, all very

common events. This film portrays the

situation in a nearly documentary manner,

we often feel as if the characters are

real people. Also in this film we are

shown the two sides of everything, for

example we see Moonee's mother ending up

doing anything basically to make ends

meet but at the same time the money she

makes is spent right after to spoil her

daughter. I also love the whole aesthetic

of the film, the color scheme because it

is all a huge ironic concept: bright

pastels, cheerful scenery, the Disneyworld

right next to the motel,

the motel itself is called Magic

Castle, it's bright purple... All conveying

this idea of wealth, happiness but then

in reality the lives of those living in

this motel are completely different. The

last movie I would like to speak about is

"Milk" starring Sean Penn, James Franco,

Emile Hirsch and many many others. This film

is a little like "Erin Brokovich", which at

the time received a huge attention

during the award season but which over the course

of time lost its popularity and many

people today probably don't know of

Julia Roberts role in films such as

"Erin Brokovich". And the same goes for

"Milk", it was a pretty big film when it

was released but now it's hardly ever

spoken about. "Milk" is based on the

real-life story of Harvey Milk, a gay

rights activist and politician, an openly

homosexual politician, all set during the

70s, a time in which being open about

homosexuality (especially in a public

position) was not a common concept as

today. I really really like Sean Penn,

this is his second film on this list

today. There was actually a third one

that I realiaed he was in it again and I

thought I'd keep it for the next time...

Anyway, I really like Sean Penn's acting

because he creates very human characters,

his roles rarely give away the idea of a

millionaire star portraying just another

role, he just gives us the character, the

individual we're there to meet and

discover. In this case Harvey Milk, a

passionate dreamer, loved and hated by

the public and we get to see him both in

his public role with his political

agenda, the inspiration he gave to the

masses, but at the same time also in his

private life, his private relationships

and how they were affected by his public

appearance. So I would recommend this

film for some good good acting and also

an interesting perspective on a

particular moment in history. Let me know

if there are any films you would

recommend to others with a comment down

below. I hope you enjoyed this video, if

you did and you would like to see more

movie-related content just make sure to

subscribe and I'll see you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> GOOD FILMS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN (PT. 3) [SUB ITA] - Duration: 8:44.


Haircut | Navy Federal Credit Union Commercial - Duration: 0:18.

Hey good seeing you! Good to see you! Have a seat.

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Navy Federal is proud to serve over 1 million

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For more infomation >> Haircut | Navy Federal Credit Union Commercial - Duration: 0:18.


4 Dos And Don'ts To Survive The Purge - Duration: 4:41.

There's no holiday quite like the Purge and that's a good thing.

But what if it were real, this one night out of the year in which all crime, including

murder, was legal?

Would you hide, or would you seek?

The Purge scratches the same itch as a zombie movie, imagining a lawless world where it's

kill or be killed.

If the Purge really did pop off, would you be prepared?

Over four stories of survival and anarchy, we've noticed some strategies that would help

you survive, along with a few tactics to avoid at all costs.

Grab your notebook and pay attention to the do's and don'ts of Purge night.

Do: Prior preparation

Ask any manager type about the five Ps, and they'll tell you: "Proper planning prevents

poor performance."

It's a principle that can be applied to everything from food service to the front lines.

So if the sirens go off and you haven't yet built up a stockpile of useful goods, then

you deserve whatever's coming to you.

Frank Grillo's character Leo Barnes demonstrates the preparation principle perfectly.

There's also The First Purge's Dmitri, who prepared for purging by getting his hands

on every gun that's ever washed up on Staten Island.

So follow their examples.

You should also probably learn some martial arts.

Don't: Cultivate grudges

Purge or no Purge, the key to not being killed by your neighbors is to not give your neighbors

a reason.

This can be accomplished by just being a considerate person, and not giving people any cause to

think about your name when the ol' "murder is legal" holiday comes around.

Otherwise, you could end up like the Sandin family, ringed in by resentful neighbors,

with targets on your back.

Probably should've participated in the neighborhood rummage sale, guys!

