Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 5 2018

Flowers are one of the loveliest things to exist in nature.

Almost every flower is appreciable, but there are some species which rule the roost, thanks

to their distinctive appearance and traits.

So which floral delights possess mesmerizing qualities that set them apart from the rest?

Our team at 2 minute facts brings before you the 10 most beautiful yet strange flowers.

Number 10.

Monkey Face Orchid It is also called Dracula because of its two

long petals which look like vampire fangs.

But that's not the only thing it looks like.

This flower clearly resembles a monkey's face.

One can clearly make out rare.

In fact, you will have a hard time spotting one.

It can be only located in the jungles of Peru and southeastern Ecuador at a height greater

than 3,000 feet above sea level.

It is a perennial plant.

Monkey Face Orchid flowers have distinct smell like ripe oranges.

Number 9.

Hooker's Lips How the flower got its name is pretty obvious.

The bright red lip-like things resemble a voluptuous prostitute's bright red lips.

No, these things are not the leaves or petals.

They are actually bracts.

If you are wondering what a bract really is, it is a modified leaf or scale with a flower

cluster in its axil.

These bracts are only in their kissable state for a few days.

Then they blossom into little yellow and white flowers.

This plant is native to the tropical regions of Columbia, Costa Rica and Panama.

Number 8.

Swaddled Babies When tulip orchids start looking like babies

wrapped while swaddling they look kinda cute!

This flower species was discovered in the Andes mountain range in Colombia in the last

decades of the 18th century.

The flower has an interesting trait too.

Their alluring fragrance attracts insects to the flower.

The insects are shoved into the stamen, when they are off –guard.

There a pack of pollen gets attached to their abdomens, thus increasing the probability

of pollination.

Number 7.

Snap Dragon Seed Pod One of the queerest looking flowers in the

floral ecosystem is the Snapdragon.

It looks freaking creepy as they resemble human skulls.

If you squeeze them they look like dragon's mouth opening and closing.

In ancient times people believed Snapdragons held mystical powers.

They even claimed that growing them in one's garden could ward off evil.

But you can't blame those gullible people as these flowers certainly have a haunting


They are native to rocky areas of Europe, the United States, and North Africa.

Number 6.

Protea Pinwheel This unique flower looks quite close to a

carnival ride.

But it also resembles a pinwheel.

This is how it gets its name.

It can be found in the southwestern and southern parts of South Africa in the fynbos region.

It is the best looking among the family of firework pincushion flowers.

A unique trait of this flower is its connection with fire.

The best time for Protea Pinwheels to bloom is after a fire, when all the flora and fauna

in the area have been burnt down.

It can then grow in peace, completely unhindered by plant and animal predators.

No wonder, it can survive the harshest of climates.

Number 5.

Devil's Hand Here is another scary flower that could knock

the air out of you.

Devil's Hands certainly look like the hands of Satan.

But they look awesome!

It is also referred as the Monkey's Hand, but that simply spoils the effect.

This flower is native to Mexico.

Ancient Aztec tribes held it in high esteem.

It was used in many religious rituals.

It comes as no surprise that these flowers were harvested for generations and generations.

But that's not all.

The fruit of this tree has remarkable medicinal properties.

It has an earthy taste and has been employed for years in traditional medicine.

It is helpful for treating heart diseases.

This tropical tree is extremely resilient and can grow quickly.

Number 4.

Lobster Claw Indeed, the Lobster Claw is the weirdest flower

on this list!

It is remarkably bright and colorful.

It is also known as the False Bird of Paradise.

But that's not the only unique feature it has.

The Lobster Claw's flowers come out from the reddish flower-like bracts that conceal

the plant's true flowers.

These flowers need birds with deep and pointed beaks for pollination.

They require lots of water and enriched manure for blooming.

These flowers are native to the tropical Americas, but a few are indigenous to certain islands

of the western Pacific and Maluku.

Number 3.

Flame Lily There are not many flowers that could match

up to the beauty of the Flame Lily.

Also called Glory Lily, this perennial plant is both a climber and scrambler.

The Flame Lily thrives in many parts of the world and is widely propagated as a prized

ornamental addition to flower gardens.

Like nearly all lilies, the Flame Lily is considered poisonous to humans and animals

(especially cats!), so if you insist on growing it make sure to take proper precautions.

A fun fact about the Flame Lily is that it's actually considered a weed that thrives naturally

in sandy coastal conditions.

That's one weed we wouldn't mind having in our backyard.

Number 2.

Hammer Orchid The Hammer Orchid has been named so for its

ability to reset itself.

Its population depends upon its success of luring wasps for pollination.

The flower secretes a pheremone that mimics that of the female wasp.

The clueless males land on its dark purple labellum which moves back towards the pocket

of pollen.

The wasp is shoved into the pollen.

This germination helps in fertilizing another flower and this is why their numbers are still


This unique orchid is native to Western Australia.

Number 1.

Star Flower This flower is also called the starfish flower.

As the name suggests, it looks like a star or starfish.

But what's even more unique is that the star flower can mimic the smell of decaying


The flower's color varies from deeper shades of reds and purples to light pink and in some

cases, even yellow.

Its disgusting fragrance attracts flies which help in distributing its pollen grains.

It is native to the Mediterranean region.

But you will find it in other locales as well.

Be it the gardens of the United Kingdom or other parts of Europe, you will find it splattered

all across the temperate region.

So, are there any other beautifully unique flowers that should be included in this list?

If so, tell us in the comment section below.

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