Do: The buddy system

Braving the Purge alone could be a one-way ticket to the morgue.

You never know when a marauding team of dirt bikers, paramilitary goons, or the K might

be lurking.

If you wanna survive, you need friends.

The Purge: Anarchy is all about the value of friendship in the trenches, with Sergeant

Barnes going from a vengeance-driven lone wolf to a righteous defender of the weak.

In turn, the people he protects have his back, and ultimately save his soul.

The only person who makes the one-man-army route work for him is The First Purge's Dmitri,

who goes full Rambo on a towerful of armed invaders.

But that only ends up being the case after his entire team is assassinated via drone

strike, and not even he gets the job done all by himself.

Don't: Get cocky

Across all of the Purge movies, it's shocking how many participants serve themselves up

as easy targets, twirling in the streets and basically asking for a bullet.

Don't let this be you!

Instead, up your chances of survival by staying humble and praying for dawn.

Don't get caught up in acts of pretentious ritual murder, which backfire far too frequently.

And don't be out in the road in a tank top and a bunny mask, flexing and taunting people.

That's how you get a crossbow bolt to the chest from the real heroes.

Murder's legal for everyone, remember?

Do: Armor up

Even mall cops wear bulletproof vests when they go to work, so why do so many Purgers

dress like they're going to a warehouse rave instead of an unhinged massacre?

Purgers put all their focus on the mask, when they should really be hitting the streets

dressed like Robocop.

They don't even wear helmets!

In that way, purging is like riding a bicycle.

Are you trying to look cool, or do you want to get home alive?

Don't: be obsessive

After going through each Purge movie with a team of experts, we've determined that Purge

night is actually not a great time to settle scores.

Countless people die on some lonely hills over the course of the films, just because

they couldn't let things go, from the candy-obsessed girl in Election Year to the first movie's

squad of prep school creeps who couldn't let one guy get away.

Sure, you've been waiting all year to let the beast out, and yes, your landlord probably

deserves it.

But if they get away the first time, you've got to chill.

Relax there's always next year.

Do: Leave the country

Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

So if you've got the means and motive, take the opportunity, and get out of the country

on Purge night.

Spend the night offshore in international waters, or just move and say goodbye to the

US of A. You'll be home eventually how long can this tradition really last?

Don't: Go Outside

The plots of Purge movies don't kick in until the outside world intrudes.

If you want to avoid that, then stay in and plan ahead to avoid the need for a beer, pizza,

or ammo run.

There's a reason why none of these movies have focused too much on what goes down inside

most people's' homes during Purge night, and that's because for most people, the Purge

is a downright cozy experience.

It's people in fuzzy socks with AR-15s, eating snacks and clearing out the DVR.

For the most part, regular people don't really go after each other during the Purge.

It's live and let live.

With four movies of documentary evidence to go on, it's clear the Purge is for crazy people,

so let the crazy people have it.

You don't have to go out there.

Just stay inside and watch TV.

For more infomation >> 4 Dos And Don'ts To Survive The Purge - Duration: 4:41.


CUTE Babies and Dogs Compilation Video - September 2018 - Duration: 9:20.

Give him kisses. Give the baby a kiss.

[laughing] Give poo a kiss.


Good girl.

Ahh! [laughing]


[mother making silly noises]

[baby laughing]

[mother making silly noises], [baby laughing]

[mother making silly noises]

[Baby laughing]

[mother making silly noises], [baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[mother making silly noises], [baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[mother making silly noises], [baby laughing], [mother laughing]

What are you guys doing?

Oh, good pups!

Good job Ben!

Yeah, hey Maddie!

Yeah, there's your brother and sister!

What a good boy, Ben!

Callie, [are] you a good girl?

Nap time!

Aw, good kiss.

Aw, how sweet!

[Baby laughing], Aw!

Aw, sweet girl!


[mother laughing]

[baby laughing] Aw, sweet!

[baby laughing] Aw!

Good girl, Kirby!

Are you kissing and saying "it's gonna be ok"?

"It's all better!"

"It's all better!"




[baby noises]


[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby squealing/laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

[baby laughing]

